layout titleTemplate hero features home :title name text tagline image actions Rollkit The first sovereign rollup framework Launch a sovereign, customizable blockchain as easily as a smart contract src alt /img/logo-big.svg Rollkit theme text link brand Quick start /tutorials/quick-start theme text link alt Introduction /learn/intro title details link icon Build with the Best Utilize all the existing powerful tooling in the Cosmos ecosystem including IBC, ABCI++, and CometBFT RPC equivalency. /learn/about#why-rollkit ✨ title details link icon Optimize for your needs Take full advantage of modularity by optimizing your rollup to your needs. Tailor your block production. Choose your VM. Pick your DA layer. /learn/stack ⚙️ title details link icon Take Control Retain the ability to upgrade via hard forks. Break free of offchain councils holding upgrade keys. Allow your community to be sovereign. /learn/intro 🎮