diff --git a/collectors/0/oracle.pl b/collectors/0/oracle.pl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..91762bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collectors/0/oracle.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# This file is part of tcollector.
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The tcollector Authors.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it
+# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+# General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy
+# of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not,
+# see .
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_session_modes);
+# Include configuration module from ../etc
+use FindBin qw($Bin);
+use lib "$Bin/../etc";
+use oracleconf qw(oracle_config switch_to_dba);
+# Switch to user with DBA privileges if running as root
+# Flush STDOUT immediately
+# How many seconds to sleep between queries
+use constant SLEEP_SECONDS => 15;
+# Used for debugging
+use constant DEBUG => 0;
+# Statistics to collect from V$SYSSTAT. Format is
+# stat_id => [oracle name, metric name, tags, [array of stat_ids to subtract values from this value]]
+my %sysstat = (
+ 2450922463 => ["background checkpoints completed","oracle.checkpoints","",[],
+ "Number of checkpoints completed by the background process"],
+ 161936656 => ["bytes received via SQL*Net from client","oracle.net.received","type=client",[],
+ "Total number of bytes received from the client over Oracle Net Services"],
+ 1983609624 => ["bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink","oracle.net.received","type=dblink",[],
+ "Total number of bytes received from a database link over Oracle Net Services"],
+ 2967415760 => ["bytes sent via SQL*Net to client","oracle.net.sent","type=client",[],
+ "Total number of bytes sent to the client from the foreground processes"],
+ 1622773540 => ["bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink","oracle.net.sent","type=dblink",[],
+ "Total number of bytes sent over a database link"],
+ 159846526 => ["SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client","oracle.net.roundtrips","type=client",[],
+ "Total number of Oracle Net Services messages sent to and received from the client"],
+ 2420448902 => ["SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblink","oracle.net.roundtrips","type=dblink",[],
+ "Total number of Oracle Net Services messages sent over and received from a database link"],
+ 3876379665 => ["consistent changes","oracle.block.consistent_changes","",[],
+ qq|Number of times a user process has applied rollback entries to perform a consistent read on the block.
+ Work loads that produce a great deal of consistent changes can consume a great deal of resources.
+ The value of this statistic should be small in relation to the "consistent gets" statistic.|],
+ 420374750 => ["consistent gets direct","oracle.block.gets","class=consistent type=direct",[],
+ qq|Number of times a consistent read was requested for a block bypassing the buffer cache
+ (for example, direct load operation)|],
+ 2839918855 => ["consistent gets from cache","oracle.block.gets","class=consistent type=cache",[],
+ "Number of times a consistent read was requested for a block from buffer cache"],
+ 516801181 => ["CR blocks created","oracle.cr_blocks.created","",[],
+ qq|Number of CURRENT blocks cloned to create CR (consistent read) blocks.
+ The most common reason for cloning is that the buffer is held in a incompatible mode|],
+ 3142330676 => ["current blocks converted for CR","oracle.cr_blocks.converted","",[],
+ "Number CURRENT blocks converted to CR state"],
+ 916801489 => ["db block changes","oracle.block.changes","",[],
+ qq|Closely related to "consistent changes", this statistic counts the total number of changes
+ that were part of an update or delete operation that were made to all blocks in the SGA.
