The repository contains code implemented to get better understanding of various topics covered in course: TypeScript Essential Training by Jess Chadwick
You can either copy paste the code in any online editor or playground and execute to see the result or clone git repository and use editor of your choice. I have used
- Default parameters
- Template Strings
- Variable declaration - var, let, const
- For of Loops
- Lambdas - Arrow functions
- Destructuring
- The spread operator
- Computed properties
- Union types
- Function overloading
- Interfaces
- Enums
- Anonymous Types
- Prototypical Inheritance Simplified
- Accessors
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Functions
- Classes
- Constraints
- Internal Modules
- namespace
- External Modules
- Common js syntax
- ECMA script syntax
- Bits and pieces of code that has been used throughout the course is combined together to build a real world TODO application
- Real world TODO application with method, class and property decorators