All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- chore: remove travis by @PierreDemailly in #56
- feat #52: replace custom git helpers with node-git by @PierreDemailly in #54
- chore: improve readme by @PierreDemailly in #57
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #58
- feat: add all-contributors by @PierreDemailly in #59
- feat decorations and optionnal rendering
- rendering is now based on moustache
- fix a bug due to shebang line
- fix local bug that make build throw
- fix a bug that make commity not working
- add --overwrite, -o option
- add unit tests, improve package, dev tools
- Refacto with new version of dependencies
- Make commity working on multiple os
- Migrate to typescript
- Package cleaned up
- Remove unused dependencies
- Fix vulnerabilities
- package keywords
- package bugs url
- -p, --push option to push your changes after commit.
- Make the commity main script async and promisify all utils methods.
- .allowUnkownOptions()