diff --git a/base/Base.jl b/base/Base.jl index 24f07dfef6de7..a4a955c0abde9 100644 --- a/base/Base.jl +++ b/base/Base.jl @@ -6,19 +6,10 @@ using Core.Intrinsics, Core.IR # to start, we're going to use a very simple definition of `include` # that doesn't require any function (except what we can get from the `Core` top-module) -# start this big so that we don't have to resize before we have defined how to grow an array -const _included_files = Array{Tuple{Module,String},1}(Core.undef, 400) -setfield!(_included_files, :size, (1,)) +const _included_files = Array{Tuple{Module,String},1}(Core.undef, 1) function include(mod::Module, path::String) - len = getfield(_included_files.size, 1) - memlen = _included_files.ref.mem.length - lenp1 = Core.add_int(len, 1) - if len === memlen # by the time this is true we hopefully will have defined _growend! - _growend!(_included_files, UInt(1)) - else - setfield!(_included_files, :size, (lenp1,)) - end - Core.memoryrefset!(Core.memoryref(_included_files.ref, lenp1), (mod, ccall(:jl_prepend_cwd, Any, (Any,), path)), :not_atomic, true) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), _included_files, UInt(1)) + Core.arrayset(true, _included_files, (mod, ccall(:jl_prepend_cwd, Any, (Any,), path)), arraylen(_included_files)) Core.println(path) ccall(:jl_uv_flush, Nothing, (Ptr{Nothing},), Core.io_pointer(Core.stdout)) Core.include(mod, path) @@ -40,7 +31,6 @@ macro noinline() Expr(:meta, :noinline) end getproperty(x::Module, f::Symbol) = (@inline; getglobal(x, f)) getproperty(x::Type, f::Symbol) = (@inline; getfield(x, f)) setproperty!(x::Type, f::Symbol, v) = error("setfield! fields of Types should not be changed") -setproperty!(x::Array, f::Symbol, v) = error("setfield! fields of Array should not be changed") getproperty(x::Tuple, f::Int) = (@inline; getfield(x, f)) setproperty!(x::Tuple, f::Int, v) = setfield!(x, f, v) # to get a decent error @@ -202,22 +192,23 @@ include("strings/lazy.jl") # array structures include("indices.jl") -include("genericmemory.jl") include("array.jl") include("abstractarray.jl") include("subarray.jl") include("views.jl") include("baseext.jl") -include("c.jl") include("ntuple.jl") + include("abstractdict.jl") include("iddict.jl") include("idset.jl") + include("iterators.jl") using .Iterators: zip, enumerate, only using .Iterators: Flatten, Filter, product # for generators using .Iterators: Stateful # compat (was formerly used in reinterpretarray.jl) + include("namedtuple.jl") # For OS specific stuff @@ -233,17 +224,6 @@ function strcat(x::String, y::String) end include(strcat((length(Core.ARGS)>=2 ? Core.ARGS[2] : ""), "build_h.jl")) # include($BUILDROOT/base/build_h.jl) include(strcat((length(Core.ARGS)>=2 ? Core.ARGS[2] : ""), "version_git.jl")) # include($BUILDROOT/base/version_git.jl) -# Initialize DL_LOAD_PATH as early as possible. We are defining things here in -# a slightly more verbose fashion than usual, because we're running so early. -const DL_LOAD_PATH = String[] -let os = ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) - if os === :Darwin || os === :Apple - if Base.DARWIN_FRAMEWORK - push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "@loader_path/Frameworks") - end - push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "@loader_path") - end -end # numeric operations include("hashing.jl") @@ -291,24 +271,24 @@ include("set.jl") # Strings include("char.jl") -function array_new_memory(mem::Memory{UInt8}, newlen::Int) - # add an optimization to array_new_memory for StringVector - if (@assume_effects :total @ccall jl_genericmemory_owner(mem::Any,)::Any) isa String - # If data is in a String, keep it that way. - # When implemented, this could use jl_gc_expand_string(oldstr, newlen) as an optimization - str = _string_n(newlen) - return (@assume_effects :total !:consistent @ccall jl_string_to_genericmemory(str::Any,)::Memory{UInt8}) - else - # TODO: when implemented, this should use a memory growing call - return typeof(mem)(undef, newlen) - end -end include("strings/basic.jl") include("strings/string.jl") include("strings/substring.jl") -include("strings/cstring.jl") + +# Initialize DL_LOAD_PATH as early as possible. We are defining things here in +# a slightly more verbose fashion than usual, because we're running so early. +const DL_LOAD_PATH = String[] +let os = ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) + if os === :Darwin || os === :Apple + if Base.DARWIN_FRAMEWORK + push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "@loader_path/Frameworks") + end + push!(DL_LOAD_PATH, "@loader_path") + end +end include("osutils.jl") +include("c.jl") # Core I/O include("io.jl") diff --git a/base/abstractarray.jl b/base/abstractarray.jl index 881070ff7aa00..42d1129c418c5 100644 --- a/base/abstractarray.jl +++ b/base/abstractarray.jl @@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ julia> ndims(A) 3 ``` """ -ndims(::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = N::Int -ndims(::Type{<:AbstractArray{<:Any,N}}) where {N} = N::Int +ndims(::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = N +ndims(::Type{<:AbstractArray{<:Any,N}}) where {N} = N ndims(::Type{Union{}}, slurp...) = throw(ArgumentError("Union{} does not have elements")) """ @@ -731,6 +731,8 @@ end checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, IA::Tuple, ::Tuple{}) = (@inline; all(x->length(x)==1, IA)) checkbounds_indices(::Type{Bool}, ::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = true +throw_boundserror(A, I) = (@noinline; throw(BoundsError(A, I))) + # check along a single dimension """ checkindex(Bool, inds::AbstractUnitRange, index) @@ -1449,8 +1451,6 @@ function _setindex!(::IndexCartesian, A::AbstractArray, v, I::Vararg{Int,M}) whe r end -_unsetindex!(A::AbstractArray, i::Integer) = _unsetindex!(A, to_index(i)) - """ parent(A) @@ -1556,8 +1556,7 @@ their component parts. A typical definition for an array that wraps a parent is `Base.dataids(C::CustomArray) = dataids(C.parent)`. """ dataids(A::AbstractArray) = (UInt(objectid(A)),) -dataids(A::Memory) = (B = ccall(:jl_genericmemory_owner, Any, (Any,), A); (UInt(pointer(B isa typeof(A) ? B : A)),)) -dataids(A::Array) = dataids(A.ref.mem) +dataids(A::Array) = (UInt(pointer(A)),) dataids(::AbstractRange) = () dataids(x) = () diff --git a/base/array.jl b/base/array.jl index 920e51d37be22..f4e74118b6f2c 100644 --- a/base/array.jl +++ b/base/array.jl @@ -120,6 +120,8 @@ const DenseVecOrMat{T} = Union{DenseVector{T}, DenseMatrix{T}} ## Basic functions ## +using Core: arraysize, arrayset, const_arrayref + """ @_safeindex @@ -135,13 +137,13 @@ end function _safeindex(__module__, ex) isa(ex, Expr) || return ex if ex.head === :(=) - lhs = ex.args[1] + lhs = arrayref(true, ex.args, 1) if isa(lhs, Expr) && lhs.head === :ref # xs[i] = x - rhs = ex.args[2] - xs = lhs.args[1] + rhs = arrayref(true, ex.args, 2) + xs = arrayref(true, lhs.args, 1) args = Vector{Any}(undef, length(lhs.args)-1) for i = 2:length(lhs.args) - args[i-1] = _safeindex(__module__, lhs.args[i]) + arrayset(true, args, _safeindex(__module__, arrayref(true, lhs.args, i)), i-1) end return Expr(:call, GlobalRef(__module__, :__inbounds_setindex!), xs, _safeindex(__module__, rhs), args...) end @@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ function _safeindex(__module__, ex) end args = Vector{Any}(undef, length(ex.args)) for i = 1:length(ex.args) - args[i] = _safeindex(__module__, ex.args[i]) + arrayset(true, args, _safeindex(__module__, arrayref(true, ex.args, i)), i) end return Expr(ex.head, args...) end @@ -185,15 +187,12 @@ function vect(X...) return T[X...] end -size(a::Array, d::Integer) = size(a, Int(d)::Int) -function size(a::Array, d::Int) - d < 1 && error("arraysize: dimension out of range") - sz = getfield(a, :size) - return d > length(sz) ? 1 : getfield(sz, d, false) # @inbounds -end -size(a::Array) = getfield(a, :size) +size(a::Array, d::Integer) = arraysize(a, d isa Int ? d : convert(Int, d)) +size(a::Vector) = (arraysize(a,1),) +size(a::Matrix) = (arraysize(a,1), arraysize(a,2)) +size(a::Array{<:Any,N}) where {N} = (@inline; ntuple(M -> size(a, M), Val(N))::Dims) -asize_from(a::Array, n) = n > ndims(a) ? () : (size(a,n), asize_from(a, n+1)...) +asize_from(a::Array, n) = n > ndims(a) ? () : (arraysize(a,n), asize_from(a, n+1)...) allocatedinline(@nospecialize T::Type) = (@_total_meta; ccall(:jl_stored_inline, Cint, (Any,), T) != Cint(0)) @@ -211,18 +210,49 @@ julia> Base.isbitsunion(Union{Float64, String}) false ``` """ -isbitsunion(u::Type) = u isa Union && allocatedinline(u) +isbitsunion(u::Union) = allocatedinline(u) +isbitsunion(x) = false -function _unsetindex!(A::Array, i::Int) +function _unsetindex!(A::Array{T}, i::Int) where {T} @inline @boundscheck checkbounds(A, i) - @inbounds _unsetindex!(GenericMemoryRef(A.ref, i)) + t = @_gc_preserve_begin A + p = Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}(pointer(A, i)) + if !allocatedinline(T) + Intrinsics.atomic_pointerset(p, C_NULL, :monotonic) + elseif T isa DataType + if !datatype_pointerfree(T) + for j = 1:Core.sizeof(Ptr{Cvoid}):Core.sizeof(T) + Intrinsics.atomic_pointerset(p + j - 1, C_NULL, :monotonic) + end + end + end + @_gc_preserve_end t return A end -# TODO: deprecate this (aligned_sizeof and/or elsize and/or sizeof(Some{T}) are more correct) -elsize(::Type{A}) where {T,A<:Array{T}} = aligned_sizeof(T) +""" + Base.bitsunionsize(U::Union) -> Int + +For a `Union` of [`isbitstype`](@ref) types, return the size of the largest type; assumes `Base.isbitsunion(U) == true`. + +# Examples +```jldoctest +julia> Base.bitsunionsize(Union{Float64, UInt8}) +8 + +julia> Base.bitsunionsize(Union{Float64, UInt8, Int128}) +16 +``` +""" +function bitsunionsize(u::Union) + isinline, sz, _ = uniontype_layout(u) + @assert isinline + return sz +end + +elsize(@nospecialize _::Type{A}) where {T,A<:Array{T}} = aligned_sizeof(T) function elsize(::Type{Ptr{T}}) where T # this only must return something valid for values which satisfy is_valid_intrinsic_elptr(T), # which includes Any and most concrete datatypes @@ -231,23 +261,15 @@ function elsize(::Type{Ptr{T}}) where T return LLT_ALIGN(Core.sizeof(T), datatype_alignment(T)) end elsize(::Type{Union{}}, slurp...) = 0 - -sizeof(a::Array) = length(a) * elsize(typeof(a)) # n.b. this ignores bitsunion bytes, as a historical fact +sizeof(a::Array) = Core.sizeof(a) function isassigned(a::Array, i::Int...) @inline @boundscheck checkbounds(Bool, a, i...) || return false - ii = _sub2ind(size(a), i...) - return @inbounds isassigned(memoryref(a.ref, ii, false)) + ii = (_sub2ind(size(a), i...) % UInt) - 1 + ccall(:jl_array_isassigned, Cint, (Any, UInt), a, ii) == 1 end -function isassigned(a::Vector, i::Int) # slight compiler simplification for the most common case - @inline - @boundscheck checkbounds(Bool, a, i) || return false - return @inbounds isassigned(memoryref(a.ref, i, false)) -end - - ## copy ## """ @@ -267,6 +289,30 @@ function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Ptr{T}, src::Ptr{T}, n) where T return dest end + +function _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) + destp = pointer(dest, doffs) + srcp = pointer(src, soffs) + @inbounds if destp < srcp || destp > srcp + n + for i = 1:n + if isassigned(src, soffs + i - 1) + dest[doffs + i - 1] = src[soffs + i - 1] + else + _unsetindex!(dest, doffs + i - 1) + end + end + else + for i = n:-1:1 + if isassigned(src, soffs + i - 1) + dest[doffs + i - 1] = src[soffs + i - 1] + else + _unsetindex!(dest, doffs + i - 1) + end + end + end + return dest +end + """ unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array, do, src::Array, so, N) @@ -279,12 +325,34 @@ the same manner as C. $(_DOCS_ALIASING_WARNING) """ -function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array, doffs, src::Array, soffs, n) - n == 0 && return dest - unsafe_copyto!(GenericMemoryRef(dest.ref, doffs), GenericMemoryRef(src.ref, soffs), n) +function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array{T}, doffs, src::Array{T}, soffs, n) where T + t1 = @_gc_preserve_begin dest + t2 = @_gc_preserve_begin src + destp = pointer(dest, doffs) + srcp = pointer(src, soffs) + if !allocatedinline(T) + ccall(:jl_array_ptr_copy, Cvoid, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Int), + dest, destp, src, srcp, n) + elseif isbitstype(T) + memmove(destp, srcp, n * aligned_sizeof(T)) + elseif isbitsunion(T) + memmove(destp, srcp, n * aligned_sizeof(T)) + # copy selector bytes + memmove( + ccall(:jl_array_typetagdata, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), dest) + doffs - 1, + ccall(:jl_array_typetagdata, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), src) + soffs - 1, + n) + else + _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) + end + @_gc_preserve_end t2 + @_gc_preserve_end t1 return dest end +unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array, doffs, src::Array, soffs, n) = + _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n) + """ copyto!(dest, do, src, so, N) @@ -340,11 +408,7 @@ See also [`copy!`](@ref Base.copy!), [`copyto!`](@ref), [`deepcopy`](@ref). """ copy -@eval function copy(a::Array{T}) where {T} - ref = a.ref - newmem = ccall(:jl_genericmemory_copy_slice, Ref{Memory{T}}, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Int), ref.mem, ref.ptr_or_offset, length(a)) - return $(Expr(:new, :(typeof(a)), :(Core.memoryref(newmem)), :(a.size))) -end +copy(a::T) where {T<:Array} = ccall(:jl_array_copy, Ref{T}, (Any,), a) ## Constructors ## @@ -407,9 +471,8 @@ end getindex(::Type{Any}) = Vector{Any}() function fill!(a::Union{Array{UInt8}, Array{Int8}}, x::Integer) - ref = a.ref - t = @_gc_preserve_begin ref - p = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ref) + t = @_gc_preserve_begin a + p = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, a) memset(p, x isa eltype(a) ? x : convert(eltype(a), x), length(a)) @_gc_preserve_end t return a @@ -879,7 +942,7 @@ end ## Iteration ## -iterate(A::Array, i=1) = (@inline; (i - 1)%UInt < length(A)%UInt ? (@inbounds A[i], i + 1) : nothing) +iterate(A::Array, i=1) = (@inline; (i % UInt) - 1 < length(A) ? (@inbounds A[i], i + 1) : nothing) ## Indexing: getindex ## @@ -904,12 +967,6 @@ julia> getindex(A, "a") """ function getindex end -function getindex(A::Array, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) - @inline - @boundscheck checkbounds(A, i1, i2, I...) # generally _to_linear_index requires bounds checking - return @inbounds A[_to_linear_index(A, i1, i2, I...)] -end - # Faster contiguous indexing using copyto! for AbstractUnitRange and Colon function getindex(A::Array, I::AbstractUnitRange{<:Integer}) @inline @@ -961,30 +1018,15 @@ Dict{String, Int64} with 2 entries: """ function setindex! end -function setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i::Int) where {T} - @boundscheck (i - 1)%UInt < length(A)%UInt || throw_boundserror(A, (i,)) - memoryrefset!(memoryref(A.ref, i, false), x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T, :not_atomic, false) - return A -end -function setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} - @inline - @boundscheck checkbounds(A, i1, i2, I...) # generally _to_linear_index requires bounds checking - memoryrefset!(memoryref(A.ref, _to_linear_index(A, i1, i2, I...), false), x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T, :not_atomic, false) - return A -end +@eval setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int) where {T} = + arrayset($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T, i1) +@eval setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} = + (@inline; arrayset($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T, i1, i2, I...)) -function __inbounds_setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i::Int) where {T} - @inline - val = x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T - memoryrefset!(memoryref(A.ref, i, false), val, :not_atomic, false) - return A -end -function __inbounds_setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} - @inline - val = x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T - memoryrefset!(memoryref(A.ref, _to_linear_index(A, i1, i2, I...), false), val, :not_atomic, false) - return A -end +__inbounds_setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int) where {T} = + arrayset(false, A, convert(T,x)::T, i1) +__inbounds_setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} = + (@inline; arrayset(false, A, convert(T,x)::T, i1, i2, I...)) # This is redundant with the abstract fallbacks but needed and helpful for bootstrap function setindex!(A::Array, X::AbstractArray, I::AbstractVector{Int}) @@ -1023,184 +1065,24 @@ function setindex!(A::Array{T}, X::Array{T}, c::Colon) where T return A end -# Pick new memory size for efficiently growing an array -# TODO: This should know about the size of our GC pools -# Specifically we are wasting ~10% of memory for small arrays -# by not picking memory sizes that max out a GC pool -function overallocation(maxsize) - maxsize < 8 && return 8; - # compute maxsize = maxsize + 4*maxsize^(7/8) + maxsize/8 - # for small n, we grow faster than O(n) - # for large n, we grow at O(n/8) - # and as we reach O(memory) for memory>>1MB, - # this means we end by adding about 10% of memory each time - exp2 = sizeof(maxsize) * 8 - Core.Intrinsics.ctlz_int(maxsize) - maxsize += (1 << div(exp2 * 7, 8)) * 4 + div(maxsize, 8) - return maxsize -end - -array_new_memory(mem::Memory, newlen::Int) = typeof(mem)(undef, newlen) # when implemented, this should attempt to first expand mem - -function _growbeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) - delta = Int(delta) - delta == 0 && return # avoid attempting to index off the end - delta >= 0 || throw(ArgumentError("grow requires delta >= 0")) - ref = a.ref - mem = ref.mem - len = length(a) - offset = memoryrefoffset(ref) - newlen = len + delta - setfield!(a, :size, (newlen,)) - # if offset is far enough advanced to fit data in existing memory without copying - if delta <= offset - 1 - setfield!(a, :ref, @inbounds GenericMemoryRef(ref, 1 - delta)) - else - @noinline (function() - memlen = length(mem) - # since we will allocate the array in the middle of the memory we need at least 2*delta extra space - # the +1 is because I didn't want to have an off by 1 error. - newmemlen = max(overallocation(memlen), len + 2 * delta + 1) - newoffset = div(newmemlen - newlen, 2) + 1 - # If there is extra data after the end of the array we can use that space so long as there is enough - # space at the end that there won't be quadratic behavior with a mix of growth from both ends. - # Specifically, we want to ensure that we will only do this operation once before - # increasing the size of the array, and that we leave enough space at both the beginning and the end. - if newoffset + newlen < memlen - newoffset = div(memlen - newlen, 2) + 1 - newmem = mem - else - newmem = array_new_memory(mem, newmemlen) - end - unsafe_copyto!(newmem, newoffset + delta, mem, offset, len) - setfield!(a, :ref, @inbounds GenericMemoryRef(newmem, newoffset)) - end)() - end - return -end +# efficiently grow an array -function _growend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) - delta = Int(delta) - delta >= 0 || throw(ArgumentError("grow requires delta >= 0")) - ref = a.ref - mem = ref.mem - memlen = length(mem) - len = length(a) - newlen = len + delta - offset = memoryrefoffset(ref) - setfield!(a, :size, (newlen,)) - newmemlen = offset + newlen - 1 - if memlen < newmemlen - @noinline (function() - if offset - 1 > div(5 * newlen, 4) - # If the offset is far enough that we can copy without resizing - # while maintaining proportional spacing on both ends of the array - # note that this branch prevents infinite growth when doing combinations - # of push! and popfirst! (i.e. when using a Vector as a queue) - newmem = mem - newoffset = div(newlen, 8) + 1 - else - # grow either by our computed overallocation factor - # or exactly the requested size, whichever is larger - # TODO we should possibly increase the offset if the current offset is nonzero. - newmemlen2 = max(overallocation(memlen), newmemlen) - newmem = array_new_memory(mem, newmemlen2) - newoffset = offset - end - newref = @inbounds GenericMemoryRef(newmem, newoffset) - unsafe_copyto!(newref, ref, len) - setfield!(a, :ref, newref) - end)() - end - return -end - -function _growat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) - delta = Int(delta) - i = Int(i) - i == 1 && return _growbeg!(a, delta) - len = length(a) - i == len + 1 && return _growend!(a, delta) - delta >= 0 || throw(ArgumentError("grow requires delta >= 0")) - 1 < i <= len || throw(BoundsError(a, i)) - ref = a.ref - mem = ref.mem - memlen = length(mem) - newlen = len + delta - offset = memoryrefoffset(ref) - setfield!(a, :size, (newlen,)) - newmemlen = offset + newlen - 1 - - # which side would we rather grow into? - prefer_start = i <= div(len, 2) - # if offset is far enough advanced to fit data in beginning of the memory - if prefer_start && delta <= offset - 1 - newref = @inbounds GenericMemoryRef(mem, offset - delta) - unsafe_copyto!(newref, ref, i) - setfield!(a, :ref, newref) - for j in i:i+delta-1 - @inbounds _unsetindex!(a, j) - end - elseif !prefer_start && memlen >= newmemlen - unsafe_copyto!(mem, offset - 1 + delta + i, mem, offset - 1 + i, len - i + 1) - for j in i:i+delta-1 - @inbounds _unsetindex!(a, j) - end - else - # since we will allocate the array in the middle of the memory we need at least 2*delta extra space - # the +1 is because I didn't want to have an off by 1 error. - newmemlen = max(overallocation(memlen), len+2*delta+1) - newoffset = (newmemlen - newlen) ÷ 2 + 1 - newmem = array_new_memory(mem, newmemlen) - newref = @inbounds GenericMemoryRef(newmem, newoffset) - unsafe_copyto!(newref, ref, i-1) - unsafe_copyto!(newmem, newoffset + delta + i - 1, mem, offset + i - 1, len - i + 1) - setfield!(a, :ref, newref) - end -end +_growbeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = + ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) +_growend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) +_growat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) = + ccall(:jl_array_grow_at, Cvoid, (Any, Int, UInt), a, i - 1, delta) # efficiently delete part of an array -function _deletebeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) - delta = Int(delta) - len = length(a) - 0 <= delta <= len || throw(ArgumentError("_deletebeg! requires delta in 0:length(a)")) - for i in 1:delta - @inbounds _unsetindex!(a, i) - end - newlen = len - delta - if newlen != 0 # if newlen==0 we could accidentally index past the memory - newref = @inbounds GenericMemoryRef(a.ref, delta + 1) - setfield!(a, :ref, newref) - end - setfield!(a, :size, (newlen,)) - return -end -function _deleteend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) - delta = Int(delta) - len = length(a) - 0 <= delta <= len || throw(ArgumentError("_deleteend! requires delta in 0:length(a)")) - newlen = len - delta - for i in newlen+1:len - @inbounds _unsetindex!(a, i) - end - setfield!(a, :size, (newlen,)) - return -end -function _deleteat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) - i = Int(i) - len = length(a) - 0 <= delta || throw(ArgumentError("_deleteat! requires delta >= 0")) - 1 <= i <= len || throw(BoundsError(a, i)) - i + delta <= len + 1 || throw(BoundsError(a, i + delta - 1)) - newa = a - if 2*i + delta <= len - unsafe_copyto!(newa, 1 + delta, a, 1, i - 1) - _deletebeg!(a, delta) - else - unsafe_copyto!(newa, i, a, i + delta, len + 1 - delta - i) - _deleteend!(a, delta) - end - return -end + +_deletebeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = + ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) +_deleteend!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) = + ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, delta) +_deleteat!(a::Vector, i::Integer, delta::Integer) = + ccall(:jl_array_del_at, Cvoid, (Any, Int, UInt), a, i - 1, delta) + ## Dequeue functionality ## """ @@ -1466,30 +1348,7 @@ For types that support `sizehint!`, function sizehint! end function sizehint!(a::Vector, sz::Integer) - len = length(a) - ref = a.ref - mem = ref.mem - memlen = length(mem) - offset = memoryrefoffset(ref) - sz = max(Int(sz), offset + len - 1) - if sz <= memlen - # if we don't save at least 1/8th memlen then its not worth it to shrink - if memlen - sz <= div(memlen, 8) - return a - end - newmem = array_new_memory(mem, sz) - if len == 0 - newref = GenericMemoryRef(newmem) - else - unsafe_copyto!(newmem, offset, mem, offset, len) - newref = @inbounds GenericMemoryRef(newmem, offset) - end - setfield!(a, :ref, newref) - else - inc = sz - len; - _growend!(a, inc) - setfield!(a, :size, (len,)) # undo the size change from _growend! - end + ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), a, sz) a end @@ -1781,19 +1640,17 @@ struct Nowhere; end push!(::Nowhere, _) = nothing _growend!(::Nowhere, _) = nothing -function _push_deleted!(dltd, a::Vector, ind) - @_propagate_inbounds_meta - if isassigned(a, ind) - push!(dltd, a[ind]) +@inline function _push_deleted!(dltd, a::Vector, ind) + if @inbounds isassigned(a, ind) + push!(dltd, @inbounds a[ind]) else _growend!(dltd, 1) end end -function _copy_item!(a::Vector, p, q) - @_propagate_inbounds_meta - if isassigned(a, q) - a[p] = a[q] +@inline function _copy_item!(a::Vector, p, q) + if @inbounds isassigned(a, q) + @inbounds a[p] = a[q] else _unsetindex!(a, p) end @@ -1805,7 +1662,7 @@ function _deleteat!(a::Vector, inds, dltd=Nowhere()) y === nothing && return a (p, s) = y checkbounds(a, p) - @inbounds _push_deleted!(dltd, a, p) + _push_deleted!(dltd, a, p) q = p+1 while true y = iterate(inds, s) @@ -1819,14 +1676,14 @@ function _deleteat!(a::Vector, inds, dltd=Nowhere()) end end while q < i - @inbounds _copy_item!(a, p, q) + _copy_item!(a, p, q) p += 1; q += 1 end - @inbounds _push_deleted!(dltd, a, i) + _push_deleted!(dltd, a, i) q = i+1 end while q <= n - @inbounds _copy_item!(a, p, q) + _copy_item!(a, p, q) p += 1; q += 1 end _deleteend!(a, n-p+1) @@ -1839,7 +1696,7 @@ function deleteat!(a::Vector, inds::AbstractVector{Bool}) length(inds) == n || throw(BoundsError(a, inds)) p = 1 for (q, i) in enumerate(inds) - @inbounds _copy_item!(a, p, q) + _copy_item!(a, p, q) p += !i end _deleteend!(a, n-p+1) @@ -1991,12 +1848,10 @@ end # use memcmp for cmp on byte arrays function cmp(a::Array{UInt8,1}, b::Array{UInt8,1}) - aref = a.ref - bref = b.ref - ta = @_gc_preserve_begin aref - tb = @_gc_preserve_begin bref - pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, aref) - pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, bref) + ta = @_gc_preserve_begin a + tb = @_gc_preserve_begin b + pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, a) + pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, b) c = memcmp(pa, pb, min(length(a),length(b))) @_gc_preserve_end ta @_gc_preserve_end tb @@ -2007,12 +1862,10 @@ const BitIntegerArray{N} = Union{map(T->Array{T,N}, BitInteger_types)...} where # use memcmp for == on bit integer types function ==(a::Arr, b::Arr) where {Arr <: BitIntegerArray} if size(a) == size(b) - aref = a.ref - bref = b.ref - ta = @_gc_preserve_begin aref - tb = @_gc_preserve_begin bref - pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, aref) - pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, bref) + ta = @_gc_preserve_begin a + tb = @_gc_preserve_begin b + pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, a) + pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, b) c = memcmp(pa, pb, sizeof(eltype(Arr)) * length(a)) @_gc_preserve_end ta @_gc_preserve_end tb @@ -2025,13 +1878,11 @@ end function ==(a::Arr, b::Arr) where Arr <: BitIntegerArray{1} len = length(a) if len == length(b) - aref = a.ref - bref = b.ref - ta = @_gc_preserve_begin aref - tb = @_gc_preserve_begin bref + ta = @_gc_preserve_begin a + tb = @_gc_preserve_begin b T = eltype(Arr) - pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, aref) - pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, bref) + pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, a) + pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, b) c = memcmp(pa, pb, sizeof(T) * len) @_gc_preserve_end ta @_gc_preserve_end tb diff --git a/base/bitarray.jl b/base/bitarray.jl index 4411fc9323826..746dce493f4c0 100644 --- a/base/bitarray.jl +++ b/base/bitarray.jl @@ -807,7 +807,7 @@ prepend!(B::BitVector, items) = prepend!(B, BitArray(items)) prepend!(A::Vector{Bool}, items::BitVector) = prepend!(A, Array(items)) function sizehint!(B::BitVector, sz::Integer) - sizehint!(B.chunks, num_bit_chunks(sz)) + ccall(:jl_array_sizehint, Cvoid, (Any, UInt), B.chunks, num_bit_chunks(sz)) return B end diff --git a/base/bitset.jl b/base/bitset.jl index 0e26fc28acbd0..240be822fa263 100644 --- a/base/bitset.jl +++ b/base/bitset.jl @@ -15,11 +15,7 @@ mutable struct BitSet <: AbstractSet{Int} # 1st stored Int equals 64*offset offset::Int - function BitSet() - a = Vector{UInt64}(undef, 4) # start with some initial space for holding 0:255 without additional allocations later - setfield!(a, :size, (0,)) # aka `empty!(a)` inlined - return new(a, NO_OFFSET) - end + BitSet() = new(resize!(Vector{UInt64}(undef, 4), 0), NO_OFFSET) end """ diff --git a/base/boot.jl b/base/boot.jl index 98eceb1414ecc..7f7f4cf02422d 100644 --- a/base/boot.jl +++ b/base/boot.jl @@ -52,26 +52,8 @@ #abstract type AbstractArray{T,N} end #abstract type DenseArray{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N} end -#primitive type AddrSpace{Backend::Module} 8 end -#const CPU = bitcast(AddrSpace{Core}, 0x00) - -#struct GenericMemory{kind::Symbol, T, AS::AddrSpace} -# length::Int -# const data::Ptr{Cvoid} # make this GenericPtr{addrspace, Cvoid} -# Union{ # hidden data -# elements :: NTuple{length, T} -# owner :: Any -# } -#end - -# struct GenericMemoryRef{kind::Symbol, T, AS::AddrSpace} -# mem::Memory{kind, T, AS} -# data::Ptr{Cvoid} # make this GenericPtr{addrspace, Cvoid} -#end - #mutable struct Array{T,N} <: DenseArray{T,N} -# ref::MemoryRef{T} -# size::NTuple{N,Int} +## opaque #end #mutable struct Module @@ -191,8 +173,8 @@ export Tuple, Type, UnionAll, TypeVar, Union, Nothing, Cvoid, AbstractArray, DenseArray, NamedTuple, Pair, # special objects - Function, Method, Array, Memory, MemoryRef, GenericMemory, GenericMemoryRef, - Module, Symbol, Task, UndefInitializer, undef, WeakRef, VecElement, + Function, Method, + Module, Symbol, Task, Array, UndefInitializer, undef, WeakRef, VecElement, # numeric types Number, Real, Integer, Bool, Ref, Ptr, AbstractFloat, Float16, Float32, Float64, @@ -376,15 +358,13 @@ struct UndefKeywordError <: Exception var::Symbol end -const typemax_UInt = Intrinsics.sext_int(UInt, 0xFF) -const typemax_Int = Core.Intrinsics.udiv_int(Core.Intrinsics.sext_int(Int, 0xFF), 2) - struct MethodError <: Exception f args world::UInt MethodError(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(args), world::UInt) = new(f, args, world) end +const typemax_UInt = ccall(:jl_typemax_uint, Any, (Any,), UInt) MethodError(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(args)) = MethodError(f, args, typemax_UInt) struct AssertionError <: Exception @@ -493,107 +473,34 @@ const NTuple{N,T} = Tuple{Vararg{T,N}} ## primitive Array constructors struct UndefInitializer end const undef = UndefInitializer() - -# type and dimensionality specified -(self::Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T,addrspace,kind} = - if isdefined(self, :instance) && m === 0 - self.instance - else - ccall(:jl_alloc_genericmemory, Ref{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}}, (Any, Int), self, m) - end -(self::Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{1,Int}) where {T,kind,addrspace} = self(undef, getfield(d,1)) -# empty vector constructor -(self::Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,addrspace}})() where {T,kind,addrspace} = self(undef, 0) -# copy constructors - -const Memory{T} = GenericMemory{:not_atomic, T, CPU} -const MemoryRef{T} = GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic, T, CPU} -GenericMemoryRef(mem::GenericMemory) = memoryref(mem) -eval(Core, :(GenericMemoryRef(ref::GenericMemoryRef, i::Integer) = memoryref(ref, Int(i), $(Expr(:boundscheck))))) -eval(Core, :(GenericMemoryRef(mem::GenericMemory, i::Integer) = memoryref(memoryref(mem), Int(i), $(Expr(:boundscheck))))) -MemoryRef(mem::Memory) = memoryref(mem) -eval(Core, :(MemoryRef(ref::MemoryRef, i::Integer) = memoryref(ref, Int(i), $(Expr(:boundscheck))))) -eval(Core, :(MemoryRef(mem::Memory, i::Integer) = memoryref(memoryref(mem), Int(i), $(Expr(:boundscheck))))) -MemoryRef{T}(mem::Memory{T}) where {T} = memoryref(mem) -eval(Core, :(MemoryRef{T}(ref::MemoryRef{T}, i::Integer) where {T} = memoryref(ref, Int(i), $(Expr(:boundscheck))))) -eval(Core, :(MemoryRef{T}(mem::Memory{T}, i::Integer) where {T} = memoryref(memoryref(mem), Int(i), $(Expr(:boundscheck))))) - -# construction helpers for Array -new_as_memoryref(self::Type{GenericMemoryRef{isatomic,T,addrspace}}, m::Int) where {T,isatomic,addrspace} = memoryref(fieldtype(self, :mem)(undef, m)) - -# checked-multiply intrinsic function for dimensions -_checked_mul_dims() = 1, false -_checked_mul_dims(m::Int) = m, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, m) # equivalently: (m + 1) < 1 -function _checked_mul_dims(m::Int, n::Int) - b = Intrinsics.checked_smul_int(m, n) - a = getfield(b, 1) - ovflw = getfield(b, 2) - ovflw = Intrinsics.or_int(ovflw, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, m)) - ovflw = Intrinsics.or_int(ovflw, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, n)) - return a, ovflw -end -function _checked_mul_dims(m::Int, d::Int...) - @_foldable_meta # the compiler needs to know this loop terminates - a = m - i = 1 - ovflw = false - while Intrinsics.sle_int(i, nfields(d)) - di = getfield(d, i) - b = Intrinsics.checked_smul_int(a, di) - ovflw = Intrinsics.or_int(ovflw, getfield(b, 2)) - ovflw = Intrinsics.or_int(ovflw, Intrinsics.ule_int(typemax_Int, di)) - a = getfield(b, 1) - i = Intrinsics.add_int(i, 1) - end - return a, ovflw -end - -# convert a set of dims to a length, with overflow checking -checked_dims() = 1 -checked_dims(m::Int) = m # defer this check to Memory constructor instead -function checked_dims(d::Int...) - b = _checked_mul_dims(d...) - getfield(b, 2) && throw(ArgumentError("invalid Array dimensions")) - return getfield(b, 1) -end - # type and dimensionality specified, accepting dims as series of Ints -eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T,1}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T} - @noinline - mem = fieldtype(fieldtype(self, :ref), :mem)(undef, m) - return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(memoryref(mem)), :((m,)))) -end)) -eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T,2}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int) where {T} - @noinline - return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(new_as_memoryref(fieldtype(self, :ref), checked_dims(m, n))), :((m, n)))) -end)) -eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T,3}})(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int, o::Int) where {T} - @noinline - return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(new_as_memoryref(fieldtype(self, :ref), checked_dims(m, n, o))), :((m, n, o)))) -end)) -eval(Core, :(function (self::Type{Array{T, N}})(::UndefInitializer, d::Vararg{Int, N}) where {T, N} - @noinline - return $(Expr(:new, :self, :(new_as_memoryref(fieldtype(self, :ref), checked_dims(d...))), :d)) -end)) +Array{T,1}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T} = + ccall(:jl_alloc_array_1d, Array{T,1}, (Any, Int), Array{T,1}, m) +Array{T,2}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int) where {T} = + ccall(:jl_alloc_array_2d, Array{T,2}, (Any, Int, Int), Array{T,2}, m, n) +Array{T,3}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int, o::Int) where {T} = + ccall(:jl_alloc_array_3d, Array{T,3}, (Any, Int, Int, Int), Array{T,3}, m, n, o) +Array{T,N}(::UndefInitializer, d::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} = + ccall(:jl_new_array, Array{T,N}, (Any, Any), Array{T,N}, d) # type and dimensionality specified, accepting dims as tuples of Ints -(self::Type{Array{T,1}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{1, Int}) where {T} = self(undef, getfield(d, 1)) -(self::Type{Array{T,2}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{2, Int}) where {T} = self(undef, getfield(d, 1), getfield(d, 2)) -(self::Type{Array{T,3}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{3, Int}) where {T} = self(undef, getfield(d, 1), getfield(d, 2), getfield(d, 3)) -(self::Type{Array{T,N}})(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{N, Int}) where {T, N} = self(undef, d...) +Array{T,1}(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{1,Int}) where {T} = Array{T,1}(undef, getfield(d,1)) +Array{T,2}(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{2,Int}) where {T} = Array{T,2}(undef, getfield(d,1), getfield(d,2)) +Array{T,3}(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{3,Int}) where {T} = Array{T,3}(undef, getfield(d,1), getfield(d,2), getfield(d,3)) +Array{T,N}(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{N,Int}) where {T,N} = ccall(:jl_new_array, Array{T,N}, (Any, Any), Array{T,N}, d) # type but not dimensionality specified -Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T} = Array{T, 1}(undef, m) -Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int) where {T} = Array{T, 2}(undef, m, n) -Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int, o::Int) where {T} = Array{T, 3}(undef, m, n, o) -Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{N, Int}) where {T, N} = Array{T, N}(undef, d) +Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int) where {T} = Array{T,1}(undef, m) +Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int) where {T} = Array{T,2}(undef, m, n) +Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, m::Int, n::Int, o::Int) where {T} = Array{T,3}(undef, m, n, o) +Array{T}(::UndefInitializer, d::NTuple{N,Int}) where {T,N} = Array{T,N}(undef, d) # empty vector constructor -(self::Type{Array{T, 1}})() where {T} = self(undef, 0) +Array{T,1}() where {T} = Array{T,1}(undef, 0) -(Array{T, N} where T)(x::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {S, N} = Array{S, N}(x) +(Array{T,N} where T)(x::AbstractArray{S,N}) where {S,N} = Array{S,N}(x) -Array(A::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T, N} = Array{T, N}(A) -Array{T}(A::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {T, N, S} = Array{T, N}(A) +Array(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = Array{T,N}(A) +Array{T}(A::AbstractArray{S,N}) where {T,N,S} = Array{T,N}(A) -AbstractArray{T}(A::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {T, S, N} = AbstractArray{T, N}(A) +AbstractArray{T}(A::AbstractArray{S,N}) where {T,S,N} = AbstractArray{T,N}(A) # primitive Symbol constructors @@ -608,9 +515,9 @@ function Symbol(s::String) @noinline return _Symbol(ccall(:jl_string_ptr, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), s), sizeof(s), s) end -function Symbol(a::Array{UInt8, 1}) +function Symbol(a::Array{UInt8,1}) @noinline - return _Symbol(bitcast(Ptr{UInt8}, a.ref.ptr_or_offset), getfield(a.size, 1), a.ref.mem) + return _Symbol(ccall(:jl_array_ptr, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), a), Intrinsics.arraylen(a), a) end Symbol(s::Symbol) = s @@ -891,8 +798,8 @@ if Int === Int32 Int64(x::Ptr) = Int64(UInt32(x)) UInt64(x::Ptr) = UInt64(UInt32(x)) end -(PT::Type{Ptr{T}} where T)(x::Union{Int,UInt,Ptr}=0) = bitcast(PT, x) -(AS::Type{AddrSpace{Backend}} where Backend)(x::UInt8) = bitcast(AS, x) +Ptr{T}(x::Union{Int,UInt,Ptr}) where {T} = bitcast(Ptr{T}, x) +Ptr{T}() where {T} = Ptr{T}(0) Signed(x::UInt8) = Int8(x) Unsigned(x::Int8) = UInt8(x) @@ -950,13 +857,4 @@ function _hasmethod(@nospecialize(tt)) # this function has a special tfunc return Intrinsics.not_int(ccall(:jl_gf_invoke_lookup, Any, (Any, Any, UInt), tt, nothing, world) === nothing) end - -# for backward compat -arrayref(inbounds::Bool, A::Array, i::Int...) = Main.Base.getindex(A, i...) -const_arrayref(inbounds::Bool, A::Array, i::Int...) = Main.Base.getindex(A, i...) -arrayset(inbounds::Bool, A::Array{T}, x::Any, i::Int...) where {T} = Main.Base.setindex!(A, x::T, i...) -arraysize(a::Array) = a.size -arraysize(a::Array, i::Int) = sle_int(i, nfields(a.size)) ? getfield(a.size, i) : 1 -export arrayref, arrayset, arraysize, const_arrayref - ccall(:jl_set_istopmod, Cvoid, (Any, Bool), Core, true) diff --git a/base/c.jl b/base/c.jl index 1182033802aad..748adb3e93615 100644 --- a/base/c.jl +++ b/base/c.jl @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # definitions related to C interface -import Core.Intrinsics: cglobal +import Core.Intrinsics: cglobal, bitcast """ cglobal((symbol, library) [, type=Cvoid]) @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Equivalent to the native `char` c-type. Cchar # The ccall here is equivalent to Sys.iswindows(), but that's not defined yet -if ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) === :NT +@static if ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) === :NT const Clong = Int32 const Culong = UInt32 const Cwchar_t = UInt16 @@ -122,7 +122,32 @@ Equivalent to the native `wchar_t` c-type ([`Int32`](@ref)). """ Cwchar_t -if ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) !== :NT +""" + Cwstring + +A C-style string composed of the native wide character type +[`Cwchar_t`](@ref)s. `Cwstring`s are NUL-terminated. For +C-style strings composed of the native character +type, see [`Cstring`](@ref). For more information +about string interoperability with C, see the +[manual](@ref man-bits-types). + +""" +Cwstring + +""" + Cstring + +A C-style string composed of the native character type +[`Cchar`](@ref)s. `Cstring`s are NUL-terminated. For +C-style strings composed of the native wide character +type, see [`Cwstring`](@ref). For more information +about string interoperability with C, see the +[manual](@ref man-bits-types). +""" +Cstring + +@static if ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) !== :NT const sizeof_mode_t = ccall(:jl_sizeof_mode_t, Cint, ()) if sizeof_mode_t == 2 const Cmode_t = Int16 @@ -130,11 +155,295 @@ if ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) !== :NT const Cmode_t = Int32 elseif sizeof_mode_t == 8 const Cmode_t = Int64 - else - error("invalid sizeof mode_t") end end +# construction from pointers +Cstring(p::Union{Ptr{Int8},Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = bitcast(Cstring, p) +Cwstring(p::Union{Ptr{Cwchar_t},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = bitcast(Cwstring, p) +Ptr{T}(p::Cstring) where {T<:Union{Int8,UInt8,Cvoid}} = bitcast(Ptr{T}, p) +Ptr{T}(p::Cwstring) where {T<:Union{Cwchar_t,Cvoid}} = bitcast(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, p) + +convert(::Type{Cstring}, p::Union{Ptr{Int8},Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = Cstring(p) +convert(::Type{Cwstring}, p::Union{Ptr{Cwchar_t},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = Cwstring(p) +convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, p::Cstring) where {T<:Union{Int8,UInt8,Cvoid}} = Ptr{T}(p) +convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, p::Cwstring) where {T<:Union{Cwchar_t,Cvoid}} = Ptr{T}(p) + +""" + pointer(array [, index]) + +Get the native address of an array or string, optionally at a given location `index`. + +This function is "unsafe". Be careful to ensure that a Julia reference to +`array` exists as long as this pointer will be used. The [`GC.@preserve`](@ref) +macro should be used to protect the `array` argument from garbage collection +within a given block of code. + +Calling [`Ref(array[, index])`](@ref Ref) is generally preferable to this function as it guarantees validity. +""" +function pointer end + +pointer(p::Cstring) = convert(Ptr{Cchar}, p) +pointer(p::Cwstring) = convert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, p) + +# comparisons against pointers (mainly to support `cstr==C_NULL`) +==(x::Union{Cstring,Cwstring}, y::Ptr) = pointer(x) == y +==(x::Ptr, y::Union{Cstring,Cwstring}) = x == pointer(y) + +unsafe_string(s::Cstring) = unsafe_string(convert(Ptr{UInt8}, s)) + +# convert strings to String etc. to pass as pointers +cconvert(::Type{Cstring}, s::String) = s +cconvert(::Type{Cstring}, s::AbstractString) = + cconvert(Cstring, String(s)::String) + +function cconvert(::Type{Cwstring}, s::AbstractString) + v = transcode(Cwchar_t, String(s)) + push!(v, 0) + return cconvert(Cwstring, v) +end + +eltype(::Type{Cstring}) = Cchar +eltype(::Type{Cwstring}) = Cwchar_t + +containsnul(p::Ptr, len) = + C_NULL != ccall(:memchr, Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar}, Cint, Csize_t), p, 0, len) +containsnul(s::String) = containsnul(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cchar}, s), sizeof(s)) +containsnul(s::AbstractString) = '\0' in s + +function unsafe_convert(::Type{Cstring}, s::String) + p = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cchar}, s) + containsnul(p, sizeof(s)) && + throw(ArgumentError("embedded NULs are not allowed in C strings: $(repr(s))")) + return Cstring(p) +end + +unsafe_convert(::Type{Cstring}, s::Union{Vector{UInt8},Vector{Int8}}) = Cstring(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, s)) + +function cconvert(::Type{Cwstring}, v::Vector{Cwchar_t}) + for i = 1:length(v)-1 + v[i] == 0 && + throw(ArgumentError("embedded NULs are not allowed in C strings: $(repr(v))")) + end + v[end] == 0 || + throw(ArgumentError("C string data must be NUL terminated: $(repr(v))")) + return cconvert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, v) +end +unsafe_convert(::Type{Cwstring}, s) = Cwstring(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, s)) +unsafe_convert(::Type{Cwstring}, s::Cwstring) = s + +# symbols are guaranteed not to contain embedded NUL +cconvert(::Type{Cstring}, s::Symbol) = s +unsafe_convert(::Type{Cstring}, s::Symbol) = Cstring(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cchar}, s)) + +@static if ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) === :NT +""" + Base.cwstring(s) + +Converts a string `s` to a NUL-terminated `Vector{Cwchar_t}`, suitable for passing to C +functions expecting a `Ptr{Cwchar_t}`. The main advantage of using this over the implicit +conversion provided by [`Cwstring`](@ref) is if the function is called multiple times with the +same argument. + +This is only available on Windows. +""" +function cwstring(s::AbstractString) + bytes = codeunits(String(s)) + 0 in bytes && throw(ArgumentError("embedded NULs are not allowed in C strings: $(repr(s))")) + return push!(transcode(UInt16, bytes), 0) +end +end + +# transcoding between data in UTF-8 and UTF-16 for Windows APIs, +# and also UTF-32 for APIs using Cwchar_t on other platforms. + +""" + transcode(T, src) + +Convert string data between Unicode encodings. `src` is either a +`String` or a `Vector{UIntXX}` of UTF-XX code units, where +`XX` is 8, 16, or 32. `T` indicates the encoding of the return value: +`String` to return a (UTF-8 encoded) `String` or `UIntXX` +to return a `Vector{UIntXX}` of UTF-`XX` data. (The alias [`Cwchar_t`](@ref) +can also be used as the integer type, for converting `wchar_t*` strings +used by external C libraries.) + +The `transcode` function succeeds as long as the input data can be +reasonably represented in the target encoding; it always succeeds for +conversions between UTF-XX encodings, even for invalid Unicode data. + +Only conversion to/from UTF-8 is currently supported. + +# Examples +```jldoctest +julia> str = "αβγ" +"αβγ" + +julia> transcode(UInt16, str) +3-element Vector{UInt16}: + 0x03b1 + 0x03b2 + 0x03b3 + +julia> transcode(String, transcode(UInt16, str)) +"αβγ" +``` +""" +function transcode end + +transcode(::Type{T}, src::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:Union{UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,Int32}} = src +transcode(::Type{T}, src::String) where {T<:Union{Int32,UInt32}} = T[T(c) for c in src] +transcode(::Type{T}, src::AbstractVector{UInt8}) where {T<:Union{Int32,UInt32}} = + transcode(T, String(Vector(src))) +transcode(::Type{T}, src::CodeUnits{UInt8,String}) where {T<:Union{Int32,UInt32}} = + transcode(T, String(src)) + +function transcode(::Type{UInt8}, src::Vector{<:Union{Int32,UInt32}}) + buf = IOBuffer() + for c in src + print(buf, Char(c)) + end + take!(buf) +end +transcode(::Type{String}, src::String) = src +transcode(T, src::String) = transcode(T, codeunits(src)) +transcode(::Type{String}, src) = String(transcode(UInt8, src)) + +function transcode(::Type{UInt16}, src::AbstractVector{UInt8}) + require_one_based_indexing(src) + dst = UInt16[] + i, n = 1, length(src) + n > 0 || return dst + sizehint!(dst, 2n) + a = src[1] + while true + if i < n && -64 <= a % Int8 <= -12 # multi-byte character + b = src[i += 1] + if -64 <= (b % Int8) || a == 0xf4 && 0x8f < b + # invalid UTF-8 (non-continuation or too-high code point) + push!(dst, a) + a = b; continue + elseif a < 0xe0 # 2-byte UTF-8 + push!(dst, xor(0x3080, UInt16(a) << 6, b)) + elseif i < n # 3/4-byte character + c = src[i += 1] + if -64 <= (c % Int8) # invalid UTF-8 (non-continuation) + push!(dst, a, b) + a = c; continue + elseif a < 0xf0 # 3-byte UTF-8 + push!(dst, xor(0x2080, UInt16(a) << 12, UInt16(b) << 6, c)) + elseif i < n + d = src[i += 1] + if -64 <= (d % Int8) # invalid UTF-8 (non-continuation) + push!(dst, a, b, c) + a = d; continue + elseif a == 0xf0 && b < 0x90 # overlong encoding + push!(dst, xor(0x2080, UInt16(b) << 12, UInt16(c) << 6, d)) + else # 4-byte UTF-8 + push!(dst, 0xe5b8 + (UInt16(a) << 8) + (UInt16(b) << 2) + (c >> 4), + xor(0xdc80, UInt16(c & 0xf) << 6, d)) + end + else # too short + push!(dst, a, b, c) + break + end + else # too short + push!(dst, a, b) + break + end + else # ASCII or invalid UTF-8 (continuation byte or too-high code point) + push!(dst, a) + end + i < n || break + a = src[i += 1] + end + return dst +end + +function transcode(::Type{UInt8}, src::AbstractVector{UInt16}) + require_one_based_indexing(src) + n = length(src) + n == 0 && return UInt8[] + + # Precompute m = sizeof(dst). This involves annoying duplication + # of the loop over the src array. However, this is not just an + # optimization: it is problematic for security reasons to grow + # dst dynamically, because Base.winprompt uses this function to + # convert passwords to UTF-8 and we don't want to make unintentional + # copies of the password data. + a = src[1] + i, m = 1, 0 + while true + if a < 0x80 + m += 1 + elseif a < 0x800 # 2-byte UTF-8 + m += 2 + elseif a & 0xfc00 == 0xd800 && i < length(src) + b = src[i += 1] + if (b & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00 # 2-unit UTF-16 sequence => 4-byte UTF-8 + m += 4 + else + m += 3 + a = b; continue + end + else + # 1-unit high UTF-16 or unpaired high surrogate + # either way, encode as 3-byte UTF-8 code point + m += 3 + end + i < n || break + a = src[i += 1] + end + + dst = StringVector(m) + a = src[1] + i, j = 1, 0 + while true + if a < 0x80 # ASCII + dst[j += 1] = a % UInt8 + elseif a < 0x800 # 2-byte UTF-8 + dst[j += 1] = 0xc0 | ((a >> 6) % UInt8) + dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) & 0x3f) + elseif a & 0xfc00 == 0xd800 && i < n + b = src[i += 1] + if (b & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00 + # 2-unit UTF-16 sequence => 4-byte UTF-8 + a += 0x2840 + dst[j += 1] = 0xf0 | ((a >> 8) % UInt8) + dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) >> 2) + dst[j += 1] = xor(0xf0, ((a % UInt8) << 4) & 0x3f, (b >> 6) % UInt8) + dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((b % UInt8) & 0x3f) + else + dst[j += 1] = 0xe0 | ((a >> 12) % UInt8) + dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | (((a >> 6) % UInt8) & 0x3f) + dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) & 0x3f) + a = b; continue + end + else + # 1-unit high UTF-16 or unpaired high surrogate + # either way, encode as 3-byte UTF-8 code point + dst[j += 1] = 0xe0 | ((a >> 12) % UInt8) + dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | (((a >> 6) % UInt8) & 0x3f) + dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) & 0x3f) + end + i < n || break + a = src[i += 1] + end + return dst +end + +function unsafe_string(p::Ptr{T}, length::Integer) where {T<:Union{UInt16,UInt32,Cwchar_t}} + transcode(String, unsafe_wrap(Array, p, length; own=false)) +end +function unsafe_string(cw::Cwstring) + p = convert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, cw) + n = 1 + while unsafe_load(p, n) != 0 + n += 1 + end + return unsafe_string(p, n - 1) +end + # deferring (or un-deferring) ctrl-c handler for external C code that # is not interrupt safe (see also issue #2622). The sigatomic_begin/end # functions should always be called in matched pairs, ideally via: @@ -270,21 +579,21 @@ The above input outputs this: """ function ccall_macro_parse(expr::Expr) # setup and check for errors - if !isexpr(expr, :(::)) + if !Meta.isexpr(expr, :(::)) throw(ArgumentError("@ccall needs a function signature with a return type")) end rettype = expr.args[2] call = expr.args[1] - if !isexpr(call, :call) + if !Meta.isexpr(call, :call) throw(ArgumentError("@ccall has to take a function call")) end # get the function symbols func = let f = call.args[1] - if isexpr(f, :.) + if Meta.isexpr(f, :.) :(($(f.args[2]), $(f.args[1]))) - elseif isexpr(f, :$) + elseif Meta.isexpr(f, :$) f elseif f isa Symbol QuoteNode(f) @@ -297,7 +606,7 @@ function ccall_macro_parse(expr::Expr) varargs = nothing argstart = 2 callargs = call.args - if length(callargs) >= 2 && isexpr(callargs[2], :parameters) + if length(callargs) >= 2 && Meta.isexpr(callargs[2], :parameters) argstart = 3 varargs = callargs[2].args end @@ -307,7 +616,7 @@ function ccall_macro_parse(expr::Expr) types = [] function pusharg!(arg) - if !isexpr(arg, :(::)) + if !Meta.isexpr(arg, :(::)) throw(ArgumentError("args in @ccall need type annotations. '$arg' doesn't have one.")) end push!(args, arg.args[1]) @@ -337,7 +646,7 @@ function ccall_macro_lower(convention, func, rettype, types, args, nreq) statements = [] # if interpolation was used, ensure the value is a function pointer at runtime. - if isexpr(func, :$) + if Meta.isexpr(func, :$) push!(statements, Expr(:(=), :func, esc(func.args[1]))) name = QuoteNode(func.args[1]) func = :func diff --git a/base/cmem.jl b/base/cmem.jl index dd4cbc30585f2..8b0b99b3a6ebd 100644 --- a/base/cmem.jl +++ b/base/cmem.jl @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Call `memcpy` from the C standard library. """ function memcpy(dst::Ptr, src::Ptr, n::Integer) - @_terminates_globally_meta ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), dst, src, n) end @@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ Call `memmove` from the C standard library. """ function memmove(dst::Ptr, src::Ptr, n::Integer) - @_terminates_globally_meta ccall(:memmove, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), dst, src, n) end @@ -38,7 +36,6 @@ Call `memset` from the C standard library. """ function memset(p::Ptr, val, n::Integer) - @_terminates_globally_meta ccall(:memset, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Cint, Csize_t), p, val, n) end @@ -52,6 +49,5 @@ Call `memcmp` from the C standard library. """ function memcmp(a::Ptr, b::Ptr, n::Integer) - @_terminates_globally_meta ccall(:memcmp, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), a, b, n % Csize_t) % Int end diff --git a/base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl b/base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl index 82aca46f3e7ed..7ead7bba44580 100644 --- a/base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl +++ b/base/compiler/abstractinterpretation.jl @@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ function precise_container_type(interp::AbstractInterpreter, @nospecialize(itft) return AbstractIterationResult(Any[Vararg{Any}], nothing) elseif tti0 === Any return AbstractIterationResult(Any[Vararg{Any}], nothing, Effects()) - elseif tti0 <: Array || tti0 <: GenericMemory + elseif tti0 <: Array if eltype(tti0) === Union{} return AbstractIterationResult(Any[], nothing) end @@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ end thentype = Bottom elseif rt === Const(true) elsetype = Bottom - elseif elsetype isa Type && issingletontype(typeof(c.val)) # can only widen a if it is a singleton + elseif elsetype isa Type && isdefined(typeof(c.val), :instance) # can only widen a if it is a singleton elsetype = typesubtract(elsetype, typeof(c.val), max_union_splitting) end return ConditionalTypes(thentype, elsetype) diff --git a/base/compiler/compiler.jl b/base/compiler/compiler.jl index 997e6989312f3..31db9a5551c2b 100644 --- a/base/compiler/compiler.jl +++ b/base/compiler/compiler.jl @@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ include("strings/lazy.jl") # core array operations include("indices.jl") -include("genericmemory.jl") include("array.jl") include("abstractarray.jl") diff --git a/base/compiler/optimize.jl b/base/compiler/optimize.jl index 305c9b5c03b10..b4c783b9cdf6e 100644 --- a/base/compiler/optimize.jl +++ b/base/compiler/optimize.jl @@ -1080,12 +1080,12 @@ function statement_cost(ex::Expr, line::Int, src::Union{CodeInfo, IRCode}, sptyp # tuple iteration/destructuring makes that impossible # return plus_saturate(argcost, isknowntype(extyp) ? 1 : params.inline_nonleaf_penalty) return 0 - elseif (f === Core.memoryrefget || f === Core.memoryref_isassigned) && length(ex.args) >= 3 + elseif (f === Core.arrayref || f === Core.const_arrayref) && length(ex.args) >= 3 + atyp = argextype(ex.args[3], src, sptypes) + return isknowntype(atyp) ? 4 : error_path ? params.inline_error_path_cost : params.inline_nonleaf_penalty + elseif f === Core.arrayset && length(ex.args) >= 3 atyp = argextype(ex.args[2], src, sptypes) - return isknowntype(atyp) ? 1 : error_path ? params.inline_error_path_cost : params.inline_nonleaf_penalty - elseif f === Core.memoryrefset! && length(ex.args) >= 3 - atyp = argextype(ex.args[2], src, sptypes) - return isknowntype(atyp) ? 5 : error_path ? params.inline_error_path_cost : params.inline_nonleaf_penalty + return isknowntype(atyp) ? 8 : error_path ? params.inline_error_path_cost : params.inline_nonleaf_penalty elseif f === typeassert && isconstType(widenconst(argextype(ex.args[3], src, sptypes))) return 1 end diff --git a/base/compiler/ssair/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl b/base/compiler/ssair/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl index a770a4a92146c..6a6994d497d8e 100644 --- a/base/compiler/ssair/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl +++ b/base/compiler/ssair/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl @@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ const _TOP_MOD = ccall(:jl_base_relative_to, Any, (Any,), EscapeAnalysis)::Modul # imports import ._TOP_MOD: ==, getindex, setindex! # usings -using Core: MethodMatch, SimpleVector, ifelse, sizeof +using Core: + MethodMatch, SimpleVector, + arrayref, arrayset, arraysize, ifelse, sizeof using Core.IR using ._TOP_MOD: # Base definitions @__MODULE__, @assert, @eval, @goto, @inbounds, @inline, @label, @noinline, @@ -25,7 +27,8 @@ using ._TOP_MOD: # Base definitions unwrap_unionall, !, !=, !==, &, *, +, -, :, <, <<, =>, >, |, ∈, ∉, ∩, ∪, ≠, ≤, ≥, ⊆ using Core.Compiler: # Core.Compiler specific definitions Bottom, IRCode, IR_FLAG_NOTHROW, InferenceResult, SimpleInferenceLattice, - argextype, check_effect_free!, fieldcount_noerror, hasintersect, intrinsic_nothrow, + alloc_array_ndims, argextype, array_builtin_common_typecheck, arrayset_typecheck, + check_effect_free!, fieldcount_noerror, hasintersect, intrinsic_nothrow, is_meta_expr_head, isbitstype, isexpr, println, setfield!_nothrow, singleton_type, try_compute_field, try_compute_fieldidx, widenconst, ⊑ @@ -734,6 +737,39 @@ function compute_frameinfo(ir::IRCode) leave_block = stmt.args[1]::Int leave_pc = first(ir.cfg.blocks[leave_block].stmts) push!(tryregions, idx:leave_pc) + elseif isexpr(stmt, :foreigncall) + args = stmt.args + name = args[1] + nn = normalize(name) + isa(nn, Symbol) || @goto next_stmt + ndims = alloc_array_ndims(nn) + ndims === nothing && @goto next_stmt + if ndims ≠ 0 + length(args) ≥ ndims+6 || @goto next_stmt + dims = Int[] + for i in 1:ndims + dim = argextype(args[i+6], ir) + isa(dim, Const) || @goto next_stmt + dim = dim.val + isa(dim, Int) || @goto next_stmt + push!(dims, dim) + end + else + length(args) ≥ 7 || @goto next_stmt + dims = argextype(args[7], ir) + if isa(dims, Const) + dims = dims.val + isa(dims, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) || @goto next_stmt + dims = collect(Int, dims) + else + dims === Tuple{} || @goto next_stmt + dims = Int[] + end + end + if arrayinfo === nothing + arrayinfo = ArrayInfo() + end + arrayinfo[idx] = dims elseif arrayinfo !== nothing # TODO this super limited alias analysis is able to handle only very simple cases # this should be replaced with a proper forward dimension analysis @@ -1127,6 +1163,19 @@ function escape_foreigncall!(astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) name = args[1] nn = normalize(name) if isa(nn, Symbol) + boundserror_ninds = array_resize_info(nn) + if boundserror_ninds !== nothing + boundserror, ninds = boundserror_ninds + escape_array_resize!(boundserror, ninds, astate, pc, args) + return + end + if is_array_copy(nn) + escape_array_copy!(astate, pc, args) + return + elseif is_array_isassigned(nn) + escape_array_isassigned!(astate, pc, args) + return + end # if nn === :jl_gc_add_finalizer_th # # TODO add `FinalizerEscape` ? # end @@ -1461,6 +1510,139 @@ function escape_builtin!(::typeof(setfield!), astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, ar end end +function escape_builtin!(::typeof(arrayref), astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) + length(args) ≥ 4 || return false + # check potential thrown escapes from this arrayref call + argtypes = Any[argextype(args[i], astate.ir) for i in 2:length(args)] + boundcheckt = argtypes[1] + aryt = argtypes[2] + if !array_builtin_common_typecheck(boundcheckt, aryt, argtypes, 3) + add_thrown_escapes!(astate, pc, args, 2) + end + ary = args[3] + inbounds = isa(boundcheckt, Const) && !boundcheckt.val::Bool + inbounds || add_escape_change!(astate, ary, ThrownEscape(pc)) + # we don't track precise index information about this array and thus don't know what values + # can be referenced here: directly propagate the escape information imposed on the return + # value of this `arrayref` call to the array itself as the most conservative propagation + # but also with updated index information + estate = astate.estate + if isa(ary, SSAValue) || isa(ary, Argument) + aryinfo = estate[ary] + else + # unanalyzable object, so the return value is also unanalyzable + add_escape_change!(astate, SSAValue(pc), ⊤) + return true + end + AliasInfo = aryinfo.AliasInfo + if isa(AliasInfo, Bool) + AliasInfo && @goto conservative_propagation + # AliasInfo of this array hasn't been analyzed yet: set AliasInfo now + idx = array_nd_index(astate, ary, args[4:end]) + if isa(idx, Int) + AliasInfo = IndexableElements(IdDict{Int,AInfo}()) + @goto record_indexable_use + end + AliasInfo = Unindexable() + @goto record_unindexable_use + elseif isa(AliasInfo, IndexableElements) + idx = array_nd_index(astate, ary, args[4:end]) + if !isa(idx, Int) + AliasInfo = merge_to_unindexable(AliasInfo) + @goto record_unindexable_use + end + @label record_indexable_use + info = get!(()->AInfo(), AliasInfo.infos, idx) + push!(info, LocalUse(pc)) + add_escape_change!(astate, ary, EscapeInfo(aryinfo, AliasInfo)) # update with new AliasInfo + elseif isa(AliasInfo, Unindexable) + @label record_unindexable_use + push!(AliasInfo.info, LocalUse(pc)) + add_escape_change!(astate, ary, EscapeInfo(aryinfo, AliasInfo)) # update with new AliasInfo + else + # this object has been used as struct, but it is used as array here (thus should throw) + # update ary's element information and just handle this case conservatively + aryinfo = escape_unanalyzable_obj!(astate, ary, aryinfo) + @label conservative_propagation + # at the extreme case, an element of `ary` may point to `ary` itself + # so add the alias change here as the most conservative propagation + add_alias_change!(astate, ary, SSAValue(pc)) + end + return true +end + +function escape_builtin!(::typeof(arrayset), astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) + length(args) ≥ 5 || return false + # check potential escapes from this arrayset call + # NOTE here we essentially only need to account for TypeError, assuming that + # UndefRefError or BoundsError don't capture any of the arguments here + argtypes = Any[argextype(args[i], astate.ir) for i in 2:length(args)] + boundcheckt = argtypes[1] + aryt = argtypes[2] + valt = argtypes[3] + if !(array_builtin_common_typecheck(boundcheckt, aryt, argtypes, 4) && + arrayset_typecheck(aryt, valt)) + add_thrown_escapes!(astate, pc, args, 2) + end + ary = args[3] + val = args[4] + inbounds = isa(boundcheckt, Const) && !boundcheckt.val::Bool + inbounds || add_escape_change!(astate, ary, ThrownEscape(pc)) + # we don't track precise index information about this array and won't record what value + # is being assigned here: directly propagate the escape information of this array to + # the value being assigned as the most conservative propagation + estate = astate.estate + if isa(ary, SSAValue) || isa(ary, Argument) + aryinfo = estate[ary] + else + # unanalyzable object (e.g. obj::GlobalRef): escape field value conservatively + add_escape_change!(astate, val, ⊤) + return true + end + AliasInfo = aryinfo.AliasInfo + if isa(AliasInfo, Bool) + AliasInfo && @goto conservative_propagation + # AliasInfo of this array hasn't been analyzed yet: set AliasInfo now + idx = array_nd_index(astate, ary, args[5:end]) + if isa(idx, Int) + AliasInfo = IndexableElements(IdDict{Int,AInfo}()) + @goto escape_indexable_def + end + AliasInfo = Unindexable() + @goto escape_unindexable_def + elseif isa(AliasInfo, IndexableElements) + idx = array_nd_index(astate, ary, args[5:end]) + if !isa(idx, Int) + AliasInfo = merge_to_unindexable(AliasInfo) + @goto escape_unindexable_def + end + @label escape_indexable_def + info = get!(()->AInfo(), AliasInfo.infos, idx) + add_alias_escapes!(astate, val, info) + push!(info, LocalDef(pc)) + add_escape_change!(astate, ary, EscapeInfo(aryinfo, AliasInfo)) # update with new AliasInfo + # propagate the escape information of this array ignoring elements information + add_escape_change!(astate, val, ignore_aliasinfo(aryinfo)) + elseif isa(AliasInfo, Unindexable) + @label escape_unindexable_def + add_alias_escapes!(astate, val, AliasInfo.info) + push!(AliasInfo.info, LocalDef(pc)) + add_escape_change!(astate, ary, EscapeInfo(aryinfo, AliasInfo)) # update with new AliasInfo + # propagate the escape information of this array ignoring elements information + add_escape_change!(astate, val, ignore_aliasinfo(aryinfo)) + else + # this object has been used as struct, but it is used as array here (thus should throw) + # update ary's element information and just handle this case conservatively + aryinfo = escape_unanalyzable_obj!(astate, ary, aryinfo) + @label conservative_propagation + add_alias_change!(astate, val, ary) + end + # also propagate escape information imposed on the return value of this `arrayset` + ssainfo = estate[SSAValue(pc)] + add_escape_change!(astate, ary, ssainfo) + return true +end + # NOTE this function models and thus should be synced with the implementation of: # size_t array_nd_index(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t **args, size_t nidxs, ...) function array_nd_index(astate::AnalysisState, @nospecialize(ary), args::Vector{Any}, nidxs::Int = length(args)) @@ -1494,6 +1676,63 @@ function array_nd_index(astate::AnalysisState, @nospecialize(ary), args::Vector{ return i end +function escape_builtin!(::typeof(arraysize), astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) + length(args) == 3 || return false + ary = args[2] + dim = args[3] + if !arraysize_typecheck(ary, dim, astate.ir) + add_escape_change!(astate, ary, ThrownEscape(pc)) + add_escape_change!(astate, dim, ThrownEscape(pc)) + end + # NOTE we may still see "arraysize: dimension out of range", but it doesn't capture anything + return true +end + +function arraysize_typecheck(@nospecialize(ary), @nospecialize(dim), ir::IRCode) + aryt = argextype(ary, ir) + aryt ⊑ Array || return false + dimt = argextype(dim, ir) + dimt ⊑ Int || return false + return true +end + +# returns nothing if this isn't array resizing operation, +# otherwise returns true if it can throw BoundsError and false if not +function array_resize_info(name::Symbol) + if name === :jl_array_grow_beg || name === :jl_array_grow_end + return false, 1 + elseif name === :jl_array_del_beg || name === :jl_array_del_end + return true, 1 + elseif name === :jl_array_grow_at || name === :jl_array_del_at + return true, 2 + else + return nothing + end +end + +# NOTE may potentially throw "cannot resize array with shared data" error, +# but just ignore it since it doesn't capture anything +function escape_array_resize!(boundserror::Bool, ninds::Int, + astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) + length(args) ≥ 6+ninds || return add_fallback_changes!(astate, pc, args) + ary = args[6] + aryt = argextype(ary, astate.ir) + aryt ⊑ Array || return add_fallback_changes!(astate, pc, args) + for i in 1:ninds + ind = args[i+6] + indt = argextype(ind, astate.ir) + indt ⊑ Integer || return add_fallback_changes!(astate, pc, args) + end + if boundserror + # this array resizing can potentially throw `BoundsError`, impose it now + add_escape_change!(astate, ary, ThrownEscape(pc)) + end + # give up indexing analysis whenever we see array resizing + # (since we track array dimensions only globally) + mark_unindexable!(astate, ary) + add_liveness_changes!(astate, pc, args, 6) +end + function mark_unindexable!(astate::AnalysisState, @nospecialize(ary)) isa(ary, SSAValue) || return aryinfo = astate.estate[ary] @@ -1503,6 +1742,8 @@ function mark_unindexable!(astate::AnalysisState, @nospecialize(ary)) add_escape_change!(astate, ary, EscapeInfo(aryinfo, AliasInfo)) end +is_array_copy(name::Symbol) = name === :jl_array_copy + # FIXME this implementation is very conservative, improve the accuracy and solve broken test cases function escape_array_copy!(astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) length(args) ≥ 6 || return add_fallback_changes!(astate, pc, args) @@ -1519,4 +1760,53 @@ function escape_array_copy!(astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) add_liveness_changes!(astate, pc, args, 6) end +is_array_isassigned(name::Symbol) = name === :jl_array_isassigned + +function escape_array_isassigned!(astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) + if !array_isassigned_nothrow(args, astate.ir) + add_thrown_escapes!(astate, pc, args) + end + add_liveness_changes!(astate, pc, args, 6) +end + +function array_isassigned_nothrow(args::Vector{Any}, src::IRCode) + # if !validate_foreigncall_args(args, + # :jl_array_isassigned, Cint, svec(Any,Csize_t), 0, :ccall) + # return false + # end + length(args) ≥ 7 || return false + arytype = argextype(args[6], src) + arytype ⊑ Array || return false + idxtype = argextype(args[7], src) + idxtype ⊑ Csize_t || return false + return true +end + +# # COMBAK do we want to enable this (and also backport this to Base for array allocations?) +# using Core.Compiler: Cint, svec +# function validate_foreigncall_args(args::Vector{Any}, +# name::Symbol, @nospecialize(rt), argtypes::SimpleVector, nreq::Int, convention::Symbol) +# length(args) ≥ 5 || return false +# normalize(args[1]) === name || return false +# args[2] === rt || return false +# args[3] === argtypes || return false +# args[4] === vararg || return false +# normalize(args[5]) === convention || return false +# return true +# end +# +# using Core: ImmutableArray, arrayfreeze, mutating_arrayfreeze, arraythaw +# +# escape_builtin!(::typeof(arrayfreeze), astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) = +# is_safe_immutable_array_op(Array, astate, args) +# escape_builtin!(::typeof(mutating_arrayfreeze), astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) = +# is_safe_immutable_array_op(Array, astate, args) +# escape_builtin!(::typeof(arraythaw), astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any}) = +# is_safe_immutable_array_op(ImmutableArray, astate, args) +# function is_safe_immutable_array_op(@nospecialize(arytype), astate::AnalysisState, args::Vector{Any}) +# length(args) == 2 || return false +# argextype(args[2], astate.ir) ⊑ arytype || return false +# return true +# end + end # baremodule EscapeAnalysis diff --git a/base/compiler/ssair/inlining.jl b/base/compiler/ssair/inlining.jl index 75eb467776236..ed46c4aafbdbf 100644 --- a/base/compiler/ssair/inlining.jl +++ b/base/compiler/ssair/inlining.jl @@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ function rewrite_apply_exprargs!(todo::Vector{Pair{Int,Any}}, ti = ti.parameters[2]::DataType # checked by `is_valid_type_for_apply_rewrite` end for p in ti.parameters - if issingletontype(p) + if isa(p, DataType) && isdefined(p, :instance) # replace singleton types with their equivalent Const object p = Const(p.instance) elseif isconstType(p) diff --git a/base/compiler/tfuncs.jl b/base/compiler/tfuncs.jl index cc555e5bde5b6..0e1d35c0c67ec 100644 --- a/base/compiler/tfuncs.jl +++ b/base/compiler/tfuncs.jl @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ add_tfunc(checked_umul_int, 2, 2, chk_tfunc, 5) # ----------- @nospecs function llvmcall_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, fptr, rt, at, a...) - return instanceof_tfunc(rt)[1] + return instanceof_tfunc(rt, true)[1] end add_tfunc(Core.Intrinsics.llvmcall, 3, INT_INF, llvmcall_tfunc, 10) @@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ end add_tfunc(Core.Intrinsics.cglobal, 1, 2, cglobal_tfunc, 5) add_tfunc(Core.Intrinsics.have_fma, 1, 1, @nospecs((𝕃::AbstractLattice, x)->Bool), 1) +add_tfunc(Core.Intrinsics.arraylen, 1, 1, @nospecs((𝕃::AbstractLattice, x)->Int), 4) # builtin functions # ================= @@ -487,8 +488,8 @@ function sizeof_nothrow(@nospecialize(x)) end function _const_sizeof(@nospecialize(x)) - # Constant GenericMemory does not have constant size - isa(x, GenericMemory) && return Int + # Constant Vector does not have constant size + isa(x, Vector) && return Int size = try Core.sizeof(x) catch ex @@ -611,6 +612,22 @@ end end add_tfunc(Core._typevar, 3, 3, typevar_tfunc, 100) +@nospecs function arraysize_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, ary, dim) + hasintersect(widenconst(ary), Array) || return Bottom + hasintersect(widenconst(dim), Int) || return Bottom + return Int +end +add_tfunc(arraysize, 2, 2, arraysize_tfunc, 4) + +@nospecs function arraysize_nothrow(ary, dim) + ary ⊑ Array || return false + if isa(dim, Const) + dimval = dim.val + return isa(dimval, Int) && dimval > 0 + end + return false +end + struct MemoryOrder x::Cint end const MEMORY_ORDER_UNSPECIFIED = MemoryOrder(-2) const MEMORY_ORDER_INVALID = MemoryOrder(-1) @@ -692,7 +709,7 @@ end unw = unwrap_unionall(a) if isa(unw, DataType) && unw.name === Ptr.body.name T = unw.parameters[1] - valid_as_lattice(T) || return Bottom + valid_as_lattice(T, true) || return Bottom return rewrap_unionall(ccall(:jl_apply_cmpswap_type, Any, (Any,), T), a) end end @@ -1288,19 +1305,17 @@ end fcnt = fieldcount_noerror(typ) fcnt === nothing && return false 0 < fidx ≤ fcnt || return true # no undefined behavior if thrown - fidx ≤ datatype_min_ninitialized(typ) && return true # always defined ftyp = fieldtype(typ, fidx) - is_undefref_fieldtype(ftyp) && return true # always initialized - return false + is_undefref_fieldtype(ftyp) && return true + return fidx ≤ datatype_min_ninitialized(typ) end -# checks if a field of this type is guaranteed to be defined to a value -# and that access to an uninitialized field will cause an `UndefRefError` or return zero +# checks if a field of this type will not be initialized with undefined value +# and the access to that uninitialized field will cause and `UndefRefError`, e.g., # - is_undefref_fieldtype(String) === true # - is_undefref_fieldtype(Integer) === true # - is_undefref_fieldtype(Any) === true # - is_undefref_fieldtype(Int) === false # - is_undefref_fieldtype(Union{Int32,Int64}) === false -# - is_undefref_fieldtype(T) === false function is_undefref_fieldtype(@nospecialize ftyp) return !has_free_typevars(ftyp) && !allocatedinline(ftyp) end @@ -1971,80 +1986,45 @@ function tuple_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, argtypes::Vector{Any}) return anyinfo ? PartialStruct(typ, argtypes) : typ end -@nospecs function memoryrefget_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, mem, order, boundscheck) - return _memoryrefget_tfunc(𝕃, mem, order, boundscheck) +@nospecs function arrayref_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, boundscheck, ary, idxs...) + return _arrayref_tfunc(𝕃, boundscheck, ary, idxs) end -@nospecs function _memoryrefget_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, mem, order, boundscheck) - memoryref_builtin_common_errorcheck(mem, order, boundscheck) || return Bottom - return memoryref_elemtype(mem) -end -add_tfunc(memoryrefget, 3, 3, memoryrefget_tfunc, 20) - -@nospecs function memoryrefset!_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, mem, item, order, boundscheck) - hasintersect(widenconst(item), _memoryrefget_tfunc(𝕃, mem, order, boundscheck)) || return Bottom - return mem +@nospecs function _arrayref_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, boundscheck, ary, @nospecialize idxs::Tuple) + isempty(idxs) && return Bottom + array_builtin_common_errorcheck(boundscheck, ary, idxs) || return Bottom + return array_elmtype(ary) end -add_tfunc(memoryrefset!, 4, 4, memoryrefset!_tfunc, 20) +add_tfunc(arrayref, 3, INT_INF, arrayref_tfunc, 20) +add_tfunc(const_arrayref, 3, INT_INF, arrayref_tfunc, 20) -@nospecs function memoryref_isassigned_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, mem, order, boundscheck) - return _memoryref_isassigned_tfunc(𝕃, mem, order, boundscheck) -end -@nospecs function _memoryref_isassigned_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, mem, order, boundscheck) - memoryref_builtin_common_errorcheck(mem, order, boundscheck) || return Bottom - return Bool -end -add_tfunc(memoryref_isassigned, 3, 3, memoryref_isassigned_tfunc, 20) - -@nospecs function memoryref_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, mem) - a = widenconst(mem) - if !has_free_typevars(a) - unw = unwrap_unionall(a) - if isa(unw, DataType) && unw.name === GenericMemory.body.body.body.name - A = unw.parameters[1] - T = unw.parameters[2] - AS = unw.parameters[3] - T isa Type || T isa TypeVar || return Bottom - return rewrap_unionall(GenericMemoryRef{A, T, AS}, a) - end - end - return GenericMemoryRef -end -@nospecs function memoryref_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, ref, idx) - memoryref_tfunc(𝕃, ref, idx, Const(true)) -end -@nospecs function memoryref_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, ref, idx, boundscheck) - memoryref_builtin_common_errorcheck(ref, Const(:not_atomic), boundscheck) || return Bottom - hasintersect(widenconst(idx), Int) || return Bottom - return ref +@nospecs function arrayset_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, boundscheck, ary, item, idxs...) + hasintersect(widenconst(item), _arrayref_tfunc(𝕃, boundscheck, ary, idxs)) || return Bottom + return ary end -add_tfunc(memoryref, 1, 3, memoryref_tfunc, 1) +add_tfunc(arrayset, 4, INT_INF, arrayset_tfunc, 20) -@nospecs function memoryrefoffset_tfunc(𝕃::AbstractLattice, mem) - hasintersect(widenconst(mem), GenericMemoryRef) || return Bottom - return Int -end -add_tfunc(memoryrefoffset, 1, 1, memoryrefoffset_tfunc, 5) - - - -@nospecs function memoryref_builtin_common_errorcheck(mem, order, boundscheck) - hasintersect(widenconst(mem), GenericMemoryRef) || return false - hasintersect(widenconst(order), Symbol) || return false +@nospecs function array_builtin_common_errorcheck(boundscheck, ary, @nospecialize idxs::Tuple) hasintersect(widenconst(boundscheck), Bool) || return false + hasintersect(widenconst(ary), Array) || return false + for i = 1:length(idxs) + idx = getfield(idxs, i) + idx = isvarargtype(idx) ? unwrapva(idx) : widenconst(idx) + hasintersect(idx, Int) || return false + end return true end -function memoryref_elemtype(@nospecialize mem) - m = widenconst(mem) - if !has_free_typevars(m) && m <: GenericMemoryRef - m0 = m - if isa(m, UnionAll) - m = unwrap_unionall(m0) +function array_elmtype(@nospecialize ary) + a = widenconst(ary) + if !has_free_typevars(a) && a <: Array + a0 = a + if isa(a, UnionAll) + a = unwrap_unionall(a0) end - if isa(m, DataType) - T = m.parameters[2] + if isa(a, DataType) + T = a.parameters[1] valid_as_lattice(T, true) || return Bottom - return rewrap_unionall(T, m0) + return rewrap_unionall(T, a0) end end return Any @@ -2069,100 +2049,67 @@ end # whether getindex for the elements can potentially throw UndefRef function array_type_undefable(@nospecialize(arytype)) - arytype = unwrap_unionall(arytype) if isa(arytype, Union) return array_type_undefable(arytype.a) || array_type_undefable(arytype.b) - elseif arytype isa DataType - elmtype = memoryref_elemtype(arytype) - # TODO: use arraytype layout instead to derive this - return !((elmtype isa DataType && isbitstype(elmtype)) || (elmtype isa Union && isbitsunion(elmtype))) - end - return true -end - -@nospecs function memoryset_typecheck(memtype, elemtype) - # Check that we can determine the element type - isa(memtype, DataType) || return false - elemtype_expected = memoryref_elemtype(memtype) - elemtype_expected === Union{} && return false - # Check that the element type is compatible with the element we're assigning - elemtype ⊑ elemtype_expected || return false - return true -end - -function memoryref_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes::Vector{Any}) - if length(argtypes) == 1 - memtype = widenconst(argtypes[1]) - return memtype ⊑ GenericMemory + elseif isa(arytype, UnionAll) + return true else - if length(argtypes) == 2 - boundscheck = Const(true) - elseif length(argtypes) == 3 - boundscheck = argtypes[3] - else - return false - end - memtype = widenconst(argtypes[1]) - idx = widenconst(argtypes[2]) - idx ⊑ Int || return false - boundscheck ⊑ Bool || return false - memtype ⊑ GenericMemoryRef || return false - # If we have @inbounds (last argument is false), we're allowed to assume - # we don't throw bounds errors. - if isa(boundscheck, Const) - boundscheck.val::Bool || return true - end - # Else we can't really say anything here - # TODO: In the future we may be able to track the minimum length though inference. - return false + elmtype = (arytype::DataType).parameters[1] + return !(elmtype isa Type && (isbitstype(elmtype) || isbitsunion(elmtype))) end end -function memoryrefop_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes::Vector{Any}, @nospecialize f) - ismemoryset = f === memoryrefset! - nargs = ismemoryset ? 4 : 3 - length(argtypes) == nargs || return false - order = argtypes[2 + ismemoryset] - boundscheck = argtypes[3 + ismemoryset] - memtype = widenconst(argtypes[1]) - memoryref_builtin_common_typecheck(boundscheck, memtype, order) || return false - if ismemoryset - # Additionally check element type compatibility - memoryset_typecheck(memtype, argtypes[2]) || return false - elseif f === memoryrefget +function array_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes::Vector{Any}, isarrayref::Bool) + first_idx_idx = isarrayref ? 3 : 4 + length(argtypes) ≥ first_idx_idx || return false + boundscheck = argtypes[1] + arytype = argtypes[2] + array_builtin_common_typecheck(boundscheck, arytype, argtypes, first_idx_idx) || return false + if isarrayref # If we could potentially throw undef ref errors, bail out now. - array_type_undefable(memtype) && return false + arytype = widenconst(arytype) + array_type_undefable(arytype) && return false end - # If we have @inbounds (last argument is false), we're allowed to assume + # If we have @inbounds (first argument is false), we're allowed to assume # we don't throw bounds errors. if isa(boundscheck, Const) boundscheck.val::Bool || return true end # Else we can't really say anything here - # TODO: In the future we may be able to track the minimum length though inference. + # TODO: In the future we may be able to track the shapes of arrays though + # inference. return false end -@nospecs function memoryref_builtin_common_typecheck(boundscheck, memtype, order) - return boundscheck ⊑ Bool && memtype ⊑ GenericMemoryRef && order ⊑ Symbol +@nospecs function array_builtin_common_typecheck(boundscheck, arytype, + argtypes::Vector{Any}, first_idx_idx::Int) + (boundscheck ⊑ Bool && arytype ⊑ Array) || return false + for i = first_idx_idx:length(argtypes) + argtypes[i] ⊑ Int || return false + end + return true end +@nospecs function arrayset_typecheck(arytype, elmtype) + # Check that we can determine the element type + arytype = widenconst(arytype) + isa(arytype, DataType) || return false + elmtype_expected = arytype.parameters[1] + isa(elmtype_expected, Type) || return false + # Check that the element type is compatible with the element we're assigning + elmtype ⊑ elmtype_expected || return false + return true +end # Query whether the given builtin is guaranteed not to throw given the argtypes @nospecs function _builtin_nothrow(𝕃::AbstractLattice, f, argtypes::Vector{Any}, rt) ⊑ = Core.Compiler.:⊑(𝕃) - if f === memoryref - return memoryref_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes) - elseif f === memoryrefoffset - length(argtypes) == 1 || return false - memtype = widenconst(argtypes[1]) - return memtype ⊑ GenericMemoryRef - elseif f === memoryrefset! - return memoryrefop_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes, f) - elseif f === memoryrefget - return memoryrefop_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes, f) - elseif f === memoryref_isassigned - return memoryrefop_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes, f) + if f === arrayset + array_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes, #=isarrayref=#false) || return false + # Additionally check element type compatibility + return arrayset_typecheck(argtypes[2], argtypes[3]) + elseif f === arrayref || f === const_arrayref + return array_builtin_common_nothrow(argtypes, #=isarrayref=#true) elseif f === Core._expr length(argtypes) >= 1 || return false return argtypes[1] ⊑ Symbol @@ -2172,7 +2119,10 @@ end # the correct number of arguments. na = length(argtypes) (na ≠ 0 && isvarargtype(argtypes[end])) && return false - if f === Core._typevar + if f === arraysize + na == 2 || return false + return arraysize_nothrow(argtypes[1], argtypes[2]) + elseif f === Core._typevar na == 3 || return false return typevar_nothrow(𝕃, argtypes[1], argtypes[2], argtypes[3]) elseif f === invoke @@ -2275,10 +2225,9 @@ const _EFFECT_FREE_BUILTINS = [ isa, UnionAll, getfield, - memoryref, - memoryrefoffset, - memoryrefget, - memoryref_isassigned, + arrayref, + arraysize, + const_arrayref, isdefined, Core.sizeof, Core.ifelse, @@ -2299,6 +2248,7 @@ const _INACCESSIBLEMEM_BUILTINS = Any[ svec, fieldtype, isa, + isdefined, nfields, throw, tuple, @@ -2310,11 +2260,9 @@ const _INACCESSIBLEMEM_BUILTINS = Any[ ] const _ARGMEM_BUILTINS = Any[ - memoryref, - memoryrefoffset, - memoryrefget, - memoryref_isassigned, - memoryrefset!, + arrayref, + arrayset, + arraysize, modifyfield!, replacefield!, setfield!, @@ -2462,6 +2410,8 @@ function builtin_effects(𝕃::AbstractLattice, @nospecialize(f::Builtin), argin return getfield_effects(𝕃, arginfo, rt) end + # TODO taint `:noub` for `arrayref` and `arrayset` here + # if this builtin call deterministically throws, # don't bother to taint the other effects other than :nothrow: # note this is safe only if we accounted for :noub already @@ -2485,16 +2435,14 @@ function builtin_effects(𝕃::AbstractLattice, @nospecialize(f::Builtin), argin else if contains_is(_CONSISTENT_BUILTINS, f) consistent = ALWAYS_TRUE - elseif f === memoryref || f === memoryrefoffset - consistent = ALWAYS_TRUE - elseif f === memoryrefget || f === memoryrefset! || f === memoryref_isassigned + elseif f === arrayref || f === arrayset || f === arraysize consistent = CONSISTENT_IF_INACCESSIBLEMEMONLY elseif f === Core._typevar consistent = CONSISTENT_IF_NOTRETURNED else consistent = ALWAYS_FALSE end - if f === setfield! || f === memoryrefset! + if f === setfield! || f === arrayset effect_free = EFFECT_FREE_IF_INACCESSIBLEMEMONLY elseif contains_is(_EFFECT_FREE_BUILTINS, f) || contains_is(_PURE_BUILTINS, f) effect_free = ALWAYS_TRUE @@ -2632,6 +2580,9 @@ function intrinsic_nothrow(f::IntrinsicFunction, argtypes::Vector{Any}) isprimitivetype(eT) || return false return argtypes[2] ⊑ eT && argtypes[3] ⊑ Int && argtypes[4] ⊑ Int end + if f === Intrinsics.arraylen + return argtypes[1] ⊑ Array + end if f === Intrinsics.bitcast ty, isexact, isconcrete = instanceof_tfunc(argtypes[1], true) xty = widenconst(argtypes[2]) @@ -2669,6 +2620,7 @@ function is_pure_intrinsic_infer(f::IntrinsicFunction) return !(f === Intrinsics.pointerref || # this one is volatile f === Intrinsics.pointerset || # this one is never effect-free f === Intrinsics.llvmcall || # this one is never effect-free + f === Intrinsics.arraylen || # this one is volatile f === Intrinsics.sqrt_llvm_fast || # this one may differ at runtime (by a few ulps) f === Intrinsics.have_fma || # this one depends on the runtime environment f === Intrinsics.cglobal) # cglobal lookup answer changes at runtime @@ -2689,12 +2641,18 @@ function intrinsic_effects(f::IntrinsicFunction, argtypes::Vector{Any}) if contains_is(_INCONSISTENT_INTRINSICS, f) consistent = ALWAYS_FALSE + elseif f === arraylen + consistent = CONSISTENT_IF_INACCESSIBLEMEMONLY else consistent = ALWAYS_TRUE end effect_free = !(f === Intrinsics.pointerset) ? ALWAYS_TRUE : ALWAYS_FALSE nothrow = (isempty(argtypes) || !isvarargtype(argtypes[end])) && intrinsic_nothrow(f, argtypes) - inaccessiblememonly = ALWAYS_TRUE + if f === arraylen + inaccessiblememonly = INACCESSIBLEMEM_OR_ARGMEMONLY + else + inaccessiblememonly = ALWAYS_TRUE + end return Effects(EFFECTS_TOTAL; consistent, effect_free, nothrow, inaccessiblememonly) end @@ -2963,29 +2921,90 @@ function foreigncall_effects(@specialize(abstract_eval), e::Expr) args = e.args name = args[1] isa(name, QuoteNode) && (name = name.value) - if name === :jl_alloc_genericmemory - nothrow = new_genericmemory_nothrow(abstract_eval, args) - return Effects(EFFECTS_TOTAL; consistent=CONSISTENT_IF_NOTRETURNED, nothrow) + isa(name, Symbol) || return EFFECTS_UNKNOWN + ndims = alloc_array_ndims(name) + if ndims !== nothing + if ndims ≠ 0 + return alloc_array_effects(abstract_eval, args, ndims) + else + return new_array_effects(abstract_eval, args) + end + end + if is_array_resize(name) + return array_resize_effects() end return EFFECTS_UNKNOWN end -function new_genericmemory_nothrow(@nospecialize(abstract_eval), args::Vector{Any}) - length(args) ≥ 1+FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START || return false - mtype = instanceof_tfunc(abstract_eval(args[FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START]))[1] - isa(mtype, DataType) || return false - isdefined(mtype, :instance) || return false - elsz = Int(datatype_layoutsize(mtype)) - arrayelem = datatype_arrayelem(mtype) - dim = abstract_eval(args[1+FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START]) - isa(dim, Const) || return false - dimval = dim.val - isa(dimval, Int) || return false - 0 < dimval < typemax(Int) || return false - tot, ovflw = Intrinsics.checked_smul_int(dimval, elsz) - ovflw && return false - isboxed = 1; isunion = 2 - tot, ovflw = Intrinsics.checked_sadd_int(tot, arrayelem == isunion ? 1 + dimval : 1) - ovflw && return false - return true +function is_array_resize(name::Symbol) + return name === :jl_array_grow_beg || name === :jl_array_grow_end || + name === :jl_array_del_beg || name === :jl_array_del_end || + name === :jl_array_grow_at || name === :jl_array_del_at +end + +function array_resize_effects() + return Effects(EFFECTS_TOTAL; + effect_free = EFFECT_FREE_IF_INACCESSIBLEMEMONLY, + nothrow = false, + inaccessiblememonly = INACCESSIBLEMEM_OR_ARGMEMONLY) +end + +function alloc_array_ndims(name::Symbol) + if name === :jl_alloc_array_1d + return 1 + elseif name === :jl_alloc_array_2d + return 2 + elseif name === :jl_alloc_array_3d + return 3 + elseif name === :jl_new_array + return 0 + end + return nothing +end + +function alloc_array_effects(@specialize(abstract_eval), args::Vector{Any}, ndims::Int) + nothrow = alloc_array_nothrow(abstract_eval, args, ndims) + return Effects(EFFECTS_TOTAL; consistent=CONSISTENT_IF_NOTRETURNED, nothrow) +end + +function alloc_array_nothrow(@specialize(abstract_eval), args::Vector{Any}, ndims::Int) + length(args) ≥ ndims+FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START || return false + atype = instanceof_tfunc(abstract_eval(args[FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START]))[1] + dims = Csize_t[] + for i in 1:ndims + dim = abstract_eval(args[i+FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START]) + isa(dim, Const) || return false + dimval = dim.val + isa(dimval, Int) || return false + push!(dims, reinterpret(Csize_t, dimval)) + end + return _new_array_nothrow(atype, ndims, dims) +end + +function new_array_effects(@specialize(abstract_eval), args::Vector{Any}) + nothrow = new_array_nothrow(abstract_eval, args) + return Effects(EFFECTS_TOTAL; consistent=CONSISTENT_IF_NOTRETURNED, nothrow) +end + +function new_array_nothrow(@specialize(abstract_eval), args::Vector{Any}) + length(args) ≥ FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START+1 || return false + atype = instanceof_tfunc(abstract_eval(args[FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START]))[1] + dims = abstract_eval(args[FOREIGNCALL_ARG_START+1]) + isa(dims, Const) || return dims === Tuple{} + dimsval = dims.val + isa(dimsval, Tuple{Vararg{Int}}) || return false + ndims = nfields(dimsval) + isa(ndims, Int) || return false + dims = Csize_t[reinterpret(Csize_t, dimval) for dimval in dimsval] + return _new_array_nothrow(atype, ndims, dims) +end + +function _new_array_nothrow(@nospecialize(atype), ndims::Int, dims::Vector{Csize_t}) + isa(atype, DataType) || return false + eltype = atype.parameters[1] + iskindtype(typeof(eltype)) || return false + elsz = aligned_sizeof(eltype) + return ccall(:jl_array_validate_dims, Cint, + (Ptr{Csize_t}, Ptr{Csize_t}, UInt32, Ptr{Csize_t}, Csize_t), + #=nel=#RefValue{Csize_t}(), #=tot=#RefValue{Csize_t}(), ndims, dims, elsz) == 0 end diff --git a/base/compiler/typelattice.jl b/base/compiler/typelattice.jl index 5987c30be2b91..0c44a610f8f95 100644 --- a/base/compiler/typelattice.jl +++ b/base/compiler/typelattice.jl @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ end @nospecializeinfer function isalreadyconst(@nospecialize t) isa(t, Const) && return true - issingletontype(t) && return true + isa(t, DataType) && isdefined(t, :instance) && return true return isconstType(t) end diff --git a/base/compiler/utilities.jl b/base/compiler/utilities.jl index 175675f2c81cc..d27e1bd00ce56 100644 --- a/base/compiler/utilities.jl +++ b/base/compiler/utilities.jl @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ function count_const_size(@nospecialize(x), count_self::Bool = true) sz = count_self ? sizeof(dt) : 0 sz > MAX_INLINE_CONST_SIZE && return MAX_INLINE_CONST_SIZE + 1 dtfd = DataTypeFieldDesc(dt) - for i = 1:Int(datatype_nfields(dt)) + for i = 1:nfields(x) isdefined(x, i) || continue f = getfield(x, i) if !dtfd[i].isptr && datatype_pointerfree(typeof(f)) diff --git a/base/deepcopy.jl b/base/deepcopy.jl index e0cb6c5e781fa..b35510aa1e7ae 100644 --- a/base/deepcopy.jl +++ b/base/deepcopy.jl @@ -88,51 +88,30 @@ function deepcopy_internal(@nospecialize(x), stackdict::IdDict) return y::T end -function deepcopy_internal(x::Memory, stackdict::IdDict) +function deepcopy_internal(x::Array, stackdict::IdDict) if haskey(stackdict, x) return stackdict[x]::typeof(x) end - _deepcopy_memory_t(x, eltype(x), stackdict) + _deepcopy_array_t(x, eltype(x), stackdict) end -function _deepcopy_memory_t(@nospecialize(x::Memory), T, stackdict::IdDict) +function _deepcopy_array_t(@nospecialize(x::Array), T, stackdict::IdDict) if isbitstype(T) return (stackdict[x]=copy(x)) end - dest = typeof(x)(undef, length(x)) + dest = similar(x) stackdict[x] = dest - xr = Core.memoryref(x) - dr = Core.memoryref(dest) for i = 1:length(x) - xi = Core.memoryref(xr, i, false) - if Core.memoryref_isassigned(xi, :not_atomic, false) - xi = Core.memoryrefget(xi, :not_atomic, false) + if ccall(:jl_array_isassigned, Cint, (Any, Csize_t), x, i-1) != 0 + xi = ccall(:jl_arrayref, Any, (Any, Csize_t), x, i-1) if !isbits(xi) xi = deepcopy_internal(xi, stackdict)::typeof(xi) end - di = Core.memoryref(dr, i, false) - di = Core.memoryrefset!(di, xi, :not_atomic, false) + ccall(:jl_arrayset, Cvoid, (Any, Any, Csize_t), dest, xi, i-1) end end return dest end -@eval function deepcopy_internal(x::Array{T, N}, stackdict::IdDict) where {T, N} - if haskey(stackdict, x) - return stackdict[x]::typeof(x) - end - stackdict[x] = $(Expr(:new, :(Array{T, N}), :(deepcopy_internal(x.ref, stackdict)), :(x.size))) -end -function deepcopy_internal(x::GenericMemoryRef, stackdict::IdDict) - if haskey(stackdict, x) - return stackdict[x]::typeof(x) - end - mem = getfield(x, :mem) - dest = GenericMemoryRef(deepcopy_internal(mem, stackdict)::typeof(mem)) - i = memoryrefoffset(x) - i == 1 || (dest = Core.memoryref(dest, i, true)) - return dest -end - function deepcopy_internal(x::Union{Dict,IdDict}, stackdict::IdDict) if haskey(stackdict, x) diff --git a/base/dict.jl b/base/dict.jl index da165c145bbb1..b2797db8dc059 100644 --- a/base/dict.jl +++ b/base/dict.jl @@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ Dict{String, Int64} with 2 entries: """ mutable struct Dict{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V} # Metadata: empty => 0x00, removed => 0x7f, full => 0b1[7 most significant hash bits] - slots::Memory{UInt8} - keys::Memory{K} - vals::Memory{V} + slots::Vector{UInt8} + keys::Array{K,1} + vals::Array{V,1} ndel::Int count::Int age::UInt @@ -75,15 +75,13 @@ mutable struct Dict{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V} function Dict{K,V}() where V where K n = 16 - slots = Memory{UInt8}(undef,n) - fill!