+ Such changes generate redo log entries and hence become permanent changes to the database
+ if the transaction is committed.This approximates total database work|],
+ 95128520 => ["db block gets direct","oracle.block.gets","class=current type=direct",[],
+ qq|Number of times a CURRENT block was requested bypassing the buffer cache
+ (for example, a direct load operation)|],
+ 4017839461 => ["db block gets from cache","oracle.block.gets","class=current type=cache",[],
+ "Number of times a CURRENT block was requested from the buffer cache"],
+ 1064154723 => ["db corrupt blocks detected","oracle.corrupt_blocks","",[],
+ "Number of corrupt blocks detected. If this is not 0, your hardware has issues"],
+ 3411924934 => ["free buffer requested","oracle.buffer.requested","",[],
+ "Number of times a reusable buffer or a free buffer was requested to create or load a block"],
+ 1344569897 => ["dirty buffers inspected","oracle.buffer.inspected","type=dirty",[],
+ "Number of dirty buffers found by the user process while it is looking for a buffer to reuse"],
+ 833456521 => ["pinned buffers inspected","oracle.buffer.inspected","type=pinned",[],
+ qq|Number of times a user process, when scanning the tail of the replacement list looking
+ for a buffer to reuse, encountered a cold buffer that was pinned or had a waiter that
+ was about to pin it. This occurrence is uncommon, because a cold buffer should not be pinned very often|],
+ 472183780 => ["enqueue deadlocks","oracle.enqueue.deadlocks","",[],
+ "Total number of deadlocks between table or row locks in different sessions"],
+ 2440542518 => ["enqueue requests","oracle.enqueue.requests","",[],
+ "Total number of table or row locks acquired"],
+ 2425496215 => ["enqueue timeouts","oracle.enqueue.timeouts","",[],
+ "Total number of table and row locks (acquired and converted) that timed out before they could complete"],
+ 2307006529 => ["enqueue waits","oracle.enqueue.waits","",[],
+ "Total number of waits that occurred during an enqueue convert or get because the enqueue get was deferred"],
+ 2453370665 => ["execute count","oracle.executes","",[],
+ "Total number of calls (user and recursive) that executed SQL statements"],
+ 973553265 => ["flashback log write bytes","oracle.flashback.bytes","",[],
+ "Total size in bytes of flashback database data written by RVWR to flashback database logs"],
+ 3123176560 => ["flashback log writes","oracle.flashback.writes","",[],
+ "Total number of writes by RVWR to flashback database logs"],
+ 12081473 => ["index fast full scans (full)","oracle.index_ffs","",[],
+ "Number of fast full scans initiated for full segments"],
+ 3626914479 => ["lob reads","oracle.lob.reads","",[],
+ qq|Number of LOB API read operations performed in the session/system. A single LOB API read
+ may correspond to multiple physical/logical disk block reads|],
+ 2682192071 => ["lob writes","oracle.lob_writes","",[],
+ qq|Number of LOB API write operations performed in the session/system. A single LOB API write
+ may correspond to multiple physical/logical disk block writes|],
+ 2666645286 => ["logons cumulative","oracle.logons.cumulative","",[],
+ "Total number of logons since the instance started"],
+ 3080465522 => ["logons current","oracle.logons.current","",[],
+ "Total number of current logons"],
+ 85052502 => ["opened cursors cumulative","oracle.cursors.opened","",[],
+ "Total number of cursors opened since the instance started"],
+ 2301954928 => ["opened cursors current","oracle.cursors.current","",[],
+ "Total number of current open cursors"],
+ 143509059 => ["parse count (hard)","oracle.parse_count","type=hard",[],
+ qq|Total number of parse calls (real parses). A hard parse is a very expensive operation
+ in terms of memory use, because it requires Oracle to allocate a workheap and other
+ memory structures and then build a parse tree|],
+ 1118776443 => ["parse count (failures)","oracle.parse_count","type=failure",[],
+ "Parse failures"],
+ 63887964 => ["parse count (total)","oracle.parse_count","type=soft",[143509059,1118776443],
+ qq|Total number of parse calls (hard, soft, and describe). A soft parse is a check on an
+ object already in the shared pool, to verify that the permissions on the
+ underlying object have not changed|],
+ 2263124246 => ["physical reads","oracle.block.read","type=private",[4171507801,2589616721],
+ qq|Total number of data blocks read from disk. This value can be greater than the value
+ of "physical reads direct" plus "physical reads cache" as reads into process private
+ buffers also included in this statistic|],
+ 4171507801 => ["physical reads cache","oracle.block.read","type=cache",[],
+ "Total number of data blocks read from disk into the buffer cache"],
+ 2589616721 => ["physical reads direct","oracle.block.read","type=direct",[],
+ "Number of reads directly from disk, bypassing the buffer cache"],
