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VeriPB - Verifier for pseudo-Boolean proofs

VeriPB is a tool for verifying refutations (proofs of unsatisfiability) and more (such as verifying that a valid solution is found) written in python and c++. A quick overview of the proof file format can be found below.

Currently its focus is on linear pseudo-Boolean proofs utilizing cutting planes reasoning. VeriPB has already been used for various applications including proof logging of

  • subgraph isomorphism [GMN2020],
  • clique and maximum common (connected) subgraph [GMMNPT2020],
  • constraint programming with all different constraints [EGMN20],
  • parity reasoning in the context of CDCL SAT solvers [GN21] and
  • dominance and symmetry breaking [BGMN22].


VeriPB is still in early and active development and to be understood as a rapidly changing proof of concept (for research publications). A stable version is to be expected towards the end of my PhD in 2022. If you want to use VeriPB, e.g. because you need it for your cutting-edge research or to compare it to other tools, I highly encourage you to get in contact with me.

Table of Contents


Install Requirements

The following tools and libraries are required (with minimal suggested versions):

  • Python 3.6.9 with pip and setuptools installed
  • g++ 7.5.0
  • libgmp
  • git

These can be installed in Ubuntu / Debian via

sudo apt-get update && apt-get install \
        python3 \
        python3-pip \
        python3-dev \
        g++ \
        libgmp-dev \
pip3 install --user \

If the required tools can not be installed on the system (for example because the user has no root privileges), we recommend the use of Anaconda . After installing anaconda as described on the webpage you need activate the environment (source [path_to_anaconda]/bin/activate). Then you can use

conda install -y gxx_linux-64 gmp make

to install the missing dependencies. Note that you will always need to activate the environment before installing or using VeriPB.

Install VeriPB

When these requirenments are met, VeriPB can be installed via

git clone [email protected]:MIAOresearch/VeriPB.git
cd ./VeriPB
pip3 install --user ./

Run veripb --help for help.

Installation on Windows

For Windows we recommend to use `Windows-Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu<>`_. Once Ubuntu on WSL is installed, the instructions above can be followed.


If installed as described above the tool can be updated form the VeriPB directory with

git pull
pip3 install --user ./

Getting Started

A good way to getting started is probably to have a look at the examples under tests/integration_tests/correct and to run VeriPB with the --trace --useColor option, which will output the derived proof.

For Example:

veripb --trace --useColor tests/integration_tests/correct/miniProof_polishnotation_1.opb tests/integration_tests/correct/miniProof_polishnotation_1.pbp

Formula Format

The formula is provided in OPB format. A short overview can be found here.

The verifier also supports an extension to OPB, which allows to use arbitrary variable names instead of x1, x2, ... Variable names must follow the following properties:

  • start with a letter in A-Z, a-z
  • are at least two characters long
  • may not contain space

The following characters are guaranteed to be supported: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, []{}_^. Support of further characters is implementation specific and produces an error if unsupported characters are used.

Basic Proof Format


pseudo-Boolean proof version 1.1
* load formula
f [nProblemConstraints]
* compute constraint in polish notation
pol [sequence of operations in reverse polish notation]
* introduce constraint that is verified by reverse unit propagation
rup  [OPB style constraint]
* delete constraints
del [constraintId1] [constraintId2] [constraintId3] ...
* verify contradiction
c [which]
* add constraint by redundancy based strengthening
red [OPB style constraint] ; [substitution]
* add constraint by dominance based strengthening
dom [OPB style constraint] ; [substitution]


There are multiple rules, which are described in more detail below. Every rule has to be written on one line and no line may contain more than one rule. Each rule can create an arbitrary number of constraints (including none). The verifier keeps a database of constraints and each constraint is assigned an index, called ConstraintId, starting from 1 and increasing by one for every added constraint. Rules can reference other constraints by their ConstraintId.

