The Sphereon agent is responsible for issuing and verifying Verifiable Credentials as well as creating and resolving Decentralized Identifiers. It can be run standalone for issuer and verifier roles, but can also be started as a backend to the web wallet.
There are several environment variables, allowing you to influence the behaviour of the agent(s). Please see .env.example for a list and explanation of all the environment variables. You will need to copy the .env.example file to .env.local to enable the env-vars for your argent.
TThe agent can be configured using several environment variables. Amongst these are variables to enable certain functionalities of the agent. If you want to use Docker then there are 2 distinct agent versions you can run.
A standalone agent, to be used without the web wallet, only enabling REST APIs
The web wallet agent, enabling certain features needed for the web wallet to run
The Sphereon Standalone Agent: This agent running on port 5001 by default, contains the did:web of SPHEREON, and is responsible for issuance and optional storage of Verifiable Credentials. Creating DIDs from the REST API is enabled on this agent. Resolution of DIDs will use hybrid resolution, meaning any did:web will be resolved to the actual https endpoint, but it also resolved non-published DIDs only available to the agent.
The Wallet Agent: This agent running on port 5010 by default, it can create and verify Verifiable Credentials using a W3C VC API, or using OID4VC. The DIDs will be resolved in hybrid mode, meaning the agent will first look whether the DID is managed by the agent and then generate a DID resolution result from the database. If not managed by the agent it will perform an external resolution call.
The Sphereon agent, is re-using features exposed by Sphereon's SSI-SDK, amongst which as API's and endpoint functions that are compatible with the W3C VC API, DIF Universal Resolver, DIF Universal Registrar and W3C did:web hosting, OpenID for Verifiable Credentials, StatusList 2021.
Some more information can be found in the SSI-SDK Github. The DID documentation and VC API documentation is also available in the docs folder of this project. Extended OID4VCI documentation can also be found there, including presentation during issuance.
The agent can import DIDs from configuration files. The agent will look for .json files in the configured path. .json files will be imported, meaning that the keys and DIDs present in these files, will be created and/or imported, together with the DIDs.
The DID files are read from the path configured by the CONF_PATH
environment variable (defaults to ./conf/examples
DIDs are read from the dids
folder in the CONF_PATH
, so do not put your DID files in the main folder. Any
files not ending in .json will be ignored. You should update this environment variable to reflect your import location
and not load some test/default DIDs.
NOTE: The did .json files are read from the sub-folder dids
in the CONF_PATH
You can find example configuration files in the conf/examples folder. It contains examples for both did:jwk DIDs with ES256/Secp256r1 (default) and Ed25519 keys. It also contains a did:web using an X509 certificate that will be hosted at did:web:localhost, as well as a did:web that uses an ES256/Secp256r1 key that will be hosted at did:web: localhost:es256.
When creating a did:web from configuration you can use X509 certificates. In order to do so you will first need to make sure you have the following files/content available in PEM format:
- private key
- public certificate
- certificate chain
Please note that these need to be in PEM format, meaning with the distinct ----------
beginnings and endings. Do not
remove these lines!
Also make sure that they have the correct headers, like BEGIN CERTIFICATE, BEGIN PRIVATE KEY etc.
If your certificates and private key are in a different format than PEM, convert them first. See for instance for more info.
The certificate chain contains any (intermediary) Certificate Authority (CA) in the chain. The order is from ROOT CA, to intermediary CA(s) to the Certificate NOTE: You will have to include the certificate as well in the certificateChainPEM as the last value.
"did": "did:web:localhost",
"createArgs": {
"provider": "did:web",
"alias": "did:web:localhost",
"options": {
"keys": [
"key": {
"type": "RSA",
"kid": "JWK2020-RSA"
"x509": {
"certPEM": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nSNIP FOR READABILITY\nmake sure to have these \n newlines in there\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"privateKeyPEM": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nSNIP FOR READABILITY\nmake sure to have these \n newlines in there\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
Note: The keys
property is an array, so you could import multiple keys (and certificates) if you want.
