Entity | Description | Properties |
Date | An date entity with day, month and a year (15.12.1948). | Day, Month, Year |
DateOfBirth | An date of birth (without the time) for creatures. | Day, Month, Year |
DateOfDeath | An date of death (without the time) for creatures. | Day, Month, Year |
Time | An time entity with hours, minutes and the seconds (12:34:56). | Hour, Minute, Second |
UnixTimestamp | An unix timestamp (seconds since 01.01.1970). |
Entity | Description | Properties |
Day | The day of an date. | Value |
Month | The month of an date. | Value |
Week | The week of an date in the year. | Value |
Year | The year of an date. | Value |
Entity | Description | Properties |
Hour | The hour (24h) of an time. | Value |
Minute | The minutes of an time. | Value |
Second | The seconds of an time. | Value |
Entity | Description | Properties |
EMailAddress | An simplified emailaddress. | Address, InformationType |
Homepage | An simple link to an homepage. | Url, InformationType |
Phone | An simple phonenumber. | Number, PhoneType, InformationType |
Entity | Description | Properties |
Centimeter | This entity represents just a centimeter. | Prefix, Unit, Value |
Kilometer | This entity represents just a kilometer. | Prefix, Unit, Value |
Meter | This entity represents just a meter. | Prefix, Unit, Value |
Entity | Description | Properties |
Gram | This entity represents just a gram. | Prefix, Unit, Value |
Kilogram | This entity represents just a kilogram. | Prefix, Unit, Value |
Milligram | This entity represents just a milligram. | Prefix, Unit, Value |
Entity | Description | Properties |
Altitude | An simplified altitude in meter over nn. | |
GeoPoint2D | An simplified geo point with lat and lon (WGS84). | Latitude, Longitude |
GeoPoint3D | An simplified geo point with lat, lon and alt (WGS84). | Latitude, Longitude, Altitude |
Latitude | An simplified latitude (WGS84). | |
Longitude | An simplified longitude (WGS84). |
Entity | Description | Properties |
Name | An generic name for any species. | Value |
Entity | Description | Properties |
Animal | An simplified animal with an name and some other optional properties. | AnimalSpecies, Name, DateOfBirth, Gender, DateOfDeath, Age, IsAlive, Id |
Entity | Description | Properties |
FirstName | An firstname for humans. | Value |
LastName | An lastname for humans. | Value |
Person | An simplified person with an firstname, lastname, birthday and some other optional properties. | FirstName, LastName, Handedness, BloodGroup, HairColor, Religion, Profession, DriverLicense, AverageHeight, AverageWeight, Phone, Homepage, EMailAddress, BMI, DateOfBirth, Gender, DateOfDeath, Age, IsAlive, Id |