In what follows we will use IDmax to refer to the largest used ID before a rule is executed.


f [nProblemConstraints]

This rule loads all axioms from the input formula (the path to the formula will be provided separately when calling the proof checker).

The value of nProblemConstraints is the number of constraints counting equalities twice. This is because equalities in the input formula are replaced by two inequalities, where the first inequality is '>=' and the second '<='. Afterwards, the i-th inequality in the input formula gets ID := IDmax + i.

If the constraint count does not match or is missing then the behaviour is implementation specific and verification either fails or the correct value is used (optionally a warning is emitted).

For example the opb file:

* #variable= 3 #constraint= 1
1 x1 2 x2 >= 1 ;
1 x3 1 x4  = 1 ;

with the proof file:

pseudo-Boolean proof version 1.1
f 3

will be translated to:

1: 1 x1 2 x2 >= 1 ;
2: 1 x3 1 x4 >= 1 ;
3: -1 x3 -1 x4 >= -1 ;


c [ConstraintId]

Verify that the constraint [ConstraintId] is contradicting, i.e., it can not be satisfied.

Examples of contradicting constraints:

>= 1 ;
>= 3 ;
3 x1 -2 x2 >= 4 ;

reverse (pol)ish notation

pol [sequence in reverse polish notation]

Add a new constraint with ConstraintId := IDmax + 1. How to derive the constraint is describe by a 0 terminated sequence of arithmetic operations over the constraints. These are written down in reverse polish notation. We will use [constraint] to indicate either a ConstraintId or a subsequence in reverse polish notation. Available operations are:

  • Addition:

    [constraint] [constraint] +
  • Scalar Multiplication:

    [constraint] [factor] *

The factor is a strictly positive integer and needs to be the second operand.

  • Boolean Division:

    [constraint] [divisor] d

The divisor is a strictly positive integer and needs to be the second operand.

  • Boolean Saturation:

    [constraint] s
  • Literal Axioms:


Where [literal] is a variable name or its negation (~) and generates the constraint that the literal is greater equal zero. For example for ~x1 this generates the constraint ~x1 >= 0.

  • Weakening:

    [constraint] [variable] w

Where [variable] is a variable name and may not contain negation. This step adds literal axioms such that [variable] disapears from the constraint, i.e., its coefficient becomes zero.


This set of instructions allows to write down any treelike refutation with a single rule.

For example:

pol 42 3 * 43 + s 2 d

Creates a new constraint by taking 3 times the constraint with index 42, then adds constraint 43, followed by a saturation step and a division by 2.

reverse unit propagation (RUP)

rup [OPB style constraint]

Use reverse unit propagation to check if the constraint is implied, i.e., it temporarily adds the negation of the constraint and performs unit propagation, including all other (non deleted) constraints in the database. If this unit propagation yields contradiction then we know that the constraint is implied and the check passes.

If the reverse unit propagation check passes then the constraint is added with ConstraintId := IDmax + 1. Otherwise, verification fails.

(del)ete constraint

del id [constraintId1] [constraintId2] [constraintId3] ...
del spec [OPB style constraint]
del range [constraintIdStart] [constraintIdEnd]

Delete constraints with given constrain ids, spacification or in the range from start to end, including start but not end. Note that constraints will be deleted completely including propagations caused.

If an order is loaded and a constarint marked as core is deleted, then additional checks might be required.

Strengthening Rules


A substitution [substitution] is a space seperated sequence of multiple mappings from a variable to a constant or a literal.

[variable] -> 0
[variable] -> 1
[variable] -> [literal]

Using -> is optional and can improve readability.

For example::
x1 -> 0 x2 -> ~x3 x1 0 x2 ~x3

Redundancy Based Strengthening

red [OPB style constraint] ; [substitution]

Adding the constraint is successful if it passes the map redundancy check via unit propagation or syntactic checks, i.e., if it can be shown that every assignment satisfying the constraints in the database F but falsifying the to-be-added constraint C can be transformed into an assignment satisfying both by using the assignment (or witness) \omega provided by the list of literals. More formally it is checked that,

F \land \neg C \models (F \land C)\upharpoonright\omega .

