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Blockchain Papers Awesome

A curated list of blockchain-related academic papers. Papers with 🎓 have been peer-reviewed and presented in academic conferences.

Thanks to the excellent work of decrypto-org/blockchain-papers. This repository is forked from their repository, but continuously add great papers and makes a more reasonable organization based on the content and source of papers.

If you want to join with us, please feel free to contact me. Then, remember to read before adding papers.


  • Papers of CCS '23 added
  • Papers of NDSS '23 added
  • Papers of S&P '23 first cycle added
  • Papers of INFOCOM '23 added
  • Papers of SOSP '23 added

Conference Information








  • CoRR
  • T&I(Telematics and Informatics)
  • EC
  • IACR
  • EuroS&P <= 2020

Content Labels

  • Composition
    • System
    • Network, Wallets, Mining, Smart Contracts
    • Consensus:
      • BFT, PoW(Proof of work), PoS(Proof of stake), PoX(Proof-of-X), DAG
  • Privacy
    • Mixing, RS(Ring signature), RingCT
    • ZKP(Zero-knowledge proof), HE(Homomorphic encryption)
    • BS(Blind signature)
    • MPC, TS(Threshold signature)
    • TRE(Timed-release encryption)
    • TEE
  • Scalability:
    • Concurrency
    • Interoperability
    • Layer 2
      • PC(Payment Channel),
      • Plasma,
      • Rollups,
      • Sidechains
  • Security
    • Attacks
    • Multi-signature
    • Formal Methods
    • Post-quantum
    • Atomic Swaps
    • Auditation
  • Programmability
  • Applications
    • Crime, Economics, Marketplaces, Sociological, Anthropological
  • Article Types:
    • SoK(Systematization of knowledge), Survey, Review
    • Empirical
    • Research(default), Industrial, Tool
    • Short, Workshop, Demo

USENIX Security (A)

S&P (A)





no papers directly related to blockchain in EUROCRYPTO'20,21



  • 🎓 QuePaxa: Escaping the tyranny of timeouts in consensus. Pasindu Tennage (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)), Cristina Basescu (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)), Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias (IST Austria, Mysten Labs), Ewa Syta (Trinity College), Philipp Jovanovic (UCL), Vero Estrada-Galinanes (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)) and Bryan Ford (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)). SOSP'23

    • Keyword: leader-based consensus
  • 🎓 Flexible Advancement in Asynchronous BFT Consensus. Shengyun Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Wenbo Xu (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group), Chen Shan (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group), Xiaofeng Yan (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group), Tianjing Xu (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group), Bo Wang (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group), Lei Fan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Fuxi Deng (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group), Ying Yan (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group) and Hui Zhang (Blockchain Platform Division, Ant Group). SOSP'23

    • Keyword: BFT
  • 🎓 Forerunner: Constraint-based Speculative Transaction Execution for Ethereum. Yang Chen (Microsoft Research), Zhongxin Guo (Microsoft Research), Runhuai Li (Zhejiang University and Microsoft Research), Shuo Chen (Microsoft Research), Lidong Zhou (Microsoft Research), Yajin Zhou (Zhejiang University), Xian Zhang (Microsoft Research). SOSP'21

    • Keyword: Concurrency
  • 🎓 Kauri: Scalable BFT Consensus with Pipelined Tree-Based Dissemination and Aggregation. Ray Neiheiser (INESC-ID, IST, U. Lisboa and UFSC/DAS), Miguel Matos (INESC-ID, IST, U. Lisboa), Luís Rodrigues (INESC-ID, IST, U. Lisboa). SOSP'21

    • Keyword: Consensus-BFT
  • 🎓 BIDL: A High-throughput, Low-latency Permissioned Blockchain Framework for Datacenter Networks. Ji Qi (The University of Hong Kong), Xusheng Chen (The University of Hong Kong), Yunpeng Jiang (The University of Hong Kong), Jianyu Jiang (The University of Hong Kong), Tianxiang Shen (The University of Hong Kong), Shixiong Zhao (The University of Hong Kong), Sen Wang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Gong Zhang (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Li Chen (Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.), Man Ho Au (The University of Hong Kong), Heming Cui (The University of Hong Kong). SOSP'21

    • Keyword: Consensus-BFT
  • 🎓 Basil: Breaking up BFT with ACID (transactions). Florian Suri-Payer (Cornell University), Matthew Burke (Cornell University), Yunhao Zhang (Cornell University), Zheng Wang (Cornell University), Lorenzo Alvisi (Cornell University), Natacha Crooks (UC Berkeley). SOSP'21