The did
and alias
values should be kept the same. If you are going to host the main DID on let's
, the the value would become
. The agent will be able
to use these
did:web values even if the DID document is not hosted at http://localhost/.well-known/did.json yet (via copy
to webhosting server, or via reverse proxy to the agent did:web hosting facility).
Issuing a credentials is performed by using a W3C VC API compatible endpoint exposed by the agent using a POST
The issuer
value should correspond with a DID that is known the agent. You cannot create a VC with a DID not managed
by the agent, as the signature is being created from the private key associated with one of the assertionMethod
verification method relationships defined in the DID document.
The issuanceDate
can either be current date-time (typical use case), but can also be a future date-time (VC becomes
valid in the future). In some cases you can also use a date in the past. Especially if you re-issue a VC that was issued
before for instance.
The optional validUntil
value dictates till when this VC will be valid. Whenever you check the VC after this value,
the verification will fail.
This is different from statusList(s) which allow the issuer to revoke a VC.
The credentialStatus
object is optional. If used it should contain the property statusListCredential
which should be
a URL managed by the issuer agent. If the agent encounters this value, it will create a statusListEntry in the
database and update the statuslist credential hosted at the statusListCredential
URL. The response object will contain
additional properties like a statusListIndex
. This index will be randomly chosen by the issuer to ensure privacy.
You can also provide your own index value. Then the issuer will use this value. Be aware that the credential id will
be persisted with the statusListEntry value to ensure that IDs are not handed out twice. For more info see the
statuslist section of the document. Whenever you verify a credential with a credentialStatus object in it, the verifier
will resolve the statusList credential and look whether the statusList index mentioned in the credential is active or
revoked/suspended. In the latter case the overall verification will fail.
The credentialSubject
object contains the domain specific information, which comes from the terms defined in
the @context
array; most importantly
value is the custodial DID, which acts as the subject and thus will be the holder of this VC.
Example body:
"credential": {
"@context": [
"id": "http://localhost/vc/license/company_prefix/8790171",
"type": [
"issuer": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"issuanceDate": "2023-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"validUntil": "2024-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"credentialStatus": {
"statusListCredential": "http://localhost/vc/status-lists/1"
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "",
"organization": {
"sphereon:partyGLN": "8720796007237",
"sphereon:organizationName": "Test Account",
"sphereon:additionalOrganizationID": [
"sphereon:organizationID": "90001745",
"sphereon:organizationID_Type": "CoC"
"licenseValue": "8790171"
"verifiableCredential": {
"@context": [
"id": "http://localhost/vc/license/company_prefix/8790171",
"type": [
"issuer": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"issuanceDate": "2023-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"validUntil": "2024-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"credentialStatus": {
"statusListCredential": "http://localhost/vc/status-lists/1",
"id": "http://localhost/vc/status-lists/1",
"type": "StatusList2021Entry",
"statusPurpose": "suspension",
"statusListIndex": "221154"
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "",
"organization": {
"sphereon:partyGLN": "8720796007237",
"sphereon:organizationName": "Test Account",
"sphereon:additionalOrganizationID": [
"sphereon:organizationID": "90001745",
"sphereon:organizationID_Type": "CoC"
"licenseValue": "8790171"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "2023-07-31T01:31:56Z",
"verificationMethod": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9#0",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..XqHpaYSzZ-mRDVqvvf-stAETJE5fU0NTJTO1rjKcTMuRcHaDkX5NQxUWA1IttA7pqIhnQ3BpbGED__ls3KhsCA"
Please notice the whole credential can be found in the verifiableCredential
property of the response. It is very
similar to the request body. The @context
was slightly updated to include support for the signature suite. It also
contains a proof
object, which contains the signature created by the DID of the issuer.
