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414 lines (406 loc) · 27.6 KB

File metadata and controls

414 lines (406 loc) · 27.6 KB

Change log for DscResource.Tests


  • Fixes issue where Reset-DSC causes a Warning to be logged if a DSC configuration is not currently running.
  • Added issue templates.
  • Added the ability to temporary skip common test for debugging purposes (issue #219).
  • Added functionality to Install-ModuleFromPowerShellGallery helper function to allow using Nuget.exe when it is already installed in the temp path. Addresses (issue #301).
  • Updated Unit tests to reflect the changes to the Install-ModuleFromPowerShellGallery helper function.
  • Added a RequiredVersion for PSPKI (v3.3.0.0) in TestHelper because of a critical issue in the recently released version (v3.4.0.1) of that module.
  • Improved Wiki documentation generation to address more example file types and increased unit test coverage and function (issue #256).
  • Added .gitignore file and suppressed package-lock.json file from being included in repo.
  • Changes to AppVeyor.psm1
    • Updated Invoke-AppveyorInstallTask to provide better informational messages when installing each prerequisite (issue #293).
    • Added unit tests for Invoke-AppveyorInstallTask.
  • Changes to TestHelper.psm1
    • Updated Install-NuGetExe to have a new parameter RequiredVersion. Also, the Uri parameter no longer takes the entire download URL but just the URI, i.e. The correct download URL is now concatenated withing the helper function.
  • Now outputs a warning when a repository does not have a Tests folder (issue #296).
  • Update PSSA rule Measure-IfStatement to handle when there is a clause spanning multiple rows and the first rows ends correctly with an open brace (see example in the regression test for this issue) (issue #238).
  • Update call to install PowerShellGet via Install-Module in AppVeyor.psm1 to use AllowClobber (issue #310).
  • Fix MetaFixers Functions Pipeline Processing.
  • Added common opt-in tests for localization (issue #145).
    • Should have an en-US localization folder.
    • The en-US localization folder should have the correct casing.
    • A resource file with the correct name should exist in the localization folder.
    • The resource or module should use all the localization string keys from the localization resource file.
    • The localization resource file should not be missing any localization string key that is used in the resource or module.
    • If there are other localization folders (other than en-US)
      • They should contain a resource file with the correct name.
      • The folders should use the correct casing.
      • All en-US resource file localized string keys must also exist in the resource file.
      • There should be no additional localized string keys in the resource file that do not exist in the en-US resource file.
  • Added Publish-WikiContent helper function to publish auto-generated Wiki files to the relevant DSC resource GitHub Wiki with sidebar, footer and WikiSource file copying (issue #142, issue #227 and issue #228).
  • Update New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp to output the PowerShell help files to to the relevant DSC resource GitHub Wiki (issue #142).
  • Update New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp to optionally output the PowerShell help files to the resource specific path and fix the example processing.
  • Added processing to Test-PublishMetaData for the InvalidGUID error from Test-ScriptFileInfo (issue #330).
  • Update New-DscResourcePowerShellHelp to optionally output the PowerShell help files to the resource specific path and fix the example processing.
    • The files are now outputted as UTF-8 (ASCII).
  • Added processing to Test-PublishMetaData for the InvalidGUID error from Test-ScriptFileInfo (issue #330).
  • Added PowerShell Script Analyzer rules to check the following statements are in lower case: if,foreach,do,while,for, try,catch,enum,class (issue #224).
  • Moved Publish Wiki Content section in the to the correct location.
  • Removed the legacy CHANGELOG link in the table of contents.
  • Fixed broken links and formatting in the file.
  • Added Measure-Keyword function to check if all keywords are in lower case.
    • If a keyword is followed by parentheses,there should be a single space between them.
    • DSC Keywords are ignored.
  • Added Measure-Hashtable function to check if a hashtable is correctly formatted.
    • Empty hashtables with white space are ignored.
    • Fix issues with LF.
    • Fix issue with DSC composite resources.
  • Turn on the Custom Script Analyzer Rules meta test.
  • Rewrite of Get-MofSchemaObject to use internal methods instead of text based parsing.
  • Fixed error when generating Wiki content for MOF that contains an array type (issue #357).

  • Extra whitespace trimmed from TestHelper.psm1 (feature of VS Code).
