A theme based on Tomorrow Night Eighties, with brighter, more saturated colors, and darker, purple-ier bases.
White to Darkest Purple:
- #D9D9D9
- #8574A6
- #47366B
- #312152
- #1E1433
- #120C1F
- Red: #FF8C8E
- Orange: #FFAC80
- Yellow: #FFEA80
- Green: #8AE599
- Cyan: #73E5E5
- Blue: #7399E5
- Pink: #E391E5
I've been slowly adding this theme to the apps I use, but I only use so many apps. If anyone ports it to other apps, let me know! I'll add links here. For now here's what we have:
VS Code (Only really tested on Mac and not extensively, if there's any component I missed changing, let me know)
- To install: put the theme-lovely-night-eighties folder into your installed extensions folder listed here
MacOS Terminal Icon - great for terminal or iTerm2
NeoVim - Not extensively tested. To install use your plugin manager of choice. A few have been detailed for examples below:
Plugin Manager Install with... NeoBundle NeoBundle 'SamsTheNerd/LovelyNightEighties', {'rtp': 'nvim'}
Vundle Plugin 'SamsTheNerd/LovelyNightEighties', { 'rtp': 'nvim/'}
Plug Plug 'SamsTheNerd/LovelyNightEighties', { 'rtp': 'nvim' }
Dein call dein#add('SamsTheNerd/LovelyNightEighties', {'rtp': 'nvim'})
minpac call minpac#add('SamsTheNerd/LovelyNightEighties', {'subdir': 'nvim'})
Packer use {'tanvirtin/monokai.nvim', rtp = 'nvim'}
vim-airline - Complements the NeoVim theme very nicely!
- To install, simply copy the contents of the
into yourvim-airline-themes/
- To install, simply copy the contents of the
To Nyx, Cora, and whoever else may be using this theme, you cannot theft the theme because it is a gift. Anyone using it brings me great joy <3