(slots, 0x0) - new(slots, Memory{K}(undef, n), Memory{V}(undef, n), 0, 0, 0, n, 0) + new(zeros(UInt8,n), Vector{K}(undef, n), Vector{V}(undef, n), 0, 0, 0, n, 0) end function Dict{K,V}(d::Dict{K,V}) where V where K new(copy(d.slots), copy(d.keys), copy(d.vals), d.ndel, d.count, d.age, d.idxfloor, d.maxprobe) end - function Dict{K, V}(slots::Memory{UInt8}, keys::Memory{K}, vals::Memory{V}, ndel::Int, count::Int, age::UInt, idxfloor::Int, maxprobe::Int) where {K, V} + function Dict{K, V}(slots, keys, vals, ndel, count, age, idxfloor, maxprobe) where {K, V} new(slots, keys, vals, ndel, count, age, idxfloor, maxprobe) end end @@ -181,20 +179,18 @@ end h.age += 1 h.idxfloor = 1 if h.count == 0 - # TODO: tryresize - h.slots = Memory{UInt8}(undef, newsz) + resize!(h.slots, newsz) fill!(h.slots, 0x0) - h.keys = Memory{K}(undef, newsz) - h.vals = Memory{V}(undef, newsz) + resize!(h.keys, newsz) + resize!(h.vals, newsz) h.ndel = 0 h.maxprobe = 0 return h end - slots = Memory{UInt8}(undef, newsz) - fill!(slots, 0x0) - keys = Memory{K}(undef, newsz) - vals = Memory{V}(undef, newsz) + slots = zeros(UInt8,newsz) + keys = Vector{K}(undef, newsz) + vals = Vector{V}(undef, newsz) age0 = h.age count = 0 maxprobe = 0 @@ -260,10 +256,10 @@ Dict{String, Int64}() function empty!(h::Dict{K,V}) where V where K fill!(h.slots, 0x0) sz = length(h.slots) - for i in 1:sz - _unsetindex!(h.keys, i) - _unsetindex!(h.vals, i) - end + empty!(h.keys) + empty!(h.vals) + resize!(h.keys, sz) + resize!(h.vals, sz) h.ndel = 0 h.count = 0 h.maxprobe = 0 diff --git a/base/docs/basedocs.jl b/base/docs/basedocs.jl index f6942a8d4e9e8..39391bd727572 100644 --- a/base/docs/basedocs.jl +++ b/base/docs/basedocs.jl @@ -2420,42 +2420,6 @@ false """ isdefined -""" - Memory{T}(undef, n) - -Construct an uninitialized [`Memory{T}`](@ref) of length `n`. All Memory -objects of length 0 might alias, since there is no reachable mutable content -from them. - -# Examples -```julia-repl -julia> Memory{Float64}(undef, 3) -3-element Memory{Float64}: - 6.90966e-310 - 6.90966e-310 - 6.90966e-310 -``` -""" -Memory{T}(::UndefInitializer, n) - -""" - MemoryRef(memory) - -Construct a MemoryRef from a memory object. This does not fail, but the -resulting memory may point out-of-bounds if the memory is empty. -""" -MemoryRef(::Memory) - -""" - MemoryRef(::Memory, index::Integer) - MemoryRef(::MemoryRef, index::Integer) - -Construct a MemoryRef from a memory object and an offset index (1-based) which -can also be negative. This always returns an inbounds object, and will throw an -error if that is not possible (because the index would result in a shift -out-of-bounds of the underlying memory). -""" -MemoryRef(::Union{Memory,MemoryRef}, ::Integer) """ Vector{T}(undef, n) @@ -3419,6 +3383,4 @@ The current differences are: """ Core.finalizer -Base.include(BaseDocs, "intrinsicsdocs.jl") - end diff --git a/base/docs/intrinsicsdocs.jl b/base/docs/intrinsicsdocs.jl deleted file mode 100644 index effc9e859becf..0000000000000 --- a/base/docs/intrinsicsdocs.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license - -""" - Core.IR - -The Core.IR module exports the IR object model. -""" -Core.IR - -""" - Core.IntrinsicFunction <: Core.Builtin <: Function - -The Core.IntrinsicFunction function define some basic primitives for what defines the -abilities and behaviors of a Julia program -""" -Core.IntrinsicFunction - -""" - Core.Intrinsics - -The Core.Intrinsics module holds the Core.IntrinsicFunction objects. -""" -Core.Intrinsics - -""" - Core.memoryref(::GenericMemory) - Core.memoryref(::GenericMemoryRef, index::Int, [boundscheck::Bool]) - -Return a GenericMemoryRef for a GenericMemory. See [`MemoryRef`](@ref). -""" -Core.memoryref - -""" - Core..memoryrefoffset(::GenericMemoryRef) - -Return the offset index that was used to construct the MemoryRef. See [`Core.memoryref`](@ref). -""" -Core.memoryrefoffset - -""" - Core.memoryrefget(::GenericMemoryRef, ordering::Symbol, boundscheck::Bool) - -Return the value stored at the MemoryRef, throwing a BoundsError if the Memory is empty. See `ref[]`. -The memory ordering specified must be compatible with the `isatomic` parameter. -""" -Core.memoryrefget - -""" - Core.memoryrefset!(::GenericMemoryRef, value, ordering::Symbol, boundscheck::Bool) - -Store the value to the MemoryRef, throwing a BoundsError if the Memory is empty. See `ref[] = value`. -The memory ordering specified must be compatible with the `isatomic` parameter. -""" -Core.memoryrefset! - -""" - Core.memoryref_isassigned(::GenericMemoryRef, ordering::Symbol, boundscheck::Bool) - -Return whether there is a value stored at the MemoryRef, returning false if the Memory is empty. See [`isassigned(::Base.RefValue)`](@ref), [`Core.memoryrefget`](@ref). -The memory ordering specified must be compatible with the `isatomic` parameter. -""" -Core.memoryref_isassigned diff --git a/base/essentials.jl b/base/essentials.jl index ece48a0e772ee..4323052d540da 100644 --- a/base/essentials.jl +++ b/base/essentials.jl @@ -1,22 +1,17 @@ # This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license -using Core: CodeInfo, SimpleVector, donotdelete, compilerbarrier, memoryref, memoryrefget, memoryrefset! +import Core: CodeInfo, SimpleVector, donotdelete, compilerbarrier, arrayref const Callable = Union{Function,Type} const Bottom = Union{} # Define minimal array interface here to help code used in macros: -length(a::Array{T, 0}) where {T} = 1 -length(a::Array{T, 1}) where {T} = getfield(a, :size)[1] -length(a::Array) = getfield(getfield(getfield(a, :ref), :mem), :length) -length(a::GenericMemory) = getfield(a, :length) -throw_boundserror(A, I) = (@noinline; throw(BoundsError(A, I))) +length(a::Array) = arraylen(a) -eval(:(getindex(A::GenericMemory{:not_atomic}, i::Int) = memoryrefget(memoryref(memoryref(A), i, $(Expr(:boundscheck))), :not_atomic, false))) -eval(:(getindex(A::GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic}) = memoryrefget(A, :not_atomic, $(Expr(:boundscheck))))) - -# multidimensional getindex will be defined later on +# This is more complicated than it needs to be in order to get Win64 through bootstrap +eval(:(getindex(A::Array, i1::Int) = arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, i1))) +eval(:(getindex(A::Array, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) = (@inline; arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, i1, i2, I...)))) ==(a::GlobalRef, b::GlobalRef) = a.mod === b.mod && a.name === b.name @@ -252,18 +247,6 @@ macro _terminates_locally_meta() #=:inaccessiblememonly=#false, #=:noub=#false)) end -# can be used in place of `@assume_effects :terminates_globally` (supposed to be used for bootstrapping) -macro _terminates_globally_meta() - return _is_internal(__module__) && Expr(:meta, Expr(:purity, - #=:consistent=#false, - #=:effect_free=#false, - #=:nothrow=#false, - #=:terminates_globally=#true, - #=:terminates_locally=#true, - #=:notaskstate=#false, - #=:inaccessiblememonly=#false, - #=:noub=#false)) -end # can be used in place of `@assume_effects :effect_free :terminates_locally` (supposed to be used for bootstrapping) macro _effect_free_terminates_locally_meta() return _is_internal(__module__) && Expr(:meta, Expr(:purity, @@ -670,6 +653,9 @@ julia> ifelse(1 > 2, 1, 2) """ ifelse(condition::Bool, x, y) = Core.ifelse(condition, x, y) +# simple Array{Any} operations needed for bootstrap +@eval setindex!(A::Array{Any}, @nospecialize(x), i::Int) = arrayset($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, x, i) + """ esc(e) @@ -785,22 +771,6 @@ macro goto(name::Symbol) return esc(Expr(:symbolicgoto, name)) end -# linear indexing -eval(:(function getindex(A::Array, i::Int) - @boundscheck ult_int(bitcast(UInt, sub_int(i, 1)), bitcast(UInt, length(A))) || throw_boundserror(A, (i,)) - memoryrefget(memoryref(getfield(A, :ref), i, false), :not_atomic, false) - end)) -# simple Array{Any} operations needed for bootstrap -function setindex!(A::Array{Any}, @nospecialize(x), i::Int) - @boundscheck ult_int(bitcast(UInt, sub_int(i, 1)), bitcast(UInt, length(A))) || throw_boundserror(A, (i,)) - memoryrefset!(memoryref(getfield(A, :ref), i, false), x, :not_atomic, false) - return A -end -@eval setindex!(A::Memory{Any}, @nospecialize(x), i::Int) = (memoryrefset!(memoryref(memoryref(A), i, $(Expr(:boundscheck))), x, :not_atomic, $(Expr(:boundscheck))); A) -@eval setindex!(A::MemoryRef{T}, x) where {T} = memoryrefset!(A, convert(T, x), :not_atomic, $(Expr(:boundscheck))) -@eval setindex!(A::MemoryRef{Any}, @nospecialize(x)) = memoryrefset!(A, x, :not_atomic, $(Expr(:boundscheck))) - - # SimpleVector getindex(v::SimpleVector, i::Int) = (@_foldable_meta; Core._svec_ref(v, i)) diff --git a/base/experimental.jl b/base/experimental.jl index abcd52ffcc43f..133171b78271d 100644 --- a/base/experimental.jl +++ b/base/experimental.jl @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ """ module Experimental -using Base: Threads, sync_varname, is_function_def, @propagate_inbounds +using Base: Threads, sync_varname, is_function_def using Base.Meta """ @@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ end Base.IndexStyle(::Type{<:Const}) = IndexLinear() Base.size(C::Const) = size(C.a) Base.axes(C::Const) = axes(C.a) -@propagate_inbounds Base.getindex(A::Const, i1::Int, I::Int...) = A.a[i1, I...] +@eval Base.getindex(A::Const, i1::Int) = + (Base.@inline; Core.const_arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A.a, i1)) +@eval Base.getindex(A::Const, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) = + (Base.@inline; Core.const_arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A.a, i1, i2, I...)) """ @aliasscope expr diff --git a/base/expr.jl b/base/expr.jl index 4e418d140e5a6..0f7dc76395930 100644 --- a/base/expr.jl +++ b/base/expr.jl @@ -716,8 +716,7 @@ macro assume_effects(args...) end (consistent, effect_free, nothrow, terminates_globally, terminates_locally, notaskstate, inaccessiblememonly, noub) = (false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false) - for i in 1:idx - org_setting = args[i] + for org_setting in args[1:idx] (setting, val) = compute_assumed_setting(org_setting) if setting === :consistent consistent = val diff --git a/base/genericmemory.jl b/base/genericmemory.jl deleted file mode 100644 index e9ec11292ed77..0000000000000 --- a/base/genericmemory.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ -# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license - -## genericmemory.jl: Managed Memory - -""" - GenericMemory{kind::Symbol, T, addrspace::Int} <: AbstractVector{T} - -One-dimensional dense array with elements of type `T`. -""" -GenericMemory -""" - Memory{T} == GenericMemory{:not_atomic, T, Core.CPU} - -One-dimensional dense array with elements of type `T`. -""" -Memory - -## Basic functions ## - -using Core: memoryrefoffset, memoryref_isassigned # import more functions which were not essential - -size(a::GenericMemory, d::Int) = - d < 1 ? error("dimension out of range") : - d == 1 ? length(a) : - 1 -size(a::GenericMemory, d::Integer) = size(a, convert(d, Int)) -size(a::GenericMemory) = (length(a),) - -pointer(mem::GenericMemory, i::Int) = (@_propagate_inbounds_meta; unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, GenericMemoryRef(mem, i))) # boundschecked, even for i==1 -pointer(mem::GenericMemoryRef) = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, mem) # no bounds check, even for empty array - -_unsetindex!(A::Memory, i::Int) = (@_propagate_inbounds_meta; _unsetindex!(GenericMemoryRef(A, i)); A) -function _unsetindex!(A::MemoryRef{T}) where T - @_terminates_locally_meta - @_propagate_inbounds_meta - @inline - @boundscheck GenericMemoryRef(A, 1) - mem = A.mem - MemT = typeof(mem) - arrayelem = datatype_arrayelem(MemT) - elsz = datatype_layoutsize(MemT) - isboxed = 1; isunion = 2 - t = @_gc_preserve_begin mem - p = Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}(@inbounds pointer(A)) - if arrayelem == isboxed - Intrinsics.atomic_pointerset(p, C_NULL, :monotonic) - elseif arrayelem != isunion - if !datatype_pointerfree(T::DataType) - for j = 1:Core.sizeof(Ptr{Cvoid}):elsz - Intrinsics.atomic_pointerset(p + j - 1, C_NULL, :monotonic) - end - end - end - @_gc_preserve_end t - return A -end - -elsize(@nospecialize _::Type{A}) where {T,A<:GenericMemory{<:Any,T}} = aligned_sizeof(T) -sizeof(a::GenericMemory) = Core.sizeof(a) - -# multi arg case will be overwritten later. This is needed for bootstrapping -function isassigned(a::Memory, i::Int) - @inline - @boundscheck (i - 1)%UInt < length(a)%UInt || return false - return @inbounds memoryref_isassigned(GenericMemoryRef(a, i), :not_atomic, false) -end - -@eval isassigned(a::GenericMemoryRef) = memoryref_isassigned(a, :not_atomic, $(Expr(:boundscheck))) - -## copy ## -@eval function unsafe_copyto!(dest::MemoryRef{T}, src::MemoryRef{T}, n) where {T} - @_terminates_globally_meta - n == 0 && return dest - @boundscheck GenericMemoryRef(dest, n), GenericMemoryRef(src, n) - ccall(:jl_genericmemory_copyto, Cvoid, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Int), dest.mem, dest.ptr_or_offset, src.mem, src.ptr_or_offset, Int(n)) - return dest -end - -function unsafe_copyto!(dest::GenericMemoryRef, src::GenericMemoryRef, n) - n == 0 && return dest - @boundscheck GenericMemoryRef(dest, n), GenericMemoryRef(src, n) - unsafe_copyto!(dest.mem, memoryrefoffset(dest), src.mem, memoryrefoffset(src), n) - return dest -end - -function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Memory{T}, doffs, src::Memory{T}, soffs, n) where{T} - n == 0 && return dest - unsafe_copyto!(GenericMemoryRef(dest, doffs), GenericMemoryRef(src, soffs), n) - return dest -end - -function unsafe_copyto!(dest::Memory, doffs, src::Memory, soffs, n) - @_terminates_locally_meta - n == 0 && return dest - # use pointer math to determine if they are deemed to alias - destp = pointer(dest, doffs) - srcp = pointer(src, soffs) - endp = pointer(src, soffs + n - 1) - @inbounds if destp < srcp || destp > endp - for i = 1:n - if isassigned(src, soffs + i - 1) - dest[doffs + i - 1] = src[soffs + i - 1] - else - _unsetindex!(dest, doffs + i - 1) - end - end - else - for i = n:-1:1 - if isassigned(src, soffs + i - 1) - dest[doffs + i - 1] = src[soffs + i - 1] - else - _unsetindex!(dest, doffs + i - 1) - end - end - end - return dest -end - -copy(a::T) where {T<:Memory} = ccall(:jl_genericmemory_copy, Ref{T}, (Any,), a) - -## Constructors ## - -similar(a::Memory{T}) where {T} = Memory{T}(undef, length(a)) -similar(a::Memory{T}, S::Type) where {T} = Memory{S}(undef, length(a)) -similar(a::Memory{T}, m::Int) where {T} = Memory{T}(undef, m) -similar(a::Memory, T::Type, dims::Dims{1}) = Memory{T}(undef, dims[1]) -similar(a::Memory{T}, dims::Dims{1}) where {T} = Memory{T}(undef, dims[1]) - -function fill!(a::Union{Memory{UInt8}, Memory{Int8}}, x::Integer) - t = @_gc_preserve_begin a - p = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, a) - T = eltype(a) - memset(p, x isa T ? x : convert(T, x), length(a)) - @_gc_preserve_end t - return a -end - -## Conversions ## - -convert(::Type{T}, a::AbstractArray) where {T<:GenericMemory} = a isa T ? a : T(a)::T - -promote_rule(a::Type{Memory{T}}, b::Type{Memory{S}}) where {T,S} = el_same(promote_type(T,S), a, b) -promote_rule(a::Type{GenericMemory{:atomic,T,Core.CPU}}, b::Type{GenericMemory{:atomic,S,Core.CPU}}) where {T,S} = el_same(promote_type(T,S), a, b) - -## Constructors ## - -if nameof(@__MODULE__) === :Base # avoid method overwrite -# constructors should make copies -Memory{T}(x::AbstractArray{S,1}) where {T,S} = copyto_axcheck!(Memory{T}(undef, size(x)), x) -end - -## copying iterators to containers - -## Iteration ## - -iterate(A::Memory, i=1) = (@inline; (i - 1)%UInt < length(A)%UInt ? (@inbounds A[i], i + 1) : nothing) - -## Indexing: getindex ## - -# Faster contiguous indexing using copyto! for AbstractUnitRange and Colon -function getindex(A::Memory, I::AbstractUnitRange{<:Integer}) - @inline - @boundscheck checkbounds(A, I) - lI = length(I) - X = similar(A, axes(I)) - if lI > 0 - copyto!(X, firstindex(X), A, first(I), lI) - end - return X -end - -# getindex for carrying out logical indexing for AbstractUnitRange{Bool} as Bool <: Integer -getindex(a::Memory, r::AbstractUnitRange{Bool}) = getindex(a, to_index(r)) - -getindex(A::Memory, c::Colon) = copy(A) - -## Indexing: setindex! ## - -@eval begin -function setindex!(A::Memory{T}, x, i1::Int) where {T} - val = x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T - ref = memoryref(memoryref(A), i1, $(Expr(:boundscheck))) - memoryrefset!(ref, val, :not_atomic, $(Expr(:boundscheck))) - return A -end -end -function setindex!(A::Memory{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} - @inline - @boundscheck (i2 == 1 && all(==(1), I)) || throw_boundserror(A, (i1, i2, I...)) - setindex!(A, x, i1) -end - -function __inbounds_setindex!(A::Memory{T}, x, i1::Int) where {T} - val = x isa T ? x : convert(T,x)::T - ref = memoryref(memoryref(A), i1, false) - memoryrefset!(ref, val, :not_atomic, false) - return A -end -function __inbounds_setindex!(A::Memory{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} - @boundscheck (i2 == 1 && all(==(1), I)) || throw_boundserror(A, (i1, i2, I...)) - __inbounds_setindex(A, x, i1) -end - -# Faster contiguous setindex! with copyto! -function setindex!(A::Memory{T}, X::Memory{T}, I::AbstractUnitRange{Int}) where T - @inline - @boundscheck checkbounds(A, I) - lI = length(I) - @boundscheck setindex_shape_check(X, lI) - if lI > 0 - unsafe_copyto!(A, first(I), X, 1, lI) - end - return A -end -function setindex!(A::Memory{T}, X::Memory{T}, c::Colon) where T - @inline - lI = length(A) - @boundscheck setindex_shape_check(X, lI) - if lI > 0 - unsafe_copyto!(A, 1, X, 1, lI) - end - return A -end - -# use memcmp for cmp on byte arrays -function cmp(a::Memory{UInt8}, b::Memory{UInt8}) - ta = @_gc_preserve_begin a - tb = @_gc_preserve_begin b - pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, a) - pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, b) - c = memcmp(pa, pb, min(length(a),length(b))) - @_gc_preserve_end ta - @_gc_preserve_end tb - return c < 0 ? -1 : c > 0 ? +1 : cmp(length(a),length(b)) -end - -const BitIntegerMemory{N} = Union{map(T->Memory{T}, BitInteger_types)...} -# use memcmp for == on bit integer types -function ==(a::M, b::M) where {M <: BitIntegerMemory} - if length(a) == length(b) - ta = @_gc_preserve_begin a - tb = @_gc_preserve_begin b - pa = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, a) - pb = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, b) - c = memcmp(pa, pb, sizeof(eltype(M)) * length(a)) - @_gc_preserve_end ta - @_gc_preserve_end tb - return c == 0 - else - return false - end -end - -function findall(pred::Fix2{typeof(in),<:Union{Memory{<:Real},Real}}, x::Memory{<:Real}) - if issorted(x, Sort.Forward) && issorted(pred.x, Sort.Forward) - return _sortedfindin(x, pred.x) - else - return _findin(x, pred.x) - end -end - -# Copying subregions -function indcopy(sz::Dims, I::GenericMemory) - n = length(I) - s = sz[n] - for i = n+1:length(sz) - s *= sz[i] - end - dst = eltype(I)[_findin(I[i], i < n ? (1:sz[i]) : (1:s)) for i = 1:n] - src = eltype(I)[I[i][_findin(I[i], i < n ? (1:sz[i]) : (1:s))] for i = 1:n] - dst, src -end diff --git a/base/iddict.jl b/base/iddict.jl index a4d3d439f03c9..01ff213305d7b 100644 --- a/base/iddict.jl +++ b/base/iddict.jl @@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ IdDict{Any, String} with 3 entries: ``` """ mutable struct IdDict{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V} - ht::Memory{Any} + ht::Vector{Any} count::Int ndel::Int - IdDict{K,V}() where {K, V} = new{K,V}(Memory{Any}(undef, 32), 0, 0) + IdDict{K,V}() where {K, V} = new{K,V}(Vector{Any}(undef, 32), 0, 0) function IdDict{K,V}(itr) where {K, V} d = IdDict{K,V}() @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ end empty(d::IdDict, ::Type{K}, ::Type{V}) where {K, V} = IdDict{K,V}() function rehash!(d::IdDict, newsz = length(d.ht)%UInt) - d.ht = ccall(:jl_idtable_rehash, Memory{Any}, (Any, Csize_t), d.ht, newsz) + d.ht = ccall(:jl_idtable_rehash, Vector{Any}, (Any, Csize_t), d.ht, newsz) d end @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function setindex!(d::IdDict{K,V}, @nospecialize(val), @nospecialize(key)) where d.ndel = 0 end inserted = RefValue{Cint}(0) - d.ht = ccall(:jl_eqtable_put, Memory{Any}, (Any, Any, Any, Ptr{Cint}), d.ht, key, val, inserted) + d.ht = ccall(:jl_eqtable_put, Array{Any,1}, (Any, Any, Any, Ptr{Cint}), d.ht, key, val, inserted) d.count += inserted[] return d end @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ function delete!(d::IdDict{K}, @nospecialize(key)) where K end function empty!(d::IdDict) - d.ht = Memory{Any}(undef, 32) + resize!(d.ht, 32) ht = d.ht t = @_gc_preserve_begin ht memset(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, ht), 0, sizeof(ht)) diff --git a/base/namedtuple.jl b/base/namedtuple.jl index 5863cb462010c..36ec56a4e0a2a 100644 --- a/base/namedtuple.jl +++ b/base/namedtuple.jl @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ end names = merge_names(an, bn) types = merge_types(names, typeof(a), typeof(b)) n = length(names) - A = Memory{Any}(undef, n) + A = Vector{Any}(undef, n) for i=1:n n = names[i] A[i] = getfield(sym_in(n, bn) ? b : a, n) @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ end isempty(names) && return (;) types = diff_types(a, names) n = length(names) - A = Memory{Any}(undef, n) + A = Vector{Any}(undef, n) for i=1:n n = names[i] A[i] = getfield(a, n) diff --git a/base/pointer.jl b/base/pointer.jl index 86513c076ade6..5bb5682a6d0d8 100644 --- a/base/pointer.jl +++ b/base/pointer.jl @@ -62,32 +62,13 @@ unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Int8}}, x::Symbol) = ccall(:jl_symbol_name, Ptr{Int8}, unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{UInt8}}, s::String) = ccall(:jl_string_ptr, Ptr{UInt8}, (Any,), s) unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Int8}}, s::String) = ccall(:jl_string_ptr, Ptr{Int8}, (Any,), s) -cconvert(::Type{<:Ptr}, a::Array) = getfield(a, :ref) +unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, a::Array{T}) where {T} = ccall(:jl_array_ptr, Ptr{T}, (Any,), a) unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{S}}, a::AbstractArray{T}) where {S,T} = convert(Ptr{S}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{T}, a)) unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, a::AbstractArray{T}) where {T} = error("conversion to pointer not defined for $(typeof(a))") # TODO: add this deprecation to give a better error: # cconvert(::Type{<:Ptr}, a::AbstractArray) = error("conversion to pointer not defined for $(typeof(a))") # unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, a::AbstractArray{T}) where {T} = error("missing call to cconvert for call to unsafe_convert for AbstractArray") -cconvert(::Type{<:Ptr}, a::GenericMemory) = a -unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Cvoid}}, a::GenericMemory{T}) where {T} = getfield(a, :ptr) -unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, a::GenericMemory) where {T} = convert(Ptr{T}, getfield(a, :ptr)) - -function unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Cvoid}}, a::GenericMemoryRef{<:Any,T,Core.CPU}) where {T} - mem = getfield(a, :mem) - offset = getfield(a, :ptr_or_offset) - MemT = typeof(mem) - arrayelem = datatype_arrayelem(MemT) - elsz = datatype_layoutsize(MemT) - isboxed = 1; isunion = 2 - if arrayelem == isunion || elsz == 0 - offset = UInt(offset) * elsz - offset += unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, mem) - end - return offset -end -unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, a::GenericMemoryRef) where {T} = convert(Ptr{T}, unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, a)) - # unsafe pointer to array conversions """ unsafe_wrap(Array, pointer::Ptr{T}, dims; own = false) @@ -114,21 +95,10 @@ function unsafe_wrap(::Union{Type{Array},Type{Array{T}},Type{Array{T,1}}}, ccall(:jl_ptr_to_array_1d, Array{T,1}, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Cint), Array{T,1}, p, d, own) end -function unsafe_wrap(::Union{Type{GenericMemory{kind,<:Any,Core.CPU}},Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,Core.CPU}}}, - p::Ptr{T}, dims::Tuple{Int}; own::Bool = false) where {kind,T} - ccall(:jl_ptr_to_genericmemory, Ref{GenericMemory{kind,T,Core.CPU}}, - (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Cint), GenericMemory{kind,T,Core.CPU}, p, dim[1], own) -end -function unsafe_wrap(::Union{Type{GenericMemory{kind,<:Any,Core.CPU}},Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,Core.CPU}}}, - p::Ptr{T}, d::Integer; own::Bool = false) where {kind,T} - ccall(:jl_ptr_to_genericmemory, Ref{GenericMemory{kind,T,Core.CPU}}, - (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, Cint), GenericMemory{kind,T,Core.CPU}, p, d, own) -end -unsafe_wrap(Atype::Union{Type{Array},Type{Array{T}},Type{Array{T,N}},Type{GenericMemory{kind,<:Any,Core.CPU}},Type{GenericMemory{kind,T,Core.CPU}}} where {kind}, +unsafe_wrap(Atype::Union{Type{Array},Type{Array{T}},Type{Array{T,N}}}, p::Ptr{T}, dims::NTuple{N,<:Integer}; own::Bool = false) where {T,N} = unsafe_wrap(Atype, p, convert(Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, dims), own = own) - """ unsafe_load(p::Ptr{T}, i::Integer=1) unsafe_load(p::Ptr{T}, order::Symbol) diff --git a/base/promotion.jl b/base/promotion.jl index 16769f8566b92..1e4f75aa3929d 100644 --- a/base/promotion.jl +++ b/base/promotion.jl @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function typejoin(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b)) aprimary = aprimary::UnionAll # pushfirst!(vars, aprimary.var) _growbeg!(vars, 1) - vars[1] = aprimary.var + arrayset(false, vars, aprimary.var, 1) aprimary = aprimary.body end end diff --git a/base/reflection.jl b/base/reflection.jl index 7bb77b316b434..469bd8e1b40a3 100644 --- a/base/reflection.jl +++ b/base/reflection.jl @@ -430,16 +430,13 @@ struct DataTypeLayout flags::UInt16 # haspadding : 1; # fielddesc_type : 2; - # arrayelem_isboxed : 1; - # arrayelem_isunion : 1; end """ Base.datatype_alignment(dt::DataType) -> Int Memory allocation minimum alignment for instances of this type. -Can be called on any `isconcretetype`, although for Memory it will give the -alignment of the elements, not the whole object. +Can be called on any `isconcretetype`. """ function datatype_alignment(dt::DataType) @_foldable_meta @@ -481,8 +478,7 @@ gc_alignment(T::Type) = gc_alignment(Core.sizeof(T)) Base.datatype_haspadding(dt::DataType) -> Bool Return whether the fields of instances of this type are packed in memory, -with no intervening padding bits (defined as bits whose value does not uniquely -impact the egal test when applied to the struct fields). +with no intervening padding bytes. Can be called on any `isconcretetype`. """ function datatype_haspadding(dt::DataType) @@ -493,10 +489,9 @@ function datatype_haspadding(dt::DataType) end """ - Base.datatype_nfields(dt::DataType) -> UInt32 + Base.datatype_nfields(dt::DataType) -> Bool -Return the number of fields known to this datatype's layout. This may be -different from the number of actual fields of the type for opaque types. +Return the number of fields known to this datatype's layout. Can be called on any `isconcretetype`. """ function datatype_nfields(dt::DataType) @@ -534,31 +529,6 @@ function datatype_fielddesc_type(dt::DataType) return (flags >> 1) & 3 end -""" - Base.datatype_arrayelem(dt::DataType) -> Int - -Return the behavior of the trailing array types allocations. -Can be called on any `isconcretetype`, but only meaningful on `Memory`. - -0 = inlinealloc -1 = isboxed -2 = isbitsunion -""" -function datatype_arrayelem(dt::DataType) - @_foldable_meta - dt.layout == C_NULL && throw(UndefRefError()) - flags = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{DataTypeLayout}, dt.layout)).flags - return (flags >> 3) & 3 -end - -function datatype_layoutsize(dt::DataType) - @_foldable_meta - dt.layout == C_NULL && throw(UndefRefError()) - size = unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{DataTypeLayout}, dt.layout)).size - return size % Int -end - - # For type stability, we only expose a single struct that describes everything struct FieldDesc isforeign::Bool @@ -585,7 +555,7 @@ end function getindex(dtfd::DataTypeFieldDesc, i::Int) layout_ptr = convert(Ptr{DataTypeLayout}, dtfd.dt.layout) - fd_ptr = layout_ptr + Core.sizeof(DataTypeLayout) + fd_ptr = layout_ptr + sizeof(DataTypeLayout) layout = unsafe_load(layout_ptr) fielddesc_type = (layout.flags >> 1) & 3 nfields = layout.nfields @@ -860,10 +830,10 @@ end Base.issingletontype(T) Determine whether type `T` has exactly one possible instance; for example, a -struct type with no fields except other singleton values. -If `T` is not a concrete type, then return `false`. +struct type with no fields. +If `T` is not a type, then return `false`. """ -issingletontype(@nospecialize(t)) = (@_total_meta; isa(t, DataType) && isdefined(t, :instance) && datatype_layoutsize(t) == 0 && datatype_pointerfree(t)) +issingletontype(@nospecialize(t)) = (@_total_meta; isa(t, DataType) && isdefined(t, :instance)) """ typeintersect(T::Type, S::Type) @@ -1224,11 +1194,11 @@ function visit(f, mt::Core.MethodTable) nothing end function visit(f, mc::Core.TypeMapLevel) - function avisit(f, e::Memory{Any}) + function avisit(f, e::Array{Any,1}) for i in 2:2:length(e) isassigned(e, i) || continue ei = e[i] - if ei isa Memory{Any} + if ei isa Vector{Any} for j in 2:2:length(ei) isassigned(ei, j) || continue visit(f, ei[j]) @@ -1239,16 +1209,16 @@ function visit(f, mc::Core.TypeMapLevel) end end if mc.targ !== nothing - avisit(f, mc.targ::Memory{Any}) + avisit(f, mc.targ::Vector{Any}) end if mc.arg1 !== nothing - avisit(f, mc.arg1::Memory{Any}) + avisit(f, mc.arg1::Vector{Any}) end if mc.tname !== nothing - avisit(f, mc.tname::Memory{Any}) + avisit(f, mc.tname::Vector{Any}) end if mc.name1 !== nothing - avisit(f, mc.name1::Memory{Any}) + avisit(f, mc.name1::Vector{Any}) end mc.list !== nothing && visit(f, mc.list) mc.any !== nothing && visit(f, mc.any) @@ -2264,7 +2234,6 @@ See also: [`hasproperty`](@ref), [`hasfield`](@ref). propertynames(x) = fieldnames(typeof(x)) propertynames(m::Module) = names(m) propertynames(x, private::Bool) = propertynames(x) # ignore private flag by default -propertynames(x::Array) = () # hide the fields from tab completion to discourage calling `x.size` instead of `size(x)`, even though they are equivalent """ hasproperty(x, s::Symbol) diff --git a/base/refpointer.jl b/base/refpointer.jl index ce2c6fc00560d..072323658e40d 100644 --- a/base/refpointer.jl +++ b/base/refpointer.jl @@ -150,9 +150,7 @@ if is_primary_base_module # convert Arrays to pointer arrays for ccall # For example `["a", "b"]` to Ptr{Cstring} for `char **argv` function Ref{P}(a::Array{T}) where P<:Union{Ptr,Cwstring,Cstring} where T - if P == T - return getfield(a, :ref) - elseif (isbitstype(T) ? T <: Ptr || T <: Union{Cwstring,Cstring} : T <: eltype(P)) + if (isbitstype(T) ? T <: Ptr || T <: Union{Cwstring,Cstring} : T <: eltype(P)) # this Array already has the right memory layout for the requested Ref # but the wrong eltype for the constructor return RefArray{P,typeof(a),Nothing}(a, 1, nothing) # effectively a no-op @@ -171,8 +169,8 @@ if is_primary_base_module Ref(x::AbstractArray, i::Integer) = RefArray(x, i) end -cconvert(::Type{Ptr{P}}, a::Array{P}) where {P<:Union{Ptr,Cwstring,Cstring}} = getfield(a, :ref) -cconvert(::Type{Ref{P}}, a::Array{P}) where {P<:Union{Ptr,Cwstring,Cstring}} = getfield(a, :ref) +cconvert(::Type{Ptr{P}}, a::Array{P}) where {P<:Union{Ptr,Cwstring,Cstring}} = a +cconvert(::Type{Ref{P}}, a::Array{P}) where {P<:Union{Ptr,Cwstring,Cstring}} = a cconvert(::Type{Ptr{P}}, a::Array) where {P<:Union{Ptr,Cwstring,Cstring}} = Ref{P}(a) cconvert(::Type{Ref{P}}, a::Array) where {P<:Union{Ptr,Cwstring,Cstring}} = Ref{P}(a) diff --git a/base/reshapedarray.jl b/base/reshapedarray.jl index 344858e76764a..6066588a2afed 100644 --- a/base/reshapedarray.jl +++ b/base/reshapedarray.jl @@ -37,30 +37,20 @@ eltype(::Type{<:ReshapedArrayIterator{I}}) where {I} = @isdefined(I) ? ReshapedI ## reshape(::Array, ::Dims) returns an Array, except for isbitsunion eltypes (issue #28611) # reshaping to same # of dimensions -@eval function reshape(a::Array{T,M}, dims::NTuple{N,Int}) where {T,N,M} +function reshape(a::Array{T,M}, dims::NTuple{N,Int}) where {T,N,M} throw_dmrsa(dims, len) = throw(DimensionMismatch("new dimensions $(dims) must be consistent with array size $len")) - len = Core.checked_dims(dims...) # make sure prod(dims) doesn't overflow (and because of the comparison to length(a)) - if len != length(a) + + if prod(dims) != length(a) throw_dmrsa(dims, length(a)) end isbitsunion(T) && return ReshapedArray(a, dims, ()) if N == M && dims == size(a) return a end - ref = a.ref - if M == 1 && N !== 1 - mem = ref.mem::Memory{T} - if !(ref === GenericMemoryRef(mem) && len === mem.length) - mem = ccall(:jl_genericmemory_slice, Memory{T}, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Int), mem, ref.ptr_or_offset, len) - ref = GenericMemoryRef(mem)::typeof(ref) - end - end - # or we could use `a = Array{T,N}(undef, ntuple(0, Val(N))); a.ref = ref; a.size = dims; return a` here - return $(Expr(:new, :(Array{T,N}), :ref, :dims)) + ccall(:jl_reshape_array, Array{T,N}, (Any, Any, Any), Array{T,N}, a, dims) end - """ reshape(A, dims...) -> AbstractArray reshape(A, dims) -> AbstractArray diff --git a/base/secretbuffer.jl b/base/secretbuffer.jl index 28bd35ac2e93a..cc3f0b234688f 100644 --- a/base/secretbuffer.jl +++ b/base/secretbuffer.jl @@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ true ``` """ mutable struct SecretBuffer <: IO - data::Memory{UInt8} + data::Vector{UInt8} size::Int ptr::Int function SecretBuffer(; sizehint=128) - s = new(Memory{UInt8}(undef, sizehint), 0, 1) + s = new(Vector{UInt8}(undef, sizehint), 0, 1) finalizer(final_shred!, s) return s end @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Strings are bad at keeping secrets because they are unable to be securely zeroed or destroyed. Therefore, avoid using this constructor with secret data. Instead of starting with a string, either construct the `SecretBuffer` incrementally with `SecretBuffer()` and [`write`](@ref), or use a `Vector{UInt8}` with -the `Base.SecretBuffer!(::AbstractVector{UInt8})` constructor. +the `Base.SecretBuffer!(::Vector{UInt8})` constructor. """ SecretBuffer(str::AbstractString) = SecretBuffer(String(str)) function SecretBuffer(str::String) @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ convert(::Type{SecretBuffer}, s::AbstractString) = SecretBuffer(String(s)) Initialize a new `SecretBuffer` from `data`, securely zeroing `data` afterwards. """ -function SecretBuffer!(d::AbstractVector{UInt8}) +function SecretBuffer!(d::Vector{UInt8}) len = length(d) s = SecretBuffer(sizehint=len) for i in 1:len @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ show(io::IO, s::SecretBuffer) = print(io, "SecretBuffer(\"*******\")") ==(s1::SecretBuffer, s2::SecretBuffer) = (s1.ptr == s2.ptr) && (s1.size == s2.size) && (UInt8(0) == _bufcmp(s1.data, s2.data, min(s1.size, s2.size))) # Also attempt a constant time buffer comparison algorithm — the length of the secret might be # inferred by a timing attack, but not its values. -@noinline function _bufcmp(data1::Memory{UInt8}, data2::Memory{UInt8}, sz::Int) +@noinline function _bufcmp(data1::Vector{UInt8}, data2::Vector{UInt8}, sz::Int) res = UInt8(0) for i = 1:sz res |= xor(data1[i], data2[i]) @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ hash(s::SecretBuffer, h::UInt) = hash(_sb_hash, h) function write(io::SecretBuffer, b::UInt8) if io.ptr > length(io.data) # We need to resize! the array: do this manually to ensure no copies are left behind - newdata = Memory{UInt8}(undef, (io.size+16)*2) + newdata = Vector{UInt8}(undef, (io.size+16)*2) copyto!(newdata, io.data) securezero!(io.data) io.data = newdata diff --git a/base/strings/cstring.jl b/base/strings/cstring.jl deleted file mode 100644 index 3a377ab0e7b1e..0000000000000 --- a/base/strings/cstring.jl +++ /dev/null @@ -1,314 +0,0 @@ -# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license - -import Core.Intrinsics: bitcast - -""" - Cwstring - -A C-style string composed of the native wide character type -[`Cwchar_t`](@ref)s. `Cwstring`s are NUL-terminated. For -C-style strings composed of the native character -type, see [`Cstring`](@ref). For more information -about string interoperability with C, see the -[manual](@ref man-bits-types). - -""" -Cwstring - -""" - Cstring - -A C-style string composed of the native character type -[`Cchar`](@ref)s. `Cstring`s are NUL-terminated. For -C-style strings composed of the native wide character -type, see [`Cwstring`](@ref). For more information -about string interoperability with C, see the -[manual](@ref man-bits-types). -""" -Cstring - -# construction from pointers -Cstring(p::Union{Ptr{Int8},Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = bitcast(Cstring, p) -Cwstring(p::Union{Ptr{Cwchar_t},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = bitcast(Cwstring, p) -Ptr{T}(p::Cstring) where {T<:Union{Int8,UInt8,Cvoid}} = bitcast(Ptr{T}, p) -Ptr{T}(p::Cwstring) where {T<:Union{Cwchar_t,Cvoid}} = bitcast(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, p) - -convert(::Type{Cstring}, p::Union{Ptr{Int8},Ptr{UInt8},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = Cstring(p) -convert(::Type{Cwstring}, p::Union{Ptr{Cwchar_t},Ptr{Cvoid}}) = Cwstring(p) -convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, p::Cstring) where {T<:Union{Int8,UInt8,Cvoid}} = Ptr{T}(p) -convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, p::Cwstring) where {T<:Union{Cwchar_t,Cvoid}} = Ptr{T}(p) - -""" - pointer(array [, index]) - -Get the native address of an array or string, optionally at a given location `index`. - -This function is "unsafe". Be careful to ensure that a Julia reference to -`array` exists as long as this pointer will be used. The [`GC.@preserve`](@ref) -macro should be used to protect the `array` argument from garbage collection -within a given block of code. - -Calling [`Ref(array[, index])`](@ref Ref) is generally preferable to this function as it guarantees validity. -""" -function pointer end - -pointer(p::Cstring) = convert(Ptr{Cchar}, p) -pointer(p::Cwstring) = convert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, p) - -# comparisons against pointers (mainly to support `cstr==C_NULL`) -==(x::Union{Cstring,Cwstring}, y::Ptr) = pointer(x) == y -==(x::Ptr, y::Union{Cstring,Cwstring}) = x == pointer(y) - -unsafe_string(s::Cstring) = unsafe_string(convert(Ptr{UInt8}, s)) - -# convert strings to String etc. to pass as pointers -cconvert(::Type{Cstring}, s::String) = s -cconvert(::Type{Cstring}, s::AbstractString) = - cconvert(Cstring, String(s)::String) - -function cconvert(::Type{Cwstring}, s::AbstractString) - v = transcode(Cwchar_t, String(s)) - push!(v, 0) - return cconvert(Cwstring, v) -end - -eltype(::Type{Cstring}) = Cchar -eltype(::Type{Cwstring}) = Cwchar_t - -containsnul(p::Ptr, len) = - C_NULL != ccall(:memchr, Ptr{Cchar}, (Ptr{Cchar}, Cint, Csize_t), p, 0, len) -containsnul(s::String) = containsnul(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cchar}, s), sizeof(s)) -containsnul(s::AbstractString) = '\0' in s - -function unsafe_convert(::Type{Cstring}, s::String) - p = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cchar}, s) - containsnul(p, sizeof(s)) && - throw(ArgumentError("embedded NULs are not allowed in C strings: $(repr(s))")) - return Cstring(p) -end - -unsafe_convert(::Type{Cstring}, s::Union{Memory{UInt8},Memory{Int8}}) = Cstring(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, s)) - -function cconvert(::Type{Cwstring}, v::Vector{Cwchar_t}) - for i = 1:length(v)-1 - v[i] == 0 && - throw(ArgumentError("embedded NULs are not allowed in C strings: $(repr(v))")) - end - v[end] == 0 || - throw(ArgumentError("C string data must be NUL terminated: $(repr(v))")) - return cconvert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, v) -end -unsafe_convert(::Type{Cwstring}, s) = Cwstring(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, s)) -unsafe_convert(::Type{Cwstring}, s::Cwstring) = s - -# symbols are guaranteed not to contain embedded NUL -cconvert(::Type{Cstring}, s::Symbol) = s -unsafe_convert(::Type{Cstring}, s::Symbol) = Cstring(unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cchar}, s)) - -if ccall(:jl_get_UNAME, Any, ()) === :NT -""" - Base.cwstring(s) - -Converts a string `s` to a NUL-terminated `Vector{Cwchar_t}`, suitable for passing to C -functions expecting a `Ptr{Cwchar_t}`. The main advantage of using this over the implicit -conversion provided by [`Cwstring`](@ref) is if the function is called multiple times with the -same argument. - -This is only available on Windows. -""" -function cwstring(s::AbstractString) - bytes = codeunits(String(s)) - 0 in bytes && throw(ArgumentError("embedded NULs are not allowed in C strings: $(repr(s))")) - return push!(transcode(UInt16, bytes), 0) -end -end - -# transcoding between data in UTF-8 and UTF-16 for Windows APIs, -# and also UTF-32 for APIs using Cwchar_t on other platforms. - -""" - transcode(T, src) - -Convert string data between Unicode encodings. `src` is either a -`String` or a `Vector{UIntXX}` of UTF-XX code units, where -`XX` is 8, 16, or 32. `T` indicates the encoding of the return value: -`String` to return a (UTF-8 encoded) `String` or `UIntXX` -to return a `Vector{UIntXX}` of UTF-`XX` data. (The alias [`Cwchar_t`](@ref) -can also be used as the integer type, for converting `wchar_t*` strings -used by external C libraries.) - -The `transcode` function succeeds as long as the input data can be -reasonably represented in the target encoding; it always succeeds for -conversions between UTF-XX encodings, even for invalid Unicode data. - -Only conversion to/from UTF-8 is currently supported. - -# Examples -```jldoctest -julia> str = "αβγ" -"αβγ" - -julia> transcode(UInt16, str) -3-element Vector{UInt16}: - 0x03b1 - 0x03b2 - 0x03b3 - -julia> transcode(String, transcode(UInt16, str)) -"αβγ" -``` -""" -function transcode end - -transcode(::Type{T}, src::AbstractVector{T}) where {T<:Union{UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,Int32}} = src -transcode(::Type{T}, src::String) where {T<:Union{Int32,UInt32}} = T[T(c) for c in src] -transcode(::Type{T}, src::AbstractVector{UInt8}) where {T<:Union{Int32,UInt32}} = - transcode(T, String(Vector(src))) -transcode(::Type{T}, src::CodeUnits{UInt8,String}) where {T<:Union{Int32,UInt32}} = - transcode(T, String(src)) - -function transcode(::Type{UInt8}, src::Vector{<:Union{Int32,UInt32}}) - buf = IOBuffer() - for c in src - print(buf, Char(c)) - end - take!(buf) -end -transcode(::Type{String}, src::String) = src -transcode(T, src::String) = transcode(T, codeunits(src)) -transcode(::Type{String}, src) = String(transcode(UInt8, src)) - -function transcode(::Type{UInt16}, src::AbstractVector{UInt8}) - require_one_based_indexing(src) - dst = UInt16[] - i, n = 1, length(src) - n > 0 || return dst - sizehint!(dst, 2n) - a = src[1] - while true - if i < n && -64 <= a % Int8 <= -12 # multi-byte character - b = src[i += 1] - if -64 <= (b % Int8) || a == 0xf4 && 0x8f < b - # invalid UTF-8 (non-continuation or too-high code point) - push!(dst, a) - a = b; continue - elseif a < 0xe0 # 2-byte UTF-8 - push!(dst, xor(0x3080, UInt16(a) << 6, b)) - elseif i < n # 3/4-byte character - c = src[i += 1] - if -64 <= (c % Int8) # invalid UTF-8 (non-continuation) - push!(dst, a, b) - a = c; continue - elseif a < 0xf0 # 3-byte UTF-8 - push!(dst, xor(0x2080, UInt16(a) << 12, UInt16(b) << 6, c)) - elseif i < n - d = src[i += 1] - if -64 <= (d % Int8) # invalid UTF-8 (non-continuation) - push!(dst, a, b, c) - a = d; continue - elseif a == 0xf0 && b < 0x90 # overlong encoding - push!(dst, xor(0x2080, UInt16(b) << 12, UInt16(c) << 6, d)) - else # 4-byte UTF-8 - push!(dst, 0xe5b8 + (UInt16(a) << 8) + (UInt16(b) << 2) + (c >> 4), - xor(0xdc80, UInt16(c & 0xf) << 6, d)) - end - else # too short - push!(dst, a, b, c) - break - end - else # too short - push!(dst, a, b) - break - end - else # ASCII or invalid UTF-8 (continuation byte or too-high code point) - push!(dst, a) - end - i < n || break - a = src[i += 1] - end - return dst -end - -function transcode(::Type{UInt8}, src::AbstractVector{UInt16}) - require_one_based_indexing(src) - n = length(src) - n == 0 && return UInt8[] - - # Precompute m = sizeof(dst). This involves annoying duplication - # of the loop over the src array. However, this is not just an - # optimization: it is problematic for security reasons to grow - # dst dynamically, because Base.winprompt uses this function to - # convert passwords to UTF-8 and we don't want to make unintentional - # copies of the password data. - a = src[1] - i, m = 1, 0 - while true - if a < 0x80 - m += 1 - elseif a < 0x800 # 2-byte UTF-8 - m += 2 - elseif a & 0xfc00 == 0xd800 && i < length(src) - b = src[i += 1] - if (b & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00 # 2-unit UTF-16 sequence => 4-byte UTF-8 - m += 4 - else - m += 3 - a = b; continue - end - else - # 1-unit high UTF-16 or unpaired high surrogate - # either way, encode as 3-byte UTF-8 code point - m += 3 - end - i < n || break - a = src[i += 1] - end - - dst = StringVector(m) - a = src[1] - i, j = 1, 0 - while true - if a < 0x80 # ASCII - dst[j += 1] = a % UInt8 - elseif a < 0x800 # 2-byte UTF-8 - dst[j += 1] = 0xc0 | ((a >> 6) % UInt8) - dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) & 0x3f) - elseif a & 0xfc00 == 0xd800 && i < n - b = src[i += 1] - if (b & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00 - # 2-unit UTF-16 sequence => 4-byte UTF-8 - a += 0x2840 - dst[j += 1] = 0xf0 | ((a >> 8) % UInt8) - dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) >> 2) - dst[j += 1] = xor(0xf0, ((a % UInt8) << 4) & 0x3f, (b >> 6) % UInt8) - dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((b % UInt8) & 0x3f) - else - dst[j += 1] = 0xe0 | ((a >> 12) % UInt8) - dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | (((a >> 6) % UInt8) & 0x3f) - dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) & 0x3f) - a = b; continue - end - else - # 1-unit high UTF-16 or unpaired high surrogate - # either way, encode as 3-byte UTF-8 code point - dst[j += 1] = 0xe0 | ((a >> 12) % UInt8) - dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | (((a >> 6) % UInt8) & 0x3f) - dst[j += 1] = 0x80 | ((a % UInt8) & 0x3f) - end - i < n || break - a = src[i += 1] - end - return dst -end - -function unsafe_string(p::Ptr{T}, length::Integer) where {T<:Union{UInt16,UInt32,Cwchar_t}} - transcode(String, unsafe_wrap(Array, p, length; own=false)) -end -function unsafe_string(cw::Cwstring) - p = convert(Ptr{Cwchar_t}, cw) - n = 1 - while unsafe_load(p, n) != 0 - n += 1 - end - return unsafe_string(p, n - 1) -end diff --git a/base/summarysize.jl b/base/summarysize.jl index 2505824768099..9bbae187cab12 100644 --- a/base/summarysize.jl +++ b/base/summarysize.jl @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ julia> Base.summarysize(1.0) 8 julia> Base.summarysize(Ref(rand(100))) -864 +848 julia> sizeof(Ref(rand(100))) 8 @@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ function summarysize(obj; if isassigned(x, i) val = x[i] end - elseif isa(x, GenericMemory) + elseif isa(x, Array) nf = length(x) - if @inbounds @inline isassigned(x, i) + if ccall(:jl_array_isassigned, Cint, (Any, UInt), x, i - 1) != 0 val = x[i] end else @@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ function (ss::SummarySize)(obj::Core.TypeName) return Core.sizeof(obj) + (isdefined(obj, :mt) ? ss(obj.mt) : 0) end -function (ss::SummarySize)(obj::GenericMemory) +function (ss::SummarySize)(obj::Array) haskey(ss.seen, obj) ? (return 0) : (ss.seen[obj] = true) - headersize = 2*sizeof(Int) + headersize = 4*sizeof(Int) + 8 + max(0, ndims(obj)-2)*sizeof(Int) size::Int = headersize datakey = unsafe_convert(Ptr{Cvoid}, obj) if !haskey(ss.seen, datakey) ss.seen[datakey] = true - dsize = sizeof(obj) + dsize = Core.sizeof(obj) T = eltype(obj) if isbitsunion(T) # add 1 union selector byte for each element diff --git a/contrib/generate_precompile.jl b/contrib/generate_precompile.jl index 82c9ea2aba037..4ba93483730ac 100644 --- a/contrib/generate_precompile.jl +++ b/contrib/generate_precompile.jl @@ -308,7 +308,6 @@ generate_precompile_statements() = try # Make sure `ansi_enablecursor` is printe yield() # Make clock spinning print_state("step3" => string("R$n_succeeded", failed > 0 ? " ($failed failed)" : "")) catch ex - @show backtrace() # See #28808 @warn "Failed to precompile expression" form=statement exception=ex _module=nothing _file=nothing _line=0 end diff --git a/doc/make.jl b/doc/make.jl index f59c9bb54e8b0..0ae74a55aceee 100644 --- a/doc/make.jl +++ b/doc/make.jl @@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ DevDocs = [ "devdocs/gc-sa.md", "devdocs/gc.md", "devdocs/jit.md", - "devdocs/builtins.md", ], "Developing/debugging Julia's C code" => [ "devdocs/backtraces.md", diff --git a/doc/src/base/arrays.md b/doc/src/base/arrays.md index ada748fdbe713..6585f98360585 100644 --- a/doc/src/base/arrays.md +++ b/doc/src/base/arrays.md @@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ Base.StridedArray Base.StridedVector Base.StridedMatrix Base.StridedVecOrMat -Base.Memory -Base.MemoryRef Base.Slices Base.RowSlices Base.ColumnSlices diff --git a/doc/src/base/c.md b/doc/src/base/c.md index bf7e2577029fe..e221a6432542f 100644 --- a/doc/src/base/c.md +++ b/doc/src/base/c.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Base.unsafe_modify! Base.unsafe_replace! Base.unsafe_swap! Base.unsafe_copyto!{T}(::Ptr{T}, ::Ptr{T}, ::Any) -Base.unsafe_copyto!(::Array, ::Any, ::Array, ::Any, ::Any) +Base.unsafe_copyto!{T}(::Array{T}, ::Any, ::Array{T}, ::Any, ::Any) Base.copyto! Base.pointer Base.unsafe_wrap{T,N}(::Union{Type{Array},Type{Array{T}},Type{Array{T,N}}}, ::Ptr{T}, ::NTuple{N,Int}) diff --git a/doc/src/devdocs/builtins.md b/doc/src/devdocs/builtins.md deleted file mode 100644 index eef5cbd04dd8c..0000000000000 --- a/doc/src/devdocs/builtins.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -# [Core.Builtins](@id lib-builtins) - -## Builtin Function APIs - -The following Builtin function APIs are considered unstable, but provide the basic -definitions for what defines the abilities and behaviors of a Julia program. They are -typically accessed through a higher level generic API. - -```@docs -Core.memoryref -Core.memoryrefoffset -Core.memoryrefget -Core.memoryrefset! -Core.memoryref_isassigned -Core.IntrinsicFunction -Core.Intrinsics -Core.IR -``` diff --git a/doc/src/devdocs/isbitsunionarrays.md b/doc/src/devdocs/isbitsunionarrays.md index f01afe50985ec..2a25c033ec9fd 100644 --- a/doc/src/devdocs/isbitsunionarrays.md +++ b/doc/src/devdocs/isbitsunionarrays.md @@ -18,12 +18,6 @@ Lastly, a value of `0x00` signals that the `nothing` value will be returned for type with a single type instance, it technically has a size of 0. The type tag byte for a type's Union field is stored directly after the field's computed Union memory. -## isbits Union Memory +## isbits Union Arrays -Julia can now also store "isbits Union" values inline in a Memory, as opposed to requiring -an indirection box. The optimization is accomplished by storing an extra "type tag memory" -of bytes, one byte per element, alongside the bytes of the actual data. This type tag memory -serves the same function as the type field case: its value signals the type of the actual -stored Union value. The "type tag memory" directly follows the regular data space. So the -formula to access an isbits Union Array's type tag bytes is `a->data + a->length * -a->elsize`. +Julia can now also store "isbits Union" values inline in an Array, as opposed to requiring an indirection box. The optimization is accomplished by storing an extra "type tag array" of bytes, one byte per array element, alongside the bytes of the actual array data. This type tag array serves the same function as the type field case: its value signals the type of the actual stored Union value in the array. In terms of layout, a Julia Array can include extra "buffer" space before and after its actual data values, which are tracked in the `a->offset` and `a->maxsize` fields of the `jl_array_t*` type. The "type tag array" is treated exactly as another `jl_array_t*`, but which shares the same `a->offset`, `a->maxsize`, and `a->len` fields. So the formula to access an isbits Union Array's type tag bytes is `a->data + (a->maxsize - a->offset) * a->elsize + a->offset`; i.e. the Array's `a->data` pointer is already shifted by `a->offset`, so correcting for that, we follow the data all the way to the max of what it can hold `a->maxsize`, then adjust by `a->offset` more bytes to account for any present "front buffering" the array might be doing. This layout in particular allows for very efficient resizing operations as the type tag data only ever has to move when the actual array's data has to move. diff --git a/doc/src/devdocs/llvm.md b/doc/src/devdocs/llvm.md index 170a812c09994..82ab97f47ff57 100644 --- a/doc/src/devdocs/llvm.md +++ b/doc/src/devdocs/llvm.md @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ ccall(:foo, Cvoid, (Ptr{Float64},), A) In lowering, the compiler will insert a conversion from the array to the pointer which drops the reference to the array value. However, we of course need to make sure that the array does stay alive while we're doing the -[`ccall`](@ref). To understand how this is done, lets look at a hypothetical -approximate possible lowering of the above code: +[`ccall`](@ref). To understand how this is done, first recall the lowering of the +above code: ```julia return $(Expr(:foreigncall, :(:foo), Cvoid, svec(Ptr{Float64}), 0, :(:ccall), Expr(:foreigncall, :(:jl_array_ptr), Ptr{Float64}, svec(Any), 0, :(:ccall), :(A)), :(A))) ``` diff --git a/doc/src/devdocs/object.md b/doc/src/devdocs/object.md index a2f72d623ab21..caba6c3f12190 100644 --- a/doc/src/devdocs/object.md +++ b/doc/src/devdocs/object.md @@ -163,8 +163,11 @@ Arrays: ```c jl_array_t *jl_new_array(jl_value_t *atype, jl_tuple_t *dims); +jl_array_t *jl_new_arrayv(jl_value_t *atype, ...); jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr); -jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_nd(jl_value_t *atype, size_t *dims, size_t ndims); +jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_2d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr, size_t nc); +jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_3d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr, size_t nc, size_t z); +jl_array_t *jl_alloc_vec_any(size_t n); ``` Note that many of these have alternative allocation functions for various special-purposes. The diff --git a/doc/src/devdocs/types.md b/doc/src/devdocs/types.md index 42bdf251ac82f..c3afc26600c65 100644 --- a/doc/src/devdocs/types.md +++ b/doc/src/devdocs/types.md @@ -100,8 +100,6 @@ UnionAll lb: Union{} ub: Any body: Array{T, N} <: DenseArray{T, N} - ref::MemoryRef{T} - size::NTuple{N, Int64} ``` This indicates that `Array` actually names a `UnionAll` type. There is one `UnionAll` type for diff --git a/doc/src/manual/embedding.md b/doc/src/manual/embedding.md index 60a768788bbb7..2b6e48c533849 100644 --- a/doc/src/manual/embedding.md +++ b/doc/src/manual/embedding.md @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ For example: ```c jl_array_t *some_array = ...; // e.g. a Vector{Any} -void **data = jl_array_data(some_array, void*); +void **data = (void**)jl_array_data(some_array); jl_value_t *some_value = ...; data[0] = some_value; jl_gc_wb(some_array, some_value); @@ -487,13 +487,13 @@ referenced. In order to access the data of `x`, we can use `jl_array_data`: ```c -double *xData = jl_array_data(x, double); +double *xData = (double*)jl_array_data(x); ``` Now we can fill the array: ```c -for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(x); i++) +for(size_t i=0; iname->mutabl || dt->layout->npointers || dt->layout->flags.haspadding) + if (dt->name->mutabl || dt->layout->npointers || dt->layout->haspadding) return nullptr; return dt->layout->nfields ? get_llvm_vectype(dt, ctx) : get_llvm_fptype(dt, ctx); } @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ Type *isHFAorHVA(jl_datatype_t *dt, size_t &nele, LLVMContext &ctx) const // uniquely addressable members. // Maximum HFA and HVA size is 64 bytes (4 x fp128 or 16bytes vector) size_t dsz = jl_datatype_size(dt); - if (dsz > 64 || !dt->layout || dt->layout->npointers || dt->layout->flags.haspadding) + if (dsz > 64 || !dt->layout || dt->layout->npointers || dt->layout->haspadding) return NULL; nele = 0; ElementType eltype; diff --git a/src/abi_arm.cpp b/src/abi_arm.cpp index 68f980d7b40da..441aa95b1fdf6 100644 --- a/src/abi_arm.cpp +++ b/src/abi_arm.cpp @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ size_t isLegalHA(jl_datatype_t *dt, Type *&base, LLVMContext &ctx) const if (jl_is_structtype(dt)) { // Fast path checks before descending the type hierarchy // (4 x 128b vector == 64B max size) - if (jl_datatype_size(dt) > 64 || dt->layout->npointers || dt->layout->flags.haspadding) + if (jl_datatype_size(dt) > 64 || dt->layout->npointers || dt->layout->haspadding) return 0; base = NULL; diff --git a/src/abi_ppc64le.cpp b/src/abi_ppc64le.cpp index 1f10817cfeeee..44d110422a099 100644 --- a/src/abi_ppc64le.cpp +++ b/src/abi_ppc64le.cpp @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct ABI_PPC64leLayout : AbiLayout { // count the homogeneous floating aggregate size (saturating at max count of 8) unsigned isHFA(jl_datatype_t *ty, jl_datatype_t **ty0, bool *hva) const { - if (jl_datatype_size(ty) > 128 || ty->layout->npointers || ty->layout->flags.haspadding) + if (jl_datatype_size(ty) > 128 || ty->layout->npointers || ty->layout->haspadding) return 9; size_t i, l = ty->layout->nfields; diff --git a/src/abi_win32.cpp b/src/abi_win32.cpp index ccfc6a16ebee3..078d9b6df4e44 100644 --- a/src/abi_win32.cpp +++ b/src/abi_win32.cpp @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ bool use_sret(jl_datatype_t *dt, LLVMContext &ctx) override bool needPassByRef(jl_datatype_t *dt, AttrBuilder &ab, LLVMContext &ctx, Type *Ty) override { // Use pass by reference for all structs - if (dt->layout->nfields > 0 || dt->layout->npointers) { + if (dt->layout->nfields > 0) { ab.addByValAttr(Ty); return true; } @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Type *preferred_llvm_type(jl_datatype_t *dt, bool isret, LLVMContext &ctx) const { // Arguments are either scalar or passed by value // rewrite integer sized (non-sret) struct to the corresponding integer - if (!dt->layout->nfields && !dt->layout->npointers) + if (!dt->layout->nfields) return NULL; return Type::getIntNTy(ctx, jl_datatype_nbits(dt)); } diff --git a/src/abi_x86_64.cpp b/src/abi_x86_64.cpp index 6a853421dbccd..5938e1e5778a2 100644 --- a/src/abi_x86_64.cpp +++ b/src/abi_x86_64.cpp @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void classifyType(Classification& accum, jl_datatype_t *dt, uint64_t offset) con accum.addField(offset, Sse); } // Other struct types - else if (jl_datatype_size(dt) <= 16 && dt->layout && !jl_is_layout_opaque(dt->layout)) { + else if (jl_datatype_size(dt) <= 16 && dt->layout) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < jl_datatype_nfields(dt); ++i) { jl_value_t *ty = jl_field_type(dt, i); diff --git a/src/aotcompile.cpp b/src/aotcompile.cpp index af7e05b338d2f..0c3f909fd291a 100644 --- a/src/aotcompile.cpp +++ b/src/aotcompile.cpp @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void *jl_create_native_impl(jl_array_t *methods, LLVMOrcThreadSafeModuleRef llvm { JL_TIMING(NATIVE_AOT, NATIVE_Create); ++CreateNativeCalls; - CreateNativeMax.updateMax(jl_array_nrows(methods)); + CreateNativeMax.updateMax(jl_array_len(methods)); if (cgparams == NULL) cgparams = &jl_default_cgparams; jl_native_code_desc_t *data = new jl_native_code_desc_t; @@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ void *jl_create_native_impl(jl_array_t *methods, LLVMOrcThreadSafeModuleRef llvm if (policy != CompilationPolicy::Default && params.world == jl_typeinf_world) continue; size_t i, l; - for (i = 0, l = jl_array_nrows(methods); i < l; i++) { + for (i = 0, l = jl_array_len(methods); i < l; i++) { // each item in this list is either a MethodInstance indicating something // to compile, or an svec(rettype, sig) describing a C-callable alias to create. jl_value_t *item = jl_array_ptr_ref(methods, i); diff --git a/src/array.c b/src/array.c index 2c6505b9d6e04..65efbb7e9df19 100644 --- a/src/array.c +++ b/src/array.c @@ -16,6 +16,66 @@ extern "C" { #endif +// similar to MEMDEBUG's purpose, this ensures there is a garbage byte after a +// most UInt8 arrays (even String-backed) so that almost any C string +// processing on it is guaranteed to run too far and return some garbage +// answers to warn the user of their bug. +#ifdef NDEBUG +#define JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR 0 +#else +#define JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR 1 +#endif + +#define JL_ARRAY_ALIGN(jl_value, nbytes) LLT_ALIGN(jl_value, nbytes) + +static inline void arrayassign_safe(int hasptr, jl_value_t *parent, char *dst, const jl_value_t *src, size_t nb) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + // array can assume more alignment than a field would normally have + assert(nb >= jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(src))); // nb might move some undefined bits, but we should be okay with that + if (hasptr) { + size_t nptr = nb / sizeof(void*); + memmove_refs((void**)dst, (void* const*)src, nptr); + jl_gc_multi_wb(parent, src); + } + else { + switch (nb) { + case 0: break; + case 1: *(uint8_t*)dst = *(uint8_t*)src; break; + case 2: *(uint16_t*)dst = *(uint16_t*)src; break; + case 4: *(uint32_t*)dst = *(uint32_t*)src; break; + case 8: *(uint64_t*)dst = *(uint64_t*)src; break; + case 16: + memcpy(jl_assume_aligned(dst, 16), jl_assume_aligned(src, 16), 16); + break; + default: memcpy(dst, src, nb); + } + } +} + +static inline void memmove_safe(int hasptr, char *dst, const char *src, size_t nb) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + if (hasptr) + memmove_refs((void**)dst, (void**)src, nb / sizeof(void*)); + else + memmove(dst, src, nb); +} + +// array constructors --------------------------------------------------------- +JL_DLLEXPORT char *jl_array_typetagdata(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + assert(jl_array_isbitsunion(a)); + return ((char*)jl_array_data(a)) + ((jl_array_ndims(a) == 1 ? (a->maxsize - a->offset) : jl_array_len(a)) * a->elsize) + a->offset; +} + +STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_array_owner(jl_array_t *a JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + if (a->flags.how == 3) { + a = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_data_owner(a); + assert(jl_is_string(a) || a->flags.how != 3); + } + return (jl_value_t*)a; +} + #if defined(_P64) && defined(UINT128MAX) typedef __uint128_t wideint_t; #else @@ -24,27 +84,142 @@ typedef uint64_t wideint_t; #define MAXINTVAL (((size_t)-1)>>1) -JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_validate_dims(size_t *nel, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims) +JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_validate_dims(size_t *nel, size_t *tot, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims, size_t elsz) { size_t i; size_t _nel = 1; - for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { + for(i=0; i < ndims; i++) { size_t di = dims[i]; wideint_t prod = (wideint_t)_nel * (wideint_t)di; if (prod >= (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL || di >= MAXINTVAL) return 1; _nel = prod; } + wideint_t prod = (wideint_t)elsz * (wideint_t)_nel; + if (prod >= (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL) + return 2; *nel = _nel; + *tot = (size_t)prod; return 0; } +static jl_array_t *_new_array_(jl_value_t *atype, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims, + int8_t isunboxed, int8_t hasptr, int8_t isunion, int8_t zeroinit, size_t elsz) +{ + jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; + size_t i, tot, nel; + void *data; + jl_array_t *a; + assert(isunboxed || elsz == sizeof(void*)); + assert(atype == NULL || isunion == jl_is_uniontype(jl_tparam0(atype))); + int validated = jl_array_validate_dims(&nel, &tot, ndims, dims, elsz); + if (validated == 1) + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid Array dimensions"); + else if (validated == 2) + jl_error("invalid Array size"); + if (isunboxed) { + if (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1 && !isunion) { + // extra byte for all julia allocated byte arrays + tot++; + } + if (isunion) { + // an extra byte for each isbits union array element, stored after a->maxsize + tot += nel; + } + } + + int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(ndims); + int tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t); + if (tot <= ARRAY_INLINE_NBYTES) { + // align data area + if (tot >= ARRAY_CACHE_ALIGN_THRESHOLD) + tsz = JL_ARRAY_ALIGN(tsz, JL_CACHE_BYTE_ALIGNMENT); + else if (isunboxed && elsz >= 4) + tsz = JL_ARRAY_ALIGN(tsz, JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT); + size_t doffs = tsz; + tsz += tot; + // jl_array_t is large enough that objects will always be aligned 16 + a = (jl_array_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, atype); + assert(((size_t)a & 15) == 0); + // No allocation or safepoint allowed after this + a->flags.how = 0; + data = (char*)a + doffs; + } + else { + data = jl_gc_managed_malloc(tot); + // Allocate the Array **after** allocating the data + // to make sure the array is still young + a = (jl_array_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, atype); + // No allocation or safepoint allowed after this + a->flags.how = 2; + jl_gc_track_malloced_array(ct->ptls, a); + } + a->flags.pooled = tsz <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS; + + if (zeroinit) + memset(data, 0, tot); + if (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1 && !isunion) { + ((char*)data)[tot - 1] = 0xfe; + msan_allocated_memory(&((char*)data)[tot - 1], 1); + } + a->data = data; + a->length = nel; + a->flags.ndims = ndims; + a->flags.ptrarray = !isunboxed; + a->flags.hasptr = hasptr; + a->elsize = elsz; + a->flags.isshared = 0; + a->flags.isaligned = 1; + a->offset = 0; + if (ndims == 1) { + a->nrows = nel; + a->maxsize = nel; + } + else if (a->flags.ndims != ndims) { + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid Array dimensions"); + } + else { + size_t *adims = &a->nrows; + for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) + adims[i] = dims[i]; + } + + return a; +} + +static inline jl_array_t *_new_array(jl_value_t *atype, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims) +{ + jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam0(atype); + size_t elsz = 0, al = 0; + if (!jl_is_kind(jl_typeof(eltype))) + jl_type_error_rt("Array", "element type", (jl_value_t*)jl_type_type, eltype); + int isunboxed = jl_islayout_inline(eltype, &elsz, &al); + int isunion = jl_is_uniontype(eltype); + int hasptr = isunboxed && (jl_is_datatype(eltype) && ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->layout->npointers > 0); + if (!isunboxed) { + elsz = sizeof(void*); + al = elsz; + } + else { + elsz = LLT_ALIGN(elsz, al); + } + int zi = !isunboxed || hasptr || isunion || (jl_is_datatype(eltype) && ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->zeroinit); + + return _new_array_(atype, ndims, dims, isunboxed, hasptr, isunion, zi, elsz); +} + +jl_array_t *jl_new_array_for_deserialization(jl_value_t *atype, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims, + int isunboxed, int hasptr, int isunion, int elsz) +{ + return _new_array_(atype, ndims, dims, isunboxed, hasptr, isunion, 0, (size_t)elsz); +} + #ifndef JL_NDEBUG static inline int is_ntuple_long(jl_value_t *v) { if (!jl_is_tuple(v)) return 0; - jl_value_t *tt = (jl_value_t*)jl_typetagof(v); + jl_value_t *tt = jl_typeof(v); size_t i, nfields = jl_nparams(tt); for (i = 0; i < nfields; i++) { if (jl_tparam(tt, i) != (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type) { @@ -55,129 +230,315 @@ static inline int is_ntuple_long(jl_value_t *v) } #endif -#define jl_array_elsize(a) (((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof((a)->ref.mem))->layout->size) - -static char *jl_array_typetagdata(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - assert(jl_genericmemory_isbitsunion(a->ref.mem)); - return jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(a->ref.mem) + (uintptr_t)a->ref.ptr_or_offset; -} - -STATIC_INLINE jl_array_t *_new_array(jl_value_t *atype, jl_genericmemory_t *mem, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims) +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_reshape_array(jl_value_t *atype, jl_array_t *data, + jl_value_t *_dims) { jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - size_t i; - int tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndims*sizeof(size_t); + assert(jl_types_equal(jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(data)), jl_tparam0(atype))); + + size_t ndims = jl_nfields(_dims); + assert(is_ntuple_long(_dims)); + size_t *dims = (size_t*)_dims; + int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(ndims); + int tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords * sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(void*); jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, atype); - a->ref.mem = mem; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = 0; - else - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = mem->ptr; - for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) - a->dimsize[i] = dims[i]; - return a; -} + // No allocation or safepoint allowed after this + // copy data (except dims) from the old object + a->flags.pooled = tsz <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS; + a->flags.ndims = ndims; + a->offset = 0; + a->data = NULL; + a->flags.isaligned = data->flags.isaligned; + a->elsize = data->elsize; + a->flags.ptrarray = data->flags.ptrarray; + a->flags.hasptr = data->flags.hasptr; -STATIC_INLINE jl_array_t *new_array(jl_value_t *atype, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims) -{ - size_t nel; - if (jl_array_validate_dims(&nel, ndims, dims) || *(size_t*)jl_tparam1(atype) != ndims) + // if data is itself a shared wrapper, + // owner should point back to the original array + jl_array_t *owner = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_owner(data); + jl_array_data_owner(a) = (jl_value_t*)owner; + + a->flags.how = 3; + a->data = data->data; + a->flags.isshared = 1; + data->flags.isshared = 1; + + if (ndims == 1) { + size_t l = dims[0]; + a->length = l; + a->nrows = l; + a->maxsize = l; + } + else if (a->flags.ndims != ndims) { jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid Array dimensions"); - jl_value_t *mtype = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)atype, 0), 1); - // extra byte for all julia allocated byte vectors - jl_genericmemory_t *mem = jl_alloc_genericmemory(mtype, nel); - JL_GC_PUSH1(&mem); - jl_array_t *a = _new_array(atype, mem, ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->layout, ndims, dims); - JL_GC_POP(); + } + else { + size_t *adims = &a->nrows; + size_t l = 1; + wideint_t prod; + for (size_t i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { + adims[i] = dims[i]; + prod = (wideint_t)l * (wideint_t)adims[i]; + if (prod > (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL) + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid Array dimensions"); + l = prod; + } + a->length = l; + } + return a; } -jl_genericmemory_t *_new_genericmemory_(jl_value_t *mtype, size_t nel, int8_t isunion, int8_t zeroinit, size_t elsz); - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_string_to_genericmemory(jl_value_t *str); - JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_string_to_array(jl_value_t *str) { jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - jl_genericmemory_t *mem = jl_string_to_genericmemory(str); - JL_GC_PUSH1(&mem); - int ndimwords = 1; - int tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t); - jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, jl_array_uint8_type); - a->ref.mem = mem; - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = mem->ptr; - a->dimsize[0] = mem->length; - JL_GC_POP(); + jl_array_t *a; + + int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(1); + int tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(void*); + a = (jl_array_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, jl_array_uint8_type); + a->flags.pooled = tsz <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS; + a->flags.ndims = 1; + a->offset = 0; + a->data = jl_string_data(str); + a->flags.isaligned = 0; + a->elsize = 1; + a->flags.ptrarray = 0; + a->flags.hasptr = 0; + jl_array_data_owner(a) = str; + a->flags.how = 3; + a->flags.isshared = 1; + size_t l = jl_string_len(str); + a->length = l; + a->nrows = a->maxsize = l; return a; } +// own_buffer != 0 iff GC should call free() on this pointer eventually JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array_1d(jl_value_t *atype, void *data, size_t nel, int own_buffer) { - if (*(size_t*)jl_tparam1(atype) != 1) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid Array dimensions"); - jl_value_t *mtype = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)atype, 0), 1); - jl_genericmemory_t *mem = jl_ptr_to_genericmemory(mtype, data, nel, own_buffer); - JL_GC_PUSH1(&mem); - jl_array_t *a = _new_array(atype, mem, ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->layout, 1, &nel); - JL_GC_POP(); + jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; + jl_array_t *a; + jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam0(atype); + + int isunboxed = jl_stored_inline(eltype); + if (isunboxed && jl_is_uniontype(eltype)) + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, + "unsafe_wrap: unspecified layout for union element type"); + size_t elsz; + unsigned align; + if (isunboxed) { + elsz = jl_datatype_size(eltype); + align = jl_datatype_align(eltype); + } + else { + align = elsz = sizeof(void*); + } + if (((uintptr_t)data) & ((align > JL_HEAP_ALIGNMENT ? JL_HEAP_ALIGNMENT : align) - 1)) + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, + "unsafe_wrap: pointer %p is not properly aligned to %u bytes", data, align); + + int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(1); + int tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t); + a = (jl_array_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, atype); + // No allocation or safepoint allowed after this + a->flags.pooled = tsz <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS; + a->data = data; + a->length = nel; + a->elsize = LLT_ALIGN(elsz, align); + a->flags.ptrarray = !isunboxed; + a->flags.hasptr = isunboxed && (jl_is_datatype(eltype) && ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->layout->npointers > 0); + a->flags.ndims = 1; + a->flags.isshared = 1; + a->flags.isaligned = 0; // TODO: allow passing memalign'd buffers + if (own_buffer) { + a->flags.how = 2; + jl_gc_track_malloced_array(ct->ptls, a); + jl_gc_count_allocd(nel*elsz); + } + else { + a->flags.how = 0; + } + + a->nrows = nel; + a->maxsize = nel; + a->offset = 0; return a; } JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array(jl_value_t *atype, void *data, jl_value_t *_dims, int own_buffer) { + jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; + size_t nel = 1; + jl_array_t *a; size_t ndims = jl_nfields(_dims); + wideint_t prod; assert(is_ntuple_long(_dims)); size_t *dims = (size_t*)_dims; - size_t nel; - if (jl_array_validate_dims(&nel, ndims, dims) || *(size_t*)jl_tparam1(atype) != ndims) + for (size_t i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { + prod = (wideint_t)nel * (wideint_t)dims[i]; + if (prod > (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL) + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid Array dimensions"); + nel = prod; + } + if (__unlikely(ndims == 1)) + return jl_ptr_to_array_1d(atype, data, nel, own_buffer); + jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam0(atype); + + int isunboxed = jl_stored_inline(eltype); + if (isunboxed && jl_is_uniontype(eltype)) + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, + "unsafe_wrap: unspecified layout for union element type"); + size_t elsz; + unsigned align; + if (isunboxed) { + elsz = jl_datatype_size(eltype); + align = jl_datatype_align(eltype); + } + else { + align = elsz = sizeof(void*); + } + if (((uintptr_t)data) & ((align > JL_HEAP_ALIGNMENT ? JL_HEAP_ALIGNMENT : align) - 1)) + jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, + "unsafe_wrap: pointer %p is not properly aligned to %u bytes", data, align); + + int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(ndims); + int tsz = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t); + a = (jl_array_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, atype); + // No allocation or safepoint allowed after this + a->flags.pooled = tsz <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS; + a->data = data; + a->length = nel; + a->elsize = LLT_ALIGN(elsz, align); + a->flags.ptrarray = !isunboxed; + a->flags.hasptr = isunboxed && (jl_is_datatype(eltype) && ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->layout->npointers > 0); + a->flags.ndims = ndims; + a->offset = 0; + a->flags.isshared = 1; + a->flags.isaligned = 0; + if (own_buffer) { + a->flags.how = 2; + jl_gc_track_malloced_array(ct->ptls, a); + jl_gc_count_allocd(nel*elsz); + } + else { + a->flags.how = 0; + } + + assert(ndims != 1); // handled above + if (a->flags.ndims != ndims) jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid Array dimensions"); - jl_value_t *mtype = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)atype, 0), 1); - jl_genericmemory_t *mem = jl_ptr_to_genericmemory(mtype, data, nel, own_buffer); - JL_GC_PUSH1(&mem); - jl_array_t *a = _new_array(atype, mem, ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->layout, ndims, dims); - JL_GC_POP(); + memcpy(&a->nrows, dims, ndims * sizeof(size_t)); + return a; +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_new_array(jl_value_t *atype, jl_value_t *_dims) +{ + size_t ndims = jl_nfields(_dims); + assert(is_ntuple_long(_dims)); + return _new_array(atype, ndims, (size_t*)_dims); +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr) +{ + return _new_array(atype, 1, &nr); +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_2d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr, + size_t nc) +{ + size_t d[2] = {nr, nc}; + return _new_array(atype, 2, &d[0]); +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_3d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr, + size_t nc, size_t z) +{ + size_t d[3] = {nr, nc, z}; + return _new_array(atype, 3, &d[0]); +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_pchar_to_array(const char *str, size_t len) +{ + jl_array_t *a = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint8_type, len); + memcpy(a->data, str, len); return a; } JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_array_to_string(jl_array_t *a) { - size_t len = jl_array_nrows(a); // only for Vector + size_t len = jl_array_len(a); if (len == 0) { // this may seem like purely an optimization (which it also is), but it // also ensures that calling `String(a)` doesn't corrupt a previous // string also created the same way, where `a = StringVector(_)`. return jl_an_empty_string; } - jl_value_t *str; - if (a->ref.ptr_or_offset == a->ref.mem->ptr) - str = jl_genericmemory_to_string(a->ref.mem, len); - else - str = jl_pchar_to_string(jl_array_data(a, char), len); - a->ref.mem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)((jl_datatype_t*)jl_memory_uint8_type)->instance; - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = a->ref.mem->ptr; - a->dimsize[0] = 0; - return str; + if (a->flags.how == 3 && a->offset == 0 && a->elsize == 1 && + (jl_array_ndims(a) != 1 || + ((a->maxsize + sizeof(void*) + 1 <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS) == (len + sizeof(void*) + 1 <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS)))) { + jl_value_t *o = jl_array_data_owner(a); + if (jl_is_string(o)) { + a->flags.isshared = 1; + *(size_t*)o = len; + a->nrows = 0; + a->length = 0; + a->maxsize = 0; + if (jl_string_data(o)[len] != '\0') + jl_string_data(o)[len] = '\0'; + return o; + } + } + a->nrows = 0; + a->length = 0; + a->maxsize = 0; + return jl_pchar_to_string((const char*)jl_array_data(a), len); } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr) +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_alloc_string(size_t len) { - return new_array(atype, 1, &nr); + if (len == 0) + return jl_an_empty_string; + size_t sz = sizeof(size_t) + len + 1; // add space for trailing \nul protector and size + if (sz < len) // overflow + jl_throw(jl_memory_exception); + jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; + jl_value_t *s; + jl_ptls_t ptls = ct->ptls; + const size_t allocsz = sz + sizeof(jl_taggedvalue_t); + if (sz <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS) { + int pool_id = jl_gc_szclass_align8(allocsz); + jl_gc_pool_t *p = &ptls->heap.norm_pools[pool_id]; + int osize = jl_gc_sizeclasses[pool_id]; + // We call `jl_gc_pool_alloc_noinline` instead of `jl_gc_pool_alloc` to avoid double-counting in + // the Allocations Profiler. (See https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/43868 for more details.) + s = jl_gc_pool_alloc_noinline(ptls, (char*)p - (char*)ptls, osize); + } + else { + if (allocsz < sz) // overflow in adding offs, size was "negative" + jl_throw(jl_memory_exception); + s = jl_gc_big_alloc_noinline(ptls, allocsz); + } + jl_set_typetagof(s, jl_string_tag, 0); + maybe_record_alloc_to_profile(s, len, jl_string_type); + *(size_t*)s = len; + jl_string_data(s)[len] = 0; + return s; } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_nd(jl_value_t *atype, size_t *dims, size_t ndims) +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_pchar_to_string(const char *str, size_t len) { - return new_array(atype, ndims, dims); + jl_value_t *s = jl_alloc_string(len); + if (len > 0) + memcpy(jl_string_data(s), str, len); + return s; } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_pchar_to_array(const char *str, size_t len) +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_cstr_to_string(const char *str) { - jl_array_t *a = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint8_type, len); - assert(jl_array_data(a, char)); - memcpy(jl_array_data(a, char), str, len); - return a; + return jl_pchar_to_string(str, strlen(str)); } JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_vec_any(size_t n) @@ -194,164 +555,744 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_array_type(jl_value_t *type, size_t dim) return ret; } -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_grow_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t inc) +// array primitives ----------------------------------------------------------- + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_ptrarrayref(jl_array_t *a JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); - size_t elsz = jl_array_elsize(a); - char *data = jl_array_data(a,char); - jl_value_t *mtype = (jl_value_t*)jl_typetagof(a->ref.mem); - int isbitsunion = jl_genericmemory_isbitsunion(a->ref.mem); + assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); + assert(a->flags.ptrarray); + jl_value_t *elt = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)a->data) + i); + if (elt == NULL) + jl_throw(jl_undefref_exception); + return elt; +} + + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_arrayref(jl_array_t *a, size_t i) +{ + if (a->flags.ptrarray) + return jl_ptrarrayref(a, i); + assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); + jl_value_t *eltype = (jl_value_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a)); + if (jl_is_uniontype(eltype)) { + // isbits union selector bytes are always stored directly after the last array element + uint8_t sel = jl_array_typetagdata(a)[i]; + eltype = jl_nth_union_component(eltype, sel); + if (jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)) + return ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->instance; + } + jl_value_t *r = undefref_check((jl_datatype_t*)eltype, jl_new_bits(eltype, &((char*)a->data)[i * a->elsize])); + if (__unlikely(r == NULL)) + jl_throw(jl_undefref_exception); + return r; +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_isassigned(jl_array_t *a, size_t i) +{ + if (a->flags.ptrarray) { + return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)jl_array_data(a)) + i) != NULL; + } + else if (a->flags.hasptr) { + jl_datatype_t *eltype = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a)); + assert(eltype->layout->first_ptr >= 0); + jl_value_t **elem = (jl_value_t**)((char*)a->data + i * a->elsize); + return elem[eltype->layout->first_ptr] != NULL; + } + return 1; +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_arrayset(jl_array_t *a JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *rhs JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED, size_t i) +{ + assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); + jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a)); + if (eltype != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type) { + JL_GC_PUSH1(&rhs); + if (!jl_isa(rhs, eltype)) + jl_type_error("arrayset", eltype, rhs); + JL_GC_POP(); + } + if (!a->flags.ptrarray) { + int hasptr; + if (jl_is_uniontype(eltype)) { + uint8_t *psel = &((uint8_t*)jl_array_typetagdata(a))[i]; + unsigned nth = 0; + if (!jl_find_union_component(eltype, jl_typeof(rhs), &nth)) + assert(0 && "invalid arrayset to isbits union"); + *psel = nth; + if (jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(rhs))) + return; + hasptr = 0; + } + else { + hasptr = a->flags.hasptr; + } + arrayassign_safe(hasptr, jl_array_owner(a), &((char*)a->data)[i * a->elsize], rhs, a->elsize); + } + else { + jl_atomic_store_release(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)a->data) + i, rhs); + jl_gc_wb(jl_array_owner(a), rhs); + } +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_arrayunset(jl_array_t *a, size_t i) +{ + if (i >= jl_array_len(a)) + jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, i + 1); + if (a->flags.ptrarray) + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)a->data) + i, NULL); + else if (a->flags.hasptr) { + size_t elsize = a->elsize; + jl_assume(elsize >= sizeof(void*) && elsize % sizeof(void*) == 0); + memset((char*)a->data + elsize * i, 0, elsize); + } +} + +// at this size and bigger, allocate resized array data with malloc directly +// instead of managing them separately as gc objects +#define MALLOC_THRESH 1048576 + +// Resize the buffer to a max size of `newlen` +// The buffer can either be newly allocated or realloc'd, the return +// value is 1 if a new buffer is allocated and 0 if it is realloc'd. +// the caller needs to take care of moving the data from the old buffer +// to the new one if necessary. +// When this function returns, the `->data` pointer always points to +// the **beginning** of the new buffer. +static int NOINLINE array_resize_buffer(jl_array_t *a, size_t newlen) +{ + jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; + assert(!a->flags.isshared || a->flags.how == 3); + size_t elsz = a->elsize; + size_t nbytes = newlen * elsz; + size_t oldnbytes = a->maxsize * elsz; + size_t oldoffsnb = a->offset * elsz; + size_t oldlen = a->nrows; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(a); + assert(nbytes >= oldnbytes); + if (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1 && !isbitsunion) { + nbytes++; + oldnbytes++; + } + if (isbitsunion) { + nbytes += newlen; + oldnbytes += a->maxsize; + } + int newbuf = 0; + if (a->flags.how == 2) { + // already malloc'd - use realloc + char *olddata = (char*)a->data - oldoffsnb; + a->data = jl_gc_managed_realloc(olddata, nbytes, oldnbytes, + a->flags.isaligned, (jl_value_t*)a); + } + else if (a->flags.how == 3 && jl_is_string(jl_array_data_owner(a)) && !isbitsunion) { + // if data is in a String, keep it that way + jl_value_t *s; + if (a->flags.isshared) { + s = jl_alloc_string(nbytes - (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1)); + newbuf = 1; + } + else { + s = jl_gc_realloc_string(jl_array_data_owner(a), nbytes - (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1)); + } + jl_array_data_owner(a) = s; + jl_gc_wb(a, s); + a->data = jl_string_data(s); + } + else { + newbuf = 1; + if (nbytes >= MALLOC_THRESH) { + a->data = jl_gc_managed_malloc(nbytes); + jl_gc_track_malloced_array(ct->ptls, a); + a->flags.how = 2; + a->flags.isaligned = 1; + } + else { + a->data = jl_gc_alloc_buf(ct->ptls, nbytes); + a->flags.how = 1; + jl_gc_wb_buf(a, a->data, nbytes); + } + } + if (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1 && !isbitsunion) { + memset((char*)a->data + oldnbytes - 1, 0xfe, nbytes - oldnbytes + 1); + msan_allocated_memory((char*)a->data + oldnbytes - 1, nbytes - oldnbytes + 1); + } + (void)oldlen; + assert(oldlen == a->nrows && + "Race condition detected: recursive resizing on the same array."); + a->flags.isshared = 0; + a->maxsize = newlen; + return newbuf; +} + +static void NOINLINE array_try_unshare(jl_array_t *a) +{ + if (a->flags.isshared) { + if (a->flags.how != 3) + jl_error("cannot resize array with shared data"); + // allow resizing when data is shared with a String + if (jl_is_string(jl_array_data_owner(a))) + return; + assert(a->offset == 0); + size_t len = a->maxsize; + size_t nbytes = len * a->elsize; + if (jl_array_isbitsunion(a)) { + nbytes += len; + } + char *olddata = (char*)a->data; + int newbuf = array_resize_buffer(a, len); + assert(newbuf); + (void)newbuf; + memcpy(a->data, olddata, nbytes); + } +} + +size_t overallocation(size_t maxsize) +{ + if (maxsize < 8) + return 8; + // compute maxsize = maxsize + 4*maxsize^(7/8) + maxsize/8 + // for small n, we grow faster than O(n) + // for large n, we grow at O(n/8) + // and as we reach O(memory) for memory>>1MB, + // this means we end by adding about 10% of memory each time + int exp2 = sizeof(maxsize) * 8 - +#ifdef _P64 + __builtin_clzll(maxsize); +#else + __builtin_clz(maxsize); +#endif + maxsize += ((size_t)1 << (exp2 * 7 / 8)) * 4 + maxsize / 8; + return maxsize; +} + +STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_grow_at_beg(jl_array_t *a, size_t idx, size_t inc, + size_t n) +{ + // designed to handle the case of growing and shrinking at both ends + if (__unlikely(a->flags.isshared)) { + if (a->flags.how != 3) + jl_error("cannot resize array with shared data"); + if (inc == 0) { + // If inc > 0, it will always trigger the slow path and unshare the + // buffer + array_try_unshare(a); + return; + } + } size_t newnrows = n + inc; - if (!isbitsunion && elsz == 0) { - jl_genericmemory_t *newmem = jl_alloc_genericmemory(mtype, MAXINTVAL - 1); - a->ref.mem = newmem; - jl_gc_wb(a, newmem); - a->dimsize[0] = newnrows; - return; + size_t elsz = a->elsize; + size_t nbinc = inc * elsz; + char *data = (char*)a->data; + char *newdata; + char *typetagdata; + char *newtypetagdata = NULL; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(a); + if (isbitsunion) typetagdata = jl_array_typetagdata(a); + if (a->offset >= inc) { + // already have enough space in a->offset + newdata = data - nbinc; + a->offset -= inc; + if (isbitsunion) newtypetagdata = typetagdata - inc; + if (idx > 0) { + // inserting new elements after 1st element + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata, data, idx * elsz); + if (isbitsunion) { + memmove(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, idx); + memset(newtypetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + } + } + } + else { + // not enough room for requested growth from existing a->offset + size_t oldoffset = a->offset; + size_t oldoffsnb = oldoffset * elsz; + size_t oldmaxsize = a->maxsize; + size_t nb1 = idx * elsz; + if (inc > (a->maxsize - n) / 2 - (a->maxsize - n) / 20) { + // not enough room for requested growth from end of array + size_t newlen = inc * 2; + while (n + 2 * inc > newlen - a->offset) + newlen *= 2; + size_t newmaxsize = overallocation(a->maxsize); + if (newlen < newmaxsize) + newlen = newmaxsize; + size_t newoffset = (newlen - newnrows) / 2; + if (!array_resize_buffer(a, newlen)) { + data = (char*)a->data + oldoffsnb; + } + newdata = (char*)a->data + newoffset * elsz; + if (isbitsunion) { + typetagdata = data + (oldmaxsize - oldoffset) * elsz + oldoffset; + newtypetagdata = newdata + (a->maxsize - newoffset) * elsz + newoffset; + memmove(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, idx); + memset(newtypetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + memmove(newtypetagdata + idx + inc, typetagdata + idx, n - idx); + } + // We could use memcpy if resizing allocates a new buffer, + // hopefully it's not a particularly important optimization. + if (idx > 0 && newdata < data) { + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata, data, nb1); + } + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata + nbinc + nb1, data + nb1, n * elsz - nb1); + if (idx > 0 && newdata > data) { + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata, data, nb1); + } + a->offset = newoffset; + } + else { + // use extra space between a->nrows & a->maxsize + a->offset = (a->maxsize - newnrows) / 2; + newdata = data - oldoffsnb + a->offset * elsz; + if (isbitsunion) newtypetagdata = newdata + (a->maxsize - a->offset) * elsz + a->offset; + if (idx > 0 && newdata < data) { + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata, data, nb1); + if (isbitsunion) { + memmove(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, idx); + memset(newtypetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + } + } + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata + nbinc + nb1, data + nb1, n * elsz - nb1); + if (isbitsunion) memmove(newtypetagdata + idx + inc, typetagdata + idx, n - idx); + if (idx > 0 && newdata > data) { + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata, data, nb1); + if (isbitsunion) { + memmove(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, idx); + memset(newtypetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + } + } + } + } + a->length = newnrows; + a->nrows = newnrows; + a->data = newdata; + if (jl_is_array_zeroinit(a)) { + memset(newdata + idx * elsz, 0, nbinc); + } + if (newtypetagdata) { + memset(newtypetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + } +} + +STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_grow_at_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t idx, + size_t inc, size_t n) +{ + // optimized for the case of only growing and shrinking at the end + if (__unlikely(a->flags.isshared)) { + if (a->flags.how != 3) + jl_error("cannot resize array with shared data"); + if (inc == 0) { + // If inc > 0, it will always trigger the slow path and unshare the + // buffer + array_try_unshare(a); + return; + } } - size_t oldoffset = isbitsunion ? (size_t)data : (data - (char*)a->ref.mem->ptr) / elsz; - if (isbitsunion) - data = (char*)a->ref.mem->ptr + oldoffset * elsz; - size_t oldmaxsize = a->ref.mem->length; - size_t reqmaxsize = oldoffset + newnrows; - if (__unlikely(reqmaxsize > oldmaxsize)) { - size_t newmaxsize; - if (oldmaxsize < 4) // typical sequence: 0, // 4, // 6, 9, 13, 19, 28, 42, // 50, 60, 72, ... - newmaxsize = 4; - else if (oldmaxsize < 48) - newmaxsize = oldmaxsize*3/2; // grow by 50% - else - newmaxsize = oldmaxsize*6/5; // grow by 20% + size_t elsz = a->elsize; + char *data = (char*)a->data; + char *typetagdata; + char *newtypetagdata; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(a); + if (isbitsunion) typetagdata = jl_array_typetagdata(a); + int has_gap = n > idx; + size_t reqmaxsize = a->offset + n + inc; + if (__unlikely(reqmaxsize > a->maxsize)) { + size_t nb1 = idx * elsz; + size_t nbinc = inc * elsz; + // grow either by our computed overallocation factor or exactly the requested size, + // whichever is larger + size_t newmaxsize = overallocation(a->maxsize); if (newmaxsize < reqmaxsize) newmaxsize = reqmaxsize; - // TODO: round this up to newmaxsize < GC_MAX_SZCLASS ? jl_gc_sizeclasses[jl_gc_szclass(newmaxsize)] : LLT_ALIGN(newmaxsize, 4096), after accounting for the object header (24 bytes) - jl_genericmemory_t *newmem = jl_alloc_genericmemory(mtype, newmaxsize); - char *newdata = (char*)newmem->ptr + oldoffset * elsz; - memcpy(newdata, data, n * elsz); + size_t oldmaxsize = a->maxsize; + int newbuf = array_resize_buffer(a, newmaxsize); + char *newdata = (char*)a->data + a->offset * elsz; + if (isbitsunion) newtypetagdata = newdata + (a->maxsize - a->offset) * elsz + a->offset; + if (newbuf) { + memcpy(newdata, data, nb1); + if (isbitsunion) { + memcpy(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, idx); + if (has_gap) memcpy(newtypetagdata + idx + inc, typetagdata + idx, n - idx); + memset(newtypetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + } + if (has_gap) memcpy(newdata + nb1 + nbinc, data + nb1, n * elsz - nb1); + } + else { + if (isbitsunion) { + typetagdata = newdata + (oldmaxsize - a->offset) * elsz + a->offset; + if (has_gap) memmove(newtypetagdata + idx + inc, typetagdata + idx, n - idx); + memmove(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, idx); + memset(newtypetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + } + if (has_gap) memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata + nb1 + nbinc, newdata + nb1, n * elsz - nb1); + } + a->data = data = newdata; + } + else if (has_gap) { if (isbitsunion) { - char *typetagdata = jl_array_typetagdata(a); - char *newtypetagdata = (char*)newmem->ptr + newmaxsize * elsz + oldoffset; - memcpy(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, n); + memmove(typetagdata + idx + inc, typetagdata + idx, n - idx); + memset(typetagdata + idx, 0, inc); } - a->ref.mem = newmem; - jl_gc_wb(a, newmem); + size_t nb1 = idx * elsz; + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, data + nb1 + inc * elsz, data + nb1, n * elsz - nb1); + } + else { + // there was enough room for requested growth already in a->maxsize if (isbitsunion) - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = (void*)oldoffset; - else - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = newdata; + memset(typetagdata + idx, 0, inc); + } + size_t newnrows = n + inc; + a->length = newnrows; + a->nrows = newnrows; + if (jl_is_array_zeroinit(a)) { + memset(data + idx * elsz, 0, inc * elsz); } - a->dimsize[0] = newnrows; } -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_del_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t dec) +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_grow_at(jl_array_t *a, ssize_t idx, size_t inc) { - // assume inbounds, assume unshared + // No need to explicitly unshare. + // Shared arrays are guaranteed to trigger the slow path for growing. size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); - if (__unlikely(n < dec)) - jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, 0); - if (__unlikely(dec == 0)) - return; - n -= dec; - a->dimsize[0] = n; - // don't leave behind deleted data - if (jl_is_genericmemory_zeroinit(a->ref.mem) && !jl_genericmemory_isbitsunion(a->ref.mem)) { - size_t elsz = jl_array_elsize(a); - memset(jl_array_data(a,char) + n * elsz, 0, elsz * dec); + if (idx < 0 || idx > n) + jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, idx + 1); + if (idx + 1 < n / 2) { + jl_array_grow_at_beg(a, idx, inc, n); + } + else { + jl_array_grow_at_end(a, idx, inc, n); } } -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *item) +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_grow_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t inc) { - assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_any_type)); - jl_array_grow_end(a, 1); size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); - jl_array_ptr_set(a, n - 1, item); + jl_array_grow_at_end(a, n, inc, n); } -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_ptr_1d_append(jl_array_t *a, jl_array_t *a2) +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_grow_beg(jl_array_t *a, size_t inc) { - assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_any_type)); - assert(jl_typetagis(a2, jl_array_any_type)); - size_t i; size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); - size_t n2 = jl_array_nrows(a2); - jl_array_grow_end(a, n2); - for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) { - jl_array_ptr_set(a, n + i, jl_array_ptr_ref(a2, i)); + jl_array_grow_at_beg(a, 0, inc, n); +} + +STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_shrink(jl_array_t *a, size_t dec) +{ + //if we don't manage this array return + if (a->flags.how == 0) return; + + size_t elsz = a->elsize; + size_t newbytes = (a->maxsize - dec) * a->elsize; + size_t oldnbytes = (a->maxsize) * a->elsize; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(a); + if (isbitsunion) { + newbytes += a->maxsize - dec; + oldnbytes += a->maxsize; + } + + if (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1 && !isbitsunion) { + newbytes++; + oldnbytes++; + } + char *originalptr = ((char*) a->data) - a->offset * a->elsize; + if (a->flags.how == 1) { + //this is a julia-allocated buffer that needs to be marked + char *typetagdata; + char *newtypetagdata; + if (isbitsunion) { + typetagdata = (char*)malloc_s(a->nrows); + memcpy(typetagdata, jl_array_typetagdata(a), a->nrows); + } + jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; + char *originaldata = (char*) a->data - a->offset * a->elsize; + char *newdata = (char*)jl_gc_alloc_buf(ct->ptls, newbytes); + jl_gc_wb_buf(a, newdata, newbytes); + a->maxsize -= dec; + if (isbitsunion) { + newtypetagdata = jl_array_typetagdata(a); + memcpy(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, a->nrows); + free(typetagdata); + } + memcpy(newdata, originaldata, newbytes); + a->data = newdata + a->offset * elsz; + } + else if (a->flags.how == 2) { + //malloc-allocated pointer this array object manages + char *typetagdata; + char *newtypetagdata; + if (isbitsunion) { + typetagdata = (char*)malloc_s(a->nrows); + memcpy(typetagdata, jl_array_typetagdata(a), a->nrows); + } + size_t oldoffsnb = a->offset * elsz; + a->data = ((char*)jl_gc_managed_realloc(originalptr, newbytes, oldnbytes, + a->flags.isaligned, (jl_value_t*) a)) + oldoffsnb; + a->maxsize -= dec; + if (isbitsunion) { + newtypetagdata = jl_array_typetagdata(a); + memcpy(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, a->nrows); + free(typetagdata); + } + } + else if (a->flags.how == 3) { + //this has has a pointer to the object that owns the data } } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_genericmemory_copy_slice(jl_genericmemory_t *mem, void *data, size_t len); +static size_t jl_array_limit_offset(jl_array_t *a, size_t offset) +{ + // make sure offset doesn't grow forever due to deleting at beginning + // and growing at end + if (offset >= 13 * a->maxsize / 20) + offset = 17 * (a->maxsize - a->nrows) / 100; +#ifdef _P64 + while (offset > (size_t)UINT32_MAX) { + offset /= 2; + } +#endif + return offset; +} -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_array_copy(jl_array_t *ary) +STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_del_at_beg(jl_array_t *a, size_t idx, size_t dec, + size_t n) { - size_t len = jl_array_len(ary); - jl_genericmemory_t *mem = jl_genericmemory_copy_slice(ary->ref.mem, ary->ref.ptr_or_offset, len); - JL_GC_PUSH1(&mem); - jl_array_t *new_ary = _new_array((jl_value_t*)jl_typetagof(ary), mem, ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(ary->ref.mem))->layout, jl_array_ndims(ary), &ary->dimsize[0]); - JL_GC_POP(); - return new_ary; + // no error checking + // assume inbounds, assume unshared + size_t elsz = a->elsize; + size_t offset = a->offset; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(a); + offset += dec; + a->length = n - dec; + a->nrows = n - dec; + size_t newoffs = jl_array_limit_offset(a, offset); + assert(newoffs <= offset); + size_t nbdec = dec * elsz; + if (__unlikely(newoffs != offset) || idx > 0) { + char *olddata = (char*)a->data; + char *newdata = olddata - (a->offset - newoffs) * elsz; + char *typetagdata = NULL; + char *newtypetagdata = NULL; + if (isbitsunion) { + typetagdata = jl_array_typetagdata(a); + newtypetagdata = typetagdata - (a->offset - newoffs); + } + + size_t nb1 = idx * elsz; // size in bytes of the first block + size_t nbtotal = a->nrows * elsz; // size in bytes of the new array + // Implicit '\0' for byte arrays + if (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1 && !isbitsunion) + nbtotal++; + if (idx > 0) { + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata, olddata, nb1); + if (isbitsunion) memmove(newtypetagdata, typetagdata, idx); + } + // Move the rest of the data if the offset changed + if (newoffs != offset) { + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, newdata + nb1, olddata + nb1 + nbdec, nbtotal - nb1); + if (isbitsunion) memmove(newtypetagdata + idx, typetagdata + idx + dec, a->nrows - idx); + } + a->data = newdata; + } + else { + char *data = (char*)a->data; + a->data = data + nbdec; + } + a->offset = newoffs; } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_alloc_string(size_t len) +STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_del_at_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t idx, size_t dec, + size_t n) { - if (len == 0) - return jl_an_empty_string; - size_t sz = sizeof(size_t) + len + 1; // add space for trailing \nul protector and size - if (sz < len) // overflow - jl_throw(jl_memory_exception); - jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - jl_value_t *s; - jl_ptls_t ptls = ct->ptls; - const size_t allocsz = sz + sizeof(jl_taggedvalue_t); - if (sz <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS) { - int pool_id = jl_gc_szclass_align8(allocsz); - jl_gc_pool_t *p = &ptls->heap.norm_pools[pool_id]; - int osize = jl_gc_sizeclasses[pool_id]; - // We call `jl_gc_pool_alloc_noinline` instead of `jl_gc_pool_alloc` to avoid double-counting in - // the Allocations Profiler. (See https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/43868 for more details.) - s = jl_gc_pool_alloc_noinline(ptls, (char*)p - (char*)ptls, osize); + // no error checking + // assume inbounds, assume unshared + char *data = (char*)a->data; + size_t elsz = a->elsize; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(a); + size_t last = idx + dec; + if (n > last) { + memmove_safe(a->flags.hasptr, data + idx * elsz, data + last * elsz, (n - last) * elsz); + if (isbitsunion) { + char *typetagdata = jl_array_typetagdata(a); + memmove(typetagdata + idx, typetagdata + last, n - last); + } + } + n -= dec; + if (JL_ARRAY_MEMDEBUG_TERMINATOR && elsz == 1 && !isbitsunion) { + data[n] = 0xfe; + msan_allocated_memory(&data[n], 1); + } + a->nrows = n; + a->length = n; +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_del_at(jl_array_t *a, ssize_t idx, size_t dec) +{ + size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); + size_t last = idx + dec; + if (__unlikely(idx < 0)) + jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, idx + 1); + if (__unlikely(last > n)) + jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, last); + // The unsharing needs to happen before we modify the buffer + if (__unlikely(a->flags.isshared)) + array_try_unshare(a); + if (idx < n - last) { + jl_array_del_at_beg(a, idx, dec, n); } else { - if (allocsz < sz) // overflow in adding offs, size was "negative" - jl_throw(jl_memory_exception); - s = jl_gc_big_alloc_noinline(ptls, allocsz); + jl_array_del_at_end(a, idx, dec, n); } - jl_set_typetagof(s, jl_string_tag, 0); - maybe_record_alloc_to_profile(s, len, jl_string_type); - *(size_t*)s = len; - jl_string_data(s)[len] = 0; - return s; } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_pchar_to_string(const char *str, size_t len) +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_del_beg(jl_array_t *a, size_t dec) { - jl_value_t *s = jl_alloc_string(len); - if (len > 0) - memcpy(jl_string_data(s), str, len); - return s; + size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); + if (__unlikely(dec > n)) + jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, dec); + if (__unlikely(a->flags.isshared)) + array_try_unshare(a); + if (dec == 0) + return; + jl_array_del_at_beg(a, 0, dec, n); } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_cstr_to_string(const char *str) +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_del_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t dec) { - return jl_pchar_to_string(str, strlen(str)); + size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); + if (__unlikely(n < dec)) + jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, 0); + if (__unlikely(a->flags.isshared)) + array_try_unshare(a); + if (dec == 0) + return; + jl_array_del_at_end(a, n - dec, dec, n); +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_sizehint(jl_array_t *a, size_t sz) +{ + size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); + + size_t min = a->offset + a->length; + sz = (sz < min) ? min : sz; + + if (sz <= a->maxsize) { + size_t dec = a->maxsize - sz; + //if we don't save at least an eighth of maxsize then its not worth it to shrink + if (dec <= a->maxsize / 8) return; + jl_array_shrink(a, dec); + } + else { + size_t inc = sz - n; + jl_array_grow_end(a, inc); + + a->nrows = n; + a->length = n; + } } +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_array_copy(jl_array_t *ary) +{ + size_t elsz = ary->elsize; + size_t len = jl_array_len(ary); + int isunion = jl_is_uniontype(jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(ary))); + jl_array_t *new_ary = _new_array_(jl_typeof(ary), jl_array_ndims(ary), + &ary->nrows, !ary->flags.ptrarray, + ary->flags.hasptr, isunion, 0, elsz); + memcpy(new_ary->data, ary->data, len * elsz); + // ensure isbits union arrays copy their selector bytes correctly + if (jl_array_isbitsunion(ary)) + memcpy(jl_array_typetagdata(new_ary), jl_array_typetagdata(ary), len); + return new_ary; +} -// deprecated and unused internally, but some packages (notably OrderedCollections.jl) have not yet started to use the modern Base.unsetindex API -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_arrayunset(jl_array_t *a, size_t i) +// Copy element by element until we hit a young object, at which point +// we can finish by using `memmove`. +static NOINLINE ssize_t jl_array_ptr_copy_forward(jl_value_t *owner, + void **src_p, void **dest_p, + ssize_t n) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - if (i >= jl_array_len(a)) - jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)a, i + 1); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(a->ref.