From acccb4a28bdeab3443f4c521a476f1099a17f6cb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Alisson Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 22:58:04 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] doc vignettes update --- docs/articles/First_steps.html | 264 +++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/articles/stopwords.html | 375 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/pkgdown.yml | 2 +- docs/reference/ll.html | 16 +- docs/sitemap.xml | 34 +++ vignettes/First_steps.Rmd | 3 + 6 files changed, 681 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) create mode 100644 docs/articles/First_steps.html create mode 100644 docs/articles/stopwords.html create mode 100644 docs/sitemap.xml diff --git a/docs/articles/First_steps.html b/docs/articles/First_steps.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..373eb28 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/articles/First_steps.html @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ + + + + + + + +First steps with String Operations {sto} package • sto + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +

{String Operations} has some functions to make the life easier of +those who deals with strings and strings transformation.


Installing String Operations +


Install using {devtools} package

+install.packages("devtools") # if devtools is not installed yet

Or install using {pak} package

+install.packages("pak", dependencies = TRUE) # if {pak} is not installed yet

Loading packages +


The first thing to do is to load the packages, you can use the +function to load many packages as easy as this, with the string to load +libraries. So, instead of

+ +

To load many packages with {string operations} simply use +sto::ll("package1 package2 package3 ..."):

+sto::ll("sto dplyr ggplot2 stringr tidyr")
+#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
+#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
+#>     filter, lag
+#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
+#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
+#> [[1]]
+#> [1] "sto"       "nvimcom"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"    
+#> [7] "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
+#> [[2]]
+#>  [1] "dplyr"     "sto"       "nvimcom"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices"
+#>  [7] "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"   "base"

Generate a string using variables +


Use f() and the variable inside curly brackets +{var}

+var1 <- 912 * 2
+lorem <- "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
+f("Bla bla: {var1}. Ble ble:
+  {lorem}")
+#> Bla bla: 1824. Ble ble:
+#> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

The f() is just a wrapper around +glue::glue() to use it even more easily.


Another facility is to easily create vector from char text

+"a b c d" |> s2v()
+#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
+s2v("Argentina China India Brazil Germany France")
+#> [1] "Argentina" "China"     "India"     "Brazil"    "Germany"   "France"
+# the function strips the extra white spaces
+"a b c     d" |> s2v()
+#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
+# By default, it also remove commas
+"a, b, c, d" |> s2v()
+#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
+# by default, whitespaces and line breaks are understood as element separator
+"a b c\nd\te" |> s2v()
+#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"
+# And specifying another character separator:
+"a,b,c,d" |> s2v(sep = ",")
+#> [1] "a" "b" "c" "d"
+"a|b|c|d e" |> s2v(sep = "\\|")
+#> [1] "a"   "b"   "c"   "d e"
+# If you need  whitespace in the element of the created vector, use underscore
+"bla foo_bar ble bli-blo" |> s2v()
+#> [1] "bla"     "foo bar" "ble"     "bli-blo"
+# If you need  whitespace in the element of the created vector, but do not want
+# to use underscore, so specify the wss parameter
+"bla foo_bar ble bli-blo" |> s2v(wss = "-")
+#> [1] "bla"     "foo_bar" "ble"     "bli blo"
+# To print the output as a string, so you can copy and paste the results in your code
+"a b c d" |> s2v(print = TRUE)
+#> [1] "c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')"

grep2, grepl2, gsub2 +


To easily use the native grep, grepl and gsub functions with the +native R pipe, lazy strings have some alternatives, that actually are +wrapper around this functions


grep2 +

+c("a", "b", "c", "d") |> grep2("a")
+#> [1] "a"
+# instead of
+grep("a", c("a", "b", "c", "d"), value = T)
+#> [1] "a"
+# grep 2 is case insensitive by default
+c("a", "b", "c", "d") |> grep2("A")
+#> [1] "a"
+s2v("a b c d") |> grep2("A")
+#> [1] "a"
+# to disable ignore cases:
+c("a", "b", "c", "d", "A") |> grep2("A", ic = F)
+#> [1] "A"
+# to obtain indexes instead of values:
+c("a", "b", "c", "d") |> grep2("a", value = F)
+#> [1] 1

grepl2 +

+c("a", "b", "c", "d") |> grepl2("a")

gsub2 +

+c("a", "b", "c", "d") |> gsub2("a", "x")
+#> [1] "x" "b" "c" "d"
+# in the case of character
+"a b c d" |> gsub2("a", "x")
+#> [1] "x b c d"
+# If no second argument is provided, than it will erase the provided pattern:
+"'bla bla1 'bla" |> gsub2("'")
+#> [1] "bla bla1 bla"
+"'bla bla1 'bla" |> gsub2("bla1")
+#> [1] "'bla  'bla"
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ +


Site built with pkgdown 2.1.0.

