- Open the
Microsoft Store
app and search forWindows Terminal
. - Install the first result by
Microsoft Corporation
. - Launch the app.
- In the top bar, click on the downwards facing arrow, and then
. - VSCode or another editor should pop up with a
file. - Copy the following into
:{ "closeOnExit": true, "commandline": "cmd.exe /c \"set MSYSTEM=MINGW64&& C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe --login\"", "fontFace": "Source Code Pro for Powerline", "fontSize": 12, "guid": "{09dc5eef-6840-4050-ae69-21e55e6a2e63}", "historySize": 9001, "icon": "C:\\\\msys64\\msys2.ico", "name": "MSYS2", "padding": "0, 0, 0, 0", "snapOnInput": true }
- Modify the code snippet to match your install path of MSys2. If you did not use custom install paths, then this should not affect you.
- Save and Close the file, go back to Windows Terminal, Click on the new MSys2 that pops up in the same menu where you found the settings.