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File metadata and controls

224 lines (211 loc) · 13.3 KB

FigmaExport configuration file

Argument -i or -input specifies path to figma-export.yaml file where all the properties stores: figma, ios, android.

If figma-export.yaml file is next to the figma-export executable file you can omit -i option.

./figma-export colors

Specification of figma-export.yaml file with all the available options:

  # [required] Identifier of the file containing light color palette, icons and light images. To obtain a file id, open the file in the browser. The file id will be present in the URL after the word file and before the file name.
  lightFileId: shPilWnVdJfo10YF12345
  # [optional] Identifier of the file containing dark color palette and dark images.
  darkFileId: KfF6DnJTWHGZzC912345
  # [optional] Identifier of the file containing light high contrast color palette.
  lightHighContrastFileId: KfF6DnJTWHGZzC912345
  # [optional] Identifier of the file containing dark high contrast color palette.
  darkHighContrastFileId: KfF6DnJTWHGZzC912345
  # [optional] Figma API request timeout. The default value of this property is 30 (seconds). If you have a lot of resources to export set this value to 60 or more to give Figma API more time to prepare resources for exporting.
  # timeout: 30

# [optional] Common export parameters
  # [optional]
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for color name validation before exporting. If a name contains "/" symbol it will be replaced by "_" before executing the RegExp
    nameValidateRegexp: '^([a-zA-Z_]+)$' # RegExp pattern for: background, background_primary, widget_primary_background
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for replacing. Supports only $n
    nameReplaceRegexp: 'color_$1'
    # [optional] Extract light and dark mode colors from the lightFileId specified in the figma params. Defaults to false
    useSingleFile: true
    # [optional] If useSingleFile is true, customize the suffix to denote a dark mode color. Defaults to '_dark'
    darkModeSuffix: '_dark'
    # [optional] If useSingleFile is true, customize the suffix to denote a light high contrast color. Defaults to '_lightHC'
    lightHCModeSuffix: '_lightHC'
    # [optional] If useSingleFile is true, customize the suffix to denote a dark high contrast color. Defaults to '_darkHC'
    darkHCModeSuffix: '_darkHC'
  # [optional]
    # [required] Identifier of the file containing variables
    tokensFileId: shPilWnVdJfo10YF12345
    # [required] Variables collection name
    tokensCollectionName: Base collection
    # [required] Name of the column containing light color variables in the tokens table
    lightModeName: Light
    # [optional] Name of the column containing dark color variables in the tokens table
    darkModeName: Dark
    # [optional] Name of the column containing light high contrast color variables in the tokens table
    lightHCModeName: Contast Light
    # [optional] Name of the column containing dark high contrast color variables in the tokens table
    darkHCModeName: Contast Dark
    # [optional] Name of the column containing color variables in the primitive table. If a value is not specified, the default values ​​will be taken
    primitivesModeName: Collection_1
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for color name validation before exporting. If a name contains "/" symbol it will be replaced by "_" before executing the RegExp
    nameValidateRegexp: '^([a-zA-Z_]+)$'
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for replacing. Supports only $n
    nameReplaceRegexp: 'color_$1'
  # [optional]
    # [optional] Name of the Figma's frame where icons components are located
    figmaFrameName: Icons
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for icon name validation before exporting. If a name contains "/" symbol it will be replaced by "_" before executing the RegExp
    nameValidateRegexp: '^(ic)_(\d\d)_([a-z0-9_]+)$' # RegExp pattern for: ic_24_icon_name, ic_24_icon
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for replacing. Supports only $n
    nameReplaceRegexp: 'icon_$2_$1'
    # [optional] Extract light and dark mode icons from the lightFileId specified in the figma params. Defaults to false
    useSingleFile: true
    # [optional] If useSingleFile is true, customize the suffix to denote a dark mode icons. Defaults to '_dark'
    darkModeSuffix: '_dark'
  # [optional]
    # [optional]Name of the Figma's frame where image components are located
    figmaFrameName: Illustrations
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for image name validation before exporting. If a name contains "/" symbol it will be replaced by "_" before executing the RegExp
    nameValidateRegexp: '^(img)_([a-z0-9_]+)$' # RegExp pattern for: img_image_name
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for replacing. Supports only $n
    nameReplaceRegexp: 'image_$2'
    # [optional] Extract light and dark mode icons from the lightFileId specified in the figma params. Defaults to false
    useSingleFile: true
    # [optional] If useSingleFile is true, customize the suffix to denote a dark mode icons. Defaults to '_dark'
    darkModeSuffix: '_dark'
  # [optional]
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for text style name validation before exporting. If a name contains "/" symbol it will be replaced by "_" before executing the RegExp
    nameValidateRegexp: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$' # RegExp pattern for: h1_regular, h1_medium
    # [optional] RegExp pattern for replacing. Supports only $n
    nameReplaceRegexp: 'font_$1'

