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+Created by: Urs Braem
+Created date: 2014-03-22
+Last updated: 2014-03-22
+Authors: Urs Braem
+Title: How do I use Perch to manage and render related items?
+Tags: templates
+# How do I use Perch to manage and render related items?
+## You want to use Perch to manage relational content items and output fully rendered templates with perch:content.
+In the backend, use the "dataselect" field type (http://docs.grabaperch.com/docs/templates/attributes/type/dataselect/) to refer to other items.
+In the frontend, use the "each" callback function (http://docs.grabaperch.com/docs/content/perch-content-custom/).
+## Example
+Your client is a theatre company that has done a bunch of plays. In the website, each play's entry just consists of a title and a link. We will use the data from the plays in an event calendar.
+## Add some plays
+Create a new page plays.php, create a multi-item region "Plays", e.g. with perch_content_create() and a corresponding perch template. Add a few entries in the backend.
+## Add some events
+On another page, events.php, add a multi-item region for events. The template could look like this:
+> Note: if you have set the 'Plays' region to "shared", you have to set the attribute ```page="*"``` instead of ```page="/plays.php"```.
+We suppress the dataselect field in the frontend - we will place some content from it into "play_html" later on. Make sure to add encode="false" to achieve proper rendering.
+Enter some data for the events. You'll already be able to select plays via the dataselect dropdown - without effect in the frontend yet though.
+> Try adding to the FE template. You'll notice that the dataselect field only returns it's value. Not the entire template of the linked item. That's why we have to do some more rendering.
+## Render the whole template
+Finally, we use the "each" callback of perch_content_custom to render the whole, referenced "play" template.
+For this, we'll use perch_content_custom's "each" callback to fill the `````` tag from our events_fe.html template.
+ 'template'=>'events_fe.html',
+ 'each' => function($item) {
+ // fill the slot we've prepared in the FE template
+ $item['play_html'] = perch_content_custom('Plays', array(
+ // use this as a "sub" template
+ 'template'=>'play.html',
+ // perch sees the region only on the page we've put it on, so tell it to look there
+ // remove if using a shared region
+ 'page'=>'/plays.php',
+ // now it would render all items. but we don't want all items,
+ // just the one where the play's ID
+ 'filter'=>'_id',
+ // is equal to
+ 'match'=>'eq',
+ // the ID of the play we've selected in the dataselect
+ 'value'=>$item['playID'],
+ // return : true
+ ),true);
+ // and return the item to the callback
+ return $item;
+ }
+ ));
+That's it! The "subtemplate" will be included into the region's main template.
+Here's the desired output:
+Now you can use Perch to manage and output all kinds of related data.
+# Addition: Render repeating regions
+When working with repeating regions, the above won't work. It's fairly easy to do, though.
+> Note that the rendered perch tag is outside the repeater.
+and the php: when parsing the callback, simply loop through the repeaters:
+perch_content_custom('Case Studies',array(
+ 'template'=>'data/casestudy.html',
+ 'page' => '/data.php',
+ 'filter' => 'hide',
+ 'match' => 'neq',
+ 'value' => 'false',
+ 'each' => function($item) {
+ $item['project_html'] = '';
+ foreach($item['projects'] as $itemRepeater){
+ $item['project_html'] .= perch_content_custom('Projects', array(
+ 'template'=>'data/project.html',
+ 'page'=>'/data.php',
+ 'filter'=>'_id',
+ 'match'=>'eq',
+ 'value'=>$itemRepeater['projectID'],
+ // return : true
+ ),true);
+ }
+ return $item;
+ }