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(jl_array_data(a,_Atomic(jl_value_t*)) + i, NULL); + _Atomic(void*) *src_pa = (_Atomic(void*)*)src_p; + _Atomic(void*) *dest_pa = (_Atomic(void*)*)dest_p; + for (ssize_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { + void *val = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(src_pa + i); + jl_atomic_store_release(dest_pa + i, val); + // `val` is young or old-unmarked + if (val && !(jl_astaggedvalue(val)->bits.gc & GC_MARKED)) { + jl_gc_queue_root(owner); + return i; + } } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - size_t elsize = layout->size; - jl_assume(elsize >= sizeof(void*) && elsize % sizeof(void*) == 0); - memset(jl_array_data(a,char) + elsize * i, 0, elsize); + return n; +} + +static NOINLINE ssize_t jl_array_ptr_copy_backward(jl_value_t *owner, + void **src_p, void **dest_p, + ssize_t n) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + _Atomic(void*) *src_pa = (_Atomic(void*)*)src_p; + _Atomic(void*) *dest_pa = (_Atomic(void*)*)dest_p; + for (ssize_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { + void *val = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(src_pa + n - i - 1); + jl_atomic_store_release(dest_pa + n - i - 1, val); + // `val` is young or old-unmarked + if (val && !(jl_astaggedvalue(val)->bits.gc & GC_MARKED)) { + jl_gc_queue_root(owner); + return i; + } } + return n; +} + +// Unsafe, assume inbounds and that dest and src have the same eltype +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_ptr_copy(jl_array_t *dest, void **dest_p, + jl_array_t *src, void **src_p, ssize_t n) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + assert(dest->flags.ptrarray && src->flags.ptrarray); + jl_value_t *owner = jl_array_owner(dest); + // Destination is old and doesn't refer to any young object + if (__unlikely(jl_astaggedvalue(owner)->bits.gc == GC_OLD_MARKED)) { + jl_value_t *src_owner = jl_array_owner(src); + // Source is young or being promoted or might refer to young objects + // (i.e. source is not an old object that doesn't have wb triggered) + if (jl_astaggedvalue(src_owner)->bits.gc != GC_OLD_MARKED) { + ssize_t done; + if (dest_p < src_p || dest_p > src_p + n) { + done = jl_array_ptr_copy_forward(owner, src_p, dest_p, n); + dest_p += done; + src_p += done; + } + else { + done = jl_array_ptr_copy_backward(owner, src_p, dest_p, n); + } + n -= done; + } + } + memmove_refs(dest_p, src_p, n); +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *item) +{ + assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_any_type)); + jl_array_grow_end(a, 1); + size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); + jl_array_ptr_set(a, n - 1, item); +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_ptr_1d_append(jl_array_t *a, jl_array_t *a2) +{ + assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_any_type)); + assert(jl_typetagis(a2, jl_array_any_type)); + size_t i; + size_t n = jl_array_nrows(a); + size_t n2 = jl_array_nrows(a2); + jl_array_grow_end(a, n2); + for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) { + jl_array_ptr_set(a, n + i, jl_array_ptr_ref(a2, i)); + } +} + +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *(jl_array_data_owner)(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + return jl_array_data_owner(a); } #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/src/ast.c b/src/ast.c index 89ee3f70bf2fd..600b1a229ea80 100644 --- a/src/ast.c +++ b/src/ast.c @@ -650,9 +650,9 @@ static value_t julia_to_scm(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_value_t *v) static void array_to_list(fl_context_t *fl_ctx, jl_array_t *a, value_t *pv, int check_valid) { value_t temp; - for (long i = jl_array_nrows(a) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + for(long i=jl_array_len(a)-1; i >= 0; i--) { *pv = fl_cons(fl_ctx, fl_ctx->NIL, *pv); - temp = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, jl_array_ptr_ref(a, i), check_valid); + temp = julia_to_scm_(fl_ctx, jl_array_ptr_ref(a,i), check_valid); // note: must be separate statement car_(*pv) = temp; } @@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_copy_ast(jl_value_t *expr) JL_GC_PUSH2(&new_ci, &new_code); new_ci = jl_copy_code_info(new_ci); new_code = jl_array_copy(new_ci->code); - size_t clen = jl_array_nrows(new_code); + size_t clen = jl_array_len(new_code); for (int i = 0; i < clen; ++i) { jl_array_ptr_set(new_code, i, jl_copy_ast( jl_array_ptr_ref(new_code, i) @@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_copy_ast(jl_value_t *expr) } if (jl_is_expr(expr)) { jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)expr; - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(e->args); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(e->args); jl_expr_t *ne = jl_exprn(e->head, l); JL_GC_PUSH2(&ne, &expr); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { @@ -991,11 +991,11 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_operator_precedence(char *sym) int jl_has_meta(jl_array_t *body, jl_sym_t *sym) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(body); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(body); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_expr_t *stmt = (jl_expr_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(body, i); if (jl_is_expr((jl_value_t*)stmt) && stmt->head == jl_meta_sym) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(stmt->args); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(stmt->args); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) if (jl_array_ptr_ref(stmt->args, i) == (jl_value_t*)sym) return 1; @@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_invoke_julia_macro(jl_array_t *args, jl_module_t *inmodule { jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; JL_TIMING(MACRO_INVOCATION, MACRO_INVOCATION); - size_t nargs = jl_array_nrows(args) + 1; + size_t nargs = jl_array_len(args) + 1; JL_NARGSV("macrocall", 3); // macro name, location, and module jl_value_t **margs; JL_GC_PUSHARGS(margs, nargs); @@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_expand_macros(jl_value_t *expr, jl_module_t *inmodule, str } size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(e->args); i++) { + for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(e->args); i++) { jl_value_t *a = jl_array_ptr_ref(e->args, i); jl_value_t *a2 = jl_expand_macros(a, inmodule, macroctx, onelevel, world, throw_load_error); if (a != a2) diff --git a/src/builtin_proto.h b/src/builtin_proto.h index e6e91207b2fdb..64e3fbd1af366 100644 --- a/src/builtin_proto.h +++ b/src/builtin_proto.h @@ -25,15 +25,14 @@ DECLARE_BUILTIN(applicable); DECLARE_BUILTIN(_apply_iterate); DECLARE_BUILTIN(_apply_pure); DECLARE_BUILTIN(apply_type); -DECLARE_BUILTIN(memoryref); -DECLARE_BUILTIN(memoryrefoffset); -DECLARE_BUILTIN(memoryrefget); -DECLARE_BUILTIN(memoryrefset); -DECLARE_BUILTIN(memoryref_isassigned); +DECLARE_BUILTIN(arrayref); +DECLARE_BUILTIN(arrayset); +DECLARE_BUILTIN(arraysize); DECLARE_BUILTIN(_call_in_world); DECLARE_BUILTIN(_call_in_world_total); DECLARE_BUILTIN(_call_latest); DECLARE_BUILTIN(replacefield); +DECLARE_BUILTIN(const_arrayref); DECLARE_BUILTIN(_expr); DECLARE_BUILTIN(fieldtype); DECLARE_BUILTIN(getfield); diff --git a/src/builtins.c b/src/builtins.c index bed8bbc2b0216..3b1c4a056ee2c 100644 --- a/src/builtins.c +++ b/src/builtins.c @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ static int NOINLINE compare_fields(const jl_value_t *a, const jl_value_t *b, jl_ continue; // skip this field (it is #undef) } } - if (!ft->layout->flags.haspadding) { + if (!ft->layout->haspadding) { if (!bits_equal(ao, bo, ft->layout->size)) return 0; } @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ inline int jl_egal__bits(const jl_value_t *a JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED, const jl_value_t if (sz == 0) return 1; size_t nf = jl_datatype_nfields(dt); - if (nf == 0 || !dt->layout->flags.haspadding) + if (nf == 0 || !dt->layout->haspadding) return bits_equal(a, b, sz); return compare_fields(a, b, dt); } @@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ static uintptr_t immut_id_(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_value_t *v, uintptr_t h) JL_NOT if (sz == 0) return ~h; size_t f, nf = jl_datatype_nfields(dt); - if (nf == 0 || (!dt->layout->flags.haspadding && dt->layout->npointers == 0)) { + if (nf == 0 || (!dt->layout->haspadding && dt->layout->npointers == 0)) { // operate element-wise if there are unused bits inside, // otherwise just take the whole data block at once // a few select pointers (notably symbol) also have special hash values @@ -511,18 +511,21 @@ JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_sizeof) } if (jl_is_datatype(x)) { jl_datatype_t *dx = (jl_datatype_t*)x; - if (!jl_struct_try_layout(dx)) { + if (dx->layout == NULL) { if (dx->name->abstract) jl_errorf("Abstract type %s does not have a definite size.", jl_symbol_name(dx->name->name)); else jl_errorf("Argument is an incomplete %s type and does not have a definite size.", jl_symbol_name(dx->name->name)); } - if (jl_is_layout_opaque(dx->layout)) // includes all GenericMemory{kind,T} + if (jl_is_layout_opaque(dx->layout)) jl_errorf("Type %s does not have a definite size.", jl_symbol_name(dx->name->name)); return jl_box_long(jl_datatype_size(x)); } if (x == jl_bottom_type) jl_error("The empty type does not have a definite size since it does not have instances."); + if (jl_is_array(x)) { + return jl_box_long(jl_array_len(x) * ((jl_array_t*)x)->elsize); + } if (jl_is_string(x)) return jl_box_long(jl_string_len(x)); if (jl_is_symbol(x)) @@ -532,10 +535,7 @@ JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_sizeof) jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(x); assert(jl_is_datatype(dt)); assert(!dt->name->abstract); - size_t sz = dt->layout->size; - if (jl_is_genericmemory(x)) - sz = (sz + (dt->layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion ? 1 : 0)) * ((jl_genericmemory_t*)x)->length; - return jl_box_long(sz); + return jl_box_long(jl_datatype_size(dt)); } JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_issubtype) @@ -607,12 +607,6 @@ STATIC_INLINE void _grow_to(jl_value_t **root, jl_value_t ***oldargs, jl_svec_t *n_alloc = newalloc; } - -static jl_value_t *jl_arrayref(jl_array_t *a, size_t i) -{ - return jl_memoryrefget(jl_memoryrefindex(a->ref, i)); -} - static jl_value_t *do_apply(jl_value_t **args, uint32_t nargs, jl_value_t *iterate) { jl_function_t *f = args[0]; @@ -621,17 +615,6 @@ static jl_value_t *do_apply(jl_value_t **args, uint32_t nargs, jl_value_t *itera if (f == jl_builtin_svec) { if (jl_is_svec(args[1])) return args[1]; - if (jl_is_genericmemory(args[1])) { - jl_genericmemory_t *mem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)args[1]; - size_t n = mem->length; - jl_svec_t *t = jl_alloc_svec(n); - JL_GC_PUSH1(&t); - for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { - jl_svecset(t, i, jl_genericmemoryref(mem, i)); - } - JL_GC_POP(); - return (jl_value_t*)t; - } if (jl_is_array(args[1])) { size_t n = jl_array_len(args[1]); jl_svec_t *t = jl_alloc_svec(n); @@ -658,9 +641,6 @@ static jl_value_t *do_apply(jl_value_t **args, uint32_t nargs, jl_value_t *itera else if (jl_is_tuple(args[i]) || jl_is_namedtuple(args[i])) { precount += jl_nfields(args[i]); } - else if (jl_is_genericmemory(args[i])) { - precount += ((jl_genericmemory_t*)args[i])->length; - } else if (jl_is_array(args[i])) { precount += jl_array_len(args[i]); } @@ -729,40 +709,13 @@ static jl_value_t *do_apply(jl_value_t **args, uint32_t nargs, jl_value_t *itera jl_gc_wb(arg_heap, newargs[n - 1]); } } - else if (jl_is_genericmemory(ai)) { - jl_genericmemory_t *mem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)ai; - size_t j, al = mem->length; - precount = (precount > al) ? precount - al : 0; - _grow_to(&roots[0], &newargs, &arg_heap, &n_alloc, n + precount + al, extra); - assert(newargs != NULL); // inform GCChecker that we didn't write a NULL here - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - for (j = 0; j < al; j++) { - jl_value_t *arg = jl_genericmemory_ptr_ref(mem, j); - // apply with array splatting may have embedded NULL value (#11772) - if (__unlikely(arg == NULL)) - jl_throw(jl_undefref_exception); - newargs[n++] = arg; - if (arg_heap) - jl_gc_wb(arg_heap, arg); - } - } - else { - for (j = 0; j < al; j++) { - newargs[n++] = jl_genericmemoryref(mem, j); - if (arg_heap) - jl_gc_wb(arg_heap, newargs[n - 1]); - } - } - } else if (jl_is_array(ai)) { jl_array_t *aai = (jl_array_t*)ai; size_t j, al = jl_array_len(aai); precount = (precount > al) ? precount - al : 0; _grow_to(&roots[0], &newargs, &arg_heap, &n_alloc, n + precount + al, extra); assert(newargs != NULL); // inform GCChecker that we didn't write a NULL here - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(aai->ref.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { + if (aai->flags.ptrarray) { for (j = 0; j < al; j++) { jl_value_t *arg = jl_array_ptr_ref(aai, j); // apply with array splatting may have embedded NULL value (#11772) @@ -1510,115 +1463,70 @@ JL_CALLABLE(jl_f__typevar) return (jl_value_t *)jl_new_typevar((jl_sym_t*)args[0], args[1], args[2]); } -// genericmemory --------------------------------------------------------------------- +// arrays --------------------------------------------------------------------- -JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_memoryref) +JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_arraysize) { - JL_NARGS(memoryref, 1, 3); - if (nargs == 1) { - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref, genericmemory, args[0]); - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)args[0]; - jl_value_t *typ = jl_apply_type((jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemoryref_type, jl_svec_data(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->parameters), 3); - JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(typ); // it is a concrete type - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) - return (jl_value_t*)jl_new_memoryref(typ, m, 0); - return (jl_value_t*)jl_new_memoryref(typ, m, m->ptr); - } - else { - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref, genericmemoryref, args[0]); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref, long, args[1]); - if (nargs == 3) - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref, bool, args[2]); - jl_genericmemoryref_t *m = (jl_genericmemoryref_t*)args[0]; - size_t i = jl_unbox_long(args[1]) - 1; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m->mem))->layout; - char *data = (char*)m->ptr_or_offset; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - if (((data - (char*)m->mem->ptr) / sizeof(jl_value_t*)) + i >= m->mem->length) - jl_bounds_error((jl_value_t*)m, args[1]); - data += sizeof(jl_value_t*) * i; - } - else if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) { - if ((size_t)data + i >= m->mem->length) - jl_bounds_error((jl_value_t*)m, args[1]); - data += i; - } - else { - if (((data - (char*)m->mem->ptr) / layout->size) + i >= m->mem->length) - jl_bounds_error((jl_value_t*)m, args[1]); - data += layout->size * i; - } - return (jl_value_t*)jl_new_memoryref((jl_value_t*)jl_typetagof(m), m->mem, data); - } + JL_NARGS(arraysize, 2, 2); + JL_TYPECHK(arraysize, array, args[0]); + jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)args[0]; + size_t nd = jl_array_ndims(a); + JL_TYPECHK(arraysize, long, args[1]); + int dno = jl_unbox_long(args[1]); + if (dno < 1) + jl_error("arraysize: dimension out of range"); + if (dno > nd) + return jl_box_long(1); + return jl_box_long((&a->nrows)[dno-1]); } -JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_memoryrefoffset) +static size_t array_nd_index(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t **args, size_t nidxs, + const char *fname) { - JL_NARGS(memoryrefoffset, 1, 1); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref, genericmemoryref, args[0]); - jl_genericmemoryref_t m = *(jl_genericmemoryref_t*)args[0]; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m.mem))->layout; - size_t offset; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - offset = (((char*)m.ptr_or_offset - (char*)m.mem->ptr) / sizeof(jl_value_t*)); + size_t i = 0; + size_t k, stride = 1; + size_t nd = jl_array_ndims(a); + for (k = 0; k < nidxs; k++) { + if (!jl_is_long(args[k])) + jl_type_error(fname, (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type, args[k]); + size_t ii = jl_unbox_long(args[k]) - 1; + i += ii * stride; + size_t d = (k >= nd) ? 1 : jl_array_dim(a, k); + if (k < nidxs - 1 && ii >= d) + jl_bounds_error_v((jl_value_t*)a, args, nidxs); + stride *= d; } - else if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) { - offset = (size_t)m.ptr_or_offset; - } - else { - offset = ((char*)m.ptr_or_offset - (char*)m.mem->ptr) / layout->size; - } - return (jl_value_t*)jl_box_long(offset + 1); -} - -JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_memoryrefget) -{ - JL_NARGS(memoryrefget, 3, 3); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryrefget, genericmemoryref, args[0]); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryrefget, symbol, args[1]); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryrefget, bool, args[2]); - jl_genericmemoryref_t m = *(jl_genericmemoryref_t*)args[0]; - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(jl_typetagof(m.mem)); - if (isatomic == jl_false) - if (args[1] != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - jl_atomic_error("memoryrefget!: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically"); - if (m.mem->length == 0) - jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)m.mem, 1); - return jl_memoryrefget(m); -} - -JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_memoryrefset) -{ - JL_NARGS(memoryrefset!, 4, 4); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryrefset!, genericmemoryref, args[0]); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryrefset!, symbol, args[2]); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryrefset!, bool, args[3]); - jl_genericmemoryref_t m = *(jl_genericmemoryref_t*)args[0]; - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(jl_typetagof(m.mem)); - if (isatomic == jl_false) - if (args[2] != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - jl_atomic_error("memoryrefset!: non-atomic memory cannot be written atomically"); - if (m.mem->length == 0) - jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)m.mem, 1); - jl_memoryrefset(m, args[1]); - return args[0]; + for (; k < nd; k++) + stride *= jl_array_dim(a, k); + if (i >= stride) + jl_bounds_error_v((jl_value_t*)a, args, nidxs); + return i; } -JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_memoryref_isassigned) +JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_arrayref) { - JL_NARGS(memoryref_isassigned, 3, 3); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref_isassigned, genericmemoryref, args[0]); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref_isassigned, symbol, args[1]); - JL_TYPECHK(memoryref_isassigned, bool, args[2]); - jl_genericmemoryref_t m = *(jl_genericmemoryref_t*)args[0]; - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(jl_typetagof(m.mem)); - if (isatomic == jl_false) - if (args[1] != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - jl_atomic_error("memoryref_isassigned!: non-atomic memory cannot be accessed atomically"); - if (m.mem->length == 0) - return jl_false; - return jl_memoryref_isassigned(m); + JL_NARGSV(arrayref, 3); + JL_TYPECHK(arrayref, bool, args[0]); + JL_TYPECHK(arrayref, array, args[1]); + jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)args[1]; + size_t i = array_nd_index(a, &args[2], nargs - 2, "arrayref"); + return jl_arrayref(a, i); +} + +JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_const_arrayref) +{ + return jl_f_arrayref(F, args, nargs); +} + +JL_CALLABLE(jl_f_arrayset) +{ + JL_NARGSV(arrayset, 4); + JL_TYPECHK(arrayset, bool, args[0]); + JL_TYPECHK(arrayset, array, args[1]); + jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)args[1]; + size_t i = array_nd_index(a, &args[3], nargs - 3, "arrayset"); + jl_arrayset(a, args[2], i); + return args[1]; } // type definition ------------------------------------------------------------ @@ -1811,7 +1719,7 @@ static int references_name(jl_value_t *p, jl_typename_t *name, int affects_layou jl_datatype_t *dp = (jl_datatype_t*)p; if (affects_layout && dp->name == name) return 1; - affects_layout = jl_is_genericmemory_type(dp) || ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(dp->name->wrapper))->layout == NULL; + affects_layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(dp->name->wrapper))->layout == NULL; // and even if it has a layout, the fields themselves might trigger layouts if they use tparam i // rather than checking this for each field, we just assume it applies if (!affects_layout && freevars && jl_field_names(dp) != jl_emptysvec) { @@ -2116,12 +2024,11 @@ void jl_init_primitives(void) JL_GC_DISABLED add_builtin_func("get_binding_type", jl_f_get_binding_type); add_builtin_func("set_binding_type!", jl_f_set_binding_type); - // memory primitives - jl_builtin_memoryref = add_builtin_func("memoryref", jl_f_memoryref); - jl_builtin_memoryrefoffset = add_builtin_func("memoryrefoffset", jl_f_memoryrefoffset); - jl_builtin_memoryrefget = add_builtin_func("memoryrefget", jl_f_memoryrefget); - jl_builtin_memoryrefset = add_builtin_func("memoryrefset!", jl_f_memoryrefset); - jl_builtin_memoryref_isassigned = add_builtin_func("memoryref_isassigned", jl_f_memoryref_isassigned); + // array primitives + jl_builtin_arrayref = add_builtin_func("arrayref", jl_f_arrayref); + jl_builtin_const_arrayref = add_builtin_func("const_arrayref", jl_f_arrayref); + jl_builtin_arrayset = add_builtin_func("arrayset", jl_f_arrayset); + jl_builtin_arraysize = add_builtin_func("arraysize", jl_f_arraysize); // method table utils jl_builtin_applicable = add_builtin_func("applicable", jl_f_applicable); @@ -2185,19 +2092,15 @@ void jl_init_primitives(void) JL_GC_DISABLED add_builtin("Builtin", (jl_value_t*)jl_builtin_type); add_builtin("MethodInstance", (jl_value_t*)jl_method_instance_type); add_builtin("CodeInfo", (jl_value_t*)jl_code_info_type); + add_builtin("Ref", (jl_value_t*)jl_ref_type); + add_builtin("Ptr", (jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type); add_builtin("LLVMPtr", (jl_value_t*)jl_llvmpointer_type); add_builtin("Task", (jl_value_t*)jl_task_type); add_builtin("OpaqueClosure", (jl_value_t*)jl_opaque_closure_type); - add_builtin("AddrSpace", (jl_value_t*)jl_addrspace_type); - add_builtin("Ref", (jl_value_t*)jl_ref_type); - add_builtin("Ptr", (jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type); - //add_builtin("GenericPtr", (jl_value_t*)jl_genericpointer_type); add_builtin("AbstractArray", (jl_value_t*)jl_abstractarray_type); add_builtin("DenseArray", (jl_value_t*)jl_densearray_type); add_builtin("Array", (jl_value_t*)jl_array_type); - add_builtin("GenericMemory", (jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemory_type); - add_builtin("GenericMemoryRef", (jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemoryref_type); add_builtin("Expr", (jl_value_t*)jl_expr_type); add_builtin("LineNumberNode", (jl_value_t*)jl_linenumbernode_type); diff --git a/src/ccall.cpp b/src/ccall.cpp index 4ca865af18e40..2be9490be898e 100644 --- a/src/ccall.cpp +++ b/src/ccall.cpp @@ -29,15 +29,14 @@ TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_sigatomic_begin); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_sigatomic_end); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_svec_len); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_svec_ref); +TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_array_isassigned); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_string_ptr); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_symbol_name); -TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_genericmemory_owner); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(memcpy); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(memset); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(memmove); TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT(jl_object_id); #undef TRANSFORMED_CCALL_STAT -extern "C" JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *ijl_genericmemory_owner(jl_genericmemory_t *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; STATISTIC(EmittedCCalls, "Number of ccalls emitted"); STATISTIC(DeferredCCallLookups, "Number of ccalls looked up at runtime"); @@ -750,7 +749,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_llvmcall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nar jl_value_t *ir_arg = args[1]; JL_GC_PUSH4(&ir, &rt, &at, &entry); if (jl_is_ssavalue(ir_arg)) - ir_arg = jl_array_ptr_ref((jl_array_t*)ctx.source->code, ((jl_ssavalue_t*)ir_arg)->id - 1); + ir_arg = jl_arrayref((jl_array_t*)ctx.source->code, ((jl_ssavalue_t*)ir_arg)->id - 1); ir = static_eval(ctx, ir_arg); if (!ir) { emit_error(ctx, "error statically evaluating llvm IR argument"); @@ -758,7 +757,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_llvmcall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nar return jl_cgval_t(); } if (jl_is_ssavalue(args[2]) && !jl_is_long(ctx.source->ssavaluetypes)) { - jl_value_t *rtt = jl_array_ptr_ref((jl_array_t*)ctx.source->ssavaluetypes, ((jl_ssavalue_t*)args[2])->id - 1); + jl_value_t *rtt = jl_arrayref((jl_array_t*)ctx.source->ssavaluetypes, ((jl_ssavalue_t*)args[2])->id - 1); if (jl_is_type_type(rtt)) rt = jl_tparam0(rtt); } @@ -771,7 +770,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_llvmcall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nar } } if (jl_is_ssavalue(args[3]) && !jl_is_long(ctx.source->ssavaluetypes)) { - jl_value_t *att = jl_array_ptr_ref((jl_array_t*)ctx.source->ssavaluetypes, ((jl_ssavalue_t*)args[3])->id - 1); + jl_value_t *att = jl_arrayref((jl_array_t*)ctx.source->ssavaluetypes, ((jl_ssavalue_t*)args[3])->id - 1); if (jl_is_type_type(att)) at = jl_tparam0(att); } @@ -915,7 +914,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_llvmcall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nar } else { auto Buf = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer( - StringRef(jl_array_data(ir, char), jl_array_nrows(ir)), "llvmcall", + StringRef((char *)jl_array_data(ir), jl_array_len(ir)), "llvmcall", /*RequiresNullTerminator*/ false); Expected> ModuleOrErr = parseBitcodeFile(*Buf, ctx.builder.getContext()); @@ -1143,8 +1142,7 @@ std::string generate_func_sig(const char *fname) } Type *pat; - // n.b. `Array` used as argument type just passes a julia object reference - if (!jl_is_datatype(tti) || ((jl_datatype_t*)tti)->layout == NULL || jl_is_array_type(tti) || jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)tti)->layout)) { + if (!jl_is_datatype(tti) || ((jl_datatype_t*)tti)->layout == NULL || jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)tti)->layout)) { tti = (jl_value_t*)jl_voidpointer_type; // passed as pointer } @@ -1275,7 +1273,7 @@ static const std::string verify_ccall_sig(jl_value_t *&rt, jl_value_t *at, JL_TYPECHK(ccall, type, rt); JL_TYPECHK(ccall, simplevector, at); - if (rt == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || jl_is_array_type(rt) || jl_is_genericmemory_type(rt) || + if (rt == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || jl_is_array_type(rt) || (jl_is_datatype(rt) && ((jl_datatype_t*)rt)->layout != NULL && jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)rt)->layout))) { // n.b. `Array` used as return type just returns a julia object reference @@ -1353,6 +1351,11 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_ccall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs) return jl_cgval_t(); } + auto ccallarg = [=] (size_t i) { + assert(i < nccallargs && i + fc_args_start <= nargs); + return args[fc_args_start + i]; + }; + auto _is_libjulia_func = [&] (uintptr_t ptr, StringRef name) { if ((uintptr_t)fptr == ptr) return true; @@ -1379,8 +1382,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_ccall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs) SmallVector argv(nccallargs); for (size_t i = 0; i < nccallargs; i++) { // Julia (expression) value of current parameter - assert(i < nccallargs && i + fc_args_start <= nargs); - jl_value_t *argi = args[fc_args_start + i]; + jl_value_t *argi = ccallarg(i); argv[i] = emit_expr(ctx, argi); } @@ -1458,7 +1460,16 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_ccall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs) // some special functions bool isVa = nreqargs > 0; (void)isVa; // prevent compiler warning - if (is_libjulia_func(jl_value_ptr)) { + if (is_libjulia_func(jl_array_ptr)) { + ++CCALL_STAT(jl_array_ptr); + assert(lrt == ctx.types().T_size); + assert(!isVa && !llvmcall && nccallargs == 1); + const jl_cgval_t &ary = argv[0]; + JL_GC_POP(); + return mark_or_box_ccall_result(ctx, ctx.builder.CreatePtrToInt(emit_unsafe_arrayptr(ctx, ary), lrt), + retboxed, rt, unionall, static_rt); + } + else if (is_libjulia_func(jl_value_ptr)) { ++CCALL_STAT(jl_value_ptr); assert(retboxed ? lrt == ctx.types().T_prjlvalue : lrt == ctx.types().T_size); assert(!isVa && !llvmcall && nccallargs == 1); @@ -1734,6 +1745,47 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_ccall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs) JL_GC_POP(); return mark_or_box_ccall_result(ctx, load, retboxed, rt, unionall, static_rt); } + else if (is_libjulia_func(jl_array_isassigned) && + argv[1].typ == (jl_value_t*)jl_ulong_type) { + ++CCALL_STAT(jl_array_isassigned); + assert(!isVa && !llvmcall && nccallargs == 2); + jl_value_t *aryex = ccallarg(0); + const jl_cgval_t &aryv = argv[0]; + const jl_cgval_t &idxv = argv[1]; + jl_datatype_t *arydt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(aryv.typ); + if (jl_is_array_type(arydt)) { + jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam0(arydt); + bool ptrarray = !jl_stored_inline(ety); + if (!ptrarray && !jl_type_hasptr(ety)) { + JL_GC_POP(); + return mark_or_box_ccall_result(ctx, ConstantInt::get(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 1), + false, rt, unionall, static_rt); + } + else if (!jl_has_free_typevars(ety)) { + Value *idx = emit_unbox(ctx, ctx.types().T_size, idxv, (jl_value_t*)jl_ulong_type); + Value *arrayptr = emit_bitcast(ctx, emit_arrayptr(ctx, aryv, aryex), ctx.types().T_pprjlvalue); + if (!ptrarray) { + size_t elsz = jl_datatype_size(ety); + unsigned align = jl_datatype_align(ety); + size_t stride = LLT_ALIGN(elsz, align) / sizeof(jl_value_t*); + if (stride != 1) + idx = ctx.builder.CreateMul(idx, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, stride)); + idx = ctx.builder.CreateAdd(idx, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, ((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->layout->first_ptr)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, idx, "array_idx"); + } + Value *slot_addr = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, arrayptr, idx); + setName(ctx.emission_context, slot_addr, "array_slot_addr"); + LoadInst *load = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, slot_addr, Align(sizeof(void*))); + setName(ctx.emission_context, load, "array_slot"); + load->setAtomic(AtomicOrdering::Unordered); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_ptrarraybuf); + ai.decorateInst(load); + Value *res = ctx.builder.CreateZExt(ctx.builder.CreateICmpNE(load, Constant::getNullValue(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue)), getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext())); + JL_GC_POP(); + return mark_or_box_ccall_result(ctx, res, retboxed, rt, unionall, static_rt); + } + } + } else if (is_libjulia_func(jl_string_ptr)) { ++CCALL_STAT(jl_string_ptr); assert(lrt == ctx.types().T_size); @@ -1763,14 +1815,6 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_ccall(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs) JL_GC_POP(); return mark_or_box_ccall_result(ctx, strp, retboxed, rt, unionall, static_rt); } - else if (is_libjulia_func(jl_genericmemory_owner) || is_libjulia_func(ijl_genericmemory_owner)) { - ++CCALL_STAT(jl_genericmemory_owner); - assert(lrt == ctx.types().T_prjlvalue); - assert(!isVa && !llvmcall && nccallargs == 1); - Value *obj = emit_genericmemoryowner(ctx, boxed(ctx, argv[0])); - JL_GC_POP(); - return mark_julia_type(ctx, obj, true, jl_any_type); - } else if (is_libjulia_func(memcpy) && (rt == (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing_type || jl_is_cpointer_type(rt))) { ++CCALL_STAT(memcpy); const jl_cgval_t &dst = argv[0]; diff --git a/src/cgutils.cpp b/src/cgutils.cpp index e0e48ddf81d53..9b97034b101fa 100644 --- a/src/cgutils.cpp +++ b/src/cgutils.cpp @@ -28,8 +28,13 @@ STATISTIC(EmittedGetfieldKnowns, "Number of known getfield calls emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedSetfield, "Number of setfield calls emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedUnionLoads, "Number of union loads emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedVarargsLength, "Number of varargs length calls emitted"); -STATISTIC(EmittedArrayptr, "Number of array ptr calls emitted"); +STATISTIC(EmittedArraysize, "Number of arraysize calls emitted"); +STATISTIC(EmittedArraylen, "Number of array length calls emitted"); +STATISTIC(EmittedArrayptr, "Number of array data pointer loads emitted"); +STATISTIC(EmittedArrayflags, "Number of arrayflags calls emitted"); +STATISTIC(EmittedArrayNDims, "Number of array ndims calls emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedArrayElsize, "Number of array elsize calls emitted"); +STATISTIC(EmittedArrayOffset, "Number of array offset calls emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedArrayNdIndex, "Number of array nd index calls emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedBoxes, "Number of box operations emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedCPointerChecks, "Number of C pointer checks emitted"); @@ -125,7 +130,7 @@ static Value *stringConstPtr( Value *zero = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(irbuilder.getContext()), 0); Value *Args[] = { zero, zero }; auto gep = irbuilder.CreateInBoundsGEP(gv->getValueType(), - // AddrSpaceCast in case globals are in non-0 AS + // Addrspacecast in case globals are in non-0 AS irbuilder.CreateAddrSpaceCast(gv, gv->getValueType()->getPointerTo(0)), Args); setName(emission_context, gep, "string_const_ptr"); @@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ static DIType *_julia_type_to_di(jl_codegen_params_t *ctx, jl_debugcache_t &debu uint64_t SizeInBits = jl_datatype_nbits(jdt); ditype = dbuilder->createBasicType(tname, SizeInBits, llvm::dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned); } - else if (jl_is_structtype(jt) && !jl_is_layout_opaque(jdt->layout) && !jl_is_array_type(jdt)) { + else if (jl_is_structtype(jt) && !jl_is_layout_opaque(jdt->layout)) { size_t ntypes = jl_datatype_nfields(jdt); SmallVector Elements(ntypes); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ntypes; i++) { @@ -454,7 +459,11 @@ static Constant *literal_pointer_val_slot(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *p) static size_t dereferenceable_size(jl_value_t *jt) { - if (jl_is_datatype(jt) && jl_struct_try_layout((jl_datatype_t*)jt)) { + if (jl_is_array_type(jt)) { + // Array has at least this much data + return sizeof(jl_array_t); + } + else if (jl_is_datatype(jt) && jl_struct_try_layout((jl_datatype_t*)jt)) { return jl_datatype_size(jt); } return 0; @@ -463,6 +472,10 @@ static size_t dereferenceable_size(jl_value_t *jt) // Return the min required / expected alignment of jltype (on the stack or heap) static unsigned julia_alignment(jl_value_t *jt) { + if (jl_is_array_type(jt)) { + // Array always has this alignment + return JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT; + } if (jt == (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type) { // types are never allocated in julia code/on the stack // and this is the guarantee we have for the GC bits @@ -697,37 +710,6 @@ static unsigned jl_field_align(jl_datatype_t *dt, size_t i) return std::min({al, (unsigned)jl_datatype_align(dt), (unsigned)JL_HEAP_ALIGNMENT}); } -static llvm::StructType* get_jlmemoryref(llvm::LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) { - return llvm::StructType::get(C, { - llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::getInt8Ty(C), AS), - JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C), - }); -} -static llvm::StructType* get_jlmemoryboxedref(llvm::LLVMContext &C, unsigned AS) { - return llvm::StructType::get(C, { - llvm::PointerType::get(JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C), AS), - JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C), - }); -} -static llvm::StructType* get_jlmemoryunionref(llvm::LLVMContext &C, llvm::Type *T_size) { - return llvm::StructType::get(C, { - T_size, // offset - JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C), - }); -} -static StructType *get_memoryref_type(LLVMContext &ctxt, Type *T_size, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout, unsigned AS) -{ - // TODO: try to remove this slightly odd special case - bool isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - bool isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - bool isghost = layout->size == 0; - if (isboxed) - return get_jlmemoryboxedref(ctxt, AS); - if (isunion || isghost) - return get_jlmemoryunionref(ctxt, T_size); - return get_jlmemoryref(ctxt, AS); -} - static Type *_julia_struct_to_llvm(jl_codegen_params_t *ctx, LLVMContext &ctxt, jl_value_t *jt, bool *isboxed, bool llvmcall) { // this function converts a Julia Type into the equivalent LLVM struct @@ -739,13 +721,7 @@ static Type *_julia_struct_to_llvm(jl_codegen_params_t *ctx, LLVMContext &ctxt, if (jl_is_primitivetype(jt)) return bitstype_to_llvm(jt, ctxt, llvmcall); jl_datatype_t *jst = (jl_datatype_t*)jt; - if (jl_is_structtype(jt) && !(jst->layout && jl_is_layout_opaque(jst->layout)) && !jl_is_array_type(jst) && !jl_is_genericmemory_type(jst)) { - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(jst)) { - jl_value_t *mty_dt = jl_field_type_concrete(jst, 1); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt)->layout; - Type *T_size = bitstype_to_llvm((jl_value_t*)jl_long_type, ctxt); - return get_memoryref_type(ctxt, T_size, layout, 0); - } + if (jl_is_structtype(jt) && !(jst->layout && jl_is_layout_opaque(jst->layout))) { bool isTuple = jl_is_tuple_type(jt); jl_svec_t *ftypes = jl_get_fieldtypes(jst); size_t i, ntypes = jl_svec_len(ftypes); @@ -792,9 +768,8 @@ static Type *_julia_struct_to_llvm(jl_codegen_params_t *ctx, LLVMContext &ctxt, // We may need to insert padding first to get to the right offset size_t fsz = 0, al = 0; bool isptr = !jl_islayout_inline(ty, &fsz, &al); - assert(!isptr && fsz < jl_field_size(jst, i)); (void)isptr; - size_t fsz1 = jl_field_size(jst, i) - 1; - if (fsz1 > 0) { + assert(!isptr && fsz == jl_field_size(jst, i) - 1); (void)isptr; + if (fsz > 0) { if (al > MAX_ALIGN) { Type *AlignmentType; AlignmentType = ArrayType::get(FixedVectorType::get(getInt8Ty(ctxt), al), 0); @@ -802,8 +777,8 @@ static Type *_julia_struct_to_llvm(jl_codegen_params_t *ctx, LLVMContext &ctxt, al = MAX_ALIGN; } Type *AlignmentType = IntegerType::get(ctxt, 8 * al); - unsigned NumATy = fsz1 / al; - unsigned remainder = fsz1 % al; + unsigned NumATy = fsz / al; + unsigned remainder = fsz % al; assert(al == 1 || NumATy > 0); while (NumATy--) latypes.push_back(AlignmentType); @@ -1080,6 +1055,20 @@ static void emit_memcpy(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *dst, jl_aliasinfo_t const &dst emit_memcpy_llvm(ctx, dst, dst_ai, data_pointer(ctx, src), src_ai, sz, align_dst, align_src, is_volatile); } +static LoadInst *emit_nthptr_recast(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *v, Value *idx, MDNode *tbaa, Type *type) +{ + // p = (jl_value_t**)v; *(type*)&p[n] + Value *vptr = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP( + ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, + emit_bitcast(ctx, maybe_decay_tracked(ctx, v), ctx.types().T_pprjlvalue), + idx); + setName(ctx.emission_context, vptr, "arraysize_ptr"); + LoadInst *load = ctx.builder.CreateLoad(type, emit_bitcast(ctx, vptr, PointerType::get(type, 0))); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, tbaa); + ai.decorateInst(load); + return load; +} + static Value *emit_tagfrom(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_datatype_t *dt) { if (dt->smalltag) @@ -1207,8 +1196,7 @@ static Value *emit_datatype_nfields(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *dt) return nfields; } -// emit the size field from the layout of a dt -static Value *emit_datatype_size(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *dt, bool add_isunion=false) +static Value *emit_datatype_size(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *dt) { jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const); Value *Ptr = emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, dt), getInt32PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())->getPointerTo()); @@ -1216,18 +1204,9 @@ static Value *emit_datatype_size(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *dt, bool add_isunion= Ptr = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt32PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext()), Ptr, Idx); Ptr = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(getInt32PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext()), Ptr, Align(sizeof(int32_t*)))); Idx = ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, offsetof(jl_datatype_layout_t, size) / sizeof(int32_t)); - Value *SizePtr = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), Ptr, Idx); - Value *Size = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), SizePtr, Align(sizeof(int32_t)))); + Ptr = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), Ptr, Idx); + auto Size = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), Ptr, Align(sizeof(int32_t)))); setName(ctx.emission_context, Size, "datatype_size"); - if (add_isunion) { - Idx = ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, offsetof(jl_datatype_layout_t, flags) / sizeof(int16_t)); - Value *FlagPtr = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), emit_bitcast(ctx, Ptr, getInt16PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())), Idx); - Value *Flag = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), FlagPtr, Align(sizeof(int16_t)))); - Flag = ctx.builder.CreateLShr(Flag, 4); - Flag = ctx.builder.CreateAnd(Flag, ConstantInt::get(Flag->getType(), 1)); - Flag = ctx.builder.CreateZExt(Flag, Size->getType()); - Size = ctx.builder.CreateAdd(Size, Flag); - } return Size; } @@ -1782,6 +1761,7 @@ static bool bounds_check_enabled(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *inbounds) { static Value *emit_bounds_check(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ainfo, jl_value_t *ty, Value *i, Value *len, jl_value_t *boundscheck) { Value *im1 = ctx.builder.CreateSub(i, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1)); +#if CHECK_BOUNDS==1 if (bounds_check_enabled(ctx, boundscheck)) { ++EmittedBoundschecks; Value *ok = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(im1, len); @@ -1817,18 +1797,10 @@ static Value *emit_bounds_check(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ainfo, jl_v passBB->insertInto(ctx.f); ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(passBB); } +#endif return im1; } -static Value *CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *Agg, ArrayRef Idxs) -{ - // aka IRBuilder - SimplifyQuery SQ(jl_Module->getDataLayout()); // not actually used, but required by API - if (Value *Inst = simplifyExtractValueInst(Agg, Idxs, SQ)) - return Inst; - return ctx.builder.CreateExtractValue(Agg, Idxs); -} - static void emit_write_barrier(jl_codectx_t&, Value*, ArrayRef); static void emit_write_barrier(jl_codectx_t&, Value*, Value*); static void emit_write_multibarrier(jl_codectx_t&, Value*, Value*, jl_value_t*); @@ -1936,34 +1908,14 @@ static jl_cgval_t typed_load(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *ptr, Value *idx_0based, j emit_memcpy(ctx, intcast, jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_stack), data, jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, tbaa), nb, alignment, intcast->getAlign().value()); } else { - if (!isboxed && jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(jltype)) { - // load these FCA as individual fields, so LLVM does not need to split them later - Value *fld0 = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(elty, data, 0); - LoadInst *load0 = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(elty->getStructElementType(0), fld0, Align(alignment), false); - load0->setOrdering(Order); - jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, tbaa); - ai.scope = MDNode::concatenate(aliasscope, ai.scope); - ai.decorateInst(load0); - Value *fld1 = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(elty, data, 1); - LoadInst *load1 = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(elty->getStructElementType(1), fld1, Align(alignment), false); - static_assert(offsetof(jl_genericmemoryref_t, ptr_or_offset) == 0, "wrong field order"); - maybe_mark_load_dereferenceable(load1, true, sizeof(void*)*2, alignof(void*)); - load1->setOrdering(Order); - ai.decorateInst(load1); - instr = Constant::getNullValue(elty); - instr = ctx.builder.CreateInsertValue(instr, load0, 0); - instr = ctx.builder.CreateInsertValue(instr, load1, 1); - } - else { - LoadInst *load = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(elty, data, Align(alignment), false); - load->setOrdering(Order); - if (isboxed) - maybe_mark_load_dereferenceable(load, true, jltype); - jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, tbaa); - ai.scope = MDNode::concatenate(aliasscope, ai.scope); - ai.decorateInst(load); - instr = load; - } + LoadInst *load = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(elty, data, Align(alignment), false); + load->setOrdering(Order); + if (isboxed) + maybe_mark_load_dereferenceable(load, true, jltype); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, tbaa); + ai.scope = MDNode::concatenate(aliasscope, ai.scope); + ai.decorateInst(load); + instr = load; if (elty != realelty) instr = ctx.builder.CreateTrunc(instr, realelty); if (intcast) { @@ -2127,7 +2079,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t typed_store(jl_codectx_t &ctx, } else if (!isboxed) { assert(jl_is_concrete_type(jltype)); - needloop = ((jl_datatype_t*)jltype)->layout->flags.haspadding; + needloop = ((jl_datatype_t*)jltype)->layout->haspadding; Value *SameType = emit_isa(ctx, cmp, jltype, Twine()).first; if (SameType != ConstantInt::getTrue(ctx.builder.getContext())) { BasicBlock *SkipBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "skip_xchg", ctx.f); @@ -2556,29 +2508,6 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_unionload(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *addr, Value *ptindex, return mark_julia_slot(fsz > 0 ? addr : nullptr, jfty, tindex, tbaa); } -static MDNode *best_field_tbaa(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &strct, jl_datatype_t *jt, unsigned idx, size_t byte_offset) -{ - auto tbaa = strct.tbaa; - if (tbaa == ctx.tbaa().tbaa_datatype) - if (byte_offset != offsetof(jl_datatype_t, types)) - return ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const; - if (tbaa == ctx.tbaa().tbaa_array) { - if (jl_is_genericmemory_type(jt)) { - if (idx == 0) - return ctx.tbaa().tbaa_memorylen; - if (idx == 1) - return ctx.tbaa().tbaa_memoryptr; - } - else if (jl_is_array_type(jt)) { - if (idx == 0) - return ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayptr; - if (idx == 1) - return ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraysize; - } - } - return tbaa; -} - // If `nullcheck` is not NULL and a pointer NULL check is necessary // store the pointer to be checked in `*nullcheck` instead of checking it static jl_cgval_t emit_getfield_knownidx(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &strct, @@ -2611,8 +2540,10 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_getfield_knownidx(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &st size_t nfields = jl_datatype_nfields(jt); bool maybe_null = idx >= nfields - (unsigned)jt->name->n_uninitialized; size_t byte_offset = jl_field_offset(jt, idx); + auto tbaa = strct.tbaa; + if (tbaa == ctx.tbaa().tbaa_datatype && byte_offset != offsetof(jl_datatype_t, types)) + tbaa = ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const; if (strct.ispointer()) { - auto tbaa = best_field_tbaa(ctx, strct, jt, idx, byte_offset); Value *staddr = data_pointer(ctx, strct); bool isboxed; Type *lt = julia_type_to_llvm(ctx, (jl_value_t*)jt, &isboxed); @@ -2659,15 +2590,14 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_getfield_knownidx(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &st size_t fsz = 0, al = 0; int union_max = jl_islayout_inline(jfty, &fsz, &al); bool isptr = (union_max == 0); - assert(!isptr && fsz < jl_field_size(jt, idx)); (void)isptr; - size_t fsz1 = jl_field_size(jt, idx) - 1; + assert(!isptr && fsz == jl_field_size(jt, idx) - 1); (void)isptr; Value *ptindex; if (isboxed) { ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32( - getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), emit_bitcast(ctx, staddr, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())), byte_offset + fsz1); + getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), emit_bitcast(ctx, staddr, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())), byte_offset + fsz); } else { - ptindex = emit_struct_gep(ctx, cast(lt), staddr, byte_offset + fsz1); + ptindex = emit_struct_gep(ctx, cast(lt), staddr, byte_offset + fsz); } auto val = emit_unionload(ctx, addr, ptindex, jfty, fsz, al, tbaa, !jl_field_isconst(jt, idx), union_max, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_unionselbyte); if (val.V && val.V != addr) { @@ -2784,103 +2714,404 @@ static Value *emit_n_varargs(jl_codectx_t &ctx) #endif } -static Value *emit_genericmemoryelsize(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *v, jl_value_t *typ, bool add_isunion) +static bool arraytype_constdim(jl_value_t *ty, size_t *dim) { - ++EmittedArrayElsize; - jl_datatype_t *sty = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(typ); - if (jl_is_datatype(sty) && !jl_has_free_typevars((jl_value_t*)sty) && sty->layout) { - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(sty)) - sty = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type_concrete(sty, 1); - size_t sz = sty->layout->size; - if (sty->layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) - sz++; - return ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, sz); - } - else { - v = emit_bitcast(ctx, v, ctx.types().T_prjlvalue); - Value *t = emit_typeof(ctx, v, false, false, true); - Value *elsize = emit_datatype_size(ctx, t, add_isunion); - return ctx.builder.CreateZExt(elsize, ctx.types().T_size); + if (jl_is_array_type(ty) && jl_is_long(jl_tparam1(ty))) { + *dim = jl_unbox_long(jl_tparam1(ty)); + return true; } + return false; +} + +static bool arraytype_constshape(jl_value_t *ty) +{ + size_t dim; + if (!arraytype_constdim(ty, &dim)) + return false; + return dim != 1; } -static ssize_t genericmemoryype_constelsize(jl_value_t *typ) +static bool arraytype_constelsize(jl_datatype_t *ty, size_t *elsz) { - jl_datatype_t *sty = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(typ); - if (jl_is_datatype(sty) && !jl_has_free_typevars((jl_value_t*)sty) && sty->layout) { - if (jl_is_array_type(sty)) - sty = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type_concrete(sty, 0); - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(sty)) - sty = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type_concrete(sty, 1); - return sty->layout->size; + assert(jl_is_array_type(ty)); + jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam0(ty); + if (jl_has_free_typevars(ety)) + return false; + // `jl_islayout_inline` requires `*elsz` and `al` to be initialized. + size_t al = 0; + *elsz = 0; + int union_max = jl_islayout_inline(ety, elsz, &al); + bool isboxed = (union_max == 0); + if (isboxed) { + *elsz = sizeof(void*); + } + else if (jl_is_primitivetype(ety)) { + // Primitive types should use the array element size, but + // this can be different from the type's size + *elsz = LLT_ALIGN(*elsz, al); } - return -1; + return true; } -static intptr_t genericmemoryype_maxsize(jl_value_t *ty) // the maxsize is strictly less than the return value +static intptr_t arraytype_maxsize(jl_value_t *ty) { - ssize_t elsz = genericmemoryype_constelsize(ty); - if (elsz <= 1) + if (!jl_is_array_type(ty)) + return INTPTR_MAX; + size_t elsz; + if (arraytype_constelsize((jl_datatype_t*)ty, &elsz) || elsz == 0) return INTPTR_MAX; return INTPTR_MAX / elsz; } -static Value *emit_genericmemorylen(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *addr, jl_value_t *typ) +static Value *emit_arraylen(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo); + +static Value *emit_arraysize(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, Value *dim) { - addr = emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, addr), ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory->getPointerTo()), - addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory, addr, 0); - LoadInst *LI = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory->getElementType(0), addr, Align(sizeof(size_t))); - jl_aliasinfo_t aliasinfo_mem = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_memorylen); - aliasinfo_mem.decorateInst(LI); + size_t ndim; + MDNode *tbaa = ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraysize; + if (arraytype_constdim(tinfo.typ, &ndim)) { + if (ndim == 0) + return ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1); + if (ndim == 1) { + if (auto d = dyn_cast(dim)) { + if (d->getZExtValue() == 1) { + return emit_arraylen(ctx, tinfo); + } + } + } + if (ndim > 1) { + if (tinfo.constant && isa(dim)) { + auto n = cast(dim)->getZExtValue() - 1; + return ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, jl_array_dim(tinfo.constant, n)); + } + tbaa = ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const; + } + } + ++EmittedArraysize; + Value *t = boxed(ctx, tinfo); + int o = offsetof(jl_array_t, nrows) / sizeof(void*) - 1; + auto load = emit_nthptr_recast(ctx, + t, + ctx.builder.CreateAdd(dim, ConstantInt::get(dim->getType(), o)), + tbaa, ctx.types().T_size); + setName(ctx.emission_context, load, "arraysize"); MDBuilder MDB(ctx.builder.getContext()); - auto rng = MDB.createRange(Constant::getNullValue(ctx.types().T_size), ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, genericmemoryype_maxsize(typ))); - LI->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_range, rng); - return LI; + auto rng = MDB.createRange(Constant::getNullValue(ctx.types().T_size), ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, arraytype_maxsize(tinfo.typ))); + load->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_range, rng); + return load; +} + +static Value *emit_arraysize(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, int dim) +{ + return emit_arraysize(ctx, tinfo, ConstantInt::get(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), dim)); +} + +static Value *emit_vectormaxsize(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ary) +{ + return emit_arraysize(ctx, ary, 2); // maxsize aliases ncols in memory layout for vector +} + +static Value *emit_arraylen_prim(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo) +{ + size_t ndim; + jl_value_t *ty = tinfo.typ; + MDNode *tbaa = ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraylen; + if (arraytype_constdim(ty, &ndim)) { + if (ndim == 0) + return ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1); + if (ndim != 1) { + if (tinfo.constant) + return ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, jl_array_len(tinfo.constant)); + tbaa = ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const; + } + } + ++EmittedArraylen; + Value *t = boxed(ctx, tinfo); + Value *addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(ctx.types().T_jlarray, + emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, t), ctx.types().T_pjlarray), + 1); //index (not offset) of length field in ctx.types().T_pjlarray + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, tinfo.V->getName() + ".length_ptr"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, ".length_ptr"); + LoadInst *len = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_size, addr, ctx.types().alignof_ptr); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, len, tinfo.V->getName() + ".length"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, len, ".length"); + len->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic); + MDBuilder MDB(ctx.builder.getContext()); + auto rng = MDB.createRange(Constant::getNullValue(ctx.types().T_size), ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, arraytype_maxsize(tinfo.typ))); + len->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_range, rng); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, tbaa); + return ai.decorateInst(len); } -static Value *emit_genericmemoryptr(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *mem, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout, unsigned AS) +static Value *emit_arraylen(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo) +{ + return emit_arraylen_prim(ctx, tinfo); +} + +static Value *emit_arrayptr_internal(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, Value *t, unsigned AS, bool isboxed) { ++EmittedArrayptr; - PointerType *PT = cast(mem->getType()); - assert(PT == ctx.types().T_prjlvalue); - Value *addr = emit_bitcast(ctx, mem, ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory->getPointerTo(PT->getAddressSpace())); - addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory, addr, 1); - setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, ".data_ptr"); - PointerType *PPT = cast(ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory->getElementType(1)); - LoadInst *LI = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(PPT, addr, Align(sizeof(char*))); + auto asarray = emit_bitcast(ctx, t, ctx.types().T_pjlarray); + Value *addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(ctx.types().T_jlarray, + asarray, 0); + if (addr != asarray) { + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, tinfo.V->getName() + ".data_ptr"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, ".data_ptr"); + } + // Normally allocated array of 0 dimension always have a inline pointer. + // However, we can't rely on that here since arrays can also be constructed from C pointers. + PointerType *PT = cast(addr->getType()); + PointerType *PPT = cast(ctx.types().T_jlarray->getElementType(0)); + PointerType *LoadT = PPT; + + if (isboxed) { + LoadT = PointerType::get(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, AS); + } + else if (AS != PPT->getAddressSpace()) { + LoadT = PointerType::getWithSamePointeeType(PPT, AS); + } + if (LoadT != PPT) { + const auto Ty = PointerType::get(LoadT, PT->getAddressSpace()); + addr = ctx.builder.CreateBitCast(addr, Ty); + } + + LoadInst *LI = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(LoadT, addr, Align(sizeof(char *))); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, LI, tinfo.V->getName() + ".data"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, LI, ".data"); LI->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic); LI->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_nonnull, MDNode::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), None)); - jl_aliasinfo_t aliasinfo = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const); + jl_aliasinfo_t aliasinfo = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, arraytype_constshape(tinfo.typ) ? ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const : ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayptr); aliasinfo.decorateInst(LI); - Value *ptr = LI; - if (AS) { - assert(AS == AddressSpace::Loaded); - ptr = ctx.builder.CreateCall(prepare_call(gc_loaded_func), { mem, ptr }); - } - if (!layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) - ptr = ctx.builder.CreateBitCast(ptr, PointerType::get(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), AS)); - return ptr; + + return LI; } -static Value *emit_genericmemoryowner(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *t) +static Value *emit_arrayptr(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, bool isboxed = false) { - Value *m = emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, t), ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory->getPointerTo(0)); - Value *addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory, m, 1); - Type *T_data = ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory->getElementType(1); - LoadInst *LI = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(T_data, addr, Align(sizeof(char*))); - LI->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic); - LI->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_nonnull, MDNode::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), None)); - jl_aliasinfo_t aliasinfo_mem = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_memoryown); - aliasinfo_mem.decorateInst(LI); - addr = ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, emit_bitcast(ctx, m, LI->getType()), JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT / sizeof(void*)); - Value *foreign = ctx.builder.CreateICmpNE(addr, decay_derived(ctx, LI)); - return emit_guarded_test(ctx, foreign, t, [&] { - addr = ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_jlgenericmemory, m, 1); - LoadInst *owner = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, emit_bitcast(ctx, addr, ctx.types().T_pprjlvalue), Align(sizeof(void*))); - jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const); - ai.decorateInst(owner); - return ctx.builder.CreateSelect(ctx.builder.CreateIsNull(owner), t, owner); - }); + Value *t = boxed(ctx, tinfo); + return emit_arrayptr_internal(ctx, tinfo, decay_derived(ctx, t), AddressSpace::Loaded, isboxed); +} + +static Value *emit_unsafe_arrayptr(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, bool isboxed = false) +{ + Value *t = boxed(ctx, tinfo); + t = emit_pointer_from_objref(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, t)); + return emit_arrayptr_internal(ctx, tinfo, t, 0, isboxed); +} + +static Value *emit_arrayptr(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, jl_value_t *ex, bool isboxed = false) +{ + return emit_arrayptr(ctx, tinfo, isboxed); +} + +static Value *emit_arraysize(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, jl_value_t *ex, int dim) +{ + return emit_arraysize(ctx, tinfo, dim); +} + +static Value *emit_arrayflags(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo) +{ + ++EmittedArrayflags; + Value *t = boxed(ctx, tinfo); + int arrayflag_field = 2; + Value *addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP( + ctx.types().T_jlarray, + emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, t), ctx.types().T_pjlarray), + arrayflag_field); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, tinfo.V->getName() + ".flags_ptr"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, ".flags_ptr"); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayflags); + auto flags = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), addr, Align(sizeof(int16_t)))); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, flags, tinfo.V->getName() + ".flags"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, flags, ".flags"); + return flags; +} + +static Value *emit_arrayndims(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ary) +{ + ++EmittedArrayNDims; + Value *flags = emit_arrayflags(ctx, ary); + auto name = flags->getName(); + cast(flags)->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load, MDNode::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), None)); + flags = ctx.builder.CreateLShr(flags, 2); + flags = ctx.builder.CreateAnd(flags, 0x1FF); // (1<<9) - 1 + setName(ctx.emission_context, flags, name + ".ndims"); + return flags; +} + +static Value *emit_arrayelsize(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo) +{ + ++EmittedArrayElsize; + Value *t = boxed(ctx, tinfo); + int elsize_field = 3; + Value *addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP(ctx.types().T_jlarray, + emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, t), ctx.types().T_pjlarray), + elsize_field); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, tinfo.V->getName() + ".elsize_ptr"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, ".elsize_ptr"); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const); + auto elsize = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), addr, Align(sizeof(int16_t)))); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, elsize, tinfo.V->getName() + ".elsize"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, elsize, ".elsize"); + return elsize; +} + +static Value *emit_arrayoffset(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, int nd) +{ + ++EmittedArrayOffset; + if (nd != -1 && nd != 1) // only Vector can have an offset + return ConstantInt::get(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 0); + Value *t = boxed(ctx, tinfo); + int offset_field = 4; + + Value *addr = ctx.builder.CreateStructGEP( + ctx.types().T_jlarray, + emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, t), ctx.types().T_pjlarray), + offset_field); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, tinfo.V->getName() + ".offset_ptr"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, addr, ".offset_ptr"); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayoffset); + auto offset = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), addr, Align(sizeof(int32_t)))); + if (tinfo.V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, offset, tinfo.V->getName() + ".offset"); + else + setName(ctx.emission_context, offset, ".offset"); + return offset; +} + +// Returns the size of the array represented by `tinfo` for the given dimension `dim` if +// `dim` is a valid dimension, otherwise returns constant one. +static Value *emit_arraysize_for_unsafe_dim(jl_codectx_t &ctx, + const jl_cgval_t &tinfo, jl_value_t *ex, size_t dim, size_t nd) +{ + return dim > nd ? ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1) : emit_arraysize(ctx, tinfo, ex, dim); +} + +// `nd == -1` means the dimension is unknown. +static Value *emit_array_nd_index( + jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ainfo, jl_value_t *ex, ssize_t nd, + const jl_cgval_t *argv, size_t nidxs, jl_value_t *inbounds) +{ + ++EmittedArrayNdIndex; + Value *a = boxed(ctx, ainfo); + Value *i = Constant::getNullValue(ctx.types().T_size); + Value *stride = ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1); +#if CHECK_BOUNDS==1 + bool bc = bounds_check_enabled(ctx, inbounds); + BasicBlock *failBB = NULL, *endBB = NULL; + if (bc) { + failBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "oob"); + endBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "idxend"); + } +#endif + SmallVector idxs(nidxs); + for (size_t k = 0; k < nidxs; k++) { + idxs[k] = emit_unbox(ctx, ctx.types().T_size, argv[k], (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type); // type asserted by caller + } + Value *ii = NULL; + for (size_t k = 0; k < nidxs; k++) { + ii = ctx.builder.CreateSub(idxs[k], ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1)); + i = ctx.builder.CreateAdd(i, ctx.builder.CreateMul(ii, stride)); + if (k < nidxs - 1) { + assert(nd >= 0); + Value *d = emit_arraysize_for_unsafe_dim(ctx, ainfo, ex, k + 1, nd); +#if CHECK_BOUNDS==1 + if (bc) { + BasicBlock *okBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "ib"); + // if !(i < d) goto error + auto bc = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(ii, d); + setName(ctx.emission_context, bc, "inbounds"); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(bc, okBB, failBB); + ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(okBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(okBB); + } +#endif + stride = ctx.builder.CreateMul(stride, d); + setName(ctx.emission_context, stride, "stride"); + } + } +#if CHECK_BOUNDS==1 + if (bc) { + // We have already emitted a bounds check for each index except for + // the last one which we therefore have to do here. + if (nidxs == 1) { + // Linear indexing: Check against the entire linear span of the array + Value *alen = emit_arraylen(ctx, ainfo); + auto bc = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(i, alen); + setName(ctx.emission_context, bc, "inbounds"); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(bc, endBB, failBB); + } else if (nidxs >= (size_t)nd){ + // No dimensions were omitted; just check the last remaining index + assert(nd >= 0); + Value *last_index = ii; + Value *last_dimension = emit_arraysize_for_unsafe_dim(ctx, ainfo, ex, nidxs, nd); + auto bc = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(last_index, last_dimension); + setName(ctx.emission_context, bc, "inbounds"); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(bc, endBB, failBB); + } else { + // There were fewer indices than dimensions; check the last remaining index + BasicBlock *checktrailingdimsBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "dimsib"); + assert(nd >= 0); + Value *last_index = ii; + Value *last_dimension = emit_arraysize_for_unsafe_dim(ctx, ainfo, ex, nidxs, nd); + auto bc = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(last_index, last_dimension); + setName(ctx.emission_context, bc, "inbounds"); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(bc, checktrailingdimsBB, failBB); + ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(checktrailingdimsBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(checktrailingdimsBB); + // And then also make sure that all dimensions that weren't explicitly + // indexed into have size 1 + for (size_t k = nidxs+1; k < (size_t)nd; k++) { + BasicBlock *dimsokBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "dimsok"); + Value *dim = emit_arraysize_for_unsafe_dim(ctx, ainfo, ex, k, nd); + auto bc = ctx.builder.CreateICmpEQ(dim, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, bc, "inbounds"); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(bc, dimsokBB, failBB); + ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(dimsokBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(dimsokBB); + } + Value *dim = emit_arraysize_for_unsafe_dim(ctx, ainfo, ex, nd, nd); + auto bc2 = ctx.builder.CreateICmpEQ(dim, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, bc2, "inbounds"); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(bc2, endBB, failBB); + } + + ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(failBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(failBB); + // CreateAlloca is OK here since we are on an error branch + Value *tmp = ctx.builder.CreateAlloca(ctx.types().T_size, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, nidxs)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, tmp, "errorbox"); + for (size_t k = 0; k < nidxs; k++) { + ctx.builder.CreateAlignedStore(idxs[k], ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(ctx.types().T_size, tmp, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, k)), ctx.types().alignof_ptr); + } + ctx.builder.CreateCall(prepare_call(jlboundserrorv_func), + { mark_callee_rooted(ctx, a), tmp, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, nidxs) }); + ctx.builder.CreateUnreachable(); + + ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(endBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(endBB); + } +#endif + + return i; } // --- boxing --- @@ -2955,7 +3186,7 @@ static jl_value_t *static_constant_instance(const llvm::DataLayout &DL, Constant nargs = CDS->getNumElements(); else return NULL; - assert(nargs > 0 && !jl_is_datatype_singleton(jst)); + assert(nargs > 0 && jst->instance == NULL); if (nargs != jl_datatype_nfields(jst)) return NULL; @@ -3058,14 +3289,15 @@ static Value *_boxed_special(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &vinfo, Type *t else if (jb == jl_char_type) box = call_with_attrs(ctx, box_char_func, as_value(ctx, t, vinfo)); else if (jb == jl_ssavalue_type) { + unsigned zero = 0; Value *v = as_value(ctx, t, vinfo); assert(v->getType() == ctx.emission_context.llvmtypes[jl_ssavalue_type]); - v = ctx.builder.CreateExtractValue(v, 0); + v = ctx.builder.CreateExtractValue(v, makeArrayRef(&zero, 1)); box = call_with_attrs(ctx, box_ssavalue_func, v); } else if (!jb->name->abstract && jl_datatype_nbits(jb) == 0) { // singleton - assert(jl_is_datatype_singleton(jb)); + assert(jb->instance != NULL); return track_pjlvalue(ctx, literal_pointer_val(ctx, jb->instance)); } if (box) { @@ -3559,7 +3791,6 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_setfield(jl_codectx_t &ctx, ++EmittedSetfield; assert(strct.ispointer()); size_t byte_offset = jl_field_offset(sty, idx0); - auto tbaa = best_field_tbaa(ctx, strct, sty, idx0, byte_offset); Value *addr = data_pointer(ctx, strct); if (byte_offset > 0) { addr = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP( @@ -3573,15 +3804,14 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_setfield(jl_codectx_t &ctx, size_t fsz = 0, al = 0; int union_max = jl_islayout_inline(jfty, &fsz, &al); bool isptr = (union_max == 0); - assert(!isptr && fsz < jl_field_size(sty, idx0)); (void)isptr; - size_t fsz1 = jl_field_size(sty, idx0) - 1; + assert(!isptr && fsz == jl_field_size(sty, idx0) - 1); (void)isptr; // compute tindex from rhs jl_cgval_t rhs_union = convert_julia_type(ctx, rhs, jfty); if (rhs_union.typ == jl_bottom_type) return jl_cgval_t(); Value *ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), emit_bitcast(ctx, addr, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())), - ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, fsz1)); + ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, fsz)); setNameWithField(ctx.emission_context, ptindex, get_objname, sty, idx0, Twine(".tindex_ptr")); if (needlock) emit_lockstate_value(ctx, strct, true); @@ -3593,7 +3823,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_setfield(jl_codectx_t &ctx, } jl_cgval_t oldval = rhs; if (!issetfield) - oldval = emit_unionload(ctx, addr, ptindex, jfty, fsz, al, tbaa, true, union_max, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_unionselbyte); + oldval = emit_unionload(ctx, addr, ptindex, jfty, fsz, al, strct.tbaa, true, union_max, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_unionselbyte); Value *Success = NULL; BasicBlock *DoneBB = NULL; if (isreplacefield || ismodifyfield) { @@ -3616,7 +3846,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_setfield(jl_codectx_t &ctx, if (needlock) emit_lockstate_value(ctx, strct, true); cmp = oldval; - oldval = emit_unionload(ctx, addr, ptindex, jfty, fsz, al, tbaa, true, union_max, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_unionselbyte); + oldval = emit_unionload(ctx, addr, ptindex, jfty, fsz, al, strct.tbaa, true, union_max, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_unionselbyte); } BasicBlock *XchgBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "xchg", ctx.f); DoneBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "done_xchg", ctx.f); @@ -3630,7 +3860,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_setfield(jl_codectx_t &ctx, ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedStore(tindex, ptindex, Align(1))); // copy data if (!rhs.isghost) { - emit_unionmove(ctx, addr, tbaa, rhs, nullptr); + emit_unionmove(ctx, addr, strct.tbaa, rhs, nullptr); } if (isreplacefield || ismodifyfield) { ctx.builder.CreateBr(DoneBB); @@ -3662,7 +3892,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_setfield(jl_codectx_t &ctx, bool isboxed = jl_field_isptr(sty, idx0); size_t nfields = jl_datatype_nfields(sty); bool maybe_null = idx0 >= nfields - (unsigned)sty->name->n_uninitialized; - return typed_store(ctx, addr, NULL, rhs, cmp, jfty, tbaa, nullptr, + return typed_store(ctx, addr, NULL, rhs, cmp, jfty, strct.tbaa, nullptr, wb ? boxed(ctx, strct) : nullptr, isboxed, Order, FailOrder, align, needlock, issetfield, isreplacefield, isswapfield, ismodifyfield, maybe_null, modifyop, fname); @@ -3777,24 +4007,23 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_new_struct(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *ty, size_t narg tindex = ctx.builder.CreateNUWSub(tindex, ConstantInt::get(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 1)); size_t fsz = 0, al = 0; bool isptr = !jl_islayout_inline(jtype, &fsz, &al); - assert(!isptr && fsz < jl_field_size(sty, i)); (void)isptr; - size_t fsz1 = jl_field_size(sty, i) - 1; + assert(!isptr && fsz == jl_field_size(sty, i) - 1); (void)isptr; if (init_as_value) { // If you wanted to implement init_as_value, // would need to emit the union-move into temporary memory, // then load it and combine with the tindex. // But more efficient to just store it directly. - unsigned ptindex = convert_struct_offset(ctx, lt, offs + fsz1); - if (fsz1 > 0 && !fval_info.isghost) { + unsigned ptindex = convert_struct_offset(ctx, lt, offs + fsz); + if (fsz > 0 && !fval_info.isghost) { Type *ET = IntegerType::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), 8 * al); assert(lt->getStructElementType(llvm_idx) == ET); AllocaInst *lv = emit_static_alloca(ctx, ET); setName(ctx.emission_context, lv, "unioninit"); - lv->setOperand(0, ConstantInt::get(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), (fsz1 + al - 1) / al)); + lv->setOperand(0, ConstantInt::get(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), (fsz + al - 1) / al)); emit_unionmove(ctx, lv, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_stack, fval_info, nullptr); // emit all of the align-sized words unsigned i = 0; - for (; i < fsz1 / al; i++) { + for (; i < fsz / al; i++) { Value *fldp = ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ET, lv, i); jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_stack); Value *fldv = ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ET, fldp, Align(al))); @@ -3818,7 +4047,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_new_struct(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *ty, size_t narg fval = ctx.builder.CreateInsertValue(strct, fval, ArrayRef(llvm_idx)); } else { - Value *ptindex = emit_struct_gep(ctx, lt, strct, offs + fsz1); + Value *ptindex = emit_struct_gep(ctx, lt, strct, offs + fsz); jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_unionselbyte); ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateAlignedStore(tindex, ptindex, Align(1))); if (!rhs_union.isghost) @@ -3953,218 +4182,6 @@ static int compare_cgparams(const jl_cgparams_t *a, const jl_cgparams_t *b) } #endif -static jl_cgval_t _emit_memoryref(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *mem, Value *data, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout, jl_value_t *typ) -{ - //jl_cgval_t argv[] = { - // mark_julia_type(ctx, mem, true, jl_any_type), - // mark_julia_type(ctx, data, false, jl_voidpointer_type) - //}; - //return emit_new_struct(ctx, typ, 3, argv); - Value *ref = Constant::getNullValue(get_memoryref_type(ctx.builder.getContext(), ctx.types().T_size, layout, 0)); - ref = ctx.builder.CreateInsertValue(ref, data, 0); - ref = ctx.builder.CreateInsertValue(ref, mem, 1); - return mark_julia_type(ctx, ref, false, typ); -} - -static jl_cgval_t _emit_memoryref(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &mem, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout, jl_value_t *typ) -{ - bool isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - bool isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - bool isghost = layout->size == 0; - Value *data = (!isboxed && isunion) || isghost ? ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 0) : emit_genericmemoryptr(ctx, boxed(ctx, mem), layout, 0); - return _emit_memoryref(ctx, boxed(ctx, mem), data, layout, typ); -} - -static Value *emit_memoryref_FCA(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ref, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout) -{ - if (ref.ispointer()) { - LLVMContext &C = ctx.builder.getContext(); - Type *type = get_memoryref_type(C, ctx.types().T_size, layout, 0); - LoadInst *load = ctx.builder.CreateLoad(type, emit_bitcast(ctx, data_pointer(ctx, ref), PointerType::get(type, 0))); - jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ref.tbaa); - ai.decorateInst(load); - return load; - } - else { - return ref.V; - } -} - -static jl_cgval_t emit_memoryref(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ref, jl_cgval_t idx, jl_value_t *inbounds, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout) -{ - ++EmittedArrayNdIndex; - emit_typecheck(ctx, idx, (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type, "memoryref"); - idx = update_julia_type(ctx, idx, (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type); - if (idx.typ == jl_bottom_type) - return jl_cgval_t(); - Value *V = emit_memoryref_FCA(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *data = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 0); - Value *mem = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 1); - Value *i = emit_unbox(ctx, ctx.types().T_size, idx, (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type); - Value *offset = ctx.builder.CreateSub(i, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1)); - Value *elsz = emit_genericmemoryelsize(ctx, mem, ref.typ, false); - bool bc = bounds_check_enabled(ctx, inbounds); -#if 1 - Value *ovflw = nullptr; -#endif - Value *newdata; - bool isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - bool isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - bool isghost = layout->size == 0; - if ((!isboxed && isunion) || isghost) { - newdata = ctx.builder.CreateAdd(data, offset); - if (bc) { - BasicBlock *failBB, *endBB; - failBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "oob"); - endBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "idxend"); - Value *mlen = emit_genericmemorylen(ctx, mem, ref.typ); - Value *inbound = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(newdata, mlen); - ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(inbound, endBB, failBB); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(failBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(failBB); - ctx.builder.CreateCall(prepare_call(jlboundserror_func), - { mark_callee_rooted(ctx, boxed(ctx, ref)), i }); - ctx.builder.CreateUnreachable(); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(endBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(endBB); - } - } - else { - Value *boffset; -#if 0 - if (bc) { - auto *MulF = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(jl_Module, Intrinsic::smul_with_overflow, offset->getType()); - CallInst *Mul = ctx.builder.CreateCall(MulF, {offset, elsz}); - boffset = ctx.builder.CreateExtractValue(Mul, 0); - ovflw = ctx.builder.CreateExtractValue(Mul, 1); - } - else -#else - if (bc) { - // n.b. we could boundscheck that -len<=offset<=len instead of using smul.ovflw, - // since we know that len*elsz does not overflow, - // and we can further rearrange that as ovflw = !