  • Removed code to Remove-Module from Initialize-TestEnvironment because not required: Import-Module -force should do the same thing.
  • Initialize-TestEnvironment changed to import module being tested into Global scope so that InModuleScope not required in tests.
  • Fixed aliases in files
  • Initialize-TestEnvironment changed to update the execution policy for the current process only
  • Restore-TestEnvironment changed to update the execution policy for the current process only.
  • Cleaned all common tests
    • Added tests for PS Script Analyzer
  • Cleaned TestHelper
    • Removed Force parameter from Install-ModuleFromPowerShellGallery
    • Added more test helper functions
  • Cleaned MetaFixers and TestRunner
  • Updated common test output format
  • Added Install-NuGetExe to TestHelper.psm1
  • Fixed up to remove markdown violations and resolve duplicate information
  • Added AppVeyor.psm1 module
  • Added DscResource.DocumentationHelper modules
  • Added new tests for testing Examples and Markdown (using Node/NPM/Gulp)
  • Clean up layout of to be more logically structured and added more information about the new tests and modules
  • Added documentation for new tests and features
  • Added phased Meta Test roll-out
  • Added code coverage report with
  • Added default parameter values for HarnessFunctionName and HarnessModulePath in AppVeyor\Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask cmdlet
  • Fixed bug in DscResource.DocumentationHelper\MofHelper.psm1 when 'class' mentioned in MOF file outside of header
  • Added ability for DscResource.DocumentationHelper\WikiPages.psm1 to display Array type parameters correctly
  • Fixed Wiki Generation to create Markdown that does not violate markdown rules
  • Removed violation of markdown rules from
  • Fixed Wiki Generation when Example header contains parentheses.
  • Added so that any error message for each test are also published to the AppVeyor "Tests-view".
  • Added a common test to verify so that no markdown files contains Byte Order Mark (BOM) (issue #108).
  • Fixed bug where node_modules or .git directories caused errors with long file paths for tests
  • Added SkipPublisherCheck to Install-Module calls for installing Pester. This way it does not conflict with signed Pester module included in Windows.
    • Fixed bug when SkipPublisherCheck does not exist in older versions of the Install-Module cmdlet.
  • Changed so that markdown lint rules MD013 and MD024 is disabled by default for the markdown common test.
  • Added an option to use a markdown lint settings file in the repository which will override the default markdown lint settings file in DscResource.Tests repository.
  • Added a new parameter ResourceType to the test helper function Initialize-TestEnvironment to be able to test class-based resources in the folder DscClassResources. The new parameter ResourceType can be set to either 'Mof' or 'Class'. Default value for parameter ResourceType is 'Mof'.
  • Changed markdown lint rule MD029 to use the 'one' style for ordered lists (issue #115).
  • Removed the reference to the function ConvertTo-SpaceIndentation from the warning message in the test that checks for tabs in module files. The function ConvertTo-SpaceIndentation does not exist anymore (issue #4).
  • Removed Byte Order Mark (BOM) from the module file TestRunner.psm1.
  • Updated so that checking for Byte Order Mark (BOM) in markdown file lists the full path so it easier to distinguish when filenames are equal in different locations.
  • Updated so that module files (.psm1) are checked for Byte Order Mark (BOM) (issue #143).
  • Updated It-blocks for File Parsing tests so that they are more descriptive for the AppVeyor "Tests-view".
  • Changed debug message which outputs the type of the $results variable (in AppVeyor.psm1) to use Write-Verbose instead of Write-Info (issue #99).
  • Added Get-ResourceModulesInConfiguration to TestHelper.psm1 to get support installing DSC Resource modules when testing examples.
  • Enable 'Common Tests - Validate Example Files' to install missing required modules if running in AppVeyor or show warning if run by user.
  • Added new common test so that script files (.ps1) are checked for Byte Order Mark (BOM) (issue #160). This test is opt-in using .MetaTestOptIn.json.
  • Added minimum viable product for applying custom PS Script Analyzer rules to check adherence to DSC Resource Kit style guidelines (issue #86). The current rules checks the [Parameter()] attribute format is correct in all parameter blocks.
    • Fixed Byte Order Mark (BOM) in files; DscResource.AnalyzerRules.psd1, DscResource.AnalyzerRules.psm1 and en-US/DscResource.AnalyzerRules.psd1 (issue #169).
