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Test Case: TC1005C007 - Forms-Textarea Labeling |
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ICT Baseline Test: Forms (TTv5 5.C) - Textarea Labeling
Test Case Type: Automated Manual
Apply accessibility rules against this page and interpret results as indicated in the Interpreting Test Results section below.
Enter Comments: <textarea ></textarea> - Textarea element with no labeling (Fail)
Enter Comments: <textarea id="lf2"></textarea> - Textarea element with Label/for labeling (Pass)
Enter Your Comments: <textarea aria-label="Enter Your Comments" ></textarea> - Textarea element with aria-label labeling (Pass)
Enter Notices: <textarea title="Enter Notices" ></textarea> - Textarea element with title attribute labeling (Pass)
Professional Detail:<textarea aria-labelledby="lb4" name="textarea" ></textarea> - Textarea element with aria-labelledby attribute labeling (Pass)
Enter Narrative:<textarea aria-describedby="lb5" name="textarea" ></textarea> - Textarea element with aria-describedby attribute only labeling (Pass/Fail ?)
*Note: Scenario 6 is generating debate in regard to whether or not it is a pass or fail.
The ICT Testing Baseline interprets Scenarios 1 as a failure for the Forms baseline test. Scenarios 2-5 pass.
Regarding scenario 6, note that the ANDI tool currently fails this scenario for having a describer (accessible description) but no namer (accessible name.)
Remediation can take the form of any of the scenarios above described as "Pass."
- label (Note that this rule will fail scenarios 1 and 6)
- WCAG2AA.Principle4.Guideline4_1.4_1_2.H91.Textarea.Name (Note that this rule will fail scenarios 1 and 6)
- WCAG2AA.Principle1.Guideline1_3.1_3_1.F68 (Note that this rule will fail scenarios 1 and 6)
Validated? [YES] - Test Case | Updated: Sunday 03/08/2020 5:40 PM | Template Version: 03/02/2020 12:29a