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File metadata and controls

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Your Command-Line Interface and containers to automatically interoperate with

This Mega-Debrid project provides three asynchronous libs that allow to interact in different ways with endpoints.

Disclaimer: this project is NOT an official's project or support. It's just my personal implementation that I share with the community.


Configurations / credentials on can be used in two different ways: environment variables or config file.

  • Environment variables examples
# CREDENTIALS environment variables
export MEGA_USER='user'
export MEGA_PASSWD='password'
# API environment variables
# AJAX environment variables
export MEGA_USER_AGENT='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'
export MEGA_COOKIES='{"PHPSESSID":"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC", "11111111111111111111111111111111":"1234567890123456", "22222222222222222222222222222222":"12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234"}'
  • Config example: ~/.mega/config
Username = user
Password = password


USER-AGENT = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
11111111111111111111111111111111 = 1234567890123456
22222222222222222222222222222222 = 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234


  • Explanation / Definition

The following objects inherit from the MegaDebrid base object and only define asynchronous methods:

  1. MegaDebridAjax: interact with index.php?ajax=<action> as a REST endpoint to provide asynchronous functions for each action. This is the result of the analysis of the AJAX behavior on the website.
  2. MegaDebridApi: interact with api.php?action=<action> as a REST API endpoint to provide asynchronous functions for each action. This is a use of the official API follows the Mega-Debrid API documentation.
  3. MegaDebridFlow: evolved usage of MegaDebridApi which isn't longer "simple" use of the REST API endpoints, but a complete instrumentalization of different operations: this will chain the requests to obtain the desired result.
  • Code Integration Example
import asyncio

from megadebrid.libs.api import MegaDebridApi

async def async_func():
    async with MegaDebridApi() as megadebrid:
        response = await megadebrid.get_torrents_list()
        return response

Note: integration is the same for MegaDebridApi and MegaDebridAjax, only available methods could change.


  • Explanation

Mega-CLI is the command line tool that allows to use asynchronous libraries without developing any Python line.

  • CLI Standalone

Not all components of the project are required to only use the CLI. Here are the files needed to use only the CLI:

├── requirements-cli.txt
└── megadebrid
    ├── libs
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── parsers
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── utils
  • Usage
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] {ajax,api,flow} ...

Mega-CLI is the command line tool to interact with the different supported backends on

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        path for the config file (default: ~/.mega/config)

Mega-Debrid supported backends libs:
  {ajax,api,flow}       choice of method to be use


The ajax will instrumentalize the MegaDebridAjax object by passing the correct given arguments to the called method.

  • Requirements

To use Mega-Debrid AJAX backend, you need to provide yours Cookies (particularly: PHPSESSID) and the same User Agent used during your authentication (the Apache backend requires the same user-agent than has generated the PHPSESSID). This can be done through environment variables: MEGA_USER_AGENT & MEGA_COOKIES, or your config file ~/.mega/config section [AJAX].

Note: cookies have a very long lifespan.

  • Usage
usage: ajax [-h] {my-torrents,list,torrents,torrent-status,status,upload-magnet,magnet,upload-torrent,torrent,remove-torrent,remove,debrid-link,debrid,link} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Mega-AJAX commands:
  List of commands available on Mega-Debrid AJAX backend

    my-torrents (list, torrents)
                        get user torrents list
    torrent-status (status)
                        get the status of a torrent
    upload-magnet (magnet)
                        add a magnet link
    upload-torrent (torrent)
                        Add a torrent file
    remove-torrent (remove)
                        remove a torrent from active torrents
    debrid-link (debrid, link)
                        debrid links


The api will instrumentalize the MegaDebridApi object by passing the correct given arguments to the called method.

  • Requirement

To use Mega-Debrid API backend, you need to provide your API Token which is returned after submitting your username and password on connection endpoint. This can be done through environment variable: MEGA_TOKEN, or your config file: ~/.mega/config section [API].

