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Release Cadence & Naming
Red Hat Design System (RHDS) will have planned releases every quarter.
RHDS version 1 and its minor versions’ release names will be based on the first generation of Pokémon, using the following logic:
- Planned releases will use the original, unevolved form of each Pokémon in alphabetical order (see table below).
- Any subsequent releases, like hotfixes or unplanned feature releases will be named as the next evolution of the previous Pokémon species.
Planned release | Unplanned feature release | |
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Pikachu | Raichu | |
v 1.x | v 1.(x+2) |
Besides Pokémon being cool, this allows us to give a fun name to planned feature releases without tying the name to a specific version number or using uninspired, boring names, like “Phase 1.”
Not tying a release name to a version number is helpful, so that when unexpected minor releases are required between planned releases, we don’t have to shift or rename the planned release.
For example, if we are currently on version 1.0, and the next planned release was named “RHDS version 1.1,” then we’d have to rename the planned release “RHDS version 1.2” if there was a necessary 1.1 release that needed to go out sooner.
Instead, we can name our first release (version 1.0), “RHDS Abra,” and our next planned release would be named “RHDS Bellsprout”—independent of a specific version number. This way, if an unplanned release of version 1.1 needed to go out before Bellsprout, it wouldn’t need to be renamed. And, following the naming logic above, version 1.1 would be named “RHDS Kadabra” since it’s the next evolution of the Abra Pokémon.
Order | Pokémon | 1st evolution | 2nd evolution |
1 | Abra | Kadabra | Alakazam |
2 | Bellsprout | Weepinbell | Victreebel |
3 | Bulbasaur | Ivysaur | Venusaur |
4 | Caterpie | Metapod | Butterfree |
5 | Chansey | ||
6 | Charmander | Charmeleon | Charizard |
7 | Clefairy | Clefable | |
8 | Cubone | Marowak | |
9 | Diglett | Dugtrio | |
10 | Doduo | Dodrio | |
11 | Dratini | Dragonair | Dragonite |
12 | Drowzee | Hypno | |
13 | Eevee | Jolteon | |
14 | Ekans | Arbok | |
15 | Electabuzz | ||
16 | Exeggcute | Exeggutor | |
17 | Gastly | Haunter | Gengar |
18 | Geodude | Graveler | Golem |
19 | Goldeen | Seaking | |
20 | Grimer | Muk | |
21 | Growlithe | Arcanine | |
22 | Horsea | Seadra | |
23 | Jigglypuff | Wigglytuff | |
24 | Jynx | ||
25 | Kabuto | Kabutops | |
26 | Koffing | Weezing | |
27 | Krabby | Kingler | |
28 | Lickitung | ||
29 | Machop | Machoke | Machamp |
30 | Magikarp | Gyarados | |
31 | Magmar | ||
32 | Magnemite | Magneton | |
33 | Mankey | Primeape | |
34 | Meowth | Persian | |
35 | Mr. Mime | ||
36 | Nidoran | Nidorina | Nidoqueen |
37 | Oddish | Gloom | Vileplume |
38 | Omanyte | Omastar | |
39 | Onix | ||
40 | Paras | Parasect | |
41 | Pikachu | Raichu | |
42 | Pidgey | Pidgeotto | Pidgeot |
43 | Poliwag | Poliwhirl | Poliwrath |
44 | Ponyta | Rapidash | |
45 | Porygon | ||
46 | Psyduck | Golduck | |
47 | Rattata | Raticate | |
48 | Rhyhorn | Rhydon | |
49 | Sandshrew | Sandslash | |
50 | Scyther | ||
51 | Seel | Dewgong | |
52 | Shellder | Cloyster | |
53 | Slowpoke | Slowbro | |
54 | Snorlax | ||
55 | Spearow | Fearow | |
56 | Squirtle | Wartortle | Blastoise |
57 | Staryu | Starmie | |
58 | Tangela | ||
59 | Tentacool | Tentacruel | |
60 | Tyrogue | Hitmonlee | |
61 | Weedle | Kakuna | Beedrill |
62 | Venonat | Venomoth | |
63 | Voltorb | Electrode | |
64 | Vulpix | Ninetales | |
65 | Zubat | Golbat |
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