In order to verify a Verifiable Credential you can use the W3C VC API compatible endpoint exposed by the agent, by
using POST
to http://localhost:5000/vc/credentials/verify
with the below body. Please put the Verifiable Credential in the verifiableCredential
property of the body. (you can
copy the example creation response from above)
Example verification body:
"verifiableCredential": {
"@context": [
"id": "http://localhost/vc/license/company_prefix/8790171",
"type": [
"issuer": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"issuanceDate": "2023-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"validUntil": "2024-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"credentialStatus": {
"statusListCredential": "http://localhost/credentials/status-lists/1",
"id": "http://localhost/vc/status-lists/1#221154",
"type": "StatusList2021Entry",
"statusPurpose": "suspension",
"statusListIndex": "221154"
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "",
"organization": {
"sphereon:partyGLN": "8720796007237",
"sphereon:organizationName": "Test Account",
"sphereon:additionalOrganizationID": [
"sphereon:organizationID": "90001745",
"sphereon:organizationID_Type": "CoC"
"licenseValue": "8790171"
"proof": {
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "2023-07-31T01:31:56Z",
"verificationMethod": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9#0",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..XqHpaYSzZ-mRDVqvvf-stAETJE5fU0NTJTO1rjKcTMuRcHaDkX5NQxUWA1IttA7pqIhnQ3BpbGED__ls3KhsCA"
Please note that the issuer
DID value does not have to be the SPHEREON issuer. If however a did:web is used as issuer,
respective did:web has to be able to be resolved from an https location. For testing therefor it is easiest to use did:
jwk, as these DIDs do not need any external hosting.
Verification response:
"verified": true,
"results": [
"proof": {
"@context": [
"type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
"created": "2023-07-31T01:31:56Z",
"verificationMethod": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9#0",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..XqHpaYSzZ-mRDVqvvf-stAETJE5fU0NTJTO1rjKcTMuRcHaDkX5NQxUWA1IttA7pqIhnQ3BpbGED__ls3KhsCA"
"verified": true,
"verificationMethod": {
"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
"id": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9#0",
"controller": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"publicKey": []
"purposeResult": {
"valid": true,
"controller": {
"@context": [
"@vocab": ""
"id": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"verificationMethod": [
"id": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9#0",
"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
"controller": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"alg": "EdDSA",
"use": "sig",
"kty": "OKP",
"crv": "Ed25519",
"x": "iaRmHkRrRkATJaONOyBYLR3Sd-tEijGBASpnG3rhWDc"
"assertionMethod": [
"authentication": [
"capabilityInvocation": [
"capabilityDelegation": [
"log": [
"id": "expiration",
"valid": true
"id": "valid_signature",
"valid": true
"id": "issuer_did_resolves",
"valid": true
"id": "revocation_status",
"valid": true
"log": [
"id": "expiration",
"valid": true
"id": "valid_signature",
"valid": true
"id": "issuer_did_resolves",
"valid": true
"id": "revocation_status",
"valid": true
The important bit is the overall verified: true
value. In case any of the individual checks fails, then this value
be false
A status list allows you to either revoke or suspend and reactivate issued Verifiable Credentials. Per VC you can only
incorporate one credentialStatus object, which in turn means you can only use one status list per issued credential. As
a consequence this means a credential will either have no statusList, a revocation
statuslist or a suspension
Revocation means a one time action. A VC can go from active
-> revoked
. Suspension means
from active
-> suspended
This can be a temporary suspension or a permanent suspension. As the name already implies for this type of statuslist
you can also go from suspended
to active
The statuslist itself is a Verifiable Credential as well, which is issued and signed by the issuer of the Verifier VCs.
The statuslist credentail contains a bitstring. This bitstring is at least 150.000 bits long and whenever a credential
is being issued a random position in this bitstring will be used. This position will end up in the issued credential as
a statusListIndex
property of the credentialStatus
object in the VC. The issuer will keep track of the statuslist
id/url, the id of the issued VC, as well as the random statusListIndex. The value in the bitstring is either "0",
meaning active, or "1" meaning revoked
or suspended
, depending on the type of statuslist. Updating the statusList
and it's
entries is fully automated when issuing credentials. You don't need to call an additional API or anything. Managing
state changes for a particular index means you will have to call a REST API, as explained below
Creating statuslists is not something you will do on a regular basis, as you will typically only have 1 statuslist. By default the API endpoints for management are disabled for this reason. The agent reads environment variables and based on these already is using the default statuslist (it will created it when it doesn't exist yet).