# [optional] iOS export parameters
  # Path to xcodeproj
  xcodeprojPath: "./Example.xcodeproj"
  # Xcode Target containing resources and corresponding swift code
  target: "UIComponents"
  # Absolute or relative path to the Assets.xcassets directory
  xcassetsPath: "./Resources/Assets.xcassets"
  # Is Assets.xcassets located in the main bundle?
  xcassetsInMainBundle: true
  # [optional] Is Assets.xcassets located in a swift package? Default value is false.
  xcassetsInSwiftPackage: false
  # [optional] When `xcassetsInSwiftPackage: true` use this property to specify a resource bundle name for Swift packages containing Assets.xcassets (e.g. ["PackageName_TargetName"]). This is necessary to avoid SwiftUI Preview crashes.
  resourceBundleNames: []
  # [optional] Add @objc attribute to generated properties so that they are accessible in Objective-C. Defaults to false
  addObjcAttribute: false
  # [optional] Path to the Stencil templates used to generate code
  templatesPath: "./Resources/Templates"
  # [optional] Parameters for exporting colors
    # How to export colors? Use .xcassets and UIColor/Color extension (useColorAssets = true) or UIColor/Color extension only (useColorAssets = false)
    useColorAssets: true
    # [required if useColorAssets: True] Name of the folder inside Assets.xcassets where to place colors (.colorset directories)
    assetsFolder: Colors
    # Color name style: camelCase or snake_case
    nameStyle: camelCase
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to export UIKit colors (UIColor) for accessing from the code (e.g. UIColor.backgroundPrimary)
    colorSwift: "./Sources/UIColor+extension.swift"
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to export SwiftUI colors (Color) for accessing from the code (e.g. Color.backgroundPrimary)
    swiftuiColorSwift: "./Source/Color+extension.swift"
    # [optional] If true and a color style name contains symbol "/" then "/" symbol indicates grouping by folders, and each folder will have the "Provides Namespace" property enabled. Defaults to `false`.
    groupUsingNamespace: true

  # [optional] Parameters for exporting icons
    # Image file format: pdf or svg
    format: pdf
    # Name of the folder inside Assets.xcassets where to place icons (.imageset directories)
    assetsFolder: Icons
    # Icon name style: camelCase or snake_case
    nameStyle: camelCase
    # [optional] An array of icon names that will supports Preseve Vecotor Data. Use `- "*"` to enable this option for all icons.
    - ic24TabBarMain
    - ic24TabBarEvents
    - ic24TabBarProfile
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to export icons (SwiftUI’s Image) for accessing from the code (e.g. Image.illZeroNoInternet)
    swiftUIImageSwift: "./Source/Image+extension_icons.swift"
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to generate extension for UIImage for accessing icons from the code (e.g. UIImage.ic24ArrowRight)
    imageSwift: "./Example/Source/UIImage+extension_icons.swift"
    # Asset render mode: "template", "original" or "default". Default value is "template".
    renderMode: default
    # Configure the suffix for filtering Icons and to denote a asset render mode: "default". 
    # It will work when renderMode value is "template". Defaults to nil.
    renderModeDefaultSuffix: '_default'
    # Configure the suffix for filtering Icons and to denote a asset render mode: "original". 
    # It will work when renderMode value is "template". Defaults to nil.
    renderModeOriginalSuffix: '_original'
    # Configure the suffix for filtering Icons and to denote a asset render mode: "template". 
    # It will work when renderMode value isn't "template". Defaults to nil.
    renderModeTemplateSuffix: '_template'

