Write a function called displayLikes
that takes in an array of names and returns a string of who likes the post.
The function should return a string formatted as follows:
- If no one likes it, it should return
'no one likes this'
- If one person likes it, it should return
'{name} likes this'
- If two people like it, it should return
'{name1} and {name2} like this'
- If three people like it, it should return
'{name1}, {name2} and {name3} like this'
- If more than three people like it, it should return
'{name1}, {name2} and {x} others like this'
* Returns a string of who likes the post.
* @param {string[]} names - The names of the people who like the post.
* @returns {string} - A string of who likes the post.
function displayLikes(names: string[]): string;
displayLikes([]) // 'no one likes this'
displayLikes(['Peter']) // 'Peter likes this'
displayLikes(['Jacob', 'Alex']) // 'Jacob and Alex like this'
displayLikes(['Max', 'John', 'Mark']) // 'Max, John and Mark like this'
displayLikes(['Alex', 'Jacob', 'Mark', 'Max']) // 'Alex, Jacob and 2 others like this'
displayLikes(['Alex', 'Jacob', 'Mark', 'Max', 'Jill']) // 'Alex, Jacob and 3 others like this'
- The input array will only contain strings
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function displayLikes(names) {
const length = names.length;
if (length === 0) {
return 'no one likes this';
} else if (length === 1) {
return `${names[0]} likes this`;
} else if (length === 2) {
return `${names[0]} and ${names[1]} like this`;
} else if (length === 3) {
return `${names[0]}, ${names[1]} and ${names[2]} like this`;
} else {
return `${names[0]}, ${names[1]} and ${length - 2} others like this`;
This is pretty simple as it just requires a bunch of if statements. We could also use a switch statement here, but it would be a bit more verbose.
- Get the length of the array and then check if it's 0, 1, 2, 3, or more. Depending on the length, we return the appropriate string.
- If there are more than 3 names, we return the first two names, and then the length minus 2 for the number of others.
test('Display Likes', () => {
expect(displayLikes([])).toEqual('no one likes this');
expect(displayLikes(['Peter'])).toEqual('Peter likes this');
expect(displayLikes(['Jacob', 'Alex'])).toEqual('Jacob and Alex like this');
expect(displayLikes(['Max', 'John', 'Mark'])).toEqual(
'Max, John and Mark like this'
expect(displayLikes(['Alex', 'Jacob', 'Mark', 'Max'])).toEqual(
'Alex, Jacob and 2 others like this'
expect(displayLikes(['Alex', 'Jacob', 'Mark', 'Max', 'Jill'])).toEqual(
'Alex, Jacob and 3 others like this'