You can enable management by including the status-list-management
value (comma seperated) in the environment variable
Request to create a statuslist: POST http://localhost:5000/vc/status-lists
"statusList": {
"issuer": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"id": "http://localhost:5000/vc/status-lists/1",
"correlationId": "abc123",
"statusPurpose": "revocation"
Required properties
The issuer
value needs to be a DID managed by the agent and needs to be the same value used to issue VCs.
The id
value needs to be the (public) URL where the statuslist can be found. You could deploy a reverse proxy or
loadbalancer in front of it. The status list needs to be the public facing URL/ID.
The correlationId
value is used as an internal 2nd business key. You can use this value as a query parameter or body
property for most calls, in which case the API will not look at the URL. It will always serve/manage the statuslist with
the given correlationId
. This is handy if you want to assign your own identifier, which you will use to manage the
list. A correlationId
is mandatory when creating the status list and it needs to be unique!
The statusPorpose
property is used to distinguish the type of the statuslist. It cannot be changes afterwards!. It
either is revocation
or suspension
. See above for more details on the difference between the two.
Other optional properties:
: Allows you to define the length of the bitstring. Do not use a value smaller than 150000. This ensures maximal
privacy as indices will be randomly chosen from this string.
: Needs to either be lds
(the default), for JSON-LD Linked Data Signatures or jwt
for JWTs.
: Public key/alias name as managed by the agent. This is only needed in case you have a DID that contains
multiple assertionMethod
entries and you do not want to pick the first one.
The response:
"statusListDetails": {
"id": "http://localhost:5000/vc/status-lists/1",
"issuer": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"type": "StatusList2021",
"proofFormat": "lds",
"indexingDirection": "rightToLeft",
"length": 250000,
"statusPurpose": "revocation",
"statusListCredential": {
"@context": [
"id": "http://localhost:5000/vc/status-lists/1",
"issuer": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9",
"type": [
"credentialSubject": {
"id": "http://localhost:5000/vc/status-lists/1",
"type": "StatusList2021",
"statusPurpose": "revocation",
"issuanceDate": "2023-09-05T16:44:19.077Z",
"proof": {
"type": "Ed25519Signature2020",
"created": "2023-09-05T16:44:19Z",
"verificationMethod": "did:jwk:eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInVzZSI6InNpZyIsImt0eSI6Ik9LUCIsImNydiI6IkVkMjU1MTkiLCJ4IjoiaWFSbUhrUnJSa0FUSmFPTk95QllMUjNTZC10RWlqR0JBU3BuRzNyaFdEYyJ9#0",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"proofValue": "z6fFjrUoK1c8XyDCWnTvWz7NfnznUpNn9NhhWub547VDjcR9JV3311znjnsfN1mK5piWDcKjDq9tTDPjuEQtC8S1bCoh9ZvDKhRuwWBYHU4fHX2VcoAaamv6cVcNRkxzDF9RpU9rqUSajBehUhP51x742CRXZ6My5NtgjAfT6RWjU6M33EYb86DD1R8WtNWDHUz4DN"
"correlationId": "abc123",
"driverType": "agent_typeorm"
The statusListDetails.statusListCredential
is the actual status list. If you would resolve the id of the statuslist it
would return everything below statusListDetails
-> statusListCredential
As you can see the statuslist itself is also a VC. This ensures that any verifier can verify the authenticity of the
statuslist during the process of verifying a VC. The original VC is verified. The statusList is being resolved. then the
statusList credential itself is verified. Then the statusListIndex of the original VC is being used to pick the
bitstring position from the encodedList in the statuslist credential. If this value is "0" the VC is valid. If this
value is "1", the VC is revoked or suspended.
Whenever you include a credentialStatus
toplevel object with a statusListCredential
value that equals the
statuslist id
value, the issuer will ensure that the VC will contain statusList information. If you do not include
the credentialStatus
object, then the issued VC will have no statuslist associated.
During issuance of the VC the issuer will pick a random index value and associate that with the id of the VC. This index
value will be stored in the database together with the statuslist id and the VC id. This is needed to later manage the
statuslist index for the particular credential. Given the bitstring used in the statuslist should be pretty big (at
least 150.000 positions) and given the value is chosen randomly, it ensures that privacy is preserved. Two consecutive
credentials being issued do not have consecutive numbers, meaning correlation is hard/impossible for external parties.
