I am a research software engineer specialising in graphics programming, GPU and HPC programming, python and jupyter notebooks. I have particular interest in the applications of 3D Graphics and literate programming to scientific and data visualisation and building customisable research environments and pipelines based on the jupyter/python ecosystem, also the application of these technologies for wider research and creative communities.
<iframe src="https://lavavu.github.io/webview.html?brain.gldb&background=white" style="width: 100%; height: 260px; border: 0px;"></iframe> Interactive WebGL output from LavaVu : brain connectivity networkA few bits and pieces that are viewable online or have associated articles/press/publications:
- Mars Oceans Visualisation playing around with open data, GLSL shader flooding the Martian planet surface with topography created from public domain data obtained from the USGS Astrogeology Science Center.
- Cyclone Debbie wind tracers over Great Barrier Reef, data from eReefs open data read from NCI thredds catalogue.
- Created this brain connectivity 3d model to assist with Dr. Nicholas Mangan's "Termite Economies"
- Virtual reality and drones could unlock secrets about the mysterious Plain of Jars in Laos
- LAWLESS – The Real Bushrangers - Worked on vis for 2 episodes, Photo: filming visualisation in the CAVE2 here
- LavaVu WebGL demo page
- LavaVu readme
- Some old LavaVu/gLucifer in action: video vis by L. Moresi
- ShareVol demo page
- The original kookaburra WebGL model
- Geothermal modelling, created 3d visualisations Multi Basin 3D PDF of Latrobe, Cooper, Gunnedah
- Latrobe Valley - early 3d model work
I assisted with these papers, usually by providing visualisation related contributions, the authors were kind enough to add me as a co-author:
- Mantle plume dynamics at the rear of a retreating slab
- UWGeodynamics: A teaching and research tool for numerical geodynamic modelling
- Benchmark of three-dimensional numerical models of subduction against a laboratory experiment
- Line of fire - what happened at the Wantabadgery seige?
- Large-scale comparative visualisation of sets of multidimensional data
- Stereoscopic space map – semi-immersive configuration of 3D-stereoscopic tours in multi-display environments
- An interactive three dimensional approach to anatomical description—the jaw musculature of the Australian laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
- The multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualization Environment (MASSIVE) high performance computing infrastructure: applications in neuroscience and neuroinformatics research
Presentations where I was the/a primary contributor:
- AGU Fall Meeting 2019 Applications of Big Data and High-Performance Computing in Earth Sciences "The IPython/Jupyter Scientific Visualisation Lanscape"
- CUG Big Data Geosciences workshop 2019 Poster "IPython Visualisations Workflows with LavaVu"
- eResearch 2018 “Scalable Research Data Visualisation Workflows: From Web to HPC”
- MPSEED Kunming, Yunnan, China, 2018 “Cloud, CAVE, Python and Web: Recipes for Visualising Increasing Data Volumes”
- DataTas 17/10/2017, IMAS Hobart "3D Visualisation in IPython with LavaVu: A python module for 4D visualisation with interactive IPython notebook integration"
- Monash eResearch Presentation "Visualisation in IPython with LavaVu"
- International Conference on Big Data in Geosciences 1/2017 Haikou, Hainan, China “Visualisation: From Cloud to CAVE - Visualisation at Monash e-Research: including CAVE2 Virtual Reality and OpenStack cloud resources”
- OzViz 2013, Accelerated Computing Workshop "Paths to accelerated graphics and computation from web apps"
- ISMRM 2013 Poster Fast Diffusion-Guided QSM Using Graphical Processing Units
- OzViz 2012, Accelerated Computing Workshop "Accelerating Diffusion-guided Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping with OpenCL"
- OzViz 2009 "Exploring the Underworld with gLucifer: Real-time and Interactive Visualisation for Geodynamic Simulations"
- I am the author of the LavaVu visualisation library
- I contributed visualisation and sampling code to the Underworld geodynamic modelling code
- LavaVR is an OmegaLib module providing LavaVu vis output in immersive 3D VR environments (eg: CAVE2)
- ShareVol is a single page WebGL volume renderer for sharing/visualising volume data
- Fractured is a WebGL fractal renderer in a single page web app
- 2016 Digital Exhibition Monash Library Article
- Old work on Redbubble from 2007
- Fractured - A Fractal Art Studio