- Install Sublime Text.
- Install the sublime package manager (if it is not already installed)
- install dependencies for these packages
- Open the sublime packages folder in a command prompt window ( browse packages )
- Clone repo into the sublime "Packages" folder
- Restart sublime and wait for the packages to be auto-installed by the sublime package manager
- These are for different operating systems, different use cases
- If you get a weird coloured bar across the top the screen on install of this repo, change the theme and then change it back.
- Open the menu preferences > theme
- Change the theme to Default.sublime-theme
- Wait
- Change the theme to Seti.sublime-theme
- If that still does not fix it, try removing Seti UI theme and reinstalling it.
- Dark theme with icons.
- Autosave files.
- Optimization of Sublime Text via sublime settings.
- Code formatters using prettier library.
- Code linting for JavaScript, Python, Sass, HTML, etc.
- Case convert for easy changing case of text. (can be used with multi-select)
- If you are not already using, I recommend the use of: