In TOEFL learning, we can find many TPO materials are similar. Even some reading materials and listening materials come from the same long articles. This is a small project to help you find the similar TPO materials to improve you learning efficiency.
Using gensim package calculate the cosine similiarity of the TPO materials.
The code is developed under the following configurations.
- Software: Python>=3.5
- Dependencies: gensim, jieba, collections, heapq, argparse
To find the similar material with one TPO, you can simply do the following:
python --filename 1-1.txt --num 10 --tpo 54
python -f 1-1.txt -n 10 -t 54
- Find Reading material TPO1-1
python -f L54-4.txt -n 5
- Find Listening material TPO54-lecture 4
python -f C54-2.txt
- find Listening material TPO54-conversation 2.
"num" is records number you want to see.
"tpo" is tpo numbers in your data.
Each TPO has 3 reading materials, 4 Letures and 2 conversations.
This project perform well on reading material and leture. Due to conversation has too much daliy dialogues, the results probably cannot find the similar topic.
Hope you can get a great TOEFL score!