Releases: PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme
Added icons:
- Ear Tag #3226
- mimetypes packages Arch Linux
- mimetypes Rnote
- Jetbrains Toolbox (tray) #3228
- Stella (flatpak)
- Kasts #3238
- ThiefMD #3235
- Naver Whale #3229
- ffmpeg #3233
- Gabut Download Manager
- pacseek #3239
- LibreOffice 7.4
- Harmonoid
- EndeavourOS #3263
- Rog Control Center #3261
- Cemu
- electron12/16/17/18/19
- playonlinux4
- ED2E_EpicGamesLauncher.0
- CE93_RobloxPlayerLauncher.0
- 631F_RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.0
- Element #3278
- Step mimetypes #3022
- WebCord #3280
- p3x-onenote
- DevHub (tray)
- Myuzi
- Helix #3283
- GNOME Crossword Editor #3284
Updated icons:
- QT QDBusViewer #3234
- Déjà Dup #3279
- Raider
- Font Downloader
- Short Circuit
- Quod Libet #3281
- Ex Falso #3281
- resize Ferdium (tray 22/24) #3285
Changes and fixes:
- fix more duplicated icons on actions/apps #3257
Added icons:
- gnu.pspp
- qmmp
- MongoDB
- FreeDownloadManager
- Boxi
- GNOME Settings
- BlueBubbles
- Around #3191
- Internxt Drive (tray)
- TickTick (app & tray)
- Vita3K #3204
- Morgen (app & tray)
- GNOME Crosswords #3200
- ToolBox #3199
- Bforartists #3193
- Plex Desktop
- Jetbrains DataSpell #3206
- Ferdium (tray) #3207
- Clockify (tray)
- Flare
- HexChat
- Material Maker
- wechat-uos
- Airshipper #3213
- Cinny
- Logseq
- ZapZap
- Done
- SuperTux
- BiglyBT
- Open Hardware Monitor #3217
- Tagger #3167
- Minecraft Bedrock Launcher #3184
- Trilium
- NormCap
- SysDVR-Qt
- Distributor Logo Peppermint #3222
- Kasts #3223
Updated icons:
- Vaults
- Tubefeeder
- Cider
- Internxt Drive
- Flacon #3181
- Hackgregator
- Trilium
- Distributor Logo Lubuntu #3221
Changes and fixes:
- change symlinks on Qt5 Tools #3224
Added icons:
- Gajim (tray)
- Thingy #3148
- Lunacy
- Amberol
- Meridius
- Pizarra #3151
- SAOImageDS9 #3149
- Coolero
- ProtonUp-Qt
- hwloc #3143
- Drawio (mime) #3144
- Ferdium #3131
- GeForce Now (Chrome Web App)
- Parsec
- G4Music
- Lapce
- Bazecor #3132
- ATLauncher
- OpenKJ
- Plex HTPC #3054
- Polyphone
- Geopard #3109
- Helvum #3107
- Whaler #3106
- Time Cop #3105
- Webcamoid
- Gittyup
- Horizon EDA
- Coulr
- F3D
- NotepadNext
- Play
- YouTube (Chrome Web App) #3156
- Notion (Chrome Web App) #3156
- Quickgui #3154
- QtAV #3158
- Soundux #3157
- Chrome Canvas
- Tidal-hifi #3160
- Budgie Control Center #3164
- Ubuntu-Budgie Window Shuffler Control #3163
- Ubuntu-Budgie WallStreet Control #3162
- Ubuntu-Budgie Previews Control #3161
- view-barcode-qr #3166
- Weka #3165
- Skanlite (flatpak)
- FFaudioConverter
- Kuro (app & tray) #3173
- Manyverse
- Turbowarp #3169
- preferences-security-firewal
- preferences-desktop-feedback
- preferences-desktop-tablet
- preferences-online-accounts
- Reddit (Chrome Web App)
- UbuntuBudgie QuickChar #3175
- CherryTree (flatpak) #3177
- Xbox Cloud Gaming (Chrome Web App) #3185
- AuthPass #3182
- Ayatana Webmail (tray)
- MATE Tweak
- Ayatana Settings
- Ferdi (tray) #3187
- (ayatana-)indicator-keyboard 16px #3053
- Google Chrome (Flatpak) #2007
- Birdtray #3190
- VMware Remote Console #3189
- XClicker #3174
Updated icons:
- KTeaTime #3146
- Spot #3079
- Yandex Browser
- Oh My SVG #3150
- Tux Paint
- Plex
- WezTerm #3153
- Rnote
- Bottles #3155
- Font Downloader #3082
- Exodus
- Whatsie
- Accessories Text Editor #3176
- Gufw
Changes and fixes:
- fix Chrome Web Apps icons #3156
Added icons:
- BlackBox
- Hbud
- TickTick #3093
- PolyMC #3100
- Collision #3097
- Epic Asset Manager #3096
- Ambience #3092
- Docker Desktop
- Heroic Games Launcher
- Repomaker
- Reactions
- Countdown #3091
- Paper note
- Furtherance #3080
- Tubefeeder
- Steam Deck Gaming Return
- Session Desktop (tray)
- Epson Scan 2 #3118
- Social #3122
- Citations #3121
- Crow Translate #3112
- Muck #2868
- V Notes #3120
- Boatswain #3115
- GNUnet Messenger #3114
- Warp #3113
- Inky #3111
- Tuhi #3110
- RuneLite #2968
- MDWriter
- Aspia Console/Client
- Dialect
- EmulationStation Desktop Edition
- SGDBoop
- Telegrand
- DICOM (mime) #3127
- Raider #3084
- Dia #3128
- RiftShare
- RetroDeck
- WeMeet #3130
- qjackctl
- ImHex #3133
- Btop #3137
- Chrome Canvas #3138
- Aperture Desk Job
- Waydroid
- Ryujinx (flatpak)
Updated icons:
Added icons:
- DuckDuckGo #3012
- Betterbird #3011
- Ensembles #2996
- Smile
- Flowtime
- Bugdom
- OpenJDK 18
- KakaoTalk
- GNOME 42 Settings application
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes #2816
- ro.go.hmlendea.DL-Desktop
- Qtractor #3071
- Vivaldi-Snapshot #3066
- Java JDK
- list-drag-handle-symbolic #3050
- NeoChat (tray) #3060
- Amberol
- Tracks
- Cider
- Lapce #3030
- Kakoune #3029
- application-octet-stream (mime) #3027
- Ayatana Keyboard Indicator (tray) #3053
- ModernDeck (app & tray)
- Google Chat Linux (app & tray)
- VirusTotal #3015
- io.github.mimbrero.WhatsAppDesktop #3062
- tinyMediaManager #3023
- Roam Research #3031
- Athens #3032
- Crunchyroll #3044
- Jack Mixer #3048
- ProtonVPN GUI tray icons #3052
- d-tracker #3057
- Factor #3064
- Hoppscotch #3074
- Tracks
- Do
- Dynamic Wallpaper
- Iotas
- Warsow game #3073
- music-artist-symbolic #3098
- music-playlist-symbolic #3098
- selection-mode-symbolic #3098
- Microsoft Edge #3094
- Zettlr #3095
- Oh My SVG #3077
- Hypatia #3078
Updated Icons:
- QuteBrowser #3010
- GNOME Dictionary
- GNOME Console #3014
- Bustle
- KDEConnect trusted icons #3061
- CopyQ #3051
Changes and fixes:
- fix spinner icon size #3055
- fix Ensembles (48px)
- fix tvdisconnected
It hurts me to write about it! A war or a military operation, call it what you want, is always bad. People die in any war, terrible stress, fear and only one desire - that it all ends!!!
Our icon theme is absolutely apolitical, we have always respected and will respect the lives of people and every contribution of anyone regardless of nation or origin and those who are not indifferent to us and love us! Every request, every commit is life for us, every news about saving a life is joy and hope.
Life is all we have, remember that! The land and the house may be different, but the family is always the same!
Take care of your life, take care of yourself and your family. Help those who need it so much right now!
WebMoney details of our developer and maintainer Sergey Eremenko (@SmartFinn), who is now in a difficult and hard situation in Ukraine:
BTC bc1qawuwt8axjjcrjec89h4w5l8dg6yqexw0that59
USDT 0x1CA717748664BaBCb906AD96724Fbc28BdF5AdbB
TUSD 0x1CA717748664BaBCb906AD96724Fbc28BdF5AdbB
Thx, varlesh.
