- Use index features like Hadley did in adv-r
- Add Table of Abbreviations in an Rmd file
- Some ideas here: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/86666/how-to-create-both-list-of-abbreviations-and-list-of-nomenclature-using-nomencl
- Change links inside document to be footnotes instead?
- Might need to turn off links? http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/823/remove-ugly-borders-around-clickable-cross-references-and-hyperlinks
- Create a submodule of citation style styles repository in csl folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5252450/using-someone-elses-repo-as-a-git-submodule-on-github
- Look into adding other language support for templates (Python specifically)
- Create manual pages and vignettes and documentation
- Submit to CRAN
- Test other citation styles as faculty/students request
- Allow for documents to be produced in epub/html formats as well as PDF format