...to the experimental AmiGO JSON API server.
At the top of the amigo repo, assuming you have a decently recent version of node:
- npm install
- node ./bin/amigo.js -g http://golr.berkeleybop.org/solr/ -p 6455
Then point your browser to: http://localhost:6455
You can also use gulpfile.js to reuse your amigo.yaml like:
- gulp run-amigo-api
Or to override the target GOlr instance URL:
- GOLR_URL='http://golr.geneontology.org/' gulp run-amigo-api
There is also a developer restart server setup with:
- gulp develop-amigo-api
The general JSON API return envelope looks like:
"service": "<SERVICE_NAME>",
"status": "success|failure",
"date": "<DATE_STRING>",
"time": "<PROCESSING_TIME>",
"arguments": null,
"comments": [],
"data": null
Given a term ID, find all information.
Given a list of term IDs, find all information.
Given a bioentity ID, find all information.
Given a search personality and some parameters, find items that match.
The same as /api/search/, except with a lighter payload (using manager.lite(true)).
Given some gene IDs, find the number of terms associated with them by group, single counting a gene product / term relationship (i.e. all annotations count for "1").
You can optionally a one or more "species" parameters to filter counts by (transitive) species.
"service": "/api/statistics/gene-to-term",
"status": "success",
"arguments": {
"bioentity": [
"species": []
"comments": [],
"data": {
"gene-to-term-summary-count": {
"GO:0008150": 2,
"GO:0009987": 2,
"GO:0003674": 2,
"GO:0006464": 1,
"GO:0006470": 1,
"GO:0006793": 1,
"GO:0006796": 1,
"time": 0,
"date": "2016-02-25T14:02:50"
"service": "/api/statistics/gene-to-term",
"status": "success",
"arguments": {
"bioentity": [
"species": [
"comments": [],
"data": {
"gene-to-term-summary-count": null
"time": 0,
"date": "2016-02-25T14:02:24"
Given some term IDs, find the number of the number of gene products associated with each one.
You can optionally a one or more "species" parameters to filter counts by (transitive) species.
"service": "/api/statistics/gene-to-term",
"status": "success",
"arguments": {
"term": [
"species": []
"comments": [],
"data": {
"term-to-gene-summary-count": {
"GO:0022008": 14541,
"GO:0008150": 812745
"time": 0,
"date": "2016-02-25T14:02:52"
"service": "/api/statistics/gene-to-term",
"status": "success",
"arguments": {
"term": [
"species": [
"comments": [],
"data": {
"term-to-gene-summary-count": {
"GO:0022008": 1269,
"GO:0008150": 34063
"time": 0,
"date": "2016-02-25T14:02:10"
Get an overview of the total database counts.
You can optionally a one or more "species" parameters to filter gene production and annotation counts by (transitive) species.
"service": "/api/statistics/overview",
"status": "success",
"arguments": {
"species": []
"comments": [],
"data": {
"term-count": 171943,
"gene-product-count": 952303,
"annotation-count": 6233301
"time": 0,
"date": "2016-02-25T14:02:26"
"service": "/api/statistics/overview",
"status": "success",
"arguments": {
"species": [
"comments": [],
"data": {
"term-count": 171943,
"gene-product-count": 48753,
"annotation-count": 503780
"time": 0,
"date": "2016-02-25T14:02:43"
Try and resolve the identifiers of one or more string entities in a "bioentity" document.
In addition to one or more "entity" parameters, you need to have a single "species" parameter.
Failure to have any entities to disambiguate.
"date": "2016-11-14T19:11:28",
"time": 0,
"data": null,
"comments": [
"Death by lack of entities."
"arguments": {
"species": [
"entity": []
"status": "failure",
"service": "/api/disambiguation/bioentity"
Empty return on an unknown species.
"date": "2016-11-15T13:11:18",
"time": 0,
"data": {
"ugly": [],
"bad": [
"results": [],
"input": "pacA"
"results": [],
"input": "UniProtKB:Q76L33"
"good": []
"comments": [],
"arguments": {
"species": [
"entity": [
"status": "success",
"service": "/api/disambiguation/bioentity"
Resolve a synbol and an id for "Euglena longa".
"date": "2016-11-15T13:11:07",
"time": 0,
"data": {
"ugly": [],
"bad": [],
"good": [
"results": [
"matched": "bioentity_label",
"id": "UniProtKB:Q76L34"
"input": "pacA"
"results": [
"matched": "bioentity",
"id": "UniProtKB:Q76L33"
"input": "UniProtKB:Q76L33"
"comments": [],
"arguments": {
"species": [
"entity": [
"status": "success",
"service": "/api/disambiguation/bioentity"