#About Project Electricity Billing System is a Desktop-based application.
This project aims at serving the department of electricity by computerizing the billing system. It mainly focuses on the calculation of units consumed during the specified time and the money to be charged by the electricity offices. This computerized system will make the overall billing system easy, accessible, comfortable, and effective for consumers.
The main aim of our project is to satisfy customer by saving their time by payment process, maintaining records, and allowing the customer to view his/her records and permitting them to update their details
#objective To keep the information of consuming unit energy of current month. To keep the information of Customer. To keep the information of consuming unit energy of previous month. To calculate the units consumed every month regularly. To generate the bills adding penalty and rent. To save the time by implementing payment process online.
#Technology used language : Core JAVA , swings , AWT Database : Mysql
#Conclusion : It is a software which helps the user to work with the billing cycles, paying bills, managing different DETAILS under which are working etc.
This software reduces the amount of manual data entry and gives greater efficiency. The User Interface of it is very friendly and can be easily used by anyone.
It also decreases the amount of time taken to write details and other modules.