diff --git a/.rubocop.yml b/.rubocop.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ce1f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.rubocop.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+  Max: 160
+  Enabled: false
+  Enabled: false
+  Enabled: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76a1936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+  remote: .
+  specs:
+    plusbump (2.0.0.beta)
+      docopt (~> 0.6.1)
+      rugged (~> 0.26)
+      semver (~> 1.0)
+  remote: https://rubygems.org/
+  specs:
+    diff-lcs (1.3)
+    docopt (0.6.1)
+    rake (10.5.0)
+    rspec (3.7.0)
+      rspec-core (~> 3.7.0)
+      rspec-expectations (~> 3.7.0)
+      rspec-mocks (~> 3.7.0)
+    rspec-core (3.7.1)
+      rspec-support (~> 3.7.0)
+    rspec-expectations (3.7.0)
+      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
+      rspec-support (~> 3.7.0)
+    rspec-mocks (3.7.0)
+      diff-lcs (>= 1.2.0, < 2.0)
+      rspec-support (~> 3.7.0)
+    rspec-support (3.7.1)
+    rugged (0.27.4)
+    semver (1.0.1)
+  ruby
+  bundler (~> 1.14)
+  plusbump!
+  rake (~> 10.0)
+  rspec (~> 3.7)
+   1.16.2
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 9969434..66ad4fa 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
-require "bundler/gem_tasks"
-require "rspec/core/rake_task"
+require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
+require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-task :default => :spec
+task default: :spec
-desc "Verbose test output"
-task :doc do 
+desc 'Verbose test output'
+task :doc do
   puts `rspec --format doc`
\ No newline at end of file
+task :lint do
+  puts `rubocop`
diff --git a/bin/console b/bin/console
index df67edc..43518f9 100755
--- a/bin/console
+++ b/bin/console
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require "bundler/setup"
-require "plusbump"
+require 'bundler/setup'
+require 'plusbump'
 # You can add fixtures and/or initialization code here to make experimenting
 # with your gem easier. You can also use a different console, if you like.
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@ require "plusbump"
 # require "pry"
 # Pry.start
-require "irb"
+require 'irb'
diff --git a/bin/plusbump b/bin/plusbump
index f338b62..13e0dc4 100755
--- a/bin/plusbump
+++ b/bin/plusbump
@@ -1,49 +1,15 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#encoding: utf-8
 require 'docopt'
 require 'plusbump'
-doc = <<DOCOPT
-  plusbump -h|--help
-  plusbump <ref> [options]
-  plusbump --latest=<tag-glob> [options]
-  plusbump --version
-    <ref> A git reference. If specified, PlusBump will search for bumps from HEAD back to this <ref> instead of searching for a tag. 
-  -h --help        Show this screen.
-  -l --latest=<tag-glob>
-    Specify a glob pattern to search for last matching tag instead of
-    providing a specific ref.
-    Will attempt to use everything after <tag-glob> as the version string
-    so be sure to provide _entire_ prefix.
-    E.g. use "R_" if your versions are "R_1.2.3"
-  --version       Shows current version of PlusBump
-  --debug         Debug flag 
-# Note: If you are reading the above usage in the source code and not using --help,
-# then ignore the double escapes in the usage examples.
-# On the command line you have to write --majorpattern='\+major'
-# The extra escape is to make it print that way in the usage message.