    • Keyword: Consensus-BFT
  • 🎓 Teechain: A Secure Payment Network with Asynchronous Blockchain Access. Joshua Lind, Oded Naor, Ittay Eyal, Florian Kelbert, Peter Pietzuch, Emin Gun Sirer. SOSP'19

    • Keyword: PC
  • 🎓 Fast and Secure Global Payments with Stellar. Marta Lokhava, Giuliano Losa, David Mazières, Graydon Hoare, Nicolas Barry, Eliezer Gafni, Jonathan Jove, Rafał Malinowski, Jed McCaleb. SOSP'19

    • Keyword: Consensus
  • 🎓 Notary: A Device for Secure Transaction Approval. Anish Athalye, Adam Belay, Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, Nickolai Zeldovich. SOSP'19

    • Keyword: Consensus
  • 🎓 Algorand: Scaling Byzantine Agreements for Cryptocurrencies. Yossi Gilad, Rotem Hemo, Silvio Micali, Georgios Vlachos, Nickolai Zeldovich. SOSP'17

    • Keyword: Consensus




  • 🎓 Finding Consensus Bugs in Ethereum via Multi-transaction Differential Fuzzing. Youngseok Yang, Seoul National University; Taesoo Kim, Georgia Institute of Technology; Byung-Gon Chun, Seoul National University and FriendliAI

    • Keyword: Security, Ethereum
  • 🎓 Bringing Decentralized Search to Decentralized Services. Mingyu Li, Jinhao Zhu, and Tianxu Zhang, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China; Cheng Tan, Northeastern University; Yubin Xia, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China; Sebastian Angel, University of Pennsylvania; Haibo Chen, Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai AI Laboratory; Engineering Research Center for Domain-specific Operating Systems, Ministry of Education, China

    • Keyword: TEE, Decentralized Application
  • 🎓 Virtual Consensus in Delos. Mahesh Balakrishnan, Jason Flinn, Chen Shen, Mihir Dharamshi, Ahmed Jafri, Xiao Shi, Santosh Ghosh, Hazem Hassan, Aaryaman Sagar, Rhed Shi, Jingming Liu, Filip Gruszczynski, Xianan Zhang, Huy Hoang, Ahmed Yossef, Francois Richard, and Yee Jiun Song, Facebook, Inc. OSDI'20

    • Keyword: Scalability, Consensus
  • 🎓 Byzantine Ordered Consensus without Byzantine Oligarchy. Yunhao Zhang, Cornell University; Srinath Setty, Qi Chen, and Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research; Lorenzo Alvisi, Cornell University. OSDI'20

    • Keyword: Scalability, Consensus, Byzantine Ordered Consensus
  • 🎓 Microsecond Consensus for Microsecond Applications. Marcos K. Aguilera and Naama Ben-David, VMware Research; Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL; Virendra J. Marathe, Oracle Labs; Athanasios Xygkis and Igor Zablotchi, EPFL. OSDI'20

    • Keyword: Scalability, Consensus
  • 🎓 Blockene: A High-throughput Blockchain Over Mobile Devices. Sambhav Satija and Apurv Mehra, Microsoft Research India; Sudheesh Singanamalla, University of Washington; Karan Grover, Muthian Sivathanu, Nishanth Chandran, Divya Gupta, and Satya Lokam, Microsoft Research India. OSDI'20

    • Keyword: Scalability, Consensus
  • 🎓 Proving the correct execution of concurrent services in zero-knowledge. Srinath Setty, Sebastian Angel, Trinabh Gupta, Jonathan Lee. OSDI'18.

    • Keyword: Spice, Formal Methods, ZKP
  • 🎓 Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance. Castro M., Liskov B. OSDI'99.

