Arkanoid game played by NeuralNetworks-controlled agents trained by a Genetic Algorithm
Download this folder, unzip it and open using Processing (
You can tweak some settings that you can find in the first lines of code such as:
SCALINGFACTOR = 2; this is just a scaling factor that you can use to set screen dimension (use 1 if you have a 4k screen,or use higher numbers for lower resolutions)
FIRSTGENERATION = 8000; this is the number of agents generated in the first generation
OTHERGENERATION = 600; this is the number of agents generated in the successive generations
MUTATIONRATE = 0.25; this is the mutation rate, it goes from 0 to 1 and it denotes how much an agent of a generation can be different from its parent agent ( 0 means equal , 1 means totally different)