Quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) is a critical step that is used to ensure the validity of data in the database and of the analyses that use these data. When conducting QA/QC, your data access level needs to be elevated to “manager”.
- Open citation in Mendeley
- Locate citation in BETYdb
- Select
- Select
- Check that author, year, title, journal, volume, and page information is correct
- Check that links to URL and PDF are correct, using DOI if available
- If any information is incorrect, click ’edit’ to correct
- Select
- Check that site(s) at bottom of citation record match site(s) in
- Check that latitude and longitude are consistent with manuscript, are in decimals not degrees, and have appropriate level of precision
- Click on site name to verify any additional information site information that is present
- Enter any additional site level information that is found
- Select
treatments{target="_blank"} from
menu bar
- Check that there is a control treatment
- Ensure that treatment name and definition are consistent with information in the manuscript
- Under “treatments from all citations associated with associated sites”, ensure that there is no redundancy (i.e. if another citation uses the same treatments, it should not be listed separately)
- If managements are listed, make sure that managment-treatment associations are correct
- Check managements{target="_blank"} if
there are any listed on the treatments page.
- If yield data has been collected, ensure that required managements have been entered
- If managements have been entered, ensure that they are associated with the correct treatments
- Click Yields{target="_blank"} or
Traits{target="_blank"} to check
- Check that means, sample size, and statistics have been entered correctly
- If data has been transformed, check that transformation was correct in the associated google spreadsheet (or create a new google spreadsheet following instructions)
- For any trait data that requires a covariate