Welcome to Princeton21's DSA repository. Contribute to this repository to contribute to open source as well as earn cool Hacktoberfest swag!
- Find an issue that you think you can solve in the issues tab
- Comment on the issue and it'll be assigned to you as soon as the maintainers get to it
- Create a fork of this repository into your github account and add the necessary changes to your local repository
- Make sure the changes you make conform to the contributing guidelines mentioned below
- Create a pull request to merge the repo with the main branch after said changes have been committed to your local repository in the pull requests tab of your github repo
- Wait for it to be approved
The repository has multiple folders with self explanatory names. Choose the folder and the sub-folder which you think will be fit for your contribution and then see if a folder of the algorithm/solution you intend to contribute has a folder of it's own. If not, add the folder with the name of your algorithm/solution and then add the source file of your code with the same name as the folder in the folder itself. This is to make sure that the file structure looks clean and tidy. Not conforming to these guidelines may lead to your pull request not being merged into the main branch.