Please see commits, it's now does not matter
Added icons
- Annotator #2942
- Aqua Data Studio #2944
- BlueMail (app & tray) #2938
- Chirurgien #2946
- Cinnamon Virtual Keyboard #2931
- Deltarune #2936
- Fcitx Mozc tray icons #2970
- Freezer (tray icon)
- gentoo File Manager #2952
- GNOME Console (symbolic)
- Iaito #2951
- Jupyter Notebook (symbolic) #2950
- KDiskMark #2948
- L3afpad #2963
- LibreOffice 7.3 (symbolic)
- LiteIDE #2961
- Loop #2947
- LosslessCut #2967
- Notesnook
- OpenVPN
- Plex Media Player (symbolic) #2960
- Pronterface #2959
- QOpenVPN (symbolic)
- Sandbox game
- Servo #2933
- sfxr-qt #2954
- Shutter Encoder #2943
- Space Launch #2945
- Trackiton Download Manager #2929
- vibrantLinux (Flathub) #2932
- #2975
- Wiiware (mimetypes) #2965
- Worker #2956
Updated icons
Added icons
- AAAAXY #2007
- Arduino (mimetypes) #2497
- Banking
- blueberry-tray-active-symbolic
- Conduktor
- Dot Matrix #2900
- Elixir (app and mimetypes icons) #2914 #2919
- Emulsion #2902
- Eolie
- Epiphany Canary
- Free Heroes 2 #2742
- Gamma
- Godot Mono #2895
- Headlines #2898
- Headlines #2898
- ImageRoll
- Journable
- Junction
- kdenlive-slip, kdenlive-slide (actions) #2915
- Midterm #2007
- Minecraft: Pi Edition: Reborn (Flathub) #2007
- Mr.Boom #2557
- Obliviate
- OpenRGB (Flathub) #2007
- Overwatch #2906
- Plano
- qtscrcpy
- Random
- Safe (categories)
- Scenarist
- Sticky #2910
- Stream
- suanPan #2893
- Tellico (Flathub) #2007
- Text Pieces #2903
- Tidal (PWA) #2917
- Valdo GTK
- Vaults
- VMWare folder icons #2911
- Weasis (Flathub) #2007
- WezTerm #2923
- Whalebird (Flathub) #2007
- Windscribe #2924
- Wordbook
- Xfce lock #2926
Updated icons
- Diffuse #2925
- document-open/save/save-as/save-all (actions) #2912
- Emblem #2899
- GNOME Calls
- GNOME Password Safe
- GNvim
- Kotlin (mimetypes) #2894
- Neovim
- Spotify #2922
- Spotify Qt #2922
- Spyder IDE #2928
- Transmission (symbolic) #2874
Changes and fixes
- Added missing 22px Commit icon #2818
Added icons
- Added actions icons:
- cell_edit
- edit-delete-remove
- edit-entry
- editor
- edittext
- gnumeric-comment-edit
- gnumeric-link-edit
- languages
- output_win
- view-media-genre
- view-media-playcount
- Adwaita Demo
- Akira
- Android Studio Preview (Beta/Canary) #2891
- Apple Music
- Asunder #2880
- Beyond All Reason #2871
- Binance
- Birdfont
- Blockbench (Flathub) #2007
- Cambalache
- Carla (Flathub) #2007
- Compact Shutdown (Plasmoid)
- Crab Game #2869
- Daty
- DaVinci Resolve
- eqonomize (mimetypes icon) #2863
- Fasttracker II
- Give Me Lyrics
- GNOME Passbook
- GNOME Secrets
- Greenfoot (Flathub) #2007
- GTK4 Demo
- Hackgregator
- Hamster (Flathub) #2007
- Haruna
- Hively Tracker
- iCloud
- iCloud Drive
- iCloud Photos
- Input Method (Plasmoid)
- Inspektor
- Internxt Drive
- Jami
- Keyboard Layout (Plasmoid)
- KiCad Suite (Flathub)
- LunarVim #2882
- Manuskript (Flathub) #2007
- Mathematica (mimetypes icons)
- MenuLibre (Flathub) #2007
- Minimize All (Plasmoid)
- Mousai
- Mt
- Mu-editor
- Nostalgia
- Notejot
- osu! (Flathub) #2007
- Password
- Password Manager
- PCSX2 (AppImage)
- Pixel Piracy #2799
- Plots
- preferences-system-windows-behavior
- QDirStat #2877
- qimgv #2878
- Quick Lookup
- Rare (tray icon) #2844
- Rnote
- Sentinel dVPN
- SongRec
- Spotify QT
- Steam Rom Manager #2879
- Sums
- Synology Assistant/Drive/Note Station #2860
- Tandem
- TilEm
- Tomate
- Twitz
- VMware Workstation (actions, and mimetypes icons) #2855
- Wike
- Zenkit #2890
- Zettlr
Updated icons
- (*.apk) (mimetypes icon)
- application-x-sharedlib (mimetypes icon)
- bluetooth (tray, and symbolic icons)
- GNOME Keysign
- GNOME Notes
- GTK4 Widget Factory
- media-playlist-play (actions icon)
- network-wired (tray, and symbolic icons)
- Portfolio
- preferences-activities
- radio (tray, and actions icons)
- Steam (tray icon)
- Transmission (apps, and tray icons) #2874
- unknown (mimetypes icon)
- user-desktop (monochrome places icon)
- view-media-lyrics (actions icon)
- window-pin, and window-unpin (actions icon)
Changes and fixes
- Changed color for Electron Mail tray icon to support color changing
- Removed CSS stylesheet from folder-applications 48px icons