   # Parse Commandline Arguments
-  input =  Docopt::docopt(doc, version: PlusBump::VERSION)
-  puts input if input['--debug'] 
+  input = Docopt.docopt(PlusBump::DOCOPT, version: PlusBump::VERSION)
+  puts input if input['--debug']
 rescue Docopt::Exit => e
   puts e.message
-#TODO: input['--latest'].flatten[0]
-puts PlusBump.bump(input['<ref>'], input['--latest'], debug: input['--debug'])
+result = PlusBump.bump(input)
+PlusBump::Tag.create(result) if input['--create-tag'] && result
diff --git a/lib/plusbump.rb b/lib/plusbump.rb
index b5a8ee9..05f47bf 100644
--- a/lib/plusbump.rb
+++ b/lib/plusbump.rb
@@ -1,101 +1,172 @@
-require "plusbump/version"
+require 'plusbump/version'
+require 'plusbump/usage'
+require 'plusbump/config'
 require 'semver'
 require 'rugged'
+# PlusBump main module
 module PlusBump
-  def self.bump(ref, latest, debug: false)
-    # Defaults
-    major = /\+major/
-    minor = /\+minor/
-    patch = /\+patch/
-    base = '0.0.0'
-    prefix = ''
-    # Init Repo from current directory
-    repository = Rugged::Repository.new(Dir.pwd)
-    tagcollection = Rugged::TagCollection.new(repository)
+  @repo = nil
+  def self.repo
+    @repo ||= Rugged::Repository.new(Dir.pwd)
+    @repo
+  end
+  class Tag
+    def self.create(tag_name)
+      target = PlusBump.repo.head.target
+      ref = PlusBump.repo.tags.create(tag_name, target)
+      puts "Created tag #{tag_name}" if ref
+    end
+    def self.delete(tag_name)
+      tag_to_delete = PlusBump.repo.tags[tag_name]
+      PlusBump.repo.references.delete(tag_to_delete) if tag_to_delete
+    end
+  end
+  def self.extract_number(partial)
+    /\d+/.match(partial)[0] if /\d+/ =~ partial
+  end
+  def self.extract_prefix(partial)
+    /\D+/.match(partial)[0] if /\D+/ =~ partial
+  end
+  def self.transform(input)
+    Hash.new( input.map { |k,v|
+      [k.replace('-','').to_s,v]
+    })
+  end
+  def self.bump(input)
+    if input['--from-tag']
+      bump_by_tag(glob: input['--from-tag'],
+                  base: input['--base-version'],
+                  prefix: input['--new-prefix'] || '',
+                  tag_replacement: input['--base-version-from-tag'],
+                  major_pattern: input['--major-pattern'],
+                  minor_pattern: input['--minor-pattern'],
+                  patch_pattern: input['--patch-pattern'],
+                  debug: input['--debug'])
+    elsif input['--from-ref']
+      bump_by_ref(ref: input['--from-ref'],
+                  semver: input['--base-version'],
+                  prefix: input['--new-prefix'] || '',
+                  major_pattern: input['--major-pattern'],
+                  minor_pattern: input['--minor-pattern'],
+                  patch_pattern: input['--patch-pattern'],
+                  debug: input['--debug'])
+    end
+  end
+  def self.create_walker(repository)
     w = Rugged::Walker.new(repository)
     # Initialise the walker to start at current HEAD
     head = repository.lookup(repository.head.target.oid)
+    w
+  end
-    if latest.nil?
-      tail = repository.rev_parse(ref)
-      w.hide(tail)
-    else
-      candidates = []
-      puts "Searching for at tag that matches the glob pattern: " + latest if debug
-      tagcollection.each(latest+'*') do |tag|
-        unless repository.merge_base(tag.target, head).nil?
-          puts "Found matching tag on correct branch: " + tag.name if debug
-          candidates << tag
-        end
-      end
+  # TODO: Need fixing!
+  def self.current_semver()
-      if candidates.empty?
-        puts "No matching tag found for "+latest
-      else
-        candidates.sort! {|a,b| a.target.time <=> b.target.time }
-        latest_match = candidates.last
-        puts "Newest matching tag: #{latest_match.name}" if debug
-        puts "Newest matching tag sha: #{latest_match.target.oid}" if debug
-        #set target of matching commit as the tail of our walker
-        w.hide(latest_match.target)
-        #unless input['<semver_version_string>']
-          base = latest_match.name.sub(latest,'')
-          puts "latest: #{latest}" if debug
-          puts "match.Name: #{latest_match.name}" if debug
-          puts "Base: #{base}" if debug
-        #end
-      end
+  end
+  def self.bump_by_ref(args = {})
+    semver_string = args[:semver] || PlusBump::BASE
+    w = create_walker(PlusBump.repo)
+    tail = PlusBump.repo.rev_parse(args[:ref])
+    w.hide(tail)
+    v_number = semver_string.split('.')
