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API Documentation

Mithrandir edited this page Apr 1, 2018 · 1 revision

API Call

POST /posts/create

POST Parameters:

Parameter Description
url_one The URL of the post which is (possibly) plagiarized
url_two The URL of the original post
title_one Title of the post which is (possibly) plagiarized
title_two Title of the original post
date_one The date when the (possibly) plagiarized post was created
date_two The date when the original post was created
body_one The body markdown of the post which is (possibly) plagiarized
body_two The body markdown of the original post
username_one The name of the poster of the (possibly) plagiarized post
username_two The name of the poster of the original post
user_url_one The link to the poster of the (possibly) plagiarized post
user_url_two The link to the poster of the original post
score The score of detection of a report
reasons The reasons why the post was caught for
key The authentication key provided, to validate the request


Success Response


Failure Response (Error Code 400 Bad Request)

 {"message":<error reason>,"status":"failure"}

POST /feedback/create

POST Parameters:

Parameter Description
post_id The CopyPastor Post ID for the post whose feedback is being provided
feedback_type The type of feedback, can be "tp" or "fp"
username Username of the user who provided the feedback
link A link to the chat profile of the user who provided the feedback
key The authentication key provided, to validate the request


Success Response

 {"feedback_id":<feedbackID>,"status":"success",message:<standard message>}
Type Message returned
New Feedback User feedback registered successfully
Updating Feedback User feedback updated from -- to --
Same Feedback User feedback already registered

Failure Response (Error Code 400 Bad Request)

 {"message":<error reason>,"status":"failure"}

POST or GET /posts/find

POST call returns a JSON with the post_id of the report containing the two given answers. GET call redirects to that particular web view.


Parameter Description
url_one The URL of the post which is (possibly) plagairized
url_two The URL of the original post

GET /posts/findTarget

Returns a list of target posts which have been detected as the original posts from which the given answer has been plagiarized


Parameter Description
url The URL of any answer whose target posts are needed

Success Response

	"status": "success",
	"posts": [{
		"post_id": "cp post id of 1",
		"target_url": "url of the original post"
	}, {
		"post_id": "cp post id of 2",
		"target_url": "url of the original post"
	}, {
		"post_id": "cp post id of 3",
		"target_url": "url of the original post"

GET /posts/pending

Returns a list of pending posts which have no feedback. Parameter reason when set to true, returns more details about the pending posts.

{ "posts": [ 1, 2, 3], "status": "success"}

GET /posts/<post_id>

A web view of the two posts next to each other. Error code 410 for deleted reports and 404 for non available reports.


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