  # [optional] Parameters for exporting images
    # Name of the folder inside Assets.xcassets where to place images (.imageset directories)
    assetsFolder: Illustrations
    # Image name style: camelCase or snake_case
    nameStyle: camelCase
    # [optional] An array of asset scales that should be downloaded. The valid values are 1, 2, 3. The deafault value is [1, 2, 3].
    scales: [1, 2, 3]
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to export images (SwiftUI’s Image) for accessing from the code (e.g. Image.illZeroNoInternet)
    swiftUIImageSwift: "./Source/Image+extension_illustrations.swift"
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to generate extension for UIImage for accessing illustrations from the code (e.g. UIImage.illZeroNoInternet)
    imageSwift: "./Example/Source/UIImage+extension_illustrations.swift"

  # [optional] Parameters for exporting typography
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to export UIKit fonts (UIFont extension).
    fontSwift: "./Source/UIComponents/UIFont+extension.swift"
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to generate LabelStyle extensions for each style (LabelStyle extension).
    labelStyleSwift: "./Source/UIComponents/LabelStyle+extension.swift"
    # [optional] Absolute or relative path to swift file where to export SwiftUI fonts (Font extension).
    swiftUIFontSwift: "./Source/View/Common/Font+extension.swift"
    # Should FigmaExport generate UILabel for each text style (font)? E.g. HeaderLabel, BodyLabel, CaptionLabel
    generateLabels: true
    # Relative or absolute path to directory where to place UILabel for each text style (font) (Requred if generateLabels = true)
    labelsDirectory: "./Source/UIComponents/"
    # Typography name style: camelCase or snake_case
    nameStyle: camelCase

# [optional] Android export parameters
  # Relative or absolute path to the `main/res` folder including it. The colors/icons/images will be exported to this folder
  mainRes: "./main/res"
  # [optional] The package name, where the android resource constant `R` is located. Must be provided to enable code generation for Jetpack Compose
  resourcePackage: "com.example"
  # [optional] Relative or absolute path to the code source folder including it. The typography for Jetpack Compose will be exported to this folder
  mainSrc: "./main/src/java"
  # [optional] Path to the Stencil templates used to generate code
  templatesPath: "./Resources/Templates"
  # Parameters for exporting colors
    # [optional] The package to export the Jetpack Compose color code to. Note: To export Jetpack Compose code, also `mainSrc` and `resourcePackage` above must be set 
    composePackageName: "com.example"
  # Parameters for exporting icons
    # Where to place icons relative to `mainRes`? FigmaExport clears this directory every time your execute `figma-export icons` command
    output: "figma-import-icons"
    # [optional] The package to export the Jetpack Compose icon code to. Note: To export Jetpack Compose code, also `mainSrc` and `resourcePackage` above must be set 
    composePackageName: "com.example"
  # Parameters for exporting images
    # Image file format: svg or png
    format: webp
    # Where to place images relative to `mainRes`? FigmaExport clears this directory every time your execute `figma-export images` command
    output: "figma-import-images"
    # Format options for webp format only
    # [optional] An array of asset scales that should be downloaded. The valid values are 1 (mdpi), 1.5 (hdpi), 2 (xhdpi), 3 (xxhdpi), 4 (xxxhdpi). The deafault value is [1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4].
    scales: [1, 2, 3]
      # Encoding type: lossy or lossless
      encoding: lossy
      # Encoding quality in percents. Only for lossy encoding.
      quality: 90
  # Parameters for exporting typography
    # Typography name style: camelCase or snake_case
    nameStyle: camelCase
    # [optional] The package to export the Jetpack Compose typography code to. Note: To export Jetpack Compose code, also `mainSrc` and `resourcePackage` above must be set 
    composePackageName: "com.example"