If you do not want to have the issuer pick random index values, you can also provide a statusListIndex
property in
the credentialStatus
object. In that case the issuer will use that value. But only if that value either has not been
used before, or has been used for the same credentialId (in case you re-issue a VC with the same id). If you use the
index of an existing VC and re-issue this vC with the same credential id, then be aware that the status in the
statuslist will not be altered. So if the credential id was previously revoked, then re-issuing a new VC with the same
ID means the new VC is still revoked. If it was suspended, you will have to call the API to update the index value back
to active afterwards.
Example partial VC during the request phase (see Issue credentials) for more details):
"issuanceDate": "2023-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"credentialStatus": {
"statusListCredential": "http://localhost/vc/status-lists/1"
"credentialSubject": {
"issuanceDate": "2023-06-22T00:00:00Z",
"credentialStatus": {
"statusListCredential": "http://localhost/credentials/status-lists/1",
"id": "http://localhost/vc/status-lists/1#221154",
"type": "StatusList2021Entry",
"statusPurpose": "suspension",
"statusListIndex": "221154"
"credentialSubject": {
The agent exposes a W3C compatible REST API endpoint to manage credential statuses. This endpoint allows you to change the status for a single credential. It requires the credential id as input, together with the type of statuslist and the new value. The agent will automatically map these values onto the correct statuslist and update the statuslist accordingly. If you revoke or suspend a credential, this will be reflected immediately.
Example request:
"credentialId": "http://localhost/vc/license/company_prefix/8790171",
"credentialStatus": [
"type": "StatusList2021",
"status": "1"
Please be aware that in current version you only can use the credentialId. In future versions we will also allow you to create bespoke correlation identifiers and/or use the statusList index to update the value. However these are non-W3C VC API compliant extensions.
Although the credentialStatus
property is an array. It can only contain one element, of which the type
has to
be StatusList2021
The status
value either has to be "0" for active or "1" for revoked/suspended. The response will be the updated
statusList credential.
In order to create a custodial DID, the DIF Universal Registrar compatible support of the agent is being used. This means a REST API is exposed to create DIDs. Since these DIDs will be custodial (eg SPHEREON is managing these DIDs on behalf of its Verifiers), the DIDs and their associated public/private keys will need to be persisted.
In order to create a new did:web for GLN 12345678
the following body should be POST-ed to
Example body:
"did": "",
"options": {
"storeSecrets": true
Example response:
"jobId": "a76e0d06-66f0-4fe0-bc56-56aaebb76100",
"didState": {
"did": "",
"state": "finished",
"didDocument": {
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"verificationMethod": [
"controller": "",
"id": "",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"alg": "ES256",
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"x": "zyQZ1bEjSKfIJJq9aWcQkNe1AW_oGaqF6IYWXRjAj7Q",
"y": "V_-lI5X7tldmRvn-xtd3wJR4gxRfND-ns8QNZsLNxDo"
"type": "JsonWebKey2020"
"assertionMethod": [
"authentication": [
Please be aware that this is did:web, so follow the specification. In the above example a did:web is created which should be hosted at the following location: http://localhost/did/party_gln/12345678/did.json By default the agent will be able to resolve any did:web hosted by the agent. Meaning that you can both issue and verify Credentials with the respective did:web even if the actual web-server or reverse proxy is not hosting the did:web yet
Please also see the section about hosting DID:web did.json files using the DID web service.
In the above response the state
value is finished
. This means a new DID is created before sending the response. This
value could also be exists
, because the REST API is configured to allow existing DIDs when calling this endpoint. In
this case the existing DID is returned.
In order to remove a DID from the agent database you will have to call the deactivate endpoint of the Universal Registrar.
This endpoint will not return a result response in case of success. The HTTP status will be 200. In case of an error it will be HTTP status code of 400 or higher, with an error response in JSON.
To deactivate the above created custodial DID, call the following endpoint with HTTP method DELETE
In order to resolve a DID you will have to call the below endpoint with a GET
call. The DID value is part of the URL
as a path parameter.
There are 3 modes of resolution, controlled by a query parameter, when calling the resolution endpoint. You can also set a default mode when no query parameter is being used.
