Enumeration | Description | Values |
Quarter | An enumeration for our calendar quarters. | First, Second, Third, Fourth |
Season | An enumeration for our seasons. | Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
InformationType | An little type if the information (email, phone) is private or an business information. | Private, Business |
PhoneType | Describe if it is it an landline or mobile phone numer. | Landline, Mobil |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
WellKnownVehicle | A small enumeration of some vehicles, mixed with subtypes for faster development. | Bicycle, Car, Bus, Train, Airplane, Motorcycle |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
Continent | Our continents as little enumeration. | Africa, Asia, Europe, NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica, Antarctica, Australia |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
BloodGroup | An simple enumeration for the bloodgroup of an human. | A, B, AB, Zero |
Gender | An enumeration for the gender of creatures. | Divers, Female, Male |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
WellKnownAnimal | A small enumeration of some animals, mixed with subtypes for faster development. | Cat, Dog, Horse, Cow, Pig, Donkey, Monkey, Chicken, Bird, Eagle, Shark, Dolphin, Fish, Giraffe, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo, Hedgehog |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
EuropeanDriverLicense | The european driver licenses. | AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B, C1, C, D1, D, BE, C1E, CE, D1E, DE, L, S |
Handedness | An simple enumeration for the handedness of an human. | Left, Right, Both |
MajorReligion | The five big major religions. | Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism |
WellKnownHairColor | A small enumeration with the natural hair colors. | White, Gray, Red, Blond, Brown, Black |
WellKnownProfession | A small enumeration of some professions. | FireFighter, PoliceOfficer, Nurse, Engineer, Doctor, HairDresser, Baker, Waiter, Teacher, Tiler, Carpenter, Soldier, BusDriver, TaxiDriver, Pilot |
Zodiac | The twelf western zodicas. | Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
SupportedHashAlgorithm | All supported HashAlgorithm for the SimpleHash class. | MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
LineEnding | An simple enumeration for methos or parameters which LineEnding should be used. | Windows, LinuxUnix |
PathStyle | The PathStyle for filenames (\ or /). | Windows, LinuxUnix |
Priority | An generic Priority for stuff like emails, persons, tasks, appointments. | Low, Normal, High |
SortOrder | An generic SortOrder to use in some mehtods for lists or datatables. | Ascending, Descending |
TextAlign | An generic TextAlign for console output, or maybe to use in markdown/html generators. | Left, Center, Right |
VerbosityLevel | An generic VerbosityLevel for logging output. | None, Low, Normal, High |
Enumeration | Description | Values |
ColorBrewerScheme | Our known and implemented color schemes of the color brewer definition. | Spectral, RdYlGn, RdBu, PiYG, PRGn, RdYlBu, BrBG, RdGy, PuOr, Set2, Accent, Set1, Set3, Dark2, Paired, Pastel2, Pastel1, OrRd, PuBu, BuPu, Oranges, BuGn, YlOrBr, YlGn, Reds, RdPu, Greens, YlGnBu, Purples, GnBu, Greys, YlOrRd, PuRd, Blues, PuBuGn |
TypeEnum | An unknown enumeration of the color brewer mechanism. | Div, Qual, Seq |