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Templates for Biohackathon presentations

This folder contains optional templates for project presentations at the Biohackathon.

Each projct proponent should feel free to use and adapt them to their needs, or to use different formats and structure according to the specificities of the project.

Since presentations will be quite short (10 minutes max per project) the goal is to ensure that each presentation provides some basic information that will be useful for all attendees to understand the goal, requirements and setting of each hacking project. These presentations might also stimulate some hackers to contribute to your project during the biohackathon week.

Whichever format you use, we ask you to upload your slides (preferably in pdf format) in your project folder on the Biohackathon github.


Format Template Remark
OpenOffice Biohackathon-presentation_template.odp
Powerpoint Biohackathon-presentation_template.pptx
Google Slides Make a copy in your own Google Drive account