+    v_special = semver_string.split('-').size > 1 ? semver_string.split('-')[-1] : ''
+    # Current semver string
+    result = SemVer.new(extract_number(v_number[0]).to_i, v_number[1].to_i, v_number[2].to_i, v_special) # TODO: Fix special
+    # Logic bump
+    bump_action(w, result, major_p: args[:major_pattern], minor_p: args[:minor_pattern], patch_p: args[:patch_pattern])
+    final_res = extract_prefix(v_number[0]) || '' + (result.format "%M.%m.%p%s")
+  end
+  # Should return a Rugged::Tag object
+  def self.find_newest_matching_tag(candidates)
+    candidates.sort! { |a,b| a.target.time <=> b.target.time }
+    candidates.last
+  end
+  # The justification for this method is to split a semver tag into it's composite parts. Major.Minor.Patch[+-]....
+  # We need these parts to construct the SemVer object
+  def self.parse_semver_parts(base)
+      main = base.split(/[\+\-]/) # Should split something like Release_1.2.3-beta1+001 into two parts.
+      version_part = main[0].split('.')
+      # Clean up the version part...extract all numbers excluding non-numerical characters
+      version_part.map! { |elem| extract_number(elem) }
+      special_part = main[1..-1] || ''
+      return { :version_part => version_part, :special_part => special_part.join('') }
+  end
+  def self.bump_by_tag(args = {})
+    base = '0.0.0'
+    # Init Repo from current directory
+    tagcollection = Rugged::TagCollection.new(PlusBump.repo)
+    w = create_walker(PlusBump.repo)
+    head = PlusBump.repo.lookup(PlusBump.repo.head.target.oid)
+    candidates = []
+    tagcollection.each(args[:glob] + '*') do |tag|
+        candidates << tag if !PlusBump.repo.merge_base(tag.target, head).nil?
-    # Handle X.Y.Z-SPECIAL by saving SPECIAL part for later
-    split = base.split('-')
-    v_number = split[0].split('.')
-    special = ''
+    if candidates.empty?
+      puts 'No matching tag found for ' + args[:glob]
+    else
+      latest_match = find_newest_matching_tag(candidates)
+      # Set target of matching commit as the tail of our walker
+      w.hide(latest_match.target)
+      base = latest_match.name
+      puts "Found matching tag #{latest_match.name}" if args[:debug]
+    end
-    #TODO: Above could probably be re-written to use the semver gem for parsing.
+    # Current semver string
+    unless args[:tag_replacement].nil?
+      replacer = args[:tag_replacement] || ''
+      parts = parse_semver_parts(base)
+      result = SemVer.new(parts[:version_part][0].sub(replacer, '').to_i, parts[:version_part][1].to_i, parts[:version_part][2].to_i, parts[:special_part])
+    else
+      parts = parse_semver_parts(args[:base])
+      result = SemVer.new(parts[:version_part][0].to_i, parts[:version_part][1].to_i, parts[:version_part][2].to_i, parts[:special_part]) # TODO: FIX SPECIAL
+    end
+    # Logic bumps
+    bump_action(w, result, major_p: args[:major_pattern], minor_p: args[:minor_pattern], patch_p: args[:patch_pattern])
+    args[:prefix] + (result.format "%M.%m.%p%s")
+  end
-    major_bump = false
+  def self.bump_action(walker, semver, **args)
+    # Defaults
+    major = Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(args[:major_p] || PlusBump::MAJOR))
+    minor = Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(args[:minor_p] || PlusBump::MINOR))
+    patch = Regexp.new(Regexp.quote(args[:patch_p] || PlusBump::PATCH))
     minor_bump = false
-    patch_bump = false
-    #walk through all commits looking for version bump requests
-    w.each do |commit|
-      puts "Commit: " + commit.oid if debug
+    walker.each do |commit|
       if major =~ commit.message
-        puts "bumps major" if debug
-        major_bump = true
-      elsif minor =~ commit.message
-        puts "bump minor" if debug
-        minor_bump = true
-      else
-        patch_bump = true
+        semver.major += 1
+        semver.minor = 0
+        semver.patch = 0
+        return :major
+      minor_bump = true if minor =~ commit.message
-    result = SemVer.new(v_number[0].to_i, v_number[1].to_i, v_number[2].to_i, special)
-    if major_bump
-      result.major += 1
-      result.minor = 0
-      result.patch = 0
-    elsif minor_bump
-      result.minor += 1
-      result.patch = 0
-    elsif patch_bump
-      result.patch += 1
+    if minor_bump
+      semver.minor += 1
+      semver.patch = 0
+      return :minor
-      puts "No version increment"
+      semver.patch += 1
+      return :patch
-    final_res = prefix + (result.format "%M.%m.%p%s")
-    return final_res
diff --git a/lib/plusbump/config.rb b/lib/plusbump/config.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b0184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/plusbump/config.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module PlusBump
+  # Module defaults
+  BASE = '0.0.0'
+  MAJOR = ENV['plusbump_major'] || '+major'
+  MINOR = ENV['plusbump_minor'] || '+minor'
+  PATCH = ENV['plusbump_patch'] || '+patch'
diff --git a/lib/plusbump/usage.rb b/lib/plusbump/usage.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ffbb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/plusbump/usage.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module PlusBump
+PlusBump - the tool for all your version bumping needs.