For details, please refer to [GN21].

If the redundancy rule is used in the context of optimization and / or dominance breaking, additional conditions are checked. For details, please refer to [BGMN22].


For both strengthening rules it is possible to provide an explicit subproof. A suproof starts by ending the strengthening step with ; begin and is concluded by end. Within a subproof it is possible to specify proof goals using proofgoal [goalId], which are in turn terminated by end. Each proofgoal needs to derive contradiction using the provided constraints.


red 1 x1 >= 1 ; x1 -> 1 ; begin
    proofgoal #1
        pol -1 -2 +
        c -1

    proofgoal 1
        rup >= 1 ;
        c -1

The [goalId] are as follows: If a goal originates from a constraint in the database the [goalId] is identical to the constraintId of the constraint in the database. Otherwise the goalId starts with a # folowed by a number which is increased for each goal in the following order (if applicable): the constraint to be derived (only redundancy), one goal per constraint in the order, one goal for the negated order (only dominance), objective condition (only for optimization problems). Tip: Use --trace option to display required goals.

Dominance Based Strengthening

For details, please refer to [BGMN22]. For syntax have a look at the example under tests/integration_tests/correct/dominance/example.pbp .


pre_order simple
    * specify variables
        left u1
        right v1

    * define the order
        -1 u1 1 v1 >= 0 ;

    * proof goal: transitivity
            fresh_right w1
            proofgoal #1
                p 1 2 + 3 +
                c -1

load_order simple x1
dom 1 ~x1 >= 1 ; x1 0

Moving constraints to core

core id [constraintId1] [constraintId2] ...
core spec [opb style constraint]
core range [constraintIdStart] [constraintIdEnd]

Convenience Rules and Rules for Sanity Checks


* check equality
e [ConstraintId] [OPB style constraint]
* check implication
i [ConstraintId] [OPB style constraint]
* add constraint if implied
j [ConstraintId] [OPB style constraint]
* set level (for easier deletion)
# [level]
* wipe out level (for easier deletion)
w [level]


e [C: ConstraintId] [D: OPB style constraint]

Verify that C is the same constraint as D, i.e. has the same degree and contains the same terms (order of terms does not matter).


i [C: ConstraintId] [D: OPB style constraint]

Verify that C syntactically implies D, i.e. it is possible to derive D from C by adding literal axioms.

(j) implies and add

Identical to (i)mplies but also adds the constraint that is implied to the database with ConstraintId := IDmax + 1.

(#) set level

# [level]

This rule does mark all following constraints, up to the next invocation of this rule, with [level]. [level] is a non-negative integer. Constraints which are generated before the first occurrence of this rule are not marked with any level.

(w)ipeout level

w [level]

Delete all constraints (see deletion command) that are marked with [level] or a greater number. Constraints that are not marked with a level can not be removed with this command.


pseudo-Boolean proof version 1.0
f 10 0              # IDs 1-10 now contain the formula constraints
p 1 x1 3 * + 42 d 0 # Take the first constraint from the formula,
                      weaken with 3 x_1 >= 0 and then divide by 42

Beyond Refutations


* new solution
v [literal] [literal] ...
* new optimal value
o [literal] [literal] ...

(v) solution

v [literal] [literal] ...
v x1 ~x2

Given a partial assignment in form of a list of [literal], i.e. variable names with ~ as prefix to indicate negation, check that:

  • after unit propagation we are left with a full assignment to the current database, i.e. an assignment that assigns all variables that are mentioned in a constraint in the formula or the proof
  • the full assignment does not violate any constraint in the current database

If the check is successful then the clause consisting of the negation of all literals is added with ConstraintId := IDmax + 1. If the check is not successful then verification fails.