The modes are:
- local: Only DIDs managed by the agent can be resolved. DID:web and it's keys are translated to DID documents
- global: Resolves DIDs by using the supported resolvers of the agent, allowing external DID resolution
- hybrid (default): Tries to resolve locally first. If not found it will fallback to the global mode
Response example:
"@context": "",
"didDocument": {
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"verificationMethod": [
"controller": "",
"id": "",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"alg": "ES256",
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"x": "klEQAh9dU0aBNq1L8iM1lryO4i8HxLN1SKNG1kP8tz0",
"y": "87T1XwMjtf1rIc74HXaxW7gDT7liNLtQztADTw61x6Y"
"type": "JsonWebKey2020"
"assertionMethod": [
"authentication": [
"didResolutionMetadata": {},
"didDocumentMetadata": {
"equivalentId": ""
Please note that the agent itself by default internally is always using the hybrid
mode, whilst the exposed REST API
above by default is using the global
mode. This has to do with the agent being able to already issue and verify
Credentials with did:web DIDs managed by the agent, even if the respective did:web location might not be available yet.
The agent can automatically expose did:web did.json DID Documents managed by the agent. Whenever you hit http://agent/did/party_gln/12345678/did.json for instance, the agent will lookup the appropriate DID managed by the agent.
If no DID is found for the URL, it will return the below response, with an HTTP code 404
"error": "Not found"
Please be aware that the agent is using the URL to determine the hostname. So the below example only works if the agent
is running behind a reverse proxy or load-balancer on the URL http://localhost
. If you want to test during
development, simply replace the URL with http://localhost:5001
If a DID is found it will return the DID Document (not a resolution result)
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"verificationMethod": [
"controller": "",
"id": "",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"alg": "ES256",
"use": "sig",
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"x": "klEQAh9dU0aBNq1L8iM1lryO4i8HxLN1SKNG1kP8tz0",
"y": "87T1XwMjtf1rIc74HXaxW7gDT7liNLtQztADTw61x6Y"
"type": "JsonWebKey2020"
"assertionMethod": [
"authentication": [
In order to host the custodial did.json files for Verifiers a reverse proxy needs to be configured for the did:web agent
service. When the did:web agent service is enabled, it will automatically try to lookup the DID in the agent, whenever a
URL containing .well-known/did.json
or /any/other/path/did.json
is hit with a GET
This means you can setup a reverse proxy doing TLS termination for your domain and have it point to the agent, using the same Path.
The agent supports both OID4VP and OID4VCI (and SIOPv2, Presentation-Exchange). In order to issue credentials using OID4VCI, please have a look at the respective VCI REST documentation
The agent supports SQLite and Postgresql. You can configure different environment variables to setup the DB connection. See .env.example for all the options, including SSL/TLS options.
SQLite can be ran without any server, as it can use a local file. This is handy for development purposes.
See the example below to have a database available in the database/example.db
# The database connection name
# Whether to enable the cache on the DB.
# The Database type. Currently only sqlite and postgresql are supported
# The URL of the database. Either use the URL (more flexible), or you can also use DB_HOST and DB_PORT for postgres
# In case of sqlite, this should be the path, like 'database/agent_default.sqlite'
# For postgres you can also include username and password: postgresql://user:password:5432/vc-issuer-db
# The encryption key to use for the database for encrypted fields, like private keys. Needs to be unique per environment.
# Key needs to be in hex with length 64.
See the example below to connect with a postgresql DB named vc-issuer-db
on localhost, with username user
password password
# The database connection name
# Whether to enable the cache for the DB.
# The Database type. Currently only sqlite and postgresql are supported
# The URL of the database. Either use the URL (more flexible), or you can also use DB_HOST and DB_PORT for postgres
# In case of sqlite, this should be the path, like 'database/agent_default.sqlite'
# For postgres you can also include username and password: postgresql://user:password:5432/vc-issuer-db?sslmode=prefer
# When using a postgresl url, the sslmode param options can be found here:
# The encryption key to use for the database for encrypted fields, like private keys. Needs to be unique per environment.
# Key needs to be in hex with length 64.
See README at the top level project