    • Extended the parameter custom rule to also validate the Mandatory attribute.
  • Fixed so that code coverage can be scan for code even if there is no DSCResource folder.
  • Added workaround for AppVeyor replaces punctuation in folder structure for DscResource.Tests.
  • Remove the $repoName variable and replace it with $moduleName as it was a duplicate.
  • Added so that DscResource.Tests is testing it self with it's own common tests (issue #170).
  • Change to resolve lint error MD029 and MD036.
  • Added module manifest for manifest common tests to pass.
  • Added status badges to
  • Fixed the markdown test so that node_modules can be deleted when path contains an apostrophe (issue #166).
    • Fixed typo in It-blocks when uninstalling dependencies.
  • Code was moved from the example tests into a new helper function Install-DependentModule (issue #168). Also fixed bug with Version, where Install-Module would not use the correct variable for splatting.
  • Enable so that missing required modules for integration tests is installed if running in AppVeyor or show warning if run by user (issue #168).
  • Set registry key HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\DisablePromptToUpdateHelp to 1 when running in AppVeyor to suppress warning caused by running custom rules in PSScriptAnalyzer in the GetExternalRule() method of Engine/ScriptAnalyzer.cs (issue #176).
  • Added unit tests for helper function Start-DscResourceTests.
  • Updated AppVeyor code so that common tests and unit tests is run on the working branch's tests. This is to be able to test changes to tests in pull requests without having to merge the pull request before seeing the result.
  • Add opt-in parameter RunTestInOrder for the helper function Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask which enables running integration tests in order (issue #184).
    • Refactored the class IntegrationTest to be a public sealed class and using a named property for OrderNumber (issue #191).
  • Add Script Analyzer custom rule to test functions and statements so that opening braces are set according to the style guideline (issue #27).
  • When common tests are running on another repository than DscResource.Tests the DscResource.Tests unit and integration tests are removed from the list of tests to run (issue #189).
  • Fix ModuleVersion number value inserted into manifest in NuGet package produced in Invoke-AppveyorAfterTestTask (issue #193).
  • Fix TestRunner.Tests.ps1 to make compatible with Pester 4.0.7 (issue #196).
  • Improved WikiPages.psm1 to include the EmbeddedInstance to the datatype in the generated wiki page (issue #201)
  • Added basic support for analyzing TypeDefinitionAst related code e.g. Enum & Class definitions to include Basic Brace newline rules
    • Created new unit tests to validate the Analyzer rules pass or fail as expected for these new rules
  • Added Test-IsClass Cmdlet to determine if particular Ast objects are members of a Class or not
    • Created new Unit Tests to validate the functionality of said cmdlet
  • Modified current Parameter, and AttributeArgument Analyzer Rules to check for Class membership and properly validate in those cases as well as the current Function based Cmdlets
    • Created new unit tests to validate the new Analyzer rules pass or fail as expected for Class based resources
  • Minor code cleanup in AppVeyor.psm1.
  • Updated documentation in and comment-based help in TestHelp.psm1 to use the new name of the renamed SqlServerDsc resource module.
  • Fixed minor typo in manifest for the CodeCoverage module.
  • Added a wrapper Set-PSModulePath for setting $env:PSModulePath to be able to write unit tests for the helper functions with more code coverage.
  • Minor typos and cleanup in helper functions.
  • Fixed a bug in Install-DependentModule when calling the helper function using a specific version to install. Now Get-Module will no longer throw an error that it does not have a parameter named 'Version'.
  • Added unit test for helper function in TestHelper to increase code coverage.
  • Added Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask cmdlet functionality for CodeCoverage for Class based resources (issue #173)
  • Add opt-in parameter RunInContainer for the helper function Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask which enables running unit tests in a Docker Windows container. The RunInContainer parameter can only be used when the parameter RunTestInOrder is also used.
  • Moved helper function Write-Info to the TestHelpers module so it could be reused by other modules. The string was changed to output 'UTC' before the time to clarify that it is UTC time, and optional parameter 'ForegroundColor' was added so that it is possible to change the color of the text that is written.
  • Added module DscResource.Container which contain logic to handle the container testing when unit tests are run in a Docker Windows container.