+It uses the SemVer gem for parsing existing versions, and uses Rugged/Libgit2 for the git operations.
+  plusbump -h|--help
+  plusbump --version
+  plusbump --from-ref <ref> --base-version=<semver> [options]
+  plusbump --from-tag <glob> --base-version=<semver> [--new-prefix=<new-prefix>] [--create-tag] [options]
+  plusbump --from-tag <glob> --base-version-from-tag=<strip-prefix> [--new-prefix=<new-prefix>] [--create-tag] [options]
+  -h --help                               Show this screen.
+  --version                               Shows current version of PlusBump
+  -d --debug                              Debug flag
+  --from-ref <ref>                        Specify a git ref (tree'ish) to use as start of commit interval.
+                                          PlusBump will search for bump declarations from HEAD back to, but not including this ref.
+  --from-tag <glob>                       Specify a glob pattern (same as git tag -l <pattern>). PlusBump will find the latest tag matching this pattern
+                                          and use as the start of commit interval to analyse.
+  --base-version=<semver>                 Take semver version as argument and use as base for computed new version
+  --base-version-from-tag=<strip-prefix>  Find semver base version from the found tag. Optionally strip a prefix (e.g. "R_"). [default: ""]
+  --new-prefix=<new-prefix>               Optionally specify a prefix for the output computed SemVer. (e.g. "R_", or "WOULD_BE_").
+  --create-tag                            PlusBump tags the HEAD commit with the computed new SemVer (incl. optional prefix). This will not do a "git push".
+  --patch-pattern=<pattern>               Specify regex pattern for bumping patch version
+  --minor-pattern=<pattern>               Specify regex pattern for bumping minor version
+  --major-pattern=<pattern>               Specify regex pattern for bumping major version
diff --git a/lib/plusbump/version.rb b/lib/plusbump/version.rb
index a9697ba..b35eb82 100644
--- a/lib/plusbump/version.rb
+++ b/lib/plusbump/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 module PlusBump
-  VERSION = "2.0.0.beta"
+  VERSION = '2.0.0.beta2'.freeze
diff --git a/plusbump.gemspec b/plusbump.gemspec
index 3f11b7c..f6b5c01 100644
--- a/plusbump.gemspec
+++ b/plusbump.gemspec
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
+lib = File.expand_path('lib', __dir__)
 $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
 require 'plusbump/version'
 Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
-  spec.name          = "plusbump"
-  spec.version       = PlusBump::VERSION
-  spec.authors       = ["Jan Krag", "Mads Nielsen"]
-  spec.email         = ["jak@praqma.net", "man@praqma.net"]
+  spec.name = 'plusbump'
+  spec.version = PlusBump::VERSION
+  spec.authors = ['Jan Krag', 'Mads Nielsen']
+  spec.email = ['jak@praqma.net', 'man@praqma.net']
-  spec.summary       = %q{PlusBump ruby gem}
-  spec.description   = %q{Use this gem to automate the automation of version bumping in git}
-  spec.homepage      = "https://github.com/Praqma/PlusBump"
-  spec.license       = "MIT"
+  spec.summary = 'PlusBump ruby gem'
+  spec.description = 'Use this gem to automate the automation of version bumping in git'
+  spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/Praqma/PlusBump'
+  spec.license = 'MIT'
-  spec.files         = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject do |f|
+  spec.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").reject do |f|
-  spec.bindir        = "bin"
+  spec.bindir = 'bin'
   spec.executables << 'plusbump'
-  spec.require_paths = ["lib"]
+  spec.require_paths = ['lib']
-  spec.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.14"
-  spec.add_development_dependency "rake", "~> 10.0"
-  spec.add_development_dependency "rspec", "~> 3.7"
-  spec.add_runtime_dependency 'docopt', "~> 0.6.1"
-  spec.add_runtime_dependency 'rugged', "~> 0.26"
-  spec.add_runtime_dependency 'semver', "~> 1.0"