(ov) original solution

ov [literal] [literal] ...
ov x1 ~x2

Given an assignment in form of a list of [literal], i.e. variable names with ~ as prefix to indicate negation, check that:

  • each constraint in the original formula is satisfied

If the check is not successful then verification fails.

(o) optimal value

o [literal] [literal] ...
o x1 ~x2

This rule can only be used if the OPB file specifies an objective function f(x), i.e., it contains a line of the form:

min: [coefficient] [literal] [coefficient] [literal] ...

Given a partial assignment \rho in form of a list of [literal], i.e. variable names with ~ as prefix to indicate negation, check that:

  • every variable that occurs in the objective function is set
  • after unit propagation we are left with a full assignment, i.e. an assignment that assigns all variables that are mentioned in a constraint in the formula or the proof
  • the full assignment does not violate any constraint

If the check is successful then the constraint f(x) \leq f(\rho) - 1 is added with ConstraintId := IDmax + 1. If the check is not successful then verification fails.

Debugging and for Development Only


* add constraint as unchecked assumption
a [OPB style constraint]

(a) unchecked assumption

* add constraint as unchecked assumption
a [OPB style constraint]

Adds the given constraint without any checks. The constraint gets ConstraintId := IDmax + 1. Proofs that contain this rule are not valid, because it allows adding any constraint. For example one could simply add contradiction directly.

This rule is intended to be used during solver development, when not all aspects of the solver have implemented proof logging, yet. For example, imagine that the solver knows by some fancy algorithm that it is OK to add a constraint C, however proof logging for the derivation of C is not implemented yet. Using this rule we can simply add C without providing a derivation and check with VeriPB that all other derivations that are already implemented are correct.


VeriPB was developed by Stephan Gocht. The underlying proof system was designed jointly by Bart Bogaerts, Stephan Gocht, Ciaran McCreesh, and Jakob Nordström, while investigating and implementing proof logging for different applications. We are also grateful to Jo Devriendt and Jan Elffers for many valuable discussions that have helped to improve the performance of VeriPB.

This work was done in part while the author Stephan Gocht

  • was supported by the Swedish Research Council grant 2016-00782
  • was participating in a program at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.


[GMN22] Stephan Gocht, Jakob Nordström Ruben Martins and Andy Oertel. Certified CNF Translations for Pseudo-Boolean Solving. In Proceedings of the 25nd International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT '22), 2022 (to appear).

[BGMN22] Certified Symmetry and Dominance Breaking for Combinatorial Optimisation, Bart Bogaerts, Stephan Gocht, Ciaran McCreesh, Jakob Nordström, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2022 (to appear).

[GN21] Certifying Parity Reasoning Efficiently Using Pseudo-Boolean Proofs, Stephan Gocht, Jakob Nordström, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021, 35, 3768-3777.

[GMN21] Stephan Gocht, Ciaran McCreesh and Jakob Nordström. VeriPB: The Easy Way to Make Your Combinatorial Search Algorithm Trustworthy. From Constraint Programming to Trustworthy AI, workshop at the 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '20), September 2020. [PDF] [VIDEO]

[GMMNPT2020] Stephan Gocht, Ross McBride, Ciaran McCreesh, Jakob Nordström, Patrick Prosser, and James Trimble. Certifying Solvers for Clique and Maximum Common (Connected) Subgraph Problems. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP '20), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume 12333, pages 338-357, September 2020.

[GMN2020] Stephan Gocht, Ciaran McCreesh, and Jakob Nordström. Subgraph Isomorphism Meets Cutting Planes: Solving with Certified Solutions. In Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI '20), pages 1134-1140, July 2020.

[EGMN20] Jan Elffers, Stephan Gocht, Ciaran McCreesh, and Jakob Nordström. Justifying All Differences Using Pseudo-Boolean Reasoning. In Proceedings of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '20), pages 1486-1494, February 2020.