  • Added Get-OptInStatus function to enable retrieving of an opt-in status by name. This is required for implementation of PS Script Analyzer opt-in rules where the describe block contains multiple opt-ins in a single block.
  • Added new opt-in flags to allow enforcement of script analyzer rules (issue #161)
  • Updated year in DscResources.Tests.psd1 manifest to 2018.
  • Fixed bug where common test would throw an error if there were no .MetaTestOptIn.json file or it was empty (no opt-ins).
  • Added more tests for custom PS Script Analyzer rules to increased code coverage. These new tests call the Measure-functions directly.
  • Changed so that DscResource.Tests repository can analyze code coverage for the helper modules (issue #208).
  • Importing of the TestHelper.psm1 module is now done at the top of the script of AppVeyor.psm1. Previously it was imported in each helper function. This was done to make it easier to mock the helper functions inside the TestHelper.psm1 module when testing AppVeyor.psm1.
  • Changed Get-PSModulePathItem to trim end back slash (issue #217)
  • Updated to support running unit tests on PowerShell Core:
    • Updated helper function Test-FileHasByteOrderMark to use AsByteStream.
    • Install-PackageProvider will only run if Find-PackageProvider -Name 'NuGet' returns a package. Currently it is not found on the AppVeyor build worker for PowerShell Core.
    • Adding tests to AppVeyor test pane is done by using the RestAPI because the cmdlet Add-AppveyorTest is not supported on PowerShell Core yet.
    • All Push-AppveyorArtifact has been changed to use the helper function Push-TestArtifact instead.
    • The helper function Push-TestArtifact uses 'appveyor.exe' to upload artifacts because the cmdlet Push-AppveyorArtifact is not supported on PowerShell Core.
  • Fix codecov no longer generates an error message when uploading test coverage (issue #203).
  • Added new helper function Get-DscTestContainerInformation to read the container information in a particular PowerShell script test file (.Tests.ps1).
  • BREAKING CHANGE: For those repositories that are using parameter RunTestInOrder for the helper function Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask the decoration [Microsoft.DscResourceKit.IntegrationTest(OrderNumber = 1)] need to move from the configuration file to the test file. This was done since unit tests do not have configuration files, and also to align the ability to define the order and the container information using the same decoration. It is also natural to have the decoration in the test files since those are the scripts that are actually run in order.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: The parameter RunInDocker is removed in helper function Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask. Using parameter RunTestInOrder will now handle running tests in a container, but only if at least on test is decorated using [Microsoft.DscResourceKit.IntegrationTest()] or [Microsoft.DscResourceKit.UnitTest()], together with the correct named arguments.
  • Added support for the default shared module to run unit test and integration test in a container by decorating each test file with either [Microsoft.DscResourceKit.IntegrationTest()] or [Microsoft.DscResourceKit.UnitTest()].
  • DcsResource.Container
    • Now has support for verifying if image, with or without a tag, exists locally or needs to be pulled from Docker Hub.
    • Now shows the correct localized message when downloading an image.
    • If 'latest' tag is used on the image name, 'docker pull' will be called to make sure the local revision of 'latest' is actually the latest revision on Docker Hub. If it isn't, then the latest image will be pulled from Docker Hub.
  • Updated AppVeyor.Tests
    • Mock for Resolve-CoverageInfo was removed since it was not used.
    • Moved importing of DscResource.CodeCoverage module to top of AppVeyor.psm1 for easier mocking.
  • Codecov is once again uploaded for "Harness"-model resource modules (issue #229).
  • Changed Example common test
    • Added support for examples to have mandatory parameters.
    • Added support for all credential parameters, regardless of parameter name.
    • Added support to use the same name both for filename and configuration name. Supporting filenames starting with or without a numeric value and a dash, e.g '99-MyExample.ps1', or ''. Any filename starting with a numeric value followed by a dash will be removed. This is to support configurations to be able to compile in Azure Automation, but still support auto-documentation.
  • Add support for publishing examples configurations to PowerShell Gallery if opt-in (issue #234).
  • Added new opt-in common test 'Common Tests - Validate Example Files To Be Published'. This common test verifies that the examples those name ending with '*Config' passes testing of script meta data, and that there are no duplicate GUIDs in the script meta data (within the examples in the repository).
