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The OneKey Framework (aka PAF) is a set of technical standards, UX requirements, and mandatory contractual terms designed to improve addressable advertising across the open internet.

This directory contains technical specifications for a minimum viable product (MVP).


flowchart LR
    O(PAF Operator)
    Participant("Participant website")
    Participant -->|set User Id & Preferences| O
    O -->|read User Id & Preferences| Participant
    Participant -- send Transmission Request --> SSP
    SSP -- send Transmission Request --> DSP
    DSP -- send Transmission Response --> SSP
    SSP -- send Transmission Response --> Participant    

    click SSP href "#ssp-supply-side-platform" "SSP"
    click DSP href "#dsp-demand-side-platform" "DSP"

OneKey supports the following features:

  • User Id and Preferences management, based on mandatory user consent
  • an Audit Log, listing all entities that have been involved in an ad display

To deliver these features, OneKey integrates in the existing digital marketing landscape and introduces a new actor: the Operator.


Framework-specific terms, with first letters in uppercase, are defined in this glossary.

Audit Log means a log identifying all participants (Publisher, SSP, DSP) part of a chain leading to an ad display.

OneKey aka PAF The OneKey framework is being designed by a community of engineers, lawyers and UX designers within Prebid's Addressability PMC, and as a consequence has been often referred to as Prebid Addressability Framework (PAF)

Operator means the entity responsible for creating, updating, deleting and controlling access to the User Id and Preferences.

Root Party means the entity initiating the originating Transmission in a particular chain of Transmissions.

Transmission Request and Transmission Response are signed statements that must be attached to the communication of User Id and Preferences between two entities (typically done through bid requests and bid responses).

Transmission Result means the final statement of a Transmissions that is used in an Audit Log

User Id and Preferences means a set of user pseudonymous identifiers and preferences managed within the Prebid Addressability Framework.

Vendor means an entity, different from the Publisher, participating to the generation of an ad display.


The OneKey framework supports:

  • User Id and Preferences management
  • extension of ad auction mechanisms with signed Transmissions
  • display of an Audit Log to the user upon request

User Id and Preferences management

The User Id and Preferences management involves:

  • The Operator
  • The advertiser or publisher web site

See workflows,, and

Ad auction

OneKey integration with an ad auction involves:

  • The seller site
  • SSP and DSP

See ad-auction.

Audit Log display

Audit Log display involves:

  • The seller site

See and

See also

  • Seeds, Transmissions Requests, Transmissions Responses, User Id and Preferences, and all messages sent to or from the Operator must be signed:
  • Audit log design:


Document Description General introduction on signatures and signature verification Functional requirements related to the Audit Log and the Transmissions. Design the technical solution for the Audit Log.
ad-auction Details OneKey integration in an ad auction. Data exchange specification, from the point of view of a DSP implementer. Operator API specification Design of the generation of PAF Data. Summary of the SWAN solution for generating PAF Data. Requirements for the generation of the PAF Data. Website integration: frontend library, PAF client node, operator backend
Integration Guide to integrate into current PAF MVP
model/ Data and messages model
json-schemas/ Data and messages model in JSON schema format
assets/ model-updater/ partials/ partials-updater/ Technical dependencies, please ignore