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Hans Zandbelt edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 1 revision

1. Unauthenticated Request

An unauthenticated user is redirected to the Provider with an authentication request tracked by a state cookie, unless other behaviour is configured with OIDCUnAuthAction.

2. Authentication and Response

After authentication at the Provider, the user is redirected back to the OIDCRedirectURI where - after validating the state cookie - mod_auth_openidc exchanges the authorization code for an id_token, an access_token and possibly a refresh_token.

3. Claims Filtering

The claims returned by the Provider in the id_token and the userinfo endpoint are filtered according to the blacklist/whitelist filter and subsequently -if configured - processed by the OIDCFilterClaimsExpr, the resulting set of claims is stored in the session.

4. Session Creation

A session is created for the authenticated user that is stored in the cache and tracked by a session cookie. Stored with the session are the claims, a max lifetime timer, inactivity timer, etc. The user is then redirected back to the original URL that he wanted to access whilst setting a session cookie and deleting the state cookie.

5. Authenticated Request

Upon application access with a session cookie, mod_auth_openidc will authorize the user according to the Require directives and the behaviour configured by OIDCUnAutzAction. This may lead to a 401 Unauthorized or another redirect (back to 1.) in case of stepup authentication.

6. Claims Propagation

When the authentication and authorization has checked out, the module will pass claims to the application in the form of environment variables and/or - in case of proxying to a backend - HTTP headers. This behaviour is configured with OIDCPassClaimsAs and OIDCPassIDTokenAs. Filtering and processing for the claims from the userinfo endpoint (and not filtered out earlier) can be applied before propagating them with OIDCUserInfoClaimsExpr after which OIDCPassUserInfoAs is applied to send the claims in specific formats.

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