( offset+len < len+len ) as unsigned math - Value *mlen = emit_genericmemorylen(ctx, mem, ref.typ); - ovflw = ctx.builder.CreateICmpUGE(ctx.builder.CreateAdd(offset, mlen), ctx.builder.CreateNUWAdd(mlen, mlen)); - } -#endif - boffset = ctx.builder.CreateMul(offset, elsz); -#if 0 // TODO: if opaque-pointers? - newdata = emit_bitcast(ctx, data, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())); - newdata = ctx.builder.CreateGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), newdata, boffset); -#else - Type *elty = isboxed ? ctx.types().T_prjlvalue : julia_type_to_llvm(ctx, jl_tparam1(ref.typ)); - newdata = emit_bitcast(ctx, data, elty->getPointerTo(0)); - newdata = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(elty, newdata, offset); - (void)boffset; // LLVM is very bad at handling GEP with types different from the load -#endif - newdata = emit_bitcast(ctx, newdata, data->getType()); - if (bc) { - BasicBlock *failBB, *endBB; - failBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "oob"); - endBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "idxend"); - Value *mlen = emit_genericmemorylen(ctx, mem, ref.typ); - Value *mptr = emit_genericmemoryptr(ctx, mem, layout, 0); - mptr = emit_bitcast(ctx, mptr, newdata->getType()); -#if 0 - Value *mend = emit_bitcast(ctx, mptr, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())); - Value *blen = ctx.builder.CreateMul(mlen, elsz, "", true, true); - mend = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), mend, blen); - mend = emit_bitcast(ctx, mend, newdata->getType()); - Value *inbound = ctx.builder.CreateAnd( - ctx.builder.CreateICmpULE(mptr, newdata), - ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(newdata, mend)); - inbound = ctx.builder.CreateAnd( - ctx.builder.CreateNot(ovflw), - inbound); -#elif 1 - Value *bidx0 = ctx.builder.CreateSub( - ctx.builder.CreatePtrToInt(newdata, ctx.types().T_size), - ctx.builder.CreatePtrToInt(mptr, ctx.types().T_size)); - Value *blen = ctx.builder.CreateMul(mlen, elsz, "", true, true); - Value *inbound = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(bidx0, blen); - inbound = ctx.builder.CreateAnd(ctx.builder.CreateNot(ovflw), inbound); -#else - Value *idx0; // (newdata - mptr) / elsz - idx0 = ctx.builder.CreateSub( - ctx.builder.CreatePtrToInt(newdata, ctx.types().T_size), - ctx.builder.CreatePtrToInt(mptr, ctx.types().T_size)); - idx0 = ctx.builder.CreateExactUDiv(idx0, elsz); - Value *inbound = ctx.builder.CreateICmpULT(idx0, mlen); -#endif - ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(inbound, endBB, failBB); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(failBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(failBB); - ctx.builder.CreateCall(prepare_call(jlboundserror_func), - { mark_callee_rooted(ctx, boxed(ctx, ref)), i }); - ctx.builder.CreateUnreachable(); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(endBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(endBB); - } - } - return _emit_memoryref(ctx, mem, newdata, layout, ref.typ); -} - -static jl_cgval_t emit_memoryref_offset(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ref, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout) -{ - Value *offset; - Value *V = emit_memoryref_FCA(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *data = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 0); - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) { - offset = data; - } - else { - Value *mem = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 1); - Value *mptr = emit_genericmemoryptr(ctx, mem, layout, 0); - mptr = emit_bitcast(ctx, mptr, mem->getType()); - // (data - mptr) / elsz - offset = ctx.builder.CreateSub( - ctx.builder.CreatePtrToInt(data, ctx.types().T_size), - ctx.builder.CreatePtrToInt(mptr, ctx.types().T_size)); - Value *elsz = emit_genericmemoryelsize(ctx, mem, ref.typ, false); - offset = ctx.builder.CreateExactUDiv(offset, elsz); - } - offset = ctx.builder.CreateAdd(offset, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1)); - return mark_julia_type(ctx, offset, false, jl_long_type); -} - -static Value *emit_memoryref_mem(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ref, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout) -{ - Value *V = emit_memoryref_FCA(ctx, ref, layout); - return CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 1); -} - -static Value *emit_memoryref_ptr(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &ref, const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout) -{ - assert(!layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion && layout->size != 0); - Value *newref = emit_memoryref_FCA(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *data = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, newref, 0); - unsigned AS = AddressSpace::Loaded; - Value *mem = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, newref, 1); - // rebuild GEP on data, so that we manually hoist this gc_loaded_func call over it, back to the original load - // we should add this to llvm-julia-licm too, so we can attempt hoisting over PhiNodes too (which aren't defined yet here) - IRBuilder<>::InsertPointGuard resetIP(ctx.builder); - SmallVector GEPlist; - data = data->stripPointerCastsSameRepresentation(); - while (GetElementPtrInst *GEP = dyn_cast(data)) { // ignoring bitcast will not be required with opaque pointers - GEPlist.push_back(GEP); - data = GEP->getPointerOperand()->stripPointerCastsSameRepresentation(); - } - data = ctx.builder.CreateBitCast(data, ctx.types().T_pprjlvalue); - data = ctx.builder.CreateCall(prepare_call(gc_loaded_func), { mem, data }); - if (!GEPlist.empty()) { - for (auto &GEP : make_range(GEPlist.rbegin(), GEPlist.rend())) { - data = ctx.builder.CreateBitCast(data, PointerType::get(GEP->getSourceElementType(), AS)); - Instruction *GEP2 = GEP->clone(); - GEP2->mutateType(PointerType::get(GEP->getResultElementType(), AS)); - GEP2->setOperand(GetElementPtrInst::getPointerOperandIndex(), data); - ctx.builder.Insert(GEP2); - data = GEP2; - } - } - return data; -} - // Reset us back to codegen debug type #undef DEBUG_TYPE #define DEBUG_TYPE "julia_irgen_codegen" diff --git a/src/clangsa/GCChecker.cpp b/src/clangsa/GCChecker.cpp index 8aa0ef009f4eb..1dcb7f5a754d7 100644 --- a/src/clangsa/GCChecker.cpp +++ b/src/clangsa/GCChecker.cpp @@ -806,8 +806,6 @@ bool GCChecker::isGCTrackedType(QualType QT) { Name.endswith_lower("jl_expr_t") || Name.endswith_lower("jl_code_info_t") || Name.endswith_lower("jl_array_t") || - Name.endswith_lower("jl_genericmemory_t") || - //Name.endswith_lower("jl_genericmemoryref_t") || Name.endswith_lower("jl_method_t") || Name.endswith_lower("jl_method_instance_t") || Name.endswith_lower("jl_tupletype_t") || diff --git a/src/codegen.cpp b/src/codegen.cpp index ca179817d4e1f..e048808fda4e2 100644 --- a/src/codegen.cpp +++ b/src/codegen.cpp @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include // support #include @@ -289,7 +288,6 @@ struct jl_typecache_t { Type *T_prjlvalue; Type *T_ppjlvalue; Type *T_pprjlvalue; - StructType *T_jlgenericmemory; StructType *T_jlarray; Type *T_pjlarray; FunctionType *T_jlfunc; @@ -305,10 +303,9 @@ struct jl_typecache_t { jl_typecache_t() : T_jlvalue(nullptr), T_pjlvalue(nullptr), T_prjlvalue(nullptr), - T_ppjlvalue(nullptr), T_pprjlvalue(nullptr), - T_jlgenericmemory(nullptr), T_jlarray(nullptr), T_pjlarray(nullptr), - T_jlfunc(nullptr), T_jlfuncparams(nullptr), T_sigatomic(nullptr), T_ppint8(nullptr), - initialized(false) {} + T_ppjlvalue(nullptr), T_pprjlvalue(nullptr), T_jlarray(nullptr), + T_pjlarray(nullptr), T_jlfunc(nullptr), T_jlfuncparams(nullptr), + T_sigatomic(nullptr), T_ppint8(nullptr), initialized(false) {} void initialize(LLVMContext &context, const DataLayout &DL) { if (initialized) { @@ -332,12 +329,15 @@ struct jl_typecache_t { T_jlfuncparams = JuliaType::get_jlfuncparams_ty(context); assert(T_jlfuncparams != NULL); - T_jlgenericmemory = StructType::get(context, { T_size, T_pprjlvalue /* [, real-owner] */ }); - Type *vaelts[] = { PointerType::get(getInt8Ty(context), AddressSpace::Loaded), - PointerType::get(T_jlgenericmemory, AddressSpace::Tracked), - // dimsize[ndims] + Type *vaelts[] = {PointerType::get(getInt8Ty(context), AddressSpace::Loaded) + , T_size + , getInt16Ty(context) + , getInt16Ty(context) + , getInt32Ty(context) }; - T_jlarray = StructType::get(context, ArrayRef(vaelts)); + static_assert(sizeof(jl_array_flags_t) == sizeof(int16_t), + "Size of jl_array_flags_t is not the same as int16_t"); + T_jlarray = StructType::get(context, makeArrayRef(vaelts)); T_pjlarray = PointerType::get(T_jlarray, 0); } }; @@ -352,19 +352,19 @@ struct jl_tbaacache_t { MDNode *tbaa_unionselbyte; // a selector byte in isbits Union struct fields MDNode *tbaa_data; // Any user data that `pointerset/ref` are allowed to alias MDNode *tbaa_binding; // jl_binding_t::value - MDNode *tbaa_value; // jl_value_t, that is not jl_array_t or jl_genericmemory_t + MDNode *tbaa_value; // jl_value_t, that is not jl_array_t MDNode *tbaa_mutab; // mutable type MDNode *tbaa_datatype; // datatype MDNode *tbaa_immut; // immutable type MDNode *tbaa_ptrarraybuf; // Data in an array of boxed values MDNode *tbaa_arraybuf; // Data in an array of POD - MDNode *tbaa_array; // jl_array_t or jl_genericmemory_t - MDNode *tbaa_arrayptr; // The pointer inside a jl_array_t (to memoryref) + MDNode *tbaa_array; // jl_array_t + MDNode *tbaa_arrayptr; // The pointer inside a jl_array_t MDNode *tbaa_arraysize; // A size in a jl_array_t - MDNode *tbaa_arrayselbyte; // a selector byte in a isbits Union jl_genericmemory_t - MDNode *tbaa_memoryptr; // The pointer inside a jl_genericmemory_t - MDNode *tbaa_memorylen; // The length in a jl_genericmemory_t - MDNode *tbaa_memoryown; // The owner in a foreign jl_genericmemory_t + MDNode *tbaa_arraylen; // The len in a jl_array_t + MDNode *tbaa_arrayflags; // The flags in a jl_array_t + MDNode *tbaa_arrayoffset; // The offset in a jl_array_t + MDNode *tbaa_arrayselbyte; // a selector byte in a isbits Union jl_array_t MDNode *tbaa_const; // Memory that is immutable by the time LLVM can see it bool initialized; @@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ struct jl_tbaacache_t { tbaa_value(nullptr), tbaa_mutab(nullptr), tbaa_datatype(nullptr), tbaa_immut(nullptr), tbaa_ptrarraybuf(nullptr), tbaa_arraybuf(nullptr), tbaa_array(nullptr), tbaa_arrayptr(nullptr), tbaa_arraysize(nullptr), - tbaa_arrayselbyte(nullptr), tbaa_memoryptr(nullptr), tbaa_memorylen(nullptr), tbaa_memoryown(nullptr), - tbaa_const(nullptr), initialized(false) {} + tbaa_arraylen(nullptr), tbaa_arrayflags(nullptr), tbaa_arrayoffset(nullptr), + tbaa_arrayselbyte(nullptr), tbaa_const(nullptr), initialized(false) {} auto tbaa_make_child(MDBuilder &mbuilder, const char *name, MDNode *parent = nullptr, bool isConstant = false) { MDNode *scalar = mbuilder.createTBAAScalarTypeNode(name, parent ? parent : tbaa_root); @@ -412,11 +412,11 @@ struct jl_tbaacache_t { std::tie(tbaa_array, tbaa_array_scalar) = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_array"); tbaa_arrayptr = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_arrayptr", tbaa_array_scalar).first; tbaa_arraysize = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_arraysize", tbaa_array_scalar).first; - tbaa_arrayselbyte = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_arrayselbyte", tbaa_array_scalar).first; - tbaa_memoryptr = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_memoryptr", tbaa_array_scalar, true).first; - tbaa_memorylen = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_memorylen", tbaa_array_scalar, true).first; - tbaa_memoryown = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_memoryown", tbaa_array_scalar, true).first; + tbaa_arraylen = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_arraylen", tbaa_array_scalar).first; + tbaa_arrayflags = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_arrayflags", tbaa_array_scalar).first; + tbaa_arrayoffset = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_arrayoffset", tbaa_array_scalar).first; tbaa_const = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_const", nullptr, true).first; + tbaa_arrayselbyte = tbaa_make_child(mbuilder, "jtbaa_arrayselbyte", tbaa_array_scalar).first; } }; @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ struct jl_noaliascache_t { MDNode *gcframe; // GC frame MDNode *stack; // Stack slot MDNode *data; // Any user data that `pointerset/ref` are allowed to alias - MDNode *type_metadata; // Non-user-accessible type metadata incl. union selectors, etc. + MDNode *type_metadata; // Non-user-accessible type metadata incl. size, union selectors, etc. MDNode *constant; // Memory that is immutable by the time LLVM can see it jl_regions_t(): gcframe(nullptr), stack(nullptr), data(nullptr), type_metadata(nullptr), constant(nullptr) {} @@ -603,14 +603,12 @@ static inline void add_named_global(StringRef name, T *addr) add_named_global(name, (void*)(uintptr_t)addr); } -AttributeSet Attributes(LLVMContext &C, std::initializer_list attrkinds, std::initializer_list extra={}) +AttributeSet Attributes(LLVMContext &C, std::initializer_list attrkinds) { - SmallVector attrs(attrkinds.size() + extra.size()); + SmallVector attrs(attrkinds.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < attrkinds.size(); i++) attrs[i] = Attribute::get(C, attrkinds.begin()[i]); - for (size_t i = 0; i < extra.size(); i++) - attrs[attrkinds.size() + i] = extra.begin()[i]; - return AttributeSet::get(C, ArrayRef(attrs)); + return AttributeSet::get(C, makeArrayRef(attrs)); } static Type *get_pjlvalue(LLVMContext &C) { return JuliaType::get_pjlvalue_ty(C); } @@ -1250,6 +1248,18 @@ static const auto sync_gc_total_bytes_func = new JuliaFunction<>{ {getInt64Ty(C)}, false); }, nullptr, }; +static const auto jlarray_data_owner_func = new JuliaFunction<>{ + XSTR(jl_array_data_owner), + [](LLVMContext &C) { + auto T_prjlvalue = JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C); + return FunctionType::get(T_prjlvalue, + {T_prjlvalue}, false); + }, + [](LLVMContext &C) { return AttributeList::get(C, + Attributes(C, {Attribute::ReadOnly, Attribute::NoUnwind}), + Attributes(C, {Attribute::NonNull}), + None); }, +}; #define BOX_FUNC(ct,at,attrs) \ static const auto box_##ct##_func = new JuliaFunction<>{ \ XSTR(jl_box_##ct), \ @@ -1305,7 +1315,7 @@ static const auto except_enter_func = new JuliaFunction<>{ "julia.except_enter", [](LLVMContext &C) { return FunctionType::get(getInt32Ty(C), false); }, [](LLVMContext &C) { return AttributeList::get(C, - Attributes(C, {Attribute::ReturnsTwice}), + AttributeSet::get(C, makeArrayRef({Attribute::get(C, Attribute::ReturnsTwice)})), AttributeSet(), None); }, }; @@ -1313,35 +1323,11 @@ static const auto pointer_from_objref_func = new JuliaFunction<>{ "julia.pointer_from_objref", [](LLVMContext &C) { return FunctionType::get(JuliaType::get_pjlvalue_ty(C), {PointerType::get(JuliaType::get_jlvalue_ty(C), AddressSpace::Derived)}, false); }, - [](LLVMContext &C) { - AttrBuilder FnAttrs(C); -#if JL_LLVM_VERSION >= 160000 - FnAttrs.addMemoryAttr(MemoryEffects::none()); -#else - FnAttrs.addAttribute(Attribute::ReadNone); -#endif - FnAttrs.addAttribute(Attribute::NoUnwind); - return AttributeList::get(C, - AttributeSet::get(C, FnAttrs), + [](LLVMContext &C) { return AttributeList::get(C, + AttributeSet::get(C, makeArrayRef({Attribute::get(C, Attribute::ReadNone), Attribute::get(C, Attribute::NoUnwind)})), Attributes(C, {Attribute::NonNull}), None); }, }; -static const auto gc_loaded_func = new JuliaFunction<>{ - "julia.gc_loaded", - // # memory(none) nosync nounwind speculatable willreturn norecurse - // declare nonnull noundef ptr(Loaded) @"julia.gc_loaded"(ptr(Tracked) nocapture nonnull noundef readnone, ptr nonnull noundef readnone) - // top: - // %metadata GC base pointer is ptr(Tracked) - // ret addrspacecast ptr to ptr(Loaded) - [](LLVMContext &C) { return FunctionType::get(PointerType::get(JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C), AddressSpace::Loaded), - {JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C), PointerType::get(JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(C), 0)}, false); }, - [](LLVMContext &C) { - AttributeSet FnAttrs = Attributes(C, {Attribute::ReadNone, Attribute::NoSync, Attribute::NoUnwind, Attribute::Speculatable, Attribute::WillReturn, Attribute::NoRecurse}); - AttributeSet RetAttrs = Attributes(C, {Attribute::NonNull, Attribute::NoUndef}); - return AttributeList::get(C, FnAttrs, RetAttrs, - { Attributes(C, {Attribute::NonNull, Attribute::NoUndef, Attribute::ReadNone, Attribute::NoCapture}), - Attributes(C, {Attribute::NonNull, Attribute::NoUndef, Attribute::ReadNone}) }); }, -}; // julia.call represents a call with julia calling convention, it is used as // @@ -1424,10 +1410,10 @@ static const auto &builtin_func_map() { { jl_f_nfields_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_nfields), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, { jl_f__expr_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f__expr), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, { jl_f__typevar_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f__typevar), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, - { jl_f_memoryref_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_memoryref), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, - { jl_f_memoryrefoffset_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_memoryrefoffset), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, - { jl_f_memoryrefset_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_memoryrefset), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, - { jl_f_memoryref_isassigned_addr,new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_memoryref_isassigned), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, + { jl_f_arrayref_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_arrayref), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, + { jl_f_const_arrayref_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_const_arrayref), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, + { jl_f_arrayset_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_arrayset), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, + { jl_f_arraysize_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_arraysize), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, { jl_f_apply_type_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_apply_type), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, { jl_f_donotdelete_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_donotdelete), get_donotdelete_sig, get_donotdelete_func_attrs} }, { jl_f_compilerbarrier_addr, new JuliaFunction<>{XSTR(jl_f_compilerbarrier), get_func_sig, get_func_attrs} }, @@ -1471,8 +1457,6 @@ static MDNode *best_tbaa(jl_tbaacache_t &tbaa_cache, jl_value_t *jt) { return tbaa_cache.tbaa_value; if (jl_is_abstracttype(jt)) return tbaa_cache.tbaa_value; - if (jl_is_genericmemory_type(jt) || jl_is_array_type(jt)) - return tbaa_cache.tbaa_array; // If we're here, we know all subtypes are (im)mutable, even if we // don't know what the exact type is return jl_is_mutable(jt) ? tbaa_cache.tbaa_mutab : tbaa_cache.tbaa_immut; @@ -1979,9 +1963,9 @@ static void undef_derived_strct(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Value *ptr, jl_datatype_t *st size_t first_offset = sty->layout->nfields ? jl_field_offset(sty, 0) : 0; if (first_offset != 0) ctx.builder.CreateMemSet(ptr, ConstantInt::get(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 0), first_offset, MaybeAlign(0)); - if (sty->layout->first_ptr < 0) - return; size_t i, np = sty->layout->npointers; + if (np == 0) + return; auto T_prjlvalue = JuliaType::get_prjlvalue_ty(ctx.builder.getContext()); ptr = ctx.builder.CreateBitCast(ptr, T_prjlvalue->getPointerTo(ptr->getType()->getPointerAddressSpace())); for (i = 0; i < np; i++) { @@ -2924,7 +2908,7 @@ static void general_use_analysis(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *expr, callback & } else if (jl_is_phicnode(expr)) { jl_array_t *values = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(expr, 0); - size_t i, elen = jl_array_nrows(values); + size_t i, elen = jl_array_len(values); for (i = 0; i < elen; i++) { jl_value_t *v = jl_array_ptr_ref(values, i); general_use_analysis(ctx, v, f); @@ -2932,7 +2916,7 @@ static void general_use_analysis(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *expr, callback & } else if (jl_is_phinode(expr)) { jl_array_t *values = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(expr, 1); - size_t i, elen = jl_array_nrows(values); + size_t i, elen = jl_array_len(values); for (i = 0; i < elen; i++) { jl_value_t *v = jl_array_ptr_ref(values, i); if (v) @@ -3145,7 +3129,7 @@ static Value *emit_bits_compare(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_cgval_t arg1, jl_cgval_t a if (at->isAggregateType()) { // Struct or Array jl_datatype_t *sty = (jl_datatype_t*)arg1.typ; size_t sz = jl_datatype_size(sty); - if (sz > 512 && !sty->layout->flags.haspadding) { + if (sz > 512 && !sty->layout->haspadding) { Value *varg1 = arg1.ispointer() ? data_pointer(ctx, arg1) : value_to_pointer(ctx, arg1).V; Value *varg2 = arg2.ispointer() ? data_pointer(ctx, arg2) : @@ -3570,282 +3554,272 @@ static bool emit_builtin_call(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_cgval_t *ret, jl_value_t *f, return true; } - else if (f == jl_builtin_memoryref && nargs == 1) { - const jl_cgval_t &mem = argv[1]; - jl_datatype_t *mty_dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(mem.typ); - if (jl_is_genericmemory_type(mty_dt) && jl_is_concrete_type((jl_value_t*)mty_dt)) { - jl_value_t *typ = jl_apply_type((jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemoryref_type, jl_svec_data(mty_dt->parameters), jl_svec_len(mty_dt->parameters)); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = mty_dt->layout; - *ret = _emit_memoryref(ctx, mem, layout, typ); - return true; - } - } - - else if (f == jl_builtin_memoryref && (nargs == 2 || nargs == 3)) { - const jl_cgval_t &ref = argv[1]; - jl_value_t *mty_dt = jl_unwrap_unionall(ref.typ); - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(mty_dt) && jl_is_concrete_type(mty_dt)) { - mty_dt = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt, 1); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt)->layout; - jl_value_t *boundscheck = nargs == 3 ? argv[3].constant : nullptr; - if (nargs == 3) - emit_typecheck(ctx, argv[3], (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type, "memoryref"); - *ret = emit_memoryref(ctx, ref, argv[2], boundscheck, layout); - return true; - } - } - - else if (f == jl_builtin_memoryrefoffset && nargs == 1) { - const jl_cgval_t &ref = argv[1]; - jl_value_t *mty_dt = jl_unwrap_unionall(ref.typ); - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(mty_dt) && jl_is_concrete_type(mty_dt)) { - mty_dt = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt, 1); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt)->layout; - *ret = emit_memoryref_offset(ctx, ref, layout); - return true; - } - } - - else if (f == jl_builtin_memoryrefget && nargs == 3) { - const jl_cgval_t &ref = argv[1]; - jl_value_t *mty_dt = jl_unwrap_unionall(ref.typ); - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(mty_dt) && jl_is_concrete_type(mty_dt)) { - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(mty_dt); (void)isatomic; // TODO - jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam1(mty_dt); - jl_value_t *addrspace = jl_tparam2(mty_dt); (void)addrspace; // TODO - mty_dt = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt, 1); - jl_value_t *order = argv[2].constant; - if (order != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - return false; - jl_value_t *boundscheck = argv[3].constant; - emit_typecheck(ctx, argv[3], (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type, "memoryref"); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt)->layout; - Value *mem = emit_memoryref_mem(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *mlen = emit_genericmemorylen(ctx, mem, ref.typ); - if (bounds_check_enabled(ctx, boundscheck)) { - BasicBlock *failBB, *endBB; - failBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "oob"); - endBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "load"); - ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(ctx.builder.CreateIsNull(mlen), failBB, endBB); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(failBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(failBB); - ctx.builder.CreateCall(prepare_call(jlboundserror_func), { mark_callee_rooted(ctx, mem), ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1) }); - ctx.builder.CreateUnreachable(); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(endBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(endBB); - } - bool isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - bool isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - size_t elsz = layout->size; - size_t al = layout->alignment; - if (!isboxed && !isunion && elsz == 0) { - assert(jl_is_datatype(ety) && jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)ety)); - *ret = ghostValue(ctx, ety); - } - else if (isunion) { - Value *V = emit_memoryref_FCA(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *idx0 = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 0); - Value *mem = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 1); - Value *data = emit_genericmemoryptr(ctx, mem, layout, AddressSpace::Loaded); - Value *ptindex; - if (elsz == 0) { - ptindex = data; + else if (f == jl_builtin_arraysize && nargs == 2) { + const jl_cgval_t &ary = argv[1]; + const jl_cgval_t &idx = argv[2]; + jl_value_t *aty = jl_unwrap_unionall(ary.typ); + if (jl_is_array_type(aty) && idx.typ == (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type) { + jl_value_t *ndp = jl_tparam1(aty); + if (jl_is_long(ndp)) { + size_t ndims = jl_unbox_long(ndp); + if (idx.constant) { + uint32_t idx_const = (uint32_t)jl_unbox_long(idx.constant); + if (idx_const > 0 && idx_const <= ndims) { + jl_value_t *ary_ex = jl_exprarg(ex, 1); + *ret = mark_julia_type(ctx, emit_arraysize(ctx, ary, ary_ex, idx_const), false, jl_long_type); + return true; + } + else if (idx_const > ndims) { + *ret = mark_julia_type(ctx, ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1), false, jl_long_type); + return true; + } } else { - Type *AT = ArrayType::get(IntegerType::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), 8 * al), (elsz + al - 1) / al); - data = emit_bitcast(ctx, data, AT->getPointerTo()); - // isbits union selector bytes are stored after mem->length bytes - ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, mlen); - data = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, idx0); + Value *idx_dyn = emit_unbox(ctx, ctx.types().T_size, idx, (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type); + auto positive = ctx.builder.CreateICmpSGT(idx_dyn, Constant::getNullValue(ctx.types().T_size)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, positive, "ispositive"); + error_unless(ctx, positive, "arraysize: dimension out of range"); + BasicBlock *outBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "outofrange", ctx.f); + BasicBlock *inBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "inrange"); + BasicBlock *ansBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "arraysize"); + auto oor = ctx.builder.CreateICmpSLE(idx_dyn, + ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, ndims)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, oor, "sizeddim"); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(oor, inBB, outBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(outBB); + Value *v_one = ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1); + ctx.builder.CreateBr(ansBB); + ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(inBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(inBB); + Value *v_sz = emit_arraysize(ctx, ary, idx_dyn); + ctx.builder.CreateBr(ansBB); + inBB = ctx.builder.GetInsertBlock(); // could have changed + ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(ansBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(ansBB); + PHINode *result = ctx.builder.CreatePHI(ctx.types().T_size, 2); + result->addIncoming(v_one, outBB); + result->addIncoming(v_sz, inBB); + setName(ctx.emission_context, result, "arraysize"); + *ret = mark_julia_type(ctx, result, false, jl_long_type); + return true; } - ptindex = emit_bitcast(ctx, ptindex, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())); - ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), ptindex, idx0); - size_t elsz_c = 0, al_c = 0; - int union_max = jl_islayout_inline(ety, &elsz_c, &al_c); - assert(union_max && LLT_ALIGN(elsz_c, al_c) == elsz && al_c == al); - *ret = emit_unionload(ctx, data, ptindex, ety, elsz_c, al, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, true, union_max, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayselbyte); - } - else { - *ret = typed_load(ctx, - emit_memoryref_ptr(ctx, ref, layout), - nullptr, ety, - isboxed ? ctx.tbaa().tbaa_ptrarraybuf : ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, - ctx.noalias().aliasscope.current, - isboxed, - AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic); } - return true; } } - else if (f == jl_builtin_memoryrefset && nargs == 4) { - const jl_cgval_t &ref = argv[1]; - jl_cgval_t val = argv[2]; - jl_value_t *mty_dt = jl_unwrap_unionall(ref.typ); - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(mty_dt) && jl_is_concrete_type(mty_dt)) { - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(mty_dt); (void)isatomic; // TODO - jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam1(mty_dt); - jl_value_t *addrspace = jl_tparam2(mty_dt); (void)addrspace; // TODO - mty_dt = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt, 1); - jl_value_t *order = argv[3].constant; - if (order != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - return false; - jl_value_t *boundscheck = argv[4].constant; - emit_typecheck(ctx, argv[4], (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type, "memoryset"); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt)->layout; - Value *mem = emit_memoryref_mem(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *mlen = emit_genericmemorylen(ctx, mem, ref.typ); - if (bounds_check_enabled(ctx, boundscheck)) { - BasicBlock *failBB, *endBB; - failBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "oob"); - endBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "load"); - ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(ctx.builder.CreateIsNull(mlen), failBB, endBB); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(failBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(failBB); - ctx.builder.CreateCall(prepare_call(jlboundserror_func), { mark_callee_rooted(ctx, mem), ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, 1) }); - ctx.builder.CreateUnreachable(); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(endBB); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(endBB); - } - emit_typecheck(ctx, val, ety, "memoryset"); - val = update_julia_type(ctx, val, ety); - if (val.typ == jl_bottom_type) - return true; - bool isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - bool isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - size_t elsz = layout->size; - size_t al = layout->alignment; - if (isboxed) - ety = (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type; - if (!isboxed && !isunion && elsz == 0) { - assert(jl_is_datatype(ety) && jl_datatype_size(ety) == 0); - // no-op + else if ((f == jl_builtin_arrayref || f == jl_builtin_const_arrayref) && nargs >= 3) { + const jl_cgval_t &ary = argv[2]; + bool indices_ok = true; + for (size_t i = 3; i <= nargs; i++) { + if (argv[i].typ != (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type) { + indices_ok = false; + break; } - else { - Value *V = emit_memoryref_FCA(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *data_owner = NULL; // owner object against which the write barrier must check - if (isboxed || layout->first_ptr >= 0) { // if elements are just bits, don't need a write barrier - data_owner = emit_genericmemoryowner(ctx, CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 1)); + } + jl_value_t *aty_dt = jl_unwrap_unionall(ary.typ); + if (jl_is_array_type(aty_dt) && indices_ok) { + jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam0(aty_dt); + jl_value_t *ndp = jl_tparam1(aty_dt); + if (!jl_has_free_typevars(ety) && (jl_is_long(ndp) || nargs == 3)) { + jl_value_t *ary_ex = jl_exprarg(ex, 2); + size_t elsz = 0, al = 0; + int union_max = jl_islayout_inline(ety, &elsz, &al); + bool isboxed = (union_max == 0); + if (isboxed) + ety = (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type; + ssize_t nd = jl_is_long(ndp) ? jl_unbox_long(ndp) : -1; + jl_value_t *boundscheck = argv[1].constant; + emit_typecheck(ctx, argv[1], (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type, "arrayref"); + Value *idx = emit_array_nd_index(ctx, ary, ary_ex, nd, &argv[3], nargs - 2, boundscheck); + auto get_arrayname = [&]() { + return ary.V ? ary.V->getName() : StringRef(""); + }; + if (!isboxed && jl_is_datatype(ety) && jl_datatype_size(ety) == 0) { + assert(((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->instance != NULL); + *ret = ghostValue(ctx, ety); } - if (isunion) { - Value *idx0 = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 0); - Value *mem = CreateSimplifiedExtractValue(ctx, V, 1); - Value *data = emit_genericmemoryptr(ctx, mem, layout, AddressSpace::Loaded); - Type *AT = ArrayType::get(IntegerType::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), 8 * al), (elsz + al - 1) / al); - data = emit_bitcast(ctx, data, AT->getPointerTo()); - // compute tindex from val - jl_cgval_t rhs_union = convert_julia_type(ctx, val, ety); - Value *tindex = compute_tindex_unboxed(ctx, rhs_union, ety); - tindex = ctx.builder.CreateNUWSub(tindex, ConstantInt::get(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 1)); + else if (!isboxed && jl_is_uniontype(ety)) { + Value *data = emit_arrayptr(ctx, ary, ary_ex); + Value *offset = emit_arrayoffset(ctx, ary, nd); Value *ptindex; if (elsz == 0) { ptindex = data; } else { + Type *AT = ArrayType::get(IntegerType::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), 8 * al), (elsz + al - 1) / al); data = emit_bitcast(ctx, data, AT->getPointerTo()); - // isbits union selector bytes are stored after mem->length - ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, mlen); - data = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, idx0); + // isbits union selector bytes are stored after a->maxsize + Value *ndims = (nd == -1 ? emit_arrayndims(ctx, ary) : ConstantInt::get(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), nd)); + Value *is_vector = ctx.builder.CreateICmpEQ(ndims, ConstantInt::get(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 1)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, is_vector, get_arrayname() + ".isvec"); + Value *selidx_v = ctx.builder.CreateSub(emit_vectormaxsize(ctx, ary), ctx.builder.CreateZExt(offset, ctx.types().T_size)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, selidx_v, get_arrayname() + ".vec_selidx"); + Value *selidx_m = emit_arraylen(ctx, ary); + Value *selidx = ctx.builder.CreateSelect(is_vector, selidx_v, selidx_m); + setName(ctx.emission_context, selidx, get_arrayname() + ".selidx"); + ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, selidx); + data = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, idx); + setName(ctx.emission_context, data, get_arrayname() + ".data_ptr"); } ptindex = emit_bitcast(ctx, ptindex, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())); - ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), ptindex, idx0); - jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayselbyte); - ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateStore(tindex, ptindex)); - if (elsz > 0 && (!jl_is_datatype(val.typ) || jl_datatype_size(val.typ) > 0)) { - // copy data (if any) - emit_unionmove(ctx, data, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, val, nullptr); - } + ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), ptindex, offset); + ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), ptindex, idx); + setName(ctx.emission_context, ptindex, get_arrayname() + ".tindex_ptr"); + *ret = emit_unionload(ctx, data, ptindex, ety, elsz, al, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, true, union_max, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayselbyte); + if (ret->V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, ret->V, get_arrayname() + ".ref"); } else { - typed_store(ctx, - emit_memoryref_ptr(ctx, ref, layout), - nullptr, val, jl_cgval_t(), ety, - isboxed ? ctx.tbaa().tbaa_ptrarraybuf : ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, - ctx.noalias().aliasscope.current, - data_owner, - isboxed, - isboxed ? AtomicOrdering::Release : AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic, // TODO: we should do this for anything with CountTrackedPointers(elty).count > 0 - /*FailOrder*/AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic, // TODO: we should do this for anything with CountTrackedPointers(elty).count > 0 - 0, - false, - true, - false, - false, - false, - false, - nullptr, - ""); + MDNode *aliasscope = (f == jl_builtin_const_arrayref) ? ctx.noalias().aliasscope.current : nullptr; + *ret = typed_load(ctx, + emit_arrayptr(ctx, ary, ary_ex), + idx, ety, + isboxed ? ctx.tbaa().tbaa_ptrarraybuf : ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, + aliasscope, + isboxed, + AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic); + if (ret->V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, ret->V, get_arrayname() + ".ref"); } + return true; } - *ret = ref; - return true; } } - else if (f == jl_builtin_memoryref_isassigned && nargs == 3) { - const jl_cgval_t &ref = argv[1]; - jl_value_t *mty_dt = jl_unwrap_unionall(ref.typ); - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(mty_dt) && jl_is_concrete_type(mty_dt)) { - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(mty_dt); (void)isatomic; // TODO - mty_dt = jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt, 1); - jl_value_t *order = argv[2].constant; - if (order != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - return false; - jl_value_t *boundscheck = argv[3].constant; - emit_typecheck(ctx, argv[3], (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type, "memory_isassigned"); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mty_dt)->layout; - Value *mem = emit_memoryref_mem(ctx, ref, layout); - Value *mlen = emit_genericmemorylen(ctx, mem, ref.typ); - Value *oob = bounds_check_enabled(ctx, boundscheck) ? ctx.builder.CreateIsNull(mlen) : nullptr; - bool isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - if (isboxed || layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - PHINode *result = nullptr; - if (oob) { - BasicBlock *passBB, *endBB, *fromBB; - passBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "load"); - endBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "oob"); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(passBB); - ctx.f->getBasicBlockList().push_back(endBB); - fromBB = ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(oob, endBB, passBB)->getParent(); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(endBB); - result = ctx.builder.CreatePHI(getInt1Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 2); - result->addIncoming(ConstantInt::get(result->getType(), 0), fromBB); - setName(ctx.emission_context, result, "arraysize"); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(passBB); + else if (f == jl_builtin_arrayset && nargs >= 4) { + const jl_cgval_t &ary = argv[2]; + jl_cgval_t val = argv[3]; + bool indices_ok = true; + for (size_t i = 4; i <= nargs; i++) { + if (argv[i].typ != (jl_value_t*)jl_long_type) { + indices_ok = false; + break; + } + } + jl_value_t *aty_dt = jl_unwrap_unionall(ary.typ); + if (jl_is_array_type(aty_dt) && indices_ok) { + jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam0(aty_dt); + jl_value_t *ndp = jl_tparam1(aty_dt); + if (!jl_has_free_typevars(ety) && (jl_is_long(ndp) || nargs == 4)) { + emit_typecheck(ctx, val, ety, "arrayset"); + val = update_julia_type(ctx, val, ety); + if (val.typ == jl_bottom_type) + return true; + size_t elsz = 0, al = 0; + int union_max = jl_islayout_inline(ety, &elsz, &al); + bool isboxed = (union_max == 0); + if (isboxed) + ety = (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type; + jl_value_t *ary_ex = jl_exprarg(ex, 2); + ssize_t nd = jl_is_long(ndp) ? jl_unbox_long(ndp) : -1; + jl_value_t *boundscheck = argv[1].constant; + emit_typecheck(ctx, argv[1], (jl_value_t*)jl_bool_type, "arrayset"); + Value *idx = emit_array_nd_index(ctx, ary, ary_ex, nd, &argv[4], nargs - 3, boundscheck); + if (!isboxed && jl_is_datatype(ety) && jl_datatype_size(ety) == 0) { + // no-op } - Value *elem = emit_memoryref_ptr(ctx, ref, layout); - elem = emit_bitcast(ctx, elem, ctx.types().T_pprjlvalue); - if (!isboxed) - elem = ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, elem, layout->first_ptr); - // emit this using the same type as jl_builtin_memoryrefget - // so that LLVM may be able to load-load forward them and fold the result - auto tbaa = isboxed ? ctx.tbaa().tbaa_ptrarraybuf : ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf; - jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, tbaa); - LoadInst *fldv = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, elem, ctx.types().alignof_ptr); - //fldv->setOrdering(AtomicOrdering::Unordered); - ai.decorateInst(fldv); - Value *isdef = ctx.builder.CreateIsNotNull(fldv); - setName(ctx.emission_context, isdef, "memoryref_isassigned"); - if (oob) { - assert(result); - result->addIncoming(isdef, ctx.builder.CreateBr(result->getParent())->getParent()); - ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(result->getParent()); - isdef = result; + else { + PHINode *data_owner = NULL; // owner object against which the write barrier must check + if (isboxed || (jl_is_datatype(ety) && ((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->layout->npointers > 0)) { // if elements are just bits, don't need a write barrier + Value *aryv = boxed(ctx, ary); + Value *flags = emit_arrayflags(ctx, ary); + // the owner of the data is ary itself except if ary->how == 3 + flags = ctx.builder.CreateAnd(flags, 3); + Value *is_owned = ctx.builder.CreateICmpEQ(flags, ConstantInt::get(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 3)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, is_owned, "has_owner"); + BasicBlock *curBB = ctx.builder.GetInsertBlock(); + BasicBlock *ownedBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "array_owned", ctx.f); + BasicBlock *mergeBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "merge_own", ctx.f); + ctx.builder.CreateCondBr(is_owned, ownedBB, mergeBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(ownedBB); + // load owner pointer + Instruction *own_ptr; + if (jl_is_long(ndp)) { + own_ptr = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, + ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, + emit_bitcast(ctx, decay_derived(ctx, aryv), ctx.types().T_pprjlvalue), + jl_array_data_owner_offset(nd) / sizeof(jl_value_t*)), + Align(sizeof(void*))); + setName(ctx.emission_context, own_ptr, "external_owner"); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const); + ai.decorateInst(maybe_mark_load_dereferenceable(own_ptr, false, (jl_value_t*)jl_array_any_type)); + } + else { + own_ptr = ctx.builder.CreateCall( + prepare_call(jlarray_data_owner_func), + {aryv}); + } + ctx.builder.CreateBr(mergeBB); + ctx.builder.SetInsertPoint(mergeBB); + data_owner = ctx.builder.CreatePHI(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, 2); + data_owner->addIncoming(aryv, curBB); + data_owner->addIncoming(own_ptr, ownedBB); + setName(ctx.emission_context, data_owner, "data_owner"); + } + if (!isboxed && jl_is_uniontype(ety)) { + Type *AT = ArrayType::get(IntegerType::get(ctx.builder.getContext(), 8 * al), (elsz + al - 1) / al); + Value *data = emit_bitcast(ctx, emit_arrayptr(ctx, ary, ary_ex), AT->getPointerTo()); + Value *offset = emit_arrayoffset(ctx, ary, nd); + // compute tindex from val + jl_cgval_t rhs_union = convert_julia_type(ctx, val, ety); + Value *tindex = compute_tindex_unboxed(ctx, rhs_union, ety); + tindex = ctx.builder.CreateNUWSub(tindex, ConstantInt::get(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 1)); + Value *ptindex; + if (elsz == 0) { + ptindex = data; + } + else { + Value *ndims = (nd == -1 ? emit_arrayndims(ctx, ary) : ConstantInt::get(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), nd)); + Value *is_vector = ctx.builder.CreateICmpEQ(ndims, ConstantInt::get(getInt16Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 1)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, is_vector, "is_vector"); + Value *selidx_v = ctx.builder.CreateSub(emit_vectormaxsize(ctx, ary), ctx.builder.CreateZExt(offset, ctx.types().T_size)); + setName(ctx.emission_context, selidx_v, "selidx_v"); + Value *selidx_m = emit_arraylen(ctx, ary); + Value *selidx = ctx.builder.CreateSelect(is_vector, selidx_v, selidx_m); + setName(ctx.emission_context, selidx, "selidx"); + ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, selidx); + setName(ctx.emission_context, ptindex, "ptindex"); + data = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(AT, data, idx); + setName(ctx.emission_context, data, "data"); + } + ptindex = emit_bitcast(ctx, ptindex, getInt8PtrTy(ctx.builder.getContext())); + ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), ptindex, offset); + ptindex = ctx.builder.CreateInBoundsGEP(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), ptindex, idx); + setName(ctx.emission_context, ptindex, "ptindex"); + jl_aliasinfo_t ai = jl_aliasinfo_t::fromTBAA(ctx, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arrayselbyte); + ai.decorateInst(ctx.builder.CreateStore(tindex, ptindex)); + if (elsz > 0 && (!jl_is_datatype(val.typ) || jl_datatype_size(val.typ) > 0)) { + // copy data (if any) + emit_unionmove(ctx, data, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, val, nullptr); + } + } + else { + typed_store(ctx, + emit_arrayptr(ctx, ary, ary_ex, isboxed), + idx, val, jl_cgval_t(), ety, + isboxed ? ctx.tbaa().tbaa_ptrarraybuf : ctx.tbaa().tbaa_arraybuf, + ctx.noalias().aliasscope.current, + data_owner, + isboxed, + isboxed ? AtomicOrdering::Release : AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic, // TODO: we should do this for anything with CountTrackedPointers(elty).count > 0 + /*FailOrder*/AtomicOrdering::NotAtomic, // TODO: we should do this for anything with CountTrackedPointers(elty).count > 0 + 0, + false, + true, + false, + false, + false, + false, + nullptr, + ""); + } } - *ret = mark_julia_type(ctx, isdef, false, jl_bool_type); - } - else if (oob) { - Value *isdef = ctx.builder.CreateNot(oob); - *ret = mark_julia_type(ctx, isdef, false, jl_bool_type); - } - else { - *ret = mark_julia_const(ctx, jl_true); + *ret = ary; + return true; } - return true; } } - else if (f == jl_builtin_getfield && (nargs == 2 || nargs == 3 || nargs == 4)) { const jl_cgval_t &obj = argv[1]; const jl_cgval_t &fld = argv[2]; @@ -4143,11 +4117,19 @@ static bool emit_builtin_call(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_cgval_t *ret, jl_value_t *f, *ret = mark_julia_type(ctx, len, false, jl_long_type); return true; } - else if (jl_is_genericmemory_type(sty)) { - Value *v = boxed(ctx, obj); - auto len = emit_genericmemorylen(ctx, v, (jl_value_t*)sty); - auto elsize = emit_genericmemoryelsize(ctx, v, obj.typ, true); + else if (jl_is_array_type(sty)) { + auto len = emit_arraylen(ctx, obj); + Value *elsize; + size_t elsz; + if (arraytype_constelsize(sty, &elsz)) { + elsize = ConstantInt::get(ctx.types().T_size, elsz); + } + else { + elsize = ctx.builder.CreateZExt(emit_arrayelsize(ctx, obj), ctx.types().T_size); + } *ret = mark_julia_type(ctx, ctx.builder.CreateMul(len, elsize), false, jl_long_type); + if (ret->V) + setName(ctx.emission_context, ret->V, "sizeof"); return true; } } @@ -4242,8 +4224,10 @@ static bool emit_builtin_call(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_cgval_t *ret, jl_value_t *f, else if (jl_field_isptr(stt, fieldidx) || jl_type_hasptr(jl_field_type(stt, fieldidx))) { Value *fldv; size_t offs = jl_field_offset(stt, fieldidx) / sizeof(jl_value_t*); + auto tbaa = obj.tbaa; + if (tbaa == ctx.tbaa().tbaa_datatype && offs != offsetof(jl_datatype_t, types)) + tbaa = ctx.tbaa().tbaa_const; if (obj.ispointer()) { - auto tbaa = best_field_tbaa(ctx, obj, stt, fieldidx, offs); if (!jl_field_isptr(stt, fieldidx)) offs += ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type(stt, fieldidx))->layout->first_ptr; Value *ptr = emit_bitcast(ctx, data_pointer(ctx, obj), ctx.types().T_pprjlvalue); @@ -4529,7 +4513,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_call_specfun_boxed(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *jlretty static jl_cgval_t emit_invoke(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_expr_t *ex, jl_value_t *rt) { - jl_value_t **args = jl_array_data(ex->args, jl_value_t*); + jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args); size_t arglen = jl_array_dim0(ex->args); size_t nargs = arglen - 1; assert(arglen >= 2); @@ -4651,7 +4635,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_invoke(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t &lival, const static jl_cgval_t emit_invoke_modify(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_expr_t *ex, jl_value_t *rt) { ++EmittedInvokes; - jl_value_t **args = jl_array_data(ex->args, jl_value_t*); + jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args); size_t arglen = jl_array_dim0(ex->args); size_t nargs = arglen - 1; assert(arglen >= 2); @@ -4715,7 +4699,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_specsig_oc_call(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *oc_type, j static jl_cgval_t emit_call(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_expr_t *ex, jl_value_t *rt, bool is_promotable) { ++EmittedCalls; - jl_value_t **args = jl_array_data(ex->args, jl_value_t*); + jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args); size_t nargs = jl_array_dim0(ex->args); assert(nargs >= 1); jl_cgval_t f = emit_expr(ctx, args[0]); @@ -5195,9 +5179,9 @@ static void emit_phinode_assign(jl_codectx_t &ctx, ssize_t idx, jl_value_t *r) if (dest) { Instruction *phi = dest->clone(); phi->insertAfter(dest); - PHINode *Tindex_phi = PHINode::Create(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), jl_array_nrows(edges), "tindex_phi"); + PHINode *Tindex_phi = PHINode::Create(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), jl_array_len(edges), "tindex_phi"); BB->getInstList().insert(InsertPt, Tindex_phi); - PHINode *ptr_phi = PHINode::Create(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, jl_array_nrows(edges), "ptr_phi"); + PHINode *ptr_phi = PHINode::Create(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, jl_array_len(edges), "ptr_phi"); BB->getInstList().insert(InsertPt, ptr_phi); Value *isboxed = ctx.builder.CreateICmpNE( ctx.builder.CreateAnd(Tindex_phi, ConstantInt::get(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), 0x80)), @@ -5215,7 +5199,7 @@ static void emit_phinode_assign(jl_codectx_t &ctx, ssize_t idx, jl_value_t *r) return; } else if (allunbox) { - PHINode *Tindex_phi = PHINode::Create(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), jl_array_nrows(edges), "tindex_phi"); + PHINode *Tindex_phi = PHINode::Create(getInt8Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), jl_array_len(edges), "tindex_phi"); BB->getInstList().insert(InsertPt, Tindex_phi); jl_cgval_t val = mark_julia_slot(NULL, phiType, Tindex_phi, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_stack); ctx.PhiNodes.push_back(std::make_tuple(val, BB, dest, (PHINode*)NULL, r)); @@ -5229,7 +5213,7 @@ static void emit_phinode_assign(jl_codectx_t &ctx, ssize_t idx, jl_value_t *r) // The frontend should really not emit this, but we allow it // for convenience. if (type_is_ghost(vtype)) { - assert(jl_is_datatype(phiType) && jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)phiType)); + assert(jl_is_datatype(phiType) && ((jl_datatype_t*)phiType)->instance); // Skip adding it to the PhiNodes list, since we didn't create one. ctx.SAvalues[idx] = mark_julia_const(ctx, ((jl_datatype_t*)phiType)->instance); ctx.ssavalue_assigned[idx] = true; @@ -5249,7 +5233,7 @@ static void emit_phinode_assign(jl_codectx_t &ctx, ssize_t idx, jl_value_t *r) slot = mark_julia_slot(phi, phiType, NULL, ctx.tbaa().tbaa_stack); } else { - value_phi = PHINode::Create(vtype, jl_array_nrows(edges), "value_phi"); + value_phi = PHINode::Create(vtype, jl_array_len(edges), "value_phi"); BB->getInstList().insert(InsertPt, value_phi); slot = mark_julia_type(ctx, value_phi, isboxed, phiType); } @@ -5493,7 +5477,7 @@ static void emit_stmtpos(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *expr, int ssaval_result) return; } jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)expr; - jl_value_t **args = jl_array_data(ex->args, jl_value_t*); + jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args); jl_sym_t *head = ex->head; if (head == jl_meta_sym || head == jl_inbounds_sym || head == jl_coverageeffect_sym || head == jl_aliasscope_sym || head == jl_popaliasscope_sym || head == jl_inline_sym || head == jl_noinline_sym) { @@ -5654,8 +5638,8 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_expr(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *expr, ssize_t ssaidx_ } jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)expr; - jl_value_t **args = jl_array_data(ex->args, jl_value_t*); - size_t nargs = jl_array_nrows(ex->args); + jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ex->args); + size_t nargs = jl_array_len(ex->args); jl_sym_t *head = ex->head; // this is object-disoriented. // however, this is a good way to do it because it should *not* be easy @@ -6140,7 +6124,7 @@ static void emit_cfunc_invalidate( myargs[i] = mark_julia_const(ctx, jl_tparam0(jt)); } else if (type_is_ghost(et)) { - assert(jl_is_datatype(jt) && jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)jt)); + assert(jl_is_datatype(jt) && ((jl_datatype_t*)jt)->instance); myargs[i] = mark_julia_const(ctx, ((jl_datatype_t*)jt)->instance); } else { @@ -6451,7 +6435,7 @@ static Function* gen_cfun_wrapper( *closure_types = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(*closure_types, jargty); Value *runtime_dt = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, - ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, nestPtr, jl_array_nrows(*closure_types)), + ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, nestPtr, jl_array_len(*closure_types)), Align(sizeof(void*))); BasicBlock *boxedBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "isboxed", cw); BasicBlock *loadBB = BasicBlock::Create(ctx.builder.getContext(), "need-load", cw); @@ -6518,7 +6502,7 @@ static Function* gen_cfun_wrapper( *closure_types = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(*closure_types, jargty); Value *runtime_dt = ctx.builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, - ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, nestPtr, jl_array_nrows(*closure_types)), + ctx.builder.CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(ctx.types().T_prjlvalue, nestPtr, jl_array_len(*closure_types)), Align(sizeof(void*))); Value *strct = box_ccall_result(ctx, val, runtime_dt, jargty); inputarg = mark_julia_type(ctx, strct, true, jargty_proper); @@ -6892,7 +6876,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_cfunction(jl_codectx_t &ctx, jl_value_t *output_type, con jl_svec_t *fill = jl_emptysvec; if (closure_types) { assert(ctx.spvals_ptr); - size_t n = jl_array_nrows(closure_types); + size_t n = jl_array_len(closure_types); jl_svec_t *fill = jl_alloc_svec_uninit(n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { jl_svecset(fill, i, jl_array_ptr_ref(closure_types, i)); @@ -7183,7 +7167,7 @@ static jl_returninfo_t get_specsig_function(jl_codectx_t &ctx, Module *M, Value rt = julia_type_to_llvm(ctx, jlrettype, &retboxed); assert(!retboxed); if (rt != getVoidTy(ctx.builder.getContext()) && deserves_sret(jlrettype, rt)) { - auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(rt, true); + auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(rt); assert(!tracked.derived); if (tracked.count && !tracked.all) props.return_roots = tracked.count; @@ -7457,7 +7441,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t toplineno = lam->def.method->line; ctx.file = jl_symbol_name(lam->def.method->file); } - else if (jl_array_nrows(src->linetable) > 0) { + else if (jl_array_len(src->linetable) > 0) { jl_value_t *locinfo = jl_array_ptr_ref(src->linetable, 0); ctx.file = jl_symbol_name((jl_sym_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(locinfo, 2)); toplineno = jl_unbox_int32(jl_fieldref(locinfo, 3)); @@ -7472,7 +7456,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t debug_enabled = false; // step 2. process var-info lists to see what vars need boxing - int n_ssavalues = jl_is_long(src->ssavaluetypes) ? jl_unbox_long(src->ssavaluetypes) : jl_array_nrows(src->ssavaluetypes); + int n_ssavalues = jl_is_long(src->ssavaluetypes) ? jl_unbox_long(src->ssavaluetypes) : jl_array_len(src->ssavaluetypes); size_t vinfoslen = jl_array_dim0(src->slotflags); ctx.slots.resize(vinfoslen, jl_varinfo_t(ctx.builder.getContext())); assert(lam->specTypes); // the specTypes field should always be assigned @@ -7502,7 +7486,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t // OpaqueClosure implicitly loads the env if (i == 0 && ctx.is_opaque_closure) { if (jl_is_array(src->slottypes)) { - ty = jl_array_ptr_ref((jl_array_t*)src->slottypes, i); + ty = jl_arrayref((jl_array_t*)src->slottypes, i); } else { ty = (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type; @@ -7599,7 +7583,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t // case the apply-generic call can re-use the original box for the return int retarg = [stmts, nreq]() { int retarg = -1; - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(stmts); ++i) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(stmts); ++i) { jl_value_t *stmt = jl_array_ptr_ref(stmts, i); if (jl_is_returnnode(stmt)) { stmt = jl_returnnode_value(stmt); @@ -7902,7 +7886,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t // yield to them. // Also count ssavalue uses. { - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(stmts); ++i) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(stmts); ++i) { jl_value_t *stmt = jl_array_ptr_ref(stmts, i); auto scan_ssavalue = [&](jl_value_t *val) { @@ -7916,7 +7900,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t if (jl_is_phicnode(stmt)) { jl_array_t *values = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(stmt, 0); - for (size_t j = 0; j < jl_array_nrows(values); ++j) { + for (size_t j = 0; j < jl_array_len(values); ++j) { jl_value_t *val = jl_array_ptr_ref(values, j); assert(jl_is_ssavalue(val)); upsilon_to_phic[((jl_ssavalue_t*)val)->id] = i; @@ -8183,7 +8167,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t SmallVector linetable; { // populate the linetable data format assert(jl_is_array(src->linetable)); - size_t nlocs = jl_array_nrows(src->linetable); + size_t nlocs = jl_array_len(src->linetable); std::map, DISubprogram*> subprograms; linetable.resize(nlocs + 1); DebugLineTable &topinfo = linetable[0]; @@ -8255,7 +8239,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t SmallVector scope_stack; SmallVector scope_list_stack; { - size_t nstmts = jl_array_nrows(stmts); + size_t nstmts = jl_array_len(stmts); aliasscopes.resize(nstmts + 1, nullptr); MDBuilder mbuilder(ctx.builder.getContext()); MDNode *alias_domain = mbuilder.createAliasScopeDomain(ctx.name); @@ -8425,8 +8409,8 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t branch_targets.insert(i + 2); } else if (jl_is_phinode(stmt)) { jl_array_t *edges = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(stmt, 0); - for (size_t j = 0; j < jl_array_nrows(edges); ++j) { - size_t edge = jl_array_data(edges, int32_t)[j]; + for (size_t j = 0; j < jl_array_len(edges); ++j) { + size_t edge = ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(edges))[j]; if (edge == i) branch_targets.insert(i + 1); } @@ -8455,7 +8439,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t find_next_stmt(0); while (cursor != -1) { - int32_t debuginfoloc = jl_array_data(src->codelocs, int32_t)[cursor]; + int32_t debuginfoloc = ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(src->codelocs))[cursor]; if (debuginfoloc > 0) { if (debug_enabled) ctx.builder.SetCurrentDebugLocation(linetable[debuginfoloc].loc); @@ -8618,7 +8602,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t continue; } else if (expr && expr->head == jl_enter_sym) { - jl_value_t **args = jl_array_data(expr->args, jl_value_t*); + jl_value_t **args = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(expr->args); assert(jl_is_long(args[0])); int lname = jl_unbox_long(args[0]); @@ -8671,8 +8655,8 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t jl_array_t *values = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(r, 1); PHINode *TindexN = cast_or_null(phi_result.TIndex); DenseSet preds; - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(edges); ++i) { - size_t edge = jl_array_data(edges, int32_t)[i]; + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(edges); ++i) { + size_t edge = ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(edges))[i]; jl_value_t *value = jl_array_ptr_ref(values, i); // This edge value is undef, handle it the same as if the edge wasn't listed at all if (!value) @@ -8691,7 +8675,7 @@ static jl_llvm_functions_t // Only codegen this branch once for each PHI (the expression must be the same on all branches) #ifndef NDEBUG for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { - size_t j_edge = jl_array_data(edges, int32_t)[j]; + size_t j_edge = ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(edges))[j]; if (j_edge == edge) { assert(jl_egal(value, jl_array_ptr_ref(values, j))); } @@ -9323,6 +9307,7 @@ static void init_jit_functions(void) add_named_global(jlfieldindex_func, &jl_field_index); add_named_global(diff_gc_total_bytes_func, &jl_gc_diff_total_bytes); add_named_global(sync_gc_total_bytes_func, &jl_gc_sync_total_bytes); + add_named_global(jlarray_data_owner_func, &jl_array_data_owner); add_named_global(gcroot_flush_func, (void*)NULL); add_named_global(gc_preserve_begin_func, (void*)NULL); add_named_global(gc_preserve_end_func, (void*)NULL); diff --git a/src/common_symbols1.inc b/src/common_symbols1.inc index f54be52729a4f..547d5d0eabede 100644 --- a/src/common_symbols1.inc +++ b/src/common_symbols1.inc @@ -1,92 +1,98 @@ jl_symbol("="), jl_symbol("getproperty"), -jl_symbol("getfield"), jl_symbol("apply_type"), -jl_symbol("==="), +jl_symbol("getfield"), jl_symbol("getindex"), jl_symbol("convert"), +jl_symbol("==="), +jl_symbol("iterate"), jl_symbol("=="), jl_symbol("new"), +jl_symbol("foreigncall"), jl_symbol("int.jl"), -jl_symbol("+"), -jl_symbol("boot.jl"), +jl_symbol("throw"), +jl_symbol("nothing"), jl_symbol("essentials.jl"), -jl_symbol("ccall"), -jl_symbol("foreigncall"), -jl_symbol("iterate"), +jl_symbol("+"), +jl_symbol("unsafe_convert"), jl_symbol("not_int"), -jl_symbol("Base.jl"), jl_symbol("-"), -jl_symbol("throw"), -jl_symbol("promotion.jl"), +jl_symbol("boot.jl"), +jl_symbol("number.jl"), jl_symbol("length"), jl_symbol("<"), -jl_symbol("isa"), -jl_symbol("operators.jl"), -jl_symbol("number.jl"), -jl_symbol("unsafe_convert"), +jl_symbol("cconvert"), +jl_symbol("Base.jl"), +jl_symbol("promotion.jl"), jl_symbol("tuple.jl"), -jl_symbol("nothing"), -jl_symbol("bitcast"), +jl_symbol("static_parameter"), +jl_symbol("isempty"), +jl_symbol("<="), +jl_symbol("array.jl"), +jl_symbol("operators.jl"), jl_symbol("NamedTuple"), +jl_symbol("bitcast"), +jl_symbol("!"), jl_symbol("indexed_iterate"), +jl_symbol("sle_int"), jl_symbol("bool.jl"), -jl_symbol("!"), -jl_symbol("isempty"), -jl_symbol("<="), -jl_symbol("cconvert"), +jl_symbol("Ptr"), +jl_symbol("size"), jl_symbol("add_int"), -jl_symbol("static_parameter"), -jl_symbol("array.jl"), jl_symbol("slt_int"), +jl_symbol("*"), +jl_symbol("range.jl"), +jl_symbol("abstractarray.jl"), jl_symbol("!="), +jl_symbol("isa"), +jl_symbol("setindex!"), +jl_symbol("string"), +jl_symbol("ifelse"), +jl_symbol(":"), +jl_symbol(">"), +jl_symbol("_apply_iterate"), jl_symbol("UInt64"), -jl_symbol("range.jl"), -jl_symbol("sle_int"), -jl_symbol("size"), jl_symbol("&"), -jl_symbol("abstractarray.jl"), +jl_symbol("max"), jl_symbol("rem"), -jl_symbol(">"), -jl_symbol("Int64"), jl_symbol("sub_int"), -jl_symbol("*"), -jl_symbol("and_int"), -jl_symbol("string"), jl_symbol(">="), -jl_symbol("Ptr"), -jl_symbol("toInt64"), +jl_symbol("UInt8"), +jl_symbol("iterators.jl"), +jl_symbol("Int64"), +jl_symbol("pairs"), +jl_symbol("and_int"), jl_symbol("last"), +jl_symbol("typeof"), +jl_symbol("arrayref"), jl_symbol("pointer.jl"), -jl_symbol("reinterpret"), -jl_symbol("first"), -jl_symbol("pairs"), -jl_symbol("_apply_iterate"), +jl_symbol("toInt64"), +jl_symbol("arraylen"), jl_symbol("typeassert"), -jl_symbol(":"), -jl_symbol("UInt8"), -jl_symbol("setindex!"), -jl_symbol("isdefined"), -jl_symbol("typeof"), -jl_symbol("promote"), -jl_symbol("kwcall"), -jl_symbol("unsigned"), -jl_symbol("_promote"), -jl_symbol("toUInt64"), jl_symbol("map"), -jl_symbol("lshr_int"), -jl_symbol("gc_preserve_begin"), -jl_symbol("gc_preserve_end"), -jl_symbol("trunc_int"), +jl_symbol("kwcall"), jl_symbol("ArgumentError"), +jl_symbol("lshr_int"), jl_symbol("axes"), -jl_symbol("ult_int"), -jl_symbol("UInt"), -jl_symbol("zext_int"), -jl_symbol("strings/string.jl"), -jl_symbol("ifelse"), +jl_symbol("reinterpret"), jl_symbol("Array"), +jl_symbol("first"), +jl_symbol("trunc_int"), +jl_symbol("OneTo"), +jl_symbol("haskey"), +jl_symbol("Int"), +jl_symbol("oneto"), jl_symbol("eq_int"), jl_symbol("throw_inexacterror"), -jl_symbol("|"), +jl_symbol("toUInt64"), +jl_symbol("arraysize"), +jl_symbol("UInt"), jl_symbol("setproperty!"), +jl_symbol("check_top_bit"), +jl_symbol("promote"), +jl_symbol("unsigned"), +jl_symbol("is_top_bit_set"), +jl_symbol("structdiff"), +jl_symbol("undef"), +jl_symbol("sizeof"), +jl_symbol("String"), diff --git a/src/common_symbols2.inc b/src/common_symbols2.inc index 6850fcd3033d1..b5a334172dd76 100644 --- a/src/common_symbols2.inc +++ b/src/common_symbols2.inc @@ -1,249 +1,254 @@ -jl_symbol("sext_int"), -jl_symbol("String"), -jl_symbol("Int"), -jl_symbol("iterators.jl"), -jl_symbol("Colon"), -jl_symbol("unchecked_oneto"), -jl_symbol("structdiff"), -jl_symbol("UnitRange"), -jl_symbol("unitrange_last"), -jl_symbol("sizeof"), -jl_symbol("check_top_bit"), -jl_symbol("is_top_bit_set"), -jl_symbol("data"), +jl_symbol("namedtuple.jl"), +jl_symbol("pop"), +jl_symbol("inbounds"), +jl_symbol("strings/string.jl"), +jl_symbol("Ref"), +jl_symbol("Vector"), jl_symbol("kwerr"), +jl_symbol("_promote"), +jl_symbol("sext_int"), +jl_symbol("pointer"), +jl_symbol("similar"), +jl_symbol("arrayset"), jl_symbol("axes1"), jl_symbol("eachindex"), -jl_symbol("or_int"), -jl_symbol("Bool"), +jl_symbol("|"), +jl_symbol("ult_int"), +jl_symbol("lastindex"), jl_symbol("setfield!"), -jl_symbol("fieldtype"), -jl_symbol("Ref"), -jl_symbol("pointer"), -jl_symbol("max"), +jl_symbol("UnitRange"), jl_symbol("push!"), -jl_symbol("lastindex"), -jl_symbol("reflection.jl"), +jl_symbol("Bool"), +jl_symbol("Colon"), +jl_symbol("fieldtype"), +jl_symbol("unitrange_last"), +jl_symbol("bitarray.jl"), jl_symbol("<<"), -jl_symbol("similar"), -jl_symbol("Vector"), -jl_symbol("UInt32"), +jl_symbol("zext_int"), +jl_symbol("Tuple"), +jl_symbol("reflection.jl"), +jl_symbol("TypeError"), +jl_symbol("print"), +jl_symbol("eltype"), jl_symbol(">>"), -jl_symbol("dict.jl"), +jl_symbol("strings/basic.jl"), +jl_symbol("gc_preserve_begin"), +jl_symbol("require_one_based_indexing"), +jl_symbol("gc_preserve_end"), +jl_symbol("DimensionMismatch"), +jl_symbol("indices.jl"), +jl_symbol("Cvoid"), +jl_symbol("oftype"), +jl_symbol("zero"), +jl_symbol("float.jl"), +jl_symbol("Any"), jl_symbol("checkbounds"), -jl_symbol("undef"), -jl_symbol("jl_string_ptr"), -jl_symbol("error"), +jl_symbol("or_int"), +jl_symbol("isdefined"), +jl_symbol("dict.jl"), jl_symbol("strings/io.jl"), -jl_symbol("strings/substring.jl"), -jl_symbol("bitarray.jl"), -jl_symbol("strings/basic.jl"), -jl_symbol("merge"), -jl_symbol("TypeError"), -jl_symbol("keyword argument"), -jl_symbol("in"), -jl_symbol("print"), +jl_symbol("shl_int"), +jl_symbol("copy"), jl_symbol("macro expansion"), +jl_symbol("abstractdict.jl"), +jl_symbol("in"), +jl_symbol("io.jl"), +jl_symbol("BlasInt"), +jl_symbol("Float64"), jl_symbol("mul_int"), -jl_symbol("shl_int"), +jl_symbol("UInt32"), jl_symbol("C_NULL"), -jl_symbol("oftype"), -jl_symbol("_growend!"), -jl_symbol("Any"), -jl_symbol("__inbounds_setindex!"), -jl_symbol("Tuple"), -jl_symbol("float.jl"), -jl_symbol("ncodeunits"), jl_symbol("Integer"), -jl_symbol("io.jl"), -jl_symbol("eltype"), -jl_symbol("name"), -jl_symbol("parent"), jl_symbol("!=="), -jl_symbol("iszero"), +jl_symbol("merge"), +jl_symbol("BoundsError"), +jl_symbol("broadcasted"), +jl_symbol("Cint"), jl_symbol("min"), -jl_symbol("DimensionMismatch"), -jl_symbol("refvalue.jl"), -jl_symbol("Union"), -jl_symbol("BlasInt"), -jl_symbol("unsafe_load"), -jl_symbol("indices.jl"), -jl_symbol("x"), -jl_symbol("require_one_based_indexing"), -jl_symbol("namedtuple.jl"), -jl_symbol("tail"), -jl_symbol("Float64"), -jl_symbol("head"), -jl_symbol("Cvoid"), -jl_symbol("copy"), jl_symbol("libblastrampoline"), -jl_symbol("get"), -jl_symbol("neg_int"), -jl_symbol("stop"), -jl_symbol("zero"), -jl_symbol("add_ptr"), -jl_symbol("toUInt32"), -jl_symbol("ptr"), -jl_symbol("char.jl"), -jl_symbol("trunc"), -jl_symbol("not_atomic"), -jl_symbol("enter"), -jl_symbol("Pair"), -jl_symbol("jl_value_ptr"), -jl_symbol("Expr"), -jl_symbol("broadcasted"), -jl_symbol("pointerref"), -jl_symbol("multidimensional.jl"), -jl_symbol("Generator"), -jl_symbol("leave"), -jl_symbol("memoryref"), -jl_symbol("show.jl"), -jl_symbol("pointer_from_objref"), -jl_symbol("memoryrefget"), -jl_symbol("reduce.jl"), +jl_symbol("iszero"), +jl_symbol("refvalue.jl"), jl_symbol("stride"), +jl_symbol("error"), +jl_symbol("ncodeunits"), +jl_symbol("LinearIndices"), +jl_symbol("Clong"), jl_symbol("pair.jl"), -jl_symbol("_string"), -jl_symbol("cmem.jl"), -jl_symbol("generator.jl"), -jl_symbol("broadcast.jl"), -jl_symbol("none"), +jl_symbol("_growend!"), +jl_symbol("char.jl"), jl_symbol("copyto!"), +jl_symbol("get"), +jl_symbol("tail"), +jl_symbol("real"), +jl_symbol("Union"), +jl_symbol("multidimensional.jl"), +jl_symbol("enter"), +jl_symbol("leave"), +jl_symbol("add_ptr"), jl_symbol("chkstride1"), -jl_symbol("value"), +jl_symbol("Expr"), jl_symbol("write"), -jl_symbol("identity"), -jl_symbol("real"), -jl_symbol("start"), -jl_symbol("Cint"), -jl_symbol("fill!"), -jl_symbol("checkindex"), -jl_symbol("keys"), -jl_symbol("BoundsError"), -jl_symbol("vals"), -jl_symbol("Symbol"), -jl_symbol("strings/util.jl"), +jl_symbol("broadcast.jl"), +jl_symbol("show.jl"), +jl_symbol("none"), +jl_symbol("Generator"), jl_symbol("Int32"), -jl_symbol("ht_keyindex"), -jl_symbol("io"), -jl_symbol("~"), -jl_symbol("AssertionError"), -jl_symbol("abstractdict.jl"), +jl_symbol("materialize"), jl_symbol("show"), -jl_symbol("mpfr.jl"), -jl_symbol("isless"), -jl_symbol("args"), jl_symbol("lock"), -jl_symbol("reducedim.jl"), +jl_symbol("unsafe_load"), jl_symbol("gmp.jl"), -jl_symbol("offset"), +jl_symbol("mpfr.jl"), +jl_symbol("Symbol"), +jl_symbol("Pair"), jl_symbol("resize!"), -jl_symbol("throw_boundserror"), -jl_symbol("Clong"), -jl_symbol("_call_latest"), -jl_symbol("argtail"), -jl_symbol("compiler/ssair/ir.jl"), -jl_symbol("sub_ptr"), -jl_symbol("materialize"), +jl_symbol("neg_int"), +jl_symbol("strings/substring.jl"), +jl_symbol("AssertionError"), +jl_symbol("identity"), +jl_symbol("one"), +jl_symbol("reduce.jl"), +jl_symbol("libcholmod"), +jl_symbol("isless"), +jl_symbol("reducedim.jl"), jl_symbol("checksquare"), -jl_symbol("LinearIndices"), -jl_symbol("ule_int"), -jl_symbol("dict"), -jl_symbol("div"), -jl_symbol("chklapackerror"), -jl_symbol("count"), -jl_symbol("Float32"), -jl_symbol("genericmemory.jl"), -jl_symbol("print_to_string"), -jl_symbol("rethrow"), jl_symbol("sort.jl"), -jl_symbol("boundscheck"), -jl_symbol("println"), -jl_symbol("loading.jl"), -jl_symbol("collect"), -jl_symbol("ashr_int"), -jl_symbol("_expr"), +jl_symbol("generator.jl"), +jl_symbol("pointer_from_objref"), +jl_symbol("Float32"), +jl_symbol("chklapackerror"), +jl_symbol("parent"), +jl_symbol("task.jl"), +jl_symbol("div"), +jl_symbol("cholmod_common"), +jl_symbol("ht_keyindex"), +jl_symbol("pop_exception"), +jl_symbol("c.jl"), +jl_symbol("firstindex"), +jl_symbol("some.jl"), jl_symbol("iobuffer.jl"), -jl_symbol("DataType"), -jl_symbol("Dict"), +jl_symbol("sub_ptr"), +jl_symbol("vect"), jl_symbol("unsafe_string"), +jl_symbol("llvmcall"), +jl_symbol("checkindex"), +jl_symbol("_call_latest"), +jl_symbol("rethrow"), +jl_symbol("pointerref"), +jl_symbol("println"), +jl_symbol("keys"), jl_symbol("RefValue"), -jl_symbol("step"), +jl_symbol("_expr"), +jl_symbol("toUInt32"), +jl_symbol("ismissing"), +jl_symbol("throw_boundserror"), +jl_symbol("IteratorSize"), +jl_symbol("iddict.jl"), jl_symbol("to_shape"), -jl_symbol("pop_exception"), -jl_symbol("Memory"), -jl_symbol("KeyError"), -jl_symbol("chunks"), -jl_symbol("refpointer.jl"), -jl_symbol("llvmcall"), -jl_symbol("c.jl"), +jl_symbol("Csize_t"), +jl_symbol("~"), +jl_symbol("argtail"), +jl_symbol("include"), jl_symbol("set.jl"), -jl_symbol("abs"), -jl_symbol("checked_trunc_uint"), -jl_symbol("Type"), -jl_symbol("%"), -jl_symbol("len"), -jl_symbol("BigFloat"), jl_symbol("isequal"), -jl_symbol("vect"), -jl_symbol("sprint"), -jl_symbol("mode"), -jl_symbol("expr.jl"), -jl_symbol("Nothing"), -jl_symbol("Val"), -jl_symbol("IteratorSize"), +jl_symbol("refpointer.jl"), jl_symbol("=>"), -jl_symbol("haskey"), -jl_symbol("iddict.jl"), -jl_symbol("unsafe_write"), -jl_symbol("val"), -jl_symbol("flags"), -jl_symbol("task.jl"), -jl_symbol("UnionAll"), -jl_symbol("memset"), -jl_symbol("xor"), -jl_symbol("jl_alloc_genericmemory"), -jl_symbol("uplo"), -jl_symbol("toInt32"), +jl_symbol("Val"), jl_symbol("Base"), -jl_symbol("atomics.jl"), -jl_symbol("uuid"), -jl_symbol("one"), -jl_symbol("math.jl"), -jl_symbol("position"), +jl_symbol("%"), +jl_symbol("collect"), +jl_symbol("Type##kw"), jl_symbol("typemax"), -jl_symbol("all"), -jl_symbol("error.jl"), -jl_symbol("path.jl"), +jl_symbol("fill!"), +jl_symbol("ule_int"), +jl_symbol("atomics.jl"), +jl_symbol("libgit2"), +jl_symbol("BigFloat"), +jl_symbol("ashr_int"), +jl_symbol("boundscheck"), +jl_symbol("abs"), jl_symbol("^"), -jl_symbol("nextind"), -jl_symbol("include"), -jl_symbol("the_exception"), jl_symbol("ensure_initialized"), -jl_symbol("Const"), -jl_symbol("UInt128"), -jl_symbol("codeunit"), +jl_symbol("_array_for"), +jl_symbol("strings/util.jl"), +jl_symbol("Dict"), +jl_symbol("Nothing"), +jl_symbol("compiler/ssair/ir.jl"), +jl_symbol("unsafe_write"), +jl_symbol("util.jl"), +jl_symbol("toInt32"), +jl_symbol("loading.jl"), +jl_symbol("value"), +jl_symbol("expr.jl"), +jl_symbol("print_to_string"), +jl_symbol("the_exception"), +jl_symbol("nonzeros"), +jl_symbol("<:"), +jl_symbol("KeyError"), +jl_symbol("xor"), +jl_symbol("logging.jl"), jl_symbol("stat.jl"), -jl_symbol("gcutils.jl"), -jl_symbol("UndefRefError"), -jl_symbol("diag"), +jl_symbol("close"), +jl_symbol("adjoint"), +jl_symbol("meta"), +jl_symbol("path.jl"), +jl_symbol("round"), +jl_symbol("Cstring"), +jl_symbol("SizeUnknown"), +jl_symbol("esc"), +jl_symbol("missing.jl"), jl_symbol("throw_undef_if_not"), +jl_symbol("error.jl"), +jl_symbol("Type"), +jl_symbol("mul!"), +jl_symbol("math.jl"), +jl_symbol("unsafe_trunc"), jl_symbol("missing"), -jl_symbol("isnan"), -jl_symbol("Enums.jl"), -jl_symbol("logging.jl"), -jl_symbol("_deleteend!"), -jl_symbol("indices"), -jl_symbol("compiler/utilities.jl"), -jl_symbol("Pairs"), -jl_symbol("<:"), -jl_symbol("compiler/tfuncs.jl"), -jl_symbol("close"), jl_symbol("subarray.jl"), +jl_symbol("noinline"), +jl_symbol("isnan"), +jl_symbol("ldiv!"), +jl_symbol("DataType"), +jl_symbol("codeunit"), +jl_symbol("condition.jl"), +jl_symbol("step"), +jl_symbol("copyast"), +jl_symbol("bitset.jl"), +jl_symbol("float"), jl_symbol("fastmath.jl"), -jl_symbol("invokelatest"), -jl_symbol("jl_array_del_end"), jl_symbol("_mod64"), -jl_symbol("parameters"), -jl_symbol("monotonic"), +jl_symbol("_div64"), +jl_symbol("all"), +jl_symbol("parse"), +jl_symbol("joinpath"), +jl_symbol("nextind"), jl_symbol("regex.jl"), +jl_symbol("Enums.jl"), +jl_symbol("promote_type"), +jl_symbol("Cdouble"), +jl_symbol("ComplexF32"), +jl_symbol("read"), +jl_symbol("intfuncs.jl"), +jl_symbol("Complex"), +jl_symbol("_deleteend!"), +jl_symbol("stat"), +jl_symbol("UnionAll"), +jl_symbol("special/trig.jl"), +jl_symbol("UInt128"), +jl_symbol("_copyto_impl!"), +jl_symbol("stream.jl"), +jl_symbol("lmul!"), +jl_symbol("repr"), +jl_symbol("promote_rule"), +jl_symbol("xor_int"), +jl_symbol("complex.jl"), +jl_symbol("transpose"), +jl_symbol(">>>"), +jl_symbol("cholmod_sparse"), +jl_symbol("filemode"), +jl_symbol("ComplexF64"), +jl_symbol("SparseMatrixCSC"), +jl_symbol("view"), +jl_symbol("GitError"), +jl_symbol("zeros"), +jl_symbol("InexactError"), diff --git a/src/datatype.c b/src/datatype.c index 7fa712b6c8ddf..905959fb80e0a 100644 --- a/src/datatype.c +++ b/src/datatype.c @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_methtable_t *jl_new_method_table(jl_sym_t *name, jl_module_t *mo mt->name = jl_demangle_typename(name); mt->module = module; jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&mt->defs, jl_nothing); - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&mt->leafcache, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&mt->leafcache, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&mt->cache, jl_nothing); jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&mt->max_args, 0); mt->backedges = NULL; @@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ static uint32_t _hash_layout_djb2(uintptr_t _layout, void *unused) JL_NOTSAFEPOI size_t own_size = sizeof(jl_datatype_layout_t); const char *fields = jl_dt_layout_fields(layout); assert(fields); - size_t fields_size = layout->nfields * jl_fielddesc_size(layout->flags.fielddesc_type); + size_t fields_size = layout->nfields * jl_fielddesc_size(layout->fielddesc_type); const char *pointers = jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); assert(pointers); - size_t pointers_size = layout->first_ptr < 0 ? 0 : (layout->npointers << layout->flags.fielddesc_type); + size_t pointers_size = (layout->npointers << layout->fielddesc_type); uint_t hash = 5381; hash = _hash_djb2(hash, (char *)layout, own_size); @@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ static int layout_eq(void *_l1, void *_l2, void *unused) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT return 0; const char *f1 = jl_dt_layout_fields(l1); const char *f2 = jl_dt_layout_fields(l2); - size_t fields_size = l1->nfields * jl_fielddesc_size(l1->flags.fielddesc_type); + size_t fields_size = l1->nfields * jl_fielddesc_size(l1->fielddesc_type); if (memcmp(f1, f2, fields_size)) return 0; const char *p1 = jl_dt_layout_ptrs(l1); const char *p2 = jl_dt_layout_ptrs(l2); - size_t pointers_size = l1->first_ptr < 0 ? 0 : (l1->npointers << l1->flags.fielddesc_type); + size_t pointers_size = (l1->npointers << l1->fielddesc_type); if (memcmp(p1, p2, pointers_size)) return 0; return 1; @@ -179,7 +179,6 @@ static jl_datatype_layout_t *jl_get_layout(uint32_t sz, uint32_t npointers, uint32_t alignment, int haspadding, - int arrayelem, jl_fielddesc32_t desc[], uint32_t pointers[]) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { @@ -187,34 +186,32 @@ static jl_datatype_layout_t *jl_get_layout(uint32_t sz, // compute the smallest fielddesc type that can hold the layout description int fielddesc_type = 0; - uint32_t max_size = 0; - uint32_t max_offset = 0; if (nfields > 0) { - max_offset = desc[nfields - 1].offset; + uint32_t max_size = 0; + uint32_t max_offset = desc[nfields - 1].offset; + if (npointers > 0 && pointers[npointers - 1] > max_offset) + max_offset = pointers[npointers - 1]; for (size_t i = 0; i < nfields; i++) { if (desc[i].size > max_size) max_size = desc[i].size; } - } - if (npointers > 0 && pointers[npointers - 1] > max_offset) - max_offset = pointers[npointers - 1]; - jl_fielddesc8_t maxdesc8 = { 0, max_size, max_offset }; - jl_fielddesc16_t maxdesc16 = { 0, max_size, max_offset }; - jl_fielddesc32_t maxdesc32 = { 0, max_size, max_offset }; - if (maxdesc8.size != max_size || maxdesc8.offset != max_offset) { - fielddesc_type = 1; - if (maxdesc16.size != max_size || maxdesc16.offset != max_offset) { - fielddesc_type = 2; - if (maxdesc32.size != max_size || maxdesc32.offset != max_offset) { - assert(0); // should have been verified by caller + jl_fielddesc8_t maxdesc8 = { 0, max_size, max_offset }; + jl_fielddesc16_t maxdesc16 = { 0, max_size, max_offset }; + jl_fielddesc32_t maxdesc32 = { 0, max_size, max_offset }; + if (maxdesc8.size != max_size || maxdesc8.offset != max_offset) { + fielddesc_type = 1; + if (maxdesc16.size != max_size || maxdesc16.offset != max_offset) { + fielddesc_type = 2; + if (maxdesc32.size != max_size || maxdesc32.offset != max_offset) { + assert(0); // should have been verified by caller + } } } } - int32_t first_ptr = (npointers > 0 ? (int32_t)pointers[0] : -1); // allocate a new descriptor, on the stack if possible. size_t fields_size = nfields * jl_fielddesc_size(fielddesc_type); - size_t pointers_size = first_ptr < 0 ? 0 : (npointers << fielddesc_type); + size_t pointers_size = (npointers << fielddesc_type); size_t flddesc_sz = sizeof(jl_datatype_layout_t) + fields_size + pointers_size; int should_malloc = flddesc_sz >= jl_page_size; jl_datatype_layout_t *mallocmem = (jl_datatype_layout_t *)(should_malloc ? malloc(flddesc_sz) : NULL); @@ -224,13 +221,11 @@ static jl_datatype_layout_t *jl_get_layout(uint32_t sz, flddesc->size = sz; flddesc->nfields = nfields; flddesc->alignment = alignment; - flddesc->flags.haspadding = haspadding; - flddesc->flags.fielddesc_type = fielddesc_type; - flddesc->flags.arrayelem_isboxed = arrayelem == 1; - flddesc->flags.arrayelem_isunion = arrayelem == 2; - flddesc->flags.padding = 0; + flddesc->haspadding = haspadding; + flddesc->fielddesc_type = fielddesc_type; + flddesc->padding = 0; flddesc->npointers = npointers; - flddesc->first_ptr = first_ptr; + flddesc->first_ptr = (npointers > 0 ? pointers[0] : -1); // fill out the fields of the new descriptor jl_fielddesc8_t *desc8 = (jl_fielddesc8_t *)jl_dt_layout_fields(flddesc); @@ -253,20 +248,18 @@ static jl_datatype_layout_t *jl_get_layout(uint32_t sz, desc32[i].isptr = desc[i].isptr; } } - if (first_ptr >= 0) { - uint8_t *ptrs8 = (uint8_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(flddesc); - uint16_t *ptrs16 = (uint16_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(flddesc); - uint32_t *ptrs32 = (uint32_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(flddesc); - for (size_t i = 0; i < npointers; i++) { - if (fielddesc_type == 0) { - ptrs8[i] = pointers[i]; - } - else if (fielddesc_type == 1) { - ptrs16[i] = pointers[i]; - } - else { - ptrs32[i] = pointers[i]; - } + uint8_t *ptrs8 = (uint8_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(flddesc); + uint16_t *ptrs16 = (uint16_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(flddesc); + uint32_t *ptrs32 = (uint32_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(flddesc); + for (size_t i = 0; i < npointers; i++) { + if (fielddesc_type == 0) { + ptrs8[i] = pointers[i]; + } + else if (fielddesc_type == 1) { + ptrs16[i] = pointers[i]; + } + else { + ptrs32[i] = pointers[i]; } } @@ -325,23 +318,23 @@ unsigned jl_special_vector_alignment(size_t nfields, jl_value_t *t) STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_datatype_make_singleton(jl_datatype_t *d) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return d->isconcretetype && jl_datatype_size(d) == 0 && d->layout->npointers == 0 && !d->name->mutabl; // implies jl_is_layout_opaque + return (!d->name->abstract && jl_datatype_size(d) == 0 && d != jl_symbol_type && d->name != jl_array_typename && + d->isconcretetype && !d->name->mutabl); } STATIC_INLINE void jl_maybe_allocate_singleton_instance(jl_datatype_t *st) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - // It's possible for st to already have an ->instance if it was redefined - if (st->instance) - return; if (jl_is_datatype_make_singleton(st)) { - st->instance = jl_gc_permobj(0, st); + // It's possible for st to already have an ->instance if it was redefined + if (!st->instance) + st->instance = jl_gc_permobj(0, st); } } // return whether all concrete subtypes of this type have the same layout int jl_struct_try_layout(jl_datatype_t *dt) { - if (dt->layout || jl_is_genericmemory_type(dt)) + if (dt->layout) return 1; else if (!jl_has_fixed_layout(dt)) return 0; @@ -359,7 +352,7 @@ int jl_datatype_isinlinealloc(jl_datatype_t *ty, int pointerfree) return 0; if (ty->name->n_uninitialized != 0) return 0; - if (ty->layout->flags.fielddesc_type > 1) // GC only implements support for 8 and 16 (not array32) + if (ty->layout->fielddesc_type > 1) // GC only implements support for 8 and 16 (not array32) return 0; } return 1; @@ -485,85 +478,6 @@ static int is_type_identityfree(jl_value_t *t) return 0; } -// make a copy of the layout of st, but with nfields=0 -void jl_get_genericmemory_layout(jl_datatype_t *st) -{ - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(st); - jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam1(st); - jl_value_t *addrspace = jl_tparam2(st); - if (!jl_is_typevar(eltype) && !jl_is_type(eltype)) { - // this is expected to have a layout, but since it is not constructable, we don't care too much what it is - static const jl_datatype_layout_t opaque_ptr_layout = {0, 0, 1, -1, sizeof(void*), {0}}; - st->layout = &opaque_ptr_layout; - st->has_concrete_subtype = 0; - return; - } - - size_t elsz = 0, al = 0; - int isunboxed = jl_islayout_inline(eltype, &elsz, &al); - int isunion = isunboxed && jl_is_uniontype(eltype); - int haspadding = 1; // we may want to eventually actually compute this - int nfields = 0; // aka jl_is_layout_opaque - int npointers = 1; - int zi; - uint32_t first_ptr = -1; - uint32_t *pointers = &first_ptr; - - if (isunboxed) { - elsz = LLT_ALIGN(elsz, al); - if (isunion) { - zi = 1; - } - else { - assert(jl_is_datatype(eltype)); - zi = ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->zeroinit; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->layout; - if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - first_ptr = layout->first_ptr; - npointers = layout->npointers; - if (layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 2) { - pointers = (uint32_t*)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); - } - else { - pointers = (uint32_t*)alloca(npointers * sizeof(uint32_t)); - for (int j = 0; j < npointers; j++) { - pointers[j] = jl_ptr_offset((jl_datatype_t*)eltype, j); - } - } - } - } - } - else { - elsz = sizeof(void*); - al = elsz; - zi = 1; - } - - int arrayelem; - if (!isunboxed) - arrayelem = 1; - else if (isunion) - arrayelem = 2; - else - arrayelem = 0; - assert(!st->layout); - st->layout = jl_get_layout(elsz, nfields, npointers, al, haspadding, arrayelem, NULL, pointers); - st->zeroinit = zi; - //st->has_concrete_subtype = 1; - //st->isbitstype = 0; - //st->ismutationfree = 0; - //st->isidentityfree = 0; - - if (isatomic == (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym && jl_is_addrspacecore(addrspace) && jl_unbox_uint8(addrspace) == 0) { - jl_genericmemory_t *zeroinst = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_gc_permobj(LLT_ALIGN(sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t), JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT) + (elsz ? elsz : isunion), st); - zeroinst->length = 0; - zeroinst->ptr = (char*)zeroinst + JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT; - memset(zeroinst->ptr, 0, elsz ? elsz : isunion); - assert(!st->instance); - st->instance = (jl_value_t*)zeroinst; - } -} - void jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_datatype_t *st) { const uint64_t max_offset = (((uint64_t)1) << 32) - 1; @@ -578,10 +492,6 @@ void jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_datatype_t *st) st->zeroinit = 0; st->has_concrete_subtype = 1; } - if (st->name == jl_genericmemory_typename) { - jl_get_genericmemory_layout(st); - return; - } int isbitstype = st->isconcretetype && st->name->mayinlinealloc; int ismutationfree = !w->layout || !jl_is_layout_opaque(w->layout); int isidentityfree = !st->name->mutabl; @@ -591,7 +501,7 @@ void jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_datatype_t *st) st->layout = w->layout; st->zeroinit = w->zeroinit; st->has_concrete_subtype = w->has_concrete_subtype; - if (!jl_is_layout_opaque(st->layout)) { // e.g. jl_simplevector_type + if (!jl_is_layout_opaque(st->layout)) { // e.g. jl_array_typename st->isbitstype = isbitstype && st->layout->npointers == 0; jl_maybe_allocate_singleton_instance(st); } @@ -604,18 +514,18 @@ void jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_datatype_t *st) // if we have no fields, we can trivially skip the rest if (st == jl_symbol_type || st == jl_string_type) { // opaque layout - heap-allocated blob - static const jl_datatype_layout_t opaque_byte_layout = {0, 0, 1, -1, 1, {0}}; + static const jl_datatype_layout_t opaque_byte_layout = {0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0}; st->layout = &opaque_byte_layout; return; } - else if (st == jl_simplevector_type || st == jl_module_type) { - static const jl_datatype_layout_t opaque_ptr_layout = {0, 0, 1, -1, sizeof(void*), {0}}; + else if (st == jl_simplevector_type || st == jl_module_type || st->name == jl_array_typename) { + static const jl_datatype_layout_t opaque_ptr_layout = {0, 0, 1, -1, sizeof(void*), 0, 0}; st->layout = &opaque_ptr_layout; return; } else { // reuse the same layout for all singletons - static const jl_datatype_layout_t singleton_layout = {0, 0, 0, -1, 1, {0}}; + static const jl_datatype_layout_t singleton_layout = {0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0}; st->layout = &singleton_layout; } } @@ -676,7 +586,7 @@ void jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_datatype_t *st) } else { uint32_t fld_npointers = ((jl_datatype_t*)fld)->layout->npointers; - if (((jl_datatype_t*)fld)->layout->flags.haspadding) + if (((jl_datatype_t*)fld)->layout->haspadding) haspadding = 1; if (i >= nfields - st->name->n_uninitialized && fld_npointers && fld_npointers * sizeof(void*) != fsz) { @@ -760,7 +670,7 @@ void jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_datatype_t *st) } } assert(ptr_i == npointers); - st->layout = jl_get_layout(sz, nfields, npointers, alignm, haspadding, 0, desc, pointers); + st->layout = jl_get_layout(sz, nfields, npointers, alignm, haspadding, desc, pointers); if (should_malloc) { free(desc); if (npointers) @@ -800,7 +710,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_new_datatype( jl_typename_t *tn = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH2(&t, &tn); - assert(parameters && fnames); + assert(parameters); // init enough before possibly calling jl_new_typename_in t = jl_new_uninitialized_datatype(); @@ -922,7 +832,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_new_primitivetype(jl_value_t *name, jl_module_t * bt->ismutationfree = 1; bt->isidentityfree = 1; bt->isbitstype = (parameters == jl_emptysvec); - bt->layout = jl_get_layout(nbytes, 0, 0, alignm, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); + bt->layout = jl_get_layout(nbytes, 0, 0, alignm, 0, NULL, NULL); bt->instance = NULL; return bt; } @@ -943,12 +853,10 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_datatype_t * jl_new_foreign_type(jl_sym_t *name, layout->size = large ? GC_MAX_SZCLASS+1 : 0; layout->nfields = 0; layout->alignment = sizeof(void *); + layout->haspadding = 1; layout->npointers = haspointers; - layout->flags.haspadding = 1; - layout->flags.fielddesc_type = 3; - layout->flags.padding = 0; - layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed = 0; - layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion = 0; + layout->fielddesc_type = 3; + layout->padding = 0; jl_fielddescdyn_t * desc = (jl_fielddescdyn_t *) ((char *)layout + sizeof(*layout)); desc->markfunc = markfunc; @@ -976,7 +884,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_reinit_foreign_type(jl_datatype_t *dt, JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_is_foreign_type(jl_datatype_t *dt) { - return jl_is_datatype(dt) && dt->layout && dt->layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 3; + return jl_is_datatype(dt) && dt->layout && dt->layout->fielddesc_type == 3; } // bits constructors ---------------------------------------------------------- @@ -1228,7 +1136,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_atomic_cmpswap_bits(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_datatype_t } else if (nb == 1) { uint8_t *y8 = (uint8_t*)y; - assert(!dt->layout->flags.haspadding); + assert(!dt->layout->haspadding); if (dt == et) { *y8 = *(uint8_t*)expected; uint8_t z8 = *(uint8_t*)src; @@ -1241,7 +1149,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_atomic_cmpswap_bits(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_datatype_t } else if (nb == 2) { uint16_t *y16 = (uint16_t*)y; - assert(!dt->layout->flags.haspadding); + assert(!dt->layout->haspadding); if (dt == et) { *y16 = *(uint16_t*)expected; uint16_t z16 = *(uint16_t*)src; @@ -1259,7 +1167,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_atomic_cmpswap_bits(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_datatype_t uint32_t z32 = zext_read32(src, nb); while (1) { success = jl_atomic_cmpswap((_Atomic(uint32_t)*)dst, y32, z32); - if (success || !dt->layout->flags.haspadding || !jl_egal__bits(y, expected, dt)) + if (success || !dt->layout->haspadding || !jl_egal__bits(y, expected, dt)) break; } } @@ -1276,7 +1184,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_atomic_cmpswap_bits(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_datatype_t uint64_t z64 = zext_read64(src, nb); while (1) { success = jl_atomic_cmpswap((_Atomic(uint64_t)*)dst, y64, z64); - if (success || !dt->layout->flags.haspadding || !jl_egal__bits(y, expected, dt)) + if (success || !dt->layout->haspadding || !jl_egal__bits(y, expected, dt)) break; } } @@ -1294,7 +1202,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_atomic_cmpswap_bits(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_datatype_t jl_uint128_t z128 = zext_read128(src, nb); while (1) { success = jl_atomic_cmpswap((_Atomic(jl_uint128_t)*)dst, y128, z128); - if (success || !dt->layout->flags.haspadding || !jl_egal__bits(y, expected, dt)) + if (success || !dt->layout->haspadding || !jl_egal__bits(y, expected, dt)) break; } } @@ -1319,6 +1227,18 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_atomic_cmpswap_bits(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_datatype_t return y; } +// used by boot.jl +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_typemax_uint(jl_datatype_t *bt) +{ + uint64_t data = 0xffffffffffffffffULL; + jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; + jl_value_t *v = jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, sizeof(size_t), bt); + if (bt->smalltag) + jl_set_typetagof(v, bt->smalltag, 0); + memcpy(v, &data, sizeof(size_t)); + return v; +} + #define PERMBOXN_FUNC(nb) \ jl_value_t *jl_permbox##nb(jl_datatype_t *t, uintptr_t tag, uint##nb##_t x) \ { /* n.b. t must be a concrete isbits datatype of the right size */ \ @@ -1439,9 +1359,6 @@ void jl_init_int32_int64_cache(void) for(i=0; i < NBOX_C; i++) { boxed_int32_cache[i] = jl_permbox32(jl_int32_type, jl_int32_tag, i-NBOX_C/2); boxed_int64_cache[i] = jl_permbox64(jl_int64_type, jl_int64_tag, i-NBOX_C/2); - boxed_uint16_cache[i] = jl_permbox16(jl_uint16_type, jl_uint16_tag, i); - boxed_uint64_cache[i] = jl_permbox64(jl_uint64_type, jl_uint64_tag, i); - boxed_uint32_cache[i] = jl_permbox32(jl_uint32_type, jl_uint32_tag, i); #ifdef _P64 boxed_ssavalue_cache[i] = jl_permbox64(jl_ssavalue_type, 0, i); boxed_slotnumber_cache[i] = jl_permbox64(jl_slotnumber_type, 0, i); @@ -1466,6 +1383,9 @@ void jl_init_box_caches(void) } for (i = 0; i < NBOX_C; i++) { boxed_int16_cache[i] = jl_permbox16(jl_int16_type, jl_int16_tag, i-NBOX_C/2); + boxed_uint16_cache[i] = jl_permbox16(jl_uint16_type, jl_uint16_tag, i); + boxed_uint32_cache[i] = jl_permbox32(jl_uint32_type, jl_uint32_tag, i); + boxed_uint64_cache[i] = jl_permbox64(jl_uint64_type, jl_uint64_tag, i); } } @@ -1481,11 +1401,10 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_box_bool(int8_t x) JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_new_struct(jl_datatype_t *type, ...) { jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || !type->isconcretetype || type->layout == NULL || jl_is_layout_opaque(type->layout)) { + if (type->instance != NULL) return type->instance; + if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || !type->isconcretetype || type->layout == NULL) { jl_type_error("new", (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type, (jl_value_t*)type); } - if (type->instance != NULL) - return type->instance; va_list args; size_t i, nf = jl_datatype_nfields(type); va_start(args, type); @@ -1505,7 +1424,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_new_struct(jl_datatype_t *type, ...) JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_new_structv(jl_datatype_t *type, jl_value_t **args, uint32_t na) { jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || !type->isconcretetype || type->layout == NULL || jl_is_layout_opaque(type->layout)) { + if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || !type->isconcretetype || type->layout == NULL) { jl_type_error("new", (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type, (jl_value_t*)type); } size_t nf = jl_datatype_nfields(type); @@ -1544,7 +1463,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_new_structt(jl_datatype_t *type, jl_value_t *tup) jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; if (!jl_is_tuple(tup)) jl_type_error("new", (jl_value_t*)jl_tuple_type, tup); - if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || !type->isconcretetype || type->layout == NULL || jl_is_layout_opaque(type->layout)) + if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || !type->isconcretetype || type->layout == NULL) jl_type_error("new", (jl_value_t *)jl_datatype_type, (jl_value_t *)type); size_t nargs = jl_nfields(tup); size_t nf = jl_datatype_nfields(type); @@ -1591,11 +1510,10 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_new_structt(jl_datatype_t *type, jl_value_t *tup) JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_new_struct_uninit(jl_datatype_t *type) { jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || !type->isconcretetype || type->layout == NULL || jl_is_layout_opaque(type->layout)) { + if (type->instance != NULL) return type->instance; + if (!jl_is_datatype(type) || type->layout == NULL) { jl_type_error("new", (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type, (jl_value_t*)type); } - if (type->instance != NULL) - return type->instance; size_t size = jl_datatype_size(type); jl_value_t *jv = jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, size, type); if (type->smalltag) // TODO: do we need this? @@ -1705,7 +1623,7 @@ static inline void memassign_safe(int hasptr, jl_value_t *parent, char *dst, con // assert that although dst might have some undefined bits, the src heap box should be okay with that assert(LLT_ALIGN(nb, sizeof(void*)) == LLT_ALIGN(jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(src)), sizeof(void*))); size_t nptr = nb / sizeof(void*); - memmove_refs((_Atomic(void*)*)dst, (_Atomic(void*)*)src, nptr); + memmove_refs((void**)dst, (void**)src, nptr); jl_gc_multi_wb(parent, src); src = (jl_value_t*)((char*)src + nptr * sizeof(void*)); dst = dst + nptr * sizeof(void*); @@ -1804,7 +1722,6 @@ jl_value_t *swap_nth_field(jl_datatype_t *st, jl_value_t *v, size_t i, jl_value_ } else { hasptr = ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->layout->npointers > 0; - r = NULL; } size_t fsz = jl_datatype_size((jl_datatype_t*)rty); // need to shrink-wrap the final copy int needlock = (isatomic && fsz > MAX_ATOMIC_SIZE); @@ -1985,7 +1902,7 @@ jl_value_t *replace_nth_field(jl_datatype_t *st, jl_value_t *v, size_t i, jl_val memcpy((char*)r, (char*)v + offs, fsz); // copy field, including union bits if (success) { size_t fsz = jl_datatype_size((jl_datatype_t*)rty); // need to shrink-wrap the final copy - if (((jl_datatype_t*)rty)->layout->flags.haspadding) + if (((jl_datatype_t*)rty)->layout->haspadding) success = jl_egal__bits(r, expected, (jl_datatype_t*)rty); else success = memcmp((char*)r, (char*)expected, fsz) == 0; diff --git a/src/dlload.c b/src/dlload.c index f2ba02e14c5d1..8124605880b5e 100644 --- a/src/dlload.c +++ b/src/dlload.c @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void *jl_load_dynamic_library(const char *modname, unsigned flags, jl_array_t *DL_LOAD_PATH = (jl_array_t*)(b ? jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&b->value) : NULL); if (DL_LOAD_PATH != NULL) { size_t j; - for (j = 0; j < jl_array_nrows(DL_LOAD_PATH); j++) { + for (j = 0; j < jl_array_len(DL_LOAD_PATH); j++) { char *dl_path = jl_string_data(jl_array_ptr_data(DL_LOAD_PATH)[j]); size_t len = strlen(dl_path); if (len == 0) diff --git a/src/gc-debug.c b/src/gc-debug.c index 87861a5d89b9c..7145531828853 100644 --- a/src/gc-debug.c +++ b/src/gc-debug.c @@ -616,7 +616,8 @@ void objprofile_count(void *ty, int old, int sz) ty = (void*)jl_buff_tag; } else if (ty != (void*)jl_buff_tag && ty != jl_malloc_tag && - jl_is_datatype(ty) && jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)ty)) { + jl_typeof(ty) == (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type && + ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->instance) { ty = jl_singleton_tag; } void **bp = ptrhash_bp(&obj_counts[old], ty); @@ -893,29 +894,29 @@ void gc_time_big_end(void) t_ms, big_freed, big_total, big_reset); } -static int64_t mallocd_memory_total; -static int64_t mallocd_memory_freed; -static int64_t mallocd_memory_sweep_start; +static int64_t mallocd_array_total; +static int64_t mallocd_array_freed; +static int64_t mallocd_array_sweep_start; -void gc_time_mallocd_memory_start(void) +void gc_time_mallocd_array_start(void) { - mallocd_memory_total = 0; - mallocd_memory_freed = 0; - mallocd_memory_sweep_start = jl_hrtime(); + mallocd_array_total = 0; + mallocd_array_freed = 0; + mallocd_array_sweep_start = jl_hrtime(); } -void gc_time_count_mallocd_memory(int bits) +void gc_time_count_mallocd_array(int bits) { - mallocd_memory_total++; - mallocd_memory_freed += !gc_marked(bits); + mallocd_array_total++; + mallocd_array_freed += !gc_marked(bits); } -void gc_time_mallocd_memory_end(void) +void gc_time_mallocd_array_end(void) { - double t_ms = jl_ns2ms(jl_hrtime() - mallocd_memory_sweep_start); + double t_ms = jl_ns2ms(jl_hrtime() - mallocd_array_sweep_start); jl_safe_printf("GC sweep arrays %.2f ms " "(freed %" PRId64 " / %" PRId64 ")\n", - t_ms, mallocd_memory_freed, mallocd_memory_total); + t_ms, mallocd_array_freed, mallocd_array_total); } void gc_time_mark_pause(int64_t t0, int64_t scanned_bytes, @@ -1110,7 +1111,7 @@ void gc_stats_big_obj(void) while (ma != NULL) { if (gc_marked(jl_astaggedvalue(ma->a)->bits.gc)) { nused++; - nbytes += jl_genericmemory_nbytes((jl_genericmemory_t*)ma->a); + nbytes += jl_array_nbytes(ma->a); } ma = ma->next; } @@ -1202,6 +1203,12 @@ int gc_slot_to_arrayidx(void *obj, void *_slot) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT start = (char*)jl_svec_data(obj); len = jl_svec_len(obj); } + else if (vt->name == jl_array_typename) { + jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t*)obj; + start = (char*)a->data; + len = jl_array_len(a); + elsize = a->elsize; + } if (slot < start || slot >= start + elsize * len) return -1; return (slot - start) / elsize; diff --git a/src/gc-stacks.c b/src/gc-stacks.c index 86c1c8a573a68..6f97323f22528 100644 --- a/src/gc-stacks.c +++ b/src/gc-stacks.c @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_live_tasks(void) if (t->stkbuf != NULL) { if (j == l) goto restart; - jl_array_data(a,void*)[j++] = t; + ((void**)jl_array_data(a))[j++] = t; } small_arraylist_t *live_tasks = &ptls2->heap.live_tasks; size_t n = mtarraylist_length(live_tasks); @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_live_tasks(void) if (t->stkbuf != NULL) { if (j == l) goto restart; - jl_array_data(a,void*)[j++] = t; + ((void**)jl_array_data(a))[j++] = t; } } } diff --git a/src/gc.c b/src/gc.c index 0c046aa680e9c..baa533011ad65 100644 --- a/src/gc.c +++ b/src/gc.c @@ -1129,9 +1129,10 @@ static void sweep_big(jl_ptls_t ptls, int sweep_full) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT gc_time_big_end(); } -// tracking Memorys with malloc'd storage +// tracking Arrays with malloc'd storage -void jl_gc_track_malloced_genericmemory(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_genericmemory_t *m, int isaligned){ +void jl_gc_track_malloced_array(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ // This is **NOT** a GC safe point. mallocarray_t *ma; if (ptls->heap.mafreelist == NULL) { @@ -1141,12 +1142,11 @@ void jl_gc_track_malloced_genericmemory(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_genericmemory_t *m, i ma = ptls->heap.mafreelist; ptls->heap.mafreelist = ma->next; } - ma->a = (jl_value_t*)((uintptr_t)m | !!isaligned); + ma->a = a; ma->next = ptls->heap.mallocarrays; ptls->heap.mallocarrays = ma; } - void jl_gc_count_allocd(size_t sz) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { jl_ptls_t ptls = jl_current_task->ptls; @@ -1215,37 +1215,38 @@ void jl_gc_reset_alloc_count(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT reset_thread_gc_counts(); } -size_t jl_genericmemory_nbytes(jl_genericmemory_t *m) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +size_t jl_array_nbytes(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout; - size_t sz = layout->size * m->length; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) + size_t sz = 0; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(a); + if (jl_array_ndims(a) == 1) + sz = a->elsize * a->maxsize + ((a->elsize == 1 && !isbitsunion) ? 