+ 2699895516 => ["physical writes direct","oracle.block.write","type=direct",[],
+ "Number of writes directly to disk, bypassing the buffer cache (as in a direct load operation)"],
+ 163083034 => ["physical writes from cache","oracle.block.write","type=cache",[],
+ "Total number of data blocks written to disk from the buffer cache"],
+ 523531786 => ["physical read bytes","oracle.io.read_bytes","type=application",[],
+ "Total size in bytes of all disk reads by application activity (and not other instance activity) only"],
+ 2572010804 => ["physical read total bytes","oracle.io.read_bytes","type=system",[523531786],
+ qq|Total size in bytes of disk reads by all database instance activity including application reads,
+ backup and recovery, and other utilities. The difference between this value and "physical read bytes"
+ gives the total read size in bytes by non-application workload|],
+ 789768877 => ["physical read IO requests","oracle.io.read_requests","type=application",[],
+ qq|Number of read requests for application activity (mainly buffer cache and direct load operation)
+ which read one or more database blocks per request|],
+ 3343375620 => ["physical read total IO requests","oracle.io.read_requests","type=system",[789768877],
+ qq|Number of read requests which read one or more database blocks for all instance activity
+ including application, backup and recovery, and other utilities|],
+ 3131337131 => ["physical write bytes","oracle.io.write_bytes","type=application",[],
+ "Total size in bytes of all disk writes by application activity (and not other instance activity) only"],
+ 2495644835 => ["physical write total bytes","oracle.io.write_bytes","type=system",[3131337131],
+ qq|Total size in bytes of all disk writes for the database instance including application activity,
+ backup and recovery, and other utilities. The difference between this value and "physical write bytes"
+ gives the total write size in bytes by non-application workload|],
+ 2904164198 => ["physical write IO requests","oracle.io.write_requests","type=application",[],
+ qq|Number of write requests for application activity (mainly buffer cache and direct load operation)
+ which wrote one or more database blocks per request|],
+ 1315894329 => ["physical write total IO requests","oracle.io.write_requests","type=system",[2904164198],
+ qq|Number of write requests which wrote one or more database blocks for all instance activity
+ including application, backup and recovery, and other utilities|],
+ 1236385760 => ["redo size","oracle.io.write_bytes","type=redo",[],
+ "Total amount of redo generated in bytes"],
+ 1948353376 => ["redo writes","oracle.io.write_requests","type=redo",[],
+ "Total number of writes by LGWR to the redo log files"],
+ 3488821837 => ["redo entries","oracle.redo.entries","",[],
+ "Number of times a redo entry is copied into the redo log buffer"],
+ 1985754937 => ["redo log space requests","oracle.redo.space_requests","",[],
+ qq|Number of times the active log file is full and Oracle must wait for disk space to be
+ allocated for the redo log entries. Such space is created by performing a log switch|],
+ 252430928 => ["redo log space wait time","oracle.redo.space_wait","",[],
+ qq|Total elapsed waiting time for "redo log space requests" in 10s of milliseconds|],
+ 4215815172 => ["redo synch time","oracle.redo.sync_time","",[],
+ qq|Elapsed time of all "redo synch writes" calls in 10s of milliseconds|],
+ 1439995281 => ["redo synch writes","oracle.redo.sync_writes","",[],
+ "Number of times the redo is forced to disk, usually for a transaction commit"],
+ 4148600571 => ["session pga memory","oracle.session.memory","type=pga",[],
+ "PGA usage for all sessions"],
+ 1856888586 => ["session uga memory","oracle.session.memory","typpe=uga",[],
+ "UGA usage for all sessions"],
+ 2533123502 => ["sorts (disk)","oracle.sort.count","type=disk",[],
+ "Number of sort operations that required at least one disk write"],
+ 2091983730 => ["sorts (memory)","oracle.sort.count","type=memory",[],
+ "Number of sort operations that were performed completely in memory and did not require any disk writes"],
+ 3757672740 => ["sorts (rows)","oracle.sort.rows","",[],
+ "Total number of rows sorted"],
+ 3741388076 => ["table scan blocks gotten","oracle.table_scan.blocks","",[],
+ qq|During scanning operations, each row is retrieved sequentially by Oracle. This statistic
+ counts the number of blocks encountered during the scan|],
+ 1400824662 => ["table scan rows gotten","oracle.table_scan.rows","",[],
+ "Number of rows that are processed during scanning operations"],
+ 681815839 => ["table fetch by rowid","oracle.table_fetch_by_rowid","",[],
+ "Number of rows that are fetched using a ROWID (usually recovered from an index)"],
+ 1413702393 => ["table fetch continued row","oracle.table_fetch_chained_row","",[],
+ qq|Number of times a chained or migrated row is encountered during a fetch.
