diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 87642e3..b5c3810 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -1,57 +1,58 @@
- How to use Kettle to create the OpenSextant Gazetteer
- OpenSextant use the Kettle ETL software (officially called "Pentaho Data Integration Community Edition" ) to process and transform
- the publicly available gazetteer data into a clean consistent form suitable to be ingested into a Solr repository and used by the OpenSextant geotagger.
- Here's how to do that:
- 1) Get and install Kettle
- Get it from http://kettle.pentaho.com/
- Download and unzip anywhere handy.
- (Developed/tested with versions "4.4.0-stable" )
- NOTE: Kettle "5.0.1.A-stable" introduced an intermittent issue reading the Excel files used for reference data. Avoid for now.
- 2) copy or rename build.local.properties to build.properties and edit:
- a) set the "kettle.home" parameter to where you installed Kettle from step #1 above
- b) set the proxy.host and proxy.port parameters if you are behind a firewall
- c) set the "NGA_date" and "USGS_date" parameters (see build.properties for details)
- d) (optional) modify the "kettle.options.jvm" setting to increase/reduce memory used in gazetteer processing. Setting this below about 1G will cause excessive processing times.
- 3) do the build: ant publish-local
- This will fetch the data from the two websites (NGA and USGS), unpack and rename the files and place them in their respective
- subdirectories of Gazetteer/GazetteerETL/GeoData/. It will then run the Kettle script (BuildMergedGazetteer.kjb) which will clean, transform
- and output the finished gazetteer data in Gazetteer/GazetteerETL/GeoData/Merged/MergedGazeteer.txt (see Resources/UniversalGazetterModel.xlsx for the structure of this file)
- Depending on your machine this whole process can take up to 1.5 hrs.
- Structure of Gazetteer Project
- GazetteerETL
- BuildMergedGazetteer.kjb - the Kettle Job that does everything, it runs the Transformations below.
- NGA to Universal.ktr - Kettle Transformation that cleans and transforms the NGA gazetteer data into GeoData/Merged/NGA.txt
- USGS to Universal.ktr - Kettle Transformation that cleans and transforms the USGS gazetteer data into GeoData/Merged/USGS.txt
- AdHoc to Universal.ktr - Kettle Transformation that cleans and transforms the user defined gazetteer data into GeoData/Merged/AdHoc.txt
- EstimateBiases.ktr - Kettle Transformation that merges results of above three Transformations and adds some needed statistical measures to each gazetteer record.
- GeoData - input (raw),intermediate and finished gazetteer data
- AdHoc - An Excel spreadsheet with few entries to patch a hole in the big official gazetteers. Also, an example of adding your own gazetteer data
- NGA - The data from NGA GeoNames (http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/namefiles.htm), the "World File"
- USGS - The data from USGS GNIS (http://geonames.usgs.gov/domestic/download_data.htm) in three separate files:
- a) The "National File" (could also use one of the single state files)
- b) The "Government Units" Topical Gazetteer
- c) The "All Names" Topical gazetteer
- Merged - final (and almost final) gazetteer data
- a) MergedGazetteer.tx - the final gazetteer data (transformed,merged, cleaned,deduped with estimated bias values)
- b) MergedGazetteer_SMALL.txt - a small subset of the final gazetteer. Intended for testing. Contains only the "Basic" partition
- c) clean.txt - this is the transformed,merged, cleaned and deduped gazetteer data (no bias or partition values)
- transformed - contains intermediate stage data: data has been transformed to OpenSextant model but not yet cleaned nor bias values calculated
- lib - a couple of jars we use in the processing
- Logs - directory where output logs go. Separate logs for duplicate and error(malformed/invalid) records. Duplicate and error records are not included in final gazetteer.
- An additional log for records which have been labeled as SEARCH_ONLY is include for info purposes. These records are included in final gazetteer.
- Resources - data used in the cleaning, transformation and statistical estimation processes. See README in that directory for details.
+ How to use Kettle to create the OpenSextant Gazetteer
+ OpenSextant use the Kettle ETL software (officially called "Pentaho Data Integration Community Edition" ) to process and transform
+ the publicly available gazetteer data into a clean consistent form suitable to be ingested into a Solr repository and used by the OpenSextant geotagger.