1 : 0); + else + sz = a->elsize * jl_array_len(a); + if (isbitsunion) // account for isbits Union array selector bytes - sz += m->length; + sz += jl_array_len(a); return sz; } - -static void jl_gc_free_memory(jl_value_t *v, int isaligned) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +static void jl_gc_free_array(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - assert(jl_is_genericmemory(v)); - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)v; - assert(jl_genericmemory_how(m) == 1 || jl_genericmemory_how(m) == 2); - char *d = (char*)m->ptr; - if (isaligned) - jl_free_aligned(d); - else - free(d); - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&gc_heap_stats.heap_size, - jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&gc_heap_stats.heap_size) - jl_genericmemory_nbytes(m)); - gc_num.freed += jl_genericmemory_nbytes(m); - gc_num.freecall++; - gc_num.freecall++; + if (a->flags.how == 2) { + char *d = (char*)a->data - a->offset*a->elsize; + if (a->flags.isaligned) + jl_free_aligned(d); + else + free(d); + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&gc_heap_stats.heap_size, + jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&gc_heap_stats.heap_size) - jl_array_nbytes(a)); + gc_num.freed += jl_array_nbytes(a); + gc_num.freecall++; + } } -static void sweep_malloced_memory(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +static void sweep_malloced_arrays(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - gc_time_mallocd_memory_start(); + gc_time_mallocd_array_start(); assert(gc_n_threads); for (int t_i = 0; t_i < gc_n_threads; t_i++) { jl_ptls_t ptls2 = gc_all_tls_states[t_i]; @@ -1254,24 +1255,23 @@ static void sweep_malloced_memory(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT mallocarray_t **pma = &ptls2->heap.mallocarrays; while (ma != NULL) { mallocarray_t *nxt = ma->next; - jl_value_t *a = (jl_value_t*)((uintptr_t)ma->a & ~1); - int bits = jl_astaggedvalue(a)->bits.gc; + int bits = jl_astaggedvalue(ma->a)->bits.gc; if (gc_marked(bits)) { pma = &ma->next; } else { *pma = nxt; - int isaligned = (uintptr_t)ma->a & 1; - jl_gc_free_memory(a, isaligned); + assert(ma->a->flags.how == 2); + jl_gc_free_array(ma->a); ma->next = ptls2->heap.mafreelist; ptls2->heap.mafreelist = ma; } - gc_time_count_mallocd_memory(bits); + gc_time_count_mallocd_array(bits); ma = nxt; } } } - gc_time_mallocd_memory_end(); + gc_time_mallocd_array_end(); } // pool allocation @@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_sweep_pool_page(jl_gc_page_stack_t *allocd, jl_gc_page_sta // sweep over all memory that is being used and not in a pool static void gc_sweep_other(jl_ptls_t ptls, int sweep_full) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - sweep_malloced_memory(); + sweep_malloced_arrays(); sweep_big(ptls, sweep_full); } @@ -1755,8 +1755,11 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_gc_queue_root(const jl_value_t *ptr) ptls->heap.remset_nptr++; // conservative } -void jl_gc_queue_multiroot(const jl_value_t *parent, const void *ptr, jl_datatype_t *dt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +void jl_gc_queue_multiroot(const jl_value_t *parent, const jl_value_t *ptr) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { + // first check if this is really necessary + // TODO: should we store this info in one of the extra gc bits? + jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(ptr); const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = dt->layout; uint32_t npointers = ly->npointers; //if (npointers == 0) // this was checked by the caller @@ -1772,14 +1775,14 @@ void jl_gc_queue_multiroot(const jl_value_t *parent, const void *ptr, jl_datatyp const uint32_t *ptrs32 = (const uint32_t*)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(ly); for (size_t i = 1; i < npointers; i++) { uint32_t fld; - if (ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 0) { + if (ly->fielddesc_type == 0) { fld = ptrs8[i]; } - else if (ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 1) { + else if (ly->fielddesc_type == 1) { fld = ptrs16[i]; } else { - assert(ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 2); + assert(ly->fielddesc_type == 2); fld = ptrs32[i]; } jl_value_t *ptrf = ((jl_value_t**)ptr)[fld]; @@ -2055,7 +2058,6 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_objarray(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *obj_parent, jl_v jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq = &ptls->mark_queue; jl_value_t *new_obj; // Decide whether need to chunk objary - assert(step > 0); (void)jl_assume(step > 0); if ((nptr & 0x2) == 0x2) { // pre-scan this object: most of this object should be old, so look for @@ -2116,14 +2118,14 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_objarray(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *obj_parent, jl_v } // Mark array with 8bit field descriptors -STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_memory8(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *ary8_parent, jl_value_t **ary8_begin, - jl_value_t **ary8_end, uint8_t *elem_begin, uint8_t *elem_end, uintptr_t elsize, +STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_array8(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *ary8_parent, jl_value_t **ary8_begin, + jl_value_t **ary8_end, uint8_t *elem_begin, uint8_t *elem_end, uintptr_t nptr) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq = &ptls->mark_queue; jl_value_t *new_obj; + size_t elsize = ((jl_array_t *)ary8_parent)->elsize / sizeof(jl_value_t *); assert(elsize > 0); - (void)jl_assume(elsize > 0); // Decide whether need to chunk objary if ((nptr & 0x2) == 0x2) { // pre-scan this object: most of this object should be old, so look for @@ -2163,7 +2165,7 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_memory8(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *ary8_parent, jl_v // case 2: lowest two bits of `nptr` are already set to 0x3, so won't change after // scanning the array elements if ((nptr & 0x2) != 0x2 || (nptr & 0x3) == 0x3) { - jl_gc_chunk_t c = {GC_ary8_chunk, ary8_parent, scan_end, ary8_end, elem_begin, elem_end, elsize, nptr}; + jl_gc_chunk_t c = {GC_ary8_chunk, ary8_parent, scan_end, ary8_end, elem_begin, elem_end, 0, nptr}; gc_chunkqueue_push(mq, &c); pushed_chunk = 1; } @@ -2183,7 +2185,7 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_memory8(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *ary8_parent, jl_v } if (too_big) { if (!pushed_chunk) { - jl_gc_chunk_t c = {GC_ary8_chunk, ary8_parent, scan_end, ary8_end, elem_begin, elem_end, elsize, nptr}; + jl_gc_chunk_t c = {GC_ary8_chunk, ary8_parent, scan_end, ary8_end, elem_begin, elem_end, 0, nptr}; gc_chunkqueue_push(mq, &c); } } @@ -2193,14 +2195,14 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_memory8(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *ary8_parent, jl_v } // Mark array with 16bit field descriptors -STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_memory16(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *ary16_parent, jl_value_t **ary16_begin, - jl_value_t **ary16_end, uint16_t *elem_begin, uint16_t *elem_end, size_t elsize, +STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_array16(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_value_t *ary16_parent, jl_value_t **ary16_begin, + jl_value_t **ary16_end, uint16_t *elem_begin, uint16_t *elem_end, uintptr_t nptr) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq = &ptls->mark_queue; jl_value_t *new_obj; + size_t elsize = ((jl_array_t *)ary16_parent)->elsize / sizeof(jl_value_t *); assert(elsize > 0); - (void)jl_assume(elsize > 0); // Decide whether need to chunk objary if ((nptr & 0x2) == 0x2) { // pre-scan this object: most of this object should be old, so look for @@ -2279,8 +2281,8 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_chunk(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, jl_gc_ch jl_value_t **obj_end = c->end; uint32_t step = c->step; uintptr_t nptr = c->nptr; - gc_mark_objarray(ptls, obj_parent, obj_begin, obj_end, - step, nptr); + gc_mark_objarray(ptls, obj_parent, obj_begin, obj_end, step, + nptr); break; } case GC_ary8_chunk: { @@ -2289,10 +2291,9 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_chunk(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, jl_gc_ch jl_value_t **ary8_end = c->end; uint8_t *elem_begin = (uint8_t *)c->elem_begin; uint8_t *elem_end = (uint8_t *)c->elem_end; - size_t elsize = c->step; uintptr_t nptr = c->nptr; - gc_mark_memory8(ptls, ary8_parent, ary8_begin, ary8_end, elem_begin, elem_end, - elsize, nptr); + gc_mark_array8(ptls, ary8_parent, ary8_begin, ary8_end, elem_begin, elem_end, + nptr); break; } case GC_ary16_chunk: { @@ -2301,10 +2302,9 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_mark_chunk(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, jl_gc_ch jl_value_t **ary16_end = c->end; uint16_t *elem_begin = (uint16_t *)c->elem_begin; uint16_t *elem_end = (uint16_t *)c->elem_end; - size_t elsize = c->step; uintptr_t nptr = c->nptr; - gc_mark_memory16(ptls, ary16_parent, ary16_begin, ary16_end, elem_begin, elem_end, - elsize, nptr); + gc_mark_array16(ptls, ary16_parent, ary16_begin, ary16_end, elem_begin, elem_end, + nptr); break; } case GC_finlist_chunk: { @@ -2588,7 +2588,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE void gc_mark_outrefs(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, void *_ gc_mark_excstack(ptls, excstack, itr); } const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = jl_task_type->layout; - assert(layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 0); + assert(layout->fielddesc_type == 0); assert(layout->nfields > 0); uint32_t npointers = layout->npointers; char *obj8_parent = (char *)ta; @@ -2627,64 +2627,72 @@ FORCE_INLINE void gc_mark_outrefs(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, void *_ gc_dump_queue_and_abort(ptls, vt); } jl_datatype_t *vt = (jl_datatype_t *)vtag; - if (vt->name == jl_genericmemory_typename) { - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)new_obj; - int pooled = 1; // The jl_genericmemory_t itself is always pooled-size, even with data attached to it + if (vt->name == jl_array_typename) { + jl_array_t *a = (jl_array_t *)new_obj; + jl_array_flags_t flags = a->flags; if (update_meta) { - if (pooled) + if (flags.pooled) gc_setmark_pool(ptls, o, bits); else gc_setmark_big(ptls, o, bits); } else if (foreign_alloc) { - objprofile_count(vt, bits == GC_OLD_MARKED, sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t)); + objprofile_count(vt, bits == GC_OLD_MARKED, sizeof(jl_array_t)); } - int how = jl_genericmemory_how(m); - if (how == 0 || how == 2) { - gc_heap_snapshot_record_hidden_edge(new_obj, m->ptr, jl_genericmemory_nbytes(m), how == 0 ? 2 : 0); + if (flags.how == 0) { + void *data_ptr = (char*)a + sizeof(jl_array_t) +jl_array_ndimwords(a->flags.ndims) * sizeof(size_t); + gc_heap_snapshot_record_hidden_edge(new_obj, data_ptr, jl_array_nbytes(a), 2); } - else if (how == 1) { + if (flags.how == 1) { + void *val_buf = jl_astaggedvalue((char*)a->data - a->offset * a->elsize); + verify_parent1("array", new_obj, &val_buf, "buffer ('loc' addr is meaningless)"); + gc_heap_snapshot_record_hidden_edge(new_obj, jl_valueof(val_buf), jl_array_nbytes(a), flags.pooled); + (void)val_buf; + gc_setmark_buf_(ptls, (char*)a->data - a->offset * a->elsize, + bits, jl_array_nbytes(a)); + } + else if (flags.how == 2) { if (update_meta || foreign_alloc) { objprofile_count(jl_malloc_tag, bits == GC_OLD_MARKED, - jl_genericmemory_nbytes(m)); - size_t nb = jl_genericmemory_nbytes(m); - gc_heap_snapshot_record_hidden_edge(new_obj, m->ptr, nb, 0); + jl_array_nbytes(a)); + gc_heap_snapshot_record_hidden_edge(new_obj, a->data, jl_array_nbytes(a), flags.pooled); if (bits == GC_OLD_MARKED) { - ptls->gc_cache.perm_scanned_bytes += nb; + ptls->gc_cache.perm_scanned_bytes += jl_array_nbytes(a); } else { - ptls->gc_cache.scanned_bytes += nb; + ptls->gc_cache.scanned_bytes += jl_array_nbytes(a); } } } - else if (how == 3) { - jl_value_t *owner = jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m); + else if (flags.how == 3) { + jl_value_t *owner = jl_array_data_owner(a); uintptr_t nptr = (1 << 2) | (bits & GC_OLD); gc_try_claim_and_push(mq, owner, &nptr); gc_heap_snapshot_record_internal_array_edge(new_obj, owner); gc_mark_push_remset(ptls, new_obj, nptr); return; } - if (m->length == 0) + if (!a->data || jl_array_len(a) == 0) return; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = vt->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - if ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam1(vt) == jl_symbol_type) + if (flags.ptrarray) { + if ((jl_datatype_t *)jl_tparam0(vt) == jl_symbol_type) return; + size_t l = jl_array_len(a); jl_value_t *objary_parent = new_obj; - jl_value_t **objary_begin = (jl_value_t **)m->ptr; - jl_value_t **objary_end = objary_begin + m->length; + jl_value_t **objary_begin = (jl_value_t **)a->data; + jl_value_t **objary_end = objary_begin + l; uint32_t step = 1; - uintptr_t nptr = (m->length << 2) | (bits & GC_OLD); + uintptr_t nptr = (l << 2) | (bits & GC_OLD); gc_mark_objarray(ptls, objary_parent, objary_begin, objary_end, step, nptr); } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = vt->layout; + else if (flags.hasptr) { + jl_datatype_t *et = (jl_datatype_t *)jl_tparam0(vt); + const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = et->layout; unsigned npointers = layout->npointers; - unsigned elsize = layout->size / sizeof(jl_value_t*); - size_t l = m->length; + unsigned elsize = a->elsize / sizeof(jl_value_t *); + size_t l = jl_array_len(a); jl_value_t *objary_parent = new_obj; - jl_value_t **objary_begin = (jl_value_t**)m->ptr; + jl_value_t **objary_begin = (jl_value_t **)a->data; jl_value_t **objary_end = objary_begin + l * elsize; uint32_t step = elsize; uintptr_t nptr = ((l * npointers) << 2) | (bits & GC_OLD); @@ -2692,17 +2700,17 @@ FORCE_INLINE void gc_mark_outrefs(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, void *_ objary_begin += layout->first_ptr; gc_mark_objarray(ptls, objary_parent, objary_begin, objary_end, step, nptr); } - else if (layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 0) { - uint8_t *obj8_begin = (uint8_t*)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); + else if (layout->fielddesc_type == 0) { + uint8_t *obj8_begin = (uint8_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); uint8_t *obj8_end = obj8_begin + npointers; - gc_mark_memory8(ptls, objary_parent, objary_begin, objary_end, obj8_begin, obj8_end, - elsize, nptr); + gc_mark_array8(ptls, objary_parent, objary_begin, objary_end, obj8_begin, + obj8_end, nptr); } - else if (layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 1) { - uint16_t *obj16_begin = (uint16_t*)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); + else if (layout->fielddesc_type == 1) { + uint16_t *obj16_begin = (uint16_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); uint16_t *obj16_end = obj16_begin + npointers; - gc_mark_memory16(ptls, objary_parent, objary_begin, objary_end, obj16_begin, obj16_end, - elsize, nptr); + gc_mark_array16(ptls, objary_parent, objary_begin, objary_end, obj16_begin, + obj16_end, nptr); } else { assert(0 && "unimplemented"); @@ -2722,9 +2730,9 @@ FORCE_INLINE void gc_mark_outrefs(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, void *_ if (npointers == 0) return; uintptr_t nptr = (npointers << 2 | (bits & GC_OLD)); - assert((layout->nfields > 0 || layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 3) && + assert((layout->nfields > 0 || layout->fielddesc_type == 3) && "opaque types should have been handled specially"); - if (layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 0) { + if (layout->fielddesc_type == 0) { char *obj8_parent = (char *)new_obj; uint8_t *obj8_begin = (uint8_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); uint8_t *obj8_end = obj8_begin + npointers; @@ -2737,7 +2745,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE void gc_mark_outrefs(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, void *_ gc_ptr_queue_push(mq, new_obj); } } - else if (layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 1) { + else if (layout->fielddesc_type == 1) { char *obj16_parent = (char *)new_obj; uint16_t *obj16_begin = (uint16_t *)jl_dt_layout_ptrs(layout); uint16_t *obj16_end = obj16_begin + npointers; @@ -2750,7 +2758,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE void gc_mark_outrefs(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, void *_ gc_ptr_queue_push(mq, new_obj); } } - else if (layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 2) { + else if (layout->fielddesc_type == 2) { // This is very uncommon // Do not do store to load forwarding to save some code size char *obj32_parent = (char *)new_obj; @@ -2766,7 +2774,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE void gc_mark_outrefs(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_gc_markqueue_t *mq, void *_ } } else { - assert(layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 3); + assert(layout->fielddesc_type == 3); jl_fielddescdyn_t *desc = (jl_fielddescdyn_t *)jl_dt_layout_fields(layout); int old = jl_astaggedvalue(new_obj)->bits.gc & 2; uintptr_t young = desc->markfunc(ptls, new_obj); diff --git a/src/gc.h b/src/gc.h index 4830d2d123c5d..7985a3ddd43ef 100644 --- a/src/gc.h +++ b/src/gc.h @@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ JL_EXTENSION typedef struct _bigval_t { // must be 64-byte aligned here, in 32 & 64 bit modes } bigval_t; -// data structure for tracking malloc'd arrays and genericmemory. +// data structure for tracking malloc'd arrays. typedef struct _mallocarray_t { - jl_value_t *a; + jl_array_t *a; struct _mallocarray_t *next; } mallocarray_t; @@ -498,9 +498,9 @@ void gc_time_big_start(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; void gc_time_count_big(int old_bits, int bits) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; void gc_time_big_end(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -void gc_time_mallocd_memory_start(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -void gc_time_count_mallocd_memory(int bits) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -void gc_time_mallocd_memory_end(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +void gc_time_mallocd_array_start(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +void gc_time_count_mallocd_array(int bits) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +void gc_time_mallocd_array_end(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; void gc_time_mark_pause(int64_t t0, int64_t scanned_bytes, int64_t perm_scanned_bytes); @@ -527,12 +527,12 @@ STATIC_INLINE void gc_time_count_big(int old_bits, int bits) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT (void)bits; } #define gc_time_big_end() -#define gc_time_mallocd_memory_start() -STATIC_INLINE void gc_time_count_mallocd_memory(int bits) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +#define gc_time_mallocd_array_start() +STATIC_INLINE void gc_time_count_mallocd_array(int bits) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { (void)bits; } -#define gc_time_mallocd_memory_end() +#define gc_time_mallocd_array_end() #define gc_time_mark_pause(t0, scanned_bytes, perm_scanned_bytes) #define gc_time_sweep_pause(gc_end_t, actual_allocd, live_bytes, \ estimate_freed, sweep_full) @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ void gc_stats_big_obj(void); // For debugging void gc_count_pool(void); -size_t jl_genericmemory_nbytes(jl_genericmemory_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +size_t jl_array_nbytes(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_enable_gc_logging(int enable); JL_DLLEXPORT uint32_t jl_get_num_stack_mappings(void); diff --git a/src/gen_sysimg_symtab.jl b/src/gen_sysimg_symtab.jl index a91f2f994194c..8f03cc1560767 100644 --- a/src/gen_sysimg_symtab.jl +++ b/src/gen_sysimg_symtab.jl @@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ function _eachmethod(f, m::Module, visited, vmt) x = getfield(m, nm) if isa(x, Module) && !in(x, visited) _eachmethod(f, x, visited, vmt) + elseif isa(x, Function) + mt = typeof(x).name.mt + if !in(mt, vmt) + push!(vmt, mt) + Base.visit(f, mt) + end elseif isa(x, Type) x = Base.unwrap_unionall(x) if isa(x, DataType) && isdefined(x.name, :mt) @@ -63,5 +69,5 @@ function outputline(io, name) println(io, "jl_symbol(\"", name, "\"),") end -open(f->foreach(l->outputline(f,l), take(syms, 94)), "common_symbols1.inc", "w") -open(f->foreach(l->outputline(f,l), take(drop(syms, 94), 254)), "common_symbols2.inc", "w") +open(f->foreach(l->outputline(f,l), take(syms, 100)), "common_symbols1.inc", "w") +open(f->foreach(l->outputline(f,l), take(drop(syms, 100), 254)), "common_symbols2.inc", "w") diff --git a/src/genericmemory.c b/src/genericmemory.c deleted file mode 100644 index 24b2bac6b2ac1..0000000000000 --- a/src/genericmemory.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,620 +0,0 @@ -// This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license - -/* - GenericMemory{kind, T} constructors and primitives -*/ -#include -#include -#ifdef _OS_WINDOWS_ -#include -#endif -#include "julia.h" -#include "julia_internal.h" -#include "julia_assert.h" - -#ifdef __cplusplus -extern "C" { -#endif - -static inline void genericmemoryassign_safe(int hasptr, jl_value_t *parent, char *dst, const jl_value_t *src) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - size_t nb = jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(src)); // make sure to shrink-wrap this copy - if (hasptr) { - size_t nptr = nb / sizeof(void*); - memmove_refs((_Atomic(void*)*)dst, (_Atomic(void*)*)src, nptr); - jl_gc_multi_wb(parent, src); - } - else { - // genericmemory can assume more alignment than a field would normally have - switch (nb) { - case 0: break; - case 1: *(uint8_t*)dst = *(uint8_t*)src; break; - case 2: *(uint16_t*)dst = *(uint16_t*)src; break; - case 4: *(uint32_t*)dst = *(uint32_t*)src; break; - case 8: *(uint64_t*)dst = *(uint64_t*)src; break; - case 16: - memcpy(jl_assume_aligned(dst, 16), jl_assume_aligned(src, 16), 16); - break; - default: memcpy(dst, src, nb); - } - } -} - -// genericmemory constructors --------------------------------------------------------- -JL_DLLEXPORT char *jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(jl_genericmemory_t *m) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout; - assert(layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion); - return (char*)m->ptr + m->length * layout->size; -} - -#if defined(_P64) && defined(UINT128MAX) -typedef __uint128_t wideint_t; -#else -typedef uint64_t wideint_t; -#endif - -#define MAXINTVAL (((size_t)-1)>>1) - -jl_genericmemory_t *_new_genericmemory_(jl_value_t *mtype, size_t nel, int8_t isunion, int8_t zeroinit, size_t elsz) -{ - jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - char *data; - jl_genericmemory_t *m; - if (nel == 0) // zero-sized allocation optimization - return (jl_genericmemory_t*)((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->instance; - wideint_t prod = (wideint_t)nel * elsz; - if (isunion) { - // an extra byte for each isbits union memory element, stored at m->ptr + m->length - prod += nel; - } - if (nel >= MAXINTVAL || prod >= (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid GenericMemory size"); - size_t tot = (size_t)prod + LLT_ALIGN(sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t),JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT); - - int pooled = tot <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS; - if (!pooled) { - data = (char*)jl_gc_managed_malloc(prod); - tot = sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t) + sizeof(void*); - } - m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tot, mtype); - if (pooled) { - data = (char*)m + JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT; - } - else { - int isaligned = 1; // jl_gc_managed_malloc is always aligned - jl_gc_track_malloced_genericmemory(ct->ptls, m, isaligned); - jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m) = (jl_value_t*)m; - } - m->length = nel; - m->ptr = data; - - if (zeroinit) - memset(data, 0, (size_t)prod); - return m; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_alloc_genericmemory(jl_value_t *mtype, size_t nel) -{ - assert(jl_is_datatype(mtype)); - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->instance; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->layout; - if (m == NULL) { - if (jl_tparam0((jl_datatype_t*)mtype) != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - jl_error("GenericMemory kind must be :not_atomic"); - jl_value_t *addrspace = jl_tparam2((jl_datatype_t*)mtype); - if (!jl_is_addrspacecore(addrspace) || jl_unbox_uint8(addrspace) != 0) - jl_error("GenericMemory addrspace must be Core.CPU"); - if (!((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->has_concrete_subtype || layout == NULL) - jl_type_error_rt("GenericMemory", "element type", (jl_value_t*)jl_type_type, jl_tparam1(mtype)); - abort(); // this is checked already by jl_get_genericmemory_layout - } - assert(jl_tparam0((jl_datatype_t*)mtype) == (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym); - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->has_concrete_subtype && layout != NULL); - if (nel == 0) // zero-sized allocation optimization fast path - return m; - - size_t elsz = layout->size; - int isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - int isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - int zi = ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->zeroinit; - if (isboxed) - elsz = sizeof(void*); - return _new_genericmemory_(mtype, nel, isunion, zi, elsz); -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_string_to_genericmemory(jl_value_t *str) -{ - jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - int tsz = sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t) + sizeof(void*); - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, jl_memory_uint8_type); - m->length = jl_string_len(str); - m->ptr = jl_string_data(str); - jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m) = str; - return m; -} - -// own_buffer != 0 iff GC should call free() on this pointer eventually -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_ptr_to_genericmemory(jl_value_t *mtype, void *data, - size_t nel, int own_buffer) -{ - jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - assert(jl_is_datatype(mtype)); - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->instance; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->layout; - if (m == NULL) { - if (jl_tparam0((jl_datatype_t*)mtype) != (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym) - jl_error("GenericMemory kind must be :not_atomic"); - jl_value_t *addrspace = jl_tparam2((jl_datatype_t*)mtype); - if (!jl_is_addrspacecore(addrspace) || jl_unbox_uint8(addrspace) != 0) - jl_error("GenericMemory addrspace must be Core.CPU"); - if (!((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->has_concrete_subtype || layout == NULL) - jl_type_error_rt("GenericMemory", "element type", (jl_value_t*)jl_type_type, jl_tparam1(mtype)); - abort(); - } - assert(jl_tparam0((jl_datatype_t*)mtype) == (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym); - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->has_concrete_subtype && layout != NULL); - //if (nel == 0) {// zero-sized allocation optimization fast path - // if (own_buffer) - // free(data); - // return m; - //} - - size_t elsz = layout->size; - size_t align = layout->alignment; - int isboxed = layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed; - int isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - if (isboxed) - elsz = sizeof(void*); - if (isunion) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, - "unsafe_wrap: unspecified layout for union element type"); - if (((uintptr_t)data) & ((align > JL_HEAP_ALIGNMENT ? JL_HEAP_ALIGNMENT : align) - 1)) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, - "unsafe_wrap: pointer %p is not properly aligned to %u bytes", data, align); - wideint_t prod = (wideint_t)nel * elsz; - if (isunion) { - // an extra byte for each isbits union memory element, stored at m->ptr + m->length - prod += nel; - } - if (nel >= MAXINTVAL || prod >= (wideint_t) MAXINTVAL) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid GenericMemory size"); - int tsz = sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t) + sizeof(void*); - m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, tsz, mtype); - m->ptr = data; - m->length = nel; - jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m) = NULL; - int isaligned = 0; // TODO: allow passing memalign'd buffers - if (own_buffer) { - jl_gc_track_malloced_genericmemory(ct->ptls, m, isaligned); - jl_gc_count_allocd(nel*elsz); - } - return m; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_new_genericmemory(jl_value_t *mtype, jl_value_t *nel) -{ - return jl_alloc_genericmemory(mtype, jl_unbox_long(nel)); -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_pchar_to_genericmemory(const char *str, size_t len) -{ - jl_genericmemory_t *m = jl_alloc_genericmemory(jl_memory_uint8_type, len); - memcpy(m->ptr, str, len); - return m; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_genericmemory_to_string(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t len) -{ - assert(len <= m->length); - if (len == 0) { - // this may seem like purely an optimization (which it also is), but it - // also ensures that calling `String(m)` doesn't corrupt a previous - // string also created the same way, where `m = StringVector(_)`. - return jl_an_empty_string; - } - int how = jl_genericmemory_how(m); - size_t mlength = m->length; - m->length = 0; - if (how != 0) { - jl_value_t *o = jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m); - jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m) = NULL; - if (how == 3 && - ((mlength + sizeof(void*) + 1 <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS) == (len + sizeof(void*) + 1 <= GC_MAX_SZCLASS))) { - if (jl_string_data(o)[len] != '\0') - jl_string_data(o)[len] = '\0'; - if (*(size_t*)o != len) - *(size_t*)o = len; - return o; - } - JL_GC_PUSH1(&o); - jl_value_t *str = jl_pchar_to_string((const char*)m->ptr, len); - JL_GC_POP(); - return str; - } - return jl_pchar_to_string((const char*)m->ptr, len); -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_alloc_memory_any(size_t n) -{ - return jl_alloc_genericmemory(jl_memory_any_type, n); -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_genericmemory_slice(jl_genericmemory_t *mem, void *data, size_t len) -{ - // Given a GenericMemoryRef represented as `jl_genericmemory_ref ref = {data, mem}`, - // return a new GenericMemory that only accesses the slice from the given GenericMemoryRef to - // the given length if this is possible to return. This allows us to make - // `length(Array)==length(Array.ref.mem)`, for simplification of this. - jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(mem); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = dt->layout; - // repeated checks here ensure the values cannot overflow, since we know mem->length is a reasonable value - if (len > mem->length) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid GenericMemory slice"); // TODO: make a BoundsError - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) { - if (!((size_t)data == 0 && mem->length == len)) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid GenericMemory slice"); // only exact slices are supported - data = mem->ptr; - } - else if (layout->size == 0) { - if ((size_t)data > mem->length || (size_t)data + len > mem->length) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid GenericMemory slice"); // TODO: make a BoundsError - data = mem->ptr; - } - else { - if (data < mem->ptr || (char*)data > (char*)mem->ptr + mem->length * layout->size || (char*)data + len * layout->size > (char*)mem->ptr + mem->length * layout->size) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "invalid GenericMemory slice"); // TODO: make a BoundsError - } - jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - jl_genericmemory_t *newmem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t) + sizeof(void*), dt); - newmem->length = len; - newmem->ptr = data; - jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(newmem) = jl_genericmemory_owner(mem); - return newmem; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_genericmemory_copyto(jl_genericmemory_t *dest, char* destdata, - jl_genericmemory_t *src, char* srcdata, - size_t n) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(dest); - if (dt != (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(src)) - jl_exceptionf(jl_argumenterror_type, "jl_genericmemory_copyto requires source and dest to have same type"); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = dt->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - _Atomic(void*) * dest_p = (_Atomic(void*)*)destdata; - _Atomic(void*) * src_p = (_Atomic(void*)*)srcdata; - jl_value_t *owner = jl_genericmemory_owner(dest); - if (__unlikely(jl_astaggedvalue(owner)->bits.gc == GC_OLD_MARKED)) { - jl_value_t *src_owner = jl_genericmemory_owner(src); - ssize_t done = 0; - if (jl_astaggedvalue(src_owner)->bits.gc != GC_OLD_MARKED) { - if (dest_p < src_p || dest_p > src_p + n) { - for (; done < n; done++) { // copy forwards - void *val = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(src_p + done); - jl_atomic_store_release(dest_p + done, val); - // `val` is young or old-unmarked - if (val && !(jl_astaggedvalue(val)->bits.gc & GC_MARKED)) { - jl_gc_queue_root(owner); - break; - } - } - src_p += done; - dest_p += done; - } else { - for (; done < n; done++) { // copy backwards - void *val = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(src_p + n - done - 1); - jl_atomic_store_release(dest_p + n - done - 1, val); - // `val` is young or old-unmarked - if (val && !(jl_astaggedvalue(val)->bits.gc & GC_MARKED)) { - jl_gc_queue_root(owner); - break; - } - } - } - n -= done; - } - } - return memmove_refs(dest_p, src_p, n); - } - size_t elsz = layout->size; - char *src_p = srcdata; - int isbitsunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - if (isbitsunion) { - char *sourcetypetagdata = jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(src); - char *desttypetagdata = jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(dest); - memmove(desttypetagdata+(size_t)destdata, sourcetypetagdata+(size_t)srcdata, n); - srcdata = (char*)src->ptr + elsz*(size_t)srcdata; - destdata = (char*)dest->ptr + elsz*(size_t)destdata; - } - if (layout->first_ptr != -1) { - memmove_refs((_Atomic(void*)*)destdata, (_Atomic(void*)*)srcdata, n * elsz / sizeof(void*)); - jl_value_t *owner = jl_genericmemory_owner(dest); - if (__unlikely(jl_astaggedvalue(owner)->bits.gc == GC_OLD_MARKED)) { - jl_value_t *src_owner = jl_genericmemory_owner(src); - if (jl_astaggedvalue(src_owner)->bits.gc != GC_OLD_MARKED) { - dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam1(dt); - for (size_t done = 0; done < n; done++) { // copy forwards - char* s = (char*)src_p+done*elsz; - if (*((jl_value_t**)s+layout->first_ptr) != NULL) - jl_gc_queue_multiroot(owner, s, dt); - } - } - } - } - else { - memmove(destdata, srcdata, n * elsz); - } -} - - -// genericmemory primitives ----------------------------------------------------------- - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_ptrmemref(jl_genericmemory_t *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - assert(i < m->length); - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed); - jl_value_t *elt = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m->ptr) + i); - if (elt == NULL) - jl_throw(jl_undefref_exception); - return elt; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_genericmemoryref(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t i) -{ - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) - return jl_ptrmemref(m, i); - assert(i < m->length); - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(jl_typetagof(m)); (void)isatomic; // TODO - jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam1(jl_typetagof(m)); - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) { - // isbits union selector bytes are always stored directly after the last memory element - uint8_t sel = jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(m)[i]; - eltype = jl_nth_union_component(eltype, sel); - if (jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)) - return ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->instance; - } - jl_value_t *r = undefref_check((jl_datatype_t*)eltype, jl_new_bits(eltype, &((char*)m->ptr)[i * layout->size])); - if (__unlikely(r == NULL)) - jl_throw(jl_undefref_exception); - return r; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_genericmemory_isassigned(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t i) -{ - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m->ptr) + i) != NULL; - } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - jl_value_t **elem = (jl_value_t**)((char*)m->ptr + i * layout->size); - return elem[layout->first_ptr] != NULL; - } - return 1; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_genericmemoryset(jl_genericmemory_t *m JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *rhs JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED, size_t i) -{ - assert(i < m->length); - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(jl_typetagof(m)); (void)isatomic; // TODO - jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam1(jl_typetagof(m)); - if (eltype != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type && !jl_typeis(rhs, eltype)) { - JL_GC_PUSH1(&rhs); - if (!jl_isa(rhs, eltype)) - jl_type_error("genericmemoryset", eltype, rhs); - JL_GC_POP(); - } - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - jl_atomic_store_release(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m->ptr) + i, rhs); - jl_gc_wb(jl_genericmemory_owner(m), rhs); - } - else { - int hasptr; - if (jl_is_uniontype(eltype)) { - uint8_t *psel = &((uint8_t*)jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(m))[i]; - unsigned nth = 0; - if (!jl_find_union_component(eltype, jl_typeof(rhs), &nth)) - assert(0 && "invalid genericmemoryset to isbits union"); - *psel = nth; - if (jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(rhs))) - return; - hasptr = 0; - } - else { - hasptr = layout->first_ptr >= 0; - } - genericmemoryassign_safe(hasptr, jl_genericmemory_owner(m), &((char*)m->ptr)[i * layout->size], rhs); - } -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_genericmemoryunset(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t i) -{ - if (i >= m->length) - jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)m, i + 1); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m->ptr) + i, NULL); - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - size_t elsize = layout->size; - jl_assume(elsize >= sizeof(void*) && elsize % sizeof(void*) == 0); - memset((char*)m->ptr + elsize * i, 0, elsize); - } -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_genericmemory_copy_slice(jl_genericmemory_t *mem, void *data, size_t len) -{ - jl_value_t *mtype = (jl_value_t*)jl_typetagof(mem); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->layout; - size_t elsz = layout->size; - int isunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - jl_genericmemory_t *new_mem = _new_genericmemory_(mtype, len, isunion, 0, elsz); - if (isunion) { - memcpy(new_mem->ptr, (char*)mem->ptr + (size_t)data * elsz, len * elsz); - memcpy(jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(new_mem), jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(mem) + (size_t)data, len); - } - else if (layout->first_ptr != -1) { - memmove_refs((_Atomic(void*)*)new_mem->ptr, (_Atomic(void*)*)data, len * elsz / sizeof(void*)); - } - else if (data != NULL) { - memcpy(new_mem->ptr, data, len * elsz); - } - return new_mem; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_genericmemory_copy(jl_genericmemory_t *mem) -{ - jl_value_t *mtype = (jl_value_t*)jl_typetagof(mem); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mtype)->layout; - return jl_genericmemory_copy_slice(mem, layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0 ? (void*)0 : mem->ptr, mem->length); -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *(jl_genericmemory_data_owner)(jl_genericmemory_t *m) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - return jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m); -} - -jl_genericmemoryref_t *jl_new_memoryref(jl_value_t *typ, jl_genericmemory_t *mem, void *data) -{ - jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; - jl_genericmemoryref_t *m = (jl_genericmemoryref_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, sizeof(jl_genericmemoryref_t), typ); - m->mem = mem; - m->ptr_or_offset = data; - return m; -} - -// memoryref primitives -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemoryref_t jl_memoryrefindex(jl_genericmemoryref_t m JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, size_t idx) -{ - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m.mem))->layout; - if ((layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed || !layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) && layout->size != 0) { - m.ptr_or_offset = (void*)((char*)m.ptr_or_offset + idx * layout->size); - assert((char*)m.ptr_or_offset - (char*)m.mem->ptr < layout->size * m.mem->length); - } - else { - m.ptr_or_offset = (void*)((size_t)m.ptr_or_offset + idx); - assert((size_t)m.ptr_or_offset < m.mem->length); - } - return m; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_ptrmemrefget(jl_genericmemoryref_t m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - assert((char*)m.ptr_or_offset - (char*)m.mem->ptr < sizeof(jl_value_t*) * m.mem->length); - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m.mem))->layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed); - jl_value_t *elt = jl_atomic_load_relaxed((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m.ptr_or_offset); - if (elt == NULL) - jl_throw(jl_undefref_exception); - return elt; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_memoryrefget(jl_genericmemoryref_t m) -{ - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) - return jl_ptrmemrefget(m); - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(jl_typetagof(m.mem)); (void)isatomic; // TODO - jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam1(jl_typetagof(m.mem)); - char *data = (char*)m.ptr_or_offset; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) { - assert(jl_is_uniontype(eltype)); - size_t i = (size_t)data; - assert(i < m.mem->length); - // isbits union selector bytes are always stored directly after the last memory element - uint8_t sel = jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(m.mem)[i]; - eltype = jl_nth_union_component(eltype, sel); - data = (char*)m.mem->ptr + i * layout->size; - } - if (layout->size == 0) { - assert(jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)); - return ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->instance; - } - assert(data - (char*)m.mem->ptr < layout->size * m.mem->length); - jl_value_t *r = undefref_check((jl_datatype_t*)eltype, jl_new_bits(eltype, data)); - if (__unlikely(r == NULL)) - jl_throw(jl_undefref_exception); - return r; -} - -static int _jl_memoryref_isassigned(jl_genericmemoryref_t m) -{ - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - return jl_atomic_load_relaxed((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m.ptr_or_offset) != NULL; - } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - jl_value_t **elem = (jl_value_t**)m.ptr_or_offset; - return elem[layout->first_ptr] != NULL; - } - return 1; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_memoryref_isassigned(jl_genericmemoryref_t m) -{ - return _jl_memoryref_isassigned(m) ? jl_true : jl_false; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_memoryrefset(jl_genericmemoryref_t m JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *rhs JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED) -{ - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(jl_typetagof(m.mem)); (void)isatomic; // TODO - jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam1(jl_typetagof(m.mem)); - if (eltype != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type && !jl_typeis(rhs, eltype)) { - JL_GC_PUSH1(&rhs); - if (!jl_isa(rhs, eltype)) - jl_type_error("memoryrefset!", eltype, rhs); - JL_GC_POP(); - } - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - assert((char*)m.ptr_or_offset - (char*)m.mem->ptr < sizeof(jl_value_t*) * m.mem->length); - jl_atomic_store_release((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m.ptr_or_offset, rhs); - jl_gc_wb(jl_genericmemory_owner(m.mem), rhs); - } - else { - int hasptr; - char *data = (char*)m.ptr_or_offset; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) { - assert(jl_is_uniontype(eltype)); - size_t i = (size_t)data; - assert(i < m.mem->length); - uint8_t *psel = (uint8_t*)jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(m.mem) + i; - unsigned nth = 0; - if (!jl_find_union_component(eltype, jl_typeof(rhs), &nth)) - assert(0 && "invalid genericmemoryset to isbits union"); - *psel = nth; - hasptr = 0; - data = (char*)m.mem->ptr + i * layout->size; - } - else { - hasptr = layout->first_ptr >= 0; - } - if (layout->size != 0) { - assert(data - (char*)m.mem->ptr < layout->size * m.mem->length); - genericmemoryassign_safe(hasptr, jl_genericmemory_owner(m.mem), data, rhs); - } - } -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_memoryrefunset(jl_genericmemoryref_t m) -{ - if (m.mem->length == 0) - jl_bounds_error_int((jl_value_t*)m.mem, 1); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - jl_atomic_store_relaxed((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)m.ptr_or_offset, NULL); - } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - size_t elsize = layout->size; - jl_assume(elsize >= sizeof(void*) && elsize % sizeof(void*) == 0); - memset(m.ptr_or_offset, 0, elsize); - } -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *ijl_genericmemory_owner(jl_genericmemory_t *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - return jl_genericmemory_owner(m); -} -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif diff --git a/src/gf.c b/src/gf.c index f6c9041731082..3caaa71924864 100644 --- a/src/gf.c +++ b/src/gf.c @@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ int jl_foreach_reachable_mtable(int (*visit)(jl_methtable_t *mt, void *env), voi if (mod_array) { JL_GC_PUSH1(&mod_array); int i; - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(mod_array); i++) { + for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(mod_array); i++) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(mod_array, i); assert(jl_is_module(m)); if (m->parent == m) // some toplevel modules (really just Base) aren't actually @@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ static int reset_mt_caches(jl_methtable_t *mt, void *env) // removes all method caches // this might not be entirely safe (GC or MT), thus we only do it very early in bootstrapping if (!mt->frozen) { // make sure not to reset builtin functions - jl_atomic_store_release(&mt->leafcache, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); + jl_atomic_store_release(&mt->leafcache, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); jl_atomic_store_release(&mt->cache, jl_nothing); } jl_typemap_visitor(jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->defs), get_method_unspec_list, env); @@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_set_typeinf_func(jl_value_t *f) JL_GC_PUSH1(&unspec); jl_foreach_reachable_mtable(reset_mt_caches, (void*)unspec); size_t i, l; - for (i = 0, l = jl_array_nrows(unspec); i < l; i++) { + for (i = 0, l = jl_array_len(unspec); i < l; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *mi = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(unspec, i); if (jl_rettype_inferred(mi, world, world) == jl_nothing) jl_type_infer(mi, world, 1); @@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ static int concretesig_equal(jl_value_t *tt, jl_value_t *simplesig) JL_NOTSAFEPO return 1; } -static inline jl_typemap_entry_t *lookup_leafcache(jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *tt, size_t world) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +static inline jl_typemap_entry_t *lookup_leafcache(jl_array_t *leafcache JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *tt, size_t world) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { jl_typemap_entry_t *entry = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)jl_eqtable_get(leafcache, (jl_value_t*)tt, NULL); if (entry) { @@ -1250,7 +1250,7 @@ static jl_method_instance_t *cache_method( int8_t offs = mt ? jl_cachearg_offset(mt) : 1; { // scope block if (mt) { - jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + jl_array_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); jl_typemap_entry_t *entry = lookup_leafcache(leafcache, (jl_value_t*)tt, world); if (entry) return entry->func.linfo; @@ -1316,7 +1316,7 @@ static jl_method_instance_t *cache_method( } else { int unmatched_tvars = 0; - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(temp); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(temp); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_match_t *matc = (jl_method_match_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(temp, i); if (matc->method == definition) @@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ static jl_method_instance_t *cache_method( guardsigs = jl_alloc_svec(guards); temp3 = (jl_value_t*)guardsigs; guards = 0; - for (i = 0, l = jl_array_nrows(temp); i < l; i++) { + for (i = 0, l = jl_array_len(temp); i < l; i++) { jl_method_match_t *matc = (jl_method_match_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(temp, i); jl_method_t *other = matc->method; if (other != definition) { @@ -1430,11 +1430,11 @@ static jl_method_instance_t *cache_method( jl_cache_type_(tt); JL_UNLOCK(&typecache_lock); // Might GC } - jl_genericmemory_t *oldcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + jl_array_t *oldcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); jl_typemap_entry_t *old = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)jl_eqtable_get(oldcache, (jl_value_t*)tt, jl_nothing); jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&newentry->next, old); jl_gc_wb(newentry, old); - jl_genericmemory_t *newcache = jl_eqtable_put(jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache), (jl_value_t*)tt, (jl_value_t*)newentry, NULL); + jl_array_t *newcache = (jl_array_t*)jl_eqtable_put(jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache), (jl_value_t*)tt, (jl_value_t*)newentry, NULL); if (newcache != oldcache) { jl_atomic_store_release(&mt->leafcache, newcache); jl_gc_wb(mt, newcache); @@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ static jl_method_instance_t *jl_mt_assoc_by_type(jl_methtable_t *mt JL_PROPAGATE // caller must hold the mt->writelock assert(tt->isdispatchtuple || tt->hasfreetypevars); if (tt->isdispatchtuple) { - jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + jl_array_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); jl_typemap_entry_t *entry = lookup_leafcache(leafcache, (jl_value_t*)tt, world); if (entry) return entry->func.linfo; @@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ static void invalidate_external(jl_method_instance_t *mi, size_t max_world) { // AbstractInterpreter allows for MethodInstances to be present in non-local caches // inform those caches about the invalidation. JL_TRY { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(callbacks); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(callbacks); jl_value_t **args; JL_GC_PUSHARGS(args, 3); // these arguments are constant per call @@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ static void invalidate_method_instance(void (*f)(jl_code_instance_t*), jl_method if (backedges) { JL_GC_PUSH1(&backedges); replaced->backedges = NULL; - size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_nrows(backedges); + size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_len(backedges); jl_method_instance_t *replaced; while (i < l) { i = get_next_edge(backedges, i, NULL, &replaced); @@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ static void invalidate_backedges(void (*f)(jl_code_instance_t*), jl_method_insta // invalidate callers (if any) replaced_mi->backedges = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH1(&backedges); - size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_nrows(backedges); + size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_len(backedges); jl_method_instance_t *replaced; while (i < l) { i = get_next_edge(backedges, i, NULL, &replaced); @@ -1735,7 +1735,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_instance_add_backedge(jl_method_instance_t *callee, jl_gc_wb(callee, callee->backedges); } else { - size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_nrows(callee->backedges); + size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_len(callee->backedges); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { // optimized version of while (i < l) i = get_next_edge(callee->backedges, i, &invokeTypes, &mi); jl_value_t *mi = jl_array_ptr_ref(callee->backedges, i); @@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_table_add_backedge(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_value_t *t } else { // TODO: use jl_cache_type_(tt) like cache_method does, instead of a linear scan - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(mt->backedges); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(mt->backedges); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { if (jl_types_equal(jl_array_ptr_ref(mt->backedges, i - 1), typ)) { if (jl_array_ptr_ref(mt->backedges, i) == caller) { @@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@ static int invalidate_mt_cache(jl_typemap_entry_t *oldentry, void *closure0) jl_method_instance_t *mi = oldentry->func.linfo; int intersects = 0; jl_method_instance_t **d = (jl_method_instance_t**)jl_array_ptr_data(env->shadowed); - size_t i, n = jl_array_nrows(env->shadowed); + size_t i, n = jl_array_len(env->shadowed); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (mi == d[i]) { intersects = 1; @@ -1882,10 +1882,10 @@ static void jl_method_table_invalidate(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_typemap_entry_t *m mt_cache_env.shadowed = NULL; mt_cache_env.invalidated = 0; jl_typemap_visitor(jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->cache), disable_mt_cache, (void*)&mt_cache_env); - jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); - size_t i, l = leafcache->length; + jl_array_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(leafcache); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { - jl_typemap_entry_t *oldentry = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)jl_genericmemory_ptr_ref(leafcache, i); + jl_typemap_entry_t *oldentry = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(leafcache, i); if (oldentry) { while ((jl_value_t*)oldentry != jl_nothing) { if (oldentry->max_world == ~(size_t)0) @@ -2033,11 +2033,11 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_table_insert(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_method_t *method else { assert(jl_is_array(oldvalue)); d = (jl_method_t**)jl_array_ptr_data(oldvalue); - n = jl_array_nrows(oldvalue); + n = jl_array_len(oldvalue); } if (mt->backedges) { jl_value_t **backedges = jl_array_ptr_data(mt->backedges); - size_t i, na = jl_array_nrows(mt->backedges); + size_t i, na = jl_array_len(mt->backedges); size_t ins = 0; for (i = 1; i < na; i += 2) { jl_value_t *backedgetyp = backedges[i - 1]; @@ -2132,7 +2132,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_table_insert(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_method_t *method // but ignore invoke-type edges jl_array_t *backedges = mi->backedges; if (backedges) { - size_t ib = 0, insb = 0, nb = jl_array_nrows(backedges); + size_t ib = 0, insb = 0, nb = jl_array_len(backedges); jl_value_t *invokeTypes; jl_method_instance_t *caller; while (ib < nb) { @@ -2168,7 +2168,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_table_insert(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_method_t *method } } } - if (jl_array_nrows(oldmi)) { + if (jl_array_len(oldmi)) { // search mt->cache and leafcache and drop anything that might overlap with the new method // this is very cheap, so we don't mind being fairly conservative at over-approximating this struct invalidate_mt_env mt_cache_env; @@ -2178,10 +2178,10 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_table_insert(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_method_t *method mt_cache_env.invalidated = 0; jl_typemap_visitor(jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->cache), invalidate_mt_cache, (void*)&mt_cache_env); - jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); - size_t i, l = leafcache->length; + jl_array_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(leafcache); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { - jl_value_t *entry = jl_genericmemory_ptr_ref(leafcache, i); + jl_value_t *entry = jl_array_ptr_ref(leafcache, i); if (entry) { while (entry != jl_nothing) { invalidate_mt_cache((jl_typemap_entry_t*)entry, (void*)&mt_cache_env); @@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ jl_method_instance_t *jl_method_lookup(jl_value_t **args, size_t nargs, size_t w if (entry) return entry->func.linfo; jl_tupletype_t *tt = arg_type_tuple(args[0], &args[1], nargs); - jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + jl_array_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); entry = lookup_leafcache(leafcache, (jl_value_t*)tt, world); if (entry) return entry->func.linfo; @@ -2699,7 +2699,7 @@ jl_method_instance_t *jl_get_specialization1(jl_tupletype_t *types JL_PROPAGATES *min_valid = min_valid2; if (*max_valid > max_valid2) *max_valid = max_valid2; - if (matches == jl_nothing || jl_array_nrows(matches) != 1 || ambig) + if (matches == jl_nothing || jl_array_len(matches) != 1 || ambig) return NULL; JL_GC_PUSH1(&matches); jl_method_match_t *match = (jl_method_match_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(matches, 0); @@ -2725,7 +2725,7 @@ static jl_method_instance_t *jl_get_compile_hint_specialization(jl_tupletype_t * *min_valid = min_valid2; if (*max_valid > max_valid2) *max_valid = max_valid2; - size_t i, n = jl_array_nrows(matches); + size_t i, n = jl_array_len(matches); if (n == 0) return NULL; JL_GC_PUSH1(&matches); @@ -3029,9 +3029,9 @@ STATIC_INLINE jl_method_instance_t *jl_lookup_generic_(jl_value_t *F, jl_value_t // if no method was found in the associative cache, check the full cache JL_TIMING(METHOD_LOOKUP_FAST, METHOD_LOOKUP_FAST); mt = jl_gf_mtable(F); - jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + jl_array_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); entry = NULL; - if (leafcache != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any && + if (leafcache != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any && jl_typetagis(jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->cache), jl_typemap_level_type)) { // hashing args is expensive, but looking at mt->cache is probably even more expensive tt = lookup_arg_type_tuple(F, args, nargs); @@ -3115,7 +3115,7 @@ static jl_method_match_t *_gf_invoke_lookup(jl_value_t *types JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT if (mt == jl_nothing) mt = NULL; jl_value_t *matches = ml_matches((jl_methtable_t*)mt, (jl_tupletype_t*)types, 1, 0, 0, world, 1, min_valid, max_valid, NULL); - if (matches == jl_nothing || jl_array_nrows(matches) != 1) + if (matches == jl_nothing || jl_array_len(matches) != 1) return NULL; jl_method_match_t *matc = (jl_method_match_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(matches, 0); return matc; @@ -3230,8 +3230,7 @@ jl_function_t *jl_new_generic_function_with_supertype(jl_sym_t *name, jl_module_ jl_gc_wb(ftype->name->mt, name); jl_set_const(module, tname, (jl_value_t*)ftype); jl_value_t *f = jl_new_struct(ftype); - ftype->instance = f; - jl_gc_wb(ftype, f); + ftype->instance = f; jl_gc_wb(ftype, f); JL_GC_POP(); return (jl_function_t*)f; } @@ -3306,7 +3305,7 @@ static int ml_matches_visitor(jl_typemap_entry_t *ml, struct typemap_intersectio closure->matc = make_method_match((jl_tupletype_t*)closure->match.ti, closure->match.env, meth, closure->match.issubty ? FULLY_COVERS : NOT_FULLY_COVERS); - size_t len = jl_array_nrows(closure->t); + size_t len = jl_array_len(closure->t); if (len == 0) { closure->t = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_vec_any(1); jl_array_ptr_set(closure->t, 0, (jl_value_t*)closure->matc); @@ -3393,7 +3392,7 @@ static int sort_mlmatches(jl_array_t *t, size_t idx, arraylist_t *visited, array // First visit all "strong" edges where the child is definitely better. // This likely won't hit any cycles, but might (because morespecific is not transitive). // Along the way, record if we hit any ambiguities-we may need to track those later. - for (size_t childidx = 0; childidx < jl_array_nrows(t); childidx++) { + for (size_t childidx = 0; childidx < jl_array_len(t); childidx++) { if (childidx == idx) continue; int child_cycle = (size_t)visited->items[childidx]; @@ -3638,7 +3637,7 @@ static jl_value_t *ml_matches(jl_methtable_t *mt, if (mt) { // check the leaf cache if this type can be in there if (((jl_datatype_t*)unw)->isdispatchtuple) { - jl_genericmemory_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); + jl_array_t *leafcache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&mt->leafcache); jl_typemap_entry_t *entry = lookup_leafcache(leafcache, (jl_value_t*)type, world); if (entry) { jl_method_instance_t *mi = entry->func.linfo; @@ -3709,7 +3708,7 @@ static jl_value_t *ml_matches(jl_methtable_t *mt, *max_valid = env.match.max_valid; // done with many of these values now env.match.ti = NULL; env.matc = NULL; env.match.env = NULL; search.env = NULL; - size_t i, j, len = jl_array_nrows(env.t); + size_t i, j, len = jl_array_len(env.t); jl_method_match_t *minmax = NULL; int minmax_ambig = 0; int all_subtypes = 1; @@ -3855,7 +3854,7 @@ static jl_value_t *ml_matches(jl_methtable_t *mt, jl_method_match_t *matc = (jl_method_match_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(env.t, idx); jl_method_t *m = matc->method; int subt = matc->fully_covers == FULLY_COVERS; // jl_subtype((jl_value_t*)type, (jl_value_t*)m->sig) - for (size_t idx2 = 0; idx2 < jl_array_nrows(env.t); idx2++) { + for (size_t idx2 = 0; idx2 < jl_array_len(env.t); idx2++) { if (idx2 == idx) continue; // laborious test, checking for existence and coverage of another method (m3) @@ -3937,7 +3936,7 @@ static jl_value_t *ml_matches(jl_methtable_t *mt, arraylist_push(&result, minmax); j++; } - memcpy(jl_array_data(env.t, jl_method_match_t*), result.items, j * sizeof(jl_method_match_t*)); + memcpy(jl_array_data(env.t), result.items, j * sizeof(jl_method_match_t*)); arraylist_free(&result); if (j != len) jl_array_del_end((jl_array_t*)env.t, len - j); diff --git a/src/iddict.c b/src/iddict.c index 43ce6c7aa7377..1fa8a67d1ae96 100644 --- a/src/iddict.c +++ b/src/iddict.c @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ // This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license -#define hash_size(h) (h->length / 2) +#define hash_size(h) (jl_array_len(h) / 2) // compute empirical max-probe for a given size #define max_probe(size) ((size) <= 1024 ? 16 : (size) >> 6) @@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ #define keyhash(k) jl_object_id_(jl_typeof(k), k) #define h2index(hv, sz) (size_t)(((hv) & ((sz)-1)) * 2) -static inline int jl_table_assign_bp(jl_genericmemory_t **pa, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val); +static inline int jl_table_assign_bp(jl_array_t **pa, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_idtable_rehash(jl_genericmemory_t *a, size_t newsz) +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_idtable_rehash(jl_array_t *a, size_t newsz) { - size_t sz = a->length; + size_t sz = jl_array_len(a); size_t i; - jl_value_t **ol = (jl_value_t **) a->ptr; - jl_genericmemory_t *newa = jl_alloc_memory_any(newsz); - // keep the original memory in the original slot since we need `ol` + jl_value_t **ol = (jl_value_t **)a->data; + jl_array_t *newa = jl_alloc_vec_any(newsz); + // keep the original array in the original slot since we need `ol` // to be valid in the loop below. JL_GC_PUSH2(&newa, &a); for (i = 0; i < sz; i += 2) { @@ -30,20 +30,20 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_idtable_rehash(jl_genericmemory_t *a, size_t return newa; } -static inline int jl_table_assign_bp(jl_genericmemory_t **pa, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val) +static inline int jl_table_assign_bp(jl_array_t **pa, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val) { // pa points to a **un**rooted address uint_t hv; - jl_genericmemory_t *a = *pa; + jl_array_t *a = *pa; size_t orig, index, iter, empty_slot; size_t newsz, sz = hash_size(a); if (sz == 0) { - a = jl_alloc_memory_any(HT_N_INLINE); + a = jl_alloc_vec_any(HT_N_INLINE); sz = hash_size(a); *pa = a; } size_t maxprobe = max_probe(sz); - _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *tab = (_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*) a->ptr; + _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *tab = (_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)a->data; hv = keyhash(key); while (1) { @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static inline int jl_table_assign_bp(jl_genericmemory_t **pa, jl_value_t *key, j /* quadruple size, rehash, retry the insert */ /* it's important to grow the table really fast; otherwise we waste */ /* lots of time rehashing all the keys over and over. */ - sz = a -> length; + sz = jl_array_len(a); if (sz < HT_N_INLINE) newsz = HT_N_INLINE; else if (sz >= (1 << 19) || (sz <= (1 << 8))) @@ -102,20 +102,20 @@ static inline int jl_table_assign_bp(jl_genericmemory_t **pa, jl_value_t *key, j *pa = jl_idtable_rehash(*pa, newsz); a = *pa; - tab = (_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*) a->ptr; + tab = (_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)a->data; sz = hash_size(a); maxprobe = max_probe(sz); } } /* returns bp if key is in hash, otherwise NULL */ -inline _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *jl_table_peek_bp(jl_genericmemory_t *a, jl_value_t *key) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +inline _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *jl_table_peek_bp(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *key) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { size_t sz = hash_size(a); if (sz == 0) return NULL; size_t maxprobe = max_probe(sz); - _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *tab = (_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*) a->ptr; + _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *tab = (_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)a->data; uint_t hv = keyhash(key); size_t index = h2index(hv, sz); sz *= 2; @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ inline _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *jl_table_peek_bp(jl_genericmemory_t *a, jl_value_t } JL_DLLEXPORT -jl_genericmemory_t *jl_eqtable_put(jl_genericmemory_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val, int *p_inserted) +jl_array_t *jl_eqtable_put(jl_array_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val, int *p_inserted) { int inserted = jl_table_assign_bp(&h, key, val); if (p_inserted) @@ -153,20 +153,20 @@ jl_genericmemory_t *jl_eqtable_put(jl_genericmemory_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_va // Note: lookup in the IdDict is permitted concurrently, if you avoid deletions, // and assuming you do use an external lock around all insertions JL_DLLEXPORT -jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_get(jl_genericmemory_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_get(jl_array_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *bp = jl_table_peek_bp(h, key); return (bp == NULL) ? deflt : jl_atomic_load_relaxed(bp); } -jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_getkey(jl_genericmemory_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_getkey(jl_array_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *bp = jl_table_peek_bp(h, key); return (bp == NULL) ? deflt : jl_atomic_load_relaxed(bp - 1); } JL_DLLEXPORT -jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_pop(jl_genericmemory_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt, int *found) +jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_pop(jl_array_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt, int *found) { _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *bp = jl_table_peek_bp(h, key); if (found) @@ -180,12 +180,12 @@ jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_pop(jl_genericmemory_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *d } JL_DLLEXPORT -size_t jl_eqtable_nextind(jl_genericmemory_t *t, size_t i) +size_t jl_eqtable_nextind(jl_array_t *t, size_t i) { if (i & 1) i++; - size_t alen = t->length; - while (i < alen && ((void**) t->ptr)[i + 1] == NULL) + size_t alen = jl_array_dim0(t); + while (i < alen && ((void **)t->data)[i + 1] == NULL) i += 2; if (i >= alen) return (size_t)-1; diff --git a/src/init.c b/src/init.c index fef3e73bd2d06..a046b4e6dcb21 100644 --- a/src/init.c +++ b/src/init.c @@ -850,18 +850,21 @@ static NOINLINE void _finish_julia_init(JL_IMAGE_SEARCH rel, jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_ jl_options.cpu_target = "native"; jl_init_codegen(); - jl_init_common_symbols(); if (jl_options.image_file) { jl_restore_system_image(jl_options.image_file); } else { jl_init_types(); - jl_global_roots_table = jl_alloc_memory_any(0); + jl_global_roots_table = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); } + jl_init_common_symbols(); jl_init_flisp(); jl_init_serializer(); if (!jl_options.image_file) { + jl_core_module = jl_new_module(jl_symbol("Core"), NULL); + jl_core_module->parent = jl_core_module; + jl_type_typename->mt->module = jl_core_module; jl_top_module = jl_core_module; jl_init_intrinsic_functions(); jl_init_primitives(); @@ -889,7 +892,7 @@ static NOINLINE void _finish_julia_init(JL_IMAGE_SEARCH rel, jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_ jl_array_t *init_order = jl_module_init_order; JL_GC_PUSH1(&init_order); jl_module_init_order = NULL; - int i, l = jl_array_nrows(init_order); + int i, l = jl_array_len(init_order); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *mod = jl_array_ptr_ref(init_order, i); jl_module_run_initializer((jl_module_t*)mod); diff --git a/src/interpreter.c b/src/interpreter.c index 573b4f81f8ff4..4192ee9c9ca45 100644 --- a/src/interpreter.c +++ b/src/interpreter.c @@ -161,12 +161,12 @@ jl_value_t *jl_eval_globalref(jl_globalref_t *g) static int jl_source_nslots(jl_code_info_t *src) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return jl_array_nrows(src->slotflags); + return jl_array_len(src->slotflags); } static int jl_source_nssavalues(jl_code_info_t *src) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return jl_is_long(src->ssavaluetypes) ? jl_unbox_long(src->ssavaluetypes) : jl_array_nrows(src->ssavaluetypes); + return jl_is_long(src->ssavaluetypes) ? jl_unbox_long(src->ssavaluetypes) : jl_array_len(src->ssavaluetypes); } static void eval_stmt_value(jl_value_t *stmt, interpreter_state *s) @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ static jl_value_t *eval_value(jl_value_t *e, interpreter_state *s) return e; jl_expr_t *ex = (jl_expr_t*)e; jl_value_t **args = jl_array_ptr_data(ex->args); - size_t nargs = jl_array_nrows(ex->args); + size_t nargs = jl_array_len(ex->args); jl_sym_t *head = ex->head; if (head == jl_call_sym) { return do_call(args, nargs, s); @@ -386,8 +386,8 @@ static size_t eval_phi(jl_array_t *stmts, interpreter_state *s, size_t ns, size_ // %2 = phi ... // %3 = phi (1)[1 => %a], (2)[2 => %b] // from = 1, to = closest = 2, i = 1 --> edge = 2, edge_from = 2, from = 2 - for (unsigned j = 0; j < jl_array_nrows(edges); ++j) { - size_t edge_from = jl_array_data(edges, int32_t)[j]; // 1-indexed + for (unsigned j = 0; j < jl_array_len(edges); ++j) { + size_t edge_from = ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(edges))[j]; // 1-indexed if (edge_from == from + 1) { if (edge == -1) edge = j; @@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ static size_t eval_phi(jl_array_t *stmts, interpreter_state *s, size_t ns, size_ static jl_value_t *eval_body(jl_array_t *stmts, interpreter_state *s, size_t ip, int toplevel) { jl_handler_t __eh; - size_t ns = jl_array_nrows(stmts); + size_t ns = jl_array_len(stmts); jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; while (1) { @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ static jl_value_t *eval_body(jl_array_t *stmts, interpreter_state *s, size_t ip, if (!jl_is_phicnode(phicnode)) break; jl_array_t *values = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(phicnode, 0); - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(values); ++i) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(values); ++i) { jl_value_t *val = jl_array_ptr_ref(values, i); assert(jl_is_ssavalue(val)); size_t upsilon = ((jl_ssavalue_t*)val)->id - 1; diff --git a/src/intrinsics.cpp b/src/intrinsics.cpp index b4d493ee80800..672d5a4821156 100644 --- a/src/intrinsics.cpp +++ b/src/intrinsics.cpp @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ STATISTIC(EmittedCoercedUnboxes, "Number of unbox coercions emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedUnboxes, "Number of unboxes emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedRuntimeCalls, "Number of runtime intrinsic calls emitted"); STATISTIC(EmittedIntrinsics, "Number of intrinsic calls emitted"); +STATISTIC(Emitted_arraylen, "Number of arraylen calls emitted"); STATISTIC(Emitted_pointerref, "Number of pointerref calls emitted"); STATISTIC(Emitted_pointerset, "Number of pointerset calls emitted"); STATISTIC(Emitted_atomic_fence, "Number of atomic_fence calls emitted"); @@ -244,8 +245,8 @@ static Constant *julia_const_to_llvm(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const void *ptr, jl_data if (jl_is_uniontype(ft)) { // compute the same type layout as julia_struct_to_llvm size_t fsz = 0, al = 0; - (void)jl_islayout_inline(ft, &fsz, &al); // compute al - fsz = jl_field_size(bt, i); // get LLT_ALIGN(fsz+1,al) + (void)jl_islayout_inline(ft, &fsz, &al); + fsz = jl_field_size(bt, i); uint8_t sel = ((const uint8_t*)ptr)[offs + fsz - 1]; jl_value_t *active_ty = jl_nth_union_component(ft, sel); size_t active_sz = jl_datatype_size(active_ty); @@ -536,7 +537,7 @@ static jl_cgval_t generic_bitcast(jl_codectx_t &ctx, const jl_cgval_t *argv) } else { Value *size = emit_datatype_size(ctx, typ); - auto sizecheck = ctx.builder.CreateICmpEQ(size, ConstantInt::get(size->getType(), nb)); + auto sizecheck = ctx.builder.CreateICmpEQ(size, ConstantInt::get(getInt32Ty(ctx.builder.getContext()), nb)); setName(ctx.emission_context, sizecheck, "sizecheck"); error_unless(ctx, sizecheck, @@ -1206,6 +1207,15 @@ static jl_cgval_t emit_intrinsic(jl_codectx_t &ctx, intrinsic f, jl_value_t **ar // return emit_runtime_call(ctx, f, argv, nargs); switch (f) { + case arraylen: { + ++Emitted_arraylen; + assert(nargs == 1); + const jl_cgval_t &x = argv[0]; + jl_value_t *typ = jl_unwrap_unionall(x.typ); + if (!jl_is_datatype(typ) || ((jl_datatype_t*)typ)->name != jl_array_typename) + return emit_runtime_call(ctx, f, argv.data(), nargs); + return mark_julia_type(ctx, emit_arraylen(ctx, x), false, jl_long_type); + } case pointerref: ++Emitted_pointerref; assert(nargs == 3); diff --git a/src/intrinsics.h b/src/intrinsics.h index 805aa914b5366..93747faa74160 100644 --- a/src/intrinsics.h +++ b/src/intrinsics.h @@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ /* c interface */ \ ADD_I(cglobal, 2) \ ALIAS(llvmcall, llvmcall) \ + /* object access */ \ + ADD_I(arraylen, 1) \ /* cpu feature tests */ \ ADD_I(have_fma, 1) \ /* hidden intrinsics */ \ diff --git a/src/ircode.c b/src/ircode.c index e660b8a463aa0..508326c96314a 100644 --- a/src/ircode.c +++ b/src/ircode.c @@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ jl_value_t *jl_deser_symbol(uint8_t tag) // --- encoding --- -static void jl_encode_value_(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v, int as_literal) JL_GC_DISABLED; #define jl_encode_value(s, v) jl_encode_value_((s), (jl_value_t*)(v), 0) static void tagged_root(rle_reference *rr, jl_ircode_state *s, int i) @@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ static void tagged_root(rle_reference *rr, jl_ircode_state *s, int i) static void literal_val_id(rle_reference *rr, jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v) JL_GC_DISABLED { jl_array_t *rs = s->method->roots; - int i, l = jl_array_nrows(rs); + int i, l = jl_array_len(rs); if (jl_is_symbol(v) || jl_is_concrete_type(v)) { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (jl_array_ptr_ref(rs, i) == v) @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ static void literal_val_id(rle_reference *rr, jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v) } } jl_add_method_root(s->method, jl_precompile_toplevel_module, v); - return tagged_root(rr, s, jl_array_nrows(rs) - 1); + return tagged_root(rr, s, jl_array_len(rs) - 1); } static void jl_encode_int32(jl_ircode_state *s, int32_t x) @@ -122,44 +121,6 @@ static void jl_encode_as_indexed_root(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v) } } -static void jl_encode_memory_slice(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_genericmemory_t *mem, size_t offset, size_t len) JL_GC_DISABLED -{ - jl_datatype_t *t = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(mem); - size_t i; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = t->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - jl_value_t *e = jl_genericmemory_ptr_ref(mem, offset + i); - jl_encode_value(s, e); - } - } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - uint16_t elsz = layout->size; - size_t j, np = layout->npointers; - const char *data = (const char*)mem->ptr + offset * elsz; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - const char *start = data; - for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { - uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset(t, j); - const jl_value_t *const *fld = &((const jl_value_t *const *)data)[ptr]; - if ((const char*)fld != start) - ios_write(s->s, start, (const char*)fld - start); - JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(*fld); - jl_encode_value(s, *fld); - start = (const char*)&fld[1]; - } - data += elsz; - if (data != start) - ios_write(s->s, start, data - start); - } - } - else { - ios_write(s->s, (char*)mem->ptr + offset * layout->size, len * layout->size); - if (jl_genericmemory_isbitsunion(mem)) - ios_write(s->s, jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(mem) + offset, len); - } -} - static void jl_encode_value_(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v, int as_literal) JL_GC_DISABLED { size_t i; @@ -242,7 +203,7 @@ static void jl_encode_value_(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v, int as_literal) } else if (jl_is_expr(v)) { jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)v; - size_t l = jl_array_nrows(e->args); + size_t l = jl_array_len(e->args); if (e->head == jl_call_sym) { if (l == 2) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_CALL1); @@ -274,31 +235,31 @@ static void jl_encode_value_(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v, int as_literal) else if (jl_is_phinode(v)) { jl_array_t *edges = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(v, 0); jl_array_t *values = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(v, 1); - size_t l = jl_array_nrows(edges); - if (l <= 255 && jl_array_nrows(values) == l) { + size_t l = jl_array_len(edges); + if (l <= 255 && jl_array_len(values) == l) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_PHINODE); write_uint8(s->s, (uint8_t)l); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_LONG_PHINODE); write_int32(s->s, l); - write_int32(s->s, jl_array_nrows(values)); + write_int32(s->s, jl_array_len(values)); } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { - int32_t e = jl_array_data(edges, int32_t)[i]; + int32_t e = ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(edges))[i]; if (e <= 20) jl_encode_value(s, jl_box_int32(e)); else jl_encode_int32(s, e); } - l = jl_array_nrows(values); + l = jl_array_len(values); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_encode_value(s, jl_array_ptr_ref(values, i)); } } else if (jl_is_phicnode(v)) { jl_array_t *values = (jl_array_t*)jl_fieldref_noalloc(v, 0); - size_t l = jl_array_nrows(values); + size_t l = jl_array_len(values); if (l <= 255) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_PHICNODE); write_uint8(s->s, (uint8_t)l); @@ -376,34 +337,52 @@ static void jl_encode_value_(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *v, int as_literal) } else if (as_literal && jl_is_array(v)) { jl_array_t *ar = (jl_array_t*)v; - if (jl_array_ndims(ar) == 1) { + jl_value_t *et = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(ar)); + int isunion = jl_is_uniontype(et); + if (ar->flags.ndims == 1 && ar->elsize <= 0x1f) { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_ARRAY1D); + write_uint8(s->s, (ar->flags.ptrarray << 7) | (ar->flags.hasptr << 6) | (isunion << 5) | (ar->elsize & 0x1f)); } else { write_uint8(s->s, TAG_ARRAY); - write_uint16(s->s, jl_array_ndims(ar)); + write_uint16(s->s, ar->flags.ndims); + write_uint16(s->s, (ar->flags.ptrarray << 15) | (ar->flags.hasptr << 14) | (isunion << 13) | (ar->elsize & 0x1fff)); } - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_ndims(ar); i++) - jl_encode_value(s, jl_box_long(jl_array_dim(ar, i))); + for (i = 0; i < ar->flags.ndims; i++) + jl_encode_value(s, jl_box_long(jl_array_dim(ar,i))); jl_encode_value(s, jl_typeof(ar)); size_t l = jl_array_len(ar); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(ar->ref.mem))->layout; - size_t offset; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) - offset = (uintptr_t)ar->ref.ptr_or_offset; - else - offset = (char*)ar->ref.ptr_or_offset - (char*)ar->ref.mem->ptr; - jl_encode_memory_slice(s, ar->ref.mem, offset, l); - } - else if (as_literal && jl_is_genericmemory(v)) { - jl_genericmemory_t* m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)v; - write_uint8(s->s, TAG_MEMORYT); - jl_encode_value(s, (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(v)); - jl_encode_value(s, jl_box_long(m->length)); - jl_encode_memory_slice(s, m, 0, m->length); - } - else if (as_literal && jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v))->layout)) { - assert(0 && "not legal to store this as literal"); + if (ar->flags.ptrarray) { + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + jl_value_t *e = jl_array_ptr_ref(v, i); + jl_encode_value(s, e); + } + } + else if (ar->flags.hasptr) { + const char *data = (const char*)jl_array_data(ar); + uint16_t elsz = ar->elsize; + size_t j, np = ((jl_datatype_t*)et)->layout->npointers; + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + const char *start = data; + for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { + uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset((jl_datatype_t*)et, j); + const jl_value_t *const *fld = &((const jl_value_t *const *)data)[ptr]; + if ((const char*)fld != start) + ios_write(s->s, start, (const char*)fld - start); + JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(*fld); + jl_encode_value(s, *fld); + start = (const char*)&fld[1]; + } + data += elsz; + if (data != start) + ios_write(s->s, start, data - start); + } + } + else { + ios_write(s->s, (char*)jl_array_data(ar), l * ar->elsize); + if (jl_array_isbitsunion(ar)) + ios_write(s->s, jl_array_typetagdata(ar), l); + } } else if (as_literal || jl_is_uniontype(v) || jl_is_newvarnode(v) || jl_is_linenode(v) || jl_is_upsilonnode(v) || jl_is_pinode(v) || jl_is_slotnumber(v) || jl_is_ssavalue(v) || @@ -487,27 +466,52 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_svec(jl_ircode_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_D return (jl_value_t*)sv; } -static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_memory(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *mty, size_t nel) JL_GC_DISABLED +static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_array(jl_ircode_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_DISABLED { - jl_genericmemory_t *m = jl_alloc_genericmemory(mty, nel); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)mty)->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - jl_value_t **data = (jl_value_t**)m->ptr; - size_t i, numel = m->length; + int16_t i, ndims; + int isptr, isunion, hasptr, elsize; + if (tag == TAG_ARRAY1D) { + ndims = 1; + elsize = read_uint8(s->s); + isptr = (elsize >> 7) & 1; + hasptr = (elsize >> 6) & 1; + isunion = (elsize >> 5) & 1; + elsize = elsize & 0x1f; + } + else { + ndims = read_uint16(s->s); + elsize = read_uint16(s->s); + isptr = (elsize >> 15) & 1; + hasptr = (elsize >> 14) & 1; + isunion = (elsize >> 13) & 1; + elsize = elsize & 0x1fff; + } + size_t *dims = (size_t*)alloca(ndims * sizeof(size_t)); + for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { + dims[i] = jl_unbox_long(jl_decode_value(s)); + } + jl_array_t *a = jl_new_array_for_deserialization( + (jl_value_t*)NULL, ndims, dims, !isptr, hasptr, isunion, elsize); + jl_value_t *aty = jl_decode_value(s); + jl_set_typeof(a, aty); + if (a->flags.ptrarray) { + jl_value_t **data = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(a); + size_t i, numel = jl_array_len(a); for (i = 0; i < numel; i++) { data[i] = jl_decode_value(s); } - assert(jl_astaggedvalue(m)->bits.gc == GC_CLEAN); // gc is disabled - } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - size_t i, numel = m->length; - char *data = (char*)m->ptr; - uint16_t elsz = layout->size; - size_t j, np = layout->npointers; + assert(jl_astaggedvalue(a)->bits.gc == GC_CLEAN); // gc is disabled + } + else if (a->flags.hasptr) { + size_t i, numel = jl_array_len(a); + char *data = (char*)jl_array_data(a); + uint16_t elsz = a->elsize; + jl_datatype_t *et = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a)); + size_t j, np = et->layout->npointers; for (i = 0; i < numel; i++) { char *start = data; for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { - uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset((jl_datatype_t*)mty, j); + uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset(et, j); jl_value_t **fld = &((jl_value_t**)data)[ptr]; if ((char*)fld != start) ios_readall(s->s, start, (const char*)fld - start); @@ -518,39 +522,13 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_memory(jl_ircode_state *s, jl_value_t *mty, s if (data != start) ios_readall(s->s, start, data - start); } - assert(jl_astaggedvalue(m)->bits.gc == GC_CLEAN); // gc is disabled + assert(jl_astaggedvalue(a)->bits.gc == GC_CLEAN); // gc is disabled } else { - size_t extra = jl_genericmemory_isbitsunion(m) ? m->length : 0; - size_t tot = m->length * layout->size + extra; - ios_readall(s->s, (char*)m->ptr, tot); + size_t extra = jl_array_isbitsunion(a) ? jl_array_len(a) : 0; + size_t tot = jl_array_len(a) * a->elsize + extra; + ios_readall(s->s, (char*)jl_array_data(a), tot); } - return (jl_value_t*)m; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_nd(jl_value_t *atype, size_t *dims, size_t ndims); - -static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_array(jl_ircode_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_DISABLED -{ - int16_t i, ndims; - if (tag == TAG_ARRAY1D) - ndims = 1; - else - ndims = read_uint16(s->s); - size_t *dims = (size_t*)alloca(ndims * sizeof(size_t)); - size_t len = 1; - for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) { - dims[i] = jl_unbox_long(jl_decode_value(s)); - len *= dims[i]; - } - jl_value_t *aty = jl_decode_value(s); - jl_array_t *a = jl_alloc_array_nd(aty, dims, ndims); - a->ref.mem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_decode_value_memory(s, jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)jl_field_type_concrete((jl_datatype_t*)aty, 0), 1), len); - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(a->ref.