+ +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/articles/stopwords.html b/docs/articles/stopwords.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76a2608 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/articles/stopwords.html @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ + + + + + + + +Generating stopwords • sto + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +

This functions is still under development At this time you can +generate a stopwords list in Portuguese and English.


There is many options of stopwords lists available in R, like: +


But none is categorized allowing a more fine grained control of the +words by grammar categories.


Choose the language and which grammar tags use to generate a stopword +list. The lang parameter uses the two word designation, and +the cat designs the grammar category following Penn +Treebank. See here

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
POS TagDescriptionExampleDescription
CCcoordinating conjunctionand
CDcardinal numberone, third
EXexistentialthere there is
PPpronoumme, you, he, she, it, we, they
Vverbare be havevariations of verbs to be, have,
+#>  [1] "e"                "ou"               "mas"              "que"             
+#>  [5] "porque"           "por que"          "porquê"           "por quê"         
+#>  [9] "se"               "como"             "primeiro"         "segundo"         
+#> [13] "terceiro"         "quarto"           "quinto"           "sexto"           
+#> [17] "sétimo"           "oitavo"           "nono"             "décimo"          
+#> [21] "vigésimo"         "trigésimo"        "quadrigésimo"     "quinquagésimo"   
+#> [25] "sexagésimo"       "septuagésimo"     "setuagésimo"      "octogésimo"      
+#> [29] "nonagésimo"       "centésimo"        "ducentésimo"      "trecentésimo"    
+#> [33] "quadringentésimo" "quingentésimo"    "seiscentésimo"    "sexcentésimo"    
+#> [37] "septingentésimo"  "setingentésimo"   "octingentésimo"   "nongentésimo"    
+#> [41] "milésimo"         "milionésimo"      "bilionésimo"
+gen_stopwords(lang = "en", categories = "CC")
+#> [1] "and" "but" "or"
+gen_stopwords(lang = "pt", categories = "CC DT")
+#>  [1] "e"       "ou"      "mas"     "que"     "porque"  "por que" "porquê" 
+#>  [8] "por quê" "se"      "como"    "o"       "a"       "os"      "as"
+# to convert the list into a named vector
+gen_stopwords(lang = "en", categories = "CC DT V") |> unlist()
+#>  [1] "and"   "but"   "or"    "a"     "the"   "am"    "are"   "is"    "be"   
+#> [10] "can"   "could" "did"   "do"    "have"  "he"    "it"    "may"   "might"
+#> [19] "must"  "need"  "no"    "not"   "now"   "of"    "on"    "she"   "that" 
+#> [28] "to"    "was"
+gen_stopwords(lang = "pt")
+#>  [1] "e"                "ou"               "mas"              "que"             
+#>  [5] "porque"           "por que"          "porquê"           "por quê"         
+#>  [9] "se"               "como"             "primeiro"         "segundo"         
+#> [13] "terceiro"         "quarto"           "quinto"           "sexto"           
+#> [17] "sétimo"           "oitavo"           "nono"             "décimo"          
+#> [21] "vigésimo"         "trigésimo"        "quadrigésimo"     "quinquagésimo"   
+#> [25] "sexagésimo"       "septuagésimo"     "setuagésimo"      "octogésimo"      
+#> [29] "nonagésimo"       "centésimo"        "ducentésimo"      "trecentésimo"    
+#> [33] "quadringentésimo" "quingentésimo"    "seiscentésimo"    "sexcentésimo"    
+#> [37] "septingentésimo"  "setingentésimo"   "octingentésimo"   "nongentésimo"    
+#> [41] "milésimo"         "milionésimo"      "bilionésimo"
+gen_stopwords(lang = "pt", categories = "V")
+#>   [1] "ser"        "sou"        "sois"       "é"          "és"        
+#>   [6] "somos"      "são"        "era"        "eram"       "éramos"    
+#>  [11] "serei"      "será"       "serão"      "serás"      "fui"       
+#>  [16] "foste"      "foi"        "fomos"      "fostes"     "foram"     
+#>  [21] "eras"       "éreis"      "seremos"    "sereis"     "seja"      
+#>  [26] "sejam"      "estar"      "estou"      "estás"      "está"      
+#>  [31] "estamos"    "estais"     "estão"      "estive"     "estiveste" 
+#>  [36] "esteve"     "estivemos"  "estivestes" "estiveram"  "estava"    
+#>  [41] "estavas"    "estávamos"  "estáveis"   "estavam"    "estarei"   
+#>  [46] "estarás"    "estará"     "estaremos"  "estareis"   "estarão"   
+#>  [51] "esteja"     "estejam"    "ter"        "tenham"     "têem"      
+#>  [56] "tenho"      "tens"       "tem"        "temos"      "tendes"    
+#>  [61] "têm"        "tive"       "tiveste"    "teve"       "tivemos"   
+#>  [66] "tivestes"   "tiveram"    "tinha"      "tinhas"     "tínhamos"  
+#>  [71] "tínheis"    "tinham"     "terei"      "terás"      "terá"      
+#>  [76] "teremos"    "tereis"     "terão"      "teria"      "teriam"    
+#>  [81] "haver"      "houve"      "haveria"    "haveriam"   "hei"       
+#>  [86] "hás"        "há"         "havemos"    "haveis"     "hão"       
+#>  [91] "houver"     "houveres"   "houvermos"  "houverdes"  "houverem"  
+#>  [96] "havia"      "havias"     "havíamos"   "havíeis"    "haviam"    
+#> [101] "haverei"    "haverás"    "haverá"     "haveremos"  "havereis"  
+#> [106] "haverão"    "haja"       "hajam"      "houvera"    "houveram"  
+#> [111] "houvesse"

