Arrow backend is derived from the C++ part of the gazelle_plugin project. It converts the intermediate substrait plan to Arrow's execution engine to build a pipeline for the off-loaded stage from Spark, and uses the optimized compute functions that are implemented in gazelle_plugin.
- OS Requirements We have tested Gluten on Ubuntu 20.04 (kernel version 5.13.0-44). We recommend you use Ubuntu 20.04.
- Software Requirements
- OpenJDK 8
- Maven 3.6.3 or higher version
- Spark 3.1.1
## install gcc and libraries to build arrow
apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo locales wget tar tzdata git ccache cmake ninja-build build-essential llvm-11-dev clang-11 libiberty-dev libdwarf-dev libre2-dev libz-dev libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev openjdk-8-jdk maven
## make sure jdk8 is used
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
##setup proxy if needed
export http_proxy=xxxx
export https_proxy=xxxx
##config maven proxy
mkdir ~/.m2/
apt install vim
vim ~/.m2/settings.xml
git clone
## fetch arrow for gazelle and compile
cd /path_to_gluten/ep/build-arrow/src
./ --arrow_branch=arrow-8.0.0-gluten-20220427a
## compile gluten cpp
cd /path_to_gluten/cpp
./ --build_gazelle_cpp_backend=ON --build_protobuf=ON
## compile gluten jvm and package. If you are using spark 3.3, replace -Pspark-3.2 with -Pspark3.3
cd /path_to_gluten
mvn clean package -Pspark-3.2 -Pbackends-gazelle -DskipTests
In addition to your cutomized Spark configurations, extra configurations for enabling Gluten with ArrowBackend should be added.
Configuration | Value | Comment |
spark.driver.extraClassPath | /path/to/gluten/backends-velox/target/gluten-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar | |
spark.executor.extraClassPath | /path/to/gluten/backends-velox/target/gluten-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar | |
spark.plugins | io.glutenproject.GlutenPlugin | |
spark.gluten.sql.columnar.backend.lib | gazelle_cpp | |
spark.shuffle.manager | org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.ColumnarShuffleManager | |
spark.sql.sources.useV1SourceList | avro | |
spark.memory.offHeap.size | 20g |