Important note: the API token has a REALLY SHORT lifespan. That's the reason why, it is recommended to provide yours credentials through environment variables: MEGA_USER and MEGA_PASSWD, or your config file: ~/.mega/config in sectionCREDENTIALS; it will allow you to take advantage of renew obsolete token feature which will automatically re-authenticate you when your token will be expired.

  • Usage
usage: api [-h] {connect-user,connect,user-history,history,hosters-list,hosters,my-torrents,list,torrents,torrent-status,status,upload-magnet,magnet,upload-torrent,torrent,debrid-link,debrid,link} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Mega-API commands:
  List of commands available on Mega-Debrid API backend

    connect-user (connect)
                        connect with creditials
    user-history (history)
                        get user download history
    hosters-list (hosters)
                        list availables hosters (no authenticate)
    my-torrents (list, torrents)
                        get user torrents list
    torrent-status (status)
                        get the status of selected torrent
    upload-magnet (magnet)
                        add a magnet link
    upload-torrent (torrent)
                        add a torrent file
    debrid-link (debrid, link)
                        debrided link

Mega-CLI: Flow

The flow will instrumentalize the MegaDebridFlow object by passing the correct given arguments to the called method.

  • Requirement

As MegaDebridFlow use MegaDebridApi, refer to Mega-CLI: API requirements: they are applicable.

  • Usage
usage: flow [-h] {wait-until-complete,wait,save-file,save,debrid-and-download,download,unrestrict,download-magnet,ddl-magnet,download-torrent,ddl-torrent} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Mega-Flow commands:
  List of commands available for Mega-Debrid advanced flow

    wait-until-complete (wait)
                        query the status of a torrent until it is completly processed by Torrent Converter
    save-file (save)    download the file at the given URL and save it in the specified folder
    debrid-and-download (download, unrestrict)
                        unrestrict the link and download it to the specified folder
    download-magnet (ddl-magnet)
                        uses the torrent converter with a magnet link, then download the file in the specified folder
    download-torrent (ddl-torrent)
                        uses the torrent converter with a torrent file, then download the file in the specified folder


High level presentation of docker-compose.yml to understand each component spawned with Docker.


Redis container used as backend by Celery.

Note: Redis is used by Celery as result_backend too, require adding celery[redis] in requirements.txt or pip install celery[redis].


Celery worker which will handle tasks creation and processing until they are complete.

Note: Celery for this project will use by default redis as result_backend. Otherwise you want persistent results, you could use sqlite3 as result_backend. It will require to have sqlalchemy in requirements.txt or pip install sqlalchemy.

  • Launch Celery
celery -A megadebrid.worker worker -l INFO
  • Code Integration Example
from time import sleep

from megadebrid.worker.tasks import save_file, debrid_and_save_file, download_magnet, download_torrent

def launch_task():
    task = debrid_and_save_file.delay('',

    while tasks.status not in ['SUCCESS', 'FAILURE']:

    return tasks.result


Flask implementation to provide a local API and/or Web interface to allow the user to launch tasks through user-friendly way and track their status.

  • Launched Flask
flask --app megadebrid.web --debug run -h
# or
python run -h
  • Web-UI/API usage

Task Creation

Request example:

POST /tasks HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Mega-Task: DebridAndSaveFile


Curl example:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'Mega-Task: DebridAndSaveFile' \
     -d '{"link":"","folder":"/home/user/Downloads","password":""}' \
     -X POST ''

Task Status

Request example:

GET /tasks/0de47c5f-3040-475e-9206-9d378f5adbd3 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Curl example:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' ''

Mega-Dashboard (optional)

Celery flower is an optional container, it will be a web based tool for monitoring and administrating Celery clusters. The docker Mega-Dashboard could be pulled for image mher/flower or built with the file megadebrid/dashboard/Dockerfile.

Note: require adding flower in requirements.txt to use it throughout Mega-Docker