To emulate the Smartphone App client:
java -jar client-${PUT_LATEST_VERSION_HERE}.jar -mode app -host localhost -port 9443
In this client: register new user and/or login with the same credentials
register username@example.com UserPassword login username@example.com UserPassword
Save profile with simple dashboard
createDash {"id":1, "name":"My Dashboard", "boardType":"UNO"}
Get the Auth Token for hardware (e.g Arduino)
getToken 1
Activate dashboard
activate 1
You will get server response similar to this:
00:05:18.100 TRACE - Incomming : GetTokenMessage{id=30825, command=GET_TOKEN, length=32, body='33bcbe756b994a6768494d55d1543c74'}
Where 33bcbe756b994a6768494d55d1543c74
is your Auth Token.
Start new client and use received Auth Token to login
java -jar client-${PUT_LATEST_VERSION_HERE}.jar -mode hardware -host localhost -port 8442 login 33bcbe756b994a6768494d55d1543c74
You can run as many clients as you want. You have only 15 seconds for login until your client will be disconnected from server, so hurry up :).
Clients with the same credentials and Auth Token are grouped into one Session and can send messages to each other. All client’s commands are human-friendly, so you don't have to remember the codes.
List of hardware commands:
Digital write:
hardware dw 9 1 hardware dw 9 0
Digital read:
hardware dr 9 You should receive response: dw 9 <val>
Analog write:
hardware aw 14 123
Analog read:
hardware ar 14 You should receive response: aw 14 <val>
Virtual write:
hardware vw 9 1234 hardware vw 9 string hardware vw 9 item1 item2 item3 hardware vw 9 key1 val1 key2 val2
Virtual read:
hardware vr 9 You should receive response: vw 9 <values>