The files in this section result from the conversion of datasets originating from GKU (Geodetic and Cartographic Institute).
Source: GKU
Format: GeoTIFF converted from NTv2
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Copyright: 2013, GKU Bratislava
Source CRS: EPSG:8351 (S-JTSK [JTSK03])
Target CRS: EPSG:4156 (S-JTSK)
Used by: EPSG:8364 Transformation
This is digital datum shift model for horizontal coordinates transformation between JTSK03 and JTSK reference frames of S-JTSK coordinate refernce system in the territory of Slovakia. Transformation shift model involves the vectors of coordinate differences defined in the plane JTSK03 on 684 identical points. It is the same set of identical points, which has been used for the computation of the 7 Helmert transformation parameters of the global transformation key. The computed coordinate differences characterize systematic non-homogeneity of the JTSK frame, but do not aptly describe detailed non-homogeneity of lesser localities on cm level. For purposes of the unambiguous definition of transformation relation between the JTSK03 and JTSK frames it was necessary to express coordinate differences in the form of a regular grid and to define the interpolation method. For this purpose the coordinate differences between JTSK03 and JTSK in the shape of ellipsoidal coordinates on Bessell1841 ellipsoid for individual axes have been interpolated by the Surfer software kriging method into a regular grid with a step 0.0168 deg (latitude) x 0.025 deg (longitude).
For correct usage of those shift models always check your outputs with transformation service:
- sk_gku_JTSK03_to_JTSK.tif
Source: GKU
Format: GeoTIFF converted from GTX
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Copyright: 2005, GKU Bratislava
Source CRS: EPSG:4937 (ETRS89)
Target CRS: EPSG:8360 (ETRS89 + Baltic 1957 height)
Used by: EPSG:8361 Transformation
Digital Vertical Reference Model - DVRM05 Model is intended for the transfer of ellipsoidal heights determined using GNSS in the ETRS89 system to the system of normal heights Bpv.
- sk_gku_Slovakia_ETRS89h_to_Baltic1957.tif
Source: GKU
Format: GeoTIFF converted from GTX
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Copyright: 2014, GKU Bratislava
Source CRS: EPSG:4937 (ETRS89)
Target CRS: EPSG:7423 (ETRS89 + EVRF2007 height)
Used by: EPSG:8362 Transformation
This is the official differential height correction grid intended to be used for transformation ellipsoidal height on GRS80 ellipsoid to EVRF2007 normal height in the territory of Slovakia. Grid has a cell size 20 arcsec x 30 arcsec.
Slovakia_ETRS89h_to_EVRF2007.gtx grid represents the quasigeoid with the name DMQSK2014-E. DMQSK2014-E uses the relation between Baltic1957 and EVRS (EVRF2007) on the basis of which the DMRZ-H digital model of a residual component has been created using a selected set of 93 points. DMQSK2014-E has been subsequently obtained by simple subtracting of the model of this residual component DMRZ-H from the DVRM05 quasigeoid model. On the basis of testing executed on the independent points the standard deviation 1 sigma size 23 milimeters has been obtained.Hence it can be said that the DMQSK2014-E precision is of precision comparable to DVRM05 i.e. it achieves precision of technical levelling (obviously providing the high-quality determination of ellipsoidal height). However, it should also be mentioned that the defined precision of the DMQSK2014-E quasigeoid may be distorted by a low number of the test points.
- sk_gku_Slovakia_ETRS89h_to_EVRF2007.tif