  • Fix bug in Invoke-AppveyorAfterTestTask to prevent Wiki generation function from getting documentation files from variable $MainModulePath defined in AppVeyor.yml (issue #245).
  • Added support for example and integration test configurations compilation using a certificate, so that there are no more need for PSDscAllowPlainTextPassword in configurations (issue #240).
  • Refactored WikiPages.psm1 to meet guidelines and improve testability.
  • Added unit test coverage for WikiPages.psm1.
  • Added support to Wiki generation for Example files that are formatted in the way required by the automatic example publishing code (issue #247).
  • Added .gitattributes to force EOL to be CRLF to make testing more consistent in unit tests.
  • Make sure the latest PowerShellGet is installed on the AppVeyor Build Worker (issue #252).
  • Update the example publishing example to not use .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES (only #Requires is needed). .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES is used for external dependencies (outside of PowerShell Gallery).
  • Example publishing can now use a filename without number prefix (issue #254).
  • Update New-DscSelfSignedCertificate to set environment variables even if certificate already exists.
  • Change Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask to also create a self-signed certificate using New-DscSelfSignedCertificate so that the certificate environment variables are still assigned if the test machine reboots after calling Invoke-AppveyorInstallTask (issue #255).
  • Change New-DscSelfSignedCertificate to write information about certificate creation or usage so that Invoke-AppveyorInstallTask and Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask does not have to (issue #259).
  • Remove option to use CustomTaskModulePath. It was not used, nor documented. To make the unit tests easier the option was removed (issue #263).
  • Improved the unit tests for the helper function Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask, adding more test coverage, especially for the container part.
  • Moved the import of module DscResource.Container to the top of the module file AppVeyor.psm1 to simplify the unit tests.
  • Rearranging the Import-Module and the comment-based help, in the module file AppVeyor.psm1, so that the comment-based help is at the top of the file.
  • Fix informational message when publishing examples (issue #261).
  • When cloning this repo and checking out the dev branch, the file DscResource.AnalyzerRules.Tests.ps1 was always unstaged. This was probably due to the .gitattributes file that was introduced in a previous PR. EOL in DscResource.AnalyzerRules.Tests.ps1 is now fixed.
  • Adding regression tests for issue #70).
  • Migrate Pester Test Syntax from v3 -> v4 (issue #199).
  • Activate GitHub App Review Me.
  • Removed the default values of the parameter ExcludeTag in favor of using opt-in. Default is that those tests are opt-out, and must be opt-in (issue #274).
  • Excluding tag 'Examples' when calling Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask since this repository will never have examples.
  • Added Rule Name to PS Script Analyzer custom rules.
  • Added PS Script Analyzer Rule Name to Write-Warning output in meta.tests.
  • Removed sections 'Goals' and 'Git and Unicode' as they have become redundant (issue #282).
  • Add a new parameter -CodeCoveragePath in the function Invoke-AppveyorTestScriptTask to be able to add one or more relative paths which will be searched for PowerShell modules files (.psm1) to be used for evaluating code coverage (issue #114).
  • The Modules folder, in the resource module root path, was added as a default path to be searched for PowerShell modules files (.psm1) to be used for evaluating code coverage.
  • Added a pull request template as that will be shown to the contributor when a pull requests are sent in.
  • Added a common tests to test the length of the relative file path so the paths are not exceeding the current path hard limit in Azure Automation (issue #188).
  • Add new opt-in common test for markdown link linting (issue #211).
  • Adding opt-in common test for spellchecking markdown files. Opt-in by adding "Common Tests - Spellcheck Markdown Files" in the file .MetaTestOptIn.json (issue #211).
  • Opt-in for the test "Common Tests - Spellcheck Markdown Files", and added the settings file .vscode\cSpell.json.
  • Move section Phased Meta test Opt-In in the, and renamed it to Common Meta test Opt-In (issue #281).
  • Move the change log from to (issue #284).
  • Opt-in to the common test (issue #287).
    • Common Tests - Relative Path Length
    • Common Tests - Validate Markdown Links
  • Change the section "PowerShell Gallery API key" in to to use .gitattributes file instead of git config --global core.autocrlf true (issue #280).

  • Fixed unicode and path bugs in tests

  • Initial release