+ Retrieving rows that span more than one block increases the logical I/O by a factor
+ that corresponds to the number of blocks than need to be accessed|],
+ 2882015696 => ["user calls","oracle.user.calls","",[],
+ "Number of user calls such as login, parse, fetch, or execute"],
+ 582481098 => ["user commits","oracle.user.commits","",[],
+ qq|Number of user commits. When a user commits a transaction, the redo generated that
+ reflects the changes made to database blocks must be written to disk. Commits often
+ represent the closest thing to a user transaction rate|]
+# Some stats in v$sysstat are in "10s of milliseconds". This is used to convert
+# to seconds
+my %stat_multipliers = (
+252430928 => 0.01,
+4215815172 => 0.01
+my ($connections,$sid,$home,$instance_count,$report_instance_tag,$connection_info);
+my ($start, $elapsed);
+# Get configuration from oracleconf.pm
+my $oracle_config = oracle_config();
+$instance_count = 0;
+while (($sid,$home) = each(%$oracle_config)) {
+ my %connection_info;
+ $connection_info{ORACLE_HOME} = $home;
+ $connection_info{DBH} = undef;
+ $connection_info{STATEMENTS} = undef;
+ $connections->{$sid} = \%connection_info;
+ $instance_count++;
+# Return if there is nothing to collect stats from
+exit(13) if !$instance_count;
+# If there is only 1 instance on the box, no need to use instance tag
+$report_instance_tag = $instance_count > 1;
+my $killed = 0;
+# Trap signals
+$SIG{INT} = \&kill;
+$SIG{TERM} = \&kill;
+# Main loop
+while (!$killed) {
+ $start = time();
+ maintain_connections($connections);
+ while (($sid,$connection_info) = each(%$connections)) {
+ next if !$connection_info->{DBH};
+ if ($report_instance_tag) {
+ collect_stats($connection_info,$sid);
+ } else {
+ collect_stats($connection_info,0);
+ }
+ }
+ $elapsed = time() - $start;
+ sleep(SLEEP_SECONDS - $elapsed);
+# Disconnect
+while (($sid,$connection_info) = each(%$connections)) {
+ ($connection_info->{DBH})->disconnect() if $connection_info->{DBH};
+# Maintain connections
+sub maintain_connections {
+ my $connections = shift;
+ my $dbh;
+ while (($sid,$connection_info) = each(%$connections)) {
+ # Create connection if its not created
+ if (!$connection_info->{DBH}) {
+ $ENV{"ORACLE_SID"} = $sid;
+ $ENV{"ORACLE_HOME"} = $connection_info->{ORACLE_HOME};
+ $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Oracle:","","",
+ {ora_session_mode => ORA_SYSDBA,
+ RaiseError => 0,
+ AutoCommit=>0,
+ PrintError=>0});
+ if (!$dbh) {
+ print STDERR "Can not connect to the instance $sid: $DBI::errstr\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ my @statements = prepare_statements($dbh);
+ $connection_info->{DBH} = $dbh;
+ $connection_info->{STATEMENTS} = \@statements;
+ next;
+ } else {
+ # Ping connection
+ if (!$connection_info->{DBH}->ping()) {
+ print STDERR "Lost connection to $sid\n";
+ undef $connection_info->{DBH};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Parse and prepare SQL
+sub prepare_statements {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my ($sql,$stat_sth,$wait_sth,$dataguard_sth);
+ # Fetch data from v$sysstat
+ $sql = q{
+ select stat_id, name, value
+ from V$SYSSTAT
+ };
+ $stat_sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ # Fetch data from v$system_event
+ $sql = q{
+ select
+ decode(wait_class,
+ 'Concurrency','concurrency',
+ 'User I/O','user_io',
+ 'System I/O','system_io',
+ 'Administrative','admin',
+ 'Configuration','config',
+ 'Other','other',
+ 'Application','application',
+ 'Queueing','queueing',
+ 'Network','network',
+ 'Commit','commit',
+ 'unknown') wait_class,
+ sum(total_waits) total_waits,
+ sum(total_timeouts) total_timeouts,
+ sum(time_waited) time_waited
+ where wait_class != 'Idle'
+ group by wait_class
+ };
+ $wait_sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ $sql = q{
+ select
+ d.destination,
+ current_log.seq-max_applied_log.seq seq_diff
+ from
+ (
+ -- Current max archived log on primary for this incarnation
+ select max(sequence#) seq
+ where resetlogs_change# = (
+ select resetlogs_change# from V$DATABASE
+ )
+ and standby_dest = 'NO'
+ ) current_log,
+ (
+ -- Max applied log on each standby
+ select dest_id,max(sequence#) seq
+ where resetlogs_change# = (
+ select resetlogs_change# from V$DATABASE
+ )
+ and applied = 'YES'
+ group by dest_id
+ ) max_applied_log,
+ (
+ -- Active standbys
+ select dest_id,destination,delay_mins
+ where target = 'STANDBY'
+ and status in ('VALID','ERROR','DEFERRED')
+ ) d
+ where d.dest_id = max_applied_log.dest_id
+ };
+ $dataguard_sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
+ return ($stat_sth,$wait_sth,$dataguard_sth);
+# Collect stats from particular instance
+sub collect_stats {
+ my ($connection_info,$instance_tag) = @_;
+ my ($stat_sth,$wait_sth,$dataguard_sth) = @{$connection_info->{STATEMENTS}};
+ # Add instance tag if requested
+ $instance_tag = $instance_tag ? "instance=$instance_tag" : "" ;
+ my ($row,%stat_values,$stat_id,@stats_to_subtract,$stat_to_subtract,$current_time);
+ $current_time = time();
+ # Process stats
+ $stat_sth->execute() or return(0);
+ while ($row = $stat_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ next if !$sysstat{$row->{STAT_ID}};
+ if (DEBUG && ($sysstat{$row->{STAT_ID}}[0] ne $row->{NAME})) {
+ print STDERR "Warning: stat $row->{STAT_ID} name $row->{NAME} doesn't match name in control table\n";
+ }
+ $stat_values{$row->{STAT_ID}} = $row->{VALUE};
+ }
+ # Some stats need to be calculated by subtracting other stats from the total.
