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Azure Dev Box

This example deploys Azure Dev Box (Dev Center) based on existing VNET's, multiple projects and multiple pools and uses the builtin image gallery of Dev Center to deploy Dev Boxes.


  1. Deployment flow
  2. Parameters
    1. general parameters
    2. Networks parameter block
    3. Projects parameter block
    4. Definitions parameter block
  3. Supported VM Size
  4. Supported Disk Sizes
  5. Supported builtin images by Dev Box

Deployment flow

flowchart LR;
    subgraph main
    DevBox-Networks.bicep-->|Scope VNET Subscription|VirtualNetworkConnections
    subgraph modules


general parameters

param subscriptionID = '<your subscription id>' // Subscription where Dev Center will be deployed
param DevCenterName = '<Dev Center Name>'
param resourceGroupName = '<Resource group name>' // Resource group name used to deply Dev Center, Definitions, Projects, Pools and Network Connections

Networks parameter block

This is an array of Networks (Subnets) to be linked (attached) to Dev Center

param networks = [ // include each VNET Subnet ID where you want to deploy Dev Boxes.
    name: '<Network Connection name used by Dev Center>'
    location: 'WestEurope'
    subnetID: '/subscriptions/<your subscription id>/resourceGroups/<your resource group name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<your VNET name>/subnets/<Subnet name>'
  • note1: each Network Connection will be deployed in a separate resource group within the same subscription and location of the VNET.
  • note2: a new resource group will be created and named as defined in parameter: resourceGroupName.

Projects parameter block

param projects = [
    name: '<Dev Center Project Name>'
    description: '<Project description>'
    pools: [ // Define multiple Pools and link them to Network Connection and Image Definition
        name: '<Pool Name>'
        definitionName: '<Image Definition name. must be the same name as in Definition parameter block>'
        networkConnectionName: '<Network Connection name. Must be the same nam as in Networks parameter block>'
        localAdministrator: 'Enabled' // Enable or Disabled
        stopOnDisconnect: 'Enabled' // Enable or Disabled
        gracePeriodMinutes: 60 // Minimal 60
        schedule: {
          time: '19:00' // time in ##:## format
          timeZone: 'Europe/Amsterdam' // Timezone in format Continent/City
    roleAssignments: [ // Role Assignments will be set on Project. Can have one or multiple role assignments
        roleID: '331c37c6-af14-46d9-b9f4-e1909e1b95a0' // DevCenter Project Admin
        principalID: '<Object ID of AD user, group or Service Principal>'
        principalType: 'User' // User or Group or ServicePrincipal
        roleID: '45d50f46-0b78-4001-a660-4198cbe8cd05' // DevCenter DevBox User
        principalID: '<Object ID of AD user, group or Service Principal>'
        principalType: 'User' // User or Group or ServicePrincipal

Definitions parameter block

param definitions = [
    name: 'W11'
    image: 'microsoftwindowsdesktop_windows-ent-cpc_win11-22h2-ent-cpc-os'
    diskSize: 'ssd_1024gb'
    vmSKU: 'general_a_8c32gb_v1'
    name: 'W11_M365'
    image: 'microsoftwindowsdesktop_windows-ent-cpc_win11-22h2-ent-cpc-m365'
    diskSize: 'ssd_1024gb'
    vmSKU: 'general_a_8c32gb_v1'
    name: 'W11_M365_VS2022'
    image: 'microsoftvisualstudio_visualstudioplustools_vs-2022-ent-general-win11-m365-gen2'
    diskSize: 'ssd_1024gb'
    vmSKU: 'general_a_8c32gb_v1'

Supported VM Size

VM Sku Size: 'general_a_8c32gb_v1'

Supported Disk Sizes

Disk Sizes: 'ssd_1024gb'

Supported builtin images by Dev Box
