This document outlines the input requirements for files to be submitted to the Data Transformation and Validation (DTV) pipeline. All pipeline submissions must include a manifest.json
file for configuring the pipeline. Details of the fields that should be included in manifest.json
are outlined below.
The DTV pipeline is triggered when one or more .tar files is uploaded to the designated AWS S3 bucket. Each .tar file should contain the file(s) to be transformed, any supplementary distribution files, and a manifest.json file for configuring the pipeline.
Business areas wishing to submit datasets to the DTV pipeline will add the relevant files to an MS Sharepoint app/folder. The primary issue to be resolved is how the pipeline will be triggered when multiple files to be processed in one submission are added to Sharepoint.
"manifestVersion": "integer",
"source_id": "string",
"fileAuthorEmail": "string",
"fileAuthorUsername": "string",
"isPublishable": "Optional boolean",
"licence": "Optional string",
"licenceUrl": "Optional string",
"title": "Optional string",
"aliasName": "Optional string"
Field | Required? | Description | Default value |
manifestVersion |
Mandatory | A version number to support different manifest versions in the future, if required. Used to validate the submitted manifest.json file against a JSON schema to ensure required fields are present. |
None |
source_id |
Mandatory | Used to get configuration details. | None |
fileAuthorEmail |
Mandatory | Email address of the file author. Used for notifications generated during DTV pipeline. processing | None |
fileAuthorUsername |
Mandatory | Username of the file author. Used for notifications generated during DTV pipeline. processing | None |
isPublishable |
Optional | Whether the file is intended to by published to web and api users by the static file system. | False |
licence |
Optional | The licence that applies to the file once published to web and api users. | "Open Government Licence v3.0" |
licenceUrl |
Optional | The url where the licence described by the licence field is located. | "" |
title |
Optional | The title of the file. | Filename without extension |
aliasName |
Optional | Alias for the file to be uploaded to the static file system. | Filename with extension |