+  spec.add_development_dependency 'bundler', '~> 1.14'
+  spec.add_development_dependency 'rake', '~> 10.0'
+  spec.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '~> 3.7'
+  spec.add_runtime_dependency 'docopt', '~> 0.6.1'
+  spec.add_runtime_dependency 'rugged', '~> 0.26'
+  spec.add_runtime_dependency 'semver', '~> 1.0'
diff --git a/spec/plusbump_spec.rb b/spec/plusbump_spec.rb
index 894da0b..245d216 100644
--- a/spec/plusbump_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/plusbump_spec.rb
@@ -1,30 +1,78 @@
 require 'plusbump'
+require 'docopt'
-RSpec.describe PlusBump, "#bump" do
-  specify { 
-    expect { PlusBump.bump(nil, "not_found") }.to output(/No matching tag found for not_found/).to_stdout 
-  }
-  specify {
-    expect(`ruby bin/plusbump -blaha`).to match(/Usage:/)
-  }
-  context "self smoke test" do
-      it "should correctly increment minor to 0.1.0" do
-        expect(PlusBump.bump("5a3cba405f73778b487d56fad3fd4083cfb112b5", nil)).to eq("0.1.0")
-      end
-      it "should increment major from first commit" do 
-        expect(PlusBump.bump("e318c48368febb79309e7c371d99bb49fdd5f900", nil)).to eq("1.0.0")
-      end
-      it "should increment to major when used against 0.1.* and not be 0.1.0" do
-        expect(PlusBump.bump(nil, "0.1.")).not_to eq("0.1.0")
-      end
-      it "should increment to major when used against 0.1.*" do
-        expect(PlusBump.bump(nil, "0.1.")).to eq("1.0.0")
-      end    
-      it "should increment to 1.0.0 when no tag found" do
-        expect(PlusBump.bump(nil, "not_found")).to eq("1.0.0")
-      end
-      it "should incremment to 3.0.0 when semver is prefix" do
-        expect(PlusBump.bump(nil, "2")).to eq("3.0.0")
-      end   
-  end 
\ No newline at end of file
+RSpec.configure do |config|
+  config.before(:all) do
+    PlusBump::Tag.delete('Test_1.0.0')
+  end
+def build_input(commandline)
+  Docopt.docopt(PlusBump::DOCOPT, version: PlusBump::VERSION, argv: commandline.split(' '))
+RSpec.describe PlusBump, "bump" do
+  context '--from-ref used' do
+    it 'should correctly increment minor to 0.1.0' do
+      input = build_input("--from-ref 5a3cba405f73778b487d56fad3fd4083cfb112b5 --base-version 0.0.0")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('0.1.0')
+    end
+    it 'should increment major from to 1.0.0' do
+      input = build_input("--from-ref e318c48368febb79309e7c371d99bb49fdd5f900 --base-version 0.0.0")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('1.0.0')
+    end
+  end
+  context '--base-version used with --from-ref' do
+    it 'should correctly increment minor so version becomes 1.1.0' do
+      input = build_input("--from-ref 5a3cba405f73778b487d56fad3fd4083cfb112b5 --base-version 1.0.0")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('1.1.0')
+    end
+    it 'should correctly increment major so version becomes 2.0.0' do
+      input = build_input("--from-ref e318c48368febb79309e7c371d99bb49fdd5f900 --base-version 1.0.0")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('2.0.0')
+    end
+  end
+#  context '--semver and --prefix specified in ref' do
+#    it 'should correctly increment major so new semver v2.0.0 with manually added prefix' do
+#      expect(PlusBump.bump_by_ref(ref: 'e318c48368febb79309e7c371d99bb49fdd5f900', semver: '1.0.0', prefix: 'v')).to eq('v2.0.0')
+#    end
+#  end
+  context '--from-tag with --base-version' do
+    it 'should increment to major when used against 0.1.* and not be 0.1.0' do
+      input = build_input("--from-tag 0.1. --base-version 0.0.0")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).not_to eq('0.1.0')
+    end
+    it 'should increment to major when used against 0.1.*' do
+      input = build_input("--from-tag 0.1. --base-version 0.0.0")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).not_to eq('0.1.0')
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('1.0.0')
+    end
+  end
+  context '--from-tag with with --base-version-from-tag' do
