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πŸ’» Sharath Vasan | Senior Software Engineer

 _____                 _              _   _____             _                     
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|_|  |_|  \___/|_| |_|\__\___|_| |_||_| |_|   |_| |_|\___/|_|_| |_|\___|\___|_|   

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πŸš€ Mission Control

const sharath = {
  role: "Senior Software Engineer",
  focus: "Scalable Systems",
  currentProject: "Next Notion",
  learning: ["Next.js", "Go"],
  passion: "Crafting beautiful, responsive user interfaces",
  motto: "Code is poetry, UI is the canvas"

πŸ› οΈ Tech Arsenal

JavaScript React Next.js Vue Go

HTML5 CSS3 Sass Node.js Git

πŸ“Š GitHub Skyline

GitHub Stats GitHub Streak

🌟 Featured Projects

Project Description Tech Stack
Next Notion A powerful note-taking app Next.js, Tailwind, ConvexDB
Portfolio Responsive admin dashboard Next.js, Tailwind

🀝 Let's Connect!

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Typing SVG
while (sharath.isCoding()) {

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  1. next_notion next_notion Public

    Next generation notion with Next.js and Tailwind.css


  2. SharathVasan SharathVasan Public

    Config files for my GitHub profile.

  3. go_load go_load Public

    LoadBalancer in Golang

    Go 1