Tested on Ubuntu
Read additional design choice
- Map Selection: Choose a map for gameplay.
- Play: Start the game.
- Credit: View contributors.
- Exit: Close the game.
High Scores:
- Top 5 highest scores are displayed.
- Scores are updated unless the game is exited prematurely.
- Multiple levels with increasing difficulty.
- Ghosts become faster and more aggressive with each level.
- PacMan and Ghosts have predefined movement based on the map.
- Player controls PacMan with arrow keys or WASD.
- Entities reappear on the opposite side when moving out of bounds.
- Collisions with walls restrict movement.
- Coins and Fruits are scattered across the map.
- Banana Sleep temporarily disables ghosts.
- Players start with 3 lives.
- Losing all lives results in game-over.
Map Progression:
- Game automatically switches to the next map after completing a level.
- Difficulty increases as new maps are introduced.
Ghost AI:
- Ghosts switch between different modes:
- Setup: Target a special coin.
- Chase: Pursue PacMan based on Manhattan distance.
- Fear: Triggered when PacMan collects a fruit, causing ghosts to flee.
- Ghosts switch between different modes:
- Different values for Coins, Fruits, and Ghosts.
- Scores are saved if they rank in the top 5.
- Game ends when all 3 lives are lost.
- Sprites for PacMan, Ghosts, and other entities.
- Directional changes are reflected in sprite orientation.
- Background music changes depending on the state (menu or level).
- Sound effects play in parallel to enhance immersion.
Design Patterns:
- State pattern and template classes for ghost behavior.
- Singleton pattern for map manager and stopwatch.
- Collision Detection:
- In low FPS environments, collision detection may fail due to large
values. - A 1-second delay is added at the start to help reduce these issues, though problems may still arise in extreme cases.
- In low FPS environments, collision detection may fail due to large