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XYZ - Tutorial


  1. Download the source from github

or clone using git

$ git clone
  1. Open your terminal and go to the directory. If you run a ls list command you should see the following content
$ ls	data		factory		tutorial.txt
custom		engine		index.php	xyz
  • custom : the place to store custom data model definitions and other plugins

  • data : in this folder all data is stored.

  • engine : the server code that uses the custom definitions to build the interfaces.

  • factory : code used to generate the server code. Only required for developers, out of scope for this tutorial.

  • index.php : the main entry point for the server

  • xyz : the command to interact with your server from the command line.

First commands

  1. Run your first server command. If you enter ./xyz the help information will be shown:
$ ./xyz
Usage: xyz [options] uri [content]
   xyz "/fruit/apple"
   xyz "/fruit/*/color"
   xyz "/fruit/*?color==green"
   xyz --method PATCH "/fruit/melon/size" large

  -m  --method <arg>      Set HTTP method. (Default = GET)
  -V  --verbose           Set verbose output. (Default = false)
  -S  --server <arg>      Run local server. (Default = localhost:8000)
  1. Try the first suggestion: (note the ./ at the start)
$ ./xyz "/fruit/apple"
    "color": "red",
    "size": "medium",
    "name": "apple"

This will give the data for apple

  1. Try the second suggestion
$ ./xyz "/fruit/*/color"
    "grape": "green",
    "melon": "green",
    "apple": "red",
    "orange": "orange"   

This will give the color property for all fruits

  1. Try the third suggestion (Note the double = sign)
$ ./xyz "/fruit/*?color==green"
    "grape": {
        "color": "green",
        "size": "small",
        "name": "grape"
    "melon": {
        "color": "green",
        "size": "small",
        "name": "melon"

This will give all the data for the fruits which have a green color

  1. The size for melon is small. That doesn't seem right. Let's fix that using the fourth suggestion
$ ./xyz --method PATCH "/fruit/melon/size" large

And let's check if it's correct now:

$ ./xyz "/fruit/melon"
    "color": "green",
    "size": "large",
    "name": "melon"            

That's looks better.

Running a local server

  1. Now we want to use the server through the browser. To start your server locally run ./xyz -S. This will start a local test server. It will act like the regular server but without the need for Apache software and it won't be available through the internet for other users.
  $ ./xyz -S
  Starting server on localhost:8000
  PHP 7.3.11 Development Server started at Mon Feb 17 11:10:20 2020
  Listening on http://localhost:8000
  Document root is /your/local/server/path/
  Press Ctrl-C to quit.

If you close the terminal or press Control + C the server will be stopped.

  1. Browse to the following - probably familiar looking - places:


  1. With your a text editor open the file ./custom/tutorial/content/index.html (or run cat ./custom/tutorial/content/index.html in your terminal to view it.)
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./xyz-ui.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./xyz-style.css"/>
    <title>xyz - tutorial</title>
<body style="padding: 1cm 3cm 3cm 3cm">
    <h1>xyz - Tutorial</h1>

    <h3>List of fruits</h3>

    <xyz uri="/fruit/*/name" display="list" select="myFruit"/>

    <h3>Selected fruit</h3>

    <xyz uri="$myFruit" display="item"/>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="./xyz-ui.js"></script>

Includes the xyz-ui.js script. A JavaScript file that handles the client side rendering of the data.

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./xyz-style.css"/>

Includes the xyz-style.css style sheet. A CSS file that handles the styling of the components.

    <xyz uri="/fruit/*/name" display="list" select="myFruit"/>

This retrieves all fruit names and displays them in a list. If you select one. That selection will be stored in the myFruit variable.

    <xyz uri="$myFruit" display="item"/>

When the myFruit variable is not empty this will retrieve the specified fruit and display it.

  1. Now browse to http://localhost:8000/tutorial

  2. Press the + Button below the list to unfold the creation interface. Try to add a fruit.

  3. Open the ./custom/tutorial/content/index.html file in your text editor and change the

    <xyz uri="$myFruit" display="item"/>


    <xyz uri="$myFruit" display="edit"/>

This will display an editor instead of an item viewer. Browse to http://localhost:8000/tutorial again to edit the selected piece of fruit.

  1. Now view ./custom/main/entities/fruit.json in your text editor. (or run cat ./custom/main/entities/fruit.json in your terminal to view it.)
  "_": {
    "connector": {
      "type": "file",
      "parse": "json",
      "path": "data/fruits.json"
  "color": {
    "type": "string",
    "default" : "green"
  "size": {
    "type": "enum",
    "choices" : ["small","medium","large"]
  "name": {
    "type": "string",
    "required": true,
    "connector": {
      "key": "key"

This file shows the property definitions for the fruit entity.

  "_": {

Root properties, indicated by the underscore, are used for all properties.

 "connector": {
      "type": "file",
      "parse": "json",
      "path": "data/fruits.json"

The connector settings define the way the data is stored.

"color": {
    "type": "string",
    "default" : "green"

color is a string that defaults to green.

"size": {
    "type": "enum",
    "choices" : ["small","medium","large"]

The size of a fruit is one of the choices in the list small, medium or large.

  "name": {
    "type": "string",
    "required": true,
    "connector": {
      "key": "key"

The name is used as the key by the connector.

  1. Now view ./data/fruits.json in your text editor. (or run cat ./data/fruits.json in your terminal to view it.)

This is the raw data for the fruit entities.