Format an sdcard to FAT32 and copy the content of the following archive to the card:
Update your wireless credentials on
- Make sure the camera is powered off, put the prepared sdcard into the device.
- Power the device on and wait at least 4 minutes.
- Shortly after an OpenIPC camera should appear on your wlan.
IRLed | IRCut | Speaker | Reset | IRSensor |
GPIO0 | GPIO3 | GPIO14 | GPIO66 | GPIO80 |
cli -s .nightMode.irSensorPin 80
cli -s .nightMode.irCutPin1 3
cli -s .nightMode.irCutSingleInvert true
cli -s .nightMode.backlightPin 0
cli -s .audio.speakerPin 14
cli -s .audio.speakerPinInvert true
fw_setenv wlandev rtl8188fu-ssc337de-foscam
fw_setenv wlanssid Router
fw_setenv wlanpass 12345678
- Labels: X3/R3/R5/X3E