With the vec parameter, it is possible to have three +different output formats: list (default), vector and named vector.

+gen_stopwords(lang = "pt", categories = "V", vec = "list")
+#> $V
+#> $V$ser
+#>  [1] "ser"     "sou"     "sois"    "é"       "és"      "somos"   "sois"   
+#>  [8] "são"     "era"     "eram"    "éramos"  "serei"   "será"    "serão"  
+#> [15] "serás"   "fui"     "foste"   "foi"     "fomos"   "fostes"  "foram"  
+#> [22] "era"     "eras"    "era"     "éramos"  "éreis"   "eram"    "serei"  
+#> [29] "serás"   "será"    "seremos" "sereis"  "serão"   "seja"    "sejam"  
+#> $V$estar
+#>  [1] "estar"      "estou"      "estás"      "está"       "estamos"   
+#>  [6] "estais"     "estão"      "estive"     "estiveste"  "esteve"    
+#> [11] "estivemos"  "estivestes" "estiveram"  "estava"     "estavas"   
+#> [16] "estava"     "estávamos"  "estáveis"   "estavam"    "estarei"   
+#> [21] "estarás"    "estará"     "estaremos"  "estareis"   "estarão"   
+#> [26] "esteja"     "estejam"   
+#> $V$ter
+#>  [1] "ter"      "tenham"   "têem"     "tenho"    "tens"     "tem"     
+#>  [7] "temos"    "tendes"   "têm"      "tive"     "tiveste"  "teve"    
+#> [13] "tivemos"  "tivestes" "tiveram"  "tinha"    "tinhas"   "tinha"   
+#> [19] "tínhamos" "tínheis"  "tinham"   "terei"    "terás"    "terá"    
+#> [25] "teremos"  "tereis"   "terão"    "teria"    "teriam"  
+#> $V$haver
+#>  [1] "haver"     "houve"     "haveria"   "haveriam"  "hei"       "hás"      
+#>  [7] "há"        "havemos"   "haveis"    "hão"       "houver"    "houveres" 
+#> [13] "houver"    "houvermos" "houverdes" "houverem"  "havia"     "havias"   
+#> [19] "havia"     "havíamos"  "havíeis"   "haviam"    "haverei"   "haverás"  
+#> [25] "haverá"    "haveremos" "havereis"  "haverão"   "haja"      "hajam"    
+#> [31] "houvera"   "houveram"  "houvesse" 
+#> $included
+#> character(0)
+gen_stopwords(lang = "pt", categories = "V", vec = "vec")
+#>   [1] "ser"        "sou"        "sois"       "é"          "és"        
+#>   [6] "somos"      "são"        "era"        "eram"       "éramos"    
+#>  [11] "serei"      "será"       "serão"      "serás"      "fui"       
+#>  [16] "foste"      "foi"        "fomos"      "fostes"     "foram"     
+#>  [21] "eras"       "éreis"      "seremos"    "sereis"     "seja"      
+#>  [26] "sejam"      "estar"      "estou"      "estás"      "está"      
+#>  [31] "estamos"    "estais"     "estão"      "estive"     "estiveste" 
+#>  [36] "esteve"     "estivemos"  "estivestes" "estiveram"  "estava"    
+#>  [41] "estavas"    "estávamos"  "estáveis"   "estavam"    "estarei"   
+#>  [46] "estarás"    "estará"     "estaremos"  "estareis"   "estarão"   
+#>  [51] "esteja"     "estejam"    "ter"        "tenham"     "têem"      
+#>  [56] "tenho"      "tens"       "tem"        "temos"      "tendes"    
+#>  [61] "têm"        "tive"       "tiveste"    "teve"       "tivemos"   
+#>  [66] "tivestes"   "tiveram"    "tinha"      "tinhas"     "tínhamos"  
+#>  [71] "tínheis"    "tinham"     "terei"      "terás"      "terá"      
+#>  [76] "teremos"    "tereis"     "terão"      "teria"      "teriam"    
+#>  [81] "haver"      "houve"      "haveria"    "haveriam"   "hei"       
+#>  [86] "hás"        "há"         "havemos"    "haveis"     "hão"       
+#>  [91] "houver"     "houveres"   "houvermos"  "houverdes"  "houverem"  
+#>  [96] "havia"      "havias"     "havíamos"   "havíeis"    "haviam"    
+#> [101] "haverei"    "haverás"    "haverá"     "haveremos"  "havereis"  