    • Keyword: Consensus


  • 🎓 Confidentiality Support over Financial Grade Consortium Blockchain. Ying Yan (Ant Financial Services Group), Changzheng Wei (Ant Financial Services Group), Xuepeng Guo (Ant Financial Services Group), Xuming Lu (Ant Financial Services Group), Xiaofu Zheng (Ant Financial Services Group), Qi Liu (Ant Financial Services Group), Chenhui Zhou (Ant Financial Services Group), Xuyang Song (Ant Financial Services Group), Boran Zhao (Ant Financial Services Group), Hui Zhang (Ant Financial Services Group), Guofei Jiang (Ant Financial Services Group). SIGMOD'20

    • Keyword: Privacy, TEE
    • Type: Industrial
  • 🎓 FalconDB: Blockchain-based Collaborative Database. Yanqing Peng (University of Utah), Min Du (University of California, Berkeley), Feifei Li (University of Utah), Raymond Cheng (University of California, Berkeley), Dawn Song (University of California, Berkeley). SIGMOD'20

    • Keyword: Application
  • 🎓 A Transactional Perspective on Execute-order-validate Blockchains. Pingcheng Ruan (National University of Singapore), Dumitrel Loghin (National University of Singapore), Quang-Trung Ta (National University of Singapore), Meihui Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology), Gang Chen (Zhejiang University), Beng Chin Ooi (National University of Singapore). SIGMOD'20






  • 🎓 Smart Contract Security: a Practitioners’ Perspective. hiyuan Wan (ZheJiang University, China), Xin Xia (Monash University, Australia), David Lo (Singapore Management University, Singapore), Jiachi Chen (Monash University, Australia), Xiapu Luo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China), Xiaohu Yang(Zhejiang University, China)
    • Keyword: Smart Contract

Journal of Cryptology (A)






  • 🎓 Policy-based Chameleon Hash for Blockchain Rewriting with Black-box Accountability. Yangguang Tian, Pawel Szalachowski, Jianying Zhou (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Yingjiu Li (University of Oregon), Nan Li (University of Newcastle). ACSAC'20

    • Keyword: System

EuroSys (B)

no papers directly related to blockchain in EUROSYS'20

  • 🎓 Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains. Elli Androulaki, Artem Barger, Vita Bortnikov, Christian Cachin, Konstantinos Christidis, Angelo De Caro, David Enyeart, Christopher Ferris, Gennady Laventman, Yacov Manevich, Srinivasan Muralidharan, Chet Murthy, Binh Nguyen, Manish Sethi, Gari Singh, Keith Smith, Alessandro Sorniotti, Chrysoula Stathakopoulou, Marko Vukolić, Sharon Weed Cocco, Jason Yellick. EuroSys'18
    • Keyword: System


  • 🎓 An Analysis of Blockchain Consistency in Asynchronous Networks: Deriving a Neat Bound. Jun Zhao, Jing Tang, Li Zengxiang, Huaxiong Wang, Kwok-Yan Lam and Kaiping Xue. ICDCS'20

  • 🎓 Fair and Efficient Gossip in Hyperledger Fabric. Nicolae Berendea, Hugues Mercier, Emanuel Onica and Etienne Rivière. ICDCS'20

    • Keywork: Network
  • 🎓 Privacy-assured and Lightweight On-chain Auditing of Decentralized Storage. Yuefeng Du, Huayi Duan, Anxin Zhou, Cong Wang, Man Ho Au and Qian Wang. ICDCS'20

    • Keywork: Auditation, Privacy
  • 🎓 Game theoretical analysis of Cross-Chain Swaps. Marianna Belotti, Stefano Secci, Stefano Moretti and Maria Potop-Butucaru. ICDCS'20

  • 🎓 A Certificateless Consortium Blockchain for IoTs. Xiaobing Guo, Qingxiao Guo, Min Liu, Yunhao Wang, Yilong Ma and Bo Yang. ICDCS'20

    • Keywork: System
  • 🎓 TinyEVM: Off-Chain Smart Contracts on Low-Power IoT. Christos Profentzas, Olaf Landsiedel and Magnus Almgren. ICDCS'20

    • Keyword: Smart Contracts
  • 🎓 Permissioned Blockchain Through the Looking Glass: Architectural and Implementation Lessons Learned. Suyash Gupta, Sajjad Rahnama and Mohammad Sadoghi. ICDCS'20

    • Keywork: System
  • 🎓 Toward Trustworthy Blockchain-as-a-Service with Auditing. Yongrae Jo, Jeonghyun Ma and Chanik Park. ICDCS'20

    • Keywork: Auditation
  • 🎓 Consistency of Proof-of-Stake Blockchains with Concurrent Honest Slot Leaders. Aggelos Kiayias, Saad Quader and Alexander Russell. ICDCS'20

    • Keywork: Concurrency
  • 🎓 LVQ: A Lightweight Verifiable Query Approach for Transaction History in Bitcoin. Xiaohai Dai, Jiang Xiao, Wenhui Yang, Chaofan Wang, Jian Chang, Rui Han and Hai Jin. ICDCS'20

  • 🎓 A Study on Nine Years of Bitcoin Transactions: Understanding Real-world Behaviors of Bitcoin Miners and Users. Binbing Hou and Feng Chen. ICDCS'20

  • 🎓 On Exploiting Transaction Concurrency To Speed Up Blockchains. Daniel Reijsbergen and Anh Dinh. ICDCS'20

    • Keywork: Concurrency
  • 🎓 SAFEPAY on Ethereum: A Framework For Detecting Unfair Payments in Smart Contracts. Yue Li, Han Liu, Zhiqiang Yang, Qian Ren, Lei Wang and Bangdao Chen. ICDCS'20

    • Keyword: Smart Contracts, Formal Methods
    • Type: Demo
  • 🎓 Selfish Mining in Ethereum Jianyu Niu and Chen Feng. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: PoW
  • 🎓 Trust Mends Blockchains: Living up to Expectations. Leila Bahri and Sarunas Girdzijauskas. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Consensus
  • 🎓 Hierarchical Edge-Cloud Computing for Mobile Blockchain Mining Game. Suhan Jiang, Xinyi Li and Jie Wu. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Application
  • 🎓 OptChain: Optimal Transactions Placement for Scalable Blockchain Sharding. Lan Nguyen, Truc Nguyen, Thang Dinh and My Thai. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Scalability
  • 🎓 Jidar: A Jigsaw-like Data Reduction Approach without Trust Assumptions for Bitcoin System. Xiaohai Dai, Jiang Xiao, Wenhui Yang, Chaofan Wang and Hai Jin. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword:
  • 🎓 ParBlockchain: Leveraging Transaction Parallelism in Permissioned Blockchain Systems. Mohammad Javad Amiri, Divyakant Agrawal and Amr El Abbadi. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Scalability
  • 🎓 Optimal Admission Control For Secondary Users using Blockchain Technology In Cognitive Radio Networks. Wenlong Ni, Yuhong Zhang and Wei Li. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Application
  • 🎓 B-IoT: Blockchain Driven Internet of Things with Credit-Based Consensus Mechanism. Junqin Huang, Linghe Kong, Guihai Chen, Long Chen, Kaishun Wu and Xue Liu. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Application
  • 🎓 Resource Allocation and Consensus on Edge Blockchain in Pervasive Edge Computing Environments. Yaodong Huang, Jiarui Zhang, Jun Duan, Bin Xiao, Fan Ye and Yuanyuan Yang. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Application
  • 🎓 Xyreum: A High-Performance and Scalable Blockchain for IIoT Security and Privacy. Abubakar Sadiq Sani, Dong Yuan, Wei Bao, Phee Lep Yeoh, Zhaoyang Dong, Branka Vucetic and Elisa Bertino. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Application
  • 🎓 AI Blockchain Platform for Trusting News. Zonyin Shae and Jeffrey Tsai. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Vision
  • 🎓 Dependable Public Ledger for Policy Compliance, a Blockchain Based Approach. Zhou Wu, Andrew Williams and Debbie Perouli. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Vision
  • 🎓 Please, do not decentralize the Internet with (permissionless) blockchains!. Pedro Garcia Lopez, Alberto Montresor and Anwitaman Datta. ICDCS'19

    • Keyword: Vision
  • 🎓 Transform Blockchain into Distributed Parallel Computing Architecture for Precision Medicine. Zonyin Shae, Jeffrey J.P. Tsai. ICDCS'18

    • Keyword: Application
  • 🎓 Towards A Novel Architecture for Enabling Interoperability Amongst Multiple Blockchains. Hai Jin, Xiaohai Dai, and Jiang Xiao. ICDCS'18

    • Keyword: Interoperability
  • 🎓 Towards Dependable, Scalable, and Pervasive Distributed Ledgers with Blockchains. Zhang Kaiwen, Jacobsen Hans-Arno.ICDCS'18

    • Keyword: Consensus
    • Type: Short
  • 🎓 A Flexible Network Approach to Privacy of Blockchain Transactions. David M¨odinger, Henning Kopp, Frank Kargl and Franz J. Hauck. ICDCS'18

    • Keyword: Privacy
    • Type: Short



no papers directly related to blockchain in CoNEXT'20


FC (C)




This list is released into the public domain.