For each image you want to decensor, using image editing software like Photoshop or GIMP to color the areas you want to decensor the green color (0,255,0), which is a very bright green color.
I strongly recommend you use the pencil tool and NOT the brush tool.
If you aren't using the pencil tool, BE SURE TO TURN OFF ANTI-ALIASING on the tool you are using.
I personally use the wand selection tool with anti-aliasing turned off to select the censored regions. I then expand the selections slightly, pick the color (0,255,0), and use the paint bucket tool on the selected regions.
To expand selections in Photoshop, do Selection > Modify > Expand or Contract. To expand selections in GIMP, do Select > Grow.
Save these images in the PNG format to the "decensor_input" folder. They MUST be in PNG format.
Decensor the images by double-clicking on the decensor file.
Decensor the images by running
$ python
Decensored images will be saved to the "decensor_output" folder. Decensoring takes a few minutes per image.
As with decensoring bar censors, perform the same steps of coloring the censored regions green and putting the colored image into the "decensor_input" folder.
In addition, move the original, uncolored images into the "decensor_input_original" folder. Ensure each original image has the same names as their corresponding colored version in the "decensor_input" folder.
For example, if the original image is called "mermaid.jpg," then you want to put this image in the "decensor_input_original" folder and, after you colored the censored regions, name the colored image "mermaid.png" and move it to the "decensor_input" folder.
Decensor the images by double-clicking on the decensor_mosaic file.
Decensor the images by running
$ python --is_mosaic=True
Decensored images will be saved to the "decensor_output" folder. Decensoring takes a few minutes per image.
To be implemented.