+ Here's how to do that:
+ 1) Get and install Kettle
+ Get it from http://kettle.pentaho.com/
+ Download and unzip anywhere handy.
+ (Developed/tested with versions "4.4.0-stable" )
+ NOTE: Kettle "5.0.1.A-stable" introduced an intermittent issue reading the Excel files used for reference data. Avoid for now.
+ Also 6.0.x introduced a bug for the User Defined Java step. Likewise avoid for now
+ 2) copy or rename build.local.properties to build.properties and edit:
+ a) set the "kettle.home" parameter to where you installed Kettle from step #1 above
+ b) set the proxy.host and proxy.port parameters if you are behind a firewall
+ c) set the "NGA_date" and "USGS_date" parameters (see build.properties for details)
+ d) (optional) modify the "kettle.options.jvm" setting to increase/reduce memory used in gazetteer processing. Setting this below about 1G will cause excessive processing times.
+ 3) do the build: ant publish-local
+ This will fetch the data from the two websites (NGA and USGS), unpack and rename the files and place them in their respective
+ subdirectories of Gazetteer/GazetteerETL/GeoData/. It will then run the Kettle script (BuildMergedGazetteer.kjb) which will clean, transform
+ and output the finished gazetteer data in Gazetteer/GazetteerETL/GeoData/Merged/MergedGazeteer.txt (see Resources/UniversalGazetterModel.xlsx for the structure of this file)
+ Depending on your machine this whole process can take up to 1.5 hrs.
+ Structure of Gazetteer Project
+ GazetteerETL
+ BuildMergedGazetteer.kjb - the Kettle Job that does everything, it runs the Transformations below.
+ NGA to Universal.ktr - Kettle Transformation that cleans and transforms the NGA gazetteer data into GeoData/Merged/NGA.txt
+ USGS to Universal.ktr - Kettle Transformation that cleans and transforms the USGS gazetteer data into GeoData/Merged/USGS.txt
+ AdHoc to Universal.ktr - Kettle Transformation that cleans and transforms the user defined gazetteer data into GeoData/Merged/AdHoc.txt
+ EstimateBiases.ktr - Kettle Transformation that merges results of above three Transformations and adds some needed statistical measures to each gazetteer record.
+ GeoData - input (raw),intermediate and finished gazetteer data
+ AdHoc - An Excel spreadsheet with few entries to patch a hole in the big official gazetteers. Also, an example of adding your own gazetteer data
+ NGA - The data from NGA GeoNames (http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/namefiles.htm), the "World File"
+ USGS - The data from USGS GNIS (http://geonames.usgs.gov/domestic/download_data.htm) in three separate files:
+ a) The "National File" (could also use one of the single state files)
+ b) The "Government Units" Topical Gazetteer
+ c) The "All Names" Topical gazetteer
+ Merged - final (and almost final) gazetteer data
+ a) MergedGazetteer.tx - the final gazetteer data (transformed,merged, cleaned,deduped with estimated bias values)
+ b) MergedGazetteer_SMALL.txt - a small subset of the final gazetteer. Intended for testing. Contains only the "Basic" partition
+ c) clean.txt - this is the transformed,merged, cleaned and deduped gazetteer data (no bias or partition values)
+ transformed - contains intermediate stage data: data has been transformed to OpenSextant model but not yet cleaned nor bias values calculated
+ lib - a couple of jars we use in the processing
+ Logs - directory where output logs go. Separate logs for duplicate and error(malformed/invalid) records. Duplicate and error records are not included in final gazetteer.
+ An additional log for records which have been labeled as SEARCH_ONLY is include for info purposes. These records are included in final gazetteer.
+ Resources - data used in the cleaning, transformation and statistical estimation processes. See README in that directory for details.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 5319960..29084d0 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -1,177 +1,177 @@
- Retrieving Data from NGA
- Retrieving Data from USGS
- Finished Retrieving Data Sources
- Launching ${kitchen.script.unix}
- with options ${kettle.options.jvm} on kettle job ${processGazetteer.script}
+ Retrieving Data from NGA
+ Retrieving Data from USGS
+ Finished Retrieving Data Sources
+ Launching ${kitchen.script.unix}
+ with options ${kettle.options.jvm} on kettle job ${processGazetteer.script}