Executes php code sniffer tests in a running container and uploads the logs as artefacts.
container_name: not required, default: php
Name of the container to run the test in.
container_options: not required, default: ''
Options to pass to the container start.
container_method: not required, default: 'exec'
Whether we use exec to run the command in the existing php container or run to spin up a new one.
diff_only: not required, default: true Check only the files changed between the actual ref and the previous commit.
git_ref: not required, default: 'main'
Reference for comparing with the base reference to get a list of changed files. Use ${{ github.ref }} to check files changed in your PR/Commit.
filter: not required, default: '.php$' Filter the file names against this regex.
additional_options: not required, default: '-q --standard=PSR12'
Optional: Additional options to pass to phpcs. Example: "-q --standard=PSR12".
logfile: not required, default: phpcs_log.txt
Name of the output logfile.
output_artifact: not required, default: phpcs-artifacts
Github run artifact to put the logfile and php error login.
output_files: not required, default: data/php/logs/error_log.txt
Logs and outputs of this action.
failure_pattern: not required, default: 'fail|\.\=\=|Warning|Notice|Deprecated|Fatal|Error'
Grep pattern which indicate that the test failed.
debug: not required, default: false
Set to true to generate a debugging script.