Introduction to the course, data types, loops, and git Data Types, roundoff, loops, arrays Function parameters, references, object oriented programming
Introduction to the course, data types, loops Arrays, Parameter Passing, Beginning of Objects, Random numbers
Arrays and Object-Oriented Programming
Session 04 Test 1 Review and Object Oriented Programming \ 2017F: Dynamic Memory in classes2018S: Objects and Inheritance
2018F: Lots of Objects, static members, operator overloading Session 05 Objects, Operators \ 2016F: Object oriented programming \ 2017S: Inheritance, Polymorphism
2017F: Pointers
2018S: Pointers
2018F: object review and pointers Session 06 Pointers and Objects \ 2016F: static variables and inheritance \ 2017S: Pointers and Polymorphism
2017F: More pointers, and building a list class
2018S: Polymorphism, header files \ 2018F: Polymorphism, header files Session 07 2016F: Pointers and Objects
2017F: Separate Compilation, and specification of bigger Bitmap
2018F: Midterm Review, dynamic memory allocation part 1 Session08 Dynamic Memory \ 2017S: Relationship Modeling in C++
2017F: More Objects: operator overloading, Session09 Test 2 Review (Objects and Dynamic Memory) and templates \ 2017S: Exceptions and Template Functions
2017F: Polymorphism and memory layout in objects. Homework to generate STL files with cube and cylinder
2018F: Dynamic Memory Session10 2016S: Inheritance and Polymorphism
2017S: Template classes
2017F: Inheritance and Polymorphism test prep
2018F: Dynamic memory2, move constructors, optimizing matrix code Session 11 2016F: Exceptions and STL (a little intro to git in the beginning?) \ 2017S: More Templates, and bit manipulation
2017F: Polymorphism, pointers, High Performance I/O part2
2018S: Test Review, Templates
2018F: Templates Session 12 2016F: C++11 Features, STL and Project Review
2017S: More inheritance, pointer to function
2017F: Template functions, intro to template classes
2018F: regex, separate compilation Session 13 2016S: Separate Compilation \ 2016F: Pointer Review, Dynamic Memory in Classes, Templates
2017S: Public, Private, Protected, virtual inheritance,pointer review, misc \ 2017F: More Templates, exception handling
2018F: Building Projects: separate compilation, make, cmake, small thread intro Session 14 TBD: overloading operator new and delete, raw strings, regex,
Videos on individual topics
short intro to exception handling
Review of pointers and pointer to member, pointer to function
Virtual functions and virtual destructors
C++ Variable Scope and Lifetime
C++ 1:1 lesson: dynamic memory |
C++ 1:1 lesson: STL |