+ # For example, Oracle provides total number of parses, then number of hard, describe and failure parses.
+ # So to calculate soft parses we need to subtract those from the total. This way we can use the same
+ # metric for all parses and let OpenTSDB calculate total.
+ foreach $stat_id (keys %stat_values) {
+ @stats_to_subtract = @{$sysstat{$stat_id}[3]};
+ if (@stats_to_subtract) {
+ foreach $stat_to_subtract (@stats_to_subtract) {
+ if ($stat_values{$stat_to_subtract}) {
+ $stat_values{$stat_id} -= $stat_values{$stat_to_subtract};
+ print STDERR "Subtracted <$sysstat{$stat_to_subtract}[0]> from <$sysstat{$stat_id}[0]>\n" if DEBUG;
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Tried to subtract unpopulated <$sysstat{$stat_to_subtract}[0]> from <$sysstat{$stat_id}[0]>\n" if DEBUG;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #Some stats are presented in 10s of milliseconds, need to convert those to seconds
+ foreach $stat_id (keys %stat_multipliers) {
+ if ($stat_values{$stat_id}) {
+ $stat_values{$stat_id} *= $stat_multipliers{$stat_id};
+ print STDERR "Multiplying $sysstat{$stat_id}[0] value by $stat_multipliers{$stat_id}\n" if DEBUG;
+ }
+ }
+ # Dump stats
+ foreach $stat_id (sort keys %stat_values) {
+ print("$sysstat{$stat_id}[1] $current_time $stat_values{$stat_id} $sysstat{$stat_id}[2] $instance_tag\n");
+ }
+ # Dump waits
+ $wait_sth->execute() or return(0);
+ while ($row = $wait_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ print("oracle.wait.waits $current_time $row->{TOTAL_WAITS} class=$row->{WAIT_CLASS} $instance_tag\n");
+ print("oracle.wait.timeouts $current_time $row->{TOTAL_TIMEOUTS} class=$row->{WAIT_CLASS} $instance_tag\n");
+ print("oracle.wait.time_waited $current_time $row->{TIME_WAITED} class=$row->{WAIT_CLASS} $instance_tag\n");
+ }
+ # Dataguard stats
+ $dataguard_sth->execute() or return(0);
+ while ($row = $dataguard_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ print("oracle.standby_gap $current_time $row->{SEQ_DIFF} dest=$row->{DESTINATION} $instance_tag\n");
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Handle KILL signal
+sub kill {
+ $killed = 1;
diff --git a/collectors/etc/oracleconf.pm b/collectors/etc/oracleconf.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed9e98d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collectors/etc/oracleconf.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# This file is part of tcollector.
+# Copyright (C) 2013 The tcollector Authors.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it
+# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
+# General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy
+# of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not,
+# see .
+package oracleconf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+require Exporter;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw( oracle_config switch_to_dba );
+use constant ORATAB_FILE => '/etc/oratab';
+# Return mapping of Oracle SIDs to Oracle homes
+sub oracle_config {
+ my %oracle_config;
+ # By default we will try to figure database list from
+ # /etc/oratab . But you can define configuration manually
+ # here, in which case /etc/oratab will not be checked
+ #%oracle_config = (
+ # "SID" => "ORACLE_HOME"
+ #);
+ if ((keys %oracle_config == 0) and (-f ORATAB_FILE)) {
+ my ($sid,$home,$extra);
+ while () {
+ # Skip comments and empty lines
+ next if /^#/;
+ next if /^\s+$/;
+ ($sid,$home,$extra) = split(':');
+ # OEM agent uses this
+ next if $sid =~ /^\*/;
+ # ASM uses this
+ next if $sid =~ /^\+/;
+ $oracle_config{$sid} = $home;
+ }
+ close ORATAB;
+ }
+ return \%oracle_config;
+# In order to connect as "/" without password we need to
+# belong to "DBA" group. Change group if you use something
+# different from 'dba'
+sub switch_to_dba {
+ if (POSIX::getuid() == 0) {
+ my @grpinfo = POSIX::getgrnam('dba');
+ POSIX::setgid($grpinfo[2]);
+ }