+#> [106] "haverão"    "haja"       "hajam"      "houvera"    "houveram"  
+#> [111] "houvesse"
+gen_stopwords(lang = "pt", categories = "V", vec = "n_vec")
+#>       V.ser1       V.ser2       V.ser3       V.ser4       V.ser5       V.ser6 
+#>        "ser"        "sou"       "sois"          "é"         "és"      "somos" 
+#>       V.ser7       V.ser8       V.ser9      V.ser10      V.ser11      V.ser12 
+#>       "sois"        "são"        "era"       "eram"     "éramos"      "serei" 
+#>      V.ser13      V.ser14      V.ser15      V.ser16      V.ser17      V.ser18 
+#>       "será"      "serão"      "serás"        "fui"      "foste"        "foi" 
+#>      V.ser19      V.ser20      V.ser21      V.ser22      V.ser23      V.ser24 
+#>      "fomos"     "fostes"      "foram"        "era"       "eras"        "era" 
+#>      V.ser25      V.ser26      V.ser27      V.ser28      V.ser29      V.ser30 
+#>     "éramos"      "éreis"       "eram"      "serei"      "serás"       "será" 
+#>      V.ser31      V.ser32      V.ser33      V.ser34      V.ser35     V.estar1 
+#>    "seremos"     "sereis"      "serão"       "seja"      "sejam"      "estar" 
+#>     V.estar2     V.estar3     V.estar4     V.estar5     V.estar6     V.estar7 
+#>      "estou"      "estás"       "está"    "estamos"     "estais"      "estão" 
+#>     V.estar8     V.estar9    V.estar10    V.estar11    V.estar12    V.estar13 
+#>     "estive"  "estiveste"     "esteve"  "estivemos" "estivestes"  "estiveram" 
+#>    V.estar14    V.estar15    V.estar16    V.estar17    V.estar18    V.estar19 
+#>     "estava"    "estavas"     "estava"  "estávamos"   "estáveis"    "estavam" 
+#>    V.estar20    V.estar21    V.estar22    V.estar23    V.estar24    V.estar25 
+#>    "estarei"    "estarás"     "estará"  "estaremos"   "estareis"    "estarão" 
+#>    V.estar26    V.estar27       V.ter1       V.ter2       V.ter3       V.ter4 
+#>     "esteja"    "estejam"        "ter"     "tenham"       "têem"      "tenho" 
+#>       V.ter5       V.ter6       V.ter7       V.ter8       V.ter9      V.ter10 
+#>       "tens"        "tem"      "temos"     "tendes"        "têm"       "tive" 
+#>      V.ter11      V.ter12      V.ter13      V.ter14      V.ter15      V.ter16 
+#>    "tiveste"       "teve"    "tivemos"   "tivestes"    "tiveram"      "tinha" 
+#>      V.ter17      V.ter18      V.ter19      V.ter20      V.ter21      V.ter22 
+#>     "tinhas"      "tinha"   "tínhamos"    "tínheis"     "tinham"      "terei" 
+#>      V.ter23      V.ter24      V.ter25      V.ter26      V.ter27      V.ter28 
+#>      "terás"       "terá"    "teremos"     "tereis"      "terão"      "teria" 
+#>      V.ter29     V.haver1     V.haver2     V.haver3     V.haver4     V.haver5 
+#>     "teriam"      "haver"      "houve"    "haveria"   "haveriam"        "hei" 
+#>     V.haver6     V.haver7     V.haver8     V.haver9    V.haver10    V.haver11 
+#>        "hás"         "há"    "havemos"     "haveis"        "hão"     "houver" 
+#>    V.haver12    V.haver13    V.haver14    V.haver15    V.haver16    V.haver17 
+#>   "houveres"     "houver"  "houvermos"  "houverdes"   "houverem"      "havia" 
+#>    V.haver18    V.haver19    V.haver20    V.haver21    V.haver22    V.haver23 
+#>     "havias"      "havia"   "havíamos"    "havíeis"     "haviam"    "haverei" 
+#>    V.haver24    V.haver25    V.haver26    V.haver27    V.haver28    V.haver29 
+#>    "haverás"     "haverá"  "haveremos"   "havereis"    "haverão"       "haja" 
+#>    V.haver30    V.haver31    V.haver32    V.haver33 
+#>      "hajam"    "houvera"   "houveram"   "houvesse"