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = (void*)0; - else - a->ref.ptr_or_offset = a->ref.mem->ptr; return (jl_value_t*)a; } @@ -575,7 +553,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_expr(jl_ircode_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_D if (head == NULL) head = (jl_sym_t*)jl_decode_value(s); jl_expr_t *e = jl_exprn(head, len); - jl_value_t **data = jl_array_ptr_data(e->args); + jl_value_t **data = (jl_value_t**)(e->args->data); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = jl_decode_value(s); } @@ -595,11 +573,11 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_phi(jl_ircode_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_DI jl_array_t *e = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, len_e); jl_array_t *v = jl_alloc_vec_any(len_v); jl_value_t *phi = jl_new_struct(jl_phinode_type, e, v); - int32_t *data_e = jl_array_data(e, int32_t); + int32_t *data_e = (int32_t*)(e->data); for (i = 0; i < len_e; i++) { data_e[i] = jl_unbox_int32(jl_decode_value(s)); } - jl_value_t **data_v = jl_array_ptr_data(v); + jl_value_t **data_v = (jl_value_t**)(v->data); for (i = 0; i < len_v; i++) { data_v[i] = jl_decode_value(s); } @@ -615,7 +593,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value_phic(jl_ircode_state *s, uint8_t tag) JL_GC_D len = read_int32(s->s); jl_array_t *v = jl_alloc_vec_any(len); jl_value_t *phic = jl_new_struct(jl_phicnode_type, v); - jl_value_t **data = jl_array_ptr_data(v); + jl_value_t **data = (jl_value_t**)(v->data); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { data[i] = jl_decode_value(s); } @@ -700,8 +678,6 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_decode_value(jl_ircode_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED return v; case TAG_ARRAY: JL_FALLTHROUGH; case TAG_ARRAY1D: return jl_decode_value_array(s, tag); - case TAG_MEMORYT: - return jl_decode_value_memory(s, jl_decode_value(s), jl_unbox_long(jl_decode_value(s))); case TAG_EXPR: JL_FALLTHROUGH; case TAG_LONG_EXPR: JL_FALLTHROUGH; case TAG_CALL1: JL_FALLTHROUGH; @@ -816,10 +792,10 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_string_t *jl_compress_ir(jl_method_t *m, jl_code_info_t *code) write_uint8(s.s, code->purity.bits); write_uint16(s.s, code->inlining_cost); - size_t nslots = jl_array_nrows(code->slotflags); + size_t nslots = jl_array_len(code->slotflags); assert(nslots >= m->nargs && nslots < INT32_MAX); // required by generated functions write_int32(s.s, nslots); - ios_write(s.s, jl_array_data(code->slotflags, const char), nslots); + ios_write(s.s, (char*)jl_array_data(code->slotflags), nslots); // N.B.: The layout of everything before this point is explicitly referenced // by the various jl_ir_ accessors. Make sure to adjust those if you change @@ -849,20 +825,20 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_string_t *jl_compress_ir(jl_method_t *m, jl_code_info_t *code) else jl_encode_value(&s, jl_nothing); - size_t nstmt = jl_array_nrows(code->code); - assert(nstmt == jl_array_nrows(code->codelocs)); - if (jl_array_nrows(code->linetable) < 256) { + size_t nstmt = jl_array_len(code->code); + assert(nstmt == jl_array_len(code->codelocs)); + if (jl_array_len(code->linetable) < 256) { for (i = 0; i < nstmt; i++) { - write_uint8(s.s, jl_array_data(code->codelocs, int32_t)[i]); + write_uint8(s.s, ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs))[i]); } } - else if (jl_array_nrows(code->linetable) < 65536) { + else if (jl_array_len(code->linetable) < 65536) { for (i = 0; i < nstmt; i++) { - write_uint16(s.s, jl_array_data(code->codelocs, int32_t)[i]); + write_uint16(s.s, ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs))[i]); } } else { - ios_write(s.s, (char*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs, int32_t), nstmt * sizeof(int32_t)); + ios_write(s.s, (char*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs), nstmt * sizeof(int32_t)); } write_uint8(s.s, s.relocatability); @@ -870,7 +846,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_string_t *jl_compress_ir(jl_method_t *m, jl_code_info_t *code) ios_flush(s.s); jl_string_t *v = jl_pchar_to_string(s.s->buf, s.s->size); ios_close(s.s); - if (jl_array_nrows(m->roots) == 0) { + if (jl_array_len(m->roots) == 0) { m->roots = NULL; } JL_GC_PUSH1(&v); @@ -916,7 +892,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_code_info_t *jl_uncompress_ir(jl_method_t *m, jl_code_instance_t size_t nslots = read_int32(&src); code->slotflags = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint8_type, nslots); - ios_readall(s.s, jl_array_data(code->slotflags, char), nslots); + ios_readall(s.s, (char*)jl_array_data(code->slotflags), nslots); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (i == 1) // skip codelocs @@ -933,20 +909,20 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_code_info_t *jl_uncompress_ir(jl_method_t *m, jl_code_instance_t slotnames = m->slot_syms; code->slotnames = jl_uncompress_argnames(slotnames); - size_t nstmt = jl_array_nrows(code->code); + size_t nstmt = jl_array_len(code->code); code->codelocs = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, nstmt); - if (jl_array_nrows(code->linetable) < 256) { + if (jl_array_len(code->linetable) < 256) { for (i = 0; i < nstmt; i++) { - jl_array_data(code->codelocs, int32_t)[i] = read_uint8(s.s); + ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs))[i] = read_uint8(s.s); } } - else if (jl_array_nrows(code->linetable) < 65536) { + else if (jl_array_len(code->linetable) < 65536) { for (i = 0; i < nstmt; i++) { - jl_array_data(code->codelocs, int32_t)[i] = read_uint16(s.s); + ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs))[i] = read_uint16(s.s); } } else { - ios_readall(s.s, (char*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs, int32_t), nstmt * sizeof(int32_t)); + ios_readall(s.s, (char*)jl_array_data(code->codelocs), nstmt * sizeof(int32_t)); } (void) read_uint8(s.s); // relocatability @@ -1008,7 +984,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT uint16_t jl_ir_inlining_cost(jl_string_t *data) JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_compress_argnames(jl_array_t *syms) { - size_t nsyms = jl_array_nrows(syms); + size_t nsyms = jl_array_len(syms); size_t i, len = 0; for (i = 0; i < nsyms; i++) { jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(syms, i); @@ -1036,7 +1012,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT ssize_t jl_ir_nslots(jl_value_t *data) { if (jl_is_code_info(data)) { jl_code_info_t *func = (jl_code_info_t*)data; - return jl_array_nrows(func->slotnames); + return jl_array_len(func->slotnames); } else { assert(jl_is_string(data)); @@ -1048,10 +1024,8 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT ssize_t jl_ir_nslots(jl_value_t *data) JL_DLLEXPORT uint8_t jl_ir_slotflag(jl_string_t *data, size_t i) { assert(i < jl_ir_nslots(data)); - if (jl_is_code_info(data)) { - jl_array_t *slotflags = ((jl_code_info_t*)data)->slotflags; - return jl_array_data(slotflags, uint8_t)[i]; - } + if (jl_is_code_info(data)) + return ((uint8_t*)((jl_code_info_t*)data)->slotflags->data)[i]; assert(jl_is_string(data)); return jl_string_data(data)[2 + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(int32_t) + i]; } @@ -1144,8 +1118,6 @@ void jl_init_serializer(void) jl_uint32_type, jl_uint64_type, jl_type_type_mt, jl_nonfunction_mt, jl_opaque_closure_type, - jl_memory_any_type, - jl_memory_uint8_type, ct->ptls->root_task, @@ -1163,7 +1135,6 @@ void jl_init_serializer(void) deser_tag[TAG_SLOTNUMBER] = (jl_value_t*)jl_slotnumber_type; deser_tag[TAG_SVEC] = (jl_value_t*)jl_simplevector_type; deser_tag[TAG_ARRAY] = (jl_value_t*)jl_array_type; - deser_tag[TAG_MEMORYT] = (jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemory_type; deser_tag[TAG_EXPR] = (jl_value_t*)jl_expr_type; deser_tag[TAG_PHINODE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_phinode_type; deser_tag[TAG_PHICNODE] = (jl_value_t*)jl_phicnode_type; diff --git a/src/jitlayers.cpp b/src/jitlayers.cpp index e0b9b0f8e2e69..4be8d80126fd1 100644 --- a/src/jitlayers.cpp +++ b/src/jitlayers.cpp @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ void jl_extern_c_impl(jl_value_t *declrt, jl_tupletype_t *sigt) jl_type_error("@ccallable", (jl_value_t*)jl_anytuple_type_type, (jl_value_t*)sigt); // check that f is a guaranteed singleton type jl_datatype_t *ft = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam0(sigt); - if (!jl_is_datatype(ft) || !jl_is_datatype_singleton(ft)) + if (!jl_is_datatype(ft) || ft->instance == NULL) jl_error("@ccallable: function object must be a singleton"); // compute / validate return type diff --git a/src/jl_exported_data.inc b/src/jl_exported_data.inc index 11617bea9ec65..aa23b9d7b8205 100644 --- a/src/jl_exported_data.inc +++ b/src/jl_exported_data.inc @@ -4,12 +4,8 @@ #define JL_EXPORTED_DATA_POINTERS(XX) \ XX(jl_abstractarray_type) \ XX(jl_abstractstring_type) \ - XX(jl_addrspace_type) \ - XX(jl_addrspace_typename) \ - XX(jl_addrspacecore_type) \ XX(jl_an_empty_string) \ XX(jl_an_empty_vec_any) \ - XX(jl_an_empty_memory_any) \ XX(jl_anytuple_type) \ XX(jl_anytuple_type_type) \ XX(jl_any_type) \ @@ -68,17 +64,7 @@ XX(jl_llvmpointer_typename) \ XX(jl_loaderror_type) \ XX(jl_main_module) \ - XX(jl_memory_any_type) \ XX(jl_memory_exception) \ - XX(jl_genericmemory_type) \ - XX(jl_genericmemory_typename) \ - XX(jl_memory_uint8_type) \ - XX(jl_memory_uint64_type) \ - XX(jl_memoryref_any_type) \ - XX(jl_genericmemoryref_type) \ - XX(jl_genericmemoryref_typename) \ - XX(jl_memoryref_uint8_type) \ - XX(jl_memoryref_uint64_type) \ XX(jl_methoderror_type) \ XX(jl_method_instance_type) \ XX(jl_method_match_type) \ diff --git a/src/jl_exported_funcs.inc b/src/jl_exported_funcs.inc index 6ae91f5cc32d6..11816955b962b 100644 --- a/src/jl_exported_funcs.inc +++ b/src/jl_exported_funcs.inc @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ XX(jl_adopt_thread) \ XX(jl_alignment) \ XX(jl_alloc_array_1d) \ + XX(jl_alloc_array_2d) \ + XX(jl_alloc_array_3d) \ XX(jl_alloc_string) \ XX(jl_alloc_svec) \ XX(jl_alloc_svec_uninit) \ @@ -19,15 +21,29 @@ XX(jl_apply_type1) \ XX(jl_apply_type2) \ XX(jl_argument_datatype) \ + XX(jl_arraylen) \ + XX(jl_arrayref) \ + XX(jl_arrayset) \ + XX(jl_arrayunset) \ + XX(jl_array_copy) \ + XX(jl_array_del_at) \ + XX(jl_array_del_beg) \ XX(jl_array_del_end) \ XX(jl_array_eltype) \ + XX(jl_array_grow_at) \ + XX(jl_array_grow_beg) \ XX(jl_array_grow_end) \ + XX(jl_array_isassigned) \ XX(jl_array_ptr) \ XX(jl_array_ptr_1d_append) \ XX(jl_array_ptr_1d_push) \ - XX(jl_genericmemory_owner) \ + XX(jl_array_ptr_copy) \ XX(jl_array_rank) \ + XX(jl_array_size) \ + XX(jl_array_sizehint) \ XX(jl_array_to_string) \ + XX(jl_array_typetagdata) \ + XX(jl_array_validate_dims) \ XX(jl_atexit_hook) \ XX(jl_atomic_bool_cmpswap_bits) \ XX(jl_atomic_cmpswap_bits) \ @@ -325,6 +341,7 @@ XX(jl_module_uuid) \ XX(jl_native_alignment) \ XX(jl_nb_available) \ + XX(jl_new_array) \ XX(jl_new_bits) \ XX(jl_new_codeinst) \ XX(jl_new_code_info_uninit) \ @@ -376,6 +393,7 @@ XX(jl_profile_maxlen_data) \ XX(jl_profile_start_timer) \ XX(jl_profile_stop_timer) \ + XX(jl_ptrarrayref) \ XX(jl_ptr_to_array) \ XX(jl_ptr_to_array_1d) \ XX(jl_queue_work) \ @@ -386,6 +404,7 @@ XX(jl_read_verify_header) \ XX(jl_realloc) \ XX(jl_register_newmeth_tracer) \ + XX(jl_reshape_array) \ XX(jl_resolve_globals_in_ir) \ XX(jl_restore_excstack) \ XX(jl_restore_incremental) \ diff --git a/src/jlapi.c b/src/jlapi.c index 6003aa5cee7d4..29be3b9e6179c 100644 --- a/src/jlapi.c +++ b/src/jlapi.c @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_set_ARGS(int argc, char **argv) jl_set_const(jl_core_module, jl_symbol("ARGS"), (jl_value_t*)args); JL_GC_POP(); } - assert(jl_array_nrows(args) == 0); + assert(jl_array_len(args) == 0); jl_array_grow_end(args, argc); int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { jl_value_t *s = (jl_value_t*)jl_cstr_to_string(argv[i]); - jl_array_ptr_set(args, i, s); + jl_arrayset(args, s, i); } } } @@ -165,11 +165,8 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_rank(jl_value_t *a) return jl_array_ndims(a); } -JL_DLLEXPORT size_t jl_array_size(jl_array_t *a, int d) +JL_DLLEXPORT size_t jl_array_size(jl_value_t *a, int d) { - // n.b this functions only use was to violate the vector abstraction, so we have to continue to emulate that - if (d >= jl_array_ndims(a)) - return a->ref.mem->length; return jl_array_dim(a, d); } diff --git a/src/jltypes.c b/src/jltypes.c index 154fa49953f34..33b52158488a3 100644 --- a/src/jltypes.c +++ b/src/jltypes.c @@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ static int layout_uses_free_typevars(jl_value_t *v, jl_typeenv_t *env) } if (jl_is_datatype(v)) { jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)v; - if (dt->isconcretetype) - return 0; - if (dt->layout || !dt->name->mayinlinealloc) + if (dt->layout || dt->isconcretetype || !dt->name->mayinlinealloc) return 0; if (dt->name == jl_namedtuple_typename) return layout_uses_free_typevars(jl_tparam0(dt), env) || layout_uses_free_typevars(jl_tparam1(dt), env); @@ -292,13 +290,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_has_typevar_from_unionall(jl_value_t *t, jl_unionall_t *ua) int jl_has_fixed_layout(jl_datatype_t *dt) { - if (dt->isconcretetype) - return 1; - if (jl_is_genericmemory_type(dt)) { // GenericMemory{kind,addrspace,T} uses T for final layout, which is a parameter not a field however - // optionally: return !layout_uses_free_typevars(jl_tparam1(dt), env); - return 0; - } - if (dt->layout) + if (dt->layout || dt->isconcretetype) return 1; if (dt->name->abstract) return 0; @@ -321,15 +313,15 @@ int jl_has_fixed_layout(jl_datatype_t *dt) int jl_type_mappable_to_c(jl_value_t *ty) { assert(!jl_is_typevar(ty) && jl_is_type(ty)); - if (jl_is_array_type(ty) || jl_is_genericmemory_type(ty) || - (jl_is_datatype(ty) && ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->layout != NULL && - jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->layout))) - return 1; // as boxed if (jl_is_structtype(ty)) return jl_has_fixed_layout((jl_datatype_t*)ty) && ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->name->atomicfields == NULL; if (jl_is_primitivetype(ty)) - return 1; // as isbits - if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bottom_type || jl_is_abstract_ref_type(ty)) + return 1; + if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_bottom_type) + return 1; // as boxed + if (jl_is_abstract_ref_type(ty) || jl_is_array_type(ty) || + (jl_is_datatype(ty) && ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->layout != NULL && + jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->layout))) return 1; // as boxed return 0; // refuse to map Union and UnionAll to C } @@ -1416,15 +1408,6 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_type2(jl_value_t *tc, jl_value_t *p1, jl_value return jl_apply_type(tc, args, 2); } -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_type3(jl_value_t *tc, jl_value_t *p1, jl_value_t *p2, jl_value_t *p3) -{ - jl_value_t *args[3]; - args[0] = p1; - args[1] = p2; - args[2] = p3; - return jl_apply_type(tc, args, 3); -} - jl_datatype_t *jl_apply_modify_type(jl_value_t *dt) { jl_datatype_t *rettyp = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type2(jl_pair_type, dt, dt); @@ -2111,14 +2094,6 @@ static jl_value_t *inst_datatype_inner(jl_datatype_t *dt, jl_svec_t *p, jl_value ndt->types = jl_emptysvec; // XXX: this is essentially always false } } - else if (tn == jl_genericmemoryref_typename || tn == jl_genericmemory_typename) { - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_svecref(p, 0); - if (!jl_is_typevar(isatomic) && !jl_is_symbol(isatomic)) - jl_type_error_rt("GenericMemory", "isatomic parameter", (jl_value_t*)jl_symbol_type, isatomic); - jl_value_t *addrspace = jl_svecref(p, 2); - if (!jl_is_typevar(addrspace) && !jl_is_addrspace(addrspace)) - jl_type_error_rt("GenericMemory", "addrspace parameter", (jl_value_t*)jl_addrspace_type, addrspace); - } jl_datatype_t *primarydt = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(tn->wrapper)); jl_precompute_memoized_dt(ndt, cacheable); @@ -2523,7 +2498,7 @@ void jl_reinstantiate_inner_types(jl_datatype_t *t) // can throw! if (partial == NULL) return; if (n == 0) { - assert(jl_array_nrows(partial) == 0); + assert(jl_array_len(partial) == 0); return; } @@ -2534,7 +2509,7 @@ void jl_reinstantiate_inner_types(jl_datatype_t *t) // can throw! env[i].prev = i == 0 ? NULL : &env[i - 1]; } - for (j = 0; j < jl_array_nrows(partial); j++) { + for (j = 0; j < jl_array_len(partial); j++) { jl_datatype_t *ndt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(partial, j); if (ndt == NULL) continue; @@ -2547,7 +2522,7 @@ void jl_reinstantiate_inner_types(jl_datatype_t *t) // can throw! } if (t->types != jl_emptysvec) { - for (j = 0; j < jl_array_nrows(partial); j++) { + for (j = 0; j < jl_array_len(partial); j++) { jl_datatype_t *ndt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(partial, j); if (ndt == NULL) continue; @@ -2890,59 +2865,7 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED jl_function_type->name->mt = NULL; // subtypes of Function have independent method tables jl_builtin_type->name->mt = NULL; // so they don't share the Any type table - jl_svec_t *tv; - - jl_module_type = - jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("Module"), core, jl_any_type, jl_emptysvec, - jl_emptysvec, jl_emptysvec, jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 0); - XX(module); - assert(jl_module_type->instance == NULL); - jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_module_type); - - jl_binding_type = - jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("Binding"), core, jl_any_type, jl_emptysvec, - jl_perm_symsvec(5, "value", "globalref", "owner", "ty", "flags"), - jl_svec(5, jl_any_type, jl_any_type/*jl_globalref_type*/, jl_any_type/*jl_binding_type*/, jl_type_type, jl_uint8_type), - jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 0); - const static uint32_t binding_atomicfields[] = { 0x0015 }; // Set fields 1, 3, 4 as atomic - jl_binding_type->name->atomicfields = binding_atomicfields; - const static uint32_t binding_constfields[] = { 0x0002 }; // Set fields 2 as constant - jl_binding_type->name->constfields = binding_constfields; - - jl_globalref_type = - jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("GlobalRef"), core, jl_any_type, jl_emptysvec, - jl_perm_symsvec(3, "mod", "name", "binding"), - jl_svec(3, jl_module_type, jl_symbol_type, jl_binding_type), - jl_emptysvec, 0, 0, 3); - - core = jl_new_module(jl_symbol("Core"), NULL); - core->parent = core; - jl_type_typename->mt->module = core; - jl_core_module = core; - core = NULL; // not ready yet to use - - tv = jl_svec1(tvar("Backend")); - jl_addrspace_typename = - jl_new_primitivetype((jl_value_t*)jl_symbol("AddrSpace"), core, jl_any_type, tv, 8)->name; - jl_addrspace_type = (jl_unionall_t*)jl_addrspace_typename->wrapper; - jl_addrspacecore_type = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type1((jl_value_t*)jl_addrspace_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_core_module); - jl_value_t *cpumem = jl_permbox8(jl_addrspacecore_type, 0, 0); - - tv = jl_svec1(tvar("T")); - jl_ref_type = (jl_unionall_t*) - jl_new_abstracttype((jl_value_t*)jl_symbol("Ref"), core, jl_any_type, tv)->name->wrapper; - - tv = jl_svec1(tvar("T")); - jl_pointer_typename = - jl_new_primitivetype((jl_value_t*)jl_symbol("Ptr"), core, - (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type((jl_value_t*)jl_ref_type, jl_svec_data(tv), 1), - tv, - sizeof(void*) * 8)->name; - jl_pointer_type = (jl_unionall_t*)jl_pointer_typename->wrapper; - jl_value_t *pointer_void = jl_apply_type1((jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing_type); - jl_voidpointer_type = (jl_datatype_t*)pointer_void; - - tv = jl_svec2(tvar("T"), tvar("N")); + jl_svec_t *tv = jl_svec2(tvar("T"), tvar("N")); jl_abstractarray_type = (jl_unionall_t*) jl_new_abstracttype((jl_value_t*)jl_symbol("AbstractArray"), core, jl_any_type, tv)->name->wrapper; @@ -2953,44 +2876,13 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type((jl_value_t*)jl_abstractarray_type, jl_svec_data(tv), 2), tv)->name->wrapper; - tv = jl_svec(3, tvar("isatomic"), tvar("T"), tvar("addrspace")); - jl_datatype_t *jl_memory_supertype = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type2((jl_value_t*)jl_densearray_type, jl_svecref(tv, 1), jl_box_long(1)); - jl_datatype_t *memory_datatype = - jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("GenericMemory"), core, jl_memory_supertype, tv, - jl_perm_symsvec(2, "length", "ptr"), - jl_svec(2, jl_long_type, pointer_void), - jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 2); - jl_genericmemory_typename = memory_datatype->name; - jl_genericmemory_type = (jl_unionall_t*)jl_genericmemory_typename->wrapper; - const static uint32_t memory_constfields[1] = { 0x00000003 }; // (1<<1)|(1<<0) - memory_datatype->name->constfields = memory_constfields; - memory_datatype->ismutationfree = 0; - - jl_datatype_t *jl_memoryref_supertype = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type1((jl_value_t*)jl_ref_type, jl_svecref(tv, 1)); - jl_datatype_t *memoryref_datatype = - jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("GenericMemoryRef"), core, jl_memoryref_supertype, tv, - jl_perm_symsvec(2, "ptr_or_offset", "mem"), - jl_svec(2, pointer_void, memory_datatype), - jl_emptysvec, 0, 0, 2); - jl_genericmemoryref_typename = memoryref_datatype->name; - jl_genericmemoryref_type = (jl_unionall_t*)jl_genericmemoryref_typename->wrapper; - memoryref_datatype->ismutationfree = 0; - - jl_memory_any_type = jl_apply_type3((jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemory_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym, (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type, cpumem); - jl_memory_uint8_type = jl_apply_type3((jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemory_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym, (jl_value_t*)jl_uint8_type, cpumem); - jl_memoryref_any_type = jl_apply_type3((jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemoryref_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym, (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type, cpumem); - jl_memoryref_uint8_type = jl_apply_type3((jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemoryref_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym, (jl_value_t*)jl_uint8_type, cpumem); - tv = jl_svec2(tvar("T"), tvar("N")); - jl_array_typename = jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("Array"), core, + jl_array_type = (jl_unionall_t*) + jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("Array"), core, (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type((jl_value_t*)jl_densearray_type, jl_svec_data(tv), 2), - tv, - jl_perm_symsvec(2, "ref", "size"), - jl_svec(2, - jl_apply_type3((jl_value_t*)jl_genericmemoryref_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym, jl_svecref(tv, 0), cpumem), - jl_apply_type1((jl_value_t*)jl_tuple_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_wrap_vararg((jl_value_t*)jl_long_type, jl_svecref(tv, 1), 0))), - jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 2)->name; - jl_array_type = (jl_unionall_t*)jl_array_typename->wrapper; + tv, jl_emptysvec, jl_emptysvec, jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 0)->name->wrapper; + jl_array_typename = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type))->name; + jl_compute_field_offsets((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type)); jl_array_any_type = jl_apply_type2((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type, jl_box_long(1)); jl_array_symbol_type = jl_apply_type2((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_symbol_type, jl_box_long(1)); @@ -2999,18 +2891,8 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED jl_array_int32_type = jl_apply_type2((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_int32_type, jl_box_long(1)); jl_array_uint64_type = jl_apply_type2((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_uint64_type, jl_box_long(1)); jl_an_empty_vec_any = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_vec_any(0); // used internally - jl_an_empty_memory_any = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_memory_any(0); // used internally - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&jl_nonfunction_mt->leafcache, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&jl_type_type_mt->leafcache, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); - - // finish initializing module Core - core = jl_core_module; - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&core->bindingkeyset, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); - // export own name, so "using Foo" makes "Foo" itself visible - jl_set_const(core, core->name, (jl_value_t*)core); - jl_module_public(core, core->name, 1); - jl_set_const(core, jl_symbol("CPU"), (jl_value_t*)cpumem); - core = NULL; + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&jl_nonfunction_mt->leafcache, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&jl_type_type_mt->leafcache, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); jl_expr_type = jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("Expr"), core, @@ -3019,6 +2901,13 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED jl_svec(2, jl_symbol_type, jl_array_any_type), jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 2); + jl_module_type = + jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("Module"), core, jl_any_type, jl_emptysvec, + jl_emptysvec, jl_emptysvec, jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 0); + XX(module); + jl_module_type->instance = NULL; + jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_module_type); + jl_value_t *symornothing[2] = { (jl_value_t*)jl_symbol_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_void_type }; jl_linenumbernode_type = jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("LineNumberNode"), core, jl_any_type, jl_emptysvec, @@ -3312,6 +3201,17 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED jl_intrinsic_type = jl_new_primitivetype((jl_value_t*)jl_symbol("IntrinsicFunction"), core, jl_builtin_type, jl_emptysvec, 32); + tv = jl_svec1(tvar("T")); + jl_ref_type = (jl_unionall_t*) + jl_new_abstracttype((jl_value_t*)jl_symbol("Ref"), core, jl_any_type, tv)->name->wrapper; + + tv = jl_svec1(tvar("T")); + jl_pointer_type = (jl_unionall_t*) + jl_new_primitivetype((jl_value_t*)jl_symbol("Ptr"), core, + (jl_datatype_t*)jl_apply_type((jl_value_t*)jl_ref_type, jl_svec_data(tv), 1), tv, + sizeof(void*)*8)->name->wrapper; + jl_pointer_typename = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type))->name; + // LLVMPtr{T, AS} where {T, AS} jl_tvar_t *elvar = tvar("T"); tv = jl_svec2(elvar, tvar("AS")); @@ -3383,6 +3283,24 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED jl_value_t *listt = jl_new_struct(jl_uniontype_type, jl_task_type, jl_nothing_type); jl_svecset(jl_task_type->types, 0, listt); + jl_binding_type = + jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("Binding"), core, jl_any_type, jl_emptysvec, + jl_perm_symsvec(5, "value", "globalref", "owner", "ty", "flags"), + jl_svec(5, jl_any_type, jl_any_type/*jl_globalref_type*/, jl_any_type/*jl_binding_type*/, jl_type_type, jl_uint8_type), + jl_emptysvec, 0, 1, 0); + const static uint32_t binding_atomicfields[] = { 0x0015 }; // Set fields 1, 3, 4 as atomic + jl_binding_type->name->atomicfields = binding_atomicfields; + const static uint32_t binding_constfields[] = { 0x0002 }; // Set fields 2 as constant + jl_binding_type->name->constfields = binding_constfields; + + jl_globalref_type = + jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("GlobalRef"), core, jl_any_type, jl_emptysvec, + jl_perm_symsvec(3, "mod", "name", "binding"), + jl_svec(3, jl_module_type, jl_symbol_type, jl_binding_type), + jl_emptysvec, 0, 0, 3); + + jl_value_t *pointer_void = jl_apply_type1((jl_value_t*)jl_pointer_type, (jl_value_t*)jl_nothing_type); + jl_voidpointer_type = (jl_datatype_t*)pointer_void; tv = jl_svec2(tvar("A"), tvar("R")); jl_opaque_closure_type = (jl_unionall_t*)jl_new_datatype(jl_symbol("OpaqueClosure"), core, jl_function_type, tv, // N.B.: OpaqueClosure call code relies on specptr being field 5. @@ -3431,6 +3349,7 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_uniontype_type); jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_tvar_type); jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_methtable_type); + jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_module_type); jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_method_instance_type); jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_code_instance_type); jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_unionall_type); @@ -3442,8 +3361,6 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED jl_symbol_type->ismutationfree = jl_symbol_type->isidentityfree = 1; jl_simplevector_type->ismutationfree = jl_simplevector_type->isidentityfree = 1; jl_datatype_type->ismutationfree = 1; - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_any_type)->ismutationfree == 0); - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_uint8_type)->ismutationfree == 0); // Technically not ismutationfree, but there's a separate system to deal // with mutations for global state. @@ -3451,6 +3368,15 @@ void jl_init_types(void) JL_GC_DISABLED // Module object identity is determined by its name and parent name. jl_module_type->isidentityfree = 1; + // Array's mutable data is hidden, so we need to override it + ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall((jl_value_t*)jl_array_type))->ismutationfree = 0; + ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_any_type)->ismutationfree = 0; + ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_symbol_type)->ismutationfree = 0; + ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_uint8_type)->ismutationfree = 0; + ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_uint32_type)->ismutationfree = 0; + ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_int32_type)->ismutationfree = 0; + ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_array_uint64_type)->ismutationfree = 0; + // override the preferred layout for a couple types jl_lineinfonode_type->name->mayinlinealloc = 0; // FIXME: assumed to be a pointer by codegen diff --git a/src/julia.h b/src/julia.h index 1a8e62f9dcf9d..680115473e5f8 100644 --- a/src/julia.h +++ b/src/julia.h @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ #undef jl_setjmp #undef jl_longjmp #undef jl_egal -#undef jl_genericmemory_owner #endif #include "julia_fasttls.h" @@ -121,8 +120,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_taggedvalue_t *_jl_astaggedvalue(jl_value_t *v JL_PROPAGATES_ROO jl_value_t *_jl_valueof(jl_taggedvalue_t *tv JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; #define jl_valueof(v) _jl_valueof((jl_taggedvalue_t*)(v)) JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *_jl_typeof(jl_value_t *v JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -#define jl_typeof(v) (_jl_typeof((jl_value_t*)(v))) -#define jl_typetagof(v) ((uintptr_t)_jl_typeof((jl_value_t*)(v))) +#define jl_typeof(v) _jl_typeof((jl_value_t*)(v)) #else #define jl_astaggedvalue(v) \ ((jl_taggedvalue_t*)((char*)(v) - sizeof(jl_taggedvalue_t))) @@ -130,8 +128,6 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *_jl_typeof(jl_value_t *v JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFE ((jl_value_t*)((char*)(v) + sizeof(jl_taggedvalue_t))) #define jl_typeof(v) \ jl_to_typeof(jl_typetagof(v)) -#define jl_typetagof(v) \ - ((jl_astaggedvalue(v)->header) & ~(uintptr_t)15) #endif static inline void jl_set_typeof(void *v, void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { @@ -139,6 +135,8 @@ static inline void jl_set_typeof(void *v, void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT jl_taggedvalue_t *tag = jl_astaggedvalue(v); jl_atomic_store_relaxed((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)&tag->type, (jl_value_t*)t); } +#define jl_typetagof(v) \ + ((jl_astaggedvalue(v)->header) & ~(uintptr_t)15) #define jl_typeis(v,t) (jl_typeof(v)==(jl_value_t*)(t)) #define jl_typetagis(v,t) (jl_typetagof(v)==(uintptr_t)(t)) #define jl_set_typetagof(v,t,gc) (jl_set_typeof((v), (void*)(((uintptr_t)(t) << 4) | (gc)))) @@ -169,36 +167,47 @@ typedef struct { // jl_value_t *data[]; } jl_svec_t; -JL_EXTENSION typedef struct { - JL_DATA_TYPE - size_t length; - void *ptr; - // followed by padding and inline data, or owner pointer -#ifdef _P64 - // union { - // jl_value_t *owner; - // T inl[]; - // }; -#else - // - // jl_value_t *owner; - // size_t padding[1]; - // T inl[]; -#endif -} jl_genericmemory_t; +typedef struct { + /* + how - allocation style + 0 = data is inlined, or a foreign pointer we don't manage + 1 = julia-allocated buffer that needs to be marked + 2 = malloc-allocated pointer this array object manages + 3 = has a pointer to the object that owns the data + */ + uint16_t how:2; + uint16_t ndims:9; + uint16_t pooled:1; + uint16_t ptrarray:1; // representation is pointer array + uint16_t hasptr:1; // representation has embedded pointers + uint16_t isshared:1; // data is shared by multiple Arrays + uint16_t isaligned:1; // data allocated with memalign +} jl_array_flags_t; JL_EXTENSION typedef struct { JL_DATA_TYPE - void *ptr_or_offset; - jl_genericmemory_t *mem; -} jl_genericmemoryref_t; + void *data; + size_t length; + jl_array_flags_t flags; + uint16_t elsize; // element size including alignment (dim 1 memory stride) + uint32_t offset; // for 1-d only. does not need to get big. + size_t nrows; + union { + // 1d + size_t maxsize; + // Nd + size_t ncols; + }; + // other dim sizes go here for ndims > 2 -JL_EXTENSION typedef struct { - JL_DATA_TYPE - jl_genericmemoryref_t ref; - size_t dimsize[]; // length for 1-D, otherwise length is mem->length + // followed by alignment padding and inline data, or owner pointer } jl_array_t; +// compute # of extra words needed to store dimensions +STATIC_INLINE int jl_array_ndimwords(uint32_t ndims) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + return (ndims < 3 ? 0 : ndims-2); +} typedef struct _jl_datatype_t jl_tupletype_t; struct _jl_code_instance_t; @@ -530,14 +539,9 @@ typedef struct { uint32_t npointers; // number of pointers embedded inside int32_t first_ptr; // index of the first pointer (or -1) uint16_t alignment; // strictest alignment over all fields - struct { // combine these fields into a struct so that we can take addressof them - uint16_t haspadding : 1; // has internal undefined bytes - uint16_t fielddesc_type : 2; // 0 -> 8, 1 -> 16, 2 -> 32, 3 -> foreign type - // metadata bit only for GenericMemory eltype layout - uint16_t arrayelem_isboxed : 1; - uint16_t arrayelem_isunion : 1; - uint16_t padding : 11; - } flags; + uint16_t haspadding : 1; // has internal undefined bytes + uint16_t fielddesc_type : 2; // 0 -> 8, 1 -> 16, 2 -> 32, 3 -> foreign type + uint16_t padding : 13; // union { // jl_fielddesc8_t field8[nfields]; // jl_fielddesc16_t field16[nfields]; @@ -660,10 +664,10 @@ typedef struct _jl_typemap_level_t { // next split may be on Type{T} as LeafTypes then TypeName's parents up to Any // next split may be on LeafType // next split may be on TypeName - _Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) arg1; // contains LeafType (in a map of non-abstract TypeName) - _Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) targ; // contains Type{LeafType} (in a map of non-abstract TypeName) - _Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) name1; // a map for a map for TypeName, for parents up to (excluding) Any - _Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) tname; // a map for Type{TypeName}, for parents up to (including) Any + _Atomic(jl_array_t*) arg1; // contains LeafType (in a map of non-abstract TypeName) + _Atomic(jl_array_t*) targ; // contains Type{LeafType} (in a map of non-abstract TypeName) + _Atomic(jl_array_t*) name1; // a map for a map for TypeName, for parents up to (excluding) Any + _Atomic(jl_array_t*) tname; // a map for Type{TypeName}, for parents up to (including) Any // next a linear list of things too complicated at this level for analysis (no more levels) _Atomic(jl_typemap_entry_t*) linear; // finally, start a new level if the type at offs is Any @@ -675,7 +679,7 @@ typedef struct _jl_methtable_t { JL_DATA_TYPE jl_sym_t *name; // sometimes used for debug printing _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) defs; - _Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) leafcache; + _Atomic(jl_array_t*) leafcache; _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) cache; _Atomic(intptr_t) max_args; // max # of non-vararg arguments in a signature jl_module_t *module; // sometimes used for debug printing @@ -805,17 +809,10 @@ extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_code_instance_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_code_info_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_method_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_module_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_unionall_t *jl_addrspace_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_typename_t *jl_addrspace_typename JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_addrspacecore_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_unionall_t *jl_abstractarray_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_unionall_t *jl_densearray_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_unionall_t *jl_array_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_typename_t *jl_array_typename JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_unionall_t *jl_genericmemory_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_typename_t *jl_genericmemory_typename JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_unionall_t *jl_genericmemoryref_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_typename_t *jl_genericmemoryref_typename JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_weakref_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_abstractstring_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_string_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; @@ -836,7 +833,6 @@ extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_undefref_exception JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_interrupt_exception JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_boundserror_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_an_empty_vec_any JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_an_empty_memory_any JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_an_empty_string JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_bool_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; @@ -876,10 +872,6 @@ extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_array_symbol_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_array_int32_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_array_uint32_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_array_uint64_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_memory_uint8_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_memory_any_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_memoryref_uint8_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_value_t *jl_memoryref_any_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_expr_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_binding_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLIMPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_globalref_type JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; @@ -1027,7 +1019,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_clear_malloc_data(void); // GC write barriers JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_gc_queue_root(const jl_value_t *root) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_gc_queue_multiroot(const jl_value_t *root, const void *stored, jl_datatype_t *dt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_gc_queue_multiroot(const jl_value_t *root, const jl_value_t *stored) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; STATIC_INLINE void jl_gc_wb(const void *parent, const void *ptr) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { @@ -1047,7 +1039,6 @@ STATIC_INLINE void jl_gc_wb_back(const void *ptr) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT // ptr isa jl_ STATIC_INLINE void jl_gc_multi_wb(const void *parent, const jl_value_t *ptr) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - // 3 == GC_OLD_MARKED // ptr is an immutable object if (__likely(jl_astaggedvalue(parent)->bits.gc != 3)) return; // parent is young or in remset @@ -1056,7 +1047,7 @@ STATIC_INLINE void jl_gc_multi_wb(const void *parent, const jl_value_t *ptr) JL_ jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(ptr); const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = dt->layout; if (ly->npointers) - jl_gc_queue_multiroot((jl_value_t*)parent, ptr, dt); + jl_gc_queue_multiroot((jl_value_t*)parent, ptr); } JL_DLLEXPORT void *jl_gc_managed_malloc(size_t sz); @@ -1106,101 +1097,16 @@ STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_svecset( } #endif -#define jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(a) (*(jl_value_t**)((jl_genericmemory_t*)(a) + 1)) - -#define jl_nparams(t) jl_svec_len(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters) -#define jl_tparam0(t) jl_svecref(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters, 0) -#define jl_tparam1(t) jl_svecref(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters, 1) -#define jl_tparam2(t) jl_svecref(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters, 2) -#define jl_tparam(t,i) jl_svecref(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters, i) -#define jl_array_data(a,t) ((t*)((jl_array_t*)(a))->ref.ptr_or_offset) -#define jl_array_data_(a) ((void*)((jl_array_t*)(a))->ref.ptr_or_offset) -#define jl_array_dim(a,i) (((jl_array_t*)(a))->dimsize[i]) -#define jl_array_dim0(a) (((jl_array_t*)(a))->dimsize[0]) -#define jl_array_nrows(a) (((jl_array_t*)(a))->dimsize[0]) -#define jl_array_ndims(a) (*(size_t*)jl_tparam1(jl_typetagof(a))) -#define jl_array_maxsize(a) (((jl_array_t*)(a))->ref.mem->length) -#define jl_array_len(a) (jl_array_ndims(a) == 1 ? jl_array_nrows(a) : jl_array_maxsize(a)) - -/* - how - allocation style - 0 = data is inlined - 1 = owns the gc-managed data, exclusively - 2 = malloc-allocated pointer (may or may not own it) - 3 = has a pointer to the object that owns the data pointer -*/ -STATIC_INLINE int jl_genericmemory_how(jl_genericmemory_t *m) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - if (m->ptr == (void*)((char*)m + 16)) // JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT (from julia_internal.h) - return 0; - jl_value_t *owner = jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m); - if (owner == (jl_value_t*)m) - return 1; - if (owner == NULL) - return 2; - return 3; -} - -STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_genericmemory_owner(jl_genericmemory_t *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - if (jl_genericmemory_how(m) == 3) - return jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m); - return (jl_value_t*)m; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT char *jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(jl_genericmemory_t *m) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; - -#ifdef __clang_gcanalyzer__ -jl_value_t **jl_genericmemory_ptr_data(jl_genericmemory_t *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_genericmemory_ptr_ref(void *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_genericmemory_ptr_set( - void *m JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, size_t i, - void *x JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -#else -#define jl_genericmemory_ptr_data(a) ((jl_value_t**)((jl_genericmemory_t*)(a))->ptr) -STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_genericmemory_ptr_ref(void *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_genericmemory_t *m_ = (jl_genericmemory_t*)m; - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m_))->layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed); - assert(i < m_->length); - return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)(m_->ptr)) + i); -} -STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_genericmemory_ptr_set( - void *m JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, size_t i, - void *x JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_genericmemory_t *m_ = (jl_genericmemory_t*)m; - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(m_))->layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed); - assert(i < m_->length); - jl_atomic_store_release(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)(m_->ptr)) + i, (jl_value_t*)x); - if (x) { - if (jl_genericmemory_how(m_) == 3) - m = (void*)jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m_); - jl_gc_wb(m, x); - } - return (jl_value_t*)x; -} -#endif - -STATIC_INLINE uint8_t jl_memory_uint8_ref(void *m, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_genericmemory_t *m_ = (jl_genericmemory_t*)m; - assert(jl_typetagis(m_, jl_memory_uint8_type)); - assert(i < m_->length); - return ((uint8_t*)m_->ptr)[i]; -} -STATIC_INLINE void jl_memory_uint8_set(void *m, size_t i, uint8_t x) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_genericmemory_t *m_ = (jl_genericmemory_t*)m; - assert(jl_typetagis(m_, jl_memory_uint8_type)); - assert(i < m_->length); - ((uint8_t*)m_->ptr)[i] = x; -} +#define jl_array_len(a) (((jl_array_t*)(a))->length) +#define jl_array_data(a) ((void*)((jl_array_t*)(a))->data) +#define jl_array_dim(a,i) ((&((jl_array_t*)(a))->nrows)[i]) +#define jl_array_dim0(a) (((jl_array_t*)(a))->nrows) +#define jl_array_nrows(a) (((jl_array_t*)(a))->nrows) +#define jl_array_ndims(a) ((int32_t)(((jl_array_t*)a)->flags.ndims)) +#define jl_array_data_owner_offset(ndims) (offsetof(jl_array_t,ncols) + sizeof(size_t)*(1+jl_array_ndimwords(ndims))) // in bytes +#define jl_array_data_owner(a) (*((jl_value_t**)((char*)a + jl_array_data_owner_offset(jl_array_ndims(a))))) -STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_array_owner(jl_array_t *a JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - return jl_genericmemory_owner(a->ref.mem); -} +JL_DLLEXPORT char *jl_array_typetagdata(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; #ifdef __clang_gcanalyzer__ jl_value_t **jl_array_ptr_data(jl_array_t *a JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; @@ -1209,22 +1115,25 @@ STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_array_ptr_set( void *a JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, size_t i, void *x JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; #else -#define jl_array_ptr_data(a) (jl_array_data(a, jl_value_t*)) +#define jl_array_ptr_data(a) ((jl_value_t**)((jl_array_t*)(a))->data) STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_array_ptr_ref(void *a JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(((jl_array_t*)a)->ref.mem))->layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed); + assert(((jl_array_t*)a)->flags.ptrarray); assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); - return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(jl_array_data(a, _Atomic(jl_value_t*)) + i); + return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)(jl_array_data(a))) + i); } STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_array_ptr_set( void *a JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, size_t i, void *x JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - assert(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(((jl_array_t*)a)->ref.mem))->layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed); + assert(((jl_array_t*)a)->flags.ptrarray); assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); - jl_atomic_store_release(jl_array_data(a, _Atomic(jl_value_t*)) + i, (jl_value_t*)x); + jl_atomic_store_release(((_Atomic(jl_value_t*)*)(jl_array_data(a))) + i, (jl_value_t*)x); if (x) { - jl_gc_wb(jl_array_owner((jl_array_t*)a), x); + if (((jl_array_t*)a)->flags.how == 3) { + a = jl_array_data_owner(a); + } + jl_gc_wb(a, x); } return (jl_value_t*)x; } @@ -1232,26 +1141,32 @@ STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_array_ptr_set( STATIC_INLINE uint8_t jl_array_uint8_ref(void *a, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_uint8_type)); assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); - return jl_array_data(a, uint8_t)[i]; + assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_uint8_type)); + return ((uint8_t*)(jl_array_data(a)))[i]; } STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_uint8_set(void *a, size_t i, uint8_t x) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { + assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_uint8_type)); + ((uint8_t*)(jl_array_data(a)))[i] = x; +} +STATIC_INLINE uint8_t jl_array_uint32_ref(void *a, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); - jl_array_data(a, uint8_t)[i] = x; + assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_uint32_type)); + return ((uint32_t*)(jl_array_data(a)))[i]; } STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_uint32_set(void *a, size_t i, uint8_t x) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { assert(i < jl_array_len(a)); - assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_uint32_type) || jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_int32_type)); - jl_array_data(a, uint32_t)[i] = x; + assert(jl_typetagis(a, jl_array_uint32_type)); + ((uint32_t*)(jl_array_data(a)))[i] = x; } #define jl_exprarg(e,n) jl_array_ptr_ref(((jl_expr_t*)(e))->args, n) #define jl_exprargset(e, n, v) jl_array_ptr_set(((jl_expr_t*)(e))->args, n, v) -#define jl_expr_nargs(e) jl_array_nrows(((jl_expr_t*)(e))->args) +#define jl_expr_nargs(e) jl_array_len(((jl_expr_t*)(e))->args) #define jl_fieldref(s,i) jl_get_nth_field(((jl_value_t*)(s)),i) #define jl_fieldref_noalloc(s,i) jl_get_nth_field_noalloc(((jl_value_t*)(s)),i) @@ -1270,6 +1185,11 @@ STATIC_INLINE void jl_array_uint32_set(void *a, size_t i, uint8_t x) JL_NOTSAFEP #define jl_quotenode_value(x) (((jl_value_t**)x)[0]) #define jl_returnnode_value(x) (((jl_value_t**)x)[0]) +#define jl_nparams(t) jl_svec_len(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters) +#define jl_tparam0(t) jl_svecref(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters, 0) +#define jl_tparam1(t) jl_svecref(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters, 1) +#define jl_tparam(t,i) jl_svecref(((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->parameters, i) + // get a pointer to the data in a datatype #define jl_data_ptr(v) ((jl_value_t**)v) @@ -1296,24 +1216,10 @@ STATIC_INLINE jl_value_t *jl_field_type_concrete(jl_datatype_t *st JL_PROPAGATES return jl_svecref(st->types, i); } -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_layout_opaque(const jl_datatype_layout_t *l) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - return l->nfields == 0 && l->npointers > 0; -} - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_unwrap_unionall(jl_value_t *v JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; - -#define jl_inlinedatatype_layout(t) (((jl_datatype_t*)t)->layout) -STATIC_INLINE const jl_datatype_layout_t *jl_datatype_layout(jl_datatype_t *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - if (jl_is_layout_opaque(t->layout)) // e.g. GenericMemory - t = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(t->name->wrapper); - return t->layout; -} -#define jl_datatype_size(t) (jl_datatype_layout((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->size) -#define jl_datatype_align(t) (jl_datatype_layout((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->alignment) -#define jl_datatype_nbits(t) ((jl_datatype_layout((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->size)*8) -#define jl_datatype_nfields(t) (jl_datatype_layout((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->nfields) +#define jl_datatype_size(t) (((jl_datatype_t*)t)->layout->size) +#define jl_datatype_align(t) (((jl_datatype_t*)t)->layout->alignment) +#define jl_datatype_nbits(t) ((((jl_datatype_t*)t)->layout->size)*8) +#define jl_datatype_nfields(t) (((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->layout->nfields) JL_DLLEXPORT void *jl_symbol_name(jl_sym_t *s); // inline version with strong type check to detect typos in a `->name` chain @@ -1341,23 +1247,23 @@ static inline uint32_t jl_fielddesc_size(int8_t fielddesc_type) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT #define jl_dt_layout_fields(d) ((const char*)(d) + sizeof(jl_datatype_layout_t)) static inline const char *jl_dt_layout_ptrs(const jl_datatype_layout_t *l) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return jl_dt_layout_fields(l) + jl_fielddesc_size(l->flags.fielddesc_type) * l->nfields; + return jl_dt_layout_fields(l) + jl_fielddesc_size(l->fielddesc_type) * l->nfields; } #define DEFINE_FIELD_ACCESSORS(f) \ static inline uint32_t jl_field_##f(jl_datatype_t *st, \ int i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT \ { \ - const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = jl_datatype_layout(st); \ + const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = st->layout; \ assert(i >= 0 && (size_t)i < ly->nfields); \ - if (ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 0) { \ + if (ly->fielddesc_type == 0) { \ return ((const jl_fielddesc8_t*)jl_dt_layout_fields(ly))[i].f; \ } \ - else if (ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 1) { \ + else if (ly->fielddesc_type == 1) { \ return ((const jl_fielddesc16_t*)jl_dt_layout_fields(ly))[i].f; \ } \ else { \ - assert(ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 2); \ + assert(ly->fielddesc_type == 2); \ return ((const jl_fielddesc32_t*)jl_dt_layout_fields(ly))[i].f; \ } \ } \ @@ -1368,24 +1274,24 @@ DEFINE_FIELD_ACCESSORS(size) static inline int jl_field_isptr(jl_datatype_t *st, int i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = jl_datatype_layout(st); + const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = st->layout; assert(i >= 0 && (size_t)i < ly->nfields); - return ((const jl_fielddesc8_t*)(jl_dt_layout_fields(ly) + jl_fielddesc_size(ly->flags.fielddesc_type) * i))->isptr; + return ((const jl_fielddesc8_t*)(jl_dt_layout_fields(ly) + jl_fielddesc_size(ly->fielddesc_type) * i))->isptr; } static inline uint32_t jl_ptr_offset(jl_datatype_t *st, int i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = st->layout; // NOT jl_datatype_layout(st) + const jl_datatype_layout_t *ly = st->layout; assert(i >= 0 && (size_t)i < ly->npointers); const void *ptrs = jl_dt_layout_ptrs(ly); - if (ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 0) { + if (ly->fielddesc_type == 0) { return ((const uint8_t*)ptrs)[i]; } - else if (ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 1) { + else if (ly->fielddesc_type == 1) { return ((const uint16_t*)ptrs)[i]; } else { - assert(ly->flags.fielddesc_type == 2); + assert(ly->fielddesc_type == 2); return ((const uint32_t*)ptrs)[i]; } } @@ -1414,6 +1320,11 @@ static inline int jl_field_isconst(jl_datatype_t *st, int i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT } +static inline int jl_is_layout_opaque(const jl_datatype_layout_t *l) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +{ + return l->nfields == 0 && l->npointers > 0; +} + // basic predicates ----------------------------------------------------------- #define jl_is_nothing(v) (((jl_value_t*)(v)) == ((jl_value_t*)jl_nothing)) #define jl_is_tuple(v) (((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v))->name == jl_tuple_typename) @@ -1469,8 +1380,7 @@ static inline int jl_field_isconst(jl_datatype_t *st, int i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT #define jl_is_uint8pointer(v)jl_typetagis(v,jl_uint8pointer_type) #define jl_is_llvmpointer(v) (((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v))->name == jl_llvmpointer_typename) #define jl_is_intrinsic(v) jl_typetagis(v,jl_intrinsic_type) -#define jl_is_addrspacecore(v) jl_typetagis(v,jl_addrspacecore_type) -#define jl_genericmemory_isbitsunion(a) (((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(a))->layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) +#define jl_array_isbitsunion(a) (!(((jl_array_t*)(a))->flags.ptrarray) && jl_is_uniontype(jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a)))) JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_subtype(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b); @@ -1506,23 +1416,23 @@ STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_structtype(void *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT STATIC_INLINE int jl_isbits(void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT // corresponding to isbitstype() in julia { - return jl_is_datatype(t) && ((jl_datatype_t*)t)->isbitstype; + return (jl_is_datatype(t) && ((jl_datatype_t*)t)->isbitstype); } STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_datatype_singleton(jl_datatype_t *d) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return d->instance != NULL && d->layout->size == 0 && d->layout->npointers == 0; + return (d->instance != NULL); } STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_abstracttype(void *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return jl_is_datatype(v) && ((jl_datatype_t*)(v))->name->abstract; + return (jl_is_datatype(v) && ((jl_datatype_t*)(v))->name->abstract); } STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_array_type(void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return jl_is_datatype(t) && - ((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->name == jl_array_typename; + return (jl_is_datatype(t) && + ((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->name == jl_array_typename); } STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_array(void *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT @@ -1531,42 +1441,6 @@ STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_array(void *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT return jl_is_array_type(t); } -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_genericmemory_type(void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - return (jl_is_datatype(t) && - ((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->name == jl_genericmemory_typename); -} - -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_genericmemory(void *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_value_t *t = jl_typeof(v); - return jl_is_genericmemory_type(t); -} - -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - return (jl_is_datatype(t) && - ((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->name == jl_genericmemoryref_typename); -} - -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_genericmemoryref(void *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_value_t *t = jl_typeof(v); - return jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(t); -} - -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_addrspace_type(void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - return (jl_is_datatype(t) && - ((jl_datatype_t*)(t))->name == jl_addrspace_typename); -} - -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_addrspace(void *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT -{ - jl_value_t *t = jl_typeof(v); - return jl_is_addrspace_type(t); -} - STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_opaque_closure_type(void *t) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { @@ -1622,9 +1496,12 @@ STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_type_type(jl_value_t *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT ((jl_datatype_t*)(v))->name == ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_type_type->body)->name); } -STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_genericmemory_zeroinit(jl_genericmemory_t *m) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +STATIC_INLINE int jl_is_array_zeroinit(jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - return ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(m))->zeroinit; + if (a->flags.ptrarray || a->flags.hasptr) + return 1; + jl_value_t *elty = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a)); + return jl_is_datatype(elty) && ((jl_datatype_t*)elty)->zeroinit; } // object identity @@ -1693,7 +1570,6 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_instantiate_unionall(jl_unionall_t *u, jl_value_t *p JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_type(jl_value_t *tc, jl_value_t **params, size_t n); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_type1(jl_value_t *tc, jl_value_t *p1); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_type2(jl_value_t *tc, jl_value_t *p1, jl_value_t *p2); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_type3(jl_value_t *tc, jl_value_t *p1, jl_value_t *p2, jl_value_t *p3); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_apply_modify_type(jl_value_t *dt); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_datatype_t *jl_apply_cmpswap_type(jl_value_t *dt); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_tuple_type(jl_svec_t *params, int check); // if uncertain, set check=1 @@ -1812,48 +1688,44 @@ int jl_uniontype_size(jl_value_t *ty, size_t *sz); JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_islayout_inline(jl_value_t *eltype, size_t *fsz, size_t *al); // arrays +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_new_array(jl_value_t *atype, jl_value_t *dims); +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_reshape_array(jl_value_t *atype, jl_array_t *data, + jl_value_t *dims); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array_1d(jl_value_t *atype, void *data, size_t nel, int own_buffer); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_ptr_to_array(jl_value_t *atype, void *data, jl_value_t *dims, int own_buffer); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr); +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_2d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr, + size_t nc); +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_array_3d(jl_value_t *atype, size_t nr, + size_t nc, size_t z); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_pchar_to_array(const char *str, size_t len); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_pchar_to_string(const char *str, size_t len); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_cstr_to_string(const char *str); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_alloc_string(size_t len); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_array_to_string(jl_array_t *a); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_alloc_vec_any(size_t n); +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_arrayref(jl_array_t *a, size_t i); // 0-indexed +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_ptrarrayref(jl_array_t *a JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; // 0-indexed +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_arrayset(jl_array_t *a JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *v JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED, size_t i); // 0-indexed +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_arrayunset(jl_array_t *a, size_t i); // 0-indexed +JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_isassigned(jl_array_t *a, size_t i); // 0-indexed JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_grow_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t inc); JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_del_end(jl_array_t *a, size_t dec); +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_grow_beg(jl_array_t *a, size_t inc); +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_del_beg(jl_array_t *a, size_t dec); +JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_sizehint(jl_array_t *a, size_t sz); JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *item); JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_array_ptr_1d_append(jl_array_t *a, jl_array_t *a2); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_apply_array_type(jl_value_t *type, size_t dim); +JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_validate_dims(size_t *nel, size_t *tot, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims, size_t elsz); // property access JL_DLLEXPORT void *jl_array_ptr(jl_array_t *a); JL_DLLEXPORT void *jl_array_eltype(jl_value_t *a); JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_rank(jl_value_t *a); - -// genericmemory -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_new_genericmemory(jl_value_t *mtype, jl_value_t *dim); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_ptr_to_genericmemory(jl_value_t *mtype, void *data, - size_t nel, int own_buffer); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_alloc_genericmemory(jl_value_t *mtype, size_t nel); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_pchar_to_memory(const char *str, size_t len); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_genericmemory_to_string(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t len); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_alloc_memory_any(size_t n); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_genericmemoryref(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t i); // 0-indexed -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_genericmemoryset(jl_genericmemory_t *m JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *v JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED, size_t i); // 0-indexed -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_genericmemoryunset(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t i); // 0-indexed -JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_genericmemory_isassigned(jl_genericmemory_t *m, size_t i); // 0-indexed - -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemoryref_t *jl_new_memoryref(jl_value_t *typ, jl_genericmemory_t *mem, void *data); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_memoryrefget(jl_genericmemoryref_t m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_ptrmemoryrefget(jl_genericmemoryref_t m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_memoryref_isassigned(jl_genericmemoryref_t m) JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemoryref_t jl_memoryrefindex(jl_genericmemoryref_t m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t idx) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_memoryrefset(jl_genericmemoryref_t m JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *v JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED); -JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_memoryrefunset(jl_genericmemoryref_t m); +JL_DLLEXPORT size_t jl_array_size(jl_value_t *a, int d); // strings JL_DLLEXPORT const char *jl_string_ptr(jl_value_t *s); @@ -1910,10 +1782,10 @@ STATIC_INLINE jl_function_t *jl_get_function(jl_module_t *m, const char *name) } // eq hash tables -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_eqtable_put(jl_genericmemory_t *h JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT, int *inserted); -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_get(jl_genericmemory_t *h JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_pop(jl_genericmemory_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt, int *found); -jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_getkey(jl_genericmemory_t *h JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_eqtable_put(jl_array_t *h JL_ROOTING_ARGUMENT, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *val JL_ROOTED_ARGUMENT, int *inserted); +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_get(jl_array_t *h JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_pop(jl_array_t *h, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt, int *found); +jl_value_t *jl_eqtable_getkey(jl_array_t *h JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *key, jl_value_t *deflt) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; // system information JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_errno(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; diff --git a/src/julia_internal.h b/src/julia_internal.h index d63df80cafede..789f4bb51a385 100644 --- a/src/julia_internal.h +++ b/src/julia_internal.h @@ -294,17 +294,19 @@ STATIC_INLINE uint32_t jl_int32hash_fast(uint32_t a) // without risk of creating pointers out of thin air // TODO: replace with LLVM's llvm.memmove.element.unordered.atomic.p0i8.p0i8.i32 // aka `__llvm_memmove_element_unordered_atomic_8` (for 64 bit) -static inline void memmove_refs(_Atomic(void*) *dstp, _Atomic(void*) *srcp, size_t n) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +static inline void memmove_refs(void **dstp, void *const *srcp, size_t n) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { size_t i; + _Atomic(void*) *srcpa = (_Atomic(void*)*)srcp; + _Atomic(void*) *dstpa = (_Atomic(void*)*)dstp; if (dstp < srcp || dstp > srcp + n) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { - jl_atomic_store_release(dstp + i, jl_atomic_load_relaxed(srcp + i)); + jl_atomic_store_release(dstpa + i, jl_atomic_load_relaxed(srcpa + i)); } } else { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { - jl_atomic_store_release(dstp + n - i - 1, jl_atomic_load_relaxed(srcp + n - i - 1)); + jl_atomic_store_release(dstpa + n - i - 1, jl_atomic_load_relaxed(srcpa + n - i - 1)); } } } @@ -569,7 +571,6 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void JL_NORETURN jl_throw_out_of_memory_error(void); JL_DLLEXPORT int64_t jl_gc_diff_total_bytes(void) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; JL_DLLEXPORT int64_t jl_gc_sync_total_bytes(int64_t offset) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; void jl_gc_track_malloced_array(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_array_t *a) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; -void jl_gc_track_malloced_genericmemory(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_genericmemory_t *m, int isaligned) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; void jl_gc_count_allocd(size_t sz) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; void jl_gc_run_all_finalizers(jl_task_t *ct); void jl_release_task_stack(jl_ptls_t ptls, jl_task_t *task); @@ -775,13 +776,15 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_methtable_t *jl_method_get_table( JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_pointer_egal(jl_value_t *t); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_nth_slot_type(jl_value_t *sig JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, size_t i) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; void jl_compute_field_offsets(jl_datatype_t *st); +jl_array_t *jl_new_array_for_deserialization(jl_value_t *atype, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims, + int isunboxed, int hasptr, int isunion, int elsz); void jl_module_run_initializer(jl_module_t *m); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_binding_t *jl_get_module_binding(jl_module_t *m JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_sym_t *var, int alloc); JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_binding_deprecation_warning(jl_module_t *m, jl_sym_t *sym, jl_binding_t *b); extern jl_array_t *jl_module_init_order JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern htable_t jl_current_modules JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; extern JL_DLLEXPORT jl_module_t *jl_precompile_toplevel_module JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; -extern jl_genericmemory_t *jl_global_roots_table JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; +extern jl_array_t *jl_global_roots_table JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED; JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_is_globally_rooted(jl_value_t *val JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_as_global_root(jl_value_t *val JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED); @@ -965,8 +968,8 @@ uint8_t jl_object_in_image(jl_value_t* v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; // the first argument to jl_idtable_rehash is used to return a value // make sure it is rooted if it is used after the function returns -JL_DLLEXPORT jl_genericmemory_t *jl_idtable_rehash(jl_genericmemory_t *a, size_t newsz); -_Atomic(jl_value_t*) *jl_table_peek_bp(jl_genericmemory_t *a, jl_value_t *key) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_idtable_rehash(jl_array_t *a, size_t newsz); +_Atomic(jl_value_t*) *jl_table_peek_bp(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *key) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; JL_DLLEXPORT jl_method_t *jl_new_method_uninit(jl_module_t*); @@ -1284,7 +1287,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT unsigned jl_intrinsic_nargs(int f) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; STATIC_INLINE int is_valid_intrinsic_elptr(jl_value_t *ety) { - return ety == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || (jl_is_concrete_type(ety) && !jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->layout) && !jl_is_array(ety)); + return ety == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type || (jl_is_concrete_type(ety) && !jl_is_layout_opaque(((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->layout)); } JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_bitcast(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *v); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_pointerref(jl_value_t *p, jl_value_t *i, jl_value_t *align); @@ -1379,6 +1382,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_arraylen(jl_value_t *a); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_have_fma(jl_value_t *a); JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_stored_inline(jl_value_t *el_type); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *(jl_array_data_owner)(jl_array_t *a); +JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_array_isassigned(jl_array_t *a, size_t i); JL_DLLEXPORT jl_array_t *jl_array_copy(jl_array_t *ary); JL_DLLEXPORT uintptr_t jl_object_id_(jl_value_t *tv, jl_value_t *v) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT; diff --git a/src/llvm-alloc-opt.cpp b/src/llvm-alloc-opt.cpp index 619fa03ef58dd..5d11a9dd94c7a 100644 --- a/src/llvm-alloc-opt.cpp +++ b/src/llvm-alloc-opt.cpp @@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ static void removeGCPreserve(CallInst *call, Instruction *val) * * * load * * `pointer_from_objref` - * * `gc_loaded` * * Any real llvm intrinsics * * gc preserve intrinsics * * `ccall` gcroot array (`jl_roots` operand bundle) @@ -95,6 +94,7 @@ static void removeGCPreserve(CallInst *call, Instruction *val) * TODO: * * Return twice * * Handle phi node. + * * Look through `pointer_from_objref`. * * Handle jl_box* */ @@ -310,9 +310,7 @@ bool Optimizer::isSafepoint(Instruction *inst) return false; if (auto callee = call->getCalledFunction()) { // Known functions emitted in codegen that are not safepoints - if (callee == pass.pointer_from_objref_func - || callee == pass.gc_loaded_func - || callee->getName() == "memcmp") { + if (callee == pass.pointer_from_objref_func || callee->getName() == "memcmp") { return false; } } @@ -695,11 +693,6 @@ void Optimizer::moveToStack(CallInst *orig_inst, size_t sz, bool has_ref) call->eraseFromParent(); return; } - //if (pass.gc_loaded_func == callee) { - // call->replaceAllUsesWith(new_i); - // call->eraseFromParent(); - // return; - //} if (pass.typeof_func == callee) { ++RemovedTypeofs; call->replaceAllUsesWith(tag); diff --git a/src/llvm-codegen-shared.h b/src/llvm-codegen-shared.h index b78a3bea9c0ef..84d72eb063abc 100644 --- a/src/llvm-codegen-shared.h +++ b/src/llvm-codegen-shared.h @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ struct CountTrackedPointers { unsigned count = 0; bool all = true; bool derived = false; - CountTrackedPointers(llvm::Type *T, bool ignore_loaded=false); + CountTrackedPointers(llvm::Type *T); }; unsigned TrackWithShadow(llvm::Value *Src, llvm::Type *T, bool isptr, llvm::Value *Dst, llvm::Type *DTy, llvm::IRBuilder<> &irbuilder); diff --git a/src/llvm-late-gc-lowering.cpp b/src/llvm-late-gc-lowering.cpp index 873c34e5a07b7..e313979fc6a5a 100644 --- a/src/llvm-late-gc-lowering.cpp +++ b/src/llvm-late-gc-lowering.cpp @@ -378,18 +378,16 @@ static bool isSpecialPtr(Type *Ty) { // return how many Special pointers are in T (count > 0), // and if there is anything else in T (all == false) -CountTrackedPointers::CountTrackedPointers(Type *T, bool ignore_loaded) { +CountTrackedPointers::CountTrackedPointers(Type *T) { if (isa(T)) { if (isSpecialPtr(T)) { - if (ignore_loaded && T->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) - return; count++; if (T->getPointerAddressSpace() != AddressSpace::Tracked) derived = true; } } else if (isa(T) || isa(T) || isa(T)) { for (Type *ElT : T->subtypes()) { - auto sub = CountTrackedPointers(ElT, ignore_loaded); + auto sub = CountTrackedPointers(ElT); count += sub.count; all &= sub.all; derived |= sub.derived; @@ -405,20 +403,6 @@ CountTrackedPointers::CountTrackedPointers(Type *T, bool ignore_loaded) { all = false; } -bool hasLoadedTy(Type *T) { - if (isa(T)) { - if (T->getPointerAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) - return true; - } else if (isa(T) || isa(T) || isa(T)) { - for (Type *ElT : T->subtypes()) { - if (hasLoadedTy(ElT)) - return true; - } - } - return false; -} - - unsigned getCompositeNumElements(Type *T) { if (auto *ST = dyn_cast(T)) return ST->getNumElements(); @@ -500,19 +484,18 @@ static std::pair FindBaseValue(const State &S, Value *V, bool UseCac CurrentV = EEI->getVectorOperand(); } else if (auto LI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { - if (hasLoadedTy(LI->getType())) { - // This is the old (now deprecated) implementation for loaded. - // New code should use the gc_loaded intrinsic to ensure that - // the load is paired with the correct Tracked value. - CurrentV = LI->getPointerOperand(); - fld_idx = -1; - if (!isSpecialPtr(CurrentV->getType())) { - // This could really be anything, but it's not loaded - // from a tracked pointer, so it doesn't matter what - // it is--just pick something simple. - CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); + if (auto PtrT = dyn_cast(LI->getType()->getScalarType())) { + if (PtrT->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) { + CurrentV = LI->getPointerOperand(); + fld_idx = -1; + if (!isSpecialPtr(CurrentV->getType())) { + // This could really be anything, but it's not loaded + // from a tracked pointer, so it doesn't matter what + // it is--just pick something simple. + CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); + } + continue; } - continue; } // In general a load terminates a walk break; @@ -534,42 +517,36 @@ static std::pair FindBaseValue(const State &S, Value *V, bool UseCac if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load || II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_gather) { if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(II->getType())) { - if (hasLoadedTy(VTy->getElementType())) { - Value *Mask = II->getOperand(2); - Value *Passthrough = II->getOperand(3); - if (!isa(Mask) || !cast(Mask)->isAllOnesValue()) { - assert(isa(Passthrough) && "unimplemented"); - (void)Passthrough; - } - CurrentV = II->getOperand(0); - if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load) { - fld_idx = -1; - if (!isSpecialPtr(CurrentV->getType())) { - CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); + if (auto PtrT = dyn_cast(VTy->getElementType())) { + if (PtrT->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) { + Value *Mask = II->getOperand(2); + Value *Passthrough = II->getOperand(3); + if (!isa(Mask) || !cast(Mask)->isAllOnesValue()) { + assert(isa(Passthrough) && "unimplemented"); + (void)Passthrough; } - } else { - if (auto VTy2 = dyn_cast(CurrentV->getType())) { - if (!isSpecialPtr(VTy2->getElementType())) { + CurrentV = II->getOperand(0); + if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load) { + fld_idx = -1; + if (!isSpecialPtr(CurrentV->getType())) { CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); - fld_idx = -1; + } + } else { + if (auto VTy2 = dyn_cast(CurrentV->getType())) { + if (!isSpecialPtr(VTy2->getElementType())) { + CurrentV = ConstantPointerNull::get(Type::getInt8PtrTy(V->getContext())); + fld_idx = -1; + } } } + continue; } - continue; } } // In general a load terminates a walk break; } } - else if (auto CI = dyn_cast(CurrentV)) { - auto callee = CI->getCalledFunction(); - if (callee && callee->getName() == "julia.gc_loaded") { - CurrentV = CI->getArgOperand(0); - continue; - } - break; - } else { break; } @@ -661,12 +638,15 @@ void LateLowerGCFrame::LiftSelect(State &S, SelectInst *SI) { // already visited here--nothing to do return; } - assert(!isTrackedValue(SI)); SmallVector Numbers; unsigned NumRoots = 1; - Type *STy = SI->getType(); - if (!isa(STy)) - Numbers.resize(CountTrackedPointers(STy).count, -1); + if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(SI->getType())) { + ElementCount EC = VTy->getElementCount(); + Numbers.resize(EC.getKnownMinValue(), -1); + } + else + assert(isa(SI->getType()) && "unimplemented"); + assert(!isTrackedValue(SI)); // find the base root for the arguments Value *TrueBase = MaybeExtractScalar(S, FindBaseValue(S, SI->getTrueValue(), false), SI); Value *FalseBase = MaybeExtractScalar(S, FindBaseValue(S, SI->getFalseValue(), false), SI); @@ -743,17 +723,20 @@ void LateLowerGCFrame::LiftPhi(State &S, PHINode *Phi) { SmallVector lifted; SmallVector Numbers; unsigned NumRoots = 1; - Type *PTy = Phi->getType(); - if (!isa(PTy)) { - NumRoots = CountTrackedPointers(PTy).count; + if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(Phi->getType())) { + NumRoots = VTy->getNumElements(); Numbers.resize(NumRoots); } + else { + // TODO: SVE + assert(isa(Phi->getType()) && "unimplemented"); + } for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumRoots; ++i) { PHINode *lift = PHINode::Create(T_prjlvalue, Phi->getNumIncomingValues(), "gclift", Phi); int Number = ++S.MaxPtrNumber; S.AllPtrNumbering[lift] = Number; S.ReversePtrNumbering[Number] = lift; - if (isa(PTy)) + if (!isa(Phi->getType())) S.AllPtrNumbering[Phi] = Number; else Numbers[i] = Number; @@ -1193,7 +1176,7 @@ static bool isLoadFromImmut(LoadInst *LI) if (LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load)) return true; MDNode *TBAA = LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa); - if (isTBAA(TBAA, {"jtbaa_immut", "jtbaa_const", "jtbaa_datatype", "jtbaa_memoryptr", "jtbaa_memorylen", "jtbaa_memoryown"})) + if (isTBAA(TBAA, {"jtbaa_immut", "jtbaa_const", "jtbaa_datatype"})) return true; return false; } @@ -1248,10 +1231,6 @@ static bool isLoadFromConstGV(Value *v, bool &task_local, PhiSet *seen = nullptr task_local = true; return true; } - if (callee && callee->getName() == "julia.gc_loaded") { - return isLoadFromConstGV(call->getArgOperand(0), task_local, seen) && - isLoadFromConstGV(call->getArgOperand(1), task_local, seen); - } } if (isa(v)) { task_local = true; @@ -1276,7 +1255,8 @@ static bool isLoadFromConstGV(LoadInst *LI, bool &task_local, PhiSet *seen) auto load_base = LI->getPointerOperand()->stripInBoundsOffsets(); assert(load_base); // Static analyzer auto gv = dyn_cast(load_base); - if (isLoadFromImmut(LI)) { + if (isTBAA(LI->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa), + {"jtbaa_immut", "jtbaa_const", "jtbaa_datatype"})) { if (gv) return true; return isLoadFromConstGV(load_base, task_local, seen); @@ -1511,18 +1491,20 @@ State LateLowerGCFrame::LocalScan(Function &F) { if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load || II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_gather) { if (auto VTy = dyn_cast(II->getType())) { - if (CountTrackedPointers(VTy->getElementType()).count) { - // LLVM sometimes tries to materialize these operations with undefined pointers in our non-integral address space. - // Hopefully LLVM didn't already propagate that information and poison our users. Set those to NULL now. - Value *passthru = II->getArgOperand(3); - if (isa(passthru)) { - II->setArgOperand(3, Constant::getNullValue(passthru->getType())); + if (auto PtrT = dyn_cast(VTy->getElementType())) { + if (isSpecialPtr(PtrT)) { + // LLVM sometimes tries to materialize these operations with undefined pointers in our non-integral address space. + // Hopefully LLVM didn't already propagate that information and poison our users. Set those to NULL now. + Value *passthru = II->getArgOperand(3); + if (isa(passthru)) { + II->setArgOperand(3, Constant::getNullValue(passthru->getType())); + } + if (PtrT->getAddressSpace() == AddressSpace::Loaded) { + // These are not real defs + continue; + } } } - if (hasLoadedTy(VTy->getElementType())) { - // These are not real defs - continue; - } } } } @@ -1530,16 +1512,13 @@ State LateLowerGCFrame::LocalScan(Function &F) { if (callee && callee == typeof_func) { MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, CI, BBS.Safepoints, SmallVector{-2}); } - else if (callee && callee->getName() == "julia.gc_loaded") { - continue; - } else { MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, CI, BBS.Safepoints); } if (CI->hasStructRetAttr()) { Type *ElT = getAttributeAtIndex(CI->getAttributes(), 1, Attribute::StructRet).getValueAsType(); assert(cast(CI->getArgOperand(0)->getType())->isOpaqueOrPointeeTypeMatches(getAttributeAtIndex(CI->getAttributes(), 1, Attribute::StructRet).getValueAsType())); - auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(ElT, true); + auto tracked = CountTrackedPointers(ElT); if (tracked.count) { AllocaInst *SRet = dyn_cast((CI->arg_begin()[0])->stripInBoundsOffsets()); assert(SRet); @@ -1620,7 +1599,7 @@ State LateLowerGCFrame::LocalScan(Function &F) { callee == gc_preserve_end_func || callee == typeof_func || callee == pgcstack_getter || callee->getName() == XSTR(jl_egal__unboxed) || callee->getName() == XSTR(jl_lock_value) || callee->getName() == XSTR(jl_unlock_value) || - callee == write_barrier_func || callee == gc_loaded_func || + callee == write_barrier_func || callee->getName() == "memcmp") { continue; } @@ -1702,8 +1681,9 @@ State LateLowerGCFrame::LocalScan(Function &F) { // task but we do need to issue write barriers for when the current task dies. RefinedPtr.push_back(task_local ? -1 : -2); } - if (!hasLoadedTy(Ty)) + if (!Ty->isPointerTy() || Ty->getPointerAddressSpace() != AddressSpace::Loaded) { MaybeNoteDef(S, BBS, LI, BBS.Safepoints, std::move(RefinedPtr)); + } NoteOperandUses(S, BBS, I); } else if (auto *LI = dyn_cast(&I)) { Type *Ty = LI->getNewValOperand()->getType()->getScalarType(); @@ -1865,8 +1845,7 @@ SmallVector ExtractTrackedValues(Value *Src, Type *STy, bool isptr, I if (ignore_field(Idxs)) continue; Value *Elem = ExtractScalar(Src, STy, isptr, Idxs, irbuilder); - if (isTrackedValue(Elem)) // ignore addrspace Loaded when it appears - Ptrs.push_back(Elem); + Ptrs.push_back(Elem); } return Ptrs; } @@ -2333,7 +2312,7 @@ bool LateLowerGCFrame::CleanupIR(Function &F, State *S, bool *CFGModified) { if (I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load)) I->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_invariant_load, NULL); if (MDNode *TBAA = I->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa)) { - if (TBAA->getNumOperands() == 4 && isTBAA(TBAA, {"jtbaa_const", "jtbaa_memoryptr", "jtbaa_memorylen", "tbaa_memoryown"})) { + if (TBAA->getNumOperands() == 4 && isTBAA(TBAA, {"jtbaa_const"})) { MDNode *MutableTBAA = createMutableTBAAAccessTag(TBAA); if (MutableTBAA != TBAA) I->setMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa, MutableTBAA); @@ -2362,13 +2341,7 @@ bool LateLowerGCFrame::CleanupIR(Function &F, State *S, bool *CFGModified) { /* No replacement */ } else if (pointer_from_objref_func != nullptr && callee == pointer_from_objref_func) { auto *obj = CI->getOperand(0); - auto *ASCI = new AddrSpaceCastInst(obj, CI->getType(), "", CI); - ASCI->takeName(CI); - CI->replaceAllUsesWith(ASCI); - UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, ASCI, S); - } else if (gc_loaded_func != nullptr && callee == gc_loaded_func) { - auto *obj = CI->getOperand(1); - auto *ASCI = new AddrSpaceCastInst(obj, CI->getType(), "", CI); + auto *ASCI = new AddrSpaceCastInst(obj, JuliaType::get_pjlvalue_ty(obj->getContext()), "", CI); ASCI->takeName(CI); CI->replaceAllUsesWith(ASCI); UpdatePtrNumbering(CI, ASCI, S); diff --git a/src/llvm-pass-helpers.cpp b/src/llvm-pass-helpers.cpp index 589b47148fa83..6a4d373500c73 100644 --- a/src/llvm-pass-helpers.cpp +++ b/src/llvm-pass-helpers.cpp @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ JuliaPassContext::JuliaPassContext() pgcstack_getter(nullptr), adoptthread_func(nullptr), gc_flush_func(nullptr), gc_preserve_begin_func(nullptr), gc_preserve_end_func(nullptr), - pointer_from_objref_func(nullptr), gc_loaded_func(nullptr), alloc_obj_func(nullptr), + pointer_from_objref_func(nullptr), alloc_obj_func(nullptr), typeof_func(nullptr), write_barrier_func(nullptr), call_func(nullptr), call2_func(nullptr), call3_func(nullptr), module(nullptr) { @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ void JuliaPassContext::initFunctions(Module &M) gc_preserve_begin_func = M.getFunction("llvm.julia.gc_preserve_begin"); gc_preserve_end_func = M.getFunction("llvm.julia.gc_preserve_end"); pointer_from_objref_func = M.getFunction("julia.pointer_from_objref"); - gc_loaded_func = M.getFunction("julia.gc_loaded"); typeof_func = M.getFunction("julia.typeof"); write_barrier_func = M.getFunction("julia.write_barrier"); alloc_obj_func = M.getFunction("julia.gc_alloc_obj"); diff --git a/src/llvm-pass-helpers.h b/src/llvm-pass-helpers.h index 346500df51ca1..3020cf03259f0 100644 --- a/src/llvm-pass-helpers.h +++ b/src/llvm-pass-helpers.h @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ struct JuliaPassContext { llvm::Function *gc_preserve_begin_func; llvm::Function *gc_preserve_end_func; llvm::Function *pointer_from_objref_func; - llvm::Function *gc_loaded_func; llvm::Function *alloc_obj_func; llvm::Function *typeof_func; llvm::Function *write_barrier_func; diff --git a/src/method.c b/src/method.c index 4e3062fef5246..7d8d0e9ec4a78 100644 --- a/src/method.c +++ b/src/method.c @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ static jl_value_t *resolve_globals(jl_value_t *expr, jl_module_t *module, jl_sve // ignore these } else { - size_t i = 0, nargs = jl_array_nrows(e->args); + size_t i = 0, nargs = jl_array_len(e->args); if (e->head == jl_opaque_closure_method_sym) { if (nargs != 5) { jl_error("opaque_closure_method: invalid syntax"); @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ static jl_value_t *resolve_globals(jl_value_t *expr, jl_module_t *module, jl_sve JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_resolve_globals_in_ir(jl_array_t *stmts, jl_module_t *m, jl_svec_t *sparam_vals, int binding_effects) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(stmts); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(stmts); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *stmt = jl_array_ptr_ref(stmts, i); jl_array_ptr_set(stmts, i, resolve_globals(stmt, m, sparam_vals, binding_effects, 0)); @@ -286,17 +286,18 @@ static void jl_code_info_set_ir(jl_code_info_t *li, jl_expr_t *ir) jl_expr_t *bodyex = (jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ir, 2); jl_value_t *codelocs = jl_exprarg(ir, 3); li->linetable = jl_exprarg(ir, 4); - size_t nlocs = jl_array_nrows(codelocs); + size_t nlocs = jl_array_len(codelocs); li->codelocs = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, nlocs); size_t j; for (j = 0; j < nlocs; j++) { - jl_array_uint32_set((jl_array_t*)li->codelocs, j, jl_unbox_long(jl_array_ptr_ref((jl_array_t*)codelocs, j))); + jl_arrayset((jl_array_t*)li->codelocs, jl_box_int32(jl_unbox_long(jl_arrayref((jl_array_t*)codelocs, j))), + j); } assert(jl_is_expr(bodyex)); jl_array_t *body = bodyex->args; li->code = body; jl_gc_wb(li, li->code); - size_t n = jl_array_nrows(body); + size_t n = jl_array_len(body); jl_value_t **bd = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_ptr_data((jl_array_t*)li->code); li->ssaflags = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint32_type, n); jl_gc_wb(li, li->ssaflags); @@ -408,7 +409,7 @@ static void jl_code_info_set_ir(jl_code_info_t *li, jl_expr_t *ir) free(inline_flags); jl_array_t *vinfo = (jl_array_t*)jl_exprarg(ir, 1); jl_array_t *vis = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(vinfo, 0); - size_t nslots = jl_array_nrows(vis); + size_t nslots = jl_array_len(vis); jl_value_t *ssavalue_types = jl_array_ptr_ref(vinfo, 2); assert(jl_is_long(ssavalue_types)); size_t nssavalue = jl_unbox_long(ssavalue_types); @@ -506,7 +507,7 @@ void jl_add_function_to_lineinfo(jl_code_info_t *ci, jl_value_t *func) { // func may contain jl_symbol (function name), jl_method_t, or jl_method_instance_t jl_array_t *li = (jl_array_t*)ci->linetable; - size_t i, n = jl_array_nrows(li); + size_t i, n = jl_array_len(li); jl_value_t *rt = NULL, *lno = NULL, *inl = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH3(&rt, &lno, &inl); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { @@ -617,7 +618,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_code_info_t *jl_code_for_staged(jl_method_instance_t *linfo, siz // If this generated function has an opaque closure, cache it for // correctness of method identity - for (int i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(func->code); ++i) { + for (int i = 0; i < jl_array_len(func->code); ++i) { jl_value_t *stmt = jl_array_ptr_ref(func->code, i); if (jl_is_expr(stmt) && ((jl_expr_t*)stmt)->head == jl_new_opaque_closure_sym) { if (jl_options.incremental && jl_generating_output()) @@ -699,7 +700,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_method_set_source(jl_method_t *m, jl_code_info_t *src) JL_GC_PUSH3(©, &sparam_vars, &src); assert(jl_typetagis(src->code, jl_array_any_type)); jl_array_t *stmts = (jl_array_t*)src->code; - size_t i, n = jl_array_nrows(stmts); + size_t i, n = jl_array_len(stmts); copy = jl_alloc_vec_any(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { jl_value_t *st = jl_array_ptr_ref(stmts, i); @@ -1109,7 +1110,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_method_t* jl_method_def(jl_svec_t *argdata, jl_all_methods = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); #endif if (jl_all_methods != NULL) { - while (jl_array_nrows(jl_all_methods) < m->primary_world) + while (jl_array_len(jl_all_methods) < m->primary_world) jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_all_methods, NULL); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_all_methods, (jl_value_t*)m); } @@ -1169,10 +1170,10 @@ static uint64_t current_root_id(jl_array_t *root_blocks) if (!root_blocks) return 0; assert(jl_is_array(root_blocks)); - size_t nx2 = jl_array_nrows(root_blocks); + size_t nx2 = jl_array_len(root_blocks); if (nx2 == 0) return 0; - uint64_t *blocks = jl_array_data(root_blocks, uint64_t); + uint64_t *blocks = (uint64_t*)jl_array_data(root_blocks); return blocks[nx2-2]; } @@ -1181,8 +1182,8 @@ static void add_root_block(jl_array_t *root_blocks, uint64_t modid, size_t len) { assert(jl_is_array(root_blocks)); jl_array_grow_end(root_blocks, 2); - uint64_t *blocks = jl_array_data(root_blocks, uint64_t); - int nx2 = jl_array_nrows(root_blocks); + uint64_t *blocks = (uint64_t*)jl_array_data(root_blocks); + int nx2 = jl_array_len(root_blocks); blocks[nx2-2] = modid; blocks[nx2-1] = len; } @@ -1212,7 +1213,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_add_method_root(jl_method_t *m, jl_module_t *mod, jl_value_ assert(jl_is_method(m)); prepare_method_for_roots(m, modid); if (current_root_id(m->root_blocks) != modid) - add_root_block(m->root_blocks, modid, jl_array_nrows(m->roots)); + add_root_block(m->root_blocks, modid, jl_array_len(m->roots)); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(m->roots, root); JL_GC_POP(); } @@ -1224,7 +1225,7 @@ void jl_append_method_roots(jl_method_t *m, uint64_t modid, jl_array_t* roots) assert(jl_is_method(m)); assert(jl_is_array(roots)); prepare_method_for_roots(m, modid); - add_root_block(m->root_blocks, modid, jl_array_nrows(m->roots)); + add_root_block(m->root_blocks, modid, jl_array_len(m->roots)); jl_array_ptr_1d_append(m->roots, roots); JL_GC_POP(); } @@ -1238,7 +1239,7 @@ int get_root_reference(rle_reference *rr, jl_method_t *m, size_t i) rr->index = i; return i < m->nroots_sysimg; } - rle_index_to_reference(rr, i, jl_array_data(m->root_blocks, uint64_t), jl_array_nrows(m->root_blocks), 0); + rle_index_to_reference(rr, i, (uint64_t*)jl_array_data(m->root_blocks), jl_array_len(m->root_blocks), 0); if (rr->key) return 1; return i < m->nroots_sysimg; @@ -1253,7 +1254,7 @@ jl_value_t *lookup_root(jl_method_t *m, uint64_t key, int index) return jl_array_ptr_ref(m->roots, index); } rle_reference rr = {key, index}; - size_t i = rle_reference_to_index(&rr, jl_array_data(m->root_blocks, uint64_t), jl_array_nrows(m->root_blocks), 0); + size_t i = rle_reference_to_index(&rr, (uint64_t*)jl_array_data(m->root_blocks), jl_array_len(m->root_blocks), 0); return jl_array_ptr_ref(m->roots, i); } @@ -1262,11 +1263,11 @@ int nroots_with_key(jl_method_t *m, uint64_t key) { size_t nroots = 0; if (m->roots) - nroots = jl_array_nrows(m->roots); + nroots = jl_array_len(m->roots); if (!m->root_blocks) return key == 0 ? nroots : 0; - uint64_t *rletable = jl_array_data(m->root_blocks, uint64_t); - size_t j, nblocks2 = jl_array_nrows(m->root_blocks); + uint64_t *rletable = (uint64_t*)jl_array_data(m->root_blocks); + size_t j, nblocks2 = jl_array_len(m->root_blocks); int nwithkey = 0; for (j = 0; j < nblocks2; j+=2) { if (rletable[j] == key) diff --git a/src/module.c b/src/module.c index b9abc2ce6bc38..c4b8437da4f01 100644 --- a/src/module.c +++ b/src/module.c @@ -41,14 +41,16 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_module_t *jl_new_module_(jl_sym_t *name, jl_module_t *parent, ui jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&m->bindings, jl_emptysvec); jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&m->bindingkeyset, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); arraylist_new(&m->usings, 0); + JL_GC_PUSH1(&m); if (jl_core_module && default_names) { - JL_GC_PUSH1(&m); jl_module_using(m, jl_core_module); - // export own name, so "using Foo" makes "Foo" itself visible + } + // export own name, so "using Foo" makes "Foo" itself visible + if (default_names) { jl_set_const(m, name, (jl_value_t*)m); - jl_module_public(m, name, 1); - JL_GC_POP(); } + jl_module_public(m, name, 1); + JL_GC_POP(); return m; } diff --git a/src/precompile.c b/src/precompile.c index be0e168c6a07c..ad33dcd9b6d65 100644 --- a/src/precompile.c +++ b/src/precompile.c @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void write_srctext(ios_t *f, jl_array_t *udeps, int64_t srctextpos) { // uint64: length of src text // char*: src text // At the end we write int32(0) as a terminal sentinel. - size_t len = jl_array_nrows(udeps); + size_t len = jl_array_len(udeps); static jl_value_t *replace_depot_func = NULL; if (!replace_depot_func) replace_depot_func = jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("replace_depot_path")); @@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_write_compiler_output(void) jl_array_t *udeps = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH2(&worklist, &udeps); jl_module_init_order = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); - int i, l = jl_array_nrows(worklist); + int i, l = jl_array_len(worklist); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { - jl_value_t *m = jl_array_ptr_ref(worklist, i); + jl_value_t *m = jl_ptrarrayref(worklist, i); jl_value_t *f = jl_get_global((jl_module_t*)m, jl_symbol("__init__")); if (f) { jl_array_ptr_1d_push(jl_module_init_order, m); diff --git a/src/precompile_utils.c b/src/precompile_utils.c index 0203569f33c37..9a577b900a1b7 100644 --- a/src/precompile_utils.c +++ b/src/precompile_utils.c @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static void jl_compile_all_defs(jl_array_t *mis) jl_foreach_reachable_mtable(compile_all_collect_, allmeths); - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(allmeths); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(allmeths); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_t *m = (jl_method_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(allmeths, i); if (jl_is_datatype(m->sig) && jl_isa_compileable_sig((jl_tupletype_t*)m->sig, jl_emptysvec, m)) { @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ static void *jl_precompile_(jl_array_t *m, int external_linkage) jl_method_instance_t *mi = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH2(&m2, &mi); m2 = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(m); i++) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(m); i++) { jl_value_t *item = jl_array_ptr_ref(m, i); if (jl_is_method_instance(item)) { mi = (jl_method_instance_t*)item; @@ -287,13 +287,13 @@ static void *jl_precompile_worklist(jl_array_t *worklist, jl_array_t *extext_met // type signatures that were inferred but haven't been compiled jl_array_t *m = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); JL_GC_PUSH1(&m); - size_t i, n = jl_array_nrows(worklist); + size_t i, n = jl_array_len(worklist); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { jl_module_t *mod = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(worklist, i); assert(jl_is_module(mod)); foreach_mtable_in_module(mod, precompile_enq_all_specializations_, m); } - n = jl_array_nrows(extext_methods); + n = jl_array_len(extext_methods); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { jl_method_t *method = (jl_method_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(extext_methods, i); assert(jl_is_method(method)); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ static void *jl_precompile_worklist(jl_array_t *worklist, jl_array_t *extext_met } } } - n = jl_array_nrows(new_specializations); + n = jl_array_len(new_specializations); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { jl_code_instance_t *ci = (jl_code_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(new_specializations, i); precompile_enq_specialization_(ci->def, m); diff --git a/src/processor.cpp b/src/processor.cpp index 99e02215be4ea..1e1c8eba796c2 100644 --- a/src/processor.cpp +++ b/src/processor.cpp @@ -993,7 +993,7 @@ extern "C" JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t* jl_reflect_clone_targets() { } jl_value_t *arr = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint8_type, data.size()); - uint8_t *out = jl_array_data(arr, uint8_t); + uint8_t *out = (uint8_t*)jl_array_data(arr); memcpy(out, data.data(), data.size()); return arr; } diff --git a/src/rtutils.c b/src/rtutils.c index e3cb1af50c676..afe8d24678a61 100644 --- a/src/rtutils.c +++ b/src/rtutils.c @@ -362,10 +362,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void *(jl_symbol_name)(jl_sym_t *s) // WARNING: THIS FUNCTION IS NEVER CALLED BUT INLINE BY CCALL JL_DLLEXPORT void *jl_array_ptr(jl_array_t *a) { - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(a->ref.mem))->layout; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion || layout->size == 0) - return (char*)a->ref.mem->ptr + (size_t)jl_array_data_(a); - return jl_array_data_(a); + return a->data; } JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_value_ptr(jl_value_t *a) { @@ -1031,7 +1028,7 @@ static size_t jl_static_show_x_(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v, jl_datatype_t *vt } else if (vt == jl_expr_type) { jl_expr_t *e = (jl_expr_t*)v; - if (e->head == jl_assign_sym && jl_array_nrows(e->args) == 2) { + if (e->head == jl_assign_sym && jl_array_len(e->args) == 2) { n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,0), depth, ctx); n += jl_printf(out, " = "); n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,1), depth, ctx); @@ -1039,7 +1036,7 @@ static size_t jl_static_show_x_(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v, jl_datatype_t *vt else { char sep = ' '; n += jl_printf(out, "Expr(:%s", jl_symbol_name(e->head)); - size_t i, len = jl_array_nrows(e->args); + size_t i, len = jl_array_len(e->args); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { n += jl_printf(out, ",%c", sep); n += jl_static_show_x(out, jl_exprarg(e,i), depth, ctx); @@ -1049,63 +1046,24 @@ static size_t jl_static_show_x_(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v, jl_datatype_t *vt } else if (jl_array_type && jl_is_array_type(vt)) { n += jl_printf(out, "Array{"); - jl_value_t *el_type = jl_tparam0(vt); - n += jl_static_show_x(out, el_type, depth, ctx); - jl_array_t *av = (jl_array_t*)v; + n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)jl_tparam0(vt), depth, ctx); + n += jl_printf(out, ", ("); size_t i, ndims = jl_array_ndims(v); - n += jl_printf(out, ", %" PRIdPTR "}(dims=(", ndims); if (ndims == 1) n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRIdPTR ",", jl_array_dim0(v)); else for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) n += jl_printf(out, (i > 0 ? ", %" PRIdPTR : "%" PRIdPTR), jl_array_dim(v, i)); - n += jl_printf(out, "), mem="); - n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)av->ref.mem, depth, ctx); - n += jl_printf(out, ")"); - } - else if (jl_genericmemoryref_type && jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(vt)) { - jl_genericmemoryref_t *ref = (jl_genericmemoryref_t*)v; - n += jl_printf(out, "MemoryRef(offset="); - size_t offset = (size_t)ref->ptr_or_offset; - if (ref->mem) { - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(ref->mem))->layout; - if (layout->size != 0 && !layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) - offset = ((char*)offset - (char*)ref->mem->ptr) / layout->size; - } - n += jl_printf(out, "%" PRIdPTR, offset); - n += jl_printf(out, ", ptr_or_offset=%p, mem=", ref->ptr_or_offset); - n += jl_static_show_x(out, (jl_value_t*)ref->mem, depth, ctx); - } - else if (jl_genericmemory_type && jl_is_genericmemory_type(vt)) { - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)v; - jl_value_t *isatomic = jl_tparam0(vt); - jl_value_t *addrspace = jl_tparam2(vt); - if (isatomic == (jl_value_t*)jl_not_atomic_sym && jl_is_addrspacecore(addrspace) && jl_unbox_uint8(addrspace) == 0) { - n += jl_printf(out, "Memory{"); - } - else { - n += jl_printf(out, "GenericMemory{"); - n += jl_static_show_x(out, isatomic, depth, ctx); - n += jl_printf(out, ", "); - n += jl_static_show_x(out, addrspace, depth, ctx); - n += jl_printf(out, ", "); - } - jl_value_t *el_type = jl_tparam1(vt); - n += jl_static_show_x(out, el_type, depth, ctx); - size_t j, tlen = m->length; - n += jl_printf(out, "}(%" PRIdPTR ", %p)[", tlen, m->ptr); -//#ifdef _P64 -// n += jl_printf(out, "0x%016" PRIx64, tlen); -//#else -// n += jl_printf(out, "0x%08" PRIx32, tlen); -//#endif - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = vt->layout; + n += jl_printf(out, ")}["); + size_t j, tlen = jl_array_len(v); + jl_array_t *av = (jl_array_t*)v; + jl_value_t *el_type = jl_tparam0(vt); + char *typetagdata = (!av->flags.ptrarray && jl_is_uniontype(el_type)) ? jl_array_typetagdata(av) : NULL; int nlsep = 0; - const char *typetagdata = NULL; - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { + if (av->flags.ptrarray) { // print arrays with newlines, unless the elements are probably small for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) { - jl_value_t **ptr = ((jl_value_t**)m->ptr) + j; + jl_value_t **ptr = ((jl_value_t**)av->data) + j; jl_value_t *p = *ptr; if (p != NULL && (uintptr_t)p >= 4096U) { jl_value_t *p_ty = jl_typeof(p); @@ -1118,30 +1076,21 @@ static size_t jl_static_show_x_(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v, jl_datatype_t *vt } } } - else if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion) { - typetagdata = jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(m); - } - if (layout->size == 0 && tlen >= 3) { - n += jl_static_show_x_(out, (jl_value_t*)m->ptr, (jl_datatype_t*)el_type, depth, ctx); - n += jl_printf(out, ", ..."); - } - else { - if (nlsep && tlen > 1) - n += jl_printf(out, "\n "); - for (size_t j = 0; j < tlen; j++) { - if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - jl_value_t **ptr = ((jl_value_t**)m->ptr) + j; - n += jl_static_show_x(out, *ptr, depth, ctx); - } - else { - char *ptr = ((char*)m->ptr) + j * layout->size; - n += jl_static_show_x_(out, (jl_value_t*)ptr, - (jl_datatype_t*)(typetagdata ? jl_nth_union_component(el_type, typetagdata[j]) : el_type), - depth, ctx); - } - if (j != tlen - 1) - n += jl_printf(out, nlsep ? ",\n " : ", "); + if (nlsep && tlen > 1) + n += jl_printf(out, "\n "); + for (j = 0; j < tlen; j++) { + if (av->flags.ptrarray) { + jl_value_t **ptr = ((jl_value_t**)av->data) + j; + n += jl_static_show_x(out, *ptr, depth, ctx); + } + else { + char *ptr = ((char*)av->data) + j * av->elsize; + n += jl_static_show_x_(out, (jl_value_t*)ptr, + typetagdata ? (jl_datatype_t*)jl_nth_union_component(el_type, typetagdata[j]) : (jl_datatype_t*)el_type, + depth, ctx); } + if (j != tlen - 1) + n += jl_printf(out, nlsep ? ",\n " : ", "); } n += jl_printf(out, "]"); } diff --git a/src/runtime_intrinsics.c b/src/runtime_intrinsics.c index aa0922fcb96ce..0c4021570ef21 100644 --- a/src/runtime_intrinsics.c +++ b/src/runtime_intrinsics.c @@ -1667,6 +1667,12 @@ un_fintrinsic(rint_float,rint_llvm) un_fintrinsic(sqrt_float,sqrt_llvm) un_fintrinsic(sqrt_float,sqrt_llvm_fast) +JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_arraylen(jl_value_t *a) +{ + JL_TYPECHK(arraylen, array, a); + return jl_box_long(jl_array_len((jl_array_t*)a)); +} + JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_have_fma(jl_value_t *typ) { JL_TYPECHK(have_fma, datatype, typ); diff --git a/src/serialize.h b/src/serialize.h index 1bd29e9cc5911..afcdcc31d66c4 100644 --- a/src/serialize.h +++ b/src/serialize.h @@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ extern "C" { #define TAG_ARGUMENT 56 #define TAG_RELOC_METHODROOT 57 #define TAG_BINDING 58 -#define TAG_MEMORYT 59 -#define LAST_TAG 59 +#define LAST_TAG 58 #define write_uint8(s, n) ios_putc((n), (s)) #define read_uint8(s) ((uint8_t)ios_getc((s))) diff --git a/src/simplevector.c b/src/simplevector.c index 7bac60f49d9c4..65217715ae55f 100644 --- a/src/simplevector.c +++ b/src/simplevector.c @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_svec_t *jl_svec_copy(jl_svec_t *a) { size_t n = jl_svec_len(a); jl_svec_t *c = jl_alloc_svec_uninit(n); - memmove_refs((_Atomic(void*)*)jl_svec_data(c), (_Atomic(void*)*)jl_svec_data(a), n); + memmove_refs((void**)jl_svec_data(c), (void**)jl_svec_data(a), n); return c; } diff --git a/src/smallintset.c b/src/smallintset.c index b3af6e45c7834..fa647b57e7d3e 100644 --- a/src/smallintset.c +++ b/src/smallintset.c @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ static inline size_t jl_intref(const jl_array_t *arr, size_t idx) JL_NOTSAFEPOIN { jl_value_t *el = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(arr)); if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint8_type) - return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint8_t))[idx]); + return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&((_Atomic(uint8_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx]); else if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint16_type) - return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint16_t))[idx]); + return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&((_Atomic(uint16_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx]); else if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint32_type) - return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint32_t))[idx]); + return jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&((_Atomic(uint32_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx]); else abort(); } @@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ static inline size_t jl_intref_acquire(const jl_array_t *arr, size_t idx) JL_NOT { jl_value_t *el = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(arr)); if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint8_type) - return jl_atomic_load_acquire(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint8_t))[idx]); + return jl_atomic_load_acquire(&((_Atomic(uint8_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx]); else if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint16_type) - return jl_atomic_load_acquire(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint16_t))[idx]); + return jl_atomic_load_acquire(&((_Atomic(uint16_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx]); else if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint32_type) - return jl_atomic_load_acquire(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint32_t))[idx]); + return jl_atomic_load_acquire(&((_Atomic(uint32_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx]); else abort(); } @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ static inline void jl_intset_release(const jl_array_t *arr, size_t idx, size_t v { jl_value_t *el = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(arr)); if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint8_type) - jl_atomic_store_release(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint8_t))[idx], val); + jl_atomic_store_release(&((_Atomic(uint8_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx], val); else if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint16_type) - jl_atomic_store_release(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint16_t))[idx], val); + jl_atomic_store_release(&((_Atomic(uint16_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx], val); else if (el == (jl_value_t*)jl_uint32_type) - jl_atomic_store_release(&jl_array_data(arr, _Atomic(uint32_t))[idx], val); + jl_atomic_store_release(&((_Atomic(uint32_t)*)jl_array_data(arr))[idx], val); else abort(); } @@ -81,17 +81,14 @@ static inline size_t jl_max_int(const jl_array_t *arr) static jl_array_t *jl_alloc_int_1d(size_t np, size_t len) { jl_value_t *ty; - size_t elsize; if (np < 0xFF) { ty = jl_array_uint8_type; - elsize = sizeof(uint8_t); } else if (np < 0xFFFF) { static jl_value_t *int16 JL_ALWAYS_LEAFTYPE = NULL; if (int16 == NULL) int16 = jl_apply_array_type((jl_value_t*)jl_uint16_type, 1); ty = int16; - elsize = sizeof(uint16_t); } else { assert(np < 0x7FFFFFFF); @@ -99,16 +96,15 @@ static jl_array_t *jl_alloc_int_1d(size_t np, size_t len) if (int32 == NULL) int32 = jl_apply_array_type((jl_value_t*)jl_uint32_type, 1); ty = int32; - elsize = sizeof(uint32_t); } jl_array_t *a = jl_alloc_array_1d(ty, len); - memset(jl_array_data(a, char), 0, len * elsize); + memset(a->data, 0, len * a->elsize); return a; } ssize_t jl_smallintset_lookup(jl_array_t *cache, smallintset_eq eq, const void *key, jl_svec_t *data, uint_t hv) { - size_t sz = jl_array_nrows(cache); + size_t sz = jl_array_len(cache); if (sz == 0) return -1; JL_GC_PUSH1(&cache); @@ -135,7 +131,7 @@ ssize_t jl_smallintset_lookup(jl_array_t *cache, smallintset_eq eq, const void * static int smallintset_insert_(jl_array_t *a, uint_t hv, size_t val1) { - size_t sz = jl_array_nrows(a); + size_t sz = jl_array_len(a); if (sz <= 1) return 0; size_t orig, index, iter; @@ -160,7 +156,7 @@ void jl_smallintset_insert(_Atomic(jl_array_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *parent, sma { jl_array_t *a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(pcache); if (val + 1 > jl_max_int(a)) - smallintset_rehash(pcache, parent, hash, data, jl_array_nrows(a), val + 1); + smallintset_rehash(pcache, parent, hash, data, jl_array_len(a), val + 1); while (1) { a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(pcache); if (smallintset_insert_(a, hash(val, data), val + 1)) @@ -172,7 +168,7 @@ void jl_smallintset_insert(_Atomic(jl_array_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *parent, sma /* lots of time rehashing all the keys over and over. */ size_t newsz; a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(pcache); - size_t sz = jl_array_nrows(a); + size_t sz = jl_array_len(a); if (sz < HT_N_INLINE) newsz = HT_N_INLINE; else if (sz >= (1 << 19) || (sz <= (1 << 8))) @@ -186,7 +182,7 @@ void jl_smallintset_insert(_Atomic(jl_array_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *parent, sma static void smallintset_rehash(_Atomic(jl_array_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *parent, smallintset_hash hash, jl_svec_t *data, size_t newsz, size_t np) { jl_array_t *a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(pcache); - size_t sz = jl_array_nrows(a); + size_t sz = jl_array_len(a); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sz; i += 1) { size_t val = jl_intref(a, i); diff --git a/src/stackwalk.c b/src/stackwalk.c index 6efb177927637..6cf42e079f6ca 100644 --- a/src/stackwalk.c +++ b/src/stackwalk.c @@ -260,21 +260,21 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_backtrace_from_here(int returnsp, int skip) uintptr_t *sp_ptr = NULL; if (returnsp) { jl_array_grow_end(sp, maxincr); - sp_ptr = jl_array_data(sp, uintptr_t) + offset; + sp_ptr = (uintptr_t*)jl_array_data(sp) + offset; } size_t size_incr = 0; - have_more_frames = jl_unw_stepn(&cursor, jl_array_data(ip, jl_bt_element_t) + offset, + have_more_frames = jl_unw_stepn(&cursor, (jl_bt_element_t*)jl_array_data(ip) + offset, &size_incr, sp_ptr, maxincr, skip, &pgcstack, 0); skip = 0; offset += size_incr; } - jl_array_del_end(ip, jl_array_nrows(ip) - offset); + jl_array_del_end(ip, jl_array_len(ip) - offset); if (returnsp) - jl_array_del_end(sp, jl_array_nrows(sp) - offset); + jl_array_del_end(sp, jl_array_len(sp) - offset); size_t n = 0; - jl_bt_element_t *bt_data = jl_array_data(ip, jl_bt_element_t); - while (n < jl_array_nrows(ip)) { + jl_bt_element_t *bt_data = (jl_bt_element_t*)jl_array_data(ip); + while (n < jl_array_len(ip)) { jl_bt_element_t *bt_entry = bt_data + n; if (!jl_bt_is_native(bt_entry)) { size_t njlvals = jl_bt_num_jlvals(bt_entry); @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ static void decode_backtrace(jl_bt_element_t *bt_data, size_t bt_size, bt = *btout = jl_alloc_array_1d(array_ptr_void_type, bt_size); static_assert(sizeof(jl_bt_element_t) == sizeof(void*), "jl_bt_element_t is presented as Ptr{Cvoid} on julia side"); - memcpy(jl_array_data(bt, jl_bt_element_t), bt_data, bt_size * sizeof(jl_bt_element_t)); + memcpy(bt->data, bt_data, bt_size * sizeof(jl_bt_element_t)); bt2 = *bt2out = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_any_type, 0); // Scan the backtrace buffer for any gc-managed values for (size_t i = 0; i < bt_size; i += jl_bt_entry_size(bt_data + i)) { @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ void jl_print_bt_entry_codeloc(jl_bt_element_t *bt_entry) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT jl_code_info_t *src = (jl_code_info_t*)code; // See also the debug info handling in codegen.cpp. // NB: debuginfoloc is 1-based! - intptr_t debuginfoloc = jl_array_data(src->codelocs, int32_t)[ip]; + intptr_t debuginfoloc = ((int32_t*)jl_array_data(src->codelocs))[ip]; while (debuginfoloc != 0) { jl_line_info_node_t *locinfo = (jl_line_info_node_t*) jl_array_ptr_ref(src->linetable, debuginfoloc - 1); diff --git a/src/staticdata.c b/src/staticdata.c index a77e0774a9441..69226408f711b 100644 --- a/src/staticdata.c +++ b/src/staticdata.c @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ extern "C" { // TODO: put WeakRefs on the weak_refs list during deserialization // TODO: handle finalizers -#define NUM_TAGS 173 +#define NUM_TAGS 160 // An array of references that need to be restored from the sysimg // This is a manually constructed dual of the gvars array, which would be produced by codegen for Julia code, for C. @@ -199,15 +199,6 @@ jl_value_t **const*const get_tags(void) { INSERT_TAG(jl_number_type); INSERT_TAG(jl_signed_type); INSERT_TAG(jl_pair_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_genericmemory_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_memory_any_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_memory_uint8_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_genericmemoryref_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_memoryref_any_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_memoryref_uint8_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_addrspace_type); - INSERT_TAG(jl_addrspace_typename); - INSERT_TAG(jl_addrspacecore_type); // special typenames INSERT_TAG(jl_tuple_typename); @@ -218,8 +209,6 @@ jl_value_t **const*const get_tags(void) { INSERT_TAG(jl_namedtuple_typename); INSERT_TAG(jl_vecelement_typename); INSERT_TAG(jl_opaque_closure_typename); - INSERT_TAG(jl_genericmemory_typename); - INSERT_TAG(jl_genericmemoryref_typename); // special exceptions INSERT_TAG(jl_errorexception_type); @@ -245,7 +234,6 @@ jl_value_t **const*const get_tags(void) { INSERT_TAG(jl_true); INSERT_TAG(jl_an_empty_string); INSERT_TAG(jl_an_empty_vec_any); - INSERT_TAG(jl_an_empty_memory_any); INSERT_TAG(jl_module_init_order); INSERT_TAG(jl_core_module); INSERT_TAG(jl_base_module); @@ -277,11 +265,10 @@ jl_value_t **const*const get_tags(void) { INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_modifyfield); INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_replacefield); INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_fieldtype); - INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_memoryref); - INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_memoryrefoffset); - INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_memoryrefget); - INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_memoryrefset); - INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_memoryref_isassigned); + INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_arrayref); + INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_const_arrayref); + INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_arrayset); + INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_arraysize); INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_apply_type); INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_applicable); INSERT_TAG(jl_builtin_invoke); @@ -458,8 +445,8 @@ static const jl_fptr_args_t id_to_fptrs[] = { &jl_f__call_latest, &jl_f__call_in_world, &jl_f__call_in_world_total, &jl_f_isdefined, &jl_f_tuple, &jl_f_svec, &jl_f_intrinsic_call, &jl_f_getfield, &jl_f_setfield, &jl_f_swapfield, &jl_f_modifyfield, - &jl_f_replacefield, &jl_f_fieldtype, &jl_f_nfields, &jl_f_apply_type, - &jl_f_memoryref, &jl_f_memoryrefoffset, &jl_f_memoryrefget, &jl_f_memoryrefset, &jl_f_memoryref_isassigned, + &jl_f_replacefield, &jl_f_fieldtype, &jl_f_nfields, + &jl_f_arrayref, &jl_f_const_arrayref, &jl_f_arrayset, &jl_f_arraysize, &jl_f_apply_type, &jl_f_applicable, &jl_f_invoke, &jl_f_sizeof, &jl_f__expr, &jl_f__typevar, &jl_f_ifelse, &jl_f__structtype, &jl_f__abstracttype, &jl_f__primitivetype, &jl_f__typebody, &jl_f__setsuper, &jl_f__equiv_typedef, &jl_f_get_binding_type, @@ -474,8 +461,6 @@ typedef struct { ios_t *relocs; // for (de)serializing relocs_list and gctags_list ios_t *gvar_record; // serialized array mapping gvid => spos ios_t *fptr_record; // serialized array mapping fptrid => spos - arraylist_t memowner_list; // a list of memory locations that have shared owners - arraylist_t memref_list; // a list of memoryref locations arraylist_t relocs_list; // a list of (location, target) pairs, see description at top arraylist_t gctags_list; // " arraylist_t uniquing_types; // a list of locations that reference types that must be de-duplicated @@ -763,8 +748,9 @@ static void jl_insert_into_serialization_queue(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_ jl_queue_for_serialization_(s, (jl_value_t*)dt->super, 1, 1); // ensure all type parameters are recached jl_queue_for_serialization_(s, (jl_value_t*)dt->parameters, 1, 1); - if (jl_is_datatype_singleton(dt) && needs_uniquing(dt->instance)) { - assert(jl_needs_serialization(s, dt->instance)); // should be true, since we visited dt + jl_value_t *singleton = dt->instance; + if (singleton && needs_uniquing(singleton)) { + assert(jl_needs_serialization(s, singleton)); // should be true, since we visited dt // do not visit dt->instance for our template object as it leads to unwanted cycles here // (it may get serialized from elsewhere though) record_field_change(&dt->instance, jl_nothing); @@ -843,29 +829,22 @@ static void jl_insert_into_serialization_queue(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_ } else if (jl_is_array(v)) { jl_array_t *ar = (jl_array_t*)v; - jl_value_t *mem = get_replaceable_field((jl_value_t**)&ar->ref.mem, 1); - jl_queue_for_serialization_(s, mem, 1, immediate); - } - else if (jl_is_genericmemory(v)) { - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)v; - const char *data = (const char*)m->ptr; - if (jl_genericmemory_how(m) == 3) { - jl_queue_for_serialization_(s, jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(v), 1, immediate); - } - else if (layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - size_t i, l = m->length; + const char *data = (const char*)jl_array_data(ar); + if (ar->flags.ptrarray) { + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(ar); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *fld = get_replaceable_field(&((jl_value_t**)data)[i], 1); jl_queue_for_serialization_(s, fld, 1, immediate); } } - else if (layout->first_ptr >= 0) { - uint16_t elsz = layout->size; - size_t i, l = m->length; - size_t j, np = layout->npointers; + else if (ar->flags.hasptr) { + uint16_t elsz = ar->elsize; + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(ar); + jl_datatype_t *et = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(ar)); + size_t j, np = et->layout->npointers; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { - uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset(t, j); + uint32_t ptr = jl_ptr_offset(et, j); jl_value_t *fld = get_replaceable_field(&((jl_value_t**)data)[ptr], 1); jl_queue_for_serialization_(s, fld, 1, immediate); } @@ -1016,8 +995,8 @@ static uintptr_t add_external_linkage(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t *v, jl_ size_t offset = (uintptr_t)v - (uintptr_t)jl_linkage_blobs.items[2*i]; offset /= sizeof(void*); assert(offset < ((uintptr_t)1 << DEPS_IDX_OFFSET) && "offset to external image too large"); - assert(n_linkage_blobs() == jl_array_nrows(s->buildid_depmods_idxs)); - size_t depsidx = jl_array_data(s->buildid_depmods_idxs, uint32_t)[i]; // map from build_id_idx -> deps_idx + assert(n_linkage_blobs() == jl_array_len(s->buildid_depmods_idxs)); + size_t depsidx = ((uint32_t*)jl_array_data(s->buildid_depmods_idxs))[i]; // map from build_id_idx -> deps_idx assert(depsidx < INT32_MAX); if (depsidx < ((uintptr_t)1 << (RELOC_TAG_OFFSET - DEPS_IDX_OFFSET)) && offset < ((uintptr_t)1 << DEPS_IDX_OFFSET)) // if it fits in a SysimageLinkage type, use that representation @@ -1025,8 +1004,8 @@ static uintptr_t add_external_linkage(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_value_t *v, jl_ // otherwise, we store the image key in `link_ids` assert(link_ids && jl_is_array(link_ids)); jl_array_grow_end(link_ids, 1); - uint32_t *link_id_data = jl_array_data(link_ids, uint32_t); // wait until after the `grow` - link_id_data[jl_array_nrows(link_ids) - 1] = depsidx; + uint32_t *link_id_data = (uint32_t*)jl_array_data(link_ids); // wait until after the `grow` + link_id_data[jl_array_len(link_ids) - 1] = depsidx; return ((uintptr_t)ExternalLinkage << RELOC_TAG_OFFSET) + offset; } return 0; @@ -1180,36 +1159,6 @@ static void jl_write_module(jl_serializer_state *s, uintptr_t item, jl_module_t assert(ios_pos(s->s) - reloc_offset == tot); } -static void record_memoryref(jl_serializer_state *s, size_t reloc_offset, jl_genericmemoryref_t ref) { - ios_t *f = s->s; - // make some header modifications in-place - jl_genericmemoryref_t *newref = (jl_genericmemoryref_t*)&f->buf[reloc_offset]; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = ((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typetagof(ref.mem))->layout; - if (!layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion && layout->size != 0) { - newref->ptr_or_offset = (void*)((char*)ref.ptr_or_offset - (char*)ref.mem->ptr); // relocation offset (bytes) - arraylist_push(&s->memref_list, (void*)reloc_offset); // relocation location - arraylist_push(&s->memref_list, NULL); // relocation target (ignored) - } -} - -static void record_memoryrefs_inside(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_datatype_t *t, size_t reloc_offset, const char *data) -{ - assert(jl_is_datatype(t)); - size_t i, nf = jl_datatype_nfields(t); - for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) { - size_t offset = jl_field_offset(t, i); - if (jl_field_isptr(t, i)) - continue; - jl_value_t *ft = jl_field_type_concrete(t, i); - if (jl_is_uniontype(ft)) - continue; - if (jl_is_genericmemoryref_type(ft)) - record_memoryref(s, reloc_offset + offset, *(jl_genericmemoryref_t*)(data + offset)); - else - record_memoryrefs_inside(s, (jl_datatype_t*)ft, reloc_offset + offset, data + offset); - } -} - static void record_gvars(jl_serializer_state *s, arraylist_t *globals) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { for (size_t i = 0; i < globals->len; i++) @@ -1252,7 +1201,7 @@ static void jl_write_values(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(v); assert(!(s->incremental && jl_object_in_image(v))); jl_datatype_t *t = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v); - assert((!jl_is_datatype_singleton(t) || t->instance == v) && "detected singleton construction corruption"); + assert((t->instance == NULL || t->instance == v) && "detected singleton construction corruption"); ios_t *f = s->s; if (t->smalltag) { if (t->layout->npointers == 0 || t == jl_string_type) { @@ -1311,135 +1260,102 @@ static void jl_write_values(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED if (jl_is_array(v)) { assert(f == s->s); // Internal data for types in julia.h with `jl_array_t` field(s) +#define JL_ARRAY_ALIGN(jl_value, nbytes) LLT_ALIGN(jl_value, nbytes) jl_array_t *ar = (jl_array_t*)v; + jl_value_t *et = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(v)); + size_t alen = jl_array_len(ar); + size_t datasize = alen * ar->elsize; + size_t tot = datasize; + int isbitsunion = jl_array_isbitsunion(ar); + if (isbitsunion) + tot += alen; + else if (ar->elsize == 1) + tot += 1; + int ndimwords = jl_array_ndimwords(ar->flags.ndims); + size_t headersize = sizeof(jl_array_t) + ndimwords*sizeof(size_t); // copy header - size_t headersize = sizeof(jl_array_t) + jl_array_ndims(ar)*sizeof(size_t); ios_write(f, (char*)v, headersize); + size_t alignment_amt = JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT; + if (tot >= ARRAY_CACHE_ALIGN_THRESHOLD) + alignment_amt = JL_CACHE_BYTE_ALIGNMENT; // make some header modifications in-place jl_array_t *newa = (jl_array_t*)&f->buf[reloc_offset]; - newa->ref.mem = NULL; // relocation offset - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(reloc_offset + offsetof(jl_array_t, ref.mem))); // relocation location - jl_value_t *mem = get_replaceable_field((jl_value_t**)&ar->ref.mem, 1); - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)backref_id(s, mem, s->link_ids_relocs)); // relocation target - record_memoryref(s, reloc_offset + offsetof(jl_array_t, ref), ar->ref); - } - else if (jl_is_genericmemory(v)) { - assert(f == s->s); - // Internal data for types in julia.h with `jl_genericmemory_t` field(s) - jl_genericmemory_t *m = (jl_genericmemory_t*)v; - const jl_datatype_layout_t *layout = t->layout; - size_t len = m->length; - if (jl_genericmemory_how(m) == 3 && jl_is_genericmemory(jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m))) { - jl_genericmemory_t *owner = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m); - size_t data = ((char*)m->ptr - (char*)owner->ptr); // relocation offset (bytes) - write_uint(f, len); - write_uint(f, data); - write_pointerfield(s, (jl_value_t*)owner); - // similar to record_memoryref, but the field is always an (offset) pointer - arraylist_push(&s->memowner_list, (void*)(reloc_offset + offsetof(jl_genericmemory_t, ptr))); // relocation location - arraylist_push(&s->memowner_list, NULL); // relocation target (ignored) - } - // else if (jl_genericmemory_how(m) == 3) { - // jl_value_t *owner = jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m); - // write_uint(f, len); - // write_pointerfield(s, owner); - // write_pointerfield(s, owner); - // jl_genericmemory_t *new_mem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)&f->buf[reloc_offset]; - // assert(new_mem->ptr == NULL); - // new_mem->ptr = (void*)((char*)m->ptr - (char*)owner); // relocation offset - // } - else { - size_t datasize = len * layout->size; - size_t tot = datasize; - int isbitsunion = layout->flags.arrayelem_isunion; - if (isbitsunion) - tot += len; - size_t headersize = sizeof(jl_genericmemory_t); - // copy header - ios_write(f, (char*)v, headersize); - // write data - if (!layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed && layout->first_ptr < 0) { - // set owner to NULL - headersize += sizeof(void*); - write_pointer(f); - // Non-pointer eltypes get encoded in the const_data section - size_t alignment_amt = JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT; - if (tot >= ARRAY_CACHE_ALIGN_THRESHOLD) - alignment_amt = JL_CACHE_BYTE_ALIGNMENT; - uintptr_t data = LLT_ALIGN(ios_pos(s->const_data), alignment_amt); - write_padding(s->const_data, data - ios_pos(s->const_data)); - // write data and relocations - jl_genericmemory_t *new_mem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)&f->buf[reloc_offset]; - new_mem->ptr = NULL; // relocation offset - data /= sizeof(void*); - assert(data < ((uintptr_t)1 << RELOC_TAG_OFFSET) && "offset to constant data too large"); - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(reloc_offset + offsetof(jl_genericmemory_t, ptr))); // relocation location - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(((uintptr_t)ConstDataRef << RELOC_TAG_OFFSET) + data)); // relocation target - jl_value_t *et = jl_tparam1(t); - if (jl_is_cpointer_type(et)) { - // reset Ptr fields to C_NULL (but keep MAP_FAILED / INVALID_HANDLE) - const intptr_t *data = (const intptr_t*)m->ptr; - size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - if (data[i] != -1) - write_pointer(s->const_data); - else - ios_write(s->const_data, (char*)&data[i], sizeof(data[i])); - } + if (newa->flags.ndims == 1) + newa->maxsize = alen; + newa->offset = 0; + newa->flags.how = 0; + newa->flags.pooled = 0; + newa->flags.isshared = 0; + + // write data + if (!ar->flags.ptrarray && !ar->flags.hasptr) { + // Non-pointer eltypes get encoded in the const_data section + uintptr_t data = LLT_ALIGN(ios_pos(s->const_data), alignment_amt); + write_padding(s->const_data, data - ios_pos(s->const_data)); + // write data and relocations + newa->data = NULL; // relocation offset + data /= sizeof(void*); + assert(data < ((uintptr_t)1 << RELOC_TAG_OFFSET) && "offset to constant data too large"); + arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(reloc_offset + offsetof(jl_array_t, data))); // relocation location + arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(((uintptr_t)ConstDataRef << RELOC_TAG_OFFSET) + data)); // relocation target + if (jl_is_cpointer_type(et)) { + // reset Ptr fields to C_NULL (but keep MAP_FAILED / INVALID_HANDLE) + const intptr_t *data = (const intptr_t*)jl_array_data(ar); + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < alen; i++) { + if (data[i] != -1) + write_pointer(s->const_data); + else + ios_write(s->const_data, (char*)&data[i], sizeof(data[i])); + } + } + else { + if (isbitsunion) { + ios_write(s->const_data, (char*)jl_array_data(ar), datasize); + ios_write(s->const_data, jl_array_typetagdata(ar), alen); } else { - if (isbitsunion) { - ios_write(s->const_data, (char*)m->ptr, datasize); - ios_write(s->const_data, jl_genericmemory_typetagdata(m), len); - } - else { - ios_write(s->const_data, (char*)m->ptr, tot); - } + ios_write(s->const_data, (char*)jl_array_data(ar), tot); } - if (len == 0) // TODO: should we have a zero-page, instead of writing each type's fragment separately? - write_padding(s->const_data, layout->size ? layout->size : isbitsunion); - else if (jl_genericmemory_how(m) == 3 && jl_is_string(jl_genericmemory_data_owner_field(m))) - write_padding(s->const_data, 1); } - else { - // Pointer eltypes are encoded in the mutable data section - headersize = LLT_ALIGN(headersize, JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT); - size_t data = LLT_ALIGN(ios_pos(f), JL_SMALL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT); - write_padding(f, data - ios_pos(f)); - assert(reloc_offset + headersize == ios_pos(f)); - jl_genericmemory_t *new_mem = (jl_genericmemory_t*)&f->buf[reloc_offset]; - new_mem->ptr = (void*)headersize; // relocation offset - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(reloc_offset + offsetof(jl_genericmemory_t, ptr))); // relocation location - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(((uintptr_t)DataRef << RELOC_TAG_OFFSET) + item)); // relocation target - if (!layout->flags.arrayelem_isboxed) { - // copy all of the data first - const char *data = (const char*)m->ptr; - ios_write(f, data, datasize); - // the rewrite all of the embedded pointers to null+relocation - uint16_t elsz = layout->size; - size_t j, np = layout->first_ptr < 0 ? 0 : layout->npointers; - size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { - size_t offset = i * elsz + jl_ptr_offset(t, j) * sizeof(jl_value_t*); - jl_value_t *fld = get_replaceable_field((jl_value_t**)&data[offset], 1); - size_t fld_pos = reloc_offset + headersize + offset; - if (fld != NULL) { - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(uintptr_t)fld_pos); // relocation location - arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)backref_id(s, fld, s->link_ids_relocs)); // relocation target - record_uniquing(s, fld, fld_pos); - } - memset(&f->buf[fld_pos], 0, sizeof(fld)); // relocation offset (none) + } + else { + // Pointer eltypes are encoded in the mutable data section + size_t data = LLT_ALIGN(ios_pos(f), alignment_amt); + size_t padding_amt = data - ios_pos(f); + headersize += padding_amt; + newa->data = (void*)headersize; // relocation offset + arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(reloc_offset + offsetof(jl_array_t, data))); // relocation location + arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(((uintptr_t)DataRef << RELOC_TAG_OFFSET) + item)); // relocation target + write_padding(f, padding_amt); + if (ar->flags.hasptr) { + // copy all of the data first + const char *data = (const char*)jl_array_data(ar); + ios_write(f, data, datasize); + // the rewrite all of the embedded pointers to null+relocation + uint16_t elsz = ar->elsize; + size_t j, np = ((jl_datatype_t*)et)->layout->npointers; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < alen; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < np; j++) { + size_t offset = i * elsz + jl_ptr_offset(((jl_datatype_t*)et), j) * sizeof(jl_value_t*); + jl_value_t *fld = get_replaceable_field((jl_value_t**)&data[offset], 1); + size_t fld_pos = reloc_offset + headersize + offset; + if (fld != NULL) { + arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)(uintptr_t)fld_pos); // relocation location + arraylist_push(&s->relocs_list, (void*)backref_id(s, fld, s->link_ids_relocs)); // relocation target + record_uniquing(s, fld, fld_pos); } + memset(&f->buf[fld_pos], 0, sizeof(fld)); // relocation offset (none) } } - else { - jl_value_t **data = (jl_value_t**)m->ptr; - size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { - jl_value_t *e = get_replaceable_field(&data[i], 1); - write_pointerfield(s, e); - } + } + else { + jl_value_t **data = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(ar); + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < alen; i++) { + jl_value_t *e = get_replaceable_field(&data[i], 1); + write_pointerfield(s, e); } } } @@ -1469,6 +1385,7 @@ static void jl_write_values(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED } else if (jl_datatype_nfields(t) == 0) { // The object has no fields, so we just snapshot its byte representation + assert(!t->layout->npointers); assert(t->layout->npointers == 0); ios_write(f, (char*)v, jl_datatype_size(t)); } @@ -1502,7 +1419,7 @@ static void jl_write_values(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED write_padding(f, offset - tot); tot = offset; size_t fsz = jl_field_size(t, i); - if (t->name->mutabl && jl_is_cpointer_type(jl_field_type_concrete(t, i)) && *(intptr_t*)slot != -1) { + if (t->name->mutabl && jl_is_cpointer_type(jl_field_type(t, i)) && *(intptr_t*)slot != -1) { // reset Ptr fields to C_NULL (but keep MAP_FAILED / INVALID_HANDLE) assert(!jl_field_isptr(t, i)); write_pointer(f); @@ -1529,10 +1446,8 @@ static void jl_write_values(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED memset(&f->buf[fld_pos], 0, sizeof(fld)); // relocation offset (none) } - // Need do a tricky fieldtype walk an record all memoryref we find inlined in this value - record_memoryrefs_inside(s, t, reloc_offset, data); - // A few objects need additional handling beyond the generic serialization above + if (s->incremental && jl_typetagis(v, jl_typemap_entry_type)) { assert(f == s->s); jl_typemap_entry_t *newentry = (jl_typemap_entry_t*)&s->s->buf[reloc_offset]; @@ -1663,14 +1578,14 @@ static void jl_write_values(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED size_t nf = dt->layout->nfields; size_t np = dt->layout->npointers; size_t fieldsize = 0; - uint8_t is_foreign_type = dt->layout->flags.fielddesc_type == 3; + uint8_t is_foreign_type = dt->layout->fielddesc_type == 3; if (!is_foreign_type) { - fieldsize = jl_fielddesc_size(dt->layout->flags.fielddesc_type); + fieldsize = jl_fielddesc_size(dt->layout->fielddesc_type); } char *flddesc = (char*)dt->layout; size_t fldsize = sizeof(jl_datatype_layout_t) + nf * fieldsize; if (!is_foreign_type && dt->layout->first_ptr != -1) - fldsize += np << dt->layout->flags.fielddesc_type; + fldsize += np << dt->layout->fielddesc_type; uintptr_t layout = LLT_ALIGN(ios_pos(s->const_data), sizeof(void*)); write_padding(s->const_data, layout - ios_pos(s->const_data)); // realign stream newdt->layout = NULL; // relocation offset @@ -1725,10 +1640,6 @@ static void jl_write_values(jl_serializer_state *s) JL_GC_DISABLED // will need to rehash this, later (after types are fully constructed) arraylist_push(&s->fixup_objs, (void*)reloc_offset); } - else if (jl_is_genericmemoryref(v)) { - assert(f == s->s); - record_memoryref(s, reloc_offset, *(jl_genericmemoryref_t*)v); - } else { write_padding(f, jl_datatype_size(t) - tot); } @@ -1880,7 +1791,7 @@ static inline uintptr_t get_item_for_reloc(jl_serializer_state *s, uintptr_t bas size_t depsidx = 0; #endif assert(s->buildid_depmods_idxs && depsidx < jl_array_len(s->buildid_depmods_idxs)); - size_t i = jl_array_data(s->buildid_depmods_idxs, uint32_t)[depsidx]; + size_t i = ((uint32_t*)jl_array_data(s->buildid_depmods_idxs))[depsidx]; assert(2*i < jl_linkage_blobs.len); return (uintptr_t)jl_linkage_blobs.items[2*i] + offset*sizeof(void*); } @@ -1888,10 +1799,10 @@ static inline uintptr_t get_item_for_reloc(jl_serializer_state *s, uintptr_t bas assert(link_ids); assert(link_index); assert(0 <= *link_index && *link_index < jl_array_len(link_ids)); - uint32_t depsidx = jl_array_data(link_ids, uint32_t)[*link_index]; + uint32_t depsidx = ((uint32_t*)jl_array_data(link_ids))[*link_index]; *link_index += 1; assert(depsidx < jl_array_len(s->buildid_depmods_idxs)); - size_t i = jl_array_data(s->buildid_depmods_idxs, uint32_t)[depsidx]; + size_t i = ((uint32_t*)jl_array_data(s->buildid_depmods_idxs))[depsidx]; assert(2*i < jl_linkage_blobs.len); return (uintptr_t)jl_linkage_blobs.items[2*i] + offset*sizeof(void*); } @@ -1980,37 +1891,6 @@ static void jl_read_reloclist(jl_serializer_state *s, jl_array_t *link_ids, uint assert(!link_ids || link_index == jl_array_len(link_ids)); } -static void jl_read_memreflist(jl_serializer_state *s) -{ - uintptr_t base = (uintptr_t)s->s->buf; - uintptr_t last_pos = 0; - uint8_t *current = (uint8_t *)(s->relocs->buf + s->relocs->bpos); - while (1) { - // Read the offset of the next object - size_t pos_diff = 0; - size_t cnt = 0; - while (1) { - assert(s->relocs->bpos <= s->relocs->size); - assert((char *)current <= (char *)(s->relocs->buf + s->relocs->size)); - int8_t c = *current++; - s->relocs->bpos += 1; - - pos_diff |= ((size_t)c & 0x7F) << (7 * cnt++); - if ((c >> 7) == 0) - break; - } - if (pos_diff == 0) - break; - - uintptr_t pos = last_pos + pos_diff; - last_pos = pos; - jl_genericmemoryref_t *pv = (jl_genericmemoryref_t*)(base + pos); - size_t offset = (size_t)pv->ptr_or_offset; - pv->ptr_or_offset = (void*)((char*)pv->mem->ptr + offset); - } -} - - static void jl_read_arraylist(ios_t *s, arraylist_t *list) { size_t list_len = read_uint(s); @@ -2308,7 +2188,7 @@ static jl_value_t *strip_codeinfo_meta(jl_method_t *m, jl_value_t *ci_, int orig ci = (jl_code_info_t*)ci_; } // leave codelocs length the same so the compiler can assume that; just zero it - memset(jl_array_data(ci->codelocs, int32_t), 0, jl_array_len(ci->codelocs)*sizeof(int32_t)); + memset(jl_array_data(ci->codelocs), 0, jl_array_len(ci->codelocs)*sizeof(int32_t)); // empty linetable if (jl_is_array(ci->linetable)) jl_array_del_end((jl_array_t*)ci->linetable, jl_array_len(ci->linetable)); @@ -2418,7 +2298,7 @@ static void jl_strip_all_codeinfos(void) // --- entry points --- -jl_genericmemory_t *jl_global_roots_table; +jl_array_t *jl_global_roots_table; jl_mutex_t global_roots_lock; JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_is_globally_rooted(jl_value_t *val JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT @@ -2479,7 +2359,7 @@ static void jl_prepare_serialization_data(jl_array_t *mod_array, jl_array_t *new // Collect method extensions and edges data JL_GC_PUSH1(&edges_map); if (edges) - edges_map = jl_alloc_memory_any(0); + edges_map = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); *extext_methods = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); jl_collect_methtable_from_mod(jl_type_type_mt, *extext_methods); jl_collect_methtable_from_mod(jl_nonfunction_mt, *extext_methods); @@ -2549,8 +2429,6 @@ static void jl_save_system_image_to_stream(ios_t *f, jl_array_t *mod_array, s.gvar_record = &gvar_record; s.fptr_record = &fptr_record; s.ptls = jl_current_task->ptls; - arraylist_new(&s.memowner_list, 0); - arraylist_new(&s.memref_list, 0); arraylist_new(&s.relocs_list, 0); arraylist_new(&s.gctags_list, 0); arraylist_new(&s.uniquing_types, 0); @@ -2714,8 +2592,6 @@ static void jl_save_system_image_to_stream(ios_t *f, jl_array_t *mod_array, jl_finish_relocs(base + sysimg_offset, sysimg_size, &s.relocs_list); jl_write_offsetlist(s.relocs, sysimg_size, &s.gctags_list); jl_write_offsetlist(s.relocs, sysimg_size, &s.relocs_list); - jl_write_offsetlist(s.relocs, sysimg_size, &s.memowner_list); - jl_write_offsetlist(s.relocs, sysimg_size, &s.memref_list); if (s.incremental) { jl_write_arraylist(s.relocs, &s.uniquing_types); jl_write_arraylist(s.relocs, &s.uniquing_objs); @@ -2773,13 +2649,13 @@ static void jl_save_system_image_to_stream(ios_t *f, jl_array_t *mod_array, jl_write_value(&s, edges); } write_uint32(f, jl_array_len(s.link_ids_gctags)); - ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gctags, uint32_t), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_gctags) * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gctags), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_gctags) * sizeof(uint32_t)); write_uint32(f, jl_array_len(s.link_ids_relocs)); - ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_relocs, uint32_t), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_relocs) * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_relocs), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_relocs) * sizeof(uint32_t)); write_uint32(f, jl_array_len(s.link_ids_gvars)); - ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gvars, uint32_t), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_gvars) * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gvars), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_gvars) * sizeof(uint32_t)); write_uint32(f, jl_array_len(s.link_ids_external_fnvars)); - ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_external_fnvars, uint32_t), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_external_fnvars) * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_write(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_external_fnvars), jl_array_len(s.link_ids_external_fnvars) * sizeof(uint32_t)); write_uint32(f, external_fns_begin); jl_write_arraylist(s.s, &s.ccallable_list); } @@ -2789,8 +2665,6 @@ static void jl_save_system_image_to_stream(ios_t *f, jl_array_t *mod_array, arraylist_free(&serialization_queue); arraylist_free(&layout_table); arraylist_free(&s.ccallable_list); - arraylist_free(&s.memowner_list); - arraylist_free(&s.memref_list); arraylist_free(&s.relocs_list); arraylist_free(&s.gctags_list); arraylist_free(&gvars); @@ -3060,7 +2934,7 @@ static void jl_restore_system_image_from_stream_(ios_t *f, jl_image_t *image, jl JL_SMALL_TYPEOF(XX) #undef XX export_jl_small_typeof(); - jl_global_roots_table = (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_read_value(&s); + jl_global_roots_table = (jl_array_t*)jl_read_value(&s); // set typeof extra-special values now that we have the type set by tags above jl_astaggedvalue(jl_nothing)->header = (uintptr_t)jl_nothing_type | jl_astaggedvalue(jl_nothing)->header; s.ptls->root_task->tls = jl_read_value(&s); @@ -3087,22 +2961,22 @@ static void jl_restore_system_image_from_stream_(ios_t *f, jl_image_t *image, jl size_t nlinks_gctags = read_uint32(f); if (nlinks_gctags > 0) { s.link_ids_gctags = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, nlinks_gctags); - ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gctags, uint32_t), nlinks_gctags * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gctags), nlinks_gctags * sizeof(uint32_t)); } size_t nlinks_relocs = read_uint32(f); if (nlinks_relocs > 0) { s.link_ids_relocs = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, nlinks_relocs); - ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_relocs, uint32_t), nlinks_relocs * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_relocs), nlinks_relocs * sizeof(uint32_t)); } size_t nlinks_gvars = read_uint32(f); if (nlinks_gvars > 0) { s.link_ids_gvars = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, nlinks_gvars); - ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gvars, uint32_t), nlinks_gvars * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_gvars), nlinks_gvars * sizeof(uint32_t)); } size_t nlinks_external_fnvars = read_uint32(f); if (nlinks_external_fnvars > 0) { s.link_ids_external_fnvars = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, nlinks_external_fnvars); - ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_external_fnvars, uint32_t), nlinks_external_fnvars * sizeof(uint32_t)); + ios_read(f, (char*)jl_array_data(s.link_ids_external_fnvars), nlinks_external_fnvars * sizeof(uint32_t)); } uint32_t external_fns_begin = read_uint32(f); jl_read_arraylist(s.s, ccallable_list ? ccallable_list : &s.ccallable_list); @@ -3135,8 +3009,6 @@ static void jl_restore_system_image_from_stream_(ios_t *f, jl_image_t *image, jl size_t sizeof_tags = ios_pos(&relocs); (void)sizeof_tags; jl_read_reloclist(&s, s.link_ids_relocs, 0); // general relocs - jl_read_memreflist(&s); // memowner_list relocs (must come before memref_list reads the pointers and after general relocs computes the pointers) - jl_read_memreflist(&s); // memref_list relocs // s.link_ids_gvars will be processed in `jl_update_all_gvars` // s.link_ids_external_fns will be processed in `jl_update_all_gvars` jl_update_all_gvars(&s, image, external_fns_begin); // gvars relocs @@ -3222,9 +3094,8 @@ static void jl_restore_system_image_from_stream_(ios_t *f, jl_image_t *image, jl // leave most fields undefined for now, but we may need instance later, // and we overwrite the name field (field 0) now so preserve it too if (dt->instance) { - if (dt->instance == jl_nothing) - dt->instance = jl_gc_permobj(0, newdt); - newdt->instance = dt->instance; + assert(dt->instance == jl_nothing); + newdt->instance = dt->instance = jl_gc_permobj(0, newdt); } static_assert(offsetof(jl_datatype_t, name) == 0, ""); newdt->name = dt->name; @@ -3239,8 +3110,9 @@ static void jl_restore_system_image_from_stream_(ios_t *f, jl_image_t *image, jl } else { assert(!(image_base < (char*)otyp && (char*)otyp <= image_base + sizeof_sysimg)); + assert(jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)otyp) && "unreachable"); newobj = ((jl_datatype_t*)otyp)->instance; - assert(newobj && newobj != jl_nothing); + assert(newobj != jl_nothing); arraylist_push(&cleanup_list, (void*)obj); } if (tag) @@ -3401,9 +3273,9 @@ static void jl_restore_system_image_from_stream_(ios_t *f, jl_image_t *image, jl else { // rehash IdDict //assert(((jl_datatype_t*)(jl_typeof(obj)))->name == jl_idtable_typename); - jl_genericmemory_t **a = (jl_genericmemory_t**)obj; - assert(jl_typetagis(*a, jl_memory_any_type)); - *a = jl_idtable_rehash(*a, (*a)->length); + jl_array_t **a = (jl_array_t**)obj; + assert(jl_typetagis(*a, jl_array_any_type)); + *a = jl_idtable_rehash(*a, jl_array_len(*a)); jl_gc_wb(obj, *a); } } diff --git a/src/staticdata_utils.c b/src/staticdata_utils.c index 1a8dd879c0983..047042795d128 100644 --- a/src/staticdata_utils.c +++ b/src/staticdata_utils.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // inverse of backedges graph (caller=>callees hash) -jl_genericmemory_t *edges_map JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED = NULL; // rooted for the duration of our uses of this +jl_array_t *edges_map JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED = NULL; // rooted for the duration of our uses of this static void write_float64(ios_t *s, double x) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ int must_be_new_dt(jl_value_t *t, htable_t *news, char *image_base, size_t sizeo static uint64_t jl_worklist_key(jl_array_t *worklist) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { assert(jl_is_array(worklist)); - size_t len = jl_array_nrows(worklist); + size_t len = jl_array_len(worklist); if (len > 0) { jl_module_t *topmod = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(worklist, len-1); assert(jl_is_module(topmod)); @@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_set_newly_inferred(jl_value_t* _newly_inferred) JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_push_newly_inferred(jl_value_t* ci) { JL_LOCK(&newly_inferred_mutex); - size_t end = jl_array_nrows(newly_inferred); + size_t end = jl_array_len(newly_inferred); jl_array_grow_end(newly_inferred, 1); - jl_array_ptr_set(newly_inferred, end, ci); + jl_arrayset(newly_inferred, ci, end); JL_UNLOCK(&newly_inferred_mutex); } @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ static int has_backedge_to_worklist(jl_method_instance_t *mi, htable_t *visited, arraylist_push(stack, (void*)mi); int depth = stack->len; *bp = (void*)((char*)HT_NOTFOUND + 4 + depth); // preliminarily mark as in-progress - size_t i = 0, n = jl_array_nrows(mi->backedges); + size_t i = 0, n = jl_array_len(mi->backedges); int cycle = depth; while (i < n) { jl_method_instance_t *be; @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ static jl_array_t *queue_external_cis(jl_array_t *list) htable_t visited; arraylist_t stack; assert(jl_is_array(list)); - size_t n0 = jl_array_nrows(list); + size_t n0 = jl_array_len(list); htable_new(&visited, n0); arraylist_new(&stack, 0); jl_array_t *new_specializations = jl_alloc_vec_any(0); @@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ static jl_array_t *queue_external_cis(jl_array_t *list) arraylist_free(&stack); JL_GC_POP(); // reverse new_specializations - n0 = jl_array_nrows(new_specializations); - jl_value_t **news = jl_array_data(new_specializations, jl_value_t*); + n0 = jl_array_len(new_specializations); + jl_value_t **news = (jl_value_t**)jl_array_data(new_specializations); for (i = 0; i < n0; i++) { jl_value_t *temp = news[i]; news[i] = news[n0 - i - 1]; @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ static void jl_collect_new_roots(jl_array_t *roots, jl_array_t *new_specializati { htable_t mset; htable_new(&mset, 0); - size_t l = new_specializations ? jl_array_nrows(new_specializations) : 0; + size_t l = new_specializations ? jl_array_len(new_specializations) : 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_code_instance_t *ci = (jl_code_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(new_specializations, i); assert(jl_is_code_instance(ci)); @@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ static void jl_collect_new_roots(jl_array_t *roots, jl_array_t *new_specializati jl_array_ptr_1d_push(roots, (jl_value_t*)newroots); rle_iter_state rootiter = rle_iter_init(0); uint64_t *rletable = NULL; - size_t nblocks2 = 0, nroots = jl_array_nrows(m->roots), k = 0; + size_t nblocks2 = 0, nroots = jl_array_len(m->roots), k = 0; if (m->root_blocks) { - rletable = jl_array_data(m->root_blocks, uint64_t); - nblocks2 = jl_array_nrows(m->root_blocks); + rletable = (uint64_t*)jl_array_data(m->root_blocks); + nblocks2 = jl_array_len(m->root_blocks); } while (rle_iter_increment(&rootiter, nroots, rletable, nblocks2)) if (rootiter.key == key) @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ static void jl_collect_missing_backedges(jl_methtable_t *mt) { jl_array_t *backedges = mt->backedges; if (backedges) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(backedges); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(backedges); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(backedges, i); jl_value_t *missing_callee = jl_array_ptr_ref(backedges, i - 1); // signature of abstract callee @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ static void collect_backedges(jl_method_instance_t *callee, int internal) { jl_array_t *backedges = callee->backedges; if (backedges) { - size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_nrows(backedges); + size_t i = 0, l = jl_array_len(backedges); while (i < l) { jl_value_t *invokeTypes; jl_method_instance_t *caller; @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ static void jl_record_edges(jl_method_instance_t *caller, arraylist_t *wq, jl_ar if (callees != NULL) { jl_array_ptr_1d_push(edges, (jl_value_t*)caller); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(edges, (jl_value_t*)callees); - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(callees); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(callees); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { jl_method_instance_t *c = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(callees, i); if (c && jl_is_method_instance(c)) { @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ static void jl_collect_edges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_arra htable_t external_mis; htable_new(&external_mis, 0); if (external_cis) { - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(external_cis); i++) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(external_cis); i++) { jl_code_instance_t *ci = (jl_code_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(external_cis, i); jl_method_instance_t *mi = ci->def; ptrhash_put(&external_mis, (void*)mi, (void*)mi); @@ -439,10 +439,10 @@ static void jl_collect_edges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_arra } arraylist_t wq; arraylist_new(&wq, 0); - void **table = (void**) edges_map->ptr; // edges_map is caller => callees - size_t table_size = edges_map->length; + void **table = (void**)jl_array_data(edges_map); // edges_map is caller => callees + size_t table_size = jl_array_len(edges_map); for (size_t i = 0; i < table_size; i += 2) { - assert(table == edges_map->ptr && table_size == edges_map->length && + assert(table == jl_array_data(edges_map) && table_size == jl_array_len(edges_map) && "edges_map changed during iteration"); jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)table[i]; jl_array_t *callees = (jl_array_t*)table[i + 1]; @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ static void jl_collect_edges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_arra htable_t edges_map2; htable_new(&edges_map2, 0); htable_t edges_ids; - size_t l = edges ? jl_array_nrows(edges) : 0; + size_t l = edges ? jl_array_len(edges) : 0; htable_new(&edges_ids, l); for (size_t i = 0; i < l / 2; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(edges, i * 2); @@ -479,9 +479,9 @@ static void jl_collect_edges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_arra JL_GC_PUSH3(&matches, &callee_ids, &sig); for (size_t i = 0; i < l; i += 2) { jl_array_t *callees = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(edges, i + 1); - size_t l = jl_array_nrows(callees); + size_t l = jl_array_len(callees); callee_ids = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, l + 1); - int32_t *idxs = jl_array_data(callee_ids, int32_t); + int32_t *idxs = (int32_t*)jl_array_data(callee_ids); idxs[0] = 0; size_t nt = 0; for (size_t j = 0; j < l; j += 2) { @@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ static void jl_collect_edges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_arra break; } size_t k; - for (k = 0; k < jl_array_nrows(matches); k++) { + for (k = 0; k < jl_array_len(matches); k++) { jl_method_match_t *match = (jl_method_match_t *)jl_array_ptr_ref(matches, k); jl_array_ptr_set(matches, k, match->method); } @@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ static void jl_collect_edges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_arra jl_array_ptr_1d_push(ext_targets, invokeTypes); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(ext_targets, callee); jl_array_ptr_1d_push(ext_targets, matches); - target = (void*)((char*)HT_NOTFOUND + jl_array_nrows(ext_targets) / 3); + target = (void*)((char*)HT_NOTFOUND + jl_array_len(ext_targets) / 3); ptrhash_put(&edges_map2, (void*)callee, target); } idxs[++nt] = (char*)target - (char*)HT_NOTFOUND - 1; @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ static void jl_collect_edges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_arra static void write_mod_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t *a) { size_t i; - size_t len = jl_array_nrows(a); + size_t len = jl_array_len(a); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(a, i); assert(jl_is_module(m)); @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ static int64_t write_header(ios_t *s, uint8_t pkgimage) // serialize information about the result of deserializing this file static void write_worklist_for_header(ios_t *s, jl_array_t *worklist) { - int i, l = jl_array_nrows(worklist); + int i, l = jl_array_len(worklist); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_module_t *workmod = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(worklist, i); if (workmod->parent == jl_main_module || workmod->parent == workmod) { @@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ static int64_t write_dependency_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t* worklist, jl_array_t // dependencies if we don't need them initial_pos = ios_pos(s); write_uint64(s, 0); - size_t i, l = udeps ? jl_array_nrows(udeps) : 0; + size_t i, l = udeps ? jl_array_len(udeps) : 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *deptuple = jl_array_ptr_ref(udeps, i); jl_value_t *abspath = jl_fieldref(deptuple, 1); @@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ static int64_t write_dependency_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t* worklist, jl_array_t while (depmod_top->parent != jl_main_module && depmod_top->parent != depmod_top) depmod_top = depmod_top->parent; unsigned provides = 0; - size_t j, lj = jl_array_nrows(worklist); + size_t j, lj = jl_array_len(worklist); for (j = 0; j < lj; j++) { jl_module_t *workmod = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(worklist, j); if (workmod->parent == jl_main_module || workmod->parent == workmod) { @@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ static int64_t write_dependency_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t* worklist, jl_array_t // If we successfully got the preferences, write it out, otherwise write `0` for this `.ji` file. if (prefs_hash != NULL && prefs_list != NULL) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(prefs_list); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(prefs_list); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *pref_name = jl_array_ptr_ref(prefs_list, i); size_t slen = jl_string_len(pref_name); @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ static int64_t write_dependency_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t* worklist, jl_array_t // Add methods to external (non-worklist-owned) functions static void jl_insert_methods(jl_array_t *list) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(list); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(list); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_t *meth = (jl_method_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(list, i); assert(jl_is_method(meth)); @@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ static void jl_insert_methods(jl_array_t *list) static void jl_copy_roots(jl_array_t *method_roots_list, uint64_t key) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(method_roots_list); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(method_roots_list); for (i = 0; i < l; i+=2) { jl_method_t *m = (jl_method_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(method_roots_list, i); jl_array_t *roots = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(method_roots_list, i+1); @@ -853,12 +853,12 @@ static void jl_copy_roots(jl_array_t *method_roots_list, uint64_t key) static jl_array_t *jl_verify_edges(jl_array_t *targets, size_t minworld) { JL_TIMING(VERIFY_IMAGE, VERIFY_Edges); - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(targets) / 3; + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(targets) / 3; static jl_value_t *ulong_array JL_ALWAYS_LEAFTYPE = NULL; if (ulong_array == NULL) ulong_array = jl_apply_array_type((jl_value_t*)jl_ulong_type, 1); jl_array_t *maxvalids = jl_alloc_array_1d(ulong_array, l); - memset(jl_array_data(maxvalids, size_t), 0, l * sizeof(size_t)); + memset(jl_array_data(maxvalids), 0, l * sizeof(size_t)); jl_value_t *loctag = NULL; jl_value_t *matches = NULL; jl_value_t *sig = NULL; @@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ static jl_array_t *jl_verify_edges(jl_array_t *targets, size_t minworld) // TODO: possibly need to included ambiguities too (for the optimizer correctness)? // len + 1 is to allow us to log causes of invalidation (SnoopCompile's @snoopr) matches = jl_matching_methods((jl_tupletype_t*)sig, jl_nothing, - _jl_debug_method_invalidation ? INT32_MAX : jl_array_nrows(expected), + _jl_debug_method_invalidation ? INT32_MAX : jl_array_len(expected), 0, minworld, &min_valid, &max_valid, &ambig); sig = NULL; if (matches == jl_nothing) { @@ -918,12 +918,12 @@ static jl_array_t *jl_verify_edges(jl_array_t *targets, size_t minworld) else { // setdiff!(matches, expected) size_t j, k, ins = 0; - if (jl_array_nrows(matches) != jl_array_nrows(expected)) { + if (jl_array_len(matches) != jl_array_len(expected)) { max_valid = 0; } - for (k = 0; k < jl_array_nrows(matches); k++) { + for (k = 0; k < jl_array_len(matches); k++) { jl_method_t *match = ((jl_method_match_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(matches, k))->method; - size_t l = jl_array_nrows(expected); + size_t l = jl_array_len(expected); for (j = 0; j < l; j++) if (match == (jl_method_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(expected, j)) break; @@ -938,10 +938,10 @@ static jl_array_t *jl_verify_edges(jl_array_t *targets, size_t minworld) } } if (max_valid != ~(size_t)0 && _jl_debug_method_invalidation) - jl_array_del_end((jl_array_t*)matches, jl_array_nrows(matches) - ins); + jl_array_del_end((jl_array_t*)matches, jl_array_len(matches) - ins); } } - jl_array_data(maxvalids, size_t)[i] = max_valid; + ((size_t*)(jl_array_data(maxvalids)))[i] = max_valid; if (max_valid != ~(size_t)0 && _jl_debug_method_invalidation) { jl_array_ptr_1d_push(_jl_debug_method_invalidation, invokesig ? (jl_value_t*)invokesig : callee); loctag = jl_cstr_to_string("insert_backedges_callee"); @@ -965,9 +965,9 @@ static jl_array_t *jl_verify_methods(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *maxvalids) jl_value_t *loctag = NULL; jl_array_t *maxvalids2 = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH2(&loctag, &maxvalids2); - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(edges) / 2; + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(edges) / 2; maxvalids2 = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_typeof(maxvalids), l); - size_t *maxvalids2_data = jl_array_data(maxvalids2, size_t); + size_t *maxvalids2_data = (size_t*)jl_array_data(maxvalids2); memset(maxvalids2_data, 0, l * sizeof(size_t)); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(edges, 2 * i); @@ -979,12 +979,12 @@ static jl_array_t *jl_verify_methods(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *maxvalids) maxvalids2_data[i] = 0; } else { - int32_t *idxs = jl_array_data(callee_ids, int32_t); + int32_t *idxs = (int32_t*)jl_array_data(callee_ids); size_t j; maxvalids2_data[i] = ~(size_t)0; for (j = 0; j < idxs[0]; j++) { int32_t idx = idxs[j + 1]; - size_t max_valid = jl_array_data(maxvalids, size_t)[idx]; + size_t max_valid = ((size_t*)(jl_array_data(maxvalids)))[idx]; if (max_valid != ~(size_t)0 && _jl_debug_method_invalidation) { jl_array_ptr_1d_push(_jl_debug_method_invalidation, (jl_value_t*)caller); loctag = jl_cstr_to_string("verify_methods"); @@ -1024,8 +1024,8 @@ static int jl_verify_graph_edge(size_t *maxvalids2_data, jl_array_t *edges, size visited->items[idx] = (void*)(1 + depth); jl_array_t *callee_ids = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(edges, idx * 2 + 1); assert(jl_typetagis((jl_value_t*)callee_ids, jl_array_int32_type)); - int32_t *idxs = jl_array_data(callee_ids, int32_t); - size_t i, n = jl_array_nrows(callee_ids); + int32_t *idxs = (int32_t*)jl_array_data(callee_ids); + size_t i, n = jl_array_len(callee_ids); cycle = depth; for (i = idxs[0] + 1; i < n; i++) { int32_t childidx = idxs[i]; @@ -1079,10 +1079,10 @@ static void jl_verify_graph(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *maxvalids2) JL_TIMING(VERIFY_IMAGE, VERIFY_Graph); arraylist_t stack, visited; arraylist_new(&stack, 0); - size_t i, n = jl_array_nrows(edges) / 2; + size_t i, n = jl_array_len(edges) / 2; arraylist_new(&visited, n); memset(visited.items, 0, n * sizeof(size_t)); - size_t *maxvalids2_data = jl_array_data(maxvalids2, size_t); + size_t *maxvalids2_data = (size_t*)jl_array_data(maxvalids2); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { assert(visited.items[i] == (void*)0 || visited.items[i] == (void*)1); int child_cycle = jl_verify_graph_edge(maxvalids2_data, edges, i, &visited, &stack); @@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@ static void jl_insert_backedges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_a size_t i, l; // next build a map from external MethodInstances to their CodeInstance for insertion - l = jl_array_nrows(ci_list); + l = jl_array_len(ci_list); htable_t visited; htable_new(&visited, l); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { @@ -1128,14 +1128,14 @@ static void jl_insert_backedges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_a } // next enable any applicable new codes - l = jl_array_nrows(edges) / 2; + l = jl_array_len(edges) / 2; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(edges, 2 * i); - size_t maxvalid = jl_array_data(valids, size_t)[i]; + size_t maxvalid = ((size_t*)(jl_array_data(valids)))[i]; if (maxvalid == ~(size_t)0) { // if this callee is still valid, add all the backedges jl_array_t *callee_ids = (jl_array_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(edges, 2 * i + 1); - int32_t *idxs = jl_array_data(callee_ids, int32_t); + int32_t *idxs = (int32_t*)jl_array_data(callee_ids); for (size_t j = 0; j < idxs[0]; j++) { int32_t idx = idxs[j + 1]; jl_value_t *invokesig = jl_array_ptr_ref(ext_targets, idx * 3); @@ -1176,7 +1176,7 @@ static void jl_insert_backedges(jl_array_t *edges, jl_array_t *ext_targets, jl_a static void classify_callers(htable_t *callers_with_edges, jl_array_t *edges) { - size_t l = edges ? jl_array_nrows(edges) / 2 : 0; + size_t l = edges ? jl_array_len(edges) / 2 : 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_method_instance_t *caller = (jl_method_instance_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(edges, 2 * i); ptrhash_put(callers_with_edges, (void*)caller, (void*)caller); @@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ static jl_value_t *read_verify_mod_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t *depmods) return jl_get_exceptionf(jl_errorexception_type, "Main module uuid state is invalid for module deserialization."); } - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(depmods); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(depmods); for (i = 0; ; i++) { size_t len = read_int32(s); if (len == 0 && i == l) @@ -1251,11 +1251,11 @@ static jl_array_t *image_to_depmodidx(jl_array_t *depmods) { if (!depmods) return NULL; - assert(jl_array_nrows(depmods) < INT32_MAX && "too many dependencies to serialize"); + assert(jl_array_len(depmods) < INT32_MAX && "too many dependencies to serialize"); size_t lbids = n_linkage_blobs(); - size_t ldeps = jl_array_nrows(depmods); + size_t ldeps = jl_array_len(depmods); jl_array_t *depmodidxs = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, lbids); - int32_t *dmidxs = jl_array_data(depmodidxs, int32_t); + int32_t *dmidxs = (int32_t*)jl_array_data(depmodidxs); memset(dmidxs, -1, lbids * sizeof(int32_t)); dmidxs[0] = 0; // the sysimg can also be found at idx 0, by construction for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < ldeps; i++) { @@ -1275,9 +1275,9 @@ static jl_array_t *depmod_to_imageidx(jl_array_t *depmods) { if (!depmods) return NULL; - size_t ldeps = jl_array_nrows(depmods); + size_t ldeps = jl_array_len(depmods); jl_array_t *imageidxs = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_int32_type, ldeps + 1); - int32_t *imgidxs = jl_array_data(imageidxs, int32_t); + int32_t *imgidxs = (int32_t*)jl_array_data(imageidxs); imgidxs[0] = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < ldeps; i++) { jl_value_t *depmod = jl_array_ptr_ref(depmods, i); diff --git a/src/subtype.c b/src/subtype.c index f80e31c58c46b..766e0e703f480 100644 --- a/src/subtype.c +++ b/src/subtype.c @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ static jl_value_t *fix_inferred_var_bound(jl_tvar_t *var, jl_value_t *ty JL_MAYB JL_GC_PUSH2(&ans, &vs); vs = jl_find_free_typevars(ty); int i; - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(vs); i++) { + for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(vs); i++) { ans = jl_type_unionall((jl_tvar_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(vs, i), ans); } ans = (jl_value_t*)jl_new_typevar(var->name, jl_bottom_type, ans); @@ -2989,7 +2989,7 @@ static jl_value_t *finish_unionall(jl_value_t *res JL_MAYBE_UNROOTED, jl_varbind } if (vb->innervars != NULL) { - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(vb->innervars); i++) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(vb->innervars); i++) { jl_tvar_t *var = (jl_tvar_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(vb->innervars, i); // the `btemp->prev` walk is only giving a sort of post-order guarantee (since we are // iterating 2 trees at once), so once we set `wrap`, there might remain other branches diff --git a/src/sys.c b/src/sys.c index 7407da4e3514e..6da4231c9b7e2 100644 --- a/src/sys.c +++ b/src/sys.c @@ -280,15 +280,14 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_readuntil(ios_t *s, uint8_t delim, uint8_t str, uint return str; } a = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint8_type, n - nchomp); - memcpy(jl_array_data(a, uint8_t), s->buf + s->bpos, n - nchomp); + memcpy(jl_array_data(a), s->buf + s->bpos, n - nchomp); s->bpos += n; } else { a = jl_alloc_array_1d(jl_array_uint8_type, 80); ios_t dest; ios_mem(&dest, 0); - char *mem = jl_array_data(a, char); - ios_setbuf(&dest, (char*)mem, 80, 0); + ios_setbuf(&dest, (char*)a->data, 80, 0); size_t n = ios_copyuntil(&dest, s, delim, 1); if (chomp && n > 0 && dest.buf[n - 1] == delim) { n--; @@ -299,11 +298,12 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_readuntil(ios_t *s, uint8_t delim, uint8_t str, uint assert(truncret == 0); (void)truncret; // ensure the variable is used to avoid warnings } - if (dest.buf != mem) { + if (dest.buf != a->data) { a = jl_take_buffer(&dest); } else { - a->dimsize[0] = n; + a->length = n; + a->nrows = n; } if (str) { JL_GC_PUSH1(&a); diff --git a/src/toplevel.c b/src/toplevel.c index 5b67ab6061c51..a5918c23b4faa 100644 --- a/src/toplevel.c +++ b/src/toplevel.c @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_module_t *parent_module, jl_expr_t *ex { jl_task_t *ct = jl_current_task; assert(ex->head == jl_module_sym); - if (jl_array_nrows(ex->args) != 3 || !jl_is_expr(jl_exprarg(ex, 2))) { + if (jl_array_len(ex->args) != 3 || !jl_is_expr(jl_exprarg(ex, 2))) { jl_error("syntax: malformed module expression"); } @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_module_t *parent_module, jl_expr_t *ex jl_array_t *exprs = ((jl_expr_t*)jl_exprarg(ex, 2))->args; int lineno = 0; const char *filename = "none"; - if (jl_array_nrows(exprs) > 0) { + if (jl_array_len(exprs) > 0) { jl_value_t *lineex = jl_array_ptr_ref(exprs, 0); if (jl_is_linenode(lineex)) { lineno = jl_linenode_line(lineex); @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_module_t *parent_module, jl_expr_t *ex form = NULL; } - for (int i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(exprs); i++) { + for (int i = 0; i < jl_array_len(exprs); i++) { // process toplevel form ct->world_age = jl_atomic_load_acquire(&jl_world_counter); form = jl_expand_stmt_with_loc(jl_array_ptr_ref(exprs, i), newm, jl_filename, jl_lineno); @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_module_t *parent_module, jl_expr_t *ex form = NULL; if (!jl_generating_output()) { if (!ptrhash_has(&jl_current_modules, (void*)newm->parent)) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(jl_module_init_order); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(jl_module_init_order); size_t ns = 0; form = (jl_value_t*)jl_alloc_vec_any(0); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_eval_module_expr(jl_module_t *parent_module, jl_expr_t *ex JL_UNLOCK(&jl_modules_mutex); if (form) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(form); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(form); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_module_t *m = (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(form, i); JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(m); @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_eval_dot_expr(jl_module_t *m, jl_value_t *x, jl_value_t *f void jl_eval_global_expr(jl_module_t *m, jl_expr_t *ex, int set_type) { // create uninitialized mutable binding for "global x" decl sometimes or probably - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(ex->args); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(ex->args); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *arg = jl_exprarg(ex, i); jl_module_t *gm; @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ static void expr_attributes(jl_value_t *v, int *has_ccall, int *has_defs, int *h return; } int i; - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(e->args); i++) { + for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(e->args); i++) { jl_value_t *a = jl_exprarg(e, i); if (jl_is_expr(a)) expr_attributes(a, has_ccall, has_defs, has_opaque); @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ int jl_code_requires_compiler(jl_code_info_t *src, int include_force_compile) int has_ccall = 0, has_defs = 0, has_opaque = 0; if (include_force_compile && jl_has_meta(body, jl_force_compile_sym)) return 1; - for(i=0; i < jl_array_nrows(body); i++) { + for(i=0; i < jl_array_len(body); i++) { jl_value_t *stmt = jl_array_ptr_ref(body,i); expr_attributes(stmt, &has_ccall, &has_defs, &has_opaque); if (has_ccall) @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ static void body_attributes(jl_array_t *body, int *has_ccall, int *has_defs, int { size_t i; *has_loops = 0; - for(i=0; i < jl_array_nrows(body); i++) { + for(i=0; i < jl_array_len(body); i++) { jl_value_t *stmt = jl_array_ptr_ref(body,i); if (!*has_loops) { if (jl_is_gotonode(stmt)) { @@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ static jl_module_t *call_require(jl_module_t *mod, jl_sym_t *var) JL_GLOBALLY_RO static jl_module_t *eval_import_path(jl_module_t *where, jl_module_t *from JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_array_t *args, jl_sym_t **name, const char *keyword) JL_GLOBALLY_ROOTED { - if (jl_array_nrows(args) == 0) + if (jl_array_len(args) == 0) jl_errorf("malformed \"%s\" statement", keyword); jl_sym_t *var = (jl_sym_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(args, 0); size_t i = 1; @@ -517,14 +517,14 @@ static jl_module_t *eval_import_path(jl_module_t *where, jl_module_t *from JL_PR else { m = call_require(where, var); } - if (i == jl_array_nrows(args)) + if (i == jl_array_len(args)) return m; } else { // `.A.B.C`: strip off leading dots by following parent links m = where; while (1) { - if (i >= jl_array_nrows(args)) + if (i >= jl_array_len(args)) jl_error("invalid module path"); var = (jl_sym_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(args, i); if (var != jl_dot_sym) @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ static jl_module_t *eval_import_path(jl_module_t *where, jl_module_t *from JL_PR jl_type_error(keyword, (jl_value_t*)jl_symbol_type, (jl_value_t*)var); if (var == jl_dot_sym) jl_errorf("invalid %s path: \".\" in identifier path", keyword); - if (i == jl_array_nrows(args)-1) + if (i == jl_array_len(args)-1) break; m = (jl_module_t*)jl_eval_global_var(m, var); JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(m); @@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ int jl_needs_lowering(jl_value_t *e) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT return 0; } if (head == jl_global_sym || head == jl_const_sym) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(ex->args); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(ex->args); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { jl_value_t *a = jl_exprarg(ex, i); if (!jl_is_symbol(a) && !jl_is_globalref(a)) @@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ jl_value_t *jl_toplevel_eval_flex(jl_module_t *JL_NONNULL m, jl_value_t *e, int } else if (head == jl_export_sym || head == jl_public_sym) { int exp = (head == jl_export_sym); - for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(ex->args); i++) { + for (size_t i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ex->args); i++) { jl_sym_t *name = (jl_sym_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(ex->args, i); if (!jl_is_symbol(name)) jl_eval_errorf(m, exp ? "syntax: malformed \"export\" statement" : @@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ jl_value_t *jl_toplevel_eval_flex(jl_module_t *JL_NONNULL m, jl_value_t *e, int else if (head == jl_toplevel_sym) { jl_value_t *res = jl_nothing; int i; - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(ex->args); i++) { + for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(ex->args); i++) { res = jl_toplevel_eval_flex(m, jl_array_ptr_ref(ex->args, i), fast, 0); } JL_GC_POP(); @@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_check_top_level_effect(jl_module_t *m, char *fname) JL_LOCK(&jl_modules_mutex); int open = ptrhash_has(&jl_current_modules, (void*)m); if (!open && jl_module_init_order != NULL) { - size_t i, l = jl_array_nrows(jl_module_init_order); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(jl_module_init_order); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (m == (jl_module_t*)jl_array_ptr_ref(jl_module_init_order, i)) { open = 1; diff --git a/src/typemap.c b/src/typemap.c index 32fda9166f8f0..1bdbe52a974dd 100644 --- a/src/typemap.c +++ b/src/typemap.c @@ -277,21 +277,21 @@ static int is_cache_leaf(jl_value_t *ty, int tparam) return (jl_is_concrete_type(ty) && (tparam || !jl_is_kind(ty))); } -static _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *mtcache_hash_lookup_bp(jl_genericmemory_t *cache JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *ty) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +static _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *mtcache_hash_lookup_bp(jl_array_t *cache JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *ty) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - if (cache == (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) + if (cache == (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) return NULL; _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *pml = jl_table_peek_bp(cache, ty); JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(pml); // clang-sa doesn't trust our JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT claim return pml; } -static void mtcache_hash_insert(_Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) *cache, jl_value_t *parent, jl_value_t *key, jl_typemap_t *val) +static void mtcache_hash_insert(_Atomic(jl_array_t*) *cache, jl_value_t *parent, jl_value_t *key, jl_typemap_t *val) { int inserted = 0; - jl_genericmemory_t *a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(cache); - if (a == (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { - a = jl_alloc_memory_any(16); + jl_array_t *a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(cache); + if (a == (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { + a = jl_alloc_vec_any(16); jl_atomic_store_release(cache, a); if (parent) jl_gc_wb(parent, a); @@ -305,9 +305,9 @@ static void mtcache_hash_insert(_Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) *cache, jl_value_t } } -static jl_typemap_t *mtcache_hash_lookup(jl_genericmemory_t *cache JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *ty) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT +static jl_typemap_t *mtcache_hash_lookup(jl_array_t *cache JL_PROPAGATES_ROOT, jl_value_t *ty) JL_NOTSAFEPOINT { - if (cache == (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) + if (cache == (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) return (jl_typemap_t*)jl_nothing; jl_typemap_t *ml = (jl_typemap_t*)jl_eqtable_get(cache, ty, jl_nothing); return ml; @@ -315,17 +315,17 @@ static jl_typemap_t *mtcache_hash_lookup(jl_genericmemory_t *cache JL_PROPAGATES // ----- Sorted Type Signature Lookup Matching ----- // -static int jl_typemap_memory_visitor(jl_genericmemory_t *a, jl_typemap_visitor_fptr fptr, void *closure) +static int jl_typemap_array_visitor(jl_array_t *a, jl_typemap_visitor_fptr fptr, void *closure) { - size_t i, l = a->length; - _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*) a->ptr; + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(a); + _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*)jl_array_data(a); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { jl_value_t *d = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&data[i]); JL_GC_PROMISE_ROOTED(d); if (d == NULL) continue; - if (jl_is_genericmemory(d)) { - if (!jl_typemap_memory_visitor((jl_genericmemory_t*)d, fptr, closure)) + if (jl_is_array(d)) { + if (!jl_typemap_array_visitor((jl_array_t*)d, fptr, closure)) return 0; } else { @@ -352,23 +352,23 @@ int jl_typemap_visitor(jl_typemap_t *cache, jl_typemap_visitor_fptr fptr, void * { if (jl_typeof(cache) == (jl_value_t*)jl_typemap_level_type) { jl_typemap_level_t *node = (jl_typemap_level_t*)cache; - jl_genericmemory_t *a; + jl_array_t *a; JL_GC_PUSH1(&a); a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&node->targ); - if (a != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) - if (!jl_typemap_memory_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) + if (a != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) + if (!jl_typemap_array_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) goto exit; a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&node->arg1); - if (a != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) - if (!jl_typemap_memory_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) + if (a != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) + if (!jl_typemap_array_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) goto exit; a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&node->tname); - if (a != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) - if (!jl_typemap_memory_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) + if (a != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) + if (!jl_typemap_array_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) goto exit; a = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&node->name1); - if (a != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) - if (!jl_typemap_memory_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) + if (a != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) + if (!jl_typemap_array_visitor(a, fptr, closure)) goto exit; if (!jl_typemap_node_visitor(jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&node->linear), fptr, closure)) goto exit; @@ -451,12 +451,12 @@ static int concrete_intersects(jl_value_t *t, jl_value_t *ty, int8_t tparam) // tparam bit 0 is ::Type{T} (vs. T) // tparam bit 1 is typename(T) (vs. T) -static int jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor(jl_genericmemory_t *a, jl_value_t *ty, int8_t tparam, +static int jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *ty, int8_t tparam, int8_t offs, struct typemap_intersection_env *closure) { JL_GC_PUSH1(&a); - size_t i, l = a->length; - _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*) a->ptr; + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(a); + _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*)jl_array_data(a); unsigned height = 0; jl_datatype_t *tydt = jl_any_type; if (tparam & 2) { @@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ static int jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor(jl_genericmemory_t *a, jl_valu tname_intersection_dt(tydt, (jl_typename_t*)t, height)) { if ((tparam & 1) && t == (jl_value_t*)jl_typeofbottom_type->name) // skip Type{Union{}} and Type{typeof(Union{})}, since the caller should have already handled those continue; - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml)) { - if (!jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml, ty, tparam & ~2, offs, closure)) + if (jl_is_array(ml)) { + if (!jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor((jl_array_t*)ml, ty, tparam & ~2, offs, closure)) goto exit; } else { @@ -627,15 +627,15 @@ int jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(jl_typemap_t *map, int offs, if (jl_has_free_typevars(ty)) ty = jl_rewrap_unionall(ty, closure->type); JL_GC_PUSH1(&ty); - jl_genericmemory_t *targ = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->targ); - jl_genericmemory_t *tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); + jl_array_t *targ = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->targ); + jl_array_t *tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); int maybe_type = 0; int maybe_kind = 0; int exclude_typeofbottom = 0; jl_value_t *typetype = NULL; jl_value_t *name = NULL; // pre-check: optimized pre-intersection test to see if `ty` could intersect with any Type or Kind - if (targ != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any || tname != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + if (targ != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any || tname != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { maybe_kind = jl_has_intersect_kind_not_type(ty); maybe_type = maybe_kind || jl_has_intersect_type_not_kind(ty); if (maybe_type && !maybe_kind) { @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ int jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(jl_typemap_t *map, int offs, } } // First check for intersections with methods defined on Type{T}, where T was a concrete type - if (targ != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any && maybe_type && + if (targ != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any && maybe_type && (!typetype || jl_has_free_typevars(typetype) || is_cache_leaf(typetype, 1))) { // otherwise cannot contain this particular kind, so don't bother with checking if (!exclude_typeofbottom) { // detect Type{Union{}}, Type{Type{Union{}}}, and Type{typeof(Union{}} and do those early here @@ -680,18 +680,18 @@ int jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(jl_typemap_t *map, int offs, // attempt semi-direct lookup of types via their names // consider the type name first jl_value_t *ml = mtcache_hash_lookup(targ, (jl_value_t*)name); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml)) { + if (jl_is_array(ml)) { if (typetype && !jl_has_free_typevars(typetype)) { // direct lookup of leaf types if (is_cache_leaf(typetype, 1)) { - ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml, typetype); + ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_array_t*)ml, typetype); if (ml != jl_nothing) { if (!jl_typemap_intersection_visitor((jl_typemap_t*)ml, offs+1, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } } } else { - if (!jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml, ty, 1, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } + if (!jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor((jl_array_t*)ml, ty, 1, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } } else if (ml != jl_nothing) { @@ -699,19 +699,19 @@ int jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(jl_typemap_t *map, int offs, } } else { - // else a scan is required to consider all the possible subtypes - if (!jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor(targ, exclude_typeofbottom && !maybe_kind ? ty : (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type, 3, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } + // else an array scan is required to consider all the possible subtypes + if (!jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor(targ, exclude_typeofbottom && !maybe_kind ? ty : (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type, 3, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } } } - jl_genericmemory_t *cachearg1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->arg1); - if (cachearg1 != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *cachearg1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->arg1); + if (cachearg1 != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { if (is_cache_leaf(ty, 0)) { jl_typename_t *name = ty == jl_bottom_type ? jl_typeofbottom_type->name : ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->name; // direct lookup of leaf types jl_value_t *ml = mtcache_hash_lookup(cachearg1, (jl_value_t*)name); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml)) - ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml, ty); + if (jl_is_array(ml)) + ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_array_t*)ml, ty); if (ml != jl_nothing) { if (!jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(ml, offs+1, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } @@ -721,21 +721,21 @@ int jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(jl_typemap_t *map, int offs, if (name && jl_type_extract_name_precise(ty, 0)) { // direct lookup of leaf types jl_value_t *ml = mtcache_hash_lookup(cachearg1, name); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml)) { - if (!jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml, ty, 0, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } + if (jl_is_array(ml)) { + if (!jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor((jl_array_t*)ml, ty, 0, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } else { if (!jl_typemap_intersection_visitor((jl_typemap_t*)ml, offs+1, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } } else { - // else a scan is required to check subtypes - if (!jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor(cachearg1, ty, 2, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } + // else an array scan is required to check subtypes + if (!jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor(cachearg1, ty, 2, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } } } // Next check for intersections with methods defined on Type{T}, where T was not concrete (it might even have been a TypeVar), but had an extractable TypeName - if (tname != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any && maybe_type) { + if (tname != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any && maybe_type) { if (!exclude_typeofbottom || (!typetype && jl_isa((jl_value_t*)jl_typeofbottom_type, ty))) { // detect Type{Union{}}, Type{Type{Union{}}}, and Type{typeof(Union{}} and do those early here // otherwise the possibility of encountering `Type{Union{}}` in this intersection may @@ -775,13 +775,13 @@ int jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(jl_typemap_t *map, int offs, } } else { - // else a scan is required to check subtypes of typetype too + // else an array scan is required to check subtypes of typetype too tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); // may be GC'd earlier - if (!jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor(tname, exclude_typeofbottom && !maybe_kind ? ty : (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type, 3, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } + if (!jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor(tname, exclude_typeofbottom && !maybe_kind ? ty : (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type, 3, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } } - jl_genericmemory_t *name1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->name1); - if (name1 != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *name1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->name1); + if (name1 != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { jl_value_t *name = jl_type_extract_name(ty); if (name && jl_type_extract_name_precise(ty, 0)) { jl_datatype_t *super = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(((jl_typename_t*)name)->wrapper); @@ -798,8 +798,8 @@ int jl_typemap_intersection_visitor(jl_typemap_t *map, int offs, } } else { - // else a scan is required to check subtypes - if (!jl_typemap_intersection_memory_visitor(name1, ty, 2, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } + // else an array scan is required to check subtypes + if (!jl_typemap_intersection_array_visitor(name1, ty, 2, offs, closure)) { JL_GC_POP(); return 0; } } } JL_GC_POP(); @@ -989,12 +989,12 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type( if (jl_is_type_type(ty)) { jl_value_t *a0 = jl_tparam0(ty); if (is_cache_leaf(a0, 1)) { - jl_genericmemory_t *targ = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->targ); - if (targ != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *targ = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->targ); + if (targ != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { jl_typename_t *name = a0 == jl_bottom_type ? jl_typeofbottom_type->name : ((jl_datatype_t*)a0)->name; jl_value_t *ml = mtcache_hash_lookup(targ, (jl_value_t*)name); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml)) - ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml, a0); + if (jl_is_array(ml)) + ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_array_t*)ml, a0); if (ml != jl_nothing) { jl_typemap_entry_t *li = jl_typemap_assoc_by_type((jl_typemap_t*)ml, search, offs + 1, subtype); if (li) return li; @@ -1004,12 +1004,12 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type( } } if (is_cache_leaf(ty, 0)) { - jl_genericmemory_t *cachearg1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->arg1); - if (cachearg1 != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *cachearg1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->arg1); + if (cachearg1 != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { jl_typename_t *name = ty == jl_bottom_type ? jl_typeofbottom_type->name : ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->name; jl_value_t *ml = mtcache_hash_lookup(cachearg1, (jl_value_t*)name); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml)) - ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml, ty); + if (jl_is_array(ml)) + ml = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_array_t*)ml, ty); if (ml != jl_nothing) { jl_typemap_entry_t *li = jl_typemap_assoc_by_type((jl_typemap_t*)ml, search, offs + 1, subtype); if (li) return li; @@ -1020,8 +1020,8 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type( } if (ty || subtype) { // now look at the optimized TypeName caches - jl_genericmemory_t *tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); - if (tname != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); + if (tname != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { jl_value_t *a0 = ty && jl_is_type_type(ty) ? jl_type_extract_name(jl_tparam0(ty)) : NULL; if (a0) { // TODO: if we start analyzing Union types in jl_type_extract_name, then a0 might be over-approximated here, leading us to miss possible subtypes jl_datatype_t *super = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(((jl_typename_t*)a0)->wrapper); @@ -1039,10 +1039,9 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type( } else { if (!ty || !jl_has_empty_intersection((jl_value_t*)jl_type_type, ty)) { - jl_genericmemory_t *tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); // reload after type-intersect // couldn't figure out unique `a0` initial point, so scan all for matches - size_t i, l = tname->length; - _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*) jl_genericmemory_ptr_data(tname); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(tname); + _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*)jl_array_ptr_data(tname); JL_GC_PUSH1(&tname); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { jl_typemap_t *ml = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&data[i]); @@ -1058,8 +1057,8 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type( } } } - jl_genericmemory_t *name1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->name1); - if (name1 != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *name1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->name1); + if (name1 != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { if (ty) { jl_value_t *a0 = jl_type_extract_name(ty); if (a0) { // TODO: if we start analyzing Union types in jl_type_extract_name, then a0 might be over-approximated here, leading us to miss possible subtypes @@ -1080,8 +1079,8 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type( } else { // doing subtype, but couldn't figure out unique `ty`, so scan all for supertypes - size_t i, l = name1->length; - _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*) jl_genericmemory_ptr_data(name1); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(name1); + _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*)jl_array_ptr_data(name1); JL_GC_PUSH1(&name1); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { jl_typemap_t *ml = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&data[i]); @@ -1199,26 +1198,26 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_level_assoc_exact(jl_typemap_level_t *cache, jl_v jl_value_t *a1 = (offs == 0 ? arg1 : args[offs - 1]); jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a1); assert(jl_is_datatype(ty)); - jl_genericmemory_t *targ = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->targ); - if (targ != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any && is_cache_leaf(a1, 1)) { + jl_array_t *targ = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->targ); + if (targ != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any && is_cache_leaf(a1, 1)) { jl_typename_t *name = a1 == jl_bottom_type ? jl_typeofbottom_type->name : ((jl_datatype_t*)a1)->name; jl_value_t *ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup(targ, (jl_value_t*)name); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml_or_cache)) - ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml_or_cache, a1); + if (jl_is_array(ml_or_cache)) + ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_array_t*)ml_or_cache, a1); jl_typemap_entry_t *ml = jl_typemap_assoc_exact(ml_or_cache, arg1, args, n, offs+1, world); if (ml) return ml; } - jl_genericmemory_t *cachearg1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->arg1); - if (cachearg1 != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any && is_cache_leaf(ty, 0)) { + jl_array_t *cachearg1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->arg1); + if (cachearg1 != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any && is_cache_leaf(ty, 0)) { jl_typename_t *name = ty == jl_bottom_type ? jl_typeofbottom_type->name : ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->name; jl_value_t *ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup(cachearg1, (jl_value_t*)name); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml_or_cache)) - ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_genericmemory_t*)ml_or_cache, ty); + if (jl_is_array(ml_or_cache)) + ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup((jl_array_t*)ml_or_cache, ty); jl_typemap_entry_t *ml = jl_typemap_assoc_exact((jl_typemap_t*)ml_or_cache, arg1, args, n, offs+1, world); if (ml) return ml; } - jl_genericmemory_t *tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); - if (jl_is_kind(ty) && tname != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *tname = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->tname); + if (jl_is_kind(ty) && tname != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { jl_value_t *name = jl_type_extract_name(a1); if (name) { if (ty != (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type) @@ -1236,8 +1235,8 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_level_assoc_exact(jl_typemap_level_t *cache, jl_v } else { // couldn't figure out unique `name` initial point, so must scan all for matches - size_t i, l = tname->length; - _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*) jl_genericmemory_ptr_data(tname); + size_t i, l = jl_array_len(tname); + _Atomic(jl_typemap_t*) *data = (_Atomic(jl_typemap_t*)*)jl_array_ptr_data(tname); JL_GC_PUSH1(&tname); for (i = 1; i < l; i += 2) { jl_typemap_t *ml_or_cache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&data[i]); @@ -1252,8 +1251,8 @@ jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_level_assoc_exact(jl_typemap_level_t *cache, jl_v JL_GC_POP(); } } - jl_genericmemory_t *name1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->name1); - if (name1 != (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any) { + jl_array_t *name1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->name1); + if (name1 != (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any) { while (1) { name1 = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(&cache->name1); // reload after tree descent (which may hit safepoints) jl_typemap_t *ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup( @@ -1298,23 +1297,23 @@ static jl_typemap_level_t *jl_new_typemap_level(void) jl_typemap_level_t *cache = (jl_typemap_level_t*)jl_gc_alloc(ct->ptls, sizeof(jl_typemap_level_t), jl_typemap_level_type); - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->arg1, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->targ, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->name1, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); - jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->tname, (jl_genericmemory_t*)jl_an_empty_memory_any); + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->arg1, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->targ, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->name1, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); + jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->tname, (jl_array_t*)jl_an_empty_vec_any); jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->linear, (jl_typemap_entry_t*)jl_nothing); jl_atomic_store_relaxed(&cache->any, jl_nothing); return cache; } -static void jl_typemap_memory_insert_( - jl_typemap_t *map, _Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *key, jl_typemap_entry_t *newrec, +static void jl_typemap_array_insert_( + jl_typemap_t *map, _Atomic(jl_array_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *key, jl_typemap_entry_t *newrec, jl_value_t *parent, int8_t tparam, int8_t offs, jl_value_t *doublesplit); static jl_value_t *jl_method_convert_list_to_cache( jl_typemap_t *map, jl_typemap_entry_t *ml, int8_t tparam, int8_t offs, int8_t doublesplit) { - jl_value_t *cache = doublesplit ? jl_an_empty_memory_any : (jl_value_t*)jl_new_typemap_level(); + jl_value_t *cache = doublesplit ? jl_an_empty_vec_any : (jl_value_t*)jl_new_typemap_level(); jl_typemap_entry_t *next = NULL; JL_GC_PUSH3(&cache, &next, &ml); while (ml != (void*)jl_nothing) { @@ -1337,7 +1336,7 @@ static jl_value_t *jl_method_convert_list_to_cache( assert(jl_is_type_type(key)); key = jl_tparam0(key); } - jl_typemap_memory_insert_(map, (_Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*)*)&cache, key, ml, NULL, 0, offs, NULL); + jl_typemap_array_insert_(map, (_Atomic(jl_array_t*)*)&cache, key, ml, NULL, 0, offs, NULL); } else jl_typemap_level_insert_(map, (jl_typemap_level_t*)cache, ml, offs); @@ -1372,9 +1371,9 @@ static void jl_typemap_insert_generic( jl_typemap_entry_t *newrec, int8_t tparam, int8_t offs, jl_value_t *doublesplit) { jl_value_t *ml = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(pml); - if (jl_is_genericmemory(ml)) { + if (jl_is_array(ml)) { assert(doublesplit); - jl_typemap_memory_insert_(map, (_Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*)*)pml, doublesplit, newrec, parent, 0, offs, NULL); + jl_typemap_array_insert_(map, (_Atomic(jl_array_t*)*)pml, doublesplit, newrec, parent, 0, offs, NULL); return; } if (jl_typeof(ml) == (jl_value_t*)jl_typemap_level_type) { @@ -1390,7 +1389,7 @@ static void jl_typemap_insert_generic( jl_atomic_store_release(pml, ml); jl_gc_wb(parent, ml); if (doublesplit) - jl_typemap_memory_insert_(map, (_Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*)*)pml, doublesplit, newrec, parent, 0, offs, NULL); + jl_typemap_array_insert_(map, (_Atomic(jl_array_t*)*)pml, doublesplit, newrec, parent, 0, offs, NULL); else jl_typemap_level_insert_(map, (jl_typemap_level_t*)ml, newrec, offs); return; @@ -1400,16 +1399,16 @@ static void jl_typemap_insert_generic( parent, newrec); } -static void jl_typemap_memory_insert_( - jl_typemap_t *map, _Atomic(jl_genericmemory_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *key, jl_typemap_entry_t *newrec, +static void jl_typemap_array_insert_( + jl_typemap_t *map, _Atomic(jl_array_t*) *pcache, jl_value_t *key, jl_typemap_entry_t *newrec, jl_value_t *parent, int8_t tparam, int8_t offs, jl_value_t *doublesplit) { - jl_genericmemory_t *cache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(pcache); + jl_array_t *cache = jl_atomic_load_relaxed(pcache); _Atomic(jl_value_t*) *pml = mtcache_hash_lookup_bp(cache, key); if (pml == NULL) mtcache_hash_insert(pcache, parent, key, (jl_typemap_t*)newrec); else - jl_typemap_insert_generic(map, pml, (jl_value_t*) cache, newrec, tparam, offs + (doublesplit ? 0 : 1), doublesplit); + jl_typemap_insert_generic(map, pml, (jl_value_t*)cache, newrec, tparam, offs + (doublesplit ? 0 : 1), doublesplit); } static void jl_typemap_level_insert_( @@ -1452,13 +1451,13 @@ static void jl_typemap_level_insert_( jl_value_t *a0 = jl_tparam0(t1); if (is_cache_leaf(a0, 1)) { jl_typename_t *name = a0 == jl_bottom_type ? jl_typeofbottom_type->name : ((jl_datatype_t*)a0)->name; - jl_typemap_memory_insert_(map, &cache->targ, (jl_value_t*)name, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 1, offs, jl_is_datatype(name->wrapper) ? NULL : a0); + jl_typemap_array_insert_(map, &cache->targ, (jl_value_t*)name, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 1, offs, jl_is_datatype(name->wrapper) ? NULL : a0); return; } } if (is_cache_leaf(t1, 0)) { jl_typename_t *name = t1 == jl_bottom_type ? jl_typeofbottom_type->name : ((jl_datatype_t*)t1)->name; - jl_typemap_memory_insert_(map, &cache->arg1, (jl_value_t*)name, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 0, offs, jl_is_datatype(name->wrapper) ? NULL : t1); + jl_typemap_array_insert_(map, &cache->arg1, (jl_value_t*)name, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 0, offs, jl_is_datatype(name->wrapper) ? NULL : t1); return; } @@ -1468,12 +1467,12 @@ static void jl_typemap_level_insert_( if (jl_is_type_type(t1)) { a0 = jl_type_extract_name(jl_tparam0(t1)); jl_datatype_t *super = a0 ? (jl_datatype_t*)jl_unwrap_unionall(((jl_typename_t*)a0)->wrapper) : jl_any_type; - jl_typemap_memory_insert_(map, &cache->tname, (jl_value_t*)super->name, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 1, offs, NULL); + jl_typemap_array_insert_(map, &cache->tname, (jl_value_t*)super->name, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 1, offs, NULL); return; } a0 = jl_type_extract_name(t1); if (a0 && a0 != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type->name) { - jl_typemap_memory_insert_(map, &cache->name1, a0, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 0, offs, NULL); + jl_typemap_array_insert_(map, &cache->name1, a0, newrec, (jl_value_t*)cache, 0, offs, NULL); return; } } diff --git a/stdlib/Base64/src/buffer.jl b/stdlib/Base64/src/buffer.jl index bc8c338bad19d..44a9c0931ac95 100644 --- a/stdlib/Base64/src/buffer.jl +++ b/stdlib/Base64/src/buffer.jl @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ # Data buffer for pipes. mutable struct Buffer - data::Memory{UInt8} + data::Vector{UInt8} ptr::Ptr{UInt8} size::Int function Buffer(bufsize) - data = Memory{UInt8}(undef, bufsize) + data = Vector{UInt8}(undef, bufsize) return new(data, pointer(data), 0) end end @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Base.setindex!(buffer::Buffer, v::UInt8, i::Integer) = unsafe_store!(buffer.ptr, Base.firstindex(buffer::Buffer) = 1 Base.lastindex(buffer::Buffer) = buffer.size Base.pointer(buffer::Buffer) = buffer.ptr -capacity(buffer::Buffer) = Int(pointer(buffer.data, lastindex(buffer.data)) - buffer.ptr) + 1 +capacity(buffer::Buffer) = Int(pointer(buffer.data, lastindex(buffer.data) + 1) - buffer.ptr) function consumed!(buffer::Buffer, n::Integer) @assert n ≤ buffer.size diff --git a/stdlib/Mmap/src/Mmap.jl b/stdlib/Mmap/src/Mmap.jl index 6d328c40cd7b3..9dd02d5aa9d04 100644 --- a/stdlib/Mmap/src/Mmap.jl +++ b/stdlib/Mmap/src/Mmap.jl @@ -367,9 +367,8 @@ Forces synchronization between the in-memory version of a memory-mapped `Array` [`BitArray`](@ref) and the on-disk version. """ function sync!(m::Array, flags::Integer=MS_SYNC) - ptr = pointer(m) - offset = rem(UInt(ptr), PAGESIZE) - ptr = ptr - offset + offset = rem(UInt(pointer(m)), PAGESIZE) + ptr = pointer(m) - offset mmaplen = sizeof(m) + offset GC.@preserve m @static if Sys.isunix() systemerror("msync", @@ -430,9 +429,8 @@ Advises the kernel on the intended usage of the memory-mapped `array`, with the `flag` being one of the available `MADV_*` constants. """ function madvise!(m::Array, flag::Integer=MADV_NORMAL) - ptr = pointer(m) - offset = rem(UInt(ptr), PAGESIZE) - ptr = ptr - offset + offset = rem(UInt(pointer(m)), PAGESIZE) + ptr = pointer(m) - offset mmaplen = sizeof(m) + offset GC.@preserve m begin systemerror("madvise", diff --git a/stdlib/Profile/test/allocs.jl b/stdlib/Profile/test/allocs.jl index e77e5bc826612..ae0cbab945f01 100644 --- a/stdlib/Profile/test/allocs.jl +++ b/stdlib/Profile/test/allocs.jl @@ -143,17 +143,12 @@ end end @testset "alloc profiler catches allocs from buffer resize" begin - f(a) = for _ in 1:100; push!(a, 1); end - f(Int[]) - resize!(Int[], 1) a = Int[] - Allocs.clear() - Allocs.@profile sample_rate=1 f(a) - Allocs.@profile sample_rate=1 resize!(a, 1_000_000) # 4MB + Allocs.@profile sample_rate=1 for _ in 1:100; push!(a, 1); end + prof = Allocs.fetch() Allocs.clear() - @test 3 <= length(prof.allocs) <= 10 - @test length([a for a in prof.allocs if a.type === Allocs.BufferType]) == 1 - @test length([a for a in prof.allocs if a.type === Memory{Int}]) >= 2 + @test length(prof.allocs) >= 1 + @test length([a for a in prof.allocs if a.type == Profile.Allocs.BufferType]) >= 1 end diff --git a/stdlib/Serialization/src/Serialization.jl b/stdlib/Serialization/src/Serialization.jl index 8e8290569cdb7..fbd02cc1a78dd 100644 --- a/stdlib/Serialization/src/Serialization.jl +++ b/stdlib/Serialization/src/Serialization.jl @@ -288,31 +288,6 @@ function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, a::SubArray{T,N,A}) where {T,N,A<:Arra serialize_any(s, b) end -serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, m::GenericMemory) = error("GenericMemory{:atomic} currently cannot be serialized") -function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, m::Memory) - serialize_cycle_header(s, m) && return - serialize(s, length(m)) - elty = eltype(m) - if isbitstype(elty) - serialize_array_data(s.io, m) - else - sizehint!(s.table, div(length(m),4)) # prepare for lots of pointers - @inbounds for i in eachindex(m) - if isassigned(m, i) - serialize(s, m[i]) - else - writetag(s.io, UNDEFREF_TAG) - end - end - end -end - -function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, x::GenericMemoryRef) - serialize_type(s, typeof(x)) - serialize(s, getfield(x, :mem)) - serialize(s, Base.memoryrefoffset(x)) -end - function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, ss::String) len = sizeof(ss) if len > 7 @@ -536,7 +511,7 @@ function serialize_typename(s::AbstractSerializer, t::Core.TypeName) serialize(s, primary.super) serialize(s, primary.parameters) serialize(s, primary.types) - serialize(s, Base.issingletontype(primary)) + serialize(s, isdefined(primary, :instance)) serialize(s, t.flags & 0x1 == 0x1) # .abstract serialize(s, t.flags & 0x2 == 0x2) # .mutable serialize(s, Int32(length(primary.types) - t.n_uninitialized)) @@ -679,11 +654,6 @@ end serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, @nospecialize(x)) = serialize_any(s, x) -function serialize(s::AbstractSerializer, x::Core.AddrSpace) - serialize_type(s, typeof(x)) - write(s.io, Core.bitcast(UInt8, x)) -end - function serialize_any(s::AbstractSerializer, @nospecialize(x)) tag = sertag(x) if tag > 0 @@ -1306,7 +1276,7 @@ function deserialize_array(s::AbstractSerializer) return A end -function deserialize_fillarray!(A::Union{Array{T},Memory{T}}, s::AbstractSerializer) where {T} +function deserialize_fillarray!(A::Array{T}, s::AbstractSerializer) where {T} for i = eachindex(A) tag = Int32(read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8) if tag != UNDEFREF_TAG @@ -1316,48 +1286,6 @@ function deserialize_fillarray!(A::Union{Array{T},Memory{T}}, s::AbstractSeriali return A end -function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, X::Type{Memory{T}} where T) - slot = pop!(s.pending_refs) # e.g. deserialize_cycle - n = deserialize(s)::Int - elty = eltype(X) - if isbitstype(elty) - A = X(undef, n) - if X === Memory{Bool} - i = 1 - while i <= n - b = read(s.io, UInt8)::UInt8 - v = (b >> 7) != 0 - count = b & 0x7f - nxt = i + count - while i < nxt - A[i] = v - i += 1 - end - end - else - A = read!(s.io, A)::X - end - s.table[slot] = A - return A - end - A = X(undef, n) - s.table[slot] = A - sizehint!(s.table, s.counter + div(n, 4)) - deserialize_fillarray!(A, s) - return A -end - -function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, X::Type{MemoryRef{T}} where T) - x = Core.memoryref(deserialize(s))::X - i = deserialize(s)::Int - i == 2 || (x = Core.memoryref(x, i, true)) - return x::X -end - -function deserialize(s::AbstractSerializer, X::Type{Core.AddrSpace{M}} where M) - Core.bitcast(X, read(s.io, UInt8)) -end - function deserialize_expr(s::AbstractSerializer, len) e = Expr(:temp) resolve_ref_immediately(s, e) @@ -1413,7 +1341,7 @@ function deserialize_typename(s::AbstractSerializer, number) tn.max_methods = maxm if has_instance ty = ty::DataType - if !isdefined(ty, :instance) + if !Base.issingletontype(ty) singleton = ccall(:jl_new_struct, Any, (Any, Any...), ty) # use setfield! directly to avoid `fieldtype` lowering expecting to see a Singleton object already on ty ccall(:jl_set_nth_field, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t, Any), ty, Base.fieldindex(DataType, :instance)-1, singleton) diff --git a/test/abstractarray.jl b/test/abstractarray.jl index 9167cfd954d5f..e1aa3f5d8f449 100644 --- a/test/abstractarray.jl +++ b/test/abstractarray.jl @@ -1108,23 +1108,23 @@ end @testset "sizeof" begin let arrUInt8 = zeros(UInt8, 10) @test sizeof(arrUInt8) == 10 - @test Core.sizeof(arrUInt8) == 3 * sizeof(Int) + @test Core.sizeof(arrUInt8) == 10 end let arrUInt32 = zeros(UInt32, 10) @test sizeof(arrUInt32) == 40 - @test Core.sizeof(arrUInt32) == 3 * sizeof(Int) + @test Core.sizeof(arrUInt32) == 40 end let arrFloat64 = zeros(Float64, 10, 10) @test sizeof(arrFloat64) == 800 - @test Core.sizeof(arrFloat64) == 4 * sizeof(Int) + @test Core.sizeof(arrFloat64) == 800 end # Test union arrays (Issue #23321) let arrUnion = Union{Int64, Cvoid}[rand(Bool) ? k : nothing for k = 1:10] @test sizeof(arrUnion) == 80 - @test Core.sizeof(arrUnion) == 3 * sizeof(Int) + @test Core.sizeof(arrUnion) == 80 end # Test non-power of 2 types (Issue #35884) @@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ end let arrayOfUInt48 = [a, b, c] f35884(x) = sizeof(x) @test f35884(arrayOfUInt48) == 24 - @test Core.sizeof(arrayOfUInt48) == 3 * sizeof(Int) + @test Core.sizeof(arrayOfUInt48) == 24 end end @@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@ function Base.getindex(S::Strider{<:Any,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N}) where {N} end Base.strides(S::Strider) = S.strides Base.elsize(::Type{<:Strider{T}}) where {T} = Base.elsize(Vector{T}) -Base.cconvert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, S::Strider{T}) where {T} = MemoryRef(S.data.ref, S.offset) +Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, S::Strider{T}) where {T} = pointer(S.data, S.offset) @testset "Simple 3d strided views and permutes" for sz in ((5, 3, 2), (7, 11, 13)) A = collect(reshape(1:prod(sz), sz)) diff --git a/test/cmdlineargs.jl b/test/cmdlineargs.jl index c1681532d26ea..aa54efab2c835 100644 --- a/test/cmdlineargs.jl +++ b/test/cmdlineargs.jl @@ -513,9 +513,9 @@ let exename = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no --color=no` @test popfirst!(got) == " 32 Base.invokelatest(g, x)" end if Sys.WORD_SIZE == 64 - @test popfirst!(got) == " 32 []" + @test popfirst!(got) == " 48 []" else - @test popfirst!(got) == " 16 []" + @test popfirst!(got) == " 32 []" end @test popfirst!(got) == " - end" @test popfirst!(got) == " - f(1.23)" @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ let exename = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no --color=no` @test occursin("llvm.module.flags", code) @test !occursin("llvm.dbg.cu", code) @test !occursin("int.jl", code) - @test !occursin("name: \"Int64\"", code) + @test !occursin("\"Int64\"", code) end let code = readchomperrors(`$exename -g1 -E "@eval Int64(1)+Int64(1)"`) @test code[1] @@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ let exename = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no --color=no` @test occursin("llvm.module.flags", code) @test occursin("llvm.dbg.cu", code) @test occursin("int.jl", code) - @test !occursin("name: \"Int64\"", code) + @test !occursin("\"Int64\"", code) end let code = readchomperrors(`$exename -g2 -E "@eval Int64(1)+Int64(1)"`) @test code[1] @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ let exename = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no --color=no` @test occursin("llvm.module.flags", code) @test occursin("llvm.dbg.cu", code) @test occursin("int.jl", code) - @test occursin("name: \"Int64\"", code) + @test occursin("\"Int64\"", code) end end end diff --git a/test/compiler/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl b/test/compiler/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl index fc2d6f774cd9d..04729ab818420 100644 --- a/test/compiler/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl +++ b/test/compiler/EscapeAnalysis/EscapeAnalysis.jl @@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ let utils_ex = quote Core.eval(@__MODULE__, utils_ex) end +using Core.Compiler: alloc_array_ndims using .EscapeAnalysis: - EscapeInfo, IndexableElements, IndexableFields, normalize + EscapeInfo, IndexableElements, IndexableFields, + array_resize_info, is_array_copy, normalize isϕ(@nospecialize x) = isa(x, Core.PhiNode) function with_normalized_name(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(x)) @@ -52,11 +54,11 @@ function with_normalized_name(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(x)) return false end isarrayalloc(@nospecialize x) = - with_normalized_name(nn::Symbol->false, x) + with_normalized_name(nn::Symbol->!isnothing(alloc_array_ndims(nn)), x) isarrayresize(@nospecialize x) = - with_normalized_name(nn::Symbol->false, x) + with_normalized_name(nn::Symbol->!isnothing(array_resize_info(nn)), x) isarraycopy(@nospecialize x) = - with_normalized_name(nn::Symbol->false, x) + with_normalized_name(nn::Symbol->is_array_copy(nn), x) """ is_load_forwardable(x::EscapeInfo) -> Bool @@ -1506,7 +1508,7 @@ end @testset "array primitives" begin # arrayref - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Int)) do xs, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Int)) do xs, i s = Base.arrayref(true, xs, i) return s end @@ -1515,7 +1517,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) # xs @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # i end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Int)) do xs, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Int)) do xs, i s = Base.arrayref(false, xs, i) return s end @@ -1524,28 +1526,28 @@ end @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) # xs @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # i end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Bool)) do xs, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Bool)) do xs, i c = Base.arrayref(true, xs, i) # TypeError will happen here return c end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Base.arrayref)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,Int)) do xs, i + let result = code_escapes((String,Int)) do xs, i c = Base.arrayref(true, xs, i) # TypeError will happen here return c end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Base.arrayref)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((AbstractVector{String},Int)) do xs, i + let result = code_escapes((AbstractVector{String},Int)) do xs, i c = Base.arrayref(true, xs, i) # TypeError may happen here return c end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Base.arrayref)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Any)) do xs, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},Any)) do xs, i c = Base.arrayref(true, xs, i) # TypeError may happen here return c end @@ -1554,7 +1556,7 @@ end end # arrayset - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},String,Int,)) do xs, x, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},String,Int,)) do xs, x, i Base.arrayset(true, xs, x, i) return xs end @@ -1563,7 +1565,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) # xs @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},String,Int,)) do xs, x, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},String,Int,)) do xs, x, i Base.arrayset(false, xs, x, i) return xs end @@ -1572,7 +1574,7 @@ end @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) # xs @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String,String,)) do s, t, u + let result = code_escapes((String,String,String,)) do s, t, u xs = Vector{String}(undef, 3) Base.arrayset(true, xs, s, 1) Base.arrayset(true, xs, t, 2) @@ -1586,7 +1588,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(i)], r) end end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},String,Bool,)) do xs, x, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},String,Bool,)) do xs, x, i Base.arrayset(true, xs, x, i) # TypeError will happen here return xs end @@ -1594,7 +1596,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], t) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int,)) do xs, x, i + let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int,)) do xs, x, i Base.arrayset(true, xs, x, i) # TypeError will happen here return xs end @@ -1602,7 +1604,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs::String @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], t) # x::String end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((AbstractVector{String},String,Int,)) do xs, x, i + let result = code_escapes((AbstractVector{String},String,Int,)) do xs, x, i Base.arrayset(true, xs, x, i) # TypeError may happen here return xs end @@ -1610,7 +1612,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], t) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},AbstractString,Int,)) do xs, x, i + let result = code_escapes((Vector{String},AbstractString,Int,)) do xs, x, i Base.arrayset(true, xs, x, i) # TypeError may happen here return xs end @@ -1620,7 +1622,7 @@ end end # arrayref and arrayset - @test_skip let result = code_escapes() do + let result = code_escapes() do a = Vector{Vector{Any}}(undef, 1) b = Any[] a[1] = b @@ -1636,7 +1638,7 @@ end @test !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(ai)], r) @test has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(bi)], r) end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes() do + let result = code_escapes() do a = Vector{Vector{Any}}(undef, 1) b = Any[] a[1] = b @@ -1652,7 +1654,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(ai)], r) @test has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(bi)], r) end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},String,Int,Int)) do xs, s, i, j + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},String,Int,Int)) do xs, s, i, j x = SafeRef(s) xs[i] = x xs[j] # potential error @@ -1664,19 +1666,19 @@ end end # arraysize - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs Core.arraysize(xs, 1) end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Core.arraysize)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},Int,)) do xs, dim + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},Int,)) do xs, dim Core.arraysize(xs, dim) end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Core.arraysize)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Any,)) do xs + let result = code_escapes((Any,)) do xs Core.arraysize(xs, 1) end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Core.arraysize)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @@ -1684,19 +1686,19 @@ end end # arraylen - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs Base.arraylen(xs) end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Base.arraylen)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do xs + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do xs Base.arraylen(xs) end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Base.arraylen)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs Base.arraylen(xs, 1) end t = only(findall(iscall((result.ir, Base.arraylen)), result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @@ -1705,7 +1707,7 @@ end # array resizing # without BoundsErrors - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},String)) do xs, x + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},String)) do xs, x @ccall jl_array_grow_beg(xs::Any, 2::UInt)::Cvoid xs[1] = x xs @@ -1714,7 +1716,7 @@ end @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # xs @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], t) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},String)) do xs, x + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},String)) do xs, x @ccall jl_array_grow_end(xs::Any, 2::UInt)::Cvoid xs[1] = x xs @@ -1724,7 +1726,7 @@ end @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], t) # x end # with possible BoundsErrors - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x xs = Any[1,2,3] xs[3] = x @ccall jl_array_del_beg(xs::Any, 2::UInt)::Cvoid # can potentially throw @@ -1735,7 +1737,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)], t) # xs @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x xs = Any[1,2,3] xs[1] = x @ccall jl_array_del_end(xs::Any, 2::UInt)::Cvoid # can potentially throw @@ -1746,7 +1748,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)], t) # xs @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x xs = Any[x] @ccall jl_array_grow_at(xs::Any, 1::UInt, 2::UInt)::Cvoid # can potentially throw end @@ -1755,7 +1757,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)], t) # xs @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], t) # x end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do x xs = Any[x] @ccall jl_array_del_at(xs::Any, 1::UInt, 2::UInt)::Cvoid # can potentially throw end @@ -1766,15 +1768,15 @@ end end # array copy - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs return copy(xs) end i = only(findall(isarraycopy, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) r = only(findall(isreturn, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)], r) - @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) + @test_broken !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do s + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do s xs = String[s] xs′ = copy(xs) return xs′[1] @@ -1786,7 +1788,7 @@ end @test !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i2)]) @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) # s end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs xs′ = copy(xs) return xs′[1] # may potentially throw BoundsError, should escape `xs` conservatively (i.e. escape its elements) end @@ -1798,7 +1800,7 @@ end @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], ref) @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], ret) end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do s + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do s xs = Vector{String}(undef, 1) xs[1] = s xs′ = copy(xs) @@ -1822,15 +1824,15 @@ end return isassigned(xs, i) end r = only(findall(isreturn, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) - @test_broken !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) - @test_broken !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) + @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) end # indexing analysis # ----------------- # safe case - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String)) do s, t + let result = code_escapes((String,String)) do s, t a = Vector{Any}(undef, 2) a[1] = s a[2] = t @@ -1843,7 +1845,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) # s @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # t end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String)) do s, t + let result = code_escapes((String,String)) do s, t a = Matrix{Any}(undef, 1, 2) a[1, 1] = s a[1, 2] = t @@ -1856,7 +1858,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) # s @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # t end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Bool,String,String,String)) do c, s, t, u + let result = code_escapes((Bool,String,String,String)) do c, s, t, u a = Vector{Any}(undef, 2) if c a[1] = s @@ -1875,7 +1877,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(4)], r) # t @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(5)], r) # u end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Bool,String,String,String)) do c, s, t, u + let result = code_escapes((Bool,String,String,String)) do c, s, t, u a = Any[nothing, nothing] # TODO how to deal with loop indexing? if c a[1] = s @@ -1894,7 +1896,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(4)], r) # t @test_broken !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(5)], r) # u end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,)) do s + let result = code_escapes((String,)) do s a = Vector{Vector{Any}}(undef, 1) b = Any[s] a[1] = b @@ -1910,7 +1912,7 @@ end @test_broken is_load_forwardable(result.state[SSAValue(ib)]) @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) # s end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((Bool,String,String,Regex,Regex,)) do c, s1, s2, t1, t2 + let result = code_escapes((Bool,String,String,Regex,Regex,)) do c, s1, s2, t1, t2 if c a = Vector{String}(undef, 2) a[1] = s1 @@ -1932,7 +1934,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(5)], r) # t1 @test !has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(6)], r) # t2 end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int)) do s, t, i + let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int)) do s, t, i a = Any[s] push!(a, t) return a[2] @@ -1945,7 +1947,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # t end # unsafe cases - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int)) do s, t, i + let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int)) do s, t, i a = Vector{Any}(undef, 2) a[1] = s a[2] = t @@ -1958,7 +1960,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) # s @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # t end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int)) do s, t, i + let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int)) do s, t, i a = Vector{Any}(undef, 2) a[1] = s a[i] = t @@ -1971,7 +1973,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(2)], r) # s @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # t end - @test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int,Int,Int)) do s, t, i, j, k + let result = code_escapes((String,String,Int,Int,Int)) do s, t, i, j, k a = Vector{Any}(undef, 2) a[3] = s # BoundsError a[1] = t @@ -1982,7 +1984,7 @@ end @test !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)], r) @test !is_load_forwardable(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) end - @test_skip let result = @eval Module() begin + let result = @eval Module() begin @noinline some_resize!(a) = pushfirst!(a, nothing) $code_escapes((String,String,Int)) do s, t, i a = Vector{Any}(undef, 2) @@ -1998,7 +2000,7 @@ end end # circular reference - @test_skip let result = code_escapes() do + let result = code_escapes() do xs = Vector{Any}(undef, 1) xs[1] = xs return xs[1] @@ -2007,7 +2009,7 @@ end r = only(findall(isreturn, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) @test has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)], r) end - @test_skip let result = @eval Module() begin + let result = @eval Module() begin const Ax = Vector{Any}(undef, 1) Ax[1] = Ax $code_escapes() do @@ -2038,7 +2040,7 @@ end end # demonstrate array primitive support with a realistic end to end example -@test_skip let result = code_escapes((Int,String,)) do n,s +let result = code_escapes((Int,String,)) do n,s xs = String[] for i in 1:n push!(xs, s) @@ -2052,7 +2054,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # s @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(3)]) # s end -@test_skip let result = code_escapes((Int,String,)) do n,s +let result = code_escapes((Int,String,)) do n,s xs = String[] for i in 1:n pushfirst!(xs, s) @@ -2066,7 +2068,7 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(3)], r) # s @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(3)]) # s end -@test_skip let result = code_escapes((String,String,String)) do s, t, u +let result = code_escapes((String,String,String)) do s, t, u xs = String[] resize!(xs, 3) xs[1] = s @@ -2083,6 +2085,129 @@ end @test has_return_escape(result.state[Argument(4)], r) # u end +@static if isdefined(Core, :ImmutableArray) + +import Core: ImmutableArray, arrayfreeze, mutating_arrayfreeze, arraythaw + +@testset "ImmutableArray" begin + # arrayfreeze + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((Vector,)) do xs + arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((Any,)) do xs + arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((ImmutableArray{Any,1},)) do xs + arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes() do + xs = Any[] + arrayfreeze(xs) + end + i = only(findall(isarrayalloc, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) + @test has_no_escape(result.state[SSAValue(1)]) + end + + # mutating_arrayfreeze + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + mutating_arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((Vector,)) do xs + mutating_arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((Any,)) do xs + mutating_arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((ImmutableArray{Any,1},)) do xs + mutating_arrayfreeze(xs) + end + @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes() do + xs = Any[] + mutating_arrayfreeze(xs) + end + i = only(findall(isarrayalloc, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) + @test has_no_escape(result.state[SSAValue(1)]) + end + + # arraythaw + let result = code_escapes((ImmutableArray{Any,1},)) do xs + arraythaw(xs) + end + @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((ImmutableArray,)) do xs + arraythaw(xs) + end + @test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((Any,)) do xs + arraythaw(xs) + end + @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes((Vector{Any},)) do xs + arraythaw(xs) + end + @test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)]) + end + let result = code_escapes() do + xs = ImmutableArray(Any[]) + arraythaw(xs) + end + i = only(findall(isarrayalloc, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) + @test has_no_escape(result.state[SSAValue(1)]) + end +end + +# demonstrate some arrayfreeze optimizations +# !has_return_escape(ary) means ary is eligible for arrayfreeze to mutating_arrayfreeze optimization +let result = code_escapes((Int,)) do n + xs = collect(1:n) + ImmutableArray(xs) + end + i = only(findall(isarrayalloc, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) + @test !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) +end +let result = code_escapes((Vector{Float64},)) do xs + ys = sin.(xs) + ImmutableArray(ys) + end + i = only(findall(isarrayalloc, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) + @test !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) +end +let result = code_escapes((Vector{Pair{Int,String}},)) do xs + n = maximum(first, xs) + ys = Vector{String}(undef, n) + for (i, s) in xs + ys[i] = s + end + ImmutableArray(xs) + end + i = only(findall(isarrayalloc, result.ir.stmts.stmt)) + @test !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) +end + +end # @static if isdefined(Core, :ImmutableArray) + # demonstrate a simple type level analysis can sometimes improve the analysis accuracy # by compensating the lack of yet unimplemented analyses @testset "special-casing bitstype" begin diff --git a/test/compiler/codegen.jl b/test/compiler/codegen.jl index daa636a11b02d..3b517201ce67d 100644 --- a/test/compiler/codegen.jl +++ b/test/compiler/codegen.jl @@ -128,16 +128,11 @@ if !is_debug_build && opt_level > 0 # String test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Core.SimpleVector})), [Iptr]) # Array - test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(sizeof, Tuple{Vector{Int}})), [Iptr]) - # As long as the eltype is known we don't need to load the elsize, but do need to check isvector - @test_skip test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(sizeof, Tuple{Array{Any}})), ["atomic $Iptr", "{} addrspace(10)* addrspace(10)*", "$Iptr addrspace(10)*", Iptr, Iptr, "{ i64, {} addrspace(10)** } addrspace(10)*", Iptr]) - # Memory - test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Memory{Int}})), [Iptr]) + test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Vector{Int}})), [Iptr]) # As long as the eltype is known we don't need to load the elsize - test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Memory{Any}})), [Iptr]) - # Check that we load the elsize and isunion from the typeof layout - test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Memory})), [Iptr, "atomic $Iptr", "i32*", "i32", "i16"]) - test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Memory})), [Iptr, "atomic $Iptr", "i32*", "i32", "i16"]) + test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Array{Any}})), [Iptr]) + # Check that we load the elsize + test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Vector})), [Iptr, "i16"]) # Primitive Type size should be folded to a constant test_loads_no_call(strip_debug_calls(get_llvm(core_sizeof, Tuple{Ptr})), String[]) @@ -314,8 +309,8 @@ end # PR #23595 @generated f23595(g, args...) = Expr(:call, :g, Expr(:(...), :args)) -x23595 = rand(1).ref -@test f23595(Core.memoryrefget, x23595, :not_atomic, true) == x23595[] +x23595 = rand(1) +@test f23595(Core.arrayref, true, x23595, 1) == x23595[] # Issue #22421 @noinline f22421_1(x) = x[] + 1 @@ -372,10 +367,26 @@ mktemp() do f_22330, _ end # Alias scope -using Base.Experimental: @aliasscope, Const +macro aliasscope(body) + sym = gensym() + esc(quote + $(Expr(:aliasscope)) + $sym = $body + $(Expr(:popaliasscope)) + $sym + end) +end + +struct ConstAliasScope{T<:Array} + a::T +end + +@eval Base.getindex(A::ConstAliasScope, i1::Int) = Core.const_arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A.a, i1) +@eval Base.getindex(A::ConstAliasScope, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) = (@inline; Core.const_arrayref($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A.a, i1, i2, I...)) + function foo31018!(a, b) @aliasscope for i in eachindex(a, b) - a[i] = Const(b)[i] + a[i] = ConstAliasScope(b)[i] end end io = IOBuffer() diff --git a/test/compiler/effects.jl b/test/compiler/effects.jl index 186a201f6ebe4..98451f696d8ba 100644 --- a/test/compiler/effects.jl +++ b/test/compiler/effects.jl @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ end |> Core.Compiler.is_consistent # issue 46122: @assume_effects for @ccall @test Base.infer_effects((Vector{Int},)) do a - Base.@assume_effects :effect_free @ccall this_call_does_not_really_exist(a::Any)::Ptr{Int} + Base.@assume_effects :effect_free @ccall jl_array_ptr(a::Any)::Ptr{Int} end |> Core.Compiler.is_effect_free # `getfield_effects` handles access to union object nicely @@ -696,34 +696,31 @@ end # low-level constructor @noinline construct_array(@nospecialize(T), args...) = Array{T}(undef, args...) # should eliminate safe but dead allocations -let good_dims = [1, 2, 3, 4, 10] - Ns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 10] +let good_dims = @static Int === Int64 ? (1:10) : (1:8) + Ns = @static Int === Int64 ? (1:10) : (1:8) for dim = good_dims, N = Ns - Int64(dim)^N > typemax(Int) && continue dims = ntuple(i->dim, N) @test @eval Base.infer_effects() do - construct_array(Int, $(dims...)) + $construct_array(Int, $(dims...)) end |> Core.Compiler.is_removable_if_unused @test @eval fully_eliminated() do - construct_array(Int, $(dims...)) + $construct_array(Int, $(dims...)) nothing end end end # should analyze throwness correctly let bad_dims = [-1, typemax(Int)] - for dim in bad_dims, N in [1, 2, 3, 4, 10] - for T in Any[Int, Union{Missing,Nothing}, Missing, Any] - dims = ntuple(i->dim, N) - @test @eval Base.infer_effects() do - construct_array($T, $(dims...)) - end |> !Core.Compiler.is_removable_if_unused - @test @eval !fully_eliminated() do - construct_array($T, $(dims...)) - nothing - end - @test_throws "invalid " @eval construct_array($T, $(dims...)) + for dim in bad_dims, N in 1:10 + dims = ntuple(i->dim, N) + @test @eval Base.infer_effects() do + $construct_array(Int, $(dims...)) + end |> !Core.Compiler.is_removable_if_unused + @test @eval !fully_eliminated() do + $construct_array(Int, $(dims...)) + nothing end + @test_throws "invalid Array" @eval $construct_array(Int, $(dims...)) end end @@ -767,9 +764,12 @@ for safesig = Any[ end end -# array getindex -let tt = (MemoryRef{Any},Symbol,Bool) - @testset let effects = Base.infer_effects(Core.memoryrefget, tt) +# arrayref +# -------- + +for tt = Any[(Bool,Vector{Any},Int), + (Bool,Matrix{Any},Int,Int)] + @testset let effects = Base.infer_effects(Base.arrayref, tt) @test Core.Compiler.is_consistent_if_inaccessiblememonly(effects) @test Core.Compiler.is_effect_free(effects) @test !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow(effects) @@ -777,9 +777,12 @@ let tt = (MemoryRef{Any},Symbol,Bool) end end -# array setindex! -let tt = (MemoryRef{Any},Any,Symbol,Bool) - @testset let effects = Base.infer_effects(Core.memoryrefset!, tt) +# arrayset +# -------- + +for tt = Any[(Bool,Vector{Any},Any,Int), + (Bool,Matrix{Any},Any,Int,Int)] + @testset let effects = Base.infer_effects(Base.arrayset, tt) @test Core.Compiler.is_consistent_if_inaccessiblememonly(effects) @test Core.Compiler.is_effect_free_if_inaccessiblememonly(effects) @test !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow(effects) @@ -787,24 +790,24 @@ let tt = (MemoryRef{Any},Any,Symbol,Bool) end end # nothrow for arrayset -@test Base.infer_effects((MemoryRef{Int},Int)) do a, v - Core.memoryrefset!(a, v, :not_atomic, true) +@test Base.infer_effects((Vector{Int},Int,Int)) do a, v, i + Base.arrayset(true, a, v, i) end |> !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow -@test Base.infer_effects((MemoryRef{Int},Int)) do a, v - a[] = v # may throw +@test Base.infer_effects((Vector{Int},Int,Int)) do a, v, i + a[i] = v # may throw end |> !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow # when bounds checking is turned off, it should be safe -@test Base.infer_effects((MemoryRef{Int},Int)) do a, v - Core.memoryrefset!(a, v, :not_atomic, false) +@test Base.infer_effects((Vector{Int},Int,Int)) do a, v, i + Base.arrayset(false, a, v, i) end |> Core.Compiler.is_nothrow -@test Base.infer_effects((MemoryRef{Number},Number)) do a, v - Core.memoryrefset!(a, v, :not_atomic, false) +@test Base.infer_effects((Vector{Number},Number,Int)) do a, v, i + Base.arrayset(false, a, v, i) end |> Core.Compiler.is_nothrow # arraysize # --------- -let effects = Base.infer_effects(size, (Array,Int)) +let effects = Base.infer_effects(Base.arraysize, (Array,Int)) @test Core.Compiler.is_consistent_if_inaccessiblememonly(effects) @test Core.Compiler.is_effect_free(effects) @test !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow(effects) @@ -816,7 +819,7 @@ end # arraylen # -------- -let effects = Base.infer_effects(length, (Vector{Any},)) +let effects = Base.infer_effects(Base.arraylen, (Vector{Any},)) @test Core.Compiler.is_consistent_if_inaccessiblememonly(effects) @test Core.Compiler.is_effect_free(effects) @test Core.Compiler.is_nothrow(effects) @@ -826,19 +829,19 @@ end # resize # ------ -#for op = Any[ -# Base._growbeg!, -# Base._growend!, -# Base._deletebeg!, -# Base._deleteend!, -# ] -# let effects = Base.infer_effects(op, (Vector, Int)) -# @test Core.Compiler.is_effect_free_if_inaccessiblememonly(effects) -# @test Core.Compiler.is_terminates(effects) -# @test !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow(effects) -# end -#end -# +for op = Any[ + Base._growbeg!, + Base._growend!, + Base._deletebeg!, + Base._deleteend!, + ] + let effects = Base.infer_effects(op, (Vector, Int)) + @test Core.Compiler.is_effect_free_if_inaccessiblememonly(effects) + @test Core.Compiler.is_terminates(effects) + @test !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow(effects) + end +end + # tuple indexing # -------------- @@ -847,17 +850,17 @@ end # end to end # ---------- -#function simple_vec_ops(T, op!, op, xs...) -# a = T[] -# op!(a, xs...) -# return op(a) -#end -#for T = Any[Int,Any], op! = Any[push!,pushfirst!], op = Any[length,size], -# xs = Any[(Int,), (Int,Int,)] -# let effects = Base.infer_effects(simple_vec_ops, (Type{T},typeof(op!),typeof(op),xs...)) -# @test Core.Compiler.is_foldable(effects) -# end -#end +function simple_vec_ops(T, op!, op, xs...) + a = T[] + op!(a, xs...) + return op(a) +end +for T = Any[Int,Any], op! = Any[push!,pushfirst!], op = Any[length,size], + xs = Any[(Int,), (Int,Int,)] + let effects = Base.infer_effects(simple_vec_ops, (Type{T},typeof(op!),typeof(op),xs...)) + @test Core.Compiler.is_foldable(effects) + end +end # Test that builtin_effects handles vararg correctly @test !Core.Compiler.is_nothrow(Core.Compiler.builtin_effects(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, Core.isdefined, diff --git a/test/compiler/inference.jl b/test/compiler/inference.jl index 861bbbbcec36d..f01d11695f4d1 100644 --- a/test/compiler/inference.jl +++ b/test/compiler/inference.jl @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ barTuple2() = fooTuple{tuple(:y)}() # issue #6050 @test Core.Compiler.getfield_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, Dict{Int64,Tuple{UnitRange{Int64},UnitRange{Int64}}}, - Core.Compiler.Const(:vals)) == Memory{Tuple{UnitRange{Int64},UnitRange{Int64}}} + Core.Compiler.Const(:vals)) == Array{Tuple{UnitRange{Int64},UnitRange{Int64}},1} # assert robustness of `getfield_tfunc` struct GetfieldRobustness @@ -1190,6 +1190,8 @@ let isdefined_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = @test isdefined_tfunc(Core.SimpleVector, Const(1)) === Const(false) @test Const(false) ⊑ isdefined_tfunc(Const(:x), Symbol) @test Const(false) ⊑ isdefined_tfunc(Const(:x), Const(:y)) + @test isdefined_tfunc(Vector{Int}, Const(1)) == Const(false) + @test isdefined_tfunc(Vector{Any}, Const(1)) == Const(false) @test isdefined_tfunc(Module, Int) === Union{} @test isdefined_tfunc(Tuple{Any,Vararg{Any}}, Const(0)) === Const(false) @test isdefined_tfunc(Tuple{Any,Vararg{Any}}, Const(1)) === Const(true) @@ -1329,33 +1331,30 @@ test_const_return(()->sizeof(1), Tuple{}, sizeof(Int)) test_const_return(()->sizeof(DataType), Tuple{}, sizeof(DataType)) test_const_return(()->sizeof(1 < 2), Tuple{}, 1) test_const_return(()->fieldtype(Dict{Int64,Nothing}, :age), Tuple{}, UInt) -test_const_return(@eval(()->Core.sizeof($(Array{Int,0}(undef)))), Tuple{}, 2 * sizeof(Int)) -test_const_return(@eval(()->Core.sizeof($(Matrix{Float32}(undef, 2, 2)))), Tuple{}, 4 * sizeof(Int)) -# TODO: do we want to implement these? -# test_const_return(@eval(()->sizeof($(Array{Int,0}(undef)))), Tuple{}, sizeof(Int)) -# test_const_return(@eval(()->sizeof($(Matrix{Float32}(undef, 2, 2)))), Tuple{}, 4 * 2 * 2) -# test_const_return(@eval(()->Core.sizeof($(Memory{Int}(undef, 0)))), Tuple{}, 0) +test_const_return(@eval(()->Core.sizeof($(Array{Int,0}(undef)))), Tuple{}, sizeof(Int)) +test_const_return(@eval(()->Core.sizeof($(Matrix{Float32}(undef, 2, 2)))), Tuple{}, 4 * 2 * 2) # Make sure Core.sizeof with a ::DataType as inferred input type is inferred but not constant. function sizeof_typeref(typeref) return Core.sizeof(typeref[]) end @test @inferred(sizeof_typeref(Ref{DataType}(Int))) == sizeof(Int) -@test find_call(only(code_typed(sizeof_typeref, (Ref{DataType},)))[1], Core.sizeof, 2) +@test find_call(first(code_typed(sizeof_typeref, (Ref{DataType},))[1]), Core.sizeof, 2) # Constant `Vector` can be resized and shouldn't be optimized to a constant. const constvec = [1, 2, 3] @eval function sizeof_constvec() - return sizeof($constvec) + return Core.sizeof($constvec) end @test @inferred(sizeof_constvec()) == sizeof(Int) * 3 +@test find_call(first(code_typed(sizeof_constvec, ())[1]), Core.sizeof, 2) push!(constvec, 10) -@test sizeof_constvec() == sizeof(Int) * 4 +@test @inferred(sizeof_constvec()) == sizeof(Int) * 4 test_const_return(x->isdefined(x, :re), Tuple{ComplexF64}, true) isdefined_f3(x) = isdefined(x, 3) @test @inferred(isdefined_f3(())) == false -@test find_call(only(code_typed(isdefined_f3, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}))[1], isdefined, 3) +@test find_call(first(code_typed(isdefined_f3, Tuple{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}})[1]), isdefined, 3) let isa_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = Core.Compiler.isa_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, xs...) @@ -1533,7 +1532,7 @@ let nfields_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = @test sizeof_nothrow(Type{Ptr}) @test sizeof_nothrow(Type{Union{Ptr{Int}, Int}}) @test !sizeof_nothrow(Const(Tuple)) - @test sizeof_nothrow(Type{Vector{Int}}) + @test !sizeof_nothrow(Type{Vector{Int}}) @test !sizeof_nothrow(Type{Union{Int, String}}) @test sizeof_nothrow(String) @test !sizeof_nothrow(Type{String}) @@ -1579,43 +1578,36 @@ end f_typeof_tfunc(x) = typeof(x) @test Base.return_types(f_typeof_tfunc, (Union{<:T, Int} where T<:Complex,)) == Any[Union{Type{Int}, Type{Complex{T}} where T<:Real}] -# memoryref_tfunc, memoryrefget_tfunc, memoryrefset!_tfunc -let memoryref_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = Core.Compiler.memoryref_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, xs...) - memoryrefget_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = Core.Compiler.memoryrefget_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, xs...) - memoryrefset!_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = Core.Compiler.memoryrefset!_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, xs...) - @test memoryref_tfunc(Memory{Int}) == MemoryRef{Int} - @test memoryref_tfunc(Memory{Integer}) == MemoryRef{Integer} - @test memoryref_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Int) == MemoryRef{Int} - @test memoryref_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Int, Symbol) == Union{} - @test memoryref_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Int, Bool) == MemoryRef{Int} - @test memoryref_tfunc(Memory{Int}, Int) == Union{} - @test memoryref_tfunc(Any, Any, Any) == Any # also probably could be GenericMemoryRef - @test memoryref_tfunc(Any, Any) == Any # also probably could be GenericMemoryRef - @test memoryref_tfunc(Any) == GenericMemoryRef - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Symbol, Bool) === Int - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Any, Any) === Int - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(MemoryRef{<:Integer}, Symbol, Bool) === Integer - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(GenericMemoryRef, Symbol, Bool) === Any - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic}, Symbol, Bool) === Any - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(Vector{Int}, Symbol, Bool) === Union{} - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(String, Symbol, Bool) === Union{} - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, String, Bool) === Union{} - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Symbol, String) === Union{} - @test memoryrefget_tfunc(Any, Any, Any) === Any - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Int, Symbol, Bool) === MemoryRef{Int} - let ua = MemoryRef{<:Integer} - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(ua, Int, Symbol, Bool) === ua - end - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(GenericMemoryRef, Int, Symbol, Bool) === GenericMemoryRef - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic}, Int, Symbol, Bool) === GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic} - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(Any, Int, Symbol, Bool) === Any - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(MemoryRef{String}, Int, Symbol, Bool) === Union{} - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(String, Char, Symbol, Bool) === Union{} - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Any, Symbol, Bool) === MemoryRef{Int} - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(MemoryRef{Int}, Any, Any, Any) === MemoryRef{Int} - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic}, Any, Any, Any) === GenericMemoryRef{:not_atomic} - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(GenericMemoryRef, Any, Any, Any) === GenericMemoryRef - @test memoryrefset!_tfunc(Any, Any, Any, Any) === Any # also probably could be GenericMemoryRef +# arrayref / arrayset / arraysize +import Core.Compiler: Const +let arrayref_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = Core.Compiler.arrayref_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, xs...) + arrayset_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = Core.Compiler.arrayset_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, xs...) + arraysize_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = Core.Compiler.arraysize_tfunc(Core.Compiler.fallback_lattice, xs...) + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}, Int) === Int + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{<:Integer}, Int) === Integer + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), Vector, Int) === Any + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}, Int, Vararg{Int}) === Int + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}, Vararg{Int}) === Int + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}) === Union{} + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), String, Int) === Union{} + @test arrayref_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}, Float64) === Union{} + @test arrayref_tfunc(Int, Vector{Int}, Int) === Union{} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}, Int, Int) === Vector{Int} + let ua = Vector{<:Integer} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), ua, Int, Int) === ua + end + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Vector, Int, Int) === Vector + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Any, Int, Int) === Any + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{String}, String, Int, Vararg{Int}) === Vector{String} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{String}, String, Vararg{Int}) === Vector{String} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{String}, String) === Union{} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), String, Char, Int) === Union{} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}, Int, Float64) === Union{} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Int, Vector{Int}, Int, Int) === Union{} + @test arrayset_tfunc(Const(true), Vector{Int}, Float64, Int) === Union{} + @test arraysize_tfunc(Vector, Int) === Int + @test arraysize_tfunc(Vector, Float64) === Union{} + @test arraysize_tfunc(String, Int) === Union{} end let tuple_tfunc(@nospecialize xs...) = @@ -1675,7 +1667,7 @@ end # approximate static parameters due to unions let T1 = Array{Float64}, T2 = Array{_1,2} where _1 - inference_test_copy(a::T) where {T<:Array} = ccall(:array_copy_like, Ref{T}, (Any,), a) + inference_test_copy(a::T) where {T<:Array} = ccall(:jl_array_copy, Ref{T}, (Any,), a) rt = Base.return_types(inference_test_copy, (Union{T1,T2},))[1] @test rt >: T1 && rt >: T2 diff --git a/test/compiler/inline.jl b/test/compiler/inline.jl index a5ad45b3281df..0fce3e1b6f0d8 100644 --- a/test/compiler/inline.jl +++ b/test/compiler/inline.jl @@ -147,10 +147,8 @@ end s end - (src, _) = only(code_typed(sum27403, Tuple{Vector{Int}})) - @test !any(src.code) do x - x isa Expr && x.head === :invoke && x.args[2] !== Core.GlobalRef(Base, :throw_boundserror) - end + (src, _) = code_typed(sum27403, Tuple{Vector{Int}})[1] + @test !any(x -> x isa Expr && x.head === :invoke, src.code) end # check that ismutabletype(type) can be fully eliminated @@ -313,7 +311,7 @@ end const _a_global_array = [1] f_inline_global_getindex() = _a_global_array[1] let ci = code_typed(f_inline_global_getindex, Tuple{})[1].first - @test any(x->(isexpr(x, :call) && x.args[1] === GlobalRef(Base, :memoryrefget)), ci.code) + @test any(x->(isexpr(x, :call) && x.args[1] === GlobalRef(Base, :arrayref)), ci.code) end # Issue #29114 & #36087 - Inlining of non-tuple splats @@ -779,8 +777,8 @@ end let src = code_typed((Union{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}, Vector{Int}},)) do xs g42840(xs, 2) end |> only |> first - # `(xs::Vector{Int})[a::Const(2)]` - @test count(iscall((src, Base.memoryrefget)), src.code) == 1 + # `(xs::Vector{Int})[a::Const(2)]` => `Base.arrayref(true, xs, 2)` + @test count(iscall((src, Base.arrayref)), src.code) == 1 @test count(isinvoke(:g42840), src.code) == 1 end @@ -1564,22 +1562,20 @@ end # optimize `[push!|pushfirst!](::Vector{Any}, x...)` @testset "optimize `$f(::Vector{Any}, x...)`" for f = Any[push!, pushfirst!] @eval begin - for T in [Int, Any] - let src = code_typed1((Vector{T}, T)) do xs, x - $f(xs, x) - end - @test count(iscall((src, $f)), src.code) == 0 - end - let effects = Base.infer_effects((Vector{T}, T)) do xs, x - $f(xs, x) - end - @test Core.Compiler.Core.Compiler.is_terminates(effects) + let src = code_typed1((Vector{Any}, Any)) do xs, x + $f(xs, x) end - let src = code_typed1((Vector{T}, T, T)) do xs, x, y - $f(xs, x, y) - end - @test count(iscall((src, $f)), src.code) == 0 + @test count(iscall((src, $f)), src.code) == 0 + @test count(src.code) do @nospecialize x + isa(x, Core.GotoNode) || + isa(x, Core.GotoIfNot) || + iscall((src, getfield))(x) + end == 0 # no loop should be involved for the common single arg case + end + let src = code_typed1((Vector{Any}, Any, Any)) do xs, x, y + $f(xs, x, y) end + @test count(iscall((src, $f)), src.code) == 0 end let xs = Any[] $f(xs, :x, "y", 'z') diff --git a/test/compiler/irpasses.jl b/test/compiler/irpasses.jl index cde6b7809f8b5..225839d8e0cf3 100644 --- a/test/compiler/irpasses.jl +++ b/test/compiler/irpasses.jl @@ -1145,10 +1145,9 @@ end let # effect-freeness computation for array allocation # should eliminate dead allocations - good_dims = [1, 2, 3, 4, 10] - Ns = [1, 2, 3, 4, 10] + good_dims = @static Int === Int64 ? (1:10) : (1:8) + Ns = @static Int === Int64 ? (1:10) : (1:8) for dim = good_dims, N = Ns - Int64(dim)^N > typemax(Int) && continue dims = ntuple(i->dim, N) @test @eval fully_eliminated() do Array{Int,$N}(undef, $(dims...)) @@ -1158,14 +1157,14 @@ let # effect-freeness computation for array allocation # shouldn't eliminate erroneous dead allocations bad_dims = [-1, typemax(Int)] - for dim in bad_dims, N in [1, 2, 3, 4, 10], T in Any[Int, Union{Missing,Nothing}, Nothing, Any] + for dim in bad_dims, N in 1:10 dims = ntuple(i->dim, N) @test @eval !fully_eliminated() do - Array{$T,$N}(undef, $(dims...)) + Array{Int,$N}(undef, $(dims...)) nothing end - @test_throws "invalid " @eval let - Array{$T,$N}(undef, $(dims...)) + @test_throws "invalid Array" @eval let + Array{Int,$N}(undef, $(dims...)) nothing end end diff --git a/test/compiler/ssair.jl b/test/compiler/ssair.jl index 5f9441eb9ead8..0e7c2159d4851 100644 --- a/test/compiler/ssair.jl +++ b/test/compiler/ssair.jl @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ end # false, false, false, false # )) # -# NullLineInfo = Core.LineInfoNode(Main, Symbol(""), Symbol(""), Int32(0), UInt32(0)) +# NullLineInfo = Core.LineInfoNode(Main, Symbol(""), Symbol(""), Int32(0), Int32(0)) # Compiler.run_passes(ci, 1, [NullLineInfo]) # # XXX: missing @test #end diff --git a/test/core.jl b/test/core.jl index 105e34584405b..959d17b405b49 100644 --- a/test/core.jl +++ b/test/core.jl @@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ for (T, c) in ( (Core.TypeName, [:name, :module, :names, :wrapper, :mt, :hash, :n_uninitialized, :flags]), (DataType, [:name, :super, :parameters, :instance, :hash]), (TypeVar, [:name, :ub, :lb]), - (Core.Memory, [:length, :ptr]), - (Core.GenericMemoryRef, [:mem, :ptr_or_offset]), ) @test Set((fieldname(T, i) for i in 1:fieldcount(T) if isconst(T, i))) == Set(c) end @@ -40,8 +38,6 @@ for (T, c) in ( (Core.TypeMapLevel, [:arg1, :targ, :name1, :tname, :list, :any]), (Core.TypeName, [:cache, :linearcache]), (DataType, [:types, :layout]), - (Core.Memory, []), - (Core.GenericMemoryRef, []), ) @test Set((fieldname(T, i) for i in 1:fieldcount(T) if Base.isfieldatomic(T, i))) == Set(c) end @@ -2598,7 +2594,7 @@ struct D14919 <: Function; end for f in (:Any, :Function, :(Core.Builtin), :(Union{Nothing, Type}), :(Union{typeof(+), Type}), :(Union{typeof(+), typeof(-)}), :(Base.Callable)) @test_throws ErrorException("Method dispatch is unimplemented currently for this method signature") @eval (::$f)() = 1 end -for f in (:(Core.getfield), :((::typeof(Core.getfield))), :((::Core.IntrinsicFunction))) +for f in (:(Core.arrayref), :((::typeof(Core.arrayref))), :((::Core.IntrinsicFunction))) @test_throws ErrorException("cannot add methods to a builtin function") @eval $f() = 1 end @@ -4338,7 +4334,6 @@ function f15180(x::T) where T end @test map(f15180(1), [1,2]) == [(Int,1),(Int,1)] -using Base: _growbeg!, _deletebeg!, _growend!, _deleteend! struct ValueWrapper vpadding::NTuple{2,VecElement{UInt}} value @@ -4347,44 +4342,43 @@ end Base.convert(::Type{ValueWrapper}, x) = ValueWrapper(x) for T in (Any, ValueWrapper) let ary = Vector{T}(undef, 10) - check_undef_and_fill(ary, rng) = all(i -> begin - isassigned(ary, i) && return false + check_undef_and_fill(ary, rng) = for i in rng + @test !isassigned(ary, i) ary[i] = (Float64(i), i) # some non-cached content - isassigned(ary, i) || return false - return true - end, rng) + @test isassigned(ary, i) + end # Check if the memory is initially zerod and fill it with value # to check if these values are not reused later. - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:10) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:10) # Check if the memory grown at the end are zerod - _growend!(ary, 10) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 11:20) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 11:20) # Make sure the content of the memory deleted at the end are not reused - _deleteend!(ary, 5) - _growend!(ary, 5) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 16:20) + ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 5) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 5) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 16:20) # Now check grow/del_end ary = Vector{T}(undef, 1010) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1010) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1010) # This del_beg should move the buffer - _deletebeg!(ary, 1000) - _growbeg!(ary, 1000) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1000) + ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 1000) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 1000) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1000) ary = Vector{T}(undef, 1010) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1010) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1010) # This del_beg should not move the buffer - _deletebeg!(ary, 10) - _growbeg!(ary, 10) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:10) + ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:10) ary = Vector{T}(undef, 1010) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1010) - _growend!(ary, 10) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1011:1020) - _deleteend!(ary, 10) - _growbeg!(ary, 10) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:10) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:1010) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1011:1020) + ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:10) # Make sure newly malloc'd buffers are filled with 0 # test this for a few different sizes since we need to make sure @@ -4397,51 +4391,33 @@ for T in (Any, ValueWrapper) GC.gc() GC.gc() GC.gc() - _growbeg!(ary, 4) - _deletebeg!(ary, 4) - _growend!(ary, n) - _growbeg!(ary, 4) - @test check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:(2n + 4)) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 4) + ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 4) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, n) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 4) + check_undef_and_fill(ary, 1:(2n + 4)) end ary = Vector{T}(undef, 100) - _growend!(ary, 10000) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10000) ary[:] = 1:length(ary) - _deletebeg!(ary, 10000) + ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10000) # grow on the back until a buffer reallocation happens cur_ptr = pointer(ary) while cur_ptr == pointer(ary) len = length(ary) - _growend!(ary, 10) - result = @test all(i -> !isassigned(ary, i), (len + 1):(len + 10)) - result isa Test.Pass || break + ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), ary, 10) + for i in (len + 1):(len + 10) + @test !isassigned(ary, i) + end end - # growat when copy into start of same buffer - ary = Vector{T}(undef, 10) - ary[:] = 1:10 - pushfirst!(ary, 0) - Base._growat!(ary, 3, 5) - @test all(i -> !isassigned(ary, i), 3:7) - @test all(i -> isassigned(ary, i), 8:length(ary)) - @test all(i -> isassigned(ary, i), 1:2) - - # growat when copy into end of same buffer - ary = Vector{T}(undef, 10) - ary[:] = 1:10 - push!(ary, 11) - Base._growat!(ary, 6, 10) - @test all(i -> !isassigned(ary, i), 6:15) - @test all(i -> isassigned(ary, i), 16:length(ary)) - @test all(i -> isassigned(ary, i), 1:5) - - # growat when copy to new buffer - ary = Vector{T}(undef, 10) - ary[:] = 1:10 - Base._growat!(ary, 6, 10) - @test all(i -> !isassigned(ary, i), 6:15) - @test all(i -> isassigned(ary, i), 16:length(ary)) - @test all(i -> isassigned(ary, i), 1:5) + ary = Vector{T}(undef, 100) + ary[:] = 1:length(ary) + ccall(:jl_array_grow_at, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t, Csize_t), ary, 50, 10) + for i in 51:60 + @test !isassigned(ary, i) + end end end @@ -4527,13 +4503,8 @@ end # Make sure arrayset can handle `Array{T}` (where `T` is a type and not a # `TypeVar`) without crashing let - @noinline function arrayset_unknown_dim(::Type{T}, n) where T - a = Vector{T}(undef, 1) - fill!(a, 0) - a = reshape(a, fill(1, n)...)::Array{T} - @test a[1] === 0 - Core.memoryrefset!(a.ref, 2, :not_atomic, true) - @test a[1] === 2 + function arrayset_unknown_dim(::Type{T}, n) where T + Base.arrayset(true, reshape(Vector{T}(undef, 1), fill(1, n)...), 2, 1) end arrayset_unknown_dim(Any, 1) arrayset_unknown_dim(Any, 2) @@ -4543,6 +4514,46 @@ let arrayset_unknown_dim(Int, 3) end +module TestSharedArrayResize +using Test +# Attempting to change the shape of a shared array should unshare it and +# not modify the original data +function test_shared_array_resize(::Type{T}) where T + len = 100 + a = Vector{T}(undef, len) + function test_unshare(f) + a′ = reshape(reshape(a, (len ÷ 2, 2)), len) + a[:] = 1:length(a) + # The operation should fail on the owner shared array + # and has no side effect. + @test_throws ErrorException f(a) + @test a == [1:len;] + @test a′ == [1:len;] + @test pointer(a) == pointer(a′) + # The operation should pass on the non-owner shared array + # and should unshare the arrays with no effect on the original one. + f(a′) + @test a == [1:len;] + @test pointer(a) != pointer(a′) + end + + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 0)) + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_del_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 1)) + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 0)) + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_del_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 1)) + test_unshare(a->deleteat!(a, 10)) + test_unshare(a->deleteat!(a, 90)) + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 0)) + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_grow_end, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 1)) + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 0)) + test_unshare(a->ccall(:jl_array_grow_beg, Cvoid, (Any, Csize_t), a, 1)) + test_unshare(a->insert!(a, 10, 10)) + test_unshare(a->insert!(a, 90, 90)) +end +test_shared_array_resize(Int) +test_shared_array_resize(Any) +end + # Copy of `#undef` copyto!(Vector{Any}(undef, 10), Vector{Any}(undef, 10)) function test_copy_alias(::Type{T}) where T @@ -6015,10 +6026,10 @@ const unboxedunions = [Union{Int8, Nothing}, @test Base.isbitsunion(unboxedunions[2]) @test Base.isbitsunion(unboxedunions[3]) -@test Base.aligned_sizeof(unboxedunions[1]) == 1 -@test Base.aligned_sizeof(unboxedunions[2]) == 2 -@test Base.aligned_sizeof(unboxedunions[3]) == 16 -@test Base.aligned_sizeof(unboxedunions[4]) == 8 +@test Base.bitsunionsize(unboxedunions[1]) == 1 +@test Base.bitsunionsize(unboxedunions[2]) == 2 +@test Base.bitsunionsize(unboxedunions[3]) == 16 +@test Base.bitsunionsize(unboxedunions[4]) == 8 @test sizeof(unboxedunions[1]) == 1 @test sizeof(unboxedunions[2]) == 2 @@ -6326,7 +6337,7 @@ for U in unboxedunions resize!(A, len) @test length(A) === len @test A[1] === initvalue2(F2) - @test typeof(A[end]) === F2 + @test typeof(A[end]) === F # deleteat! F = Base.uniontypes(U)[2] @@ -6414,291 +6425,304 @@ for U in unboxedunions end end -@testset "array _growatend!" begin +@testset "jl_array_grow_at_end" begin # start w/ array, set & check elements, grow it, check that elements stayed correct, set & check elements A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +# grow_at_end 2 resize!(A, 5) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -# The rest of the values are unspecified -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) -@test isequal(A, [0x01, missing, 0x03, missing, 0x05]) +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x05 # grow_at_end 1 Base._growat!(A, 4, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === 0x03 -#A[4] is unspecified -@test getindex(A, 5) === missing -@test getindex(A, 6) === 0x05 - -setindex!(A, missing, 1) -setindex!(A, 0x02, 2) -setindex!(A, missing, 3) -setindex!(A, 0x04, 4) -setindex!(A, missing, 5) -setindex!(A, 0x06, 6) -@test isequal(A, [missing, 0x2, missing, 0x4, missing, 0x6]) +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === 0x05 + +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x02, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x04, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x06, 6) +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x02 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === 0x04 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === 0x06 # grow_at_end 5 Base._growat!(A, 4, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === 0x02 -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -#A[4] is unspecified -@test getindex(A, 5) === 0x04 -@test getindex(A, 6) === missing -@test getindex(A, 7) === 0x06 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x02 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x04 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === 0x06 # grow_at_end 6 resize!(A, 8) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === 0x02 -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -# A[4] still unspecified -@test getindex(A, 5) === 0x04 -@test getindex(A, 6) === missing -@test getindex(A, 7) === 0x06 -# A[8] is unspecified but test that it exists -@test getindex(A, 8) isa Any +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x02 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x04 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === 0x06 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 8) === missing # grow_at_end 4 resize!(A, 1048576) resize!(A, 1048577) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === 0x02 -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -# A[4] is stil still unspecified -@test getindex(A, 5) === 0x04 -@test getindex(A, 6) === missing -@test getindex(A, 7) === 0x06 -@test getindex(A, 8) === missing -# 9:1048577 are unspecified +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x02 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x04 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === 0x06 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 8) === missing +foreach(9:1048577) do i + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, i) === missing +end foreach(9:1048577) do i - setindex!(A, i % UInt8, i) - @test getindex(A, i) === i % UInt8 + Base.arrayset(true, A, i % UInt8, i) + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, i) === i % UInt8 end # grow_at_end 3 A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 1048577) foreach(1:1048577) do i - @test getindex(A, i) === missing - setindex!(A, i % UInt8, i) - @test getindex(A, i) === i % UInt8 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, i) === missing + Base.arrayset(true, A, i % UInt8, i) + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, i) === i % UInt8 end Base._growat!(A, 1048576, 1) @test length(A) == 1048578 foreach(1:1048575) do i - @test getindex(A, i) === i % UInt8 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, i) === i % UInt8 @test A[i] === i % UInt8 end -@test getindex(A, 1048576) === missing -@test getindex(A, 1048577) === 1048576 % UInt8 -@test getindex(A, 1048578) === 1048577 % UInt8 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1048576) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1048577) === 1048576 % UInt8 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1048578) === 1048577 % UInt8 end # @testset -@testset "array _growatbeg!" begin +@testset "jl_array_grow_at_beg" begin # grow_at_beg 4 A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 5) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) Base._growat!(A, 1, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 5) === missing -@test getindex(A, 6) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === 0x05 # grow_at_beg 2 Base._growat!(A, 1, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 4) === missing -@test getindex(A, 5) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 6) === missing -@test getindex(A, 7) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === 0x05 # grow_at_beg 1 Base._growat!(A, 2, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 5) === missing -@test getindex(A, 6) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 7) === missing -@test getindex(A, 8) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 8) === 0x05 # grow_at_beg 9 Base._growat!(A, 1, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === missing -@test getindex(A, 5) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 6) === missing -@test getindex(A, 7) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 8) === missing -@test getindex(A, 9) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 8) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 9) === 0x05 # grow_at_beg 8 A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 5) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) Base._growat!(A, 2, 1) Base._growat!(A, 2, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === missing -@test getindex(A, 5) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 6) === missing -@test getindex(A, 7) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === 0x05 # grow_at_beg 5 A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 5) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) Base._growat!(A, 4, 1) Base._growat!(A, 4, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 4) === missing -@test getindex(A, 5) === missing -@test getindex(A, 6) === missing -@test getindex(A, 7) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === 0x05 # grow_at_beg 6 Base._growat!(A, 2, 3) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === missing -@test getindex(A, 5) === missing -@test getindex(A, 6) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 7) === missing -@test getindex(A, 8) === missing -@test getindex(A, 9) === missing -@test getindex(A, 10) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 7) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 8) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 9) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 10) === 0x05 # grow_at_beg 3 A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 1048577) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) Base._growat!(A, 2, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 5) === missing -@test getindex(A, 6) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === 0x05 foreach(7:length(A)) do i - @test getindex(A, i) === missing - setindex!(A, i % UInt8, i) - @test getindex(A, i) === i % UInt8 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, i) === missing + Base.arrayset(true, A, i % UInt8, i) + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, i) === i % UInt8 end end # @testset -@testset "array _deleteatbeg!" begin +@testset "jl_array_del_at_beg" begin A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 5) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) Base._deleteat!(A, 2, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === 0x05 Base._deleteat!(A, 1, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x05 A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 5) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) Base._growat!(A, 1, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing -@test getindex(A, 4) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 5) === missing -@test getindex(A, 6) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 6) === 0x05 Base._deleteat!(A, 2, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 4) === missing -@test getindex(A, 5) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x05 Base._deleteat!(A, 1, 2) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x05 Base._deleteat!(A, 1, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === missing -@test getindex(A, 2) === 0x05 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === 0x05 end # @testset -@testset "array _deleteatend!" begin +@testset "jl_array_del_at_end" begin A = Vector{Union{Missing, UInt8}}(undef, 5) -setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) -setindex!(A, missing, 2) -setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) -setindex!(A, missing, 4) -setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) +Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) +Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) Base._deleteat!(A, 5, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === 0x03 -@test getindex(A, 4) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x03 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing Base._deleteat!(A, 3, 1) -@test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 -@test getindex(A, 2) === missing -@test getindex(A, 3) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing +@test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === missing end # @testset @@ -6720,23 +6744,23 @@ end # jl_array_shrink let A=Vector{Union{UInt8, Missing}}(undef, 1048577) - setindex!(A, 0x01, 1) - setindex!(A, missing, 2) - setindex!(A, 0x03, 3) - setindex!(A, missing, 4) - setindex!(A, 0x05, 5) + Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x01, 1) + Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 2) + Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x03, 3) + Base.arrayset(true, A, missing, 4) + Base.arrayset(true, A, 0x05, 5) deleteat!(A, 6:1048577) - @test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 - @test getindex(A, 2) === missing - @test getindex(A, 3) === 0x03 - @test getindex(A, 4) === missing - @test getindex(A, 5) === 0x05 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x03 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x05 sizehint!(A, 5) - @test getindex(A, 1) === 0x01 - @test getindex(A, 2) === missing - @test getindex(A, 3) === 0x03 - @test getindex(A, 4) === missing - @test getindex(A, 5) === 0x05 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 1) === 0x01 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 2) === missing + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 3) === 0x03 + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 4) === missing + @test Base.arrayref(true, A, 5) === 0x05 end # copyto!/vcat w/ internal padding @@ -6754,14 +6778,14 @@ primitive type TypeWith24Bits 24 end TypeWith24Bits(x::UInt32) = Core.Intrinsics.trunc_int(TypeWith24Bits, x) let x = TypeWith24Bits(0x112233), y = TypeWith24Bits(0x445566), z = TypeWith24Bits(0x778899) a = [x, x] - Core.memoryrefset!(Core.memoryref(a.ref, 2, true), y, :not_atomic, true) + Core.arrayset(true, a, y, 2) @test a == [x, y] a[2] = z @test a == [x, z] @test pointer(a, 2) - pointer(a, 1) == 4 b = [(x, x), (x, x)] - Core.memoryrefset!(Core.memoryref(b.ref, 2, true), (x, y), :not_atomic, true) + Core.arrayset(true, b, (x, y), 2) @test b == [(x, x), (x, y)] b[2] = (y, z) @test b == [(x, x), (y, z)] @@ -7480,11 +7504,16 @@ function f34482() Base.not_int("ABC") 1 end +function g34482() + Core.Intrinsics.arraylen(1) + 1 +end function h34482() Core.Intrinsics.bitcast(1, 1) 1 end @test_throws ErrorException f34482() +@test_throws TypeError g34482() @test_throws TypeError h34482() struct NFANode34126 diff --git a/test/embedding/embedding.c b/test/embedding/embedding.c index 746c59fc8ce1f..c5b8845b7c823 100644 --- a/test/embedding/embedding.c +++ b/test/embedding/embedding.c @@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ int main() // (aka, is gc-rooted until) the program reaches the corresponding JL_GC_POP() JL_GC_PUSH1(&x); - double* xData = jl_array_data(x, double); + double* xData = jl_array_data(x); size_t i; - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(x); i++) + for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(x); i++) xData[i] = i; jl_function_t *func = jl_get_function(jl_base_module, "reverse!"); jl_call1(func, (jl_value_t*) x); printf("x = ["); - for (i = 0; i < jl_array_nrows(x); i++) + for (i = 0; i < jl_array_len(x); i++) printf("%e ", xData[i]); printf("]\n"); fflush(stdout); diff --git a/test/errorshow.jl b/test/errorshow.jl index 04af56fb208af..3098b684375ec 100644 --- a/test/errorshow.jl +++ b/test/errorshow.jl @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ let err_str, @test startswith(sprint(show, which(StructWithUnionAllMethodDefs{<:Integer}, (Any,))), "($(curmod_prefix)StructWithUnionAllMethodDefs{T} where T<:Integer)(x)") @test repr("text/plain", FunctionLike()) == "(::$(curmod_prefix)FunctionLike) (generic function with 1 method)" - @test repr("text/plain", Core.getfield) == "getfield (built-in function)" + @test repr("text/plain", Core.arraysize) == "arraysize (built-in function)" err_str = @except_stackframe String() ErrorException @test err_str == "String() at $sn:$(method_defs_lineno + 0)" diff --git a/test/llvmpasses/names.jl b/test/llvmpasses/names.jl index ad2f418fbd077..6cb92dd7d3724 100644 --- a/test/llvmpasses/names.jl +++ b/test/llvmpasses/names.jl @@ -22,6 +22,16 @@ function f2(a, b, c, d, e...) return a + b + c + d + sum(e) end +# COM: check basic parameter names + array allocation function name +function f3(a, b, c, d) + return [a + b + c + d] +end + +# COM: check basic parameter name + array allocation function name + array +function f4(n) + return zeros(n) +end + mutable struct D i::Int64 end @@ -123,6 +133,24 @@ emit(f2, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64) # CHECK-SAME: double %"e[3]::Float64" emit(f2, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64) +# CHECK: define {{(swiftcc )?}}nonnull {} addrspace(10)* @julia_f3 +# CHECK-SAME: double %"a::Float64" +# CHECK-SAME: double %"b::Float64" +# CHECK-SAME: double %"c::Float64" +# CHECK-SAME: double %"d::Float64" +# CHECK: call nonnull {} addrspace(10)* {{.*}} @jlplt_ijl_alloc_array_1d +# CHECK-SAME: @"+Core.Array +emit(f3, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64) + +# CHECK: define {{(swiftcc )?}}nonnull {} addrspace(10)* @julia_f4 +# CHECK-SAME: %"n::Int64" +# CHECK: call nonnull {} addrspace(10)* {{.*}} @jlplt_ijl_alloc_array_1d +# CHECK-SAME: @"+Core.Array +# CHECK: %.length_ptr +# CHECK: %.length +# CHECK: %.data +emit(f4, Int64) + # CHECK: define {{(swiftcc )?}}nonnull {} addrspace(10)* @julia_f5 # CHECK-SAME: %"a::A" # CHECK: %"a::A.b_ptr.c_ptr.d diff --git a/test/llvmpasses/pipeline-o2.jl b/test/llvmpasses/pipeline-o2.jl index 3ce2f692fc32e..9fd42562f96aa 100644 --- a/test/llvmpasses/pipeline-o2.jl +++ b/test/llvmpasses/pipeline-o2.jl @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ # RUN: export JULIA_LLVM_ARGS="--opaque-pointers=0" -# RUNx: julia --startup-file=no -O2 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL -# RUNx: julia --startup-file=no -O3 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL +# RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O2 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL +# RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O3 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL # RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O2 --check-bounds=no %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL,BC_OFF # RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O3 --check-bounds=no %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL,BC_OFF @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ # RUN: export JULIA_LLVM_ARGS="--opaque-pointers=1" -# RUNx: julia --startup-file=no -O2 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL -# RUNx: julia --startup-file=no -O3 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL +# RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O2 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL +# RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O3 --check-bounds=yes %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL # RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O2 --check-bounds=no %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL,BC_OFF # RUN: julia --startup-file=no -O3 --check-bounds=no %s %t -O && llvm-link -S %t/* | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ALL,BC_OFF diff --git a/test/offsetarray.jl b/test/offsetarray.jl index 7f415c9cc7337..3e1acff67b546 100644 --- a/test/offsetarray.jl +++ b/test/offsetarray.jl @@ -627,15 +627,15 @@ end B = OffsetArray(reshape(1:24, 4, 3, 2), -5, 6, -7) for R in (fill(0, -4:-1), fill(0, -4:-1, 7:7), fill(0, -4:-1, 7:7, -6:-6)) @test @inferred(maximum!(R, B)) == reshape(maximum(B, dims=(2,3)), axes(R)) == reshape(21:24, axes(R)) - @test @allocated(maximum!(R, B)) <= 400 + @test @allocated(maximum!(R, B)) <= 300 @test @inferred(minimum!(R, B)) == reshape(minimum(B, dims=(2,3)), axes(R)) == reshape(1:4, axes(R)) - @test @allocated(minimum!(R, B)) <= 400 + @test @allocated(minimum!(R, B)) <= 300 end for R in (fill(0, -4:-4, 7:9), fill(0, -4:-4, 7:9, -6:-6)) @test @inferred(maximum!(R, B)) == reshape(maximum(B, dims=(1,3)), axes(R)) == reshape(16:4:24, axes(R)) - @test @allocated(maximum!(R, B)) <= 400 + @test @allocated(maximum!(R, B)) <= 300 @test @inferred(minimum!(R, B)) == reshape(minimum(B, dims=(1,3)), axes(R)) == reshape(1:4:9, axes(R)) - @test @allocated(minimum!(R, B)) <= 400 + @test @allocated(minimum!(R, B)) <= 300 end @test_throws DimensionMismatch maximum!(fill(0, -4:-1, 7:7, -6:-6, 1:1), B) @test_throws DimensionMismatch minimum!(fill(0, -4:-1, 7:7, -6:-6, 1:1), B) diff --git a/test/precompile.jl b/test/precompile.jl index 8fd8e0a110cbb..fc4ab2490c4a8 100644 --- a/test/precompile.jl +++ b/test/precompile.jl @@ -271,23 +271,6 @@ precompile_test_harness(false) do dir # check that Tasks work from serialized state ch1 = Channel(x -> nothing) ch2 = Channel(x -> (push!(x, 2); nothing), Inf) - - # check that Memory aliasing is respected - a_vec_int = Int[] - push!(a_vec_int, 1, 2) - a_mat_int = reshape(a_vec_int, (1, 2)) - - a_vec_any = Any[] - push!(a_vec_any, 1, 2) - a_mat_any = reshape(a_vec_any, (1, 2)) - - a_vec_union = Union{Int,Nothing}[] - push!(a_vec_union, 1, 2) - a_mat_union = reshape(a_vec_union, (1, 2)) - - a_vec_inline = Pair{Int,Any}[] - push!(a_vec_inline, 1=>2, 3=>4) - a_mat_inline = reshape(a_vec_inline, (1, 2)) end """) # Issue #12623 @@ -349,30 +332,6 @@ precompile_test_harness(false) do dir @test !isready(Foo.ch2) end - let - @test Foo.a_vec_int == Int[1, 2] - @test Foo.a_mat_int == Int[1 2] - Foo.a_mat_int[1, 2] = 3 - @test Foo.a_vec_int[2] === 3 - - @test Foo.a_vec_any == Int[1, 2] - @test Foo.a_mat_any == Int[1 2] - Foo.a_mat_any[1, 2] = 3 - @test Foo.a_vec_any[2] === 3 - - @test Foo.a_vec_union == Union{Int,Nothing}[1, 2] - @test Foo.a_mat_union == Union{Int,Nothing}[1 2] - Foo.a_mat_union[1, 2] = 3 - @test Foo.a_vec_union[2] === 3 - Foo.a_mat_union[1, 2] = nothing - @test Foo.a_vec_union[2] === nothing - - @test Foo.a_vec_inline == Pair{Int,Any}[1=>2, 3=>4] - @test Foo.a_mat_inline == Pair{Int,Any}[1=>2 3=>4] - Foo.a_mat_inline[1, 2] = 5=>6 - @test Foo.a_vec_inline[2] === Pair{Int,Any}(5, 6) - end - @eval begin function ccallable_test() Base.llvmcall( ("""declare i32 @f35014(i32) @@ -768,15 +727,15 @@ precompile_test_harness("code caching") do dir @test hasspec # Test that compilation adds to method roots with appropriate provenance m = which(setindex!, (Dict{M.X,Any}, Any, M.X)) - @test Memory{M.X} ∈ m.roots + @test M.X ∈ m.roots # Check that roots added outside of incremental builds get attributed to a moduleid of 0 Base.invokelatest() do Dict{M.X2,Any}()[M.X2()] = nothing end - @test Memory{M.X2} ∈ m.roots + @test M.X2 ∈ m.roots groups = group_roots(m) - @test Memory{M.X} ∈ groups[Mid] # attributed to M - @test Memory{M.X2} ∈ groups[0] # activate module is not known + @test M.X ∈ groups[Mid] # attributed to M + @test M.X2 ∈ groups[0] # activate module is not known @test !isempty(groups[Bid]) # Check that internal methods and their roots are accounted appropriately minternal = which(M.getelsize, (Vector,)) @@ -826,10 +785,10 @@ precompile_test_harness("code caching") do dir end mT = which(push!, (Vector{T} where T, Any)) groups = group_roots(mT) - @test Memory{M2.Y} ∈ groups[M2id] - @test Memory{M2.Z} ∈ groups[M2id] - @test Memory{M.X} ∈ groups[Mid] - @test Memory{M.X} ∉ groups[M2id] + @test M2.Y ∈ groups[M2id] + @test M2.Z ∈ groups[M2id] + @test M.X ∈ groups[Mid] + @test M.X ∉ groups[M2id] # backedges of external MethodInstances # Root gets used by RootA and RootB, and both consumers end up inferring the same MethodInstance from Root # Do both callers get listed as backedges? diff --git a/test/reflection.jl b/test/reflection.jl index 7df6a76dfd0ff..c0f32e39805e5 100644 --- a/test/reflection.jl +++ b/test/reflection.jl @@ -614,16 +614,11 @@ end sizeof(Real)) @test sizeof(Union{ComplexF32,ComplexF64}) == 16 @test sizeof(Union{Int8,UInt8}) == 1 -@test sizeof(MemoryRef{Int}) == 2 * sizeof(Int) -@test sizeof(GenericMemoryRef{:atomic,Int,Core.CPU}) == 2 * sizeof(Int) -@test sizeof(Array{Int,0}) == 2 * sizeof(Int) -@test sizeof(Array{Int,1}) == 3 * sizeof(Int) -@test sizeof(Array{Int,2}) == 4 * sizeof(Int) -@test sizeof(Array{Int,20}) == 22 * sizeof(Int) +@test_throws ErrorException sizeof(AbstractArray) @test_throws ErrorException sizeof(Tuple) @test_throws ErrorException sizeof(Tuple{Any,Any}) @test_throws ErrorException sizeof(String) -@test_throws ErrorException sizeof(Memory{false,Int}) +@test_throws ErrorException sizeof(Vector{Int}) @test_throws ErrorException sizeof(Symbol) @test_throws ErrorException sizeof(Core.SimpleVector) @test_throws ErrorException sizeof(Union{}) @@ -928,7 +923,7 @@ end @test nameof(Any) === :Any @test nameof(:) === :Colon @test nameof(Core.Intrinsics.mul_int) === :mul_int -@test nameof(Core.Intrinsics.cglobal) === :cglobal +@test nameof(Core.Intrinsics.arraylen) === :arraylen module TestMod33403 f(x) = 1 @@ -1044,7 +1039,7 @@ ambig_effects_test(a, b) = 1 @test Base.infer_effects(typeof, (Any,)) |> Core.Compiler.is_foldable_nothrow @test Base.infer_effects(===, (Any,Any)) |> Core.Compiler.is_foldable_nothrow @test (Base.infer_effects(setfield!, ()); true) # `builtin_effects` shouldn't throw on empty `argtypes` - @test (Base.infer_effects(Core.Intrinsics.mul_int, ()); true) # `intrinsic_effects` shouldn't throw on empty `argtypes` + @test (Base.infer_effects(Core.Intrinsics.arraylen, ()); true) # `intrinsic_effects` shouldn't throw on empty `argtypes` end @test Base._methods_by_ftype(Tuple{}, -1, Base.get_world_counter()) == Any[] diff --git a/test/show.jl b/test/show.jl index 0e11552f484ee..f95f943c3c1a4 100644 --- a/test/show.jl +++ b/test/show.jl @@ -1969,12 +1969,12 @@ end end @testset "Intrinsic printing" begin - @test sprint(show, Core.Intrinsics.cglobal) == "Core.Intrinsics.cglobal" - @test repr(Core.Intrinsics.cglobal) == "Core.Intrinsics.cglobal" + @test sprint(show, Core.Intrinsics.arraylen) == "Core.Intrinsics.arraylen" + @test repr(Core.Intrinsics.arraylen) == "Core.Intrinsics.arraylen" let io = IOBuffer() - show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), Core.Intrinsics.cglobal) + show(io, MIME"text/plain"(), Core.Intrinsics.arraylen) str = String(take!(io)) - @test occursin("cglobal", str) + @test occursin("arraylen", str) @test occursin("(intrinsic function", str) end @test string(Core.Intrinsics.add_int) == "add_int" diff --git a/test/sorting.jl b/test/sorting.jl index 1164f2932d880..f89291c8a685a 100644 --- a/test/sorting.jl +++ b/test/sorting.jl @@ -972,8 +972,8 @@ end @testset "ScratchQuickSort allocations on non-concrete eltype" begin v = Vector{Union{Nothing, Bool}}(rand(Bool, 10000)) - @test 10 > @allocations sort(v) - @test 10 > @allocations sort(v; alg=Base.Sort.ScratchQuickSort()) + @test 4 == @allocations sort(v) + @test 4 == @allocations sort(v; alg=Base.Sort.ScratchQuickSort()) # it would be nice if these numbers were lower (1 or 2), but these # test that we don't have O(n) allocations due to type instability end @@ -981,15 +981,15 @@ end function test_allocs() v = rand(10) i = randperm(length(v)) - @test 2 >= @allocations sort(v) + @test 1 == @allocations sort(v) @test 0 == @allocations sortperm!(i, v) @test 0 == @allocations sort!(i) @test 0 == @allocations sortperm!(i, v, rev=true) - @test 2 >= @allocations sortperm(v, rev=true) - @test 2 >= @allocations sortperm(v, rev=false) + @test 1 == @allocations sortperm(v, rev=true) + @test 1 == @allocations sortperm(v, rev=false) @test 0 == @allocations sortperm!(i, v, order=Base.Reverse) - @test 2 >= @allocations sortperm(v) - @test 2 >= @allocations sortperm(i, by=sqrt) + @test 1 == @allocations sortperm(v) + @test 1 == @allocations sortperm(i, by=sqrt) @test 0 == @allocations sort!(v, lt=(a, b) -> hash(a) < hash(b)) sort!(Int[], rev=false) # compile @test 0 == @allocations sort!(i, rev=false)