This action checks out the SDK and the CE shop. If this is a pull request, it is merged into the base ref.
After this, "make setup" and "make addbasicservices" is run. If there are additional modules specified in the "add_services" input, they are loaded as well. The actioon also takes care of changing the ports for apache, if the "nginx-rp" service is installed.
Afterwards, the variables PHP_VERSION and MYSQL_VERSION are set in the ".env" file and the inputs "custom_ini_xdebug" and "custom_ini_error_reporting" are used to update containers/php/custom.ini and we substitute /var/www/ by /var/www/source/ in "containers/httpd/project.conf".
The containers are started. If the container start with docker compose fails, the docker compose and container logs are printed and the action fails.
If the input "is_enterprise" is set to true, we configure composer to use the input "enterprise_github_token" and configure the following git repositories:
- repositories.oxid-esales/oxideshop-pe:
- repositories.oxid-esales/oxideshop-ee:
- repositories.oxid-esales/twig-component-pe:
- repositories.oxid-esales/twig-component-ee:
In the same step, the following components are required, using the input "git_enterprise_ref" as version:
- oxid-esales/oxideshop-pe
- oxid-esales/oxideshop-ee
- oxid-esales/twig-component-ee
- oxid-esales/twig-admin-theme
- oxid-esales/apex-theme
- oxid-esales/codeception-modules
- oxid-esales/codeception-page-objects
As the next step, composer update is run for both CE and EE shop installations and we copy source/ to source/ before stopping the containers.
This in stallation is cached as preparedShop--<git_enterprise_ref>---<github.sha>-<github.run_number>-<github.run_attempt>, where type is either "ce" or "ee", depending on the "is_enterprise" input. This can be used by multiple following jobs like start_shop or shop_setup_test. The name of the cached object is returned as output "prepared_shop".
container_name: not required, default: php
Name of the container to run the test in.
container_options: not required, default: '' Additional options to pass into the container.
container_method: not required, default: 'exec'
Whether we use exec to run the command in the existing php container or run to spin up a new one.
git_sdk_url: not required, default: ''
URL for the docker-eshop sdk repository to clone.
git_sdk_ref: not required, default: 'master'
Branch, tag or hash of the commit to check out.
git_shop_url: not required,default: ''
URL for the oxidshop_ce repository.
git_shop_ref: required, no default
Branch, tag or hash of the commit to check out.
git_enterprise_ref: not required, no default
Branch to check out for the enterprise repository.
github_event_name: not required, default: ''
Name of the github event (usually github.event_name), used to handle pull requests.
github_event_number: not required, default: ''
Number of the github event (usually github.event_number), used to handle pull requests.
github_base_ref: not required, default: ''
Base reference (usually github.base_ref) for testing the github pull request.
github_sha: required, no default:
github.sha is used in generating the cache id. This must be provided here.
github_run_number: not required, default: 0
github.run_number and github.run_attempts are used in generating the cache id. They should be provided if available.
github_run_attempt: not required, default: 0
github.run_number and github.run_attempts are used in generating the cache id. They should be provided if available.
php: not required, default: '8.2'
Version of PHP for this instance.
mysql: not required, default: '8.0'
Version of MySQL for this instance.
is_enterprise: not required, default: false
This action can be used on the community edition (ce) and enterprise edition (ee) of the shop. On top of setting this to true, a few extra variables/secrets must be provided for using the action on ee.
custom_ini_error_reporting: not required, default: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING
Error reporting settings for php custom.ini.
custom_ini_xdebug: not required, default: xdebug.max_nesting_level=1000
xdebug settings for php custom.ini.
add_services: not required, default: selenium-chrome
Space separated list of extra services to add.
composer_file: not required, default: source/composer.json
Name of the original composer.json.
composer_transform: not required, default: ''
JSON code to merge into composer.json.
composer_backup: not required, default: true
Should we create a backup for composer.json?
composer_update: not required, Run composer update after transform.
composer_update_options: not required, Options to pass along to composer during install.
enterprise_github_token: not required, default: ''
OAuth token to access enterprise repos. It is required when is_enterprise is
set to 'true'. This should be populated with ${{ secrets.enterprise_github_token }}
and will be hidden by GitHub.
cache_name: required, Name of the shop to cache.
cache_bucket: not required, default: 'oxidshop_ee'
If set, the local s3 cache is used instead of githubs cache to speed things up on
private runners. If the bucket can't be reached, the GitHub cache is used.
cache_endpoint: not required, default: ''
Needed to access the local cache instead of the GitHub cache.
Populate with ${{ secrets.CACHE_ENDPOINT }}, its content will be hidden by GitHub.
cache_access_key: not required, default: ''
Needed to access the local cache instead of the GitHub cache.
Populate with ${{ secrets.CACHE_ACCESS_KEY }}, its content will be hidden by GitHub.
cache_secret_key: not required, default: ''
Needed to access the local cache instead of the GitHub cache.
Populate with ${{ secrets.CACHE_SECRET_KEY }}, its content will be hidden by GitHub.
docker_login: not required, default: true
Shold we log in to docker?
docker_user: not required, default: ''
Needed for docker login.
Populate with ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USER }}, its content will be hidden by GitHub.
docker_token: not required, default: ''
Needed for docker login.
Populate with ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_TOKEN }}, its content will be hidden by GitHub.
debug: not required, default: false
Set to true to generate a debugging script.
Name of the cached shop setup to be reused by later steps.