To use only certain kinds of verbs, like only the +variations/conjugations of the Portuguese verb ser:

+my_sw <- gen_stopwords("pt", "V", vec = "list")
+#>  [1] "ser"     "sou"     "sois"    "é"       "és"      "somos"   "sois"   
+#>  [8] "são"     "era"     "eram"    "éramos"  "serei"   "será"    "serão"  
+#> [15] "serás"   "fui"     "foste"   "foi"     "fomos"   "fostes"  "foram"  
+#> [22] "era"     "eras"    "era"     "éramos"  "éreis"   "eram"    "serei"  
+#> [29] "serás"   "será"    "seremos" "sereis"  "serão"   "seja"    "sejam"
+# or shorter
+gen_stopwords("pt", "V", vec = "list")$V$seb
+#> NULL
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ +


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+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/pkgdown.yml b/docs/pkgdown.yml index 0d3f6b1..ec35826 100644 --- a/docs/pkgdown.yml +++ b/docs/pkgdown.yml @@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ articles: entities_and_relation_extraction: entities_and_relation_extraction.html First_steps: First_steps.html stopwords: stopwords.html -last_built: 2024-08-27T01:50Z +last_built: 2024-08-27T01:55Z diff --git a/docs/reference/ll.html b/docs/reference/ll.html index b83d0a9..a6dfe51 100644 --- a/docs/reference/ll.html +++ b/docs/reference/ll.html @@ -75,21 +75,13 @@

load libraries from string load packages from a char separated by space or c


sto::ll("rvest stringr dplyr")
-#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
-#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
-#>     filter, lag
-#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
-#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
 #> [[1]]
-#>  [1] "rvest"     "sto"       "nvimcom"   "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices"
-#>  [7] "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
+#>  [1] "dplyr"     "stringr"   "rvest"     "sto"       "nvimcom"   "stats"    
+#>  [7] "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
 #> [[2]]
-#>  [1] "stringr"   "rvest"     "sto"       "nvimcom"   "stats"     "graphics" 
-#>  [7] "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
+#>  [1] "dplyr"     "stringr"   "rvest"     "sto"       "nvimcom"   "stats"    
+#>  [7] "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
 #> [[3]]
 #>  [1] "dplyr"     "stringr"   "rvest"     "sto"       "nvimcom"   "stats"    
diff --git a/docs/sitemap.xml b/docs/sitemap.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc828d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sitemap.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/vignettes/First_steps.Rmd b/vignettes/First_steps.Rmd
index a2f6027..e22e9bd 100644
--- a/vignettes/First_steps.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/First_steps.Rmd
@@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ To load many packages with {string operations} simply use `sto::ll("package1 pac
 sto::ll("sto dplyr ggplot2 stringr tidyr")
+```{r s2ll echoTrue, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE}
+sto::ll("sto dplyr")
 ## Generate a string using variables