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54 lines (31 loc) · 2.77 KB

Guidelines for contributing to chatexchange

We are always happy, when some wants to help us on this project, but please read these short guidelines before.

Opening issues

If you have found a bug or have an idea for an enhancement, feel free to open an issue. Please try to be as detailed as possible. A link to the chat-message where a bug occurred would be very useful as well.

Contributing code

Code-contributions are always welcome. To keep the project clean, please make sure to follow a few conventions.

What issues can I work on?

In general, you can have a look at those issues, which don't have an user assigned. Before you start (especially, if it's your first contribution!), please contact FelixSFD or any other room-owner in chat.


We are using Gitflow in this repository. Every tagged commit on the master-branch will automatically be built and deployed. Issues need to be worked on in a new branch (usually branched from develop).

The name of the branch should contain the number of the issue, a very short description and whether the issue is a bug or enhancement.

Examples: feature/1337-new-chat-event or bugfix/1337-kicked-event-broken


Each commit should start with the number of the issue followed by a :. Only for really small hotfixes (like typos), we don't need that. In that case, use fixed #[issue number]. If you're just fixing a typo in a .md-file and there is no issue open about that, just describe, what typo/grammar you fixed.

Naming conventions


Class-names start with an uppercase letter and only contain letters from A-Z. To combine multiple words, use camel-case. Examples: ChatHost, PingMessageEvent, StackExchangeClient


Method-names always start with a lowercase letter and don't contain special-characters like _. Make sure that the name clearly shows, what this method is doing.


If you add a new class or method, please add a Javadoc-comment. Additionally, for longer functions, it's useful to add comments describing what certain pieces of code are supposed to do. (but you don't need to comment trivial things like "checking if variable is null")

When making changes to an existing function, it would be nice, if you leave a comment with the number of the issue, you are working on.

Fixing grammar and typos

Since most of us are not native speakers in English, there are texts with wrong grammar or typos. It would be nice, if you fix them, when you found them, by forking the repository and creating a pull-request. You don't need to open an issue first, if you're just editing markdown files.