+    it 'should increment to 3.0.0 when used with 2.0.0 as tag glob' do
+      input = build_input("--from-tag 2.0.0 --base-version-from-tag='' --new-prefix=Test_")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('Test_3.0.0')
+    end
+    it 'should increment to 2.1.0 when used with 2.0.0 as tag glob and no matching major pattern (minor matches)' do
+      input = build_input("--from-tag 2.0.0 --base-version-from-tag='' --new-prefix=Test_ --major-pattern=not_there")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('Test_2.1.0')
+    end
+    it 'should increment to correctly with tag prefix' do
+      input = build_input("--from-tag R_ --base-version-from-tag=R_")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('2.1.0')
+    end
+    it 'should increment correctly with empty base-version-from-tag' do
+      input = build_input("--from-tag R_ --base-version-from-tag=''")
+      expect(PlusBump.bump(input)).to eq('2.1.0')
+    end
+  end
+  context 'tag should be created' do
+    specify { expect { PlusBump::Tag.create('Test_1.0.0') }.to output(/Created tag Test_1.0.0/).to_stdout }
+  end
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index 251aa51..0cb0392 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -43,58 +43,4 @@
   # inherited by the metadata hash of host groups and examples, rather than
   # triggering implicit auto-inclusion in groups with matching metadata.
   config.shared_context_metadata_behavior = :apply_to_host_groups
-# The settings below are suggested to provide a good initial experience
-# with RSpec, but feel free to customize to your heart's content.
-  # This allows you to limit a spec run to individual examples or groups
-  # you care about by tagging them with `:focus` metadata. When nothing
-  # is tagged with `:focus`, all examples get run. RSpec also provides
-  # aliases for `it`, `describe`, and `context` that include `:focus`
-  # metadata: `fit`, `fdescribe` and `fcontext`, respectively.
-  config.filter_run_when_matching :focus
-  # Allows RSpec to persist some state between runs in order to support
-  # the `--only-failures` and `--next-failure` CLI options. We recommend
-  # you configure your source control system to ignore this file.
-  config.example_status_persistence_file_path = "spec/examples.txt"
-  # Limits the available syntax to the non-monkey patched syntax that is
-  # recommended. For more details, see:
-  #   - http://rspec.info/blog/2012/06/rspecs-new-expectation-syntax/
-  #   - http://www.teaisaweso.me/blog/2013/05/27/rspecs-new-message-expectation-syntax/
-  #   - http://rspec.info/blog/2014/05/notable-changes-in-rspec-3/#zero-monkey-patching-mode
-  config.disable_monkey_patching!
-  # This setting enables warnings. It's recommended, but in some cases may
-  # be too noisy due to issues in dependencies.
-  config.warnings = true
-  # Many RSpec users commonly either run the entire suite or an individual
-  # file, and it's useful to allow more verbose output when running an
-  # individual spec file.
-  if config.files_to_run.one?
-    # Use the documentation formatter for detailed output,
-    # unless a formatter has already been configured
-    # (e.g. via a command-line flag).
-    config.default_formatter = "doc"
-  end
-  # Print the 10 slowest examples and example groups at the
-  # end of the spec run, to help surface which specs are running
-  # particularly slow.
-  config.profile_examples = 10
-  # Run specs in random order to surface order dependencies. If you find an
-  # order dependency and want to debug it, you can fix the order by providing
-  # the seed, which is printed after each run.
-  #     --seed 1234
-  config.order = :random
-  # Seed global randomization in this process using the `--seed` CLI option.
-  # Setting this allows you to use `--seed` to deterministically reproduce
-  # test failures related to randomization by passing the same `--seed` value
-